5. Balance
Your BALANCE and stability will have noticeable improvements because roller skating activates the entire muscular system. When you are roller skating you are using every muscle in your body, and core engagement will focus on keeping your centre of gravity. A little wobble and losing your balance will engage your core and in turn will pull you back to the correct skating formation. The more advanced skills you start to perform the harder your muscles will be working to keep your body controlled with perfect posture.
6. Cardiovascular
Our roller skating program is a great CARDIOVASCULAR exercise that will keep your heart healthy, because our skating sessions are based around rhythmic aerobic muscle contractions that demand oxygen. The ongoing demand for oxygen increases the speed and depth of respiration and makes your heart pump faster and harder to deliver oxygen-rich blood to the muscles being exercised. The greater the size and number of muscles involved at any one time during an exercise, the greater the demand will have on your body and cardiovascular system.
7. Low Impact Exercise
Roller skating is a LOW IMPACT EXERCISE providing about 50% less impact to the joints when compared to running. When you roller skate, there is a fluid motion minimising the amount of force being applied to the body, therefore less jarring to joints, bones and connective tissue.
8. Happy
Roller skating clears the mind, minimises mild forms of depression, and it just makes you HAPPY by reducing bad hormones and while it does this, it increases the good endorphins, which are commonly known as the ‘happy hormones’. The endorphins from skating relieve ‘brain pain’, and thanks to the extended aerobic workout from our skating program you’ll feel naturally good.