How To Clean Roller Skate Bearings at Home?
The process begins with the removal of the wheel bearings which also includes the removal of the wheels from the roller skates.
So, let us get started now. All you need to do is follow the below-mentioned steps.
Parts Dissemble
Removing Nuts
By using the skate tool or the wrench that you have, loosen the nuts. To do this, locate the nut in the center of the wrench and rotate it in an anti-clockwise direction. This needs to be done for all the remaining wheels too.
Skate Wheel Removal
Once you are done with this, now it’s time to remove the axle from the wheels. For this, you need to hold the wheel in your hand and pull it out so that it gets separated from the wheels. You will have to repeat this for all the other wheels as well.
Bearing Removal
You need to place the tip of the bearing removal tool on the center of the wheel. But before you do that, look for a button on the back of the handle and press it.
Once the bearing remover successfully sits on the top of the bearing release the lock and pull the bearing out. This needs to be repeated for all the other wheels.
Cleaning Process
Wheel Cleaning
Check the level of dirt and grime at first. If they can be removed by simply rubbing them off with a cloth, use cotton rags to get them cleaned. If they are too dirty, prepare a soapy cleaning solution using hot water in a container and keep the wheels dipped for around 15-20 minutes.
After that get it out of the solution and use a toothbrush or a paper towel to rub off the dirt and grime from the surface of the wheels.
Bearing Cleaning
Inline skate bearings are usually made of metal, so you should avoid making them wet. Do not use any soapy solution for them. At most, you can use a bearing cleaner to clean them. Simply use a paper towel or cotton rags to gently rub the dirt off the steel bearings and you are done with the cleaning.
You can also use rubbing alcohol to clean off excessive dirt.
Re-assembling the parts
Put Bearings inside Wheels
Once the cleaning is done, put some bearing lubricant or Bones speed cream before you reassemble the parts. Now, you need to put the bearings back into the wheels. For this, you can simply push them back using your finger or use the bearing remover to push them in.
Tightening the Wheels After the bearings, it is time to slide in the axle and put the nuts on. After you have done this, use the wrench to tighten the nuts to the fullest. After this is done, it is recommendable to loosen the nuts by 1/4th turn so that the wheels can roll freely.