Yeah i mean i was like yeah i was kind of that why was i like why was i like there for it i was like okay like that’s pretty graphic But i’m like not mad at her because you can’t expect her to have powers and to to to you know kill people for her whole life and then expect her to be like okay yeah sure treat me like that like no she doesn’t have her power so she’s gonna
Have to do it some other way she doesn’t know nobody explained this to her she did not live a normal life so to me i’m like what do you expect yeah like the normal regular person you’d be like ah no you know better than that but she doesn’t know better than that good
Answer right i’m trying to defend her i get super defensive when people try and make l out to be something you know she’s not she just doesn’t know hell what did you do i think it just probably really confused her i think she was very
Confused as to why she did it what made her do it and you see the scene where she is being questioned by the officers and they’re saying did you want to kill her i don’t know why did you do it were you intending to kill her and she says you
Know i don’t really know i mean she’s she’s answering the truth she doesn’t know if she wanted to kill her or not i think that’s the theme of the season is that l doesn’t know who she is she doesn’t know why she does the thing she does
It was definitely um crazy on on set just like everyone was always talking about like is this the part where we’re doing it are we filming it yet like it was everyone was looking forward to that moment and it was it was great i loved it and it it looked it looked good You