Ready anytime to get their skates on and make rings around their rifles in the entertainment line Rebeck and Babs warm up for a practice session there’s nothing flat about the spin Babs gets into both stage performers the two skaters have worked together for nearly three years to attain their perfect
Coordination their workouts for chessington circus are supposed to be private but it is a free country a new twist always goes down well and old Babs hopes is that one of her twists won’t let her die with a pup they’ve got their routine all tied up or
At least Babs is all tied up and that’s tricky business at the speed they’re going well the next routine they have to circle with the deliberation of fighters it all looks perfectly simple but it takes weeks of practice to get the timing right it’s a hard life and a short one for the
Skates they have to be replaced every six months the ball bearings for instance get hopped and turn blue like Babs does occasionally only she gets blue in the face life her hair is not one long round of pleasure it’s just one long run really we’re only joking Babs actually
Loves it getting close to the earth the way she does I’m getting such a moving picture of life unless she puts a foot wrong now the practice session is almost over and they can both go for a spin in radix car if there’s one thing there’s talented
Couple like its to go for a spin it makes such a nice change