At 90 years old wolf coats still has all the moves you need larger practice and he’s still wow the ladies I think it’s wonderful I hope I can do to do three more years and catch up to him and roller skating is definitely a part of
His secret to a long healthy life it’s an hour’s drive but it’s gotta be done but the hour’s drive from Peterborough to Ottawa is worth it for wealth and all of the other seniors who make the trip to stay fit I’ve been skating since I was 15 and I’m now 76
I’m here at the roller rink twice a week and the average came in 75 and let me tell you they’re advancing Woodward it’s hard to keep up with roller skating is it’s a really good sport for keeping fit it’s a non impact sport and you can set
Your pace to anything you want to give me you can work hard at it or you just relax and according to this birthday boy more people need to get moving too much electronics that’s what I think anyway for information on the skates here in Oshawa you can go to our website city
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