Knowing that we’ve helped some people get into skateboarding it just feels really really good i never expected it you know for a while it did just feel like a such a small community and now suddenly it feels huge Gabriel’s is a skate crew and we’re just a group of people and we skate together and we film each other we encourage each other we’re majority women we have non-binary people trans people and um yeah we’re just really push making a safe space It’s an escape no no it’s nice to have like something that you can just go to and not have to worry about anything else we made the whatsapp group and you know it started we had 10 people suddenly we had 40. now we have like over 100 and yeah it’s just a place
For people to come and text and say hey i was wondering if anybody was around to skate today i feel like when you’re not good at skating but you want to try it or like you’re a beginner it’s more intimidating and then when you’re a woman or trans or non-binary it’s very
Intimidating you feel like watched all the time from anyone and judged and that’s really sad because we have like you’ve seen jesse and jess like they’re insane but it also doesn’t matter if you’re good or not like it’s just about the phone anybody else who wants to join us we’re
Just like yes you’re a skateboard now you know one of us You