Hi wheels Vizag region channel is subscribe chezcody marginal and asuna Satya on the jockey estoy whatta we say Shalu notifications Qasim equally cannabis Taliban like ornately journey Everybody loved eternity who have come to Santa program to participate in d-57 as well she’s not move around rather Oh [Applause] And it was exalted this reminded me of my school and for this day so we need this back under the starting bit of a son brother sitting on the standards I don’t like to take much of your time I’m happy to be here in this city north
The city of destiny on the occasion of a traditional national getting some Sun ship 2019 if you happen to know the city I’ve been chosen to be prestigious internship for a fifth time being organized by D if you do not spectacle situation under the edges of Chennai Bangalore but some Chandigarh rather
Than go all the time all the states have in tourism center in project so it gives me immense pleasure to save the trek path since 1974 India started representing in the individual competition and now in July we participated in the world drama game at Barcelona Spain in which almost 200
Skaters participated and we won you