For some reason my Pinterest feed will not stop serving me this weird hat bodysuit thing so today we’re trying it whoa oh they’re actually separate if you lied too this feels like a fortnight skin wow That’s exactly like the picture is it worth 150 I don’t know well I scratched that itch we’ve ordered lots of unrealistic Pinterest outfits in past videos and today we’re accessorizing them with everything from hair accessories to shoes hair accessories are making a huge comeback I feel like I
Haven’t seen this many hair accessories since like the early 2000s and I’m here for it this particular one really caught my eye it’s cool for a wedding or a special event or just you know day to day it’s really pretty if we can actually realistically get this look
With this product 39 let’s try it I’m afraid that she has like five of these tassels in her hair we’ll see though that’s what I was afraid of it only comes with three strands of pearls I paid 36 for this 39 actually and it’s because it’s a wedding accessory website
And anything wedding for some reason is always marked up like six times what it’s actually worth oh no the clip is straight up broken well it would have been cute unrealistic the more Pinterest videos I do like this the weirder my Pinterest feed gets and that’s especially apparent with the shoes that
I’ve been getting suggested uh in particular these ones donut heels 2.0 there was a 1.0 of these from shoe Bakery they are three hundred dollars look at these even the actual shoe itself literally looks like bread that is impressive the sprinkles the frosting it’s an option to have the donut on the
Heel of course we want that I feel like this disclaimer this product is not edible I’m so excited for these um I am a bit concerned that there’s only one photo on the website that’s usually not a good sign but the donut heels are here something sounds loose in
Here I hope something’s not broken oh good news I think it was just this tiny card rolling around foreign wow they’re everything I hoped they would be look at them and then the donut is actually foam which is cool like it looks like cake that doesn’t smell like cake I love the
SE I’m wearing these somewhere I even got a real donut to compare it to okay side by side moment that is ridiculous literally the donut on the shoe looks better than a real donut bling gloves with nails rhinestone gloves bedazzled sparkly gloves look how pretty these are
And they even have like fake nails on the end of them sounds familiar actually look at them these are literally like my favorite Halloween purchase of all time which is perfect for me because as you can tell I’m not very good at remembering to do my nails so if I can
Just have gloves that have them built in 69 kinda seems like a lot for these but if they’re handmade Oh wow here we go yes they fit so well we did a lot of tugging and pulling to get these on and the stones all held up on the gloves which is impressive so far this is a pretty realistic Pinterest haul not practical probably but so pretty speaking of Impractical I found
The ultimate jacket to wear to any family event that is sure to drive any dad or Grandpa absolutely Bonkers and it’s this denim jacket I think it’s kind of cool so useless as far as jackets go but kinda cool it’s a hundred dollars from the store sensual
Ambitions I feel like this is probably not worth a hundred and four dollars they just marked it up as such I feel like with the right outfit it could be pretty cool or it could be cheap and terrible we’re about to find out well so far I feel like I maybe got
Duped and spent a hundred dollars on a jacket that’s worth like 20. like there’s hardly any fabric why did it cost so much okay I think this goes in here this goes in here why is this so hard to put on it’s so pointless I love
It I mean this is like a weird outfit to wear it with with a different outfit I think it’s a cool accessory it’s basically like arm sleeves It’s Fashion one time when I was producing the internet I found these high heel roller skates looks like a literal death trap
But I thought I need those in my life finally my Pinterest feed came through and suggested these to me Impala marwa high heel skates it’s Sparkle or orange they even have the sparkle gloves I feel targeted in the best way we’re gonna be dangerous in style this is such a high
Heel on Wheels 279 dollars though I don’t know would it like a nice pair of roller skates cost probably kind of close to that no literally like half that oh light up orange Sparkle Wheels as if these couldn’t get any better wait it’s an actual roller skater that designed these
So that means they have to be functional right 12 World Records you go marwa I’ve never been so excited for something so dangerous oh the packaging’s even cute oh yeah they’re so pretty look at that Glitter okay we gotta figure out how the wheels light up I see lights in them how
Do you turn them on though okay how long do we give it before I face plant look how pretty they are though I’m up I’m up these are treacherous here I go I’m skating guys around this time we figured out that the lights turn on just
By the wheels rolling oh they’re kind of bright whoa whoa oh my gosh we can’t talk about Pinterest accessories without talking about Wicks this one really stood out to me though look at the color this long blonde and then this kind of like tie-dye blue on
The other side I love it I mean I don’t think that really comes as a surprise but uh wet kiss is the brand I guess I went to their website and I searched and searched and this particular wig is nowhere to be found they really only
Have like natural colors of hair I feel like it was a bit of false advertising the prices of these wigs are really good for actual human hair so I kind of want to try them anyway just to see if they’re legit oh my gosh it smells so bad I don’t know anything
About wigs I just wanted to see if you can get a legitimate wig of this length human hair quality for 200 bucks what in the what is this what the heck is that um well they just threw in a bonus one for you okay I ordered this I think lace
Front 18 inches and this was the closest thing that they had to a fun color oh it’s kind of doesn’t look like 18 inches I mean it feels really nice though actually okay I’ll try this one on if you try this one on Okay Tyler put your wig cap on I don’t
Need a wig cap I don’t I have any hair this is so weird I haven’t had brown hair in years what do we think This was a free gift that came with our order mine wasn’t a bad wig but it also doesn’t really look like the pictures I was advertised and definitely doesn’t look like the pin next I got a couple of sparkly things but I was pretty disappointed in both of them to say the
Least they just didn’t fit right this one just isn’t cool someone’s gonna have to line it like individually place them yeah they made it look a lot easier in the video and I’m really excited about the next product so we’re just gonna speed on my Pinterest really really
Wanted me to see these shoes they are incredible in the most adorable morbid strange way um 264 dollars unfortunately they’re literally sold out everywhere in fact I feel like they had been selling for a lot more than 264 dollars but I can’t even find them second hand anywhere so
I’m gonna try to make my own DIY I found these clear shoes on eBay they’re a little bit different but kind of the same idea for eighty dollars and a whole bunch of Barbies okay I really hope that these shoes open not really something I double checked I just
Assumed oh this is the coolest thing ever the way to put this stuff in the shoe is the soul comes out and there’s a secret compartment there’s like endless opportunities of things that we can put in these water and fish not real fish yeah real goldfish foreign ER right back on is the head gonna oh she can totally fit I just don’t know how I’m gonna like get them to where I want them to go you know move [Laughter] that’ll be three hundred dollars I just don’t think I’m gonna be able to place
Them perfectly I mean it was worth an experimental try I think maybe I should pop these heads back on and donate these Barbies look at this another item that I have no idea what business I have wearing this anywhere but I love it um it’s on Etsy it says it’s unavailable
But don’t worry we ordered it this thing is heavy wow it looks pretty much exactly like what I was promised let’s try it on Oh I’m obsessed with it like you could just wear it with like a simple dress but it would totally transform the look it kind of reminds me of that custom Tick Tock body chandelier thing that I bought but significantly less money this is absolutely worth seventy dollars time
For the accessory that started it all inspired this whole video this wig look at this thing it looks heavy it’s like a wig made entirely out of tennis bracelets basically it look at it I need it um the problem is there was no website attached to this one so I dug I searched
The entire internet and the closest thing I could find is this ice queen wig on Etsy it’s not quite as long as you can see and it doesn’t look quite as full as the one on Pinterest but it’s 500 so I can’t imagine what the actual full-length Pinterest one costs most
Expensive thing from the whole video I hope it’s worth it it’s heavy oh it’s pretty long actually it feels so cool sparkly wig ASMR here we go Tyler I might need help with this one it’s just so heavy oh my gosh look amazing this is so cool
You don’t even look like real it looks like AI Yes no it really doesn’t look real I feel like I need a different outfit oh I know just the outfit here’s the look with the infamous silver Pinterest pants and the shoes I look like I’m about to perform something I don’t know what what does it look like from the back
Not the pants there make sure to check out our unrealistic Pinterest outfits and dresses videos if you haven’t seen those yet enjoy the next video