Hi I’m Asha from scape fresh and welcome to this special series of videos for powerslide TV where i’ll be showing you the new power slides as well collection and teaching you some essential skills this video is the first in the adult beginner series and I’ll be teaching you
How to take your very first steps on skates so that you learn confidently with no needs of fall I’ve been wearing try skates now for six months and many people have asked me what I think of skating on three wheels the most noticeable difference is the lightness
And extra speed of the Tri skates the larger wheels create and sustain speed more easily and give you a super smooth ride over bad surfaces obstacles and bumps so for Street skating it really gives a very different more confident feel the combination of having three larger wheels means your wheel base
Remains very short and agile unlike the traditional long frame speed skates so you retain the maneuverability also having that middle wheel right in the center of your foot means the power from every stride is transferred more efficiently finding more natural and agile skating experience than with four smaller wheels
This makes skating much more fun and I absolutely love the look of these three wheels they’re much cooler the powerslide swell collection come with a height adjustable braking system so this means that the height of the heel brake can be adjusted to your favorite breaking angle and then you can keep
Lowering it as you use the brake this is one of the best innovations in a heel brake I’ve seen in 10 years so I’ve always said that the heel brake is the best stop for beginners and new skaters to learn when they get I escaped and now it’s even better the
Advantages of this break is it’s so much shorter than previous breaks so before you scape please make sure you wear full protective gear so that’s wrist guards elbows kneepads and of course a helmet so today I’m going to be skating here in a nice beautiful ring please make sure you choose somewhere
Smooth and flat with not too much traffic and no slopes if you’re an absolute beginner and you’re worried about your try skates rolling too fast when you first begin here’s a simple trick simply remove your wheels take out the metal spacer between the bearings and put the wheels back on your skates
The pressure of the axles will now slow down the speed of your wheels later on once you’ve mastered heel braking you can add the spacer and then you’ll be comfortable on your new skates and enjoying the speed try skates have a few special features the center wheel acts
As a pivot point so making turn tighter and easier the frame is attached to the boot with power slides X lock mounting which means you can adjust the frame left and right as well as forwards and back and this gives you a lot of options to customize your frame fit the three
Wheel look is really eye-catching and since I’ve started wearing these skates I’ve never had so many photos taken of my feet this is definitely the coolest looking range of skate so now it’s time to get started so make sure you’ve got all your protective gear and your helmet
On from now on so in order to learn to sketch proper you need to learn two positions we need the ready position which is feet parallel and the V position or pizza position which is a bit like a slice of pizza so let’s look at those both individually now so the
First one we have is the ready position so this is both feet parallel about a hands width apart and you bend your knees in order to get into the right position the ready position is where you cruise and roll once you’ve got a little bit of momentum okay so the ready position parallel
Knees bent the V position or the pizza position is like the angle of a slice of pizza so not a big slice of pizza not a small one but a perfect slice of pizza and that’s the shape that your feet are going to make so the V position is going
To mean girl and the ready position is going to mean cruise and chill out so now you’ve learned the two positions let’s put them together so we’re going to do V walking which means you’re going to raise your feet a few centimeters off the ground in the V position and then
Redirect yourself into the ready position to go straight ahead so do this holding on to some things you’ve got some support or you can do it on grass or carpet where you won’t roll okay so let’s now do what you did statically but in motion remember when you step with
Your feet in a V you will go so expect that motion okay we’re going to start first with just three steps so you don’t go too fast too quickly so let’s have a go so begin off you go three steps one and two and three and ready and one and
Two and three and ready okay so now let’s do four steps one two three four straight ahead and cruise let’s go so one and two and three and four and ready one and two and three and four and ready so guess what comes next five steps make sure you’re really
Comfortable with each of these numbers first and make sure you’re ready position is nice and close together let’s go to five one two three and four and five and cruise and again one and two and three and four and five and three okay so you can see the more steps
That you take the faster you’re going to go so control your speed by choosing the number of steps you take if you keep stepping I promise you you’ll go faster and faster and faster so do low numbers of steps in order to place stay slow at
First so as you increase your numbers of steps you want to really train your ready position and make sure it’s super narrow so remember one hand between your two feet that’s what you’re looking for so use cones or water bottles and make tunnels so that you can train your ready
Positions as you scape faster and you’re learning to use more steps you can make your tunnels longer so this way you keep training that narrow ready position here’s a longer version so now all you have to do is to put it all together so that means choose roughly how many steps
You feel comfortable doing maybe it’s five or seven or ten and you intermix those with the ready position so you go skate skate skate skate ready position crews feel nice and comfortable once you’re about to slow down take the next set of steps so this is really how
You should be skating in your first few weeks so well done you’re now skating properly so remember try not to step forwards you don’t need to do things in slow motion just nice and quick steps and keep numbers low until you feel comfortable that rolling in the ready positions
Should feel fabulous and safe and controlled okay now you don’t know how to stop yet so just rolling in that position for now is all you have next lesson I promise you I’m going to teach you how to stop now in preparation for that we need to learn the scissor
Position so have a look at my feet now and in a moment and I’m going to show you what the scissor is you’re going to put both feet together and you’re going to roll the skate with the brake a little bit forwards in front of the other so let’s try the scissor now
Rolling so we’re going to use the cones again to keep it nice and narrow and we’re going to start off in that direction we’re going to do half a scissor only half escape length in front and on the way back we’ll do the full scissor great now let’s try the whole
Scissor let’s go okay so there’s your half scissor and your full scissor now that might look easy but it might take you a couple of weeks to perfect and practice that but I promise you it will be your secret to stopping so I hope this lesson helps you to get your first
Steps nice and smooth and confident you should not be falling the whole time when you’re learning to skate if you are it’s a sign you’re doing many things wrong so keep your knees nice and bent those steps nice and quick and keep the feet close together you’ll be getting
There so I hope you like this video if you did please do share it with your friends and your skate groups we’d really appreciate it if you’d like more information on the power slide swell range please check out their website powerslide comm if you’d like more free
Video tutorials from me please do go to skate fresh calm and I will give you instant access to a free video bundle either beginner improver level or advanced so you’ll get a bunch of videos exactly for you so I hope to see you next time there are more videos coming
In this series so do check those out until next time please do skate well and feel alive good bye from Rio