Foreign foreign yep closer Rockefeller having a tea here MEP Mike missiles Radio City is right here hello Jeremy it’s going on wall Walker doing good and you what’s up guy here doing pretty good just have some food I’m just having a tea Singaporean tea so it’s probably gonna make me a little
Hyper later and I’m not making that line again Adele’s that line is long I’m gonna see like a massive line of people over here to get in Radio City I think thank you hello [Applause] [Applause] George what’s up George Uncle George I wonder what’s going on over here this is like a show or something they’re gonna attendance show yep that’s why Midtown Rush I think I’m gonna go back and check out the Roseville Hotel like it’s getting a lot of coverage in the news
I mean I saw it the other days but hey but it’s great what’s going on Happy Wednesday I’ll walk you and it reminds me when I meet up with Carl call Melissa their daughters from the Santos Chronicles and we went all the way up to the top of the walk in the Rockefeller Center that’s right georgito don’t forget to smash that like button
Taking a t right here that’s my initials m-e-p Manuel that’s my real name Manuel Manny is not my real name I try to make it easy for people to pronounce it only people trying to go to the top of the Walk no the airline is
Not for the people that go on the wall that’s like a radio City something they do like an event or something I might have to mute over here but it got like a rolling like a roller skating area over here so thank you hello have seen hello Shauna yeah not
Not even my nickname are George they’re gonna have dinner be back we’ll be here it’s not I don’t even have a nickname or a name or anything just but it’s not much different my real name Manuel a lot of people say manual but Manuel damn why people gotta have music out loud
I was being a man since I’ve seen the city so busy All right got some flowers and answers to the cathedral That too sounds like a quick sounds like a Christmas tree horn Oh well Hello and and what’s going on so it’s pretty nice the flowers that they put over here thank you you guys I’m just gonna make my white and then I’ll start heading more towards uh downtown well I gotta accommodate my pants a little bit Which I don’t forget to bring us leftovers what happened on George you hungry I ate the way this I hate the whole thing so long leftovers so now I’m just having my Singaporean tea with my initials what’s going on Victorious the weather is just gorgeous like a 78 degrees so perfect you know
Not hot not cold it’s beautiful out here can’t complain like can’t complain hey Marie what’s going on long time how’s everything going pretty good Sanja what is going on I would just heat up some leftover spaghetti well spaghetti sounds good maybe it’ll taste bettering when it’s freshly cooked
Because spider flavors being piled up over there so Joseph Moretti what’s going on I’m doing good and you doing good can’t come sorry can’t complain my location I think I’m going to pass by to also a hotel to see what’s going on over there I did a little crisis
I was just looking at some images on Instagram and it’s just crazy I passed there the other days of course I’ll be a little careful with the camera but yeah Madison Avenue I gotta I think I gotta go to Let’s internal ized moonless well it’s the first time I
See how they bring the garbage up like that Marie what’s going on you’re up pretty late at what time is it over there in Norway already Thursday let me just go right this way They all say what’s up how’s it going is it still hot over there in New Mexico he was beautiful 78 degrees Fahrenheit Fahrenheit got a Chase headquarters so I’m gonna start making my way more towards downtown but I’m gonna take a little peek by the hotel see what’s going on with the refugees
Hey what the hell oh it’s crazy how they developer skyscraper so fast uh the chase the new Chase headquarters it’s one seven in the morning now okay late but not super late sometimes I’ll sleep like yes 100 free today from about damn it never gets cold down there staying pretty hydrated with that
Weather I’m just having a tea wouldn’t be a good idea to have this New Mexico but it’s hot but look how they build this pretty massive all the way up all the way up all the way up nothing can stop me I’m on the way up June July August also it’s pretty normal
About doing this season why June July August just like back home where I’m from it gets pretty hot and humid during this time I mean it’s hot all year long but like this time it could be pretty brutal I think I can’t believe we already in August yeah
August is what I call the Sunday of of Summer there goes this damn car with the music one of these rare days I don’t have them tomorrow that much that’s good that means you’re gonna enjoy over here Manny as far as George and bring some humor over here
Okay how do I get to the other side ah I’ll just do one more block over this way is pretty fast that’s the bad thing about summer especially up here in the Northeast like it’d be going pretty fast like I don’t like when it’s super super
Hot but I like the Vibes like the festivals everything wearing pretty light clothes like t-shirts and stuff so this is a new building on Marie this is the new Chase headquarters this is super massive skyscraper one of the tallest around New York city so it’s gonna be one of the tallest
You can get down and see well at Night’s at 50 degrees during the day oh yeah I know I know it gets cold over there I guess it got like both extreme temperatures during the winter and the summer like over here it gets super extreme they call it the dog days of August
You don’t like the humidity yeah Marie I don’t like the humidity at all I should wear one of these suits I wear these suits and I wear the glasses that I’m wearing you can call me Maniac so instead of Malcolm X thank you so we got the Roseville hotel right there
So I’m gonna make it make a detour to see what’s happening I know it’s a massive crisis going on over there let me show you a view of the or the Chase building right here but it’s going to be one of the tallest buildings in New York City
It’s like a massive skyscraper not it’s just so crazy how wide the building is so yeah okay well I didn’t well hey sunshine after rain hey little 72 what’s going on you good and this over here gives me Chicago Vibes the street like the Modern Skyscrapers and then how wide the streets are
The only thing that doesn’t have so much crowd like you get in New York City hey Mitchell Excel the size of nestle to an audio with Michelle Suzanne so it’s at the Roseville hotel right here hey Square well I already walk here like the other days in a live stream so
I’m gonna see what’s happening now I’m probably gonna keep my distance from over here bro yeah you can still really the crisis going on here so there’s a huge migrant crisis happening around here you don’t see about thinking the other streets where you’re gonna notice it
So you see the hotel is full of occupancy then it gets like a massive line and people be sleeping in the streets it’s crazy how you witness this and then we’re From the Block they’re Rising a super tall skyscraper and all this over here is like pretty wealthy
Well there’s not much going on over here you see oh that’s a clean it up well you see a few people over there but yeah okay this is the hotel so what did I see celebrities striking in nycd today at the sack at just like uh not sure
A lot of cleaning up the other days there was like a lot of people right here staying Outdoors I’ll see NYPD so it seems like hmm maybe if I go to the other street I’ll see some Or they’re actually out there you see them on the streets Sandra burner oh you did awesome especially how you got the people eating outdoor over here and then of course the street you got the migrants sleeping in the streets without food and water or even a shower or a bathroom wow it’s crazy
Look at the people it’s like a little mess over here wow see if I can assume this okay okay really sad wow super super sad it’s bad the mismanagement of the city you know yeah within a block from where they’re Rising This Tall skyscraper right here that is crazy wow
Yeah if you go on Instagram you’re gonna see all the pictures not mines but social media this is a big crisis Happening Here and it’s like man it’s a comfort Venezuela Latin America Africa what’s going on Patrick yeah this is the Roseville Hotel yeah this is just sad wow
Sorry everybody comes here and they snap pictures wow yeah this isn’t insane I don’t know if I can wow Let me see if I can close to the other side what’s up Patrick I talked to Tom Arnold the other day he was opening medical weed shop in South Dakota wow that sounds pretty cool Yeah I love Tom Tom Arnold pretty interesting I’m just going to cross it out aside there’s a lot of them but it was worse the other days less people now and I don’t even have to bring like some of the while they got music like I even heard I had to bring some
Buses and stuff for them asleep If any of you know actors or background actors or writers tell them about hey Claire what’s going on hopefully it won’t end up a skit well I mean it’s a lot of people it’s intense wow it’s so real you know I remember seeing this like in the news when it
Happens in Spain or in Europe but like the witness say right here it’s just crazy yo what’s up Focus 718 but yeah it’s intense wow this is New York yeah we’re Patrick New York yeah Camilo how are you doing Colombia Captain Anderson and the gummy membership oh it’s time for George and
Patrick to joke around you already know I like that camera it’s pretty nice I think they put them in that bus too if I’m not mistaken so yeah pretty crazy it’s a situation you hope you never have to be I hope yeah you don’t want to be
In that you don’t know what they went through you know thank you well let’s walk all the way to downtown hey Gonzalez what’s going on weed gummies I’m really scared to eat an edible like I already told you the story what happened but I I it was my focus I didn’t wear
Like I didn’t wear like the instructions in the back so we got over eight the amount of milligrams I’m supposed to so Karina and iced coffee yeah I was having a tea in the name for Karina to get hyper with her she’ll probably pop up I didn’t want to ask any of those
Answers for autograph I wouldn’t do that yeah I’m very respectful with their space and stuff you know I’ll probably be really shy if I ever run into an actor or something funny gummy High yeah well I got high it wasn’t even a gummy it was uh one of
Those uh cookies and cream chocolate it had 10 milligrams of Niche like I said the instructions you’re not supposed to eat more than 10 milligrams in 24 hours I ended up eating two cookies of those no not two like two squares so it was like 20 milligrams that I ate and whoo
My heart rate was jumping really fast when I was when I was a Colorado I tried an edible that was edible too that was enough oh yeah it could be pretty strong Bob what’s up reminds me let me just stand here and we thought reminds me of the 10 City Miami had a
Bill under I-95 for the my real Boat Lifts the Cuban refugees oh who would I like to run into I don’t know George I don’t really pay like much mine if I wanted somebody that’s okay but that’s not gonna make a difference for me you know I don’t really focus more much
In the attention of the app tours or actress hey Sky Watcher what’s going on I like to get high and watch live streams that’s a good way to watch the live stream delete it user lay one day I do a ganja while I’m streaming foreign I am looking forward to hear Elmo that’s
The only reason you come here why uh Cleo the main one they have to do that has to do some gun job before the stream or during the stream and then you’re probably gonna hear all the Elmos you want to hear glad to use too much I can’t believe
It’s not important once we’re patrolling a couple High Elmo live stream yeah instead of singing I almost gonna sing hahaha warming up I’m warming up give me time High Elmo yep Manny Becca did it when I was in high school I didn’t make hash brownies oh really sounds pretty interesting
Because I Got High Because I Got High Because I Got High yep gotta singing Nate dog or Snoop Dogg to that you know Hey Apprentice Up in Smoke yep hey Derek good afternoon I want to see you in France good afternoon to you and me now once in a while I have a cocktail that sounds good Patricia what’s going on for a picture of what the migrants if that’s the case yeah what he said right
I like Southern calm for the wine yesterday I had a frozen uh Rose sangria in Dekalb Market Hall in Brooklyn it was pretty good I think it’s perfect for like when the weather’s super hot because I passed that location many times but I never had it so I’m like you
Know what today’s the day for me to try this is the Chrysler Building what I said before I think I like this building more than the Empire State Building and then when the blue skies I love looking at those older buildings in New York City me too I’m a fan of all
Architecture so I think I gotta get a haircut today when I get home I cut my own hair so they want to try that the Lola that is made by JJ JLo no I haven’t I had Apprentice I really love how people greet George they greeted the same way George greet us just by his
Name no last name just George fulano sangria is good Luna me personally I mean I like sangria more than wine wine is good too but I think I like more sangria let’s make it a Fifth Avenue by the library come on I’m not gonna save it I almost did by
Accident I was cutting my hair then I tried to fits in the back and the click came out so I had to trim it from a Clipper one to a zero so I look like a really basketball head favorite cocktail is pina colada but it’s a long time yeah pina colada is good
I went when I last time I went to Puerto Rico I went to the place where they created a pina colada China and it was it was off the hook yeah joking George I like Mojitos too and now you guys are making me crave for a drink but I have
Tea so tea and drink I would need a toilet next to me foreign I mean Bob was asking me do I have a do I have my hair long I mean maybe for you guys it’s not long but for me it is long I just need a trim it more
Nah I’m not gonna do it Mohawk I wouldn’t look good at that I just like it basic uh the One Clip all over the head with the shape up like for Will Williams he doesn’t want to inspired me watching this video he inspired me to get that type of haircut so
Snoop Dogg beautiful I just want you to know you’re my favorite girl give me some shots to get straight to the point yeah nice I was always curious hey Lawrence what’s going on Lawrence Ramirez I’m not cool I don’t drink alcohol really George if you’re doing alcohol I think you’re
Going to be super local super cool then Manny busting out the tunes yes trying to warm up or lose perfect weather wow gorgeous day today Philippines what’s up somebody said Philippines what’s up with that I love Philippines oh I could go for a good pie yeah with
Langosta too bad I can’t eat that I’m allergic to that to Langosta somebody is shouting out loud with an architecture Uh-oh let’s let that car when I hit that bike it’s nowhere in them look at that and the guy’s recording it in the back hmm I can eat pescado you know regular fish I mean you can eat your Langosta if you want What’s up oh man Big Horn what’s going on Cleo Cleo so what do you want Elmo or butata foreign sounds good but I guess somebody’s lap toes and tolerant but I do mean both or but you bought me owner Atkinson from Jamaica man it seems chilly in New York oh it’s perfect
Weather it’s like 78 Fahrenheit I don’t know if you use Celsius or Fahrenheit but if you use celsius it’s like roughly like 26 Celsius Welcome to jam block see Escuela Cafe [Laughter] take your Elmo oh like that’s something mystical shaking ass shake your Elmo tell me what you got so something like that there Manny we make flan with album man oh that’s good because it’s not the day we want that can balance out I’m Cleo
Intolerant oh really oh Manny Elmo dance in a minute we’re going over growing up in Puerto Rico I used to have it my favorite was vanilla and cheese sometimes people put like an ice cream and that’s heaven Wait Steve is here my basketball round head is in the house what’s up Steve Gonzalez I mean what’s up Steve you’re good didn’t mean to say that that’s it for dinner I have salted broccoli with garlic and had a chicken cutlet that sounds pretty good
Steve I think I’m gonna cut my hair so I can look like you around basketball head so now they got two two basketball heads to dribble the Steve head and the many head okay and Gail Pizza what’s going on shake it don’t break it Amen to that see what’s laughing right the basketball
Round here with the glasses and your Habibi beer that’s Steve having that song Hospitality of Texas and the Heart of Tampa Florida yo flesh McKenzie what’s going on you good Luna is always laughing it’s always good to bring some humor right here definitely decided I do not like Midtown
Nothing exciting he has mostly like business and stuff I like more downtown The Village and other bottles like broccoli Queens I think on Friday I’m gonna Premiere in my Park Slope video I already edit it I just gotta upload it I’ll shave my head too many if you do it
Nah Patrick I’m never gonna stay in my head unless God forbid if I’m older and I go bald and I got no other choice to shave it but I’m just gonna keep cutting it short that way you can rub my head and feel that little soft hair in me and the tickly
I could give you the cost and scratch you like a spongy like I said I don’t even know what I look like if my hair grows a lot it might be like an afro great idea Patrick do it many shaved head man you see the wall of twins you like
That don’t you George two for the price of one Georgie yes sir I’m happy that you’re seeing me today happy to have you here but a flat Flats we go a long way ball is definitely in he’d been walking there for 13 years exactly you know a lot of people they look great
Without hair their style the way how they dress look at ball and bankrupt some people I don’t know I’ve seen a picture when they were when they were younger they had hair they actually look weird but maybe I’m so used to seeing them balls so you love where you live awesome
I know it’s going to grow back maybe I’ll just wear my my hat that way nobody nobody sees my beautiful basketball round head so I got eight seconds Green Point yeah Green Point Bushwick Williamsburg uh red herd part slope Sunset Park many you will you still thinking to do a
Baller Park yeah kind of kind of I just I can walk on my own without the camera just with the camera I’m just skeptical you know are they gonna react seeing a guy holding a camera save it then watch it up now damn you’re all talking about how we’re gonna have
My my hair saver people save their hair everywhere just saying you know got to be clean homie what’s up Bob you like when I say hobo Ken correct the hobo hobo can I got a bobble head yeah Cleo I I care a lot about my hygiene so me money shave
Me money save you know what he saved yeah what’s up Orlando everything good a picture too damn Cleo you’re funny must be all that maple syrup from Montreal where are we heading we’re heading all the way to downtown I ate already just in case we got to like what’s for dinner
I couldn’t hold that night I’m too hungry because I’m just gonna eat first have my Singaporean hot tea and then we’re gonna stream so I’m waiting for the hot tea to kick in so I can be hyper like Karina I wonder where’s Karina the queen of the iced coffee With uh what did you eat I ate in a Singaporean uh Urban Hawker I had a rice with fish cutlet and Curry and egg in it and veggies it was pretty good bluegrion we fit what’s up how you doing I like that profile picture though the eagle
I’ve eaten fried rice with shrimp and neck that sounds good too bad I can’t eat shrimp Eddie clean head fence and a saxophone I wanna Fly Like an Eagle Tennessee What time is it now huh 7 38 still the daytime so indeed Luna yum being in Singapore yeah I want to go to Singapore it is gorgeous clean you know develop small country but beautiful so they’re developing another building right here nice place yeah and it wasn’t like that back in the days
All right it was like poor you know what’s up Tim a lot of things happening but then they had like a leader took him a while he cleaned the country up and that’s why Singapore is beautiful today same happened with Malaysia too it used to be really poor back in the days but
They developed it pretty good indeed me pretty nice today New York so that’s what happens when you got good leaders that care about the country they can you know they can develop provide pretty good infrastructure yeah Manny big money in Singapore indeed yeah that would be a good place for me
To make videos Singapore hey Lina why what’s going on it’s like it’s a Korean Joy I go Poncho or maybe Chinese I think that would go well with my feet I call acupuncture just don’t bring your gummies oh I would never do that I would never bring stuff that’s illegal
In another country I always respect I think Thailand is legal but even if it’s legal I’m not bringing those stuff in a in a suitcase you’re not even not even chewing gum it’s allowed in Singapore and I heard of you they give you like a
Big fine if you spit on the street so wow look at it looks good that might explain why this why is super clean Have you been to the boss before many times I made videos on the blocks time it could be wild yeah I love timing I only been there in 2013. but I’m going back there now hopefully in September They got some beautiful art decoys over here the architecture can’t go to jail in Singapore for spitting on the sidewalk oh That’s How Strong that fine is wow that’s intense but it’s giving good results because the people got moles and it’s pretty clean over there so many we don’t have enough
Bail money to get you out we can sell Patrick that’s funny with his beer and all that and and the pine trees from beautiful organical standing Island so yeah yeah no I’m really respectful when I go to other countries you know oh my God Spot what’s up do you pick only locations or
Just random in Manhattan sometimes I pick the locations of the balls I want to go and film sometimes I just go random all right today is kind of well not random because I’m heading towards downtown that way I could just hop in the train and head home
I was thinking about going to Brooklyn today Brooklyn but I was kind of hungry so I just head towards Singaporean Urban Hawker then I just decided live stream over here have you been to Baltimore or no I passed by when I was driving to DC one time
I’ve been to Chicago I’ve been a Seattle Vegas Boston some parts of Providence Rhode Island uh what else Virginia so I haven’t been much around the states to be honest pimp George or pimp like that show from exhibit pimp my wife you got to pimp my wife I used to watch that show
And I was like a teenager 44. they’re three hours behind here’s 7 44. Manny when was the last time you’ve been uh Sutton’s place where is that I forgot have you been to L.A nope haven’t been there maybe someday I don’t know I’ll think about it as soon as I spread
Out might need a car I got a good friend here in L.A so I’ll probably hit him up when I go there I’m living in the past three hours behind in the past and I’m in the future This is the park where they got the original um Shake Shack Manny I’ve been to all 50 states yeah so you mentioned that loose that’s awesome I know this must be like an awesome uh scenery when you travel around the states especially going towards the West Coast you can see the desert you know Grand Canyon all of that all that nature and beauty
You would love Brazil yeah I’ve been you know I’ve been looking a lot of videos of Brazil and the fingers have been hearing lately a lot of like Brazilian music said Hill man this is like an old school but he has some nice songs and that makes me
Want to go to what makes you want to go to Rio De Janeiro and saw Paulo I guess you know that beauty or that it looks beautiful in that country you’ve been there on squirrel yeah it looks gorgeous out country you know I was gonna have to practice a little bit of Portuguese
And I got followers from Brazil I watched me so they’ll probably be happy if they see me in Brazil yeah just a little bit I don’t know I guess it depends where you go some parks can be a little sketchy or dangerous but I guess if you do common sense
I was there doing the carnival all in February yeah it looks like it’s a vibe they speak Spanish well yeah they probably understand more Spanish than English so I mean they speak to me slowly in Portuguese I can pick it up you know so yeah actually I downloaded Babel for like a
Year ago and I was trying to practice Portuguese with a stop but I still have it in my phone so if I ever think about going there or Portugal Portugal I heard it’s beautiful you need to go to that International it’s not hard and I want to check out the crystal that
And told the Jesus Christ area this is what the original Shake Shack right here I want to go to that huge statue of Christ yeah use up free passports but I’m trying to remember dude as an American citizen do I need a Visa or not anymore
I think they used to be reason needed like a Visa or something or they got a concert I’ll go the other way Get a close to me to meet her staff so yeah that’s what I want to see I want to see that I want to see uh Copacabana beach Thank you so do I got some dollars many of your eyes will pop out there for real good yeah foreign [Laughter] I’m kind of doing that custom video now filming uh sweet performers yeah no she’s good if she’s good and legit I’m gonna give her a donation name is web Financial oh yeah I have a friend who used to live here and he moved back home there and he
Showed me around what a great time that’s awesome Scrabble thank you Patrick and thanks to all of you guys regardless make it possible Rick what’s up other places can be dangerous really oh wow I guess we just gotta use I know it sounds crazy but I kind of want to get
In one of those spots I’m probably gonna have to get some contacts or something because I thought that’s when you got experience like the real Vibe too maybe the other thing I can do is don’t open my mouth because my genetics I could go as a Brazilian
At my old neighborhood that I used to live in Newark a lot of them thought I was Brazilians because I used to live in a neighborhood that was Brazilian Portuguese and ecuadorians okay Barbara’s okay if you know a local yeah our party go on social media see you
Know anybody who lives or has contacts with a favela and I can get in oh no when I do it I would say like in the daytime because I feel like that’s the real Community like I can still I could see real people how they live and
All that so if you get to experience it will you know the real vibes you live in Georgia have a good day who have a good evening George take care of thanks for stopping by always and that’s that drink capriani I think that Brazilian drink I never had it maybe I’ll try Can be dangerous mostly anywhere in different parts of places yet including here in the States you know I’m not going to go by myself Rick and she says I don’t know nobody so I’m if I can’t find any content then forget I’ll just go somewhere else something like that
It looks like it has lime or something I don’t know well it looks pretty good You had a scribble does the kicks oh yeah you said it it kicked my butt uh oh hey kick your butt it kick your buttata Spanish City Manila someone tried to drug my coffee I caught it on time holy foreign that’s crazy what did you eat today Manny I had a
Singaporean fish cutlet curry with rice and egg and a tea so it was pretty good my beautiful daughter that’s hilarious Grill you could hardly walk oh Lord how do you make it back to your hotel or whatever got shot guys Brazilian spirit thank you Hey listen what’s going on lizzo was a
Capital C and the house no wonder I was like I feel I feel like a pinch of smell of maple syrup never mind this one’s here listen close here so they bring all that Maple so I got the bowl for them I got the Ontario maple syrup and I got the
French maple syrup from Quebec no I was sitting at a friend’s house okay that’s good oh yeah you told me your friend I’ll show you around I had it twice that was enough for me at least you get to experience it a little bit thank you they would have dumped me some place
After stealing from me yeah sometimes you just got to be careful and cautious and it’s a good thing you caught that you’re gonna pretend to be friend and you get drugged up and you know what the hell they would have done or maybe your organs Corner building is nice yep
This is Broadway you know Broadway is known for having beautiful architecture brazilero appreciate that little donation for sale already got them a lot that I had iced tea oh where would the Luna set that’s so scary little guy you call it for real we would have not had no lose right now right
As much as I love it there you got to be careful in the Philippines have a look at some YouTubers that go to Brazil see how they do it yeah I’ve been watching it I’ve been watching a couple of YouTubers and they do pretty well
Manny have you been to Japan nope on my bucket list gotta have some kobe beef Manny you don’t have any hair so what are you what do you mean I don’t have look at my hair see I need to cut a little bit shorter trim
It’s dark so I’m gonna make a little bit lighter my hair you want to tickle it need me to watch the dancers I can wash the dish with my hands my hair looks like a spongy got to cut the hair light for Will Williams yeah ramming I hope the ramender is
Amazing hey George Walker what’s going on the beer kawim is okay yeah Luna oh Japan looks awesome many I think Bob got you confused with me he doesn’t understand you know I mean like I said for a lot of people it’s probably no hair but for me it is
I mean as a health African-American guy I mean we we feel when we have hair and stuff so people trying to establish money on the streets never do that yeah I would never do that either I’ve been watching Oppenheimer no I haven’t hey Glenda what’s going on I want to go to Japan and South Korea next year Huh shout out to the hard-working people there working pretty good Every time I see Glenda with all respect I feel like I want to be patriotic like I want to sing that song of Who was it Bon Jovi bond in the USA in the USA many earlier I mentioned certain place oh it’s in Midtown I probably passing I
Didn’t notice that I’m not in Midtown anymore so I think that’s how it is but welcome look at this all Deco building right here ha little kids right here man is killing it with the tombs I try right oh that’s Springsteen not Bon Jovi okay thanks for the collection Drew swipe boost
Give me some figures from Jersey Mike a lot of those artists were from Jersey or are from Jersey Born in the USA yeah so when I see Glenn now I kind of feel like I want to be patriotic I want to be patriotic I can see the the what’s that
The airplane’s flying above the skies See if you had your dunkaccino just finished my dinner now time for dunkatino enjoy bro I don’t know what will be my first country to travel out of the U.S I mean tons of countries but you figure out what could be like a starter kit for you
Just make it happen you know there’s a lot more to see than the USA whatever country you pick because they’re both from joycey New Jersey dirty Jersey like a lot of people be calling we all sinners we’ve got some cobblestones out here in the streets this is 14th Street
Hey Theresa what is going on good morning Darren Indonesia this is uh 14th Street in Manhattan I’m heading toward Greenwich Village hey Karina Thompson you miss me having my tea Karina that’s okay Karina you’re here is here the hyper lady see you here Karina we were talking about you Karina The
Sensation that Oklahoma sensation entered the chat Karina Karina Karina wait Dennis I’m kind of am I missing people here Dennis Dennis Clark I haven’t seen words or comma but I’ll say hi hello Dennis Clark you’re welcome custom Vinnie I almost did almost got inspired that was another street performer and Madison Square Parker name Vanessa she’s
Like singing and playing the guitar a little bit she gave me the I did a little custom Vinnie right there Denise Denise I think they wanted one I didn’t saw your comment but sorry hey Dennis I don’t think I’ve seen it before but welcome Denise oh this is new P.F Chang
Must be like a nice restaurant the Arctic was beautiful what languages do you speak Manny only two unfortunately English and Spanish yet hey boss what’s going on indeed Steve subscribe to the custom dini you’ll be bringing you know some live streams too of sweet performers pretty good vibe you know
He does that the Customs anyway the only way Vinnie can do it you’re new here Denise that’s awesome welcome on board glad to have you right here if you have changes of chain restaurants oh really that’s good to know a lot of Art Deco balance right here and uh
Not really that happy about it eight four starting to get dark a little bit earlier now I remember eight o’clock it would be sunny sorry indeed There’s the link for cousin Benny so guys feel free to check it out smash the Subscribe button it’s only Wednesday but it feels a
Little bit like Friday people eating out but you know yeah it’s getting darker now but when the weather’s nice this is what you expect Timmy Timmy Timmy Sir Patrick I think I know who was asking for me got in uh gangster love Julio rest in peace I like that song dancer gangster paradise honestly oh I just I’m reading it out loud without noticing that that’s crazy good observation trying to stay away from the people
Behind me the voice is like annoying damn you guys ever had anything like that like this weekend the boys are so annoying that you just want to smack the crap out of somebody like it hurts your ear drops where’s this guy filming or what what’s he doing
He’s getting a little windy down here damn I hear though I just you’re like the boys I’m gonna take this beautiful hand like that you’re joking that’s why I’ll never go to NYC I’d sit there and observe you’ll have a good time Luna lives laughing huh Knickerbocker Bar and Grill I know him
And boots were broken they got Knickerbocker Avenue the Main Avenue you know for a lot of stores the old-fashioned Style every day Glenn I hope you like that Glenda that’s why you got to go to Jimbo’s live scene to chill with all the ganja he has you’re from Indiana Dennis Denise
Awesome I know in Indiana it’s the same time zone is here I know it gets dark past nine o’clock at night that’s what I know Indiana Indiana Pacers I remember when I was a kid watching the Indiana Pacers Reggie mailer he was he was really good but I used to
Get mad at him when he would never miss a three-point shoot I’m like damn man miss miss yo Joseph Johnson what’s going on from Kentucky so cold I got people from other states to watch I mean duh of course but I mean you know Kentucky Indiana Midwest all of those States so
Dr Tetra here is beautiful cali California no it’s all the party see I couldn’t make a free fall to save his life get him and Carl Malone yes I follow your business and I am a man oh you moved to New Jersey last week awesome where do you move
If you don’t mind asking you don’t gotta tell me your second I just put like town or region of Jersey yeah go the other way that’s the guy with the beautiful voice that hurts your eardrums yeah that’s his new nickname the ear the eardrum voice hurt I mean the eardrum voice painkiller
Uncle eardrum pain is I have to make a special trip back to LA for Roscoe’s I heard a lot about it of course and the rap videos oh they got some nice music over here sounds like Cuban music or something like that guano Richie wow I got a lot of new people I
Was born in Louisiana watching from Mississippi my first time here welcome Richie B enjoy your stay here happy to have you right here let’s not talk about basketball you don’t like basketball Bob so good Mania chicken it’s fried to Perfection oh really if I go there I’ll
Have to check it out Tyler what’s going on I got some coffee line here cool cool what’s today Wednesday oh I forgot today is salsa event I’m gonna have to mute over here want to go to Miami Seattle Vegas I’ve been to Vegas two times it’s pretty awesome rapper they got some music I’m probably gonna
Meet about show you probably the dance event but it’s gonna be a meal but enjoy it It’s those type of songs that makes you want to go away we got a skaters down here too Square Park it’s a lot happening here today and over there’s a South Side Event like I said I’m gonna mute it hey Joseph Taylor I’m gonna meet it because they’re
Copyright but I’ll show you a lip a little bit like the dance and all that the people doing so we got the fountain first but yeah let’s take a video to people dancing I don’t know how to dance salsa but foreign foreign Delano gonzaleza Ubuntu yes copyright man
It’s a good it’s a good vibe though Oh man if I’m trying to change it out the imma dance with my future Hobby in the street one day you soon Lula oh this water’s coming towards me look at this guy a little guy like a like a parrot on top of his head that’s kind of intense Like a deer that’s like a deer and a parrot in his head it’s crazy but it’s New York for you Amy lime I got no Micah good morning that’s cool so I’ll see every Wednesday they do a salsa event here and on the summer in Washington Square Park
Now everybody a big salsa guy but it’s really good to watch them dance I prefer more like house music or freestyle 90s hip-hop but it’s nice to you know see the people dance and party learn some lessons you know of dancing salsa and it’s a beauty
About the summer in New York City all these activities that they offer for the people it’s starting to get dark pretty quick 8 18. indeed beautiful day The Forbidden dance many you wow them all not a good dancer salsa that Patrick c-11 what did Pat sit Patrick is Patrick
Managed to do the Elmo dance oh yeah with his salsa twist like Lala Elmo’s World this is where you’re gonna build a Freedom Tower right here many supports to beat for your feet Freedom Tower see ing glad he just finally gone for New York City and started to feel good yep I mean
It’s still summer until September 21st so but hopefully it stays like this nice you know DJ L Manny cool view indeed cool view indeed yep beautiful trying to do some salsa beatbox still very much hot in Florida what is tropical weather over there so I can only imagine what the twins look
Like on this street oh yeah right the Twin Towers World Trade Center must be like an epic View mm-hmm tell me where can I buy your city I don’t know should I make an album yeah so many move for some sauce I like sorry oh yeah come over foreign There was a dude who got in trouble at McDonald’s for putting his Rhapsody in Happy Meals oh really that must be hilarious thank you This is a Smasher so we can get 100 likes and those who looked from the UK what’s going on what it says here wait I just told the whole room my birthday really oh you’re telling people to guess your birthday right I didn’t saw it so don’t worry I’m not
Going to scroll up I’ll just must be at the iced coffee giving you the effect to snitch on your birthday I will have coffee that day in your honor cutting it you’re trying to do like me Karina McDougall Street where you can get some good food affordable prices
A lot of options right here well Thomas said now it’s 8 23. hey storm what’s going on this face has always packed this Vietnamese joint so it must be pretty good hey Luna now you know it now you know it you must saw my post uh oh
So now a lot of people know your birthday Berlin donor Kebab Kebab is pretty good so secret is safe with me Luna Luna Moon okay this must be like a new joint here it’s like some pasta scan here okay I don’t remember seeing this call Maestro pasta sorry guys
Steve did you see my post oh I guess Stevie saw it Stevie Stevie Stevie came to see all right yeah the bartender shaking the drinks messing up the drinks trying to get to New York before or just after Christmas thanks for the live walk plus I’ll watch
This again gear up for amazing City hope you could come here as soon as possible Luke you know hopefully you get an idea what do you want to do when you come to the city Pat my seven feet two brother will be waiting for you uh oh is it gonna Pom-Pom Patrick
Give him a Slappy slapper that is gonna end that Patrick’s gonna end up like a raccoon eye his eyes are going to look like a raccoon with the Pom-Pom from Karina’s butter pom pom it’s probably gonna do like a B2K dang you know my birthday uh oh uh the question is on Patrick
B2K Style is going to go in a nice uh sarcastic way to Patrick baby turn around and then you see that sexy body go pom pom pom hey Brian Davis what’s up damn really that day could that day is somebody else birthday somebody special to me so
Same day not gonna say it out loud but Patrick literally just blasted the birthday right there oh my God B2K yeah Luna Liz I bought you back the memories right you’ll make it what’s up so gorgeous out here indeed perfect wet or not hot and humid abstract I love Patrick must be that
Beer from Staten Island okay you saw that well you saw the pump pump baby turn around and then you see the sexy body gold pump that’s how your brother’s gonna do to Uncle Patrick Uncle Pete I usually have their pulses on the wall yeah they were pretty good A lot of those
Music from the 90s the early 2000s were pretty good so if we do we do I can imagine Patrick hey Patrick are you the one messing with my sister Karina and then Pat’s gonna end up like a raccoon we have cool guys the two Darkness underneath his eyes
Wow one of my favorite numbers is 21 my birthday adds up to it 21 lucky number the age where people are not miners anymore here in the states where they can have their first drink legally Manny that sounds more like a koala bear I know I I’m just trying to be funny
Oh it’s pretty busy over here well get me guys it’s just a Singaporean tea that I drank Ubuntu Margaret what’s going on hola hello my grandpa comes from Texas Pasadena he was staging in Wilshire UK doing the wall you can guess the rest oh what was in the tea I don’t know I’m gonna ask it well no to be honest it was
Uh I forgot what type of tea but I know it was like a black tea and condensed milk it’s pretty good and some sugar or maybe a lot of sugar made that’s what’s giving me giving me the hyperness but I love that tea I’ve had you know
When I get a chance I always go for that Singaporean tea they haven’t eaten hot or cold so I went with the hot one Manny that’s how packed gonna sound after he meet my bro I know it’s gonna go with a deep Berry white boy so your
Butter oh what’s going on and then [Laughter] you’re welcome baboon too blessings to you many more years for you to come edible tea I will be down for an edible tea we love Manny and sugar sugar oh honey honey Once upon a time a guy named Patrick that it was so far for me I never read anybody is always selling like Peppa Peppa Peppa Patrick everybody blames it on Patrick a lot of people trying to throw on pattern but you know what but it doesn’t give F because that’s Patrick
The Mayo setting Island I want to see a little test on Patrick I want to see him go to Oklahoma I want to see him meet Carolina talks about her he’s going to be at Barry White when you see the brother then the butter punch
Him in the face he end up with a raccoon cool ice he’s going to be Manny we’re both hyper Amen to that you already know caffeine with sugar and milk it gives you the energy baby Bob and Patrick you good yeah you’re Gucci there’s one secret thing I gotta tell
You about Patrick do you know where Patrick likes it starts with a capital M it ends with with fatigue boys oh yeah yeah oh oh yeah as the guys have anything moist think about your boy on on copy foreign nice looking business right here with blue which is my favorite color
Patrick good looks the moist thing should be a sound effect yeah it goes like moist moist a super Gucci bandana of course Uncle Steve basketball round head that I want to dribble dribble dribble point point the World Cup coming up soon and it’s crazy the World Cup Basketball they’re going
To play in Quezon City in Manila Philippines we just stay literally right near the basketball Coliseum so I wish I was there Puerto Rico is going to play there man I should be there supporting it’s all good what is it that you like about New York City
The most I guess the Vibes you know uh the way that there’s always something happening a lot of things to do the skyscrapers architecture the parties the people you know a lot of things I like about New York foreign right here so if I walk ahead it should be a nice view
Circle size you have to deal with me Manny hyper tonight we are hyper Manny imitate one Legend when he’s doing a plant call I don’t know who’s Juan Legend I don’t remember one Milky yo Jeff Paris what’s going on it was a Freedom Tower foreign
That’s a bad thing no offense but I have dealt with Wars Steve is like Patrick he’s super resistant so nothing can knock him down Gyros whatever this place is about it was a segment on the Lewis Jimenez show where he and moon Seattle will make voices and playing oh yeah I just
Haven’t seen that in a long time man one day I’ll bump it to you Manny walking around your city that’ll be good got a couple of people who bump into me that’s good say hi He should recognize me it’s getting like a toothpick like a toothbrush with the bones basketball head that’s the Manny right there Manny boomsey was going to be at six Lane Highway connecting the Manhattan Bridge and Holland Tunnel yeah good thing they didn’t turn it into Highway that’s the thing about United States
Outside New York a lot of cities it’s mostly highways and it’s not walkable compared to cities and you are you know you could walk even in the suburbs you can bike to the train station and take a train and be in the city center really strange I was sitting in the UK
In Bristol in my bed watching you on YouTube saying stuff back to me we pretty far 100 miles away oh you’re laughing at how to make it money to make a man if we start off with a piece of skeleton balls then you put a thin layer of skin peanut
Painted brown like a coffee a little round head like basketball like a dribble boom boom and there you has just made a Manny if you are new to the channel let us know where you from we would love to hear from you see that’s how you do it
Uncle Patrick in the house anybody new don’t be shy say hi where you’re watching from and make yourself comfortable like home actually I’m gonna go this way it’s like more excitement happening over this side got some music out here playing too Thompson Street thanks yeah you can join me now virtual hug
It’s all right guys that was a shadow of the Manny right there foreign let’s go to uh let’s go to Chicago I mean actually the bean by the Jenga building haven’t been there in a minute a lot of restaurants are packed party like happy hour oh look at this it’s cute
Planet Mars off of planet Jupiter when I go anywhere I saw whole dinner so it’s a Soho District right here pretty fancy looking place wow it’s cute you guys can go on a date what do you say Patrick you and I here having wine think about it I’m joking That explains everything Patrick loose many is from you ain’t no stand with beautiful beautiful planet too if you know the meaning of that joke no I think George is from that planet this is Canal Street right here it’s not really it’s not too I really started still in New York but I realized
I live in an island yep indeed Steve that goes that blends in pretty well with George that planet it suits him pretty well I had I I ate a Burger there like years ago it was pretty good black burger but the name is funny I mean what is the
Burger supposed to look like white Burger there used to be a pizza joint now is Los Tacos Hermanos standing on him is weird so being from Mars made sense indeed that’s what Patrick is you got a beautiful Fusion have a call what’s up that means uh Patrick’s has seen that song uh April
65. yo listen up here’s the story I bought a little guy that lives in the blue house that song you remember that song there goes the Django building and the Freedom Tower April 65. foreign here’s a story about a little guy that lives in the blue house and all day and
All night and everything he sees is just he’s blue like him inside and outside blew his house with the blue little window and the blue Corvette and everything is blue for him Uranus has a huge Canyon there damn really that means it’s too fondue it loses funny Brian laughing okay the legends
Robert and a lot of gold chicken wings pull apart and now he wants like Jerry Lewis after falls out the ambulance busy boy Manny from Brooklyn no sled and Brooklyn oh they got music right here Foreign homesick going down the supermarket really night time in New York City that’s when the raps come out they got the many Shadow right there foreign for the first time a few months ago yeah never late you know always good to try something new this Tribeca right here spaghetti
You’re welcome to put antis The Apprentice avoid it is in the daytime I mean there’s going to be 80s no matter what time of the day you know you just can’t let that uh bring you down or not motivate you you know if you just left some something negative
Stop you from doing something you’re going to be stuck for the rest of your life so and we are just entering Chicago Illinois with the bean that just New York that’s like Chicago the bean I love rice and beans so I’m going to use some of this beans to make
My rice and beans and the 56th Leonard building also known as Jenga building I’m a freak are you Patrick Manny looks really tall what the bean is tall or Milo tall is it going to Bean you can see me damn is that a middle finger being right here
Knock knock who’s there who’s there who’s there who’s there selfie right here lose man he is tall yeah I am asked Steve he saw me do you have an idea I got a long arms so I could go like a bird My Nikes Not my white hand I don’t want the fortune with my glasses but I need a haircut so I’ll probably cut my hair tonight when I get home And my bill my beer is going to stay so I could be a hobby Manny is tall so I’m in prison I was like oh don’t eat me I won’t eat you man I’m skinny how can I eat a Steve and my son off Steve we had this in Chicago right here joking
Silvio what is going on from Brazil the man the myth the one and only Mania sports right here not gonna do what every tourists do a selfie with a Chicago Bean gotta do your best pulls right here so let me see I’ll take a selfie with a bean
Oh my God I’m in Chicago I’m in the bean is everybody’s doing it right there Were two big talk with something man you good Cleo here you can do the butata with that being right there the batata dance Steve you’re a big guy to take a bite Manny in touch with his famine inside ah Steve I’m not feminine I’m masculine I’ll do the Barry White boards hey
What’s up Steve we all good got a masculine boys right there man I can do that dance to Kitchen Sylvia you want Elmo and Portuguese I’m good that’s what you want yeah I love this mirror You know oh I see a second and why when I do the Elmo every time the cops come or the sirens Or the L the Elmo dance let me do the elbow dance right here hey hey hey hey oh shaking it shaking it shaking it oh Lord thank you bye well I just nice design Manny yeah I look pretty major in that bean why Manny siren is foreign foreign
Please don’t arrest me I got a lot of light to live and I want to keep bringing humor to the people man these crazy peeps you haven’t seen me crazy yet sweetie but I know you like that right laughing is a good medicine damn cookies are working uh oh
Look at that you got Shadow Manny right here for the basketball hat double Shadow one and a doctor version of me off camera oh Lord have mercy if I am off the camera the other camera I think I lose up a little bit more all the camera and a little bit of
Liquor in the system Robert I’m trying to use Robert I’m trying to use the dictionary to try to understand what you’re writing or we’ll set a storm El Magneto man in your nickname oh I’m a magnet so you say in French this was a Magneto I like music I’m going to try and DJ in
Manhattan Square Park you should if you’re gonna DJ a lot of tan your your party I don’t know what what did Robert say because I honestly don’t understand A whole lot of shaking going on what happened loose you don’t like Shake not to say sack oh I already have two hours of live stream cool cool cool I’m probably gonna walk to wholesale supermarket and the stream not the one in Wall Street go to the one at Tribeca and end
The stream over there I think Robert has some good edibles because I’m still trying to wrap my hat what the hell are you telling I know but it’s being as a city in Queensland Australia dreadlocks I don’t have enough hair to do dreadlocks but this is Tribeca beautiful morning beautiful morning baby
Beautiful morning maybe he went to Stone pizza maybe and then they don’t do Cleo magazine anymore that’s the actor Jeff Thompson who did that one all right did they did botata over there too I want to know beautiful morning beautiful morning baby beautiful morning everything Tribeca
Let’s fly yep are you into the nightlife there in the clubs why don’t we do much on nightclubs you know I did in the past I like better like block parties and festivals is something that you want to spank hey Jay what’s up heading out to New
York City for the month tomorrow from Ireland can’t wait wow that’s super exciting right hope you enjoy your stay here the weather is just perfect no it’s not s-e-s Robert unless you want to joking Luna maybe you consider yourself yourself an introvert I am believe it or not I’m an introvert
I mean when I’m with people I’m comfortable uh you know I can loosen up but like in real life or when I’m by myself I’m mostly an introvert like a quiet guy you know like I always keep it to myself I like to be like alone and stuff like that so
What happened Steve oh what Robert said I’m just going with the flow because I’m trying to wrap up my head those statements that he’s putting something I got to research it so but Robert I think it would go well with a butata utata is good for you it comes
With El mojones too Elmo you like Elmo France man yeah the weather is so bad in Ireland right now raining all summer oh here you’re in you’re in for a treat the weather here is just gorgeous no but even an eye I’m an introvert Bob I am nayasa the channel and when I’m
Alone I’m just a quiet guy like an introvert you’re saying the part chest of the bronze oh okay yeah protester is safe yeah I made a video in Parkchester and a few live streams over there they might change the name Manny Sydney because they read a standard
This butata Costa to change the name to Sydney or Brisbane Manny I’m an introvert too believe it or not that’s okay Karina until we drink some iced coffee or sugar right Robert you don’t like Elmo a lot of YouTubers are introverts that was curious yeah I’m one of them
I’m one of them I’m an introvert you know like I being alone being alone 98 of my life and I’m not talking about partner like when I go out of places and when I travel I go alone I eat in places alone so yeah
At work like I you know I always I joke but I like to stay alone too you know you know everyone would be an introvert you know that’s why when I do my record a bit so you don’t really see me approaching people and stuff I usually do the
Neighborhoods and stuff I’m not really comfortable but there’s a trend going on in I’m in New York city so maybe I’ll push my limits a little bit and maybe I’ll make a video like how many languages do you speak or something like that I can ask people you know they want
To be in it and style is funny what’s going on already I’ll try to find them fancy man you might see me walking around in your videos I’ll try that’s fine Jay if you see me say hi style is funny in the house the lady got
Some class she got a stop that’s why her name star starless Bunny Bad Bunny got nothing and started funny starless bunny is the one and only or that tree wine Chamber Street an introvert is someone who needs to recharge the batteries meanwhile Network gets energized by the environment like
Being a center of attention yeah I don’t like attention that much so status bunny is laughing yeah Bad Bunny got nothing on you because you are The Stylist funny she got her own style Style Style when you think about yourself think about stylist but they eat in the restaurant with with class
Style is funny the sensation camper is a provider that was directed Tampa were like tampons joking Robert my spine New York is gorgeous at night time Manny has some tea with sugar fair warning yep for gaming style is funny I am in the hyper hyper hyper mode got the sugar in
The system but I’m not diabetic and I got some sugar in the system makes me Hyper over that way but I’m gonna go around Boone is the Indonesian price you know what else is cool Robert on the Puerto Rican clown Puerto Rican clown baby African may have known Barry when he’s studying Indonesia
Hey Pamela what’s going on one name mine I’m Manny if that’s what you’re talking about many don’t add too much sugar to the tank you might start feeling funny oh no it’s only a little bit of sugar I don’t really take much sugar that’s why
I’m trying to go on with the flow with Uncle Robert maybe his nickname might be Bobby so you’ve seen that song I know it’s Bobby but it used to being ah my Barbie girl in the Barbie world if you know that Carol you young coined the phrase introvert oh really
So I’m gonna go around in squares and turn back to um Whole Food supermarket buy some juice nice to meet you Pamela nice to meet you too you know nice to have you on board welcome make yourself feel like home Mark Troy what’s going on how about some
Black pink hits I got it that’s like a singer or get me if I don’t know um like I said I’m more into old school hip-hop oh so that’s the name of the song Barbie girl but in Elmo Dan you really want me to Barbie go in the Elmo voice
There’s people passing us I’ll just wait for the place to clear out so I can Barbie Girl in the Elmo voice you want some sugar Starbucks or like sugar give me some sugar Dan yeah and then they got a beautiful Shadow Mania sports right there so
It was like you need more sugar you know it’s better if you’re doing natural juice or like watermelon and stuff like that you know it could be more hydrated and than regular water oh it’s a popular group K-pop and request the Penelope what’s going on I’ll have what he’s having hi hello Penelope
So in week was a big horn I’m gonna Barbie Girl in the Elmo boys fantastic how are you Good here we go that’s what he wanted right pour a little sugar man is going it’s going to bounce off the buildings with more sugar oh yeah hi everybody this is Nowhere Man Captain with your horse Manny it’s close I have let’s go sorry it’s green too come on
Question is where does pink venom comes from did you know that Aristotle said find me a place to stand up oh really see you guys I guess it ain’t in many stream if I don’t Elmo on it right and Bitcoin watch uh what is this a child Margaret I think they wish to
Knock out the truck starters mainly not the only one hyper I think a lot of people are pretty hyper today today is a national Wednesday hyper day hyper Wednesday day what happened Brian you’re good can you briefly I hope you can brief thank you Pamela it’s all my best
Try to have fun try to bring a lot of humor to the group you know make and tough times it’s always good to smile and be kind to the people staying alive staying alive Trying to hit those high notes many can you pan upwards to the sky yeah I mean not much to see but yeah Manny energy needs to be bottled we appreciate you Manny thank you lunita Staying Alive agree but okay there they’ve been developing the street for a long time
Do I walk every day yeah I think so bartorius even a final stream I’m always walking maybe that might be why I’m skinny but walking is a good exercise like cardio order food with that voice Nest all right I guess if I go to I don’t know McDonald’s or
Whatever or Shake Shack was it out of the shack Burger I have to do that why you might have to film when I order it to see their people’s reaction I know for the vet from Russia what’s going on so next time I go to shape shock I’ll be
Like nobody here right I’ll be like Rubble shot Burger we’re free friends and a soda please to stay I pay for my debit card I apologize for management Behavior if anyone is offended or confused does this man and get used to it Yep this is real real here no fake
And I bought what energy crisis Manny was right here Manny I need a walking partner to get those steps and big Bighorn I’ll join you I’ll motivate you to walk you can do it and if I go to those tacos I’ll order the tacos in Spanish foreign
And I’ll turn back to Whole Foods supermarket I gotta use the bathroom and I’ll buy a little bit of grocery before I head home that too those dinners are huge and we’re like oh yeah they’re super tall to make me look like a magic hey I’m sorry you’re still active
Watching you on TV hey I’m sorry good morning good night Luna have a wonderful night enjoy the recipe and I I’ll have the many sauce with my nuggets please you got it Penelope foreign do you know Kerman and Miss Piggy uh not really Sue Luke Manny is ready yep blue 72.
There was a lot of dust so they boarded up the apartments yeah a bad dust and you know some of those people decades later they’re filling the after effects like cancer and stuff like that so Oh yours too Karina that’s cool blue favorite color you have a sugar ice ice as a character crazy the local guy right I’m gonna go straight hey Nash what’s up Manny what are you doing out so late what do you mean like it’s only 9 10. the night is still young
I I used to work late shifts until 11 o’clock so I mean since I’m off tomorrow in the next two days I’m like you know what I’ll stream a little bit late today the weather’s gorgeous I don’t got nothing to do home so I’ll stay here the only thing I’m gonna do is
Party cut my hair but I already edit my video so I’m just gotta upload it I’ll try to film another video tomorrow Friday too I gotta do like another uh bike video I haven’t done one in a minute so I want to try the uh I forgot what’s the
Name of it I think it’s called the Hudson River uh Trails or something like that the greenery like you will bike around the Hudson River from Inwood all the way to Battery Park I think that would be a good one and a good video Bob I was thinking of the same thing
Penelope wow meow sorry that would be Mexican there and also Nash I guess I could stay up 24 7 24 hours since I’m not under 21. like what about Porky Pig Porky Pig I like the Roseville train man you did oh I appreciate it Jeff said I love
Riding it’s fun and of course the views are awesome you know you can capture some good footage those bite beaters are well are welcome change smooth yeah usually I tested GoPro in The Handlebar but I figure out how to bike and hold the the camera with
My hand especially when I did my bike video in Liberty State Park in Jersey City so it’s fun I guess I guess I give it like another twist of content you know you love it when I’m when I meow it’s cool to see a Penelope because she loves the cat
I can’t ride I’m afraid of heights Jeff I’m scared of heights too and I have a blast when I ride that so you still overcome it if you ever come I’ll go with you so that way you don’t be scared oh Whole Foods supermarkets right here
So let me just make it to the corner and do a flat top I used to do that in the 90s when that was a style flat top haircut not anymore I just like my regular haircut that I get you’re free assisted view Granite Street nice lights
Man you still look you still you’re still good with Indian food when I come there or you want to get something else Egyptian food yeah Mommy whatever you want whatever you want I’ll get it Indian Egyptian or I don’t know Ethiopian whatever you’re craving I’m open-minded you know to anything
I just made sure I bring some pet to Bismol so it doesn’t make any effects but yeah whatever you’re in the move form we we can eat it within the coast of 10 o’clock that’s what nine well I still got time 9 13. I just got
To buy some apple cider juice I’m a fan of that probably some foods and use the lesson Manny bring a diaper too yeah and I’ll bring drawers too so you can take care of that thank you yeah like a lot of dogs I’m a huge stock lover I like cats too they’re cute
Look there’s Indian food right here but yeah everybody it’s been a pretty good walk today so I think this area over here is going to conclude my live stream for today but we will be back in a few days not tomorrow to speed I’m gonna film tomorrow and attain an activity
Or maybe Friday or Saturday I’ll live stream again but I’ll be back of course so to everybody you got free dogs Pamela awesome I wish I would have a dog but I never home so I can’t really give the dog attention oh yeah George loves a Dirty Work Pena
Lopez I’m gonna when I see him always a fun time with you Patrick so yeah so Joseph Moretti Joseph Taylor Patrick and and penelopez Dallas bunny Cleo Pamela 72 Karina Thompson Stevie Gonzalez um yeah I think I said Pamela trailers uh who else I’m missing the 131 people who are watching the
Stream japheth Paris maker uh Edison thank you for that donations to Luke a thousand uh Nash Bighorn into everybody who’s new here welcome uh Bob everybody I appreciate all the love and support Penn Spanish home safely I will start this bunny appreciate always your support and your presence in the Stream but it’s
Been a great scene everyone wants to do Muchachos Margaret thank you hey noi what’s going on konichiwa from Japan um lose Windy City Glenda forget notify you just click the Bell icon of Pamela teresia Ohio but yeah everybody thank you for the love and support signing off right here in lower
Manhattan Savvy what’s going on it’s been an amazing evening amazing night like always I have a blast doing this live stream for you guys you guys be safe wherever you guys are watching from I’ll see you in the next one I’m probably gonna video premiere on Friday at seven o’clock
Uh exploring Park slow Brooklyn so stay tuned for Matt stay stay tuned for that but yeah everybody good night God bless you guys signing off and peace