I hate cinnamarole and this is why every time I see this white puppy’s face on anything I have to buy it because he’s just too cute to not be in my possession my room is overflowing with things that have cinnameral’s face on it I have a mouse pad plushies figures this shelf
Thingy he would see everything in my room and he would hate it too I hate him so much that I paid over a hundred dollars on a cinnamon roll skin because they were all sold out for months and I put on my cinnamon roll shirt with my cinnameral bag and brought the cinnamon
Roll skin to Build-A-Bear just so I can bring him to life and that he could be my best friend forever I put a cotton candy smell in his head so I can smell him I got him this cute outfit so that he could be even more cute I even bought
Him roller skates so I could bring him with me wherever I go cinnameral is mine forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever ever like And subscribe if you ain’t cinnamon roll just as much as I do