Good evening everyone and have you heard the news from the latest Community update we have for a battle Skate 3 two days until launch and when I I was going through all of these updates and it was something that catch my mind uh well first we have the global launch
And all of this you can watch in the 4K and you can respect your companions oh by the way no preload so everyone has to download the game at the set launch time but what really catched my eyes it’s not the underwear that you can get with the twitch drops is
Power of a mind flayer and if we read here a little bit closer what these news really mean this is something extra let’s let’s read it together will the power of a mind player when we announced that launch values gets it 3 on access back in 2020 will ran with
The line mysterious abilities Awakening inside you thrown from a mind flayer parasite planted deep within your brain and since we never really expanded on what this meant mechanically we hinted right from the get-go that mild flares would be a central pillar in our story which we explored many times since then
But now it’s time to explore how it ties into the RPG system of battle skate 3. this first part indicates that we will get minded player powers and boom if you go down we have this picture there is a skill tree and we will come to how you get these powers
That is even more crazy while these creatures may be source of great power all that they offer comes with a cost as the parasites host you must make a choice when you resist the powering and Corruption that comes with them or will you embrace them risking your body mind
And soul to save the Realms or destroy them okay so does that mean risk my body might I get 10 tackles in that case yes I would love some tentacles um can I maybe lose my mind or any other drawbacks because I think these illitated Powers they must have some
Drawbacks by the way and look at this skill Trader oh but yeah are we going good or bad but if you decide if your decipher power outweights your concern for the well-being of anyone else or if you simply think psionic levitation would be a really neat party trick then illicit
Powers may be for you enlisted powers are hidden Skill 3 used to enchant your command over your newfound elevated capabilities those who wish to harness the parasite’s power you must first find more of these parasites throughout the Forgotten Forgotten Realms some can be located inside yours
And in pools of a brine or just within the skulls of the infected and then we must consume them so so you unlock these Powers by consuming tadpoles how disgusting isn’t that okay now for the min maxers count how many encounters have you had in act one that have an illited tadpole
Now instead of we crush them with our foot we can eat them and unlock an ability and this will be quite complex when you have a normal classing but you can also multi-class but now you have this third skill tree when you when you can check okay which elected Powers should I do
With my multi-class or pure class that we have to think about and we can do this with up to four characters in our team so this is quite complex to taking count all of these factors and so many Combos and things to try out but also again I told you to count how
Many tadpoles and now can you now kill party members that you don’t want in your team and take your 10 apples in that way you could go even quicker into your irritated Powers I don’t think it’s a possibility but you we should try to take off our team members that we
Don’t have want in our team and go for that each parasite consumes unlocks one new edited power within a skill 3 of 25 powerful mind flavor inspiring abilities completely separate to the option you have when you level up in a traditional sense these are divided into five branches themed around manipulation
Health Restoration of zionics and abilities abilities that can inflict immense damage and torment enemies so gradually weaken them over time so from MMOs maybe like a DOT effect damage over time and a also we have seen the personic stun that the Mind player does like that is a
Really good crowd control by the way some abilities can be used to control those around you pushing them to say things in dialogue they would otherwise not other others end of you with the power to push pull enemies like ragdolls during battle that is so good crowd control
And I’m thinking and also here barn or any other charismatic build you’re going for with the options to alter somebody’s mind so it will be quite interesting to see the drawbacks but yeah let me know in the comments what you think about this I’m I’m new to all of roller skates I
Have dumped in 250 hours on on a bonus gate so that’s that and you maybe have to catch my live streams over there and if you are early you might be able to join our giveaway of bubble Skate 3 key as well you can we you can also become this Beast you
Can even become a displaced Beast the Deep you can go through the illiterated skill tree the more Powers you will discover but nothing comes without the cost while your companions also consume parasites again their power is not everyone in your party will agree to it and your companion’s perception of you
Can undergo a significant shift based on how you approach this opportunity so what who do you think will ditch your party the fastest Shadow heart things can also get a bit more complicated but we won’t spoil it is this a romance what if your body changed that much they want to be
Difficulties with Romance announcing balls get three and twitch drops so yeah that’s pretty much the Skill 3 with the Catapult and do you get any hints a little potential on variable nine we also can see here forecast toggle passive future you have discovered a marvelous adapted adaptability within yourself spell slots
Charges and similar resources costs for your next action or spells or removed refresh after a short or long rest okay I don’t really see what it says but this looks interesting in the here and here we kind of snaps down a parasite you know one of one of these we can
Try to zoom out uh no I can’t apparently but yeah they did speak a little bit about Romance now if you want to read it you can pause here but and we will go down here are romantic ultimate finding love in battle skate I won’t go over this but
Feel free to read if you want to but uh I think what they’re saying it can can become some difficulties and they have about romance in the same letter I would I could see if we wanted to kiss a shadowheart but we have a lot of
Tentacles in our face there will be some difficulties thank you so much for listening to me my name is fusa and I hope you will enjoy my ball skate videos this is my channel and feel free to check out my first videos I have also tons of shorts that are highlighting a
Unique weapons funny discussion and everything is 30 seconds so you can get all the information right away also quests Solutions and everything and a nice XP hacks as well I have also that some playlist I’m just going to short guys but also more roller skates and videos from Early
Access if that is anything for you thank you for watching and see you next time toodaloo