Hey I’m dirty Deborah Harry with sure-grip and the dirty school scheme I’m here at the fountain vallye skating center with my friend Kim Manning okay Kim Manning his incredible skater and if you ever get a chance to see her take that chance she’s so so good okay
Who do you skate with well I skate with my own company rail rollers and I skated with George Clinton for 15 years I now skate with train I and his company night rollers as well as purrfect Angelz and I didn’t Olympic commercial and TV and film and so it shows everywhere you do
Like stunt skating oh yeah I was double for a crazy ex-girlfriend and nice didn’t you do your contortion all right yes a contortionist and I also like you said I do like a stunt act with a three-night where it’s like a circus act and he spins me around and round by my
Head absolutely well I thought Kim would be a good person to bring in on this little project because tonight we’re gonna talk specifically about falling falling is I tell every skater this the number-one guarantee in skating is you are going to fall you’re not gonna fall once you’re not gonna fall twice you’re
Gonna fall many many times so you just need to get on board with the idea that you’re gonna fall now finally it’s not bad it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re terrible it’s like you know if you’re not falling you’re not skating right and a lot of times when you’re learning and
You’re on the verge of finally getting something you do what follow bonds yeah you follow you get it so you just have to be okay with the idea but I really think the reason why people aren’t okay well they’re fearful why are they fearful of falling because are fearful
Of getting injured yeah right okay so in response to like I don’t want to get injured is the idea that let’s go to the opposite extreme and what let’s we’re tons of safety gear right okay so Kim was an artistic skater growing up like freestyle you know jumps
And spins and all that stuff and so as I but we were also total rink rats which means you’re the skaters that are skating in the rink all the time now we never wore pads didn’t wear helmets I mean I don’t know about you but this was
The 70s for me and 80s and we didn’t even have that stuff available but you never wore it okay now when I play roller derby and I start roller derby in like 2005 2006 it was like pads God wear pads you got to have tons of pads on and
They taught us how to fall with pads on initially I have to tell you I was a little skeptical because I kept hitting my knees and what as artistic skaters and regrets did you ever fall on your knees but did you ever like purposely no I’m hearing you never write you never
Purposely hit your knees at some point in roller derby though I learned that it was a much better idea if you learned how to slide on your pads so that your knee didn’t take a direct impact okay cuz we both know that like if your knee takes continuous direct impacts you
Won’t be like a skater for ever right and that’s kind of one thing that goes first for skaters like especially those of us that have a career in it it’s our knees and I think if you learn to fall with the direct impact on your knees
With a knee pad and then you’re skating at your friend’s party and you’re not wearing a knee pad just one file like that yeah I could never walk again yeah it’s brutal like we really want to protect our knees so we’re going to show you first how to avoid falling because
That’s always a good idea right we’re gonna try to get out of the fall and then we’re going to show you just one simple technique on how to fall and then how to get up now please full disclaimer this is just our preferred way to do it
I am sure there’s many many people out there with different ideas this is just our idea on how to do it work both artistic skaters from way back and rink rats and this is how we’ve been able to do over the years we’re both fully functioning telling Tabata no problem so
We’re hoping if we could share this with you and then you guys can really practice this this will help you have a nice long career in skating and also if you’re the type of person is like look I don’t like wearing pads I don’t want to wear pads
It could be aesthetics it could be I can’t afford them don’t want it don’t want it cool no worries this is for you the vast majority people though that skate at the roller rink don’t wear pads I am a huge proponent though pads like skate park outdoors and
All that kind of stuff where you realistically I just want to save my skin at that point right okay alright so I like this when we’re skating what do you think is the number one reason why people fall what’s the number one reason well I think it’s because they they’re
Their balance kids off either forward yeah so when we’re skating like em saying they’re off their edge that’s a key component because when you’re skating you’re either skating on outside edges or inside edges you’re leaning to the outside you’re leaning to the inside right well a lot of people interpret
Skating us this kind of forward backward movement sort of like I’m walking you got a shift your body weight from side to side so if you do too much forward and too much back what ends up happening is you over correct to one side so let’s
Say I put my body too far far away I end up automatically correcting to the back see our hands just both of us were like wow like this is a party like this is not bad you aren’t going to fall so your very first thing needs to be when we’re
Skating forward that we are hips or slung a little bit low and we’re shifting our body weight from side to side to skate forward they’re gonna be side to side to skate back oh boy the front to back front to back now inevitably though this is gonna happen
You’re gonna get off balance so what I like to do can I call this position okay so you’re skating along and you’re like oh my god you know that you say it sometimes out loud sometimes in your brain you just think this is when you need to just get low get low
Get low get small now my reference point for this game is I like people to touch the outside of their past if they can you can get down like this I like this as opposed to nice knees tend to take you forward but do you feel this like if
You’re touching the sides of your calves that that would be doable yeah now for some of you maybe maybe some people can’t get down that low right yeah I don’t know touch your thighs just keep down low you gotta get down low you know why I’d like them to get down low
Seriously if you’re gonna fall you’re already down low you already down love is falling no just get down as low as possible all right so you’re skating along let’s let’s swing around you can’t download now the other thing you might like to do is just act like a
Junkies like low flying birds down in that of cars they say a little prayer and kept myself back up thanks God all right you gotta get look so to avoid a fall just get down low even if you’re outside like hit a bump each rate that’s when you’ll see skaters that are
Experienced we start skating yeah and then we like okay it’s thanks again yes absolutely now the biggest mistake most people make is to make themselves huge right like they’ll be like oh my god oh my god and then like the flight tape kind of big thing going on
Skaters you got to practice this so for some of you just the idea of getting down in this positions gonna be difficult so I suggest highly off skates you get down up down up who wants to build a better but say new town okay that’s all that’s gonna take so now
Let’s talk about the idea that if you do fall like I don’t want to pick hard parts to fall on again like head I don’t fall on my head I don’t want to fall on my elbows I don’t want to fall on my knees I like to pick like soft spots of
The body so like soft spots like I don’t know like right here for me in my foot it’s off Kim you got some spot I got the same same soft spot there there’s just off there yours are so cute and like mine mine are yours yours great you’re
Cute – result of I want you to know that this is what happens if you really invest the time and effort into mac and cheese this is what happens you just build it up okay so boom we get down low so Kim’s gonna show you like let’s say she gets
Falen said she kids down below she’s gonna somewhat like pick a side to fall alright so she’s gonna pick a side and she’s gonna aim for like all the softness that’s running up here up to your butt alright so you got a pick a side this is definitely something that
You have to practice all right so you’re down it was funny because when I was an artistic skater I would jump always I jump reverse right so it’s always like this every single time I fall in skating and I fall beginners know that advanced skaters fall we fall we still all the
Time it’s a guarantee you’re gonna fall every single time I call I get right here and it’ll hurt like I said oh my god I bruised my fat right but it helps and it’s just instinct for me to when I go down down down down down I end up on
This side I never hit this side because I did it so much so often on the same side all right so if we practice yeah hopefully we can build some muscle memory right okay so this might be the most controversial part of what we’re gonna talk about tonight
All right I like to talk about real world skating real world skating means I fall and often times my arms are out my hands hit the ground faster than I could stop myself from doing it sometimes your Falls just happen right right you’re just like I’m skating around mine on my
Own business and then you’re like oh my God my arms were out I see this all the time there’s this idea though to then oh my god I’m gonna avoid using my hands at all cost so I’m gonna pull him in and fall I feel like that’s kind of
Unnatural I do too and I think you can yes oh my god you don’t want to hit your head okay you do not want to hit you’re gonna hit your your bat first your arms you don’t want to go down reach like if you fall for that that to me is akin to
Hitting your knees on the ground and taking that impact we’re gonna put our arms out impact so I like the idea that we were talking about previously which is your collapsing down you’re surrendering to the fall you’re getting into it you’re picking your soft spot and watch your arms or your hands hit
The ground you’ve got to embrace it like doing a push-up your elbows need to bend so it’s not a hard impact you just get down like that push up and then push yourself up okay now a lot of people will say there was oh my god you’re
Teaching people to fall on their hands we are not teaching you to fall on your hands what we are doing is recognizing the very basic fact that most people fall and their arms go out so why don’t we fall and use our arms bend those elbows embrace the impact go with it
Surrender it and not get injured that’s correct awesome I like wrist guards do you like risk I do I think suppose if you’re learning to skate you know what if you’re an adult you’re not a child you’re taller yes guards are great even in the ring
Yeah and a lot of people I find that a lot of people that we teach or like I’m a hairdresser yeah most people work with their hands yeah so if you want to wear wrist guards no problem yeah she’s an aerialist but I still Bob she’s like up like 500 times I still
Solve this game if you’re wearing wrist guards it’s great cuz they’re made to slide a bit so that will again push out all that energy and if you’re bending your elbows it is just so much easier than bracing for impact like this again these are things that have to be
Practiced right okay so let’s just show you she’s gonna fall down one more time nice and easy I’m so motion and she lets say let’s have you skated before it okay good sushi in there great you guys all do that now once you spin around on one
Foot throw your legs up in there but she’s on her side she’s has her hands on the ground but she’s already embraced that impact it’s already with the bent elbows in the whole deal okay so get this we recognize that this may be controversial okay because the vast
Majority of people that are coming into skating now especially back at the rinks are coming from the roller derby perspective I was in roller derby for years I still in roller derby teaching and all that so I understand but what we’re talking about is when you come
Into the roller rink and you don’t want to wear your pads and stuff we’re gonna have to have different tools in your arsenal in order to keep you safe an our only goal here is to keep you safe okay so if you can manage to be like I
Practiced enough I know oh my god I’m down then I’m going to clap into it surrender into it and bend my elbows if my arms go out then we feel like you’re gonna be good you’re gonna be good now let’s talk about okay when you’re skating at the roller rink of people
Fall what do they almost always feel like they always feel bad like they feel like it makes them the best excuse normally when you see someone fagioli you almost got it right way to go like this is the same in skateboarding you see this escape board parks a lot like
People are just eating it eating it and you and all you’re thinking is not that they’re a bad skater sit there disclose Teddy yeah so when you fall we just see advanced skaters see people phone just say oh they’re learning we’re learning everyone’s learning please socially I
Know it’s hard because I feel like this is a deal like when you’re walking around in real life you don’t just spontaneously fall I mean unless you’re like a real tree you’re so skating is like one of the weird opportunities where you can be all upright and then BOOM
Falling down so maybe it’s a thing of like you’re embarrassed by people get embarrassed and please try not to this is how I like to think of the idea about getting over embarrassment okay you have got to perform your way out of a fall yes okay every guy I teach when they
Fall I tell them okay can vehicle I go do pushups just do pushups push it push it then then get up okay like just act like it’s part of your routine like that’s what I was gonna do I just grew it boom I hit the ground I do some
Push-ups like Kim’s here that’s the female version give it a big high kick you know right you could also go full drama like you could just get down look up be like Junta duh now have a big big big sense of humor am i right yeah I
Mean most of the time I think when people feel bad about falling is because they think they’re hurt when a reality they’re probably just shocked right that’s a good point they’re like surprised okay so I’ve rules about falling all right when you fall how many seconds do you have to get
It up Kim like G right away yeah she says right away I will give you three you have three seconds to get up three seconds three seconds we knew that only in artistic skating you got up immediately because you’re like the judges are watching yeah you would fall
And then you would get up and you’d be like look at me beautiful everything’s great get up now what I like to tell kids and adults alike like Kim’s gonna fall right now Kim fall we do this in roller derby again I do this with kids and I actually make the
Kids say up up up you have got to in your brain safe up up up up up up up up up mostly because if Kim Falls here I can be skating right behind she needs to get up where there’s a good chance I’m not gonna be able to catapult over her and
I’m gonna run into her too so she needs to get up but the first part of getting up is recognizing that you fall in and say up up up up up up up up up to yourself and get up alright now now how
Do we get up you want to get up I feel like you want to get up with some semblance of like I’m looking good yeah I just fell I don’t really want to struggle too much on how to get up okay so let me show you guys something
If Kim gets on the ground I want to show you something about helping other people yeah okay generally someone’s fallen and this is what people do let me grab your arm and rip your arm out of it right let me just let me further injure
You as I’m trying to help you get up here is the best and easiest way to help somebody so Kim’s gonna get out I’m simply going to be a wall for her I’m going to offer her some support I’ll do this in this and the Kim uses me to get up so one
More time down sorry I was really lean on me I just not do anything she’s leaning on me I am literally like done and Kim is using me to get out but bright picked you up I don’t want to rip her arm up okay I want to just be down
Like this and help her up now when we have fallen in you’re gonna get up so low we’ve got two ways to do it which I think all right so Kim’s gonna get down Kim can do something nurse way I can do this Kim will put her arms
Behind her and then like she can she could do that okay like I can’t do that cuz I feel like it takes some upper body strength it does yeah that’s right and I feel like I got too much upper body for that nonsense there’s no way
That is possible what I can do though is I’ll get to this you know genuflect ik position right and I like to lean forward I like to look around and say yes I roll myself up now I got a whole video on how to do this again it’s like
This we lean forward roll back you stand up on two legs why do I need two legs cuz I need two legs to get all of this up I can’t just pop it up like you can you’re so good okay skaters so let’s review we got over the idea that balance getting off
Balances and number one reason why we fall okay so you’re either rocking your body weight too far forward or too far back your oh the correcting pain you all right now if we want if we recognize this because we’re staying in tune and we get that alert then what do
We do get down get down low touch the sides of your calves right okay cool so practice that a lot down up down up down up okay then the next thing we did was we got down to this point and we’re like she’s going down okay
So we’re picking a side that we can comfortably surrender to the floor – you’re gonna hit your beefy sides first and then at the very end your arms are out with bended elbows absorbing that impact very nicely not fighting it absorbing into it like you love this
Floor and then the last thing is how do we get up do we want to how good do we want to look Shh okay so realistically skaters here’s what you guys need to do you need to practice this you can do it off skates
And we’re gonna pop in a little bit of a video in the you know a couple minutes of Kim doing this off skates and say I want to thank you for for being my fall gal I’m not gonna say I love falling I don’t mind getting back up but I just
Don’t feel like throwing myself on the ground but she does it so well does she not big round of applause to you I need you guys to practice as always I tell you just practice practice practice practice practice I want you to practice your position I want you to practice
Surrendering to it and using it and please if you have any questions you could always send me messages and you can comment away but let’s not get fully into the debate about wearing pads because again we’re talking about real skating in roller rinks and the idea of
Being padded up is just not realistic okay so and again our goal here is to talk about this even though we know it can be controversial because we want you to be safe when you come to the roller rink and we want you to have fun right
That’s right like to be not afraid of falling but also notice how to fall safe and not get hurt while falling yeah no you shouldn’t get hurt right you should be able to fall and not get hurt you should if you practice this enough it’s going to get easier and easier my last
Thought on this it’s a guarantee that you’re gonna fall it is a guarantee so as you move forward in your quest to get better at skating we really want you to think before you try to considerably level up make sure that your skills are on point before you considerably level
Up the vast majority of the time when we see people get injured it’s because they’re at level 1 and they’re to get to level 4 and they’re not doing level 2 and level 3 and they’re not organically or naturally developing and skating they see someone do something
That say I want to do that and not understanding the steps in the development of skating that it’s going to take to get there they get injured and then they either quit skating or they’re off for a very long time can I also say this one thing okay when I was
Skating and I started doing skate park skating which I absolutely loved some of the instruction that I was given was you just gotta effing do it okay literally it was dangerous skills you just gotta happen to it and I was so shocked in my mind I thought no I don’t
Just gotta I need to learn how to first so I don’t get injured I have tried so often when people are trying really intense things to say to them back up a little bit back up back up and work towards it and don’t think oh my god I
Just have to up and do it because everyone else is doing all get left behind your skating is a journey right yeah you’ve been skating since you were three three years old I’ve been skating since I was four years old and I’ve been able to remain injury free yeah
Because we respect the practice and the skill that it takes to level up each time so do not my Edge’s before you can do a turn right you can’t just do a turn before you built those micro muscles and it takes time yes about the micro muscles and
It’s fun like their journey of learning is fun and that’s what it’s all about you will be a much better skater if you take your time learning take your time and part of that learning is falling and part of that falling is not with pads that sometimes give you a sense of
Confidence that is not real that’s correct people still break things even when they’re wearing pants yeah learning how to fall with or without pads this the same technique would apply yes absolutely so if I were wearing knee pads and wrist guards and elbow pads and helmet I’m still gonna fall on this
Fleshy part of my body still gonna do that still going to and pop myself right back up and act like nothing happened okay that was just part of my my routine all right are you guys thank you so much for watching this video and if you would
Please I mean just subscribe let’s have some more fun leave me comments send me messages and please and are you here on Instagram and all that right YouTube YouTube Kimberly Manning and Instagram commands basically she has some of the craziest most beautiful stunts you really really need
To watch every time I watch her do stuff I get chills it’s so great and I really wish I had a really nice big dude to whip me around but that ain’t happening Kim sighs vicariously live through you so much all right you guys it’s time to
Go practice so put your skates on and go practice bye you guys all right so we’re off skates and we told you earlier in the video that you should probably try doing this off skates why not got nothing to do you’re just hanging out at home and you’re like
Why don’t I just throw myself on the ground a couple it I could even do it like out on your lawn where it’s nice and soft in the grass in front of the neighbors yeah for the neighbors you just think you’re back to your drinking and whatnot Cullen ask okay so Kim is
Gonna show you how you should do it all up skate so here we go and down and up and down and up and down and up I mean realistically it’s pretty good workout right I feel like it’s a good workout I do and good she’s got so
Grateful she’s doing it not me it’s so happy yeah thank you okay you can stop now all right that’s what we need you to practice so go practice