All right he tries to injure himself on every spot he’s going to no that’s my impression we’ll dive a little bit more into that later in the video what do a backflip just goes to show it doesn’t matter if you’re a rollerblader or the king of England kids just want to
See backflips now sticking with the the lizard people and rollerblading some bloke went full Frank Spencer’s style and almost careered into the king’s car and the police dealt with him fairly swiftly one writer chose to framer is this chaos erupted after a man wearing roller skates rollerblades nearly
Collided with King Charles III’s Car King Charles III chaos there was a few whistles a pylon a couple of chairs and the King drove past and that was it chaos erupted your teeth far more chaos like knocking some kids footy stickers out of their hand and screaming scrambles on a lunch
Break that’s chaos mate scrambles give me that day on Dublin man the kid also claims he had no idea what was going on and that the ride was open I didn’t know me that is flimsy flimsy Lohan that’s what they’re gonna start calling you that’s more offensive than like telling the
Truth just be honest I don’t tell an actually weak life sticking with attempted attacks USD got a bit of flack recently who basic douche no style and a few other unsavory names being thrown at their Riders at first glance it was mildly amusing and I think there’s definitely room in rollerblading for
Some humor to be put in there but it turns into something different when you’re hiding your identity show yourself it then goes on a step further than that when you’re purposely trying to look exactly like the brand you’re making jokes about it’s not a parody account with the intention of being a
Little bit silly it’s clearly very targeted and it seems quite likely that the person created this is the same person that created that fake Nick Lomax Facebook page the one slagging him off has the same kind of narrative as this picture does it’s definitely not a joke
It is just an attack interestingly the account was uh created in China this and a few other examples has given people a pretty clear idea of who it is but I know I’m not even going to say his name because I don’t think he deserves the attention like it shouldn’t be
Entertained it’s really good that like it did get taken down pretty swiftly he’s just you know like he’s out there it’s really sad actually and uh unlike the Murphys he’s bitter and if you uh get that reference let me know in the comments maybe a positive one this is
That it might have brought a little bit more attention to the fact that uh some of the USD Riders are on a European tour to uh celebrate 25 years of USD there’s a few comments from people asking them to come a little bit further afield Peru Chile Mexico 100 the Riders would have
Been abs absolutely chaffed if that’s what the plan was to ship them all over to South America you’re going to Brazil even over the Moonlight but I’m pretty sure that uh USD don’t have the budget for that you know you’re like baby steps here man most of them are like in and
Around Europe so that’s an easy win there and then uh Farmers come across from the US and that’s the biggest Journey can’t just be shipping them all over there man like but you know if you keep like posting those messages maybe it will happen and I think that’s
Probably the best way to do it it’s like let the companies know that like there is a lot of fans out there just keep at them people were also suggesting because it was a celebration of 25 years that they should get like a few of the older
Ogs on the tour one person suggested Latimer Shima Gillen champ Julio and Petty that’s the slipper that would be sick seeing all those Legends together but how many of those are still active skaters I think Julio is probably the most active and uh that would have been
A pretty interesting email from USD to him all right John like see things are going great with them skates a bit of a long shot do you want to put those skates in the bin for a little bit yeah we’ve got a pair of sways that we could
Get in your size come on this USD tour with us yeah take a bit of time off on your hectic schedule to promote another brand I’ve got a sneaking suspicion that USD are going to do a few more things to celebrate these 25 years one idea that
Might be a little bit more viable for the ogs especially for the ones that like aren’t really active anymore would be for a USD to partner up with somebody like Jump Street podcast get them all on there get absolutely everybody have an absolute Jamboree of a podcast like
Firing questions all over the place get the audience well involved as well and I mean like you could even like do them individually if you can’t get them all together at the same time individually in a series of interviews or USD could host a thing USD could do it all on
Their own get like the younger newest skaters interviewing like the oogs that kind of dynamic would be absolutely brilliant man you could steal the format from the Royal Rumble you know you start with one person say like Sam Croft is getting interviewed chatting to him for
A couple of minutes and all of a sudden like theme music comes on everybody picks their own theme song then there’s a countdown 10. no hey and then all of a sudden so many guests where everyone comes running out oh my God I’m not suggesting people come in and
Try and tip the previous person over the top ripe or anything like that nah it would be pretty funny though if uh Petty arrived got a few of those foldable chairs inside cracking them over people’s heads in that that’d be uh pretty entertaining staying with what’s currently going on in this USD tour
They’ve not been shy about showing off unreleased skates have they there were some pastel purpley pink ions that look really nice and some black and maroon or is it maybe it’s brown looking numbers strategical teas of like what’s to come I haven’t seen like a lot of footage
From this tour just a few clips of that one place in Barcelona they’re just actually saving it all for a proper like tour edit the best thing I have seen so far is just a bit from Richmond we make it look easy so last week me and Loco last released a
T-shirt and it sold out in a couple of hours nice one man I really appreciate that support and uh that proper warm to my heart unfortunately a fair few people missed out on it because it went so quickly so uh on this occasion what we’re going to do is we’re gonna restock
Them so look out for them being back in stock in about two weeks time again it’s going to be limited quantities if you’re looking for a spotty dog t-shirt in the meantime I’ve got like two left as the black T-shirt and I think there’s maybe two left of the muzzle spotty dog collab
Ones again like thanks for all support don’t know if you’ve seen any of this year’s dime Glory challenge it was absolutely ridiculous man but uh win a clash JoJo Blake up Julio like I reckon this is the kind of stuff we need to be introducing I know that they
Had like some enormous budget but uh you know smaller scale version of this or like people are just Keen to build these things just get them on board like you’d be nuts I’m still pushing the Wally wagon because it costs next to nothing and it is 100 entertainment
Roshes have got a few new bits out let’s say blue which is a new Fifth Element pro model for uto I know he’s been filming some stuff with uh don West otherwise I feel like he’s gone missing I cannot wait to see more footage from him apparently the name means like New
Dawn new light brightening and the sun rises in Japan so Land of the Rising Sun so it all makes sense comically these were leaked in a stories clip that Roshes then shared but quickly removed uh there was a box that was also spotted in another video as well the story is
One that was shared is definitely a bit of a clanger the box one though that could be like quite strategical maybe they should start doing that more often slipping a few clues in here and there man We’ve Just Whipped up Blues Clues because we’re really bright they also
Dropped sage and electric blue 99 two skates lovely colorful options there for you I was actually having a look back through some of their older bits I’d love to see them get a bit more mad with the liners like they used to do bring back the lawn
Man and look at these cell things look like Cuban heel boots kind of like crush with one of those Play-Doh fun factories I’m into it it looks really futuristic talked a fair bit about it last week but there’s been an official announcement for Don Bruce’s Prime asthma skate mate
Their marketing is so good like look at this run got him dressed up as a frog and everything pre-order coming soon I think the skates look great I also like how they’ve updated their little uh Instagram Avatar match to skate and new release them skates have had a shorts
And pants restock this picture of Greg’s a good one kind of reminds me of when like parents take a picture of their kid when it’s their first day of school I feel like their mistakes have been fairly active with the footage as well there was this first bit by Sean darce
Who just shows it like you know clean control simple tricks are just an absolute joy to watch when they’ve done this well then also you had footage tucked together by John Lee of them skates trip to the UK really good feeling really good vibe and always really good music choices by John Lee
Absolute pleasure to watch this one man following on from the Smash Hit candy Aunt Medina is back for one last time with his latest project ends featuring the likes of this Skipper Andrew Broome always on the job Dan Robinson three-point turn Brandon bobadilla you’ll find the money in the glove
Compartment Mick casals keeping it curly with Heath Burley sweaty on the jetty to minor breakfast lunch and dinner at the same damn time Isaac Parks the Judge John Sullivan cement mixer Mason Richard the man himself Anthony Medina and a rock of other people the things have
Odds so I can’t really show you loads of footage but it is incredible man well worth the small amount of money that they’re charging for It Go and download the thing Sasha Lopez has got an edit for his Pro Model 50 50 Prime frame and this is
Really good Sasha is such a stylish skater really Technical and there are some absolutely monster tricks in there as well this is huge back UFO there is also this 270 Royale on this monster round it’s a fatty as well it’s not like your regulation size rail it’s one of
Those like beefy numbers as well which is gonna be a bit of a throw off sometimes but he’s handled that so well like locked it straight in very little movement then he’s also got this solder topsoil combination going as well Beast Man definitely go and check this one out
Loco skate’s got a launch event for their new shop on Saturday 1st of October it’s best to drive there otherwise it’s a train and a seven minute taxi ride I’m gonna be getting there like this yozank was up on the platform podcast really interesting interview he uh answered questions very
Honestly really insightful stuff in here he had this to say about uh Demetrius George’s skating with is irresponsible but Demetrius is skating I I think he tries to injure himself on every spot he’s going to no that’s my impression like I mean shout out to Dimitrius no
Hey no offense but I always get hurt definitely fairly divisive opinion a few people agreed with him but there were others that disagreed I’m really interested in more people’s opinion on this I think ultimately in this specific situation Demetrius George is going to do whatever he wants to do and that’s up
To him that’s like that’s completely his choice and I’m absolutely sure that he’s weighed up his options it’s stepping away from him specifically what rewards are valuable like when does risk outweigh reward and like Pro skaters do they have a responsibility for their influence on younger minds or should like people just
Be completely left alone to make their own decisions I think there’s a much bigger discussion beyond what yo has said and Beyond Demetrius George’s specific approach to a rollerblading so uh if you want to see that video let me know in the comments below and I’ll try and put something together again people
Have whipped themselves up into a little bit of a frenzy when Solomon got rid of all of their Instagram posts completely cleared the deck and then just left these like mystical messages going tomorrow is yours and stuff like that and I don’t really I kind of don’t
Really know what’s happened so they just it’s just new shoes isn’t it or like I don’t know it’s just like a new marketing campaign that they’ve got going on and that’s it so uh still no signs of the skates yet but you know people are still keeping up the Hope
Mushroom Blaine they’ve got a new wheel coming soon and uh this is how they described it the MB take features an underrated 65 millimeter Goldilocks wheel size it’s not too big not too small and absolutely not locked core other description highlights include classic Grime poses will happen solid
Landings will be stomped and positive movement emotions will be felt on these wheels Fair good way to describe a wheel on that chroma have gone for a less worthy approach and uh Gone more visual with their announcement looks like they’ve got a wheel coming on the 27th
Astral blades LA and FTS have got a collaboration t-shirt come in got a big old wizard hat on there with a pair of skates coming out the bottom of it that’s obviously Wicked skating astral blades and Fantasies on the side the things detailed up like a Moto GP Rider
You know or like a Motocross or anything like that you know they’ve just got logos all over the place interestingly the thing was designed by Dusty dirtweed who works for mortise Studio who also was a part in designing the uh brain dead wizard skating wizard frame sick and action seeing the way the
Pieces all come together the mile high battle took place this weekend I’ve not seen like a lot of footage of it I’ve seen a few bits and stories here and there although they did have like a live twitch stream which is really sick hopefully like all events just start
Doing that from now on not just like on the stories actually get on the twitch stream as well get some YouTube streams going sell it all covered all angles and stuff like that the winners were third place Demers second place we got Andrew Kramer birthplace none other than Adam
I knew looked like they were well prepared for it they got a load of like tie-dye t-shirts going one of those blow up thingies that’s what they called those swings that just like dance around that is sick man stay rolling I’ve got a restock of their trousers and some new
New coming real soon shout out to all my patrons really appreciate all your support if you want to join them there’s a link in the description below you can get exclusive videos you get first dibs on any kind of merch that I put out you get sneaks peeks into it all that kind
Of good stuff here’s another video you can watch like comment subscribe all that kind of good stuff on there see you again pretty soon I reckon spotty dog