As you may know skateboarders don’t have very many places where they can go to skate freely most businesses kick you out within a few minutes a lot of cities make it illegal to even skate down the sidewalk and DIY skate spots are constantly getting destroyed even when
They’re built in the middle of nowhere the one place that skateboarders are supposed to be able to go to where they aren’t bothered is skate parks but unfortunately even skate parks aren’t a safe place which makes it that much more annoying since there really isn’t anywhere else to go in this video we’re
Going to go over the most annoying people at skate parks so first up we have kids using the skate park as a playground I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve seen kids just running around on ramps or using a quarter pipe as a makeshift slide and this is
Honestly one of the most annoying things to deal with I don’t know about everyone else but I always feel bad having to tell little kids to get out of the way and a lot of the times they don’t even listen even if you ask nicely for some
Reason parents see it as okay to let their kids run all over the skate park which is pretty messed up because not only is it annoying to the skaters but it’s also dangerous to the kids most of the time the kids running around are a lot smaller than the skaters and if they
Happen to run into someone the kid is pretty likely to get hurt I get that the ramps might look like fun slides to play on but realistically you would never see a parent let their kid run onto a basketball court or a soccer field so they should have that same mentality
When it comes to a skate park number two on the list is film Crews and events whether it be a music video a photo shoot a yoga class or whatever other random activity people do using a skate park as a venue is always super annoying to all of the skaters there people love
To use skate parks as some edgy backdrop but in reality it just looks really cheesy and it gets in the way of skateboarders using the park for its intended purpose then there’s the awkward situation where you have to try to skate around them and if you do ask
Them to leave they look at you like the bad guy as if they’re are somehow Justified to set up shop in the middle of a skate park to make it worse 99 of the time these people do have the option of going somewhere else but since skateboarding is illegal in so many
Places the skateboarders don’t I’ve personally seen a lot of weird situations at skate parks before and I’m guessing a lot of you have too so if you have any good stories of your own then leave them in the comments because I know this is something that a lot of
Skaters deal with for number three we have scooter kids now I have an entire video dedicated to why skateboarders don’t like scooter kids so I don’t want to spend too much time on it but it is worth mentioning in a nutshell I feel like the main reason why skaters think
Scooter kids are annoying is that they tend to get in the way they also have a tendency to over wax things at the skate park and they can also be loud and obnoxious but I think getting in people’s way is the primary reason oh no now to be fair not all scooter
Kids do this for the most part it’s only the really Young Scooter kids that are known for causing problems the thing is they kind of ruin the reputation for scooter riders in general which is why a lot of skaters get so annoyed with them personally I don’t care what you ride as
Long as you have normal skate park etiquette but there’s a lot of skaters out there who hate scooter riders regardless if they’re polite or not again I don’t want to spend too much time on this one so if you want to truly understand the skater vs scooter rivalry
Then check out the full video that I made on it next up we have security guards now I know a lot of you might be wondering how can a security guard be a problem at a skate park when it’s a place that skateboarders are allowed to
Be but believe it or not it is a real thing I’ve seen a ton of situations where security guards hassle skateboarders at skate parks for things that really shouldn’t matter for example I once got in trouble by a security guard for skating without a shirt on at
The skate park when it was literally 96 degrees out ironically I pointed out that some guys were also playing basketball nearby without shirts on but the security guard said that it was allowed because it wasn’t at the skate park I’ve also seen security guards hassle skateboarders for skating after
Hours or skating without wearing pads or even just skating on the sidewalk next to a skate park I realized that some of these things are technically rules that cities have in place but sometimes it seems like people are just looking for things to complain about I feel like
Because people aren’t that familiar with skateboarding they’re a lot more strict on it than they would be with a normal Sport and it’s almost like they’re waiting for skateboarders to mess up the way I see it skateboarders get hassled by security enough when they’re out skating in the streets so they should at
Least be able to go to the skate park without getting bothered up next we have rollerbladers rollerbladers aren’t as common as skate parks as they used to be but when you do see them they can still be annoying to deal with the main reasons why rollerbladers can be kind of
Annoying is because they always over wax things and they also tend to snake a lot the problem is both of these things are kind of natural to rollerblading because of the way their skates are made rollerbladers have to wax things a lot more than skateboarders in order to make
Them grind also even if they don’t mean to snake people the way someone Maneuvers on roller skates is a lot different than how someone Maneuvers on a skateboard so a lot of times they end up doing it even if it’s not on purpose again I don’t care what anyone else is
Doing as long as they have good skate park etiquette but there are a lot of skateboarders who get pretty heated about rollerbladers at skate parks next on the list are parents so right away I will say that there’s a lot of cool parents that go to skate parks some of
My friends I grew up with had really cool supportive parents that would bring everyone to the park drop off food and water or even going as far as bringing a leaf blower to help clean up the park those aren’t the kind of parents that I’m talking about the parents I’m
Talking about are the ones who cause problems for all of the other skaters at the park one scenario I’ve seen is parents sitting on obstacles and getting upset when they’re asked to move even if the skater asks nicely there’s dozens of other situations like these that happen
All the time and it can be frustrating to deal with parents who don’t understand skateboarding culture and end up causing problems for everyone else again I’m not talking about the parents who film their kids skating or even walk around the park to help their kids out
For the most part the parents that are annoying are the ones who aren’t considerate and cause problems for people trying to skate the next annoying thing at skate parks are people with RC cars this might sound kind of random but believe it or not skate parks are a hot
Spot for RC cars and it happens more often than you would think basically people get these crazy remote control cars that are super fast and they take them to skate parks to launch them off the ramps this is pretty dangerous since those cars are kind of heavy and they go
Pretty high in the air so if someone got hit by one it could definitely be a problem if there’s no one around this one isn’t a major problem because the cars aren’t strong enough to damage ramps or anything but if there’s people trying to skate not only can it be
Annoying Wing but it’s also pretty unsafe next on the list are bikes from my experience I’ve seen two kinds of people who ride bikes at the skate park the first kind are little kids who can barely ride around and usually get in people’s way obviously this is annoying
And just like with scooter kids they usually have no concept of skate park etiquette the second kind are actual BMXers who are usually much more considerate however because their bikes have pegs on them they tend to break the ramps it’s kind of unfortunate because in my experience most BMXers are really
Cool but their pegs chip concrete and wood so a lot of skateboarders find them annoying I’ve seen this firsthand where BMXers are really just minding their own business and trying to have fun riding but their bikes just naturally mess up ramps and rails even if it’s not done on
Purpose it can still be annoying since skate parks are really hard to get built in the first place and bikes tend to mess them up a lot faster than skateboards up next are random people who loiter since skateboarding is somewhat of an underground activity skate parks naturally attract a lot of
Sketchy characters which ends up giving actual skateboarders a bad rap I’ve seen all kinds of random people at skate parks from homeless people to people who sell things that they shouldn’t be selling and every other weird character you can imagine these types of people usually cause problems for the
Skateboarding Community since a lot of cities and municipalities lump them together with skateboarders even if the people causing the problems aren’t actually skaters for example I’ve seen tons of situations where skate parks get spray painted by people who don’t even skate then the local government wants to blame the skateboarders and close down
The skate park even though it wasn’t the skaters who did it this is just one example of many but the point is that these random people who hang out at skate parks but don’t skate tend to be sketchy and they can end up ruining things for everyone else another
Annoying thing at skate parks is when people are doing parkour for those who don’t know parkour also known as free running is basically when someone runs from point A to point B and usually does a bunch of jumps and flips along the way naturally this makes skate parks an interesting destination for
People who are into that but as you probably could have guessed it gets in the way of everyone trying to skate even if the people doing it are nice and friendly when you’re out there skating around you don’t want someone running up and down the quarter pipe now to be fair
I will say that most of the people who do parkour at skate parks are considerate enough to do it when no one is there but that’s not always the case and if there are people trying to skate they should definitely get priority I’m not trying to complain too much because
At the end of the day it’s just nice to even have skate parks to go to which isn’t the case for a lot of skaters with that said since skateboarders don’t have anywhere else to go it’d be nice if they didn’t have to deal with people bothering them at the one place that
They do have a skate park is called a skate park for a reason and all of these other random things that people do there really just make it harder for people to use the park the way that it was meant to be used if you think I left anything
Off the list or if you have any annoying skatepark stories of your own go ahead and leave them in the comments do me a favor and leave a like on the video check out the links in the description shout out to trade coffee again for sponsoring the video and with that said
Thanks for watching