And they’ve got what’s up everybody guess what what we’re back yeah I’m really Delia quietly fish quiet quiet okay I know like four months ago we said T if I was over we’re never gonna do a video again and all that stuff happened and I I didn’t know why I said that
Elton’s a liar right I went up to the mega primate I made some bad decisions I missed you guys I missed them I talked to everyone including some other people that are coming out future to file trips already lined up Dan and tal is back it’s not just this video there’s more videos
Already lined up there’s trips already lined up T little back and to bring it back in fashion and bring it back to the old memories we decided we have to do what we’re most well known for overnight overnight over nice not only is it the original four but guess what guys we
Brought friends come on we have friends hi Corbin Reiner ah here and guess what do you guys have any idea we were in for you kind of maybe know I do have no I I was told skating if we successfully pull this off and in this bag are a ton of
Things that I thought Wanda you Whatever is in there we’re gonna go hi dude I wanted not me do you miss something might want to get this one of all you’re gonna win a ball yeah if you win a ball yeah I’ll buy you a new car okay wait what Wendy’s up top of the family if you win
A ball I will buy you a new car I will buy you a new party Are you doing if I get a ball this time yeah you have to buy me a rip stick but if you trying to place the final display of this picked anyway all right there we go that will be multiple bowling alley wet which all items in the toilet
Oh yeah nobody checks there yeah also I understand them to earth to stand on the toilet I mean Cory just wanna say that is my spot hockey players are leaving yeah exactly bathroom who’s gonna go behind there goes down though we doing this row and
It’s pretty good so I can you get behind the wait wait when you get all the way behind the toilet paper yeah there so there’s a dip in there you could do it okay so let me go back there okay cool that actually might work okay go you will set off the alarm
Yeah this is where I think that’s hi there oh look are you serious that’s like dirty we’re gonna fall right through there’s something on it yeah no that’s actually cool I think I could get up just put the table right here and you can be right behind no I’m not Mormon
This is why you’re the rookie wants are you sure who is the employee Elton I want to drive the Zamboni my goodness is that possible anything’s possible over here overnight we’re gonna find out okay okay let’s go Oh what what oh my god do they have a hover mobile all they’re
Putting the Nets away what are they bringing out what do they know what to bring into the rigging yeah but I know what I want to have for my next birthday you gotta go they’re emptying out this guy I got to look out for you guys thank
You if this feels wrong this can be very bad for you guys given given your past Hey and we found four haughty faces one for me one for you one for you one for you right so what I’m thinking is maybe you guys just wait outside with mr. Evan hears that
That’s seven ever doable I think we’ll wait it out and then we can let you guys in so let you guys get arrested if anything else if anything goes wrong we’re definitely let you in if anything goes wrong you’re also safe hopefully this works thank you let’s let’s go to
Work because this could end their careers and put them in jail again and you use heavy weight excessively screaming yeah [Applause] Did you bring the Ouija board stop stop stop you guys go we got to go okay guys we don’t have time to debate this if I fall through that’s fine we won one way to find out I gotta get up there through their entire electronic system duel you’re gonna ruin this okay no
Light this is why I’ve invited you here overnighted you just too cautious oh you know what I do you should do it I think it’s a great idea so here we’re gonna do I’m gonna go up there we all know our individual flock I trust you you know
What to do with that that’s yours horrible thing that rails out today is a bad idea stay on the would it stay on the would I feel good I can’t get through the stuff okay okay hold it okay good luck I love you guys
I want to be fully wait I don’t know oh he said it close to ten it’s like already five minutes past in it no I think we just have to wait see what happens if cops come though I’m driving with ya we just stay in the car we don’t
We don’t know what’s going on they’re just like yo you know Elton is remember this is how we should do everything but you know what we’re never going in you know elegant she’s like be in there and then figure it out the safe – perfect I’ve been in here Potentially really stupid so do me a favor hit the like button you know show some love welcome back the TFIOS been sitting up crammed on 30 minutes there it’s been like 45 minutes now this happens every single Elson video he’s like guys I don’t like take like you
Know you know 20 minutes and I’ll be inside and I’ll have a good time we sit down here well hide in spots for hours Duda you know he told us oh wait wait wait what are they doing wait Sam yeah that’s on them okay to his
Clothes he hose open up let’s see what they gotta say yo yo they date what did you do we yeah he left I think they kicked him out yes dude we just got ranting God the guy just walked into the bathroom and he’s like uh what are you doing in here
And I was like oh we’re just uh Britta’s chillin but so Elton’s still in there he was really cool about it you guys I can’t top it you know things happen is there anyone else in there does anyone else in there and there’s just two he’s like okay just
Get them out and he just walked us out he was the guy League wasn’t even mad like what do we do those right now they’re all just standing here probably okay he leaves it held still in there we still did it or we just go home and
Elton did it so this looks suspicious we should just go to McDonald’s and then we’ll be back cuz it looks suspicious we don’t want to be caught yeah we don’t want to get guys come on that’s the police that’s the police dude is this sketchy okay they just turned off all the lights
Oh yo are you good are you good where are you moving your outside the comic walked in the bathroom and not me and then he was like is anyone else Corgan and read it offline what you guys got kicked out the workers leaked yet because like I’m still here obviously
Yeah like through a window or through the door out of here Is that was still alone we should be actually good Take People here that was not here so just the red exit plane turn me I saw ya what doesn’t it turn into a boy won’t you go find out go jump in the pool how do we know we’re alone because you guys told me that everyone laughter then
There was one guy left the guy that kicked us out Oh oh my god oh hey Cory yeah wait we wanted to drive the bumper cars everyone well no one’s stopping you right there Why yeah I think I figure out if they’re on the disco lights Wow second I can’t get I can’t see anything I’m not what Wow don’t be going there can’t breathe I cannot breathe that fall right now are you Margie yeah oh boy Oh everybody off me now it’s all 700
Pounds off me this is not a good idea that’s exactly how you pictured today would be few differences here and there but yeah this is pretty much it Oh out of that We always face that close race no cheating you know like aerodynamic that’s not it right what do you man I’m putting most of my weight in the air so I weigh less on this Korban taking the lead probably never done what you just did on bigger scale at a competition you’ve been not gonna do it so literally you could literally go on and change the Olympic I’m not gonna you know my showing a nine-hundred-years-old and pride and I can do party all right big
It will not know it down leave the chain corporate chains Olympics into a five woman I think maybe we should do some actual ice skating korban just did And that’s how you do it well it’s good to be back we got the old we got the old [Β __Β ] we got Corbin we got Andrea and man also we brought Evan along what I realized that a lot of times I’m not in the videos because I have to film
Everything so I was like maybe I can bring a friend that can help me help me from a little bit I’m stuck to your files back we got this place all to ourselves all night and we haven’t done any ice skating yet can you be our coach
I will coach the [Β __Β ] out of you guys we’re not leaving here until you’re the best baby wait let me guess two together let’s go it’s t fil not your deflect like a parent oh my god losers what is it oh I like that way better than what I thought
Pretty accurate description of what the channel actually is I might be the new kids get oh look it yeah oh whoa oh my god do we get what we they turned down motors my Ellison yeah they have everything here first I was like don’t run with interest maybe let’s don’t
Skate with the screwdriver why you guys do to my boys everyone pick one random word at a time uncle banana you got ready to win Move fishies oh you think you could stage tire broke – this she broke my feet new game trick we all try to do we’re all Jesus right now if you think about it cuz hey Zeus walks on water and what is this water it’s salty that makes perfect sense
It does it does and he made it that way yes what so god this one’s called the Cobra frog what’s up guys it’s Erica we’re gonna do two I’m four foot two I like long walks on the beach I love chili and I’ve ever kind of pasta chicken alfredo To put it on without even questioning anyone to put it on yet I brought music okay we should have a tuber to battle to lose [Laughter] tygo it pretty good I don’t think you do that right I think you messed up somewhere where I feel so beautiful my underwear on what are we looking at here still here hey Elsa I hope you know I’m gonna love you brother in love holding your stick holding your stick brother [Applause]
[Applause] and now we’re on trend when I get married if my wife doesn’t look like that Elton but what you drop I’m gonna go throw up you just agreed to this shooby to battle you to risk me and Cory losers have to continue wearing this for the rest of the night they’re judging
Are we gonna do the routine we’ve been working on for a few weeks whoa [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] Seed poof thank you We’re going to be dancing with each other Came with me up squeeze my pet dolphin Oh This one hey stick your back leg up no fuckstick I’ll be the cry rep sir I feel like I wasn’t even ice skating whoa hey hey hey I feel like on Elton and Cory side there was some pure emotion yeah a lot of connect a lot of a lot of just I never saw any filter I think was all you I
Think we’re gonna have to take a minute to delivery to decide please excuse us I don’t think that was ice-skating on another day we’ve deliberated for a good 10 second that was a hard hard choice we’ve really thought about it spent a lot of time you all did amazing really
We did I think we’re gonna give it to [Applause] you just want to go explore something yeah I want to thank everybody out there the supported us on earthing everybody home the voted forest shot to Mary shot to Susan shot to Zachary thank you for everything you’ve taught us thanks my parents for giving me this it wouldn’t be here without you bang right there I love you guys thank you
For support we’ll see you guys next week [Applause] olanta reddit airy [Applause] No oh you’ve got to go down well the champion tell you a Engadget again never forget that over here [Β __Β ] pick sound okay I love getting picked last you used to it [Applause] [Applause] well who you are [Applause] feel deserving off paladin the Cheetahs crying [Applause] is it so much easier [Applause] we have a sudden Oh stammers yeah you got the you’re right I did it [Applause] [Applause] talking about hit me in the face so you know I think we okay okay yeah yep okay all right I feel like we’ve extended our time here maybe we need to skedaddle but first one back feels good it’s been five months you guys want to do another one these are tiring
What if what if I found one where you don’t have to do any work like one more like it doesn’t require physical energy but it’s still really fun are you good okay are you okay there okay well viewers everyone that’s watching it if you want us to do another one here’s
The deal we’ve done it before you guys are only pretty solid at it hundred thousand hundred thousand likes guaranteed another one that doesn’t require that much work physically and I get to pick it I wonder what I could have in store okay okay guys okay alright skates up let’s let’s let’s go
Thank you guys for watching moving quarks are outside now thank you to everyone here of course all of the channels are down below Corbin dipped out real quick but thank you guys all for watching I hope the well long awaited tea if I’ll return the no one was coming was worth it I’m
Looking forward to doing more videos overnights trips all the old school stuff and yeah let us know where you want us to go next what you want us to do who you want to maybe see come travel because I can’t expect everyone here to come all the time that one’s kind of
Busy so let me know but no matter what this channel is gonna keep going and thank you guys all for telling me that it should come back again witty thank you to mainly mainly these guys for being here from the start until today it’s your first time here so you’re not
Gonna thank her at all Elton oh I did but I said no no no no I have to go on a different trip that might be coming up so we don’t know what again to restate if you guys want another overnights video 100,000 likes guaranteed I will
Make one happen Oh other than that no matter what see if I was gonna start doing trips again thank you guys so much subscribe like all that [Β __Β ] blah blah blah I love you we’re tired it’s all about Gonna be a good day God everything’s gonna go your way it’s all about the way you from your path don’t sing