Madonna doesn’t like me I don’t know why individual wait someone doesn’t love pink I know it’s crazy town who’s the mayor of this crazy town the Queen of Pop pink how many of you are um Heroes have you met like I know Madonna was a big influence for you you admired her
Career pink gets into it on the Howard Stern Show do you know her are you friends with some of these people you are not Madonna doesn’t like me she is man I don’t want to sweat the small stuff anymore this apparently came to light when she first met Madonna 20 years ago [Applause]
I think that um she tried to kind of play me on on Regis and Kelly and I didn’t I’m not you know I’m not the one so it didn’t work out what does that mean she tried to play well it’s just such a silly story as The Story Goes
Pink was excited to meet the material girl and the feeling was Mutual anyway this is your idol Madonna right here all right but it sort of got twisted around that I was like fangirling and and was dying to meet Madonna in actuality she invited me into her dressing room
And so I just said a joke when Regis brought me out he’s like how does it feel to me like I mean I heard you’re just falling over yourself backstage how does it feel I’m like I thought she wanted to meet me things went downhill from there et’s
Reached out to Madonna’s rep for comment it didn’t work oh and that didn’t work out for us I love Madonna and right I love her no matter what like I I still love her I love her no matter what like she was such an inspiration to me pinks
Found plenty of drama in the New Year it’s her second rumored beef in the last week alone well there’s Lady Marmalade during an interview with BuzzFeed UK pink was asked to rank her 12 most iconic music videos And fans thought she dissed Christina Aguilera I’m gonna put that down here at 12. how come it wasn’t very fun to make I’m all about fun and it was like a lot of fuss and there were some personalities Kim and Maya were nice but pink stepped in ASAP telling fans exyna
Had to do with who was on that song If you don’t know by now I’m not shading someone by telling it over and over and over what actually happened I’ve never been one for the popularity contest kind of thing and conforming or any of that that sound familiar if they call you shocking
Scandalous you are definitely on to something while pink and Madonna might not be sharing a stage anytime soon at least Howard was just kidding In This Moment listen I got a surprise for you Madonna’s here and she’s going to fight you you’re gonna go three rounds and it’s gonna be great