Foreign [Applause] let’s do this all iTube my name is Ricardo Lino and I’m a wheel addict it’s the end of 2022 and today I’m gonna give you my top five aggressive Skates of 2022. yes Now let me just start by telling you that this video is sponsored by bladeville so bladeville is a shop that it’s located in Poland but the ship worldwide so if you like any of the skates that I’m gonna speak throughout the video you can find them all and
Every single product in this video you can find them all at throughout the year I ended up skating with a lot of different skates let me just pull the list so I can tell you which skates I skated is here important for you to know this is a personal
Opinion that doesn’t mean that these are definitely the best Skates of course it’s my personal opinion and other than that for this 2022 top five what I’m going to do it’s only the skates that I tested or that I tried for the first time in 2022 are participating or our
Contestants for this top five so there are other states that I may not be talking about even if I like them a lot but because I didn’t try them for the first time in 2022 or they were not released in 2022 then well they’re not
Part of the stop file so let’s see what skates I’ve tried for the first time this year and I wrote them down here so that I wouldn’t forget throughout these year the skates that I’ve tested were the Mesmer John Bolino the razer’s SL Derek Anderson The Fifth Element aquamarine
The FR Anthony portier the roaches M12 malva the USDA and 80 the USD sway Chris farmer the damn pet reader the roaches Dogma Bobby’s passive the icon ag-10 the Mesmer Dominic Bruce and the USD Shadow Oregon nanin 3. there was another pair of skates that was sent to
Me right before the this video was made which is the gods team skate all white but that skate well I just got it I haven’t made a review so I can’t really I can’t really put it on this list now there are two skates that are not part
Of my top five but in my opinion they really deserve two honorable mentions for being different for having something that the others don’t those two skates are the USDA and a 80 and the FR Anthony portier and the reason why I think this deserves honorable mentions is because
The USDA and 80 is a one-piece construction meaning that they got a mold to make a a one piece blast made out of plastic that it’s it’s the skate that you got and what you got with that is a four times eighty millimeter that is actually
Pretty pretty low so the frame is built in with the boot and making it a very low ride so you are skating 80 millimeters four times eighty millimeters but you are still able to do grinds a lot of them like more technical tricks example when I skated the usda’s
I was able to do grab back slides on an 80 millimeter Skate On A coping and I was getting it Robert Guerrero and he was able to do pretty technical stuff and I’ve seen a lot of people online doing a lot of that stuff but because
It’s a 80 millimeter skate you can also do all those wizardy type of Tricks depending on the wheels that you got you may have like a more swivel setup or not so it’s it’s a setup that I really really like so I thought it would be important to to give an honorable
Mention to this one the second one the FR Anthony portier I think it’s a very unique skate because we all know that the FR Anthony potia come from the FR one two three and FRX which is a free skate boot a lot of people really love
And what they did with that is that they adjusted that boot in order to be able to put a saw plate and you have a boot that works really good as a ufs aggressive scale with a saw plate but you can also take the sole plate out and
Skate it with a ufs big wheel frame and still add all the benefits of a free skate so in my opinion these two skates are awesome also on the FR Anthony Pucci you can get a skate for 250 euros you can get a boot for 250 euros with the
Intuition liner which is I would say by far the the best liner on the market so in my opinion these two are very important to mention how good they are but important also to know that these are different from the regular aggressive skates that you have on the
Market now starting with the top five and right here I only have my top tree starting with the top five in fifth place it’s a skate that a lot of people love a lot of people put in for would put in first place but for me it still made the top five
It’s not my favorite skate but it’s a skate that I love to skate for certain reasons and that is the damn pet reader to start with I love the colorway but that’s not the reason why I’m putting it in top five the reason why I’m putting
It in top five it’s because the damn patch reader adds some changes it was the first one to come with a with a bit of a wider sole plate without being too wide it’s a skate that just works and for a lot of people it’s it’s their
Favorite skate as I said previously what I like about the damn skates the damn 909 specifically is that it’s a skate that it’s pretty flexible if you skated the damn 908 well the damn 908 was in my opinion extremely flexible so it was a bit too bendy there was not as much
Support as you get on the 909 the 909 because they changed the whole lacing area it made the skate in my opinion something that just works it’s something that I like it’s somehow lightweight it slides okay but there’s also some cons and for me the main cons would be the
Sole plate even if they increase the bit the hardness of the sole plate to last longer it still is a soleplate that it goes you can grind it too quickly and it’s expensive salt like in fact the skate in general I understand that it’s a newer mold but it’s a bit more pricey
Than most of the skates on the market and we cannot forget that just three years ago the dam 908 was supposed to be one of the entry-level skates for 180 you could get the full Boot and now you are most of them you are paying 400 or even 500 for a skate
So it’s a bit of a scale in the pricier option but we also know that they’re giving back a lot to the community they did a lot of really cool stuff this year so damn 909 patch reader was my fifth Choice then my fourth favorite skate for
The year it’s something that I don’t have anymore and there is the USD sway Chris farmer it’s a skate that I could very easily put the the USD sway Chris Farmer in the first position honestly it’s a skate that I really really really loved I love the soap late
I love how I can move inside the skate the type of Rhymes that I can do with it I still feel somehow a supportive boot I really like it but it has a big con for me and the con that I found on the USD sway Chris farmer the one that I tried
This year but I think it applies with all the sways is that it has a lot of forward flex and that’s probably the reason why I can do a lot of the stuff that I was just saying but by having so much forward flex I started feeling a
Little bit of knee pain after skating this way so I had to put them to the side and in fact I haven’t been scaling them for a bit so I actually deassembled the setup I don’t have a boot with frames anymore because I love them and I I don’t want to have them
Available to me because otherwise I will skate and I will feel some knee pain but also the USD sway farmer was a skate that allowed me to find ways to skate an anti-rocker skate without getting knee pain and the way that I found to do that was by started using shorter frames by
Using shorter frames even if I could even if I would have a lot of forward flex and I would feel like my knee was bending more not more than was supposed but I’m not 20 anymore so probably that was one of the main reasons I see a lot
Of people out there skating no one is complaining about the same and I’m not saying that this is problem that is going to happen to everyone it happened to me I’m just sharing my opinions but I ended up realizing if I would skate with a shorter frame it would reduce
It would reduce the way that I that I would feel my knee pain but when I put it like a flat setup it didn’t work the same even if it’s something that I like there are other setups that I’m gonna speak on the next three skates that I will talk about that worked
Better so yeah in fourth place for me the USD sway in this case was the Chris farmer but I would put the US this way as my fourth favorite skate of the year now let’s start opening this with how does this open okay first very important the scale because I think there’s like
A pattern here with what’s inside but you’ll see what I’m saying now in third place this one right here this is the icon AG10 it’s the pricier skate the pricier aggressive skate that I skated all year long and just the boot itself of this AG10 goes for 5.99
And the reason for this boot to go for 5.99 it’s because it has a carbon cuff which is unique in an aggressive skate I have never seen an aggressive skate with a carbon fiber cuff it’s also a carbon fiber shell and what this does is that
It’s a carbon skate that is a good forward flex I wouldn’t say that it has extreme forward flex but it has a good forward flex because of the carbon on carbon makes the inched cuff work I don’t know if that makes sense to you but having two art pieces made out of
The same material just make the inch cuff work now important I know that if I tied them a lot you will completely restrict me from side movement but what I did with these is because of these squishy thong that comes on the skate and me not Tiding too
Much I kind of felt like I would have the support the lateral support even without tightening the skate way too much because the support would come from the material of the cuff the carbon fiber so again I would have that forward flex enough lateral support and the saw
Plates are huge sometimes I even wish they were a little bit smaller I’m a size 43 it kind of feels like the saw plate was too big for me sometimes I was even tripping but I really enjoyed it and check what I just said about the previous skate I was skating these ones
With the create Originals shorter version which is I don’t want to say anything wrong I think it’s 242. it’s a pretty short frame I skated with 58 anti-rockers this is how I got this skate and I still skated quite often so this is a skate that I really really
Enjoyed the icon AG10 now let’s see how heavy this one is the icon AG10 has anti-rocker setup is 1889 grams 1889 grams so this is it third place I can ag-10 now second place here we go boom some would complain saying that this is a valoscape
Let me tell you one thing so what it’s very similar to what a vowel skate was a valo was one of most skaters favorite skate and for me the reason why I like it it’s nothing to do with valo there’s I would say four reasons for me to like
It this roaches dogma and I actually even skated it look almost stuck the four reasons why I like the most about this skate was to start with the shell this is the roaches M12 shell which is a shell that I really really really love I like how snug it is around my foot
Without having pressure points that’s for me that’s not for everyone then the second thing that I really like about this is the sole plate so if I would skate at roaches M12 just like most of the people would think the soap it is not the widest which is cool
For some things on the Rogers M12 I like it for transition but then the soap light it’s not very wide so if I want to do some tricks on Ledges or if I want to do like I always say this in the front torque would be harder for me I would
Need to lean more so having this sole plate which is the same sole plate that comes on the fifth element is cool I really like it it’s a wide sole plate in fact it’s even wider than it would be on The Fifth Element because me being 275 millimeters on The Fifth Element I
Should be on a size 42 while on a M12 I’m on a size 43. so this sole plate is from the size 43 meaning that the soap plate on this skate is a bit wider than it would be on The Fifth Element I don’t know if it’s making sense for you guys
But basically what you need to know is that this would be the roaches skate where you would have the widest sole plate and because of the shell that you have it’s still snug around your foot then the third thing which became a thing for me this year it’s all day sound because of
The leather the sound is very muffed you don’t you don’t listen too much like clock clock clock you’re going to be listening a lot more like poof the sounds on this skate when you land something is just satisfying so it’s something that I really like about this
Skate and the fourth thing that I really like about this skate it’s that this is from Bobby’s passive Bob is passive is one of my favorite skaters I was lucky enough to have Bobby staying with me for a couple of weeks throughout 2022 so yeah the second most liked skate of 2022 for
Me was the roaches Dogma domestic Punk the Bob is passive from model I skated it with the stockliner stock frames but smaller I use the smaller frame and yeah I even got the stock wheels right here but I I still think the wheels are not the fastest that’s it
Top two let’s just see how heavy these are let’s not forget 1 8 89 for the for the icons these ones 2200 and 15 grams for the roaches Dogma now my favorite skate of the year is this one right here I made some changes to the original
Setup but this one right here this is the Mesmer Dominic Bruce throughout this year I was able to skate with two skates from Mesmer with the first one being the Mesmer John Bolino which in my opinion being black with a white sole plate it’s a safer color but because it was my
First ever time skating with that skate I went with my regular size again a size 43 it’s usually my regular size on skates by the end of the year I was able to get these one size down and putting some intuition liners or even with the stock lining with fit I
Was able to have these kids feeling a lot better so if I enjoyed the the Mesmer John Bolino a lot and they felt a bit big on these ones when I skated the the the Dominic Bruce skates I really like them I love the sole plate
I love how this boot how the shell fits around my feet and it’s just like it makes it so easy for for me to do so many of the tricks that I really love again I’m gonna go back to the front torque I love doing front torques with
This I A lot of times I suck with top side tricks but in this case I somehow I can do top side tricks good it has a good forward flex and because of the fourth Flex not being extreme but also allowing me to move my knees forward I’m
Able to do negative tricks in fact funny enough these kids don’t have a negative plate as wide as the Shadows but I can do negatives with these better than I can on the Shadows which for a lot of people may not make a lot of sense
But it has to do once again forward flex forward flex with the foot spinning outside and I’m doing a negative and that’s what happens with this I’m just I don’t know they just work better for me and then very important too about this skate is The Landings because it’s a raised deal
Skate basically the there’s some plastic here like the sole plate it’s thicker and the boot is made to to have like a raised Hill a bit like a free skate so on these skate I kind of feel like when I land backwards I feel so much more
Comfortable I don’t know why I just it just worked now let me check how heavy these ones are 1900 and 14 grams when I skated the original ones just the liner itself was actually heavy so by having them anti-rocker with the Kaiser super fluid 4 frame all black undercover
60 millimeters free letting anti-rockers and intuition V2s once again 1910 grams now top three but I still got another skate and I’m gonna need to tie it in first place with the Mesmer and these may not make sense after what I said at the beginning of this video that
I would only count skates that I first reviewed in 2022 but I need to bring the skate in and the reason why I need to bring the skating it’s because it’s the skate that I probably skated the most throughout 2022 I don’t know if you can imagine what state that is but that
Skate is this one right here the blank Sean King Skate exactly the way this one is right now and this one has the rl2 liner in fact this is not the final rl2 this is a previous like one of the first samples that they made
Of the rl2 and it works so good inside the skate I just it just works basically this is a size 42 and a half I think it’s nine and a half in in U.S sizes and again 275 and with the original liner I was feeling like really really close to the front of
The skate and with this liner It just fits great it’s what it is and then right here I got the new everything frame with that Wheels uh I don’t want to say anything wrong I never know I I think these are the I don’t know if it’s the 82s or the
92s in the front the 88s or the 92s but I know that these ones are the 95s and this thing it’s it’s almost about the only thing that I can be good at skating flat yes there are other Skates on the market that are amazing for skating flat and I can make
Two Mansions which are the USDA and 60s those are amazing skates I skated them for a long time I had some problems with the with the souls after a bit being a bit slow especially in alley oops and the other one would be the M12 with a
Solar frame I really like the M12 with the solar frame but it’s mainly for transition now with this skate I could skate this skate flat and either Street rails Ledges transition it just works I really like how this thing works the reason for that one of the main
Reasons for that is that the frame it’s sinked in in the saw plate basically what you see here it’s a cutout saw plate and then this Frame just goes in that hole created by the sole plate so this is attached to the boot and the soap plate just wraps around the frame and
What that does is that the frame becomes instantaneously lower so I don’t know man it just feels like I’m not skating flat I don’t know I I learned tricks with this like I’m gonna go back to the Torx man I learned switch torques with these I’m okay at doing top
Sides with these because it feels like it’s a lower frame and then with a with especially hard wheels in the middle it just works I don’t know now something that it’s quite interesting about this is this check this out this skate is 228 grams this is basically the heaviest
Scape that I skated throughout the year now I’m not someone that jumps it’s just the way it is I don’t jump a lot so I don’t feel like having a heavier skate for me was something bad I just like it so if I put these two on
A scale and tell you which one I like the most well I would tie them I would say they are both my favorite skates for 2022. I I love how this feel I just love how this feel I love how I can grind with this but if I skate them anti-rocker
It’s not the same now these it’s almost perfect to me but there are a lot of things that it’s still easier for me to do with this so yeah in terms of aggressive skating the Mesmer Dominic Bruce and the rollerblade blank Sean Keane are my favorite skates for 2022 and that’s it I
Hope you guys enjoyed this video 2023 is around the corner so I’m pretty sure there’s a lot of stuff happening in 2023 even from my side I hope there’s something that is happening soon so maybe my opinions next year will be different for sure they will be different I will be testing a
Lot of stuff so yeah I hope you guys enjoyed this video If you enjoyed this video do not forget to subscribe to this channel make sure to give me a thumbs up if you like this video if you didn’t like the video you can always give me a thumbs down but
Please let me know in the comments what you didn’t like about this video now very very very important if you want to support what I do here with this channel please why don’t you become a patron the link is in the description and it’s a
Way for you guys to support what I do here I do giveaways with my patrons and with my YouTube members I I do exclusive videos just for my members I give them access to the courses that I have online I also give you discount on Skate so if you want to
Buy one of these skates become a member and you’ll get 15 off and that’s it with that being said don’t forget why we all started skating and that that it’s because it’s fun now cheers and see you soon To speak