How are you feeling all of our diamonds are really worried about you okay that tells how she’s feeling [Applause] Look into my eyes [Applause] hey guys welcome back to a channel very unexpected vlog I you know we weren’t planning on vlogging right now and I felt like I had to block this because I would like to update you guys and just answer a lot of questions that are going around right now so my husband
Posted this picture on Instagram she had gotten really hurt in her arm you know this just happened right now and a lot of you guys are really worried you guys are commenting how she’s feeling if she’s okay a lot of our family members are texting us they’re calling us and
Friends as well and I thought I would get in here and just answer some of those questions really quick and give you guys a little bit of an update on how she’s feeling so she actually went rollerskating tonight what salon me has been it was for an event
And when she was rollerskating she didn’t see a step so she misses step and she fell and when she fell to the front she put her arms in front of her so she wouldn’t get hit in her face in this whole hand just got really scraped I
Just got off the phone with her I was facetiming her and you know I was asking her how she feels and you know they are coming back to her house can’t wait to give her the biggest hug ever when I was facetiming her I have I was asking her
How she felt and she said she felt a little dizzy so my husband doesn’t know if he is going to be taking her to the emergency room if the pain continues we think the fainting is only because the pain is so bad we don’t think anything is broken because she’s still moving her
Arm but if the fainting feelings you know persist we will be taking her to the hospital later tonight she’s coming home right now it’s like three hours away from here so it’ll be a while before I can actually see her in person but I am constantly faced hanging her
Making sure she’s okay she’s feeling better I told my husband to have her take a nap on the way here to see if you know the pain decreases as she’s asleep she doesn’t feel it but yeah that’s pretty much what’s happening thank you guys so much for all
The messages calls and yeah she’s she’s very strong girl she’s very strong so she is you know she’s doing good for now I can’t wait to see her I’m gonna be making her some hot chocolate right now so when she gets home she has something very warmly to
Drink and I just hope she starts to feel better I will update you guys when she gets home thank you guys Haga I so she’s home told you guys she’s really strong there’s two the kite it’s it’s pretty bad as you can see um my husband’s about to do some cleaning on
It she still feels like she wants to faint but not as bad as earlier come on drink it just take it all in wait there you go you won’t taste any of it just go go go go wait what flavor is that yeah oh hi dese are you gonna be doing some
Helping I guess I don’t know what’s happening so what are you gonna be putting on her arm babe well my husband is doing some doctor stuff I’m making Swami’s favorite chocolate it’s really yummy it’s chocolate oh boy Lita super delicious it was about to spill because I was like over there looking at
Tsunamis arm but um I heard it like sizzling so I came over that’s almost ready so what is this for so this is for a lot of stuff in case that there’s an infection this is gonna fight it yeah well that’s really deep in there they burnt this is gonna help
Does that hurt burns it’s gonna it’s gonna burn a little bit but then it’s gonna how are you feeling all of our diamonds are really worried about you okay that tells how she’s feeling [Β __Β ] it’s a lush didn’t get hurt My assistant is just watching the TV she’s not gonna even know much it to me Ranger was but he fell asleep know what you pick no what’d you give me hey you Marian you can bind me okay that’s kind of weird babe she is already holding my hand but this
Is what I usually do when I have babies I have your dad’s hand like this and then I I feel like I’m gonna break his fingers oh my god I hurt holy smokes you’re strong are you so strong tiny body so you don’t catch an infection
From him cuz that’s an open wound I know look at that Wow are you ready for your chocolate yeah it’s ready next we don’t have marshmallows but we do what we have the big big ones this is really hot max I’m just living in I set them free a little
Bit forecasted I’m being Caliente the medicine how chocolate is really really really hard so I’m just waiting for it I couldn’t take it all because I was gonna throw up oh you didn’t finish it There’s a logic is scared when she saw so uh tsunamis blood I’m very sure yes yeah she was in Bayou when it happened How’s the fainting what do you find out okay so no hospital babe no nothing’s broken she’s fine there’s like a few like love for skating I know your dad texted me he’s like I think our kids need lessons for roller skating I was like yeah and
Then he texted me you two I was like yeah we never do it so we definitely don’t know how to do it like I mean like we never do it but we should yeah we should do it we should learn how to roller skate I don’t want to say anymore
I know but you have to fight you have to face your fear which is roller skating well let’s talk about that a few months from now stick goodness yes can you help me um get her chocolate cooled down Shirley ha do you anything else are you good
There is none you want spiciness right now really do you have the old texts that you called you he’s really worried about you you have to give him a call back yeah the UM Thea thank you mister D so for helping out yeah guys so this is
What’s pretty much going on I think she’s gonna be sleeping here you can’t throw your hand oh your fingers turn down or what what okay just put it down put it down put it down sorry sorry I’m trying to make the feel better okay I swear dad’s doing this is the way he
Cools down hot chocolate I could never do that I would be spilling it everywhere I went to college for this by he didn’t go to college for the ice so good feeling good I was so worried about you when you facetiming you’re like I feel like I’m dizzy and I’m so worried she
Gets here and she’s like I fell asleep the whole time and now she’s awake so she’s starting to feel the pain yeah that’s because you’re in pain it’s um chocolate that will eat that so it’s gonna be really good already guys well that’s pretty much the
Update we were gonna give you guys she’s not going to the hospital thank God nothing’s broken yay it’s just a scrape a really deep scrape but I think a few days that we know yeah yeah but you’re like a doctor so I think we’re gonna be just fine
Thank you guys so much for all the messages and we saw all those comments you guys left and everybody was so worried was that me that was you sorry I put my sorry that’s my bed thank you guys so much for um this week comments sweet messages you guys are amazing just
Feeling better and we will see you guys in our next vlog hopefully with that gone love you guys bye guys love you guys [Applause] Look into my eyes