Please do not attempt to perform any of these stunts or activities in this show they are super dangerous crazy wild dangerous the stunt scene are either performed by professionals or under the supervision of professionals serious professionals this show also contains bad language [Laughter] yeah you look crazy no shoes time to shine baby all right here we go get it oh my God yes I see it it’s at least coming out the bottom [Applause] all right Yeah tonight Here we are on the seventh day we’re in San Francisco right now we’re at a grocery store right now trying to get some supplies for the day when we got Heath in the van now we’re pretty sure you can help us out with some we need to find a lot more ladies
Uh I’m at at least 37. I think you could help us for a second deal you know what Thrashers I kind of got a got a method to it do you know what a king of the road is no ever heard that tell them that we have all these challenges and I
Say that one of the challenges is I have to kiss one girl before we leave the city and we’re about to leave the city really yeah wait I haven’t I had I have to do one more on our way out yeah very short I have favorite taters then that’s
Fine because if you tell them you’ve got to get like as many makeups as possible they’re not gonna be done you ready yes all right Perfect cool it’s uh Wednesday it’s Thursday oh it’s Thursday going a day longer Swayze’s work week is over I got this fresh white tea Hanes to be exact ly I’m gonna throw this thing on it’s been a minute oh yeah that’s fresh and it feels crazy though
You want to do a Duke between here and coffee or after we gotta get some we gotta get some points on the board today insane so crowded it’s in your spray or a solid what’s that put the GoPro oh yeah can we get some tunes they might want to hear sound effects
Cut it off mission accomplished [Applause] way to get done bro All right so we’re here in San Francisco we’re going to line up each team with a notorious Bay Area Legend for Toy Machine they’re meeting up with their old friend the Duff Man Corey duffel for those of you who don’t know Corey duffel he’s a tall dark and spooky
He looks like one of the missing Ramon Brothers he’s one of the original big handrail big drop skaters we’re gonna head out to duffel land get a duffel makeover and complete his challenges which could be anything I’m gonna go with complaining talking and uh having a bad attitude that’s the
Duff man I love you deaf man it’s bad Trixie’s birthday meet up with her husband Tony Trujillo to find out your special challenges to help celebrate yeah yeah celebration yeah for chocolate they’re gonna get to meet up with Tony and Trixie Trujillo this is a thrasher power
Couple they got married on a skate Rock Tour and then both of their children were conceived on Thrasher tours there’s nobody more Thrasher than the to heos and there’s no band more skate Rock than bad should I just look up Potrero skate park birdhouse is in for a special treat
Because their SF Legend is Andy Roy Mister Here Comes Trouble himself you like tattoos check this one out right now I hate cops Andy Roy’s going to introduce him to the rougher side of San Francisco I think all right get it birdhouse here comes the meat the hard life the crew
I got something in store for them we’re gonna go bomb some Hills we’re gonna Heckle yuppies it’s gonna be great you just want to do a basically when you come to San Francisco and start bombing these Hills there’s cars traffic all it takes is one second your life is done through lights
Out good night and so cross your fingers man hopefully you’ve come out alive [Applause] So what’s up dudes how’s it going uh we’re not sure yet all right so I guess we got some challenges for you guys first one is you guys got to put on like some clothes it’s kind of like a makeover of some sort so you guys about to get wild Cory duffel he’s a legendary skater somebody could be the Duff man for the day here’s the belt for Sinclair the word of the day King of the Road baby that ain’t gonna fit but I’m down he’s into like an Eclectic choice and clothing he’s into punk rock I think
Like a bunch of punk rock Duff man that’s close yeah Bill holy you look like Prince he said I look crazy look at him shirtless might be good otherwise Axel he can’t wear shirts he’s got one more day and no shirt oh nice all the better
So we’re going to be heading to ditch dressed up and all this attire I am Axel here for the dance party All right first stop wall runs [Applause] yeah there’s no way I’m doing this I’ve never done a wall ride in my life I’ll end up right in there with this little little fish yeah Colin yeah cologne so this spot is the first duffman spot someone’s got a wall ride front side over it someone’s
Got a wall right back side over it it’s looking terrible there’s no way you’re gonna be able to stop before you enter this sludge and somebody actually might go down into the runoff ditch Oh it’s hard right yeah [Applause] [Applause] look at that oh look at bugs and look at that bug that was just on my hand so it leaves our Euro buddy actual Christ bags to try it front side I think he’s really gonna end up in the sludge on the front side
Front side has got the uh in the deal no pun intended but uh front side is the harder one of the two wall rides over this thing and bonus points if he knocks ham bone from the ledge into the pit [Applause] Come on [Applause] Nice that’s a make right What up bro Tony Trujillo he’s a King of the Road veteran he went on the very first year he’s powered through he’s been an MVP he holds the King of the Road Spirit deep in his heart back then we actually went across country in the two weeks or whatever
Drive all night skate all day that was brutal chocolate team’s coming today into our little king of Road challenges this is Waylon how old are you six high five down low I don’t think so sure I happen to know that it’s Trixie’s birthday today so first off they’re gonna need to
Get her a gift happy birthday thank you okay so we’re gonna go up to the top of Alabama Street here so it’s got a front side flipper backside flip it and bomb the hill switch and we all got a bomb behind him switch it’s Johnny’s birthday today and he’s been killing it
Whatever but you gotta do the whole thing switch San Francisco is known for the sketchiest hills in the country and Tony Trujillo can bomb those things like nothing back in 2003 he bombed one of the biggest hills in SF switch he might be trying to get them to do the same
Kind of thing let’s go to the Top Hill yeah a little rascal running around all over the place it’s going to be interesting to see how that kid turns out you know once you make his own decisions it’s gonna be pretty cool gonna go for it right away because we’re
Gonna be ready follow his ass that was a little too slow right here big dog looks like we’re about ready to bomb here once I flipped Whalen skates a little bit he’s around skateboards all the time and I thought he would know better but he saw him pull the front side flip
Start bombing down the hill oh and then he chased after us on a board and he doesn’t know how to stop so mama was freaking out all of a sudden I look over and I see Waylon bombing the sidewalk I like I had like the total mom scream no like I was scared
That was wrong that was awesome dude congrats birthday boy San Francisco is a tough town and there’s no tougher guy than Andy Roy he hangs with the hour life crew our life that’s all my dirt Mac buddy all right we don’t got any rules great rules that’s what we do yeah we’re just scumbags that are just trying to
Survive man skateboard and cause of ruckus this is my big security now you want with me this is hungry big hungry he’s a homie from Auckland so today birdhouse you’re gonna have to do some of my tricks that I did back in the 90s or whatever so whoever they got
That wants to step up they’re gonna have to do my old good luck they’ll probably do it first try [Applause] hey let’s see if he’s got to share series made up yeah yeah yeah you got it really hard yeah the one you did was you look good who’s doing the barbecue oh we
Definitely barbecue we like it or I like it because it’s free food all right you know it doesn’t matter you don’t need a Grill we’ll adapt you know like in survival mode you know like you’re out in the wilderness right now I gotta look around for a
Grill or something to cook barbecue on in the Park oh over chain link fence uh uh shopping cart uh any sort of metal surface where we can cook on All right we got our Grill now they got a barbecue the our life challenge all they could use is charcoals and and matches that’s it that’s the only they could use everything else has got to be on the ground can you roll in on that real
Quick yeah if you need me to yeah yeah I feel like Andy took some liberties with this he may have added a few more challenges hey you need a little booster give him a little boost hungry give me a little boost that’s a Bomb Dropper right there
No one’s touched that thing straight to the ground John John he’s a freak you know he does that no one else does yeah Aaron hey Jazz we need you dude no we’re good I got this all right if you want to throw some guy off the roof Jaws is your
Guy for sure I don’t think they’ve ever seen anything like that at Potrero [Applause] yeah [Applause] all right [Applause] yeah we melted the paint off as much as we could get at least I think we’re good uh you know we’re looking for the seasoning salt so we can throw these ribs on get them nice and tasty They’re gonna be cooking fast man it’s hot look at that one hot dog bam they’re pretty good pretty good I’m good hey let me know how done that rib is sounds good yeah yeah I think the whole team out of Potrero they all get poisoned from the grill give the team
Lead poisoning are you ready everybody places now stabbing get cracked beat each other up this is a huge one so if we can send somebody down this thing can submit it for the biggest drop or the biggest something biggest Gap I think Forrest got all it yeah wow this thing’s so steep dude
[Applause] for for a gap right now but it would look amazing with the cake flying in the wind look at him just walking I don’t know if I can do it dude all of that right now only that I mean warm up Maybe not with the cape I can’t wait to see this crazy flight on this thing with the cape and the toy machine and the goddamns man Oh my God he’s insane that’s why we’re outside he’s on our team it’s like [Applause] [Applause] Death man fly yes I was like wrapped up in this cake wheel bike you ain’t got to do this if you don’t want to so forests ripped a hole about this big and is uh hit yesterday you wanna see and that was yesterday and he should have got he refused we came
Here he was ready to fly on the gap so on the first go just kind of shrugged it off he didn’t care and then uh after the fact he’s bleeding down his leg and the gas went from this to this [Applause] it’s a rough time to be a professional skateboarder right now bloody pants multiple bloody pants he will never tell you he’s hurt his arm can be missing no it’s just fine we’ll get it later just go out let’s get Forks [Applause] there’s a dog over here I think it’s that guys I’m gonna ask him if I can do a nose made no other football walking it is that your dog Jada come on come on sorry man all right right here All right here Burnett oh boy City one last jump for the camera look all right ah Cannonball let’s do that again so who’s the youngest team Rider you’re the youngest team Rider so you’re gonna have to bake Trixie a birthday cake and watch the kids upstairs oh I’m good at
That can you cook I love bacon let’s do this they gotta make a cake for Trixie’s birthday and they gotta watch those kids because the grown-ups are going to be downstairs recording an original King of the Road Song with bad what’s your name well let me see
How old are you 19. all right last year your teens yeah just a warning or the baby’s probably gonna be screaming the whole time because he’s just like kind of crazy where’s go go he’s all ready to be babysat played since October and I played yesterday and we could only get two
Songs out that’s it because they just kept running in the room and so yeah when I heard that that was the challenge I was like all right I don’t know we should get the kick started because that’s going to take a minute are you preheating the oven yeah no I’m not nice
Oh this is gonna be hilarious you want to help come on Oh goodness We taught you how to bake um nobody I just really just like learning on my own my roommates they smoke weed a lot so they’re like oh big cake all right Right now all right you want to bring it I got three brothers and two sisters a lot of young ones so it’s nothing new to me I was feeling that oh God all right should we check the progress it’s coming how long does it have to it doesn’t have to be long Elijah was riding but he was getting so frustrated he got too stoned and I’m like just get it done you get in here
Elijah we’ll sort it out it’ll work it shall work I wonder how the cakes all right you want to help me decorate the cake all right Dip some more We’re looking for highest longest most right now and uh duffel told us about this rail that he always wanted to grind but he never manned up to do it so we’re gonna see if anybody in the crew is feeling like jumping right now Actually looks like he’s ironing it up pretty hard over there we’re definitely gonna have to watch for cars both ways kind of a busy street and uh keep everybody safe it is excellent oh [Applause] that was it sketchy it’s so long and there’s all the crossbars coming down your wheel can get
Caught and he’s doing it down the gnarly swim of course that was so freaking cool man oh dude he was silent he’s got it dude hey Axel if you just hold it man you like right there right at that point he’s got to keep it going such a mission All right just about about an hour Axel’s trying his ass off at what we think will be the longest board slide of King of the Road and early Israel two in one right here [Applause] he knows he can do it we all know he can do it if something’s just not working
Out so it’s like it’s either keep going keep going kill all your energy to either make it or you just get defeated good tries man beyond good trash that’s the only thing left he needed was a little bit of luck Five in here yeah bees that the yuppies are gonna take my spot here in the city and raise the rent on me and then I’m gonna cause them up in living hell how’d you get your color to stay up like that don’t be scum
We had to take him out to go find some yuppies at like a cafe with the Wi-Fi or whatever the typewriting they do in the window so we went and heckled them died You guys are a bunch of foreign money soon I’m honest songs can’t rush for creativity it’s plenty we got it let’s go all right let’s party Eight eight That guy is a natural he is so cool he even did the dishes and then he even fed the baby he sat on the chair and fed the baby so cute and then I found out it was his birthday too it was that plane down there Cool all right I think that’s a take okay upstairs okay let’s hit it we were taking us downstairs chef Johnny All right he’s a happy birthday Saturday [Applause] oh Yeah [Applause] all right thank you I don’t think I made a wish oh well good job Have a good Adventure good to see you have a great adventure if it hasn’t been already Johnny you have a future cake Here comes the Bob’s Burger toss you got three tries so who’s flipping the patties so Billy I’m flipping it Bill’s catching it getting ready for it getting warmed up about the spatula toss to build three tries got to get him a burger patty on them and getting bunned up and
He’s got to eat it right away I’m gonna do my part as long as he handles his part and it’s all good like in baseball when the teams up it’s usually the pitcher’s fault Any of these guys right here in them are good to go ready [Applause] it exploded got too much eyes two more tries Little Bill all right let’s try it again let’s do this One of those bad boys all right bill yeah round two baby ready for it um [Applause] We gotta get the toe in then we’re gonna keep hitting some spots we’re gonna stay here tonight I’m like you look so cool man you’re like a Russian Godfather just all eating like okay let me tell you guys this is what happened we enjoy food and here’s what we will do to conquer
All right cool let’s go get this bump to Holly promos is our guy and he’s got the leather just in case happens foreign My name is [Applause] Foreign [Applause] Dudes are a little fried dudes are sore and they’re tired and they’re it’s hard to rest up on the road battling stuff I don’t just no hands your head yeah but I can’t I can’t just put all my pressure on my neck this is insane I think that we have
The most motivated I don’t give a mystery guess you could possibly get that’s a great thing letting Forest do his thing out here that’s that’s speed no problem yeah Forest good try man I was sick huh you got this this is 30 points taking a in the
Van doesn’t seem so bad now does it I’m gonna do that too dude [Applause] mark scale it is official as the angry yeah I don’t understand should we get him one more you think so Forest you’re gonna hate me man we need one more it was out of focus yeah duffel just lay down behind them you’re six foot right you got that Forest
Oh crap dude there’s a crack man oh my God yes that’s six feet and a slam we’re slam it’s about time to the van for us We’re in San Jose right now just drove from San Francisco it’s like I think was it like midnight yeah we’re looking for a frontboard kick flip well it’s 150 pointer not really necessarily good that trick I’ve never done on a rail but this
Is if there was gonna be a rail to do it on I think this is it it’s like one of the up ones so that would help us out a bunch if we can get it because that is not something you want to do on a handrail
There’s nowhere to like pop your board where it kind of flops out that’s probably not gonna look very good so it’s not gonna look pretty but it’ll count step challenges which are 150 points which is the most points you can get and there’s only a few of those
It’s another one of those things it’s like ultimate commitment there’s been tricks that we’ve put in year after year like and nobody’s done them and then all of a sudden three people do it From work yesterday I saw around like videos so I knew it was like mellow and that’s what I needed because I can do it on flat bars and stuff so if I’m gonna do a down something I need is slightly mellow once I jumped on but y’all yeah I can I can
Do this Oh Birdhouse yes dude wow these tricks are like super hard it’s not uncommon for a guy to try four hours you know factor that in like super late nights because a lot of the stuff you can only skate when you go there in the middle of the night it’s insane it’s
King of the Road I’m excited to see if they can do it I am so damn confident Johnny is going to he’s going to be in trouble I’m willing to put this 200 on it because I know that he’s gonna do it and I owe him a birthday gift got it done [Applause] [Applause] All right [Applause] Foreign Yeah Clint you got this yeah That was insane dude That was insane dude he put the team on his head I’m so happy yeah let’s go dude small rail from work kick flips done one penny baby [Laughter] holy on the next King of the Road that’s the scariest ever Almost got to decapitated dude oh these losses goddamn mine as much as I could cover it thanks for hearing the funnel over there wait what butt chug what does that mean dude oh my God