Foreign Do you like exploring we love exploring and today we’re looking for adventure Forest see Adventure forest was a very special place with lots of fantastic rides abuela used to go there when she was a little girl right abuela I used to go to Adventure forest all the time
My friend Center love to go on all the rides in adventure Forest but my very favorite one was the roller coaster rocks I see oh I haven’t been back to Adventure forest in a really really long time but I always wanted to ride the roller coaster rugs one more time it’s okay abuela we’ll find it oh you’re right mijita I remember the entrance to Adventure forest was near three red sunflowers do you see three red sunflowers where
There they are great spotting Puerta open door open open open Boots the door speaks Spanish so what do we say hmm re fuerta right boots yeah in English we say open door in Spanish we say abre Puerta say habre Puerta louder Let’s go to Adventure Forest Welcome we’re happy you could be here the adventure Forest welcomes you so much to do and see here we missed you we missed you we missed you that’s a fact we are glad you’re back oh I missed you too I want to join the bunny jungle chair eyes Way up in the air ride cool what about the bus go round HP DC I have found we’ll hang on to our socks on the roller coaster ride it’s my favorite so welcome welcome we’re happy you could be here we love when friends come by to
Ride Rider two or three here but one thing we should mention before you get in too deep it’s been so long since then it was here Oh no we wanted to ride the rides I was really looking forward to the roller coaster rocks is there any way to wake the rides up yeah can G for babies oh yeah oh yeah there is one thing there is one thing one thing you can do yeah
If you are safe buenos dias We can wake them up we can wake up all of the rides yeah yeah you won’t believe how great it is to ride the roller coaster rocks and I can’t wait to take you there and you two boots come on let’s all go rhyme the roller
Coaster rocks but how are we going to get there who do we ask for help when we don’t know which way to go the map right you have to say map say Maps say math who’s the guy you need to know when you’ve got a place to go what’s my name
Say it again who can help you say hey I figured out the way what’s my name say it again I’m the map I’m the map I’m the map ooh abuela really loves the roller coaster rocks and I can’t wait to ride them too we can help her get there first
You have to take the River Ride thank you then you have to go past the swinging tree that’s how you get to the roller coaster rocks and you’ll need to wake up all the rides along the way so remember River Tree roller coaster rocks say you with me River Tree roller
Coaster rocks River Tree roller coaster rocks River Tree roller coaster rugs so you tell Dora first you go to the river where do we go first the river right the River Ride To get to the River Ride do we take the path with the purple tree or the orange tree right the purple tree come on we’ve got to get to the roller coaster Rock so that we can ride the roller coaster with abuela’s vamos It’s been so very long since anyone’s been here let’s wake the rise ups are gonna rise and shine we’ll have an awesome time we’ve got to wake up all the rides by saying buenos dias sing with us foreign Oh I used to go on it when I was a little girl it goes Splish Splash push oh cool but but how are we going to go on the River Ride we need to find a boat do you see a boat yeah we can ride that Long Boat let’s go foreign oh louder
The log woke up hola I’m so glad you woke me up I love to give rides climb on board por favor life jackets so we can be safe yay we’re going on a log ride [Applause] we’re headed for the tunnel but those Vines are hanging too low we have the docker heads down like this to go under the vines duck your head like this duck your head and boom foreign those bushes are in the way it’s gonna be a tight squeeze boots we can get
Through the tunnel if we hug ourselves to squeeze through put your arms around yourself like this and hug hug hug whoa that was the biggest Flash ever We have to lean this way to get through the tunnel get ready to lean and lean this way [Applause] Yay we took the River Ride did I tell you that Adventure forest was the best eh yeah where do we go next Dora River tree roller coaster rocks we took the River Ride check so next is the tree right The Swinging tree To get to The Swinging tree do we take the path with Las Flores rosabas or Las Flores correcto Las Flores amarillas come on we’ve got to get to the roller coaster Rock so that we can ride the roller coaster with Abuela Come on we’ve got to wake up all the rides by saying buenos dias sing with us Is to wake them up Look that’s the swinging tree it swings you from one side to the other We’ve gotta wake it up wake it upon louder wow we have Riders nuts Nueces do you see you hop into my basket and I’ll swing you to the other side Oh that’s heavy very heavy uh oh I need both of my sights to weigh the same so I can swing you across when both of my sides weigh the same my arrow points to the middle oh is the arrow pointing to the middle no so we need more nuts more nuts must listen
Uh oh the other side has too many nuts is the arrow pointing to the middle no so we need less nuts less nuts Is the arrow pointing to the middle so do both sides weigh the same yeah thanks for helping yay now we can swing swings thank you Hey we rode the swinging tree gracias where do we go next Dora River Tree roller coaster rocks we took the River Ride check we went past the swinging tree check so next are the roller coaster rocks right are the roller coaster rocks by Los globos Rojos or Los globos azules Los Rojos
SI Los Rojos come on we’ve got to get to the roller coaster rocks so that we can ride the roller coaster with Abuela closer box but how are we going to get down there Boots we can ride the zip line to the roller coaster rocks hey that sounds like Swiper the fox that sneaky Fox is always trying to swipe our stuffies if you see swiper say swiper you see swiper where dondesta swiper thank you he’s riding a flower helicopter one flower helicopter oh that one
I know Boulder he’s going to try to swipe our zip line we need your help to stop swiper we have to say swipe your nose switch say it with us oh man Yay we stop swiper let’s go ride the roller coaster rocks get ready to go down with us and say we say wait wait Meet him he’s the roller coaster rocks we’ve got to wake up the ride to wake up the roller coaster rocks say Buenos dias yes again Whoa that rock is really snoring even louder So long a little girl and a monkey oh and I remember you you love the roller coaster rocks see and I had to bring Dora and Boots for one more ride Amigos we’re right there we go sir yeah I mean yours I never thought I’d ride the roller coaster rocks again like I remembered here we go [Applause] Look we’re almost done yeah and look that Rock’s gonna take her picture Smile and say cheese perfecto foreign Let’s ride it again yeah yeah We did it we did it we did it we did it we did it fun adventure forest and woke up every ride we did it we did it we did it all right down the river [Applause] We had such an exciting roller coaster Adventure today what was your favorite part of the trip I like that too my favorite part was riding the roller coaster rides again my favorite part was riding this way in tree my favorite part was going to Adventure forest with me abuela and you
We can’t wait to go back again we couldn’t have done it without you thanks for helping gracias Thank you