The Barbie movie the biggest film of 2023 and because it is so iconic Funko has created figures to go along with it and there are a bunch of different ones that you can find I tried looking for them a little while ago and had no luck
So today I’m going to be going to the mall again to see if I can find any of them for my collection the goal is to find all four of them but even just finding one would be great because it does seem like they are very popular selling out pretty much every single
Place right away and so I am wasting time just sitting here let’s get going all right so we’ve made it to the mall and it’s kind of funny because we are in a Primark right now I didn’t even know they were in the US like seriously I
Thought it was just a UK thing also I gotta figure out my way out of here oh there’s the exit no seriously though guys take a look it’s actually Primark and now if you guys don’t know what stores are at the mall we have a bunch of different ones a box lunch FYE
GameStop Hot Topic you name it okay so we made it to the first store which is FYE and I’m noticing they have a pretty good selection over here like right away I see the Hello Kitty flocked one as well as down here ug to Dory one of my
Favorite fortnite characters and then a little lower we’ve got Stitch with plunger which is actually a really funny one to see I like that a lot and now over on this side because it looks like this entire pillar is full of figures we’ve got oh Spiderman India for ten
Dollars which is actually a figure I need for my Spider-Man collection the thing is though I just never really knew what was too different about this one I think it’s like more detailed or something if you guys know pop it in the comments because I know it’s not
Metallic and I think for 10 bucks I might go for it but for now let’s keep going around the giant pillar here oh no it looks like on the back side here we’ve got some Lounge fly really cool syndrome one actually I like that it’s actually really neat but then over here
Nobody see anything good now one of the ones that I have been on the hunt for actually is the 21 Savage Funko Pop and I saw that it was releasing some places so I figured it might be here because they do have like Ed Sheeran Jimi
Hendrix Snoop Dogg but for today I’m not seeing them well it was definitely worth a shot especially because FYE is mostly music so nothing really great over at FYE mean they had some stuff but nothing I was really on the hunt for so now we’ve got three stores kind of in a row
Here GameStop Hot Topic then box lunch and let’s start at this one because it’s first of course alrighty so let’s see what’s going on here because this is one actually that is brand new the Mortal Kombat one over here and then oh hold on a second the 13th Battalion Trooper this
Is one that I’ve actually been on the hunt for there’s a new wave of them that released it looks like this might be the only one that’s available so far but I wanted to do a video on all of my storm and Clone Troopers this is definitely
One that I’m going to be getting oh and then speaking of Star Wars guys over here we have breath up now this is another one technically with some Stormtrooper and Clone Trooper stuff going on here but that is a really nice one also with GameStop exclusive and now
Taking a look here I am not seeing any prices on them I wonder if they’re normally like the 12.99 or just 15 bucks I’d have to check either way it’s pretty cool and then taking a little bit more of a look around we’ve got some sdcc
Stuff as well as Ted DiBiase down here Batman hush and I think out of all of them though for today I’m either gonna get the third team Battalion Trooper or breath up or maybe I’ll just get both oh no wait hold on a second before we get
Out of here though I didn’t even notice the big ones at the top here like some tri-gun six inch ones I’ve never seen discard as before I hope I’m getting that right as well as some 10 inch ones we’ve got some of the collectors boxes and over here check this out because if
You want to see it it’s buy one get one 50 for all clear and stuff and there’s probably some cool ones in here like I mean this flash down here a pretty nice suit I believe it’s also the metallic version too right now everybody we went
Next door and we made it over to Hot Topic where they have a giant wall of figures and I noticed right away kind of in this little Nook over here they have one of the pop candies that I’ve never seen before in person as well as the
Jack Skellington sodas and take a look at this one here guys the Retro Tony the Tiger and now they are 16.90 here so I think I’m probably gonna be getting both of them because I want to try to get that chase and then taking a look around a little bit more I’m
Noticing like the SpongeBob and Patrick two packs some of the ones from Inuyasha we also have uran High School Host Club some of the sdcc exclusive inclusives but I think that’s pretty much it for the stuff that I’m gonna be picking up okay so we’re out of Hot Topic now and
That was pretty much all I ended up getting those two sodas I was debating on the candies but I don’t know I ordered some off the Funko shop they’re still gonna arrive soon and so now let’s go to the third one out of the three in
A row box lunge and now taking a look at their section back here oh we actually have some interesting ones check this out guys one of the High School Musical ones we’ve got Gabriella that is pretty funny I did not expect to see that here we’ve also got like Demon Slayer as well
As we found them it took long enough everybody but we finally have the gold disco Barbie as well as president Barbie and I’m wondering if they have any others it doesn’t look like it but they do have this Snoopy down here and it’s kind of funny this is the first time
I’ve ever seen I’m just so excited about these ones because I’ve been looking for them for days and I wonder if they have others but actually it looks like they only have one left of each I better hold on to them but anyways backing up a
Little bit if you guys want to take a look at the rest this is pretty much everything yeah I am glad that I found these two okay so I grabbed the two Barbie ones but then on the way out I ran into this bad boy here it is one of
The Pop deluxe moments it’s actually The Nightmare Before Christmas Snowman Jack and carolers take a look at it I also really enjoy how the sleigh is 3D then below that they also had some of the pop plush which I totally passed by and now everybody that is every single store in
The mall and I gotta say we didn’t do too shabby over a box lunch getting those Barbie ones especially because if you’ve been watching the videos for a while I’ve been on the hunt for them and the cool thing is we found probably the two rarer ones and I also did see
Recently that they are coming out with a skating Barbie and skating can two pack probably exclusive to Hot Topic if I were to guess but now that’s not all of the hunting we’re gonna be doing today I also want to go over to Target and maybe
Walmart after that so I’ll see you there all right I made it now that we found the other Barbie ones I’m thinking maybe we could find more here at Target you never know and now the first thing that I found here is actually the Leo and
Turtle van which I do have in the collection as well as rhinox one that I’ve been debating on for a bit but I just always see him all right we have made it and now is there anything Barbie related I’m not seeing it but I am seeing the first form
Frieza here which is pretty cool the metallic version first time I’ve ever seen it and then over here there was another one that I wanted to show you guys aha The Little Mermaid one here in the back one that you don’t see too often but it is a San Diego Comic-Con
Exclusive and I’ve been looking for the baby Raptor one and I’m wondering if they have it uh it doesn’t look promising oh but something that is new is actually the Ted lasso ones and I think they have all four of them because they do have Jamie which is the Target
Exclusive as well Sam and then Rebecca back here and then Keely and I don’t think there is oh no they’re missing Ted actually is he in here somewhere um you’d see the stash I don’t say um makes sense that he would be the first one to
Go and now the last section that I always like to check is over here in the toys where they sometimes have a few and all I’m seeing is Pokemon today with like Munchlax as well as pretty much the entire New Wave down here with Arcanine score bunny as well as glacion hold on
What did you say oh oh check this out everybody I guess the Pokemon ones were kind of in the wrong spot or something they’ve got some Elsa’s over here they’ve got some other larger figures and they do them that 10 inch Glaceon the problem is it’s 45
Target when did you do this I remember when they used to be like thirty dollars flat and that one there is probably gonna come to Toys R Us in Canada sometimes so I’ll just wait on it for today but also good to know for anybody wondering they do have these Star Wars
As well as Princess bitty pops I’m liking the little displays hold on everybody what do we have here I was on my way out and ran into a pop tea here it’s got the Spider-Man on the front there and then the pop in the top like
Take a look pretty neat oh and then check this out guys behind that they also have a Raphael Turtles one is there more of them no no it looks like just the two but still pretty cool if you’re a kid and want a shirt like this the
Stuff you find at Target okay so we’re done in Target now we are in the Walmart parking lot and this is a location I haven’t been to in a while there might be some good stuff if you guys are wondering what’s new at Walmart I’m gonna be honest I’m not really sure
Perhaps we’ll find the other Barbie ones that would be nice oh all righty what do we have oh I noticed this down at the bottom here the problem is the boxes seem to be ripped like this one’s ripped on the bottom and then this one here is also
Not looking too great which is definitely too bad because I would have loved to have picked this up I don’t have it for my you know comic cover collection but uh yeah it’s not amazing and then looking at the normal figures here is there anything that I’m on the
Hunt for I don’t think so but it looks like this Noah fortnite but you know what’s funny you know what I made that joke earlier in the video I did the one over at FYE yeah it’s sorry now I figured before we get out here we might
As well come over to the toy section where they sometimes have some Five Nights at Freddy’s stuff and they usually have a large Barbie section now okay I found the Barbie section but it’s literally just dolls all the way down makes sense and well I found the Five
Nights at Freddy’s stuff it just looks like they only have the Liberty chica figure which I’ve got as well as this reversible flip that while I’m showing this then we also have the Liberty chica plush and this down here and then that’s the other side of the blush that was
Scary it is because I think this here is withered chica I believe yeah looks like him her looks like her chica if you’re watching I’m sorry alrighty everybody we are back and now let’s go through everything that I picked up because I gotta say I got some pretty great pops
For some pretty great deals with the first place and I picked up something being over at GameStop and for some reason they had both of these Pops I don’t know how I got this for 15.50 and I’m guessing it’s probably because I had a five dollar off coupon but even then I
Was thinking it would be closer to like 25 but some reason it was ten dollars less and maybe one of these was priced wrong I’m not exactly sure but I was able to get this one here the 13th Battalion Trooper which is an amazing one I really do love the yellow on this
And I am like I mentioned earlier trying to work on a stormtrooper and Clone Troopers video so this was a perfect one to get for that and then the other one that I got was this one here and I always forget his name breath up is I
Believe how you pronounce it I don’t know it’s a weird one and I mean he’s an Ewok so it makes sense it’s gonna be a little weird but really this is a great one from the end of the movie after they’ve won and he’s actually playing the drums or you know Stormtrooper
Helmets so pretty fun and I’m glad that I was able to get both of these for an amazing deal then the next place that I would have got something was over at Hot Topic I actually ended up grabbing two of the Tony the Tiger sodas like I
Mentioned I was going to and now this figure here is a little bit weird because it’s actually him supposed to be surfing and then the chase version is actually him at the surfboard behind him and so I guess let’s just crack into these and find out if I’m going to be
Getting that chase and I don’t know if it’s any heavier it probably is but this one feels a little bit wider so maybe it’s it I don’t know and here we are with the first one what do we get ah the normal Tony nice thing is I wasn’t able
To get any of these at San Diego Comic-Con so I am lucky to just have any of these in the collection I needed this one still too and I gotta say it’s looking pretty clean and then this one here literally just says Tony the Tiger so I don’t know if maybe like he’s
Always surfing in the older version like why did they do that for this one because there isn’t another Tony the Tiger soda this is literally the only way you can get them so maybe I’ll have to do some digging the original one is like that and so anyways let’s get into
The second can here which if I’m gonna be honest I don’t really have High Hopes but hey I gotta try alrighty already all ready all ready ah this is a normal Tony the Tiger but you know what the paint job is a little bit cleaner than the
Others so hey I’ll take it okay now everybody the reason that you clicked on this video Barbie the movie Funko Pops pretty crazy that I was finally able to get them because I mentioned a couple times now but I have been on the hunt for these and they did say they were the
Last ones they had in the store and so I was able to get president Barbie and I gotta say these boxes are really cool with how pink they are and then take a look on the back here I believe I mentioned them earlier but there is also
The Western Ken and Western Barbie two others that I’m missing which really is too bad because I want to get all of them eventually and it’s funny because my Hot Topic has restocked them I want to say like two or three times and it sold out super quickly every time but
Still getting the president Barbie is a cool one I like how she has the sash as well as the one word president on there in that Barbie font and then just in generally really well done pop and then hold on guys that’s not all for today
Because I was also able to get this one here the gold disco Barbie and I’m just noticing now her suit or like actual outfit has like a bit of glitter on it and now this is one that I definitely want to take a bit of a closer look at
Because I really don’t know what’s going on with that like yeah that is definitely interesting it’s not how they would normally do glitter ones it’s kind of just like glued on instead of like in the vinyl do you know what I mean then also the way they did her hair looks
Pretty great too and I gotta say the Barbie ones have been pretty fun and I also can’t wait for that two pack to release which looks like it’s gonna be inside of a black light box but I don’t think the figures are black like they didn’t look like it because usually when
Funko is a black light character it is the entire figure that’s kind of like that black light look but it seems like their faces aren’t it would just be their outfits for the roller skating version oh and also kind of a funny thing if you guys have seen the movie at
The end of it there’s the I am Kenneth sweater my brother was able to order one of those off of Mattel creation it’s kind of funny how fast that sold out too and it seems like people have just been really enjoying the movie in general and
I wanted to do a movie review on it this time but the problem was the figures came out later than the film so at least we’re getting to do a hunt though and if you guys want to see another one where I try to find the rest of the set please
Pop it in the comment section below because I would love to do it but anyways everybody that is pretty much everything for today and I hope you guys did enjoy and I’ll see you tomorrow