These are my daughter solosh and tsunami and they think I’m having a girl this is my son Diesel and he thinks I’m going to have a boy so today we are going to settle this by doing a series of tests and at the end we are going to see what the tests say
We are going to have the first test is the Cabbage test my mom has to poor pea into a cup of cabbage and if it turns purple it’s a girl or if it turns pink or red it’s a boy what kind of strange tests are they these tests are called
Old wives tales and are what people used to use back in the olden days to tell what gender the baby is so now that we put the cabbage in we’re going to come back later while we wait for it to boil to see the results all right you guys so
For this next one we’re gonna need baking soda so we have it right here and some of my pee and as you can see it’s half and half it has to be the same amount on each cup and then you just mix it together or pour it in if it fizzes
Or bubbles it’s a boy this is so excited I hope if fizzes or bubbles so Diesel’s not let down okay let’s do it I’m just gonna pour it in here and now we wait that’s not really physically or bubbling I think it’s a girl D so just because
It’s not bubbling or anything points for girl alrighty you guys so for this next one we are going to be doing pregnancy cravings What have you been craving oh because if you’re craving salty that means you’re having a boy sweet things that means you’re having a girl
What do you create I do not crave anything Sweet Nothing zero zero zero so that means it’s a boy maybe you I’m not sure points for a boy you guys so much you’ve been pregnant a few times now it’s probably a challenge trying to fall asleep huh yes so the
Next myth is if you fall asleep on your right side it’s a baby girl and if you sleep on your left side it’s a baby boy oh I sleep on my right side on the right like your right shoulder yeah yeah because the bed is this way yes my right
So wait wait what is that what is it okay so the right side left right is a girl and the left side we got a point for a girl yes so this next test is I am getting one fork one spoon and putting them under two pillows
The spoon is the girl and the fork is a boy I have no idea what’s going on so I’m gonna sit here because it looks more comfortable it’s open and it has a it’s a recliner so it’s a fork in here yes what yes
Yes I’m having a boy okay so I want to go run down with the boys all right so for this next one it is pregnancy weight gain obviously it’s normal and a must when supporting a developing baby to gain weight but do you gain more
Weight with a boy or a girl so this old wives tale has the answer and for a girl it says that if you are gaining extra pounds while your body especially in your thighs it’s a girl but if most of your weight gain happens in your belly it’s a boy
Oh where do you think I’m gaining the most weight in my belly or all my body I think in your bed yeah that is correct so for this pregnancy I have only really seen my belly gaining weight as of now that might change further down the line but
As of now it’s in my belly so that means a point for a boy for boys good guys so Ranger went to get to get haircut that’s why he wasn’t here but he’s also team boy and he just got here look how cute he looks oh my goodness
You’re so cute do you like your haircut yes oh you look so adorable she was like he looks cute so the cabbage juice is finally ready and it actually looks kind of blue yeah so the myth is that if it turns pink or red it’s a boy and if it
Turns purple it’s a girl okay are you ready are you nervous what do you want it to be he’s so shiny today okay ready I’m so nervous Oh that’s red is it red Yeah it’s red that’s red because it looks kind of pink or you guys see the judge but in my opinion from here look look it’s ready another phone no what what you’re happy okay moving on let’s go so the next test
Is the pregnancy brain so basically the myth is if it’s a girl you’re fairly alert and steady on your feet while pregnant if it’s a boy you’re feeling tired and a little clumsy is a sign you’re having a boy you know which one I know you know
Oh my gosh you guys I am getting emotional because I think I might be having a boy every single one I have done basically has been a boy like everyone knows I’m always so tired I don’t want to be on my phone no if I could I would sleep all day and I’m
Still tired oh my gosh dude that’s crazy off to the next one so this next myth is the baby bump position this is probably the most well-known myth out of all the pregnancy myths okay and and I have to say for this one I do truly believe it because I feel like
Throughout my pregnancies my stomach looked different when I was carrying a boy versus a girl so I kind of already know I already know how it’s positioned so okay my hands are starting to sweat so basically what does it say basically if you’re having a girl your baby bump
Should sit higher and if you’re having a boy it should sit lower so let me just show you guys where it’s at right now because in my opinion as a mom oh I like the baby bump is sitting very low so pointy low I think it’s a boy it’s
Definitely not high it’s definitely low right here you can see it well that is another point for a boy oh my gosh is there a lot of boys yes no wait till the end I’m not gonna spoil it so for this next one it’s a very easy
Basic one it’s women’s intuition what do I think I’m having and I’m gonna let you guys know like every pregnancy I always told my husband what I thought I was having and I was never wrong not once was I wrong really so I’m just gonna say it right now
And I’m gonna stay with diesel I think I’m having a boy yeah just women’s intuition I think I’m gonna have another boy all right you guys so for this last one I’m gonna have my husband help me out here I didn’t want him to be part of the
Entire video because I didn’t want him to know what I was having prediction wise until we got to the very end I am so nervous he’s team boy so he’s gonna be doing the last one right now with me and then we’re gonna count how many
Points we have for a boy and how many points we have for a girl I’m excited to do this last one all right you guys so for this one it is the wedding ring gender test so we’re gonna be trying it out with my ring and basically how this
Works is I’m gonna be placing the wedding ring in my wife’s belly so if it goes in circles that means it’s a girl if it goes like side to side it’s a boy and the thing holding it is a piece of my hair yeah here we go so I’m gonna
Place her really steady and the Ring’s gonna do the job wait what is it what is it doing so circles means a girl that’s a girl what let’s go again if it does circles again then it totally does work I see it going back and forth no it’s
Not circles no so maybe a girl I’m getting emotional again so as you guys know we did 10 prediction tests but nobody knows each other’s tests they did it individually they’re about to find out right now how many boys and how many girls showed in those 10 tests are you guys ready yes
Out of 10 prediction tests we did 801 War [Applause] you guys remember um It’s a prediction test so you guys have to say the actual gender reveal test very very soon um what’s going on in your brain right now what though okay yes this is kind of sadness but at least I know what gender to start crocheting and that’s all you can because
All righty so how are you feeling man I’m so excited and nervous nervous I think the main one here is the intuition because I feel it in my heart so I don’t know I don’t know but thank you guys so much for watching I’m going to be going
Outside it just stopped raining like not too long ago so the kids are gonna be going diesel you still have your gloves they could be going in their go-karts and hopefully it rains some more because honestly I love love love the rain even when it’s kind of hot I’ll still take it
Yesterday was raining so much they went in the pool in the rain it was it was really fun Ranger and Solange already left in their scooters but whoa oh my oh my let me know you yeah so the girls are gonna be going roller skating today that should be fun they
Have classes a few times a week so they’re going to be roller skating after this Night so I’m so excited yeah with your feet okay All right you guys that is gonna be it for today’s video I hope you guys enjoyed our prediction test thank you guys so much for watching if you guys want to watch more of our content you guys can click here or here be sure to subscribe turn on post notifications and
Give this video a big thumbs up in five four three two one and stay tuned for the gender reveal because I am so excited to find out what we’re gonna be having