So much to learn about it’ll make you wanna shout with me hey it’s me blippi and today I’m at Discovery cube in Los Angeles California and I am so excited to show you around but first I have someone really special to introduce to you hey
This is Mika and she’s my best friend oh blippi you’re my best friend oh no Mika you’re my best friend I’m so excited to go in and explore discover Yeah whoa really yeah what are you doing Mika I’m being an athlete I’m acting like a big plane that carries passengers Now I’ll be a jet that goes super fast Yeah I love planes oh check it out wow we can make paper airplanes cool oh shall we yeah right okay let’s start with blank white pieces of paper okay wow I wonder whose is gonna fly faster and further I don’t know probably yours we’ll have to race them you’re really good at this type of stuff Mika oh thanks blippi yeah I love making paper airplanes oh that’s silly whoa here we go whoa just warming it up yours looks so good
All right and I am almost done whoa does it look good I think your plane’s gonna go really far really check it out wow all right shall we go see whose plane is more aerodynamic come on whoa cool launch pads Launchpad and look at these Rings wow maybe this launch pad
Will launch our paper airplanes and we can make it through the Rings oh okay all right whippy three two one go whoa whoa yeah Let’s do that again oh wow yeah do you want to switch launch pads sure okay wow I’m gonna see if mine can go through the Big Orange Circle okay I’m gonna aim for that Circle too okay ready yep three two one [Laughter] should we go over there yeah it’s like we can put some things on our arms and act like airplanes together he’s a win Wow it’s a lot harder to stand up with these on yeah I think the wind was catching it it was and it was pushing us back a little bit yeah that was awesome yeah Whoa check it out we’re at the competition Zone yeah he built our own cars and we can race each other yeah who do you think’s gonna win I’m guessing you’re gonna win Mika you’re really good you never know you’re pretty fast all right so the first step we need
We need or a base yeah okay what base are you gonna use let’s see well yeah a blue base with an orange stripe yeah kind of like my blue shirt with an orange suspender that is a great choice for you blippi what about you Mika I really like this
One with the two different color blue see a light blue and a dark blue stripe in the middle whoa cool I like that all right now for the top body for your car the top a body cool thank you I like this blue one oh cool you’re
Gonna go all blue huh yeah oh and then this yeah the body I will do an orange card with the blue stripe yeah the opposite of the bottom so cool all right really nice together oh thanks looks like we connect them like this huh oh cool magnetic do they stick really well
Together yeah and what does every car need yeah all right let’s pick out some wheels and tires right here yeah yeah it looks like we need four of them probably the same number that your car has yeah okay here we go all right check it out yeah they’re ready to race
Oh Mika looks like we can add some weight to make it heavier remove Weight make it lighter wow I wonder if that will help should we try um sure I’ll try a really small one what are you gonna try hmm I’ll try one okay two all right I guess oh
A scale okay let’s see mine weighs 101.7 grams wow all right what about yours let’s find out 106.5 even though my car’s way bigger yeah all right shall we yeah let’s race her wow check it out this is the race track Hey it matches my car really well oh yeah it does check it out wow all right here we go wow all right now we’re at the start of the racetrack so let’s get our cars ready into the launcher we have to pull it back on three two one [Applause] whoa that was awesome
Who won I don’t know I think maybe Mine by just a second oh yeah Lane one that’s me 4.1 Lane 2 3.72 shall we try it again okay wait since your car won do you mind if I try taking this weight off oh yeah let’s see
If that helps all right all right and I’ll keep mine on let’s see if anything changes okay ready to count down three two one whoa [Applause] give me one whoa I can win oh thanks Mika wow here’s another race track shall we try this one out yeah
This one looks really cool there’s turns wow do you want to go first sure thanks Go wow look at it go [Applause] so fast whoa last Corner whoa yeah that was awesome Mika what wow 12.96 seconds that’s right now it’s your turn what here we go are you ready yep hey three two one go yeah whoa look at it go this track is really
Cool yeah keep coming yeah just a little bit more okay [Applause] 18.22 oh Mika you totally beat me I don’t know might be the cool looking blue car hey one of my wings okay can I borrow it we want to have this one sure I have no weight all right and I’ll have one wait Here we go three two one go go yeah go blue car go blue car go blue car oh yeah that was awesome wow so fast all right try it out ready three two one go go yeah oh yeah it made it whoa shall we keep exploring yeah Oh did you see that yeah it went all the way up to the ceiling and it made a circle oh really yeah so cool whoa whoa smoke it’s kind of cold yeah it’s colder over here yeah trying to get in okay all right okay it’s gone now whoa check it out
Some windmills they’re so tall yeah and they’re spinning because wind is blowing into them it’s really cool because when Wind Blows through the propeller type of thing it harnesses the energy yeah it’s really good for the Earth yeah and speaking of Earth yeah there’s a lot of rocks around
The earth and this is a fake rock wall yeah have you ever tried one no you want to yes yeah all right okay let’s see Active very healthy for you wow wow cool all right I’ll follow you all right should we go that way sure all right Yeah and look a red scarf oh and I have a blue and orange one tied together blippi these are your favorite colors oh yeah you’re right oh and look a yellow one we have more colors Yeah it’s the same color as their shirt and oh last color Check this out push these buttons a lot of wind comes from here all the way up I don’t feel any wind in mine we’ll try again yeah now you know what to do yep here we go Yeah yeah oh thank you oh I’ll catch him all right wow the wind is so powerful whoa scarves are so light they just fly up in the air yep whoa whoa all right there we go three Two one go yeah that was awesome wow a wind machine so try it have you ever been inside one oh well it gets really windy all right okay all right baby Get ready thank you that wasn’t me yeah that was awesome yep I sure do love learning with you Mika me too we did so many cool things yeah we learned about some science and some history yeah we raced cars and we raced airplanes wow what a fun time yeah well this is the
End of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my will you spell my name with me of course good job wait a second how do you spell your name see you later bye hello hey it’s me blippi and look at
Where we’re at oh yeah today we’re at Moonlight rollerweight in Glendale California this is a place where you can roller skate yeah have you ever roller skated before it is so much fun but first I have someone really important and special to introduce you to it’s Mika and she is my best friend
Oh hi everyone I’m Lisa yeah Mika is my best friend oh look you’re my best friend oh Mika you’re my best friend hey Mika do you want to know what we’re gonna do today yeah check it out does that means yeah you have a roller skate anymore yeah
You have to have really good balance yeah you do I bet you are gonna do really good well we’ll see I bet you’re gonna do it So excited let’s go Wow look at this place Nico it’s fabulous yeah it is whoa and look at the carpet it’s so colorful yeah I love all of these colors it’s so fun yeah because whoa check it out the roller rink yeah it’s really really big and look at the floor it has colors on
It too yeah oh and look at that ball up there a disco ball what’s the floor made out of Mika the roller rink floors are made out of wood and they’re really smooth yeah kind of like ice rinks that’s right whoa do you know the difference between ice skates and roller skates
Ice skate has a blade Blame that yeah you’re right Mika hey should we go get on our roller skates yes I can’t wait Whoa look at all these skates oh there’s so many hello hey who are you I’m Pedro I’m Nika and I’m blippi nice to meet you nice to meet you what are you up to I’m disinfecting these skates whoa disinfecting who can I see yes you can whoa check it out
Addicted whoa that way it can get all the germs out of the skate and keep them nice and clean yeah so then they’re not really really Here you go Pedro Pedro roller skating what’s the first thing we should do we first need to figure out what size skate you wear oh do you know your shoe size oh your shoe size that’s your roller skate size yeah do you have big sizes in small sizes or
What size do you have we have from toddler sizes very big size whoa whoa check it out this one’s so small yeah and this one’s really big cool what’s the largest size you have Pedro this is the largest one at a 16. Up to 16 up oh yeah one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen yeah whoa I got these for you Mika thank you and these are for eucliders thank you so much Pedro wow shall we go put on our roller skates yes Yes this is yeah wow and there’s so many parts on the skate yeah yeah look for real oh let’s count them together okay one two three four wow so cool what’s this up front oh this is the toe stop it helps you break so you can stop wow cool
Oh and check this out yeah it looks like we have some brown shoelaces so then you can tighten it up around your foot so your foot doesn’t fall out whoa and look it kind of looks like a shoe but it’s not called the shoe yeah
It’s called a boot yeah but before we go out and skate we should probably get on our safety gear thank you oh let’s see we have oh wow you do yep yeah yeah you put them on your wrist so then it keeps your hands nice and safe yeah
Oh what do you have I also have some elbow pads wow yep they go right here on your elbow all these things will protect you in case you fall down yeah and these kind of look like elbow pads but they’re bigger yeah these are actually for your
Knees so then your knees are nice and protected last but not least yeah why is the color blue that’s one of my two favorite colors and I have all sorts of colors on here blue pink and pink and favorite color oh my God you’re so silly well shall we gear up so then
We can roller skates [Applause] oh now we have our steaks and helmets on we should probably put on our knee pads Wow we are being so safe yeah we are safety is super fun all right now that we have our safety gear on let’s go ride [Applause] whoa are you okay oh all right whoa slippery whoa this is tricky here I go whoa really oh whoa I almost fell it’s so
Slippery yeah it is we need to work on our balance oh no I can’t stop are you okay yeah I’m okay I’m glad you’re wearing a helmet whoa all this safety gear really helps us stay safe yeah and it makes it less scary if you’re gonna fall down Oh this is awesome what happened Mika I fell down you did do you need help up oh sure thank you all right oh you’re welcome this is really hard huh yeah it’s pretty tricky trying to keep your balance up here yeah it is do you see that wow whoa really good yeah
Whoa hi guys how are you good how are you you’re doing really well I’m coach JC here with moonlight roll away and I would like to teach both of you to skate better wow means you must know a lot about roller skating just a little bit
But let’s get started what I’d like to do is teach you first see how you’re losing your balance we want to get you both in the T position so you’re going to roll your skate behind put it in a t and look you can stand up nice and tall
And hold your balance so yes see yeah and I noticed that you were just bald and so let’s see if we can go over that let’s go over and practice falling and getting back up wait we’re gonna practice falling yes okay awesome so let’s all sit down okay we’re gonna get
Down just like this okay and the first thing you always want to do when you’re on the ground is get your hands off the floor so that no one can roll over them so hands in the lab and then we’re gonna roll over on two knees
So we’re gonna go two knees down and then we’re gonna go one knee up we’re going to take both hands put it on that knee and we’re gonna look up because we’re going up we’re going to push straight up and look we’re gonna go right back into that t we just practiced
Oh now Mika you can get up on your own if you fall again ah wow thanks for teaching us that no problem that’s great so now can you guys both say one two three roll yeah one two three roll awesome that means you can skate okay so we’re gonna put
Action to all those words you just said so we’re gonna now take our tea and move it into a letter V and by putting a letter V with your skate see how we can touch the back wheels yeah we’re gonna put our hands in front we’re gonna keep
Our knees bent and we’re going to keep our hands nice and straight and our heads up and we’re gonna go one two three roll okay let’s do that together all right ready yep one two three roll see and if you lose control what’s the letter we go right back to the T oh
That’s gonna be your favorite letter today okay so from the T we’re gonna go back to the B and we’re gonna try rolling just a little bit further this time all right ready one two three roll we’re gonna keep going and this time we’re gonna try and put our heel back
And lift and get that toe stop into the surface oh whoa see cool we just stopped with the no stop really just stop toes stop and now watch to the T to the T our favorite letter and then we’re gonna go right across and we’re gonna keep going
With our marching and our hands strong in front two three one two three roll wow look how good your both are getting wow I’m so excited yeah we are getting really good I feel much better about skating now whoa great job you guys and you’re skating safely Yeah well done shall we show us your stuff now yes you guys go on enjoy your skate all right nice job Foreign [Applause] this is so cool it’s like a line because of the wheels whoa Whoa that whistle is so fun yeah hey Pedro thanks for hooking us up with these awesome roller skates yeah no problem yeah it was really fun and Nika did really good her balance is great oh thanks blippi you did really great too what a fun day
Glad you guys had a good time yeah okay see you later Pedro wow that was so much fun we learned so many cool things today and really got to practice our balance and skating skills yeah we did well this is the end of this video but if you want
To watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me good job wait duh how do you spell your name hey why don’t we go on some more fun field trips together soon I would love
To blippi yeah let’s go all right see ya bye-bye thank you Thank you Thank you Whoa hey it’s me blippi and look I’m riding a bike but my bike has a flat tire oh no I love riding bikes they’re so much fun but you can’t ride a bike with a flat tire uh blippi oh hey Mika this is my best friend Mika hi everyone
Cool bye flippy oh thanks Mika uh-oh looks like you have a flat tire yeah I was just telling our friends that I have a flat tire and now I can’t ride anymore well good thing we are at school Cafe in Los Angeles California it’s a cafe and a bike shop I put someone
Inside could help you oh really yeah wow let’s go yeah let’s try it out come on whoa so you said this place has snacks and bikes yeah Cafe and a bike shop whoa hey who are you well hi there my name is Dane oh hey I’m Mika yeah and
I’m blippi nice to meet you oh what do you do here I’m the head bicycle mechanic so you fix bikes I do you’re the person we need blippi has a flat tire I don’t know well if you follow me we’ll get you ready to roll really you I can all right let’s go
Whoa this is gonna be great oh cool all right I now have everything we will need to fix your flat tire yes so the first thing we will do is put your bike into the bike stand s make it much easier when the bike is up high like that much much easier smart
Can I put the helmet right here you certainly can so the first thing we’re going to do is remove your front wheel 19 millimeter box wrench and loosen the axle nuts on the wheel wow Ride a bike like that I know now it’s a unicycle next we’re going to take a tire lever to remove the tire from the wheel so you’re removing the tire from the wheel right now you got it and just like that this is cool can I see the wheel
Whoa check it out Mika wow bike wheel with no tire yeah look a big circle cool and it’s actually kind of light yeah okay and the next thing we’re going to do is remove that tube which is what created the flat tire whoa so there’s a tube inside the tire
Can I check it out whoa so this has a hole in it and this is what was inside the tire that makes sense whoa oh it’s squishy yeah it is it’s like a balloon yeah cool here we go oh so as we’re now done inspecting the tire to see if there’s anything stuck
Inside of this that created the flat we’re now safe to put a new tube back inside that’s okay so it’s just the tube that had the hole Yeah bro that looks flat yeah so that is this but brand new exactly so what we’re going to do is fill it up with a little
Bit of air to make it easier to install whoa cool look at it it’s getting blown up whoa Next we will need that their wheel back here you go one wheel one wheel thank you and so we’re gonna set just one side of this wheel inside of the rim itself okay and this is where I like to create a dinner plate dinner plate I love dinner
Wow so what are you doing now I’m gonna insert and reinstall a new inner tube to replace the compromised one and see once you have it set up like a dinner plate it’s easy enough to just add it back inside of the now we’re gonna reseat the other side
Just like that and now we have a fully re-u installed Tire yeah so last but not least we’re gonna put air pressure back into the tire this specific tire goes up to 40. PSI or pounds per square inch can I hold the tire and wheel certainly
It is feeling like a normal bike tire now it’s really filling up whoa so when doing this you always want to read the side of your tire first before you start to apply air pressure okay and that way you won’t over inflate the tire oh so it doesn’t explode
Wow now this feels like a bike meal that you could ride on yeah yeah and now it is so last but not least we are going to reinstall this back onto the bicycle so that you may continue your ride yay whoa you are such a good mechanic Dane you did that so fast Perfect wow and voila whoa thank you so much wow now I can ride my bike again blippi can I ride bikes with you oh that’s a great idea but you don’t have a helmet or a bike I don’t have anything one of the good news here at spoke
Bicycle cafes we both rent bicycles and helmets all right wow here you go Mika thank you we just pick out a bike out there indeed all right let’s go thank you so much Dane you’re welcome wow cool all right see you later thanks Dave enjoy your ride thanks come on blippi all right
Yeah so excited to see what bike you choose look at all of these bikes whoa that wheel’s really big oh these bikes are so colorful yeah I like these I think I’ll just take this one wow look at the colors yeah and green yellow and orange wow so colorful what
Did you find I found some stickers look whoa oh yes folk Bicycle Cafe that’s where we’re at do you want one sure here you go oh check it out hey that gives me a great idea blippi what what I have some other stickers right here in my bag do you want to decorate
Your helmet that’s a great idea let’s decorate my helmet before we go on all right okay whoa okay but you also said that they have food and drinks right yep it’s also a cafe whoa we should probably get hydrated before we go on a ride that’s a great idea yeah
Let’s go come on hey hello we’re about to go on a bike ride yeah we’re looking for some refreshing drinks before we go yeah do you have any water no thank you whoa look at all this stuff whoa such great craft supplies yeah let’s let’s put your helmet all right I love
Decorating yeah this is gonna be so much fun yeah looks like we have some stickers whoa look a little star yeah which one is that gold gold oh we have silver too okay it’s a little tricky to peel it off how about right there nice I’m gonna put one here
Orange tape one of my two favorite colors I knew you were gonna pick the orange cake yeah oh and these are really cool stickers whoa all right wow look underwater sea creatures whoa whoa what animal are you gonna pick what about this really fun dolphin
Can I put it right here on the orange team sure wow cool orange and blue together my two favorite colors really like this walrus whoa yeah another animal that lives in the water yeah or check this out wow oh do you know what I’m gonna do with this
It’s a surprise do you need help cutting exactly yeah thank you very much all right and watch this I’m gonna put it in this all and then I’m gonna put it out of this and then I’m going to tie a little knot Really cool ribbon tail so then when I go super fast they’ll fly in the air maybe we should cut it just a little shorter though how about right there all right that’s good that’s gonna really really cool I don’t know if we’ll work with this ribbon but it’s a trick okay this
Is something a grown-up can help you do to make your Ribbon oh it’s not working that’s okay yeah yeah and here’s a green marker all right let’s make some squigglies on that side yeah you’re really good at drawing you should try and draw you a big pink part on the back
Wow let me try a different yeah all right yeah okay and I’ll work on another ribbon whoa oh it’s gonna be a surprise when she’s drawing Whoa that is so cute of you to do that are you excited to see what she’s drawing oh Miko okay I cut another ribbon yeah I just think it looks so cool when I’m riding really fast it will be blowing in the wind yeah all right check it out
How does this look looks very good okay do you think it looks good enough yeah yeah all right let’s try it on Flipping this helmet is yeah well shall we go on a ride oh yeah let’s go let’s go okay we’ll come back here later to clean up but now let’s go on a ride this is gonna be so much fun this is a great day to ride bikes
Together yeah we have cool looking bikes we drink a bunch of water so I think we’re ready I need to put my helmet on so I’m nice and safe oh yeah and we decorated my helmet so I look real cool so cool hey check this out I have brakes on my
Bike in case I need to stop oh back like this yeah oh and look at my bike yeah I don’t have hand brakes yeah I have breaks when I pedal backwards yeah are you ready oh yeah I can’t wait all right let’s go okay Yeah that was awesome that was super fun wow I love riding bikes me too yeah actually with you oh Mika yeah two people for two bikes yeah yeah what if there were a bike So cool what look at this this is a tandem bike yeah two seats on the spike one two and two sets of handlebars yeah these handlebars up front are for the person that steers and these are the person in back to them they don’t follow oh shall we try it yeah
I guess all right two people one bike here we go Wow that was so much fun riding bikes with you Mika really yeah we had a great day riding bikes yeah it was so much fun decorating my helmet with you yeah it looks sneaker yeah and it’s really cool how we learned that you need to stay hydrated
Before you do really active things like riding bikes yeah this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my neck will you spell my name with me good job hey Mika how do you spell your
Name oh I’ll show you Guys wow that is so cool all right see you again bye-bye here we go hey it’s me blippi and look at where we’re at today you don’t know where we’re at because it’s an illusion today we’re at World of Illusions Hollywood California and this place is so awesome but first I
Have someone really important to introduce you to yeah yeah it’s my best friend hey blippi everyone I’m Nika yeah this is Mika she is my best friend you’re my best friend oh no Mika you’re my best friend I’m so excited to get to hang out with
You today yeah what are we gonna do well we’re at World of Illusions whoa I bet there’s so many cool things to look at yeah there is and I brought my camera so I could take some pictures oh awesome let’s go come on wow wow
Look at this place oh wow can you see us we were so miniature back there man you’re so little and now that we’re up close we look bigger and speaking of big and gigantic whoa everything in this in this room is gigantic look at these whoa whoa they’re giant
Eggs wow let’s count the eggs together okay one two three four five six six giant eggs yeah wow I was just going to say that yeah I love how colorful they are which one is your favorite oh I think this one because there’s yellow and purple and I like all
These Stripes this cool design whoa not like this one because it has orange and this kind of bluish color oh look at this whoa wow check it out huh we’re gonna get a giant dog bowl dog food in here would be so massive can you imagine the dog that would eat from
This bowl whoa that would be a gigantic dog definitely not a Chihuahua one no way wow do you have any pets out oh let’s go explore what’s over here whoa there’s a giant headphones yeah normally headphones are so small and that go on your ear but these are giant yeah
They’re really big this would be for a Giant’s ears that’s silly whoa look at this I love this unicorn yeah she loves unicorns hey do you want to ride it yes oh can you help me yeah okay there you go all right actually I’m gonna step up
Here in here I go all right whoa be careful whoa where are you going Nico oh I think I’m just gonna go get some ice cream oh ice cream on her Unicorn oh that is so silly how do I look look you look really good maybe I should take a
Picture of you yeah whoa all right say giant unicorn on three one two three giant unicorn whoa this is gonna be such a great picture oh I love I love this clippy you’re welcome and makeup I have a great idea why don’t we go play some hide and seek yes yeah have
You ever played hide and seek before yeah how about I high okay and then you can help me find flippy oh we’ll count together to five all right all right okay close your eyes Ready one two three four five ready you’re not here I come do you see beep beep see he’s flippy by the giant eggs hmm don’t see him there oh maybe it’s a big dog Lippy nope let’s go back to the giant headphones here maybe behind the really cool unicorn blippi where is he I’m over here do you hear that blippi I’m right over here ‘s hiding behind the eggs the whole time I don’t even see what I looked the first time did you see me it’s awesome hey let’s go play some more hide and seek together yes I want to hide all right them
Yeah get out we’re in a kitchen yeah look at this giant piece of cake looks so yummy yeah oh I wish you were real it’s you looks like it’s a vanilla piece of cake yeah look at these yummy pink flares maybe strawberry or raspberry whoa oh and the frosting up top yeah
Whoa a giant Cherry yum yeah a piece of cake with the cherry on top whoa look over here it’s a blippy cup whippy tea couch yeah yeah saucer wow this would be a really big tea party yeah a blippi tea party nice and warm wait why don’t you take my picture
That’s a great idea all right I’ll say tea party on three ready yep flippy tea party on three one two three yeah oh yes how does it look let’s take a look together whoa I look so small oh yeah the cup is so big yeah wow oh thanks for taking my
Picture of course oh whoa wow it’s so big look at this kitchen counter blippi yeah we wouldn’t be able to reach any cookies if they were up there no it’s so tall or if there’s some bananas pour some broccoli nope what would you want to do is up
There well I think I would want a nice tall cup of orange juice yum nope this would be a great room to play another round of hide and seek that’s a great idea can I hide now okay yeah you can hide okay all right will you close
Your eyes with me and count to five all right here we go one Two three four five five okay ready or not here we come okay did she buy the cake hmm where are you Mika I don’t see you by the cake do you see Mika by the cake hmm not seeing her huh all right what about the teacup Mika where are you
I don’t see her anywhere whoa where could she be Mika oh maybe on top of the kitchen countertop Pika where are you who is she up here cool no I don’t see her anywhere do you see Mika Mika where are you she said she’s behind me but I can’t see
Her do you see her Mika where are you Behind me I don’t see her what you’re saying that she’s in a Cupboard okay let’s check Amigo yeah we found her good job I love playing hide and seek yeah that was so fun yeah well shall we keep exploring yeah let’s go whoa come on whoa you look so small this place is awesome doesn’t blippi look so much bigger than me yeah Mika you look so small
Whoa but check this out whoa no that was really big and I’m really small do you want to see how it works whoa come on whoa see how the floor is cemented it’s kind of like a ramp yeah and Mika was a lot closer to you and I was further yeah
I was closer to you I looked really big and when I was further away I looked small yeah you want to see an example see my two hands they’re the same size yes but if you want him back and the other one forward this hand looks bigger
Than this hand because it’s closer yeah this place is awesome really really fun yeah should we go explore some more yeah let’s keep looking yeah whoa hey check it out I’m sitting on an elephant elephant trunk yeah and I’m balancing on an elephant tusk whoa sound like elephants
Together all right here we go Well you act like an elephant with us Hey Mika I should take your picture all right say elephant come three one two three this is gonna be such a great picture whoa wow it really looks like I’m sitting on an elephant trunk I know and it looks like I’m standing right now on the
Elephant huh yeah but if you come over here cover this way yeah you will see I’m just sitting on the floor and I’m just standing on the floor that’s called an illusion wow this place is so cool should we go explore somewhere let’s go surprise Mama chick I’m not a baby chick
I’m Mika hello oh makeup what are you doing hey flippy look I just hatched out of this egg Yep hey Mika do you mind if I take a picture of you oh yes please all right what should I say how about baby chick on three okay one two three Baby Jake oh all right let’s see this picture it does look like you’re a baby chicken
It really does thanks for the picture you’re welcome we’re jumping on a trampoline yeah with a bunch of cupcakes wait a second colors I see orange who likes the color orange is that why you always wear a purple shirt you know it yeah the green cupcake just like my camera another green and
Look it’s not okay another illusion it just painted on the floor yeah and Nico what cupcake would you want to eat this is probably the purple one yeah I would probably pick some orange ones yeah yummy should we jump some more yeah let’s do it yeah wow [Applause] what’s wrong we are on the ceiling whoa this is crazy whoa whoa we’re in a bedroom We’re upset upside down oh wait a second I have an idea will you jump with me on the count of three sure one two three oh that’s a little better yeah that’s much better but now everything that should be on the floor is on the ceiling
Yeah we were upside down but now the room is upside down oh This is so cool I love upside down houses why don’t we go see what other rooms there are around The table whoa yeah and there’s even some eggs This is so cool what’s for dinner it looks like breakfast yeah Yeah I love pie yum wow this room is so cool wow can we keep exploring yeah whoa bye-bye kitchen bye whoa whoa the living room whoa this is awesome the couch is on the ceiling whoa I can almost touch it yeah look at the chair oh this would be a fun
Room to watch it show it yeah I have an idea why don’t we have a living room dance party Yeah we saw so many cool things yeah good thing I brought my camera yeah now I have this cool photo album yeah we’ve got so many pictures yeah what was your favorite part of today oh right there I love the elephant oh yeah that was so silly
Wow well this is the end of this video if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for me for my name will you spell my name with me yeah b-l-i-c-e-i good job how do you spell your name yeah all right see you soon [Applause] Hey it’s me blippi hi I’m Mika yeah and it’s sure raining outside today a super rainy day but luckily we are indoors for some inside fun yeah today we’re at CreateSpace in North Hollywood California and I’m so excited because we get to make art here yeah Art Is Awesome
Shall we yeah let’s go whoa look at all these paintings yeah there’s so many and they’re all in frames oh yeah yeah all the frames are the same shape yeah do you know what shape that is hmm yeah it kind of looks like a square that’s right because
There’s one two three four five yeah but look Mika these are longer than these you’re right which means it’s a rectangle wow okay all the frames are the same shape so they’re all the same yeah but look all the paintings are different yeah that’s the cool thing
About art it’s such a fun way to express yourself and everyone comes out with different pictures yeah like this one so colorful look at this one whoa It’s kind of funny yeah I love the teeth oh and look an animal oh an elephant look at the two little birds
What’s on this table oh looks like a lot of cool things yeah look crap whoa so colorful so many different crayons whoa look at this a cutting board usually I find that in a kitchen yeah I know interesting what’s in there oh looks like one of those things that you
Use to water plants with yeah there’s water in there oh yeah probably shouldn’t pour that out whoa look at these molds something else you might find in a kitchen yeah you could even put chocolate in these oh yummy hey in this and this thing must be cooking today
Yeah cooking art pie oh hey how are you I’m David wow nice to meet you David I’m blippi yeah hi flippy I’m Mika hi Mika oh what do you do here well this is my art studio oh cool we love it here it’s really cool thank you yeah it’s been a
Dream of mine to do this forever and my dream came true I would love for you guys to try a little project with us today wow did you figure out what all this stuff is for no we couldn’t figure it out but we saw everything that was here yeah well it
Looks like we’re gonna cook yeah crayons cooking crayons you can’t eat crayons so these crayons are going to be reused we’re gonna turn them from something old to something new oh cool how let’s get started okay first of all here our aprons you can put them on keep your
Your cool clothes nice and clean thank you for saying that we look so cool let me try every day okay so so we’re gonna pour water into this Skillet it’s gonna get hot and while it’s heating up we’re gonna take those crayons and break them into pieces
Okay sprinkling in the molds ah put the molds into here and then we’re gonna cook them we’re gonna mix these these crayons together they’re gonna melt we’re gonna put them in there and then we’re gonna make rainbow crayons yeah love it well shall we sure all right pick your
Favorite colors okay all right ooh let’s see well I like blue and orange it really does okay and I love oh here you go thank you okay and then break them in there Okay okay you ready yeah can we put it in there now yeah all right go ahead and if you don’t mind it’s gonna get hot so okay just be really careful okay all right I think it’s this hot it’s a good idea to do it with a grown-up yeah yeah
All right and here’s another that looks great just set it right in the water okay and then you can come on this one perfect oh you guys these are gonna be so cool nice work I love your colors thanks um if you guys don’t mind I’m gonna stay
Here and watch this cook okay okay and if you want go and explore the art studio all right that sounds like fun okay yeah thanks guys wow look at this place oh look at all these scissors paint brushes I have a lot of paint brushes wow yeah oh and some tape oh
We’ll stick things together yeah it’s really cool how there’s a lot of different materials to use for art that’s right and there’s even more over here oh check it out oh some blue tape one of my two favorite colors wow purple tape my favorite color yeah and
Look Mika my other favorite color you know me so well yellow wow this is so cool it looks like we have a bunch of glue whoa that’s a lot wow whoa Mika check it out whoa look at all of this stuff it looks like it this is our canvas should we make a
Picture together as a team yes some feather paint brushes there’s nothing on the table I know what we use these things to get the paint onto the canvas oh so you’re basically saying we can use say this green and then put it on this cardboard and then smash it down yeah
Okay let’s see I’m gonna start with [Applause] All right and here’s some blue oh what are you gonna use first um let’s see well I have yellow green and blue okay I’m gonna use some blue and I’m gonna use some aluminum foil oh it’s all right let’s see all right whoa all right now your turn I want to take
This car and I want to put it in the green paint here thank you oh you’re welcome all right see what it looks like speed painting looks like some yeah yeah oh sure oh I’m gonna use some yarn whoa that’s gonna look silly yeah
Okay here we go whoa whoa now this is a masterpiece sure is it went over the wet paint it looks like the vehicle is sliding around slipping and sliding I wonder what a feather would look like oh you want to try something blue here okay
Oh now that’s my kind of burn all right let’s see that looks so pretty Mika thank you wow oh I have an idea do you think that red Works let’s try it all right okay this is gonna be so silly okay it works it works really well all right I’m gonna
Need your help for this one okay okay you see this yeah okay will you pass me the red okay [Applause] whoa cool very cool thank you so much now I want to put the wheels through the red here whoa some cotton balls all right I’m gonna
Mix all the colors together all right let’s go over again this is such a beautiful painting whoa circles whoa whoa here we go all right whoa this looks like such a great painting does it look good or does it look good it looks [Applause] cool wow shall we let it stay right here
To dry yeah let’s go find something else to do okay here you go laughs Wow looks like box monsters whoa whoa they’re so silly looking oh yeah whoa look the eyes are on top of the head whoa and look this one has horns whoa [Applause] oh and this one has rainbow eyes and a bow tie just like me hey that’s right
Button rainbow colors and Libby it looks like there’s other bow ties and things here oh and some blank monsters oh you can make our own kind of monster should we make hmm I know what I’m gonna make wait I’m gonna make a blippi Monster Box oh that’s a
Great idea I’ll make a Mika box oh that’s a great idea too whoa look these look like my glasses that’s perfect look a pink bow tie if you want it pink oh yeah oh it looks like a really big uh eyebrow yeah how do I look I know oh
Very funny well this could be a very long silly nose whoa whoa now that is silly yeah okay Oh all right are you ready yes I’m so excited to see your monster here we go looks just like you Mika thank you monster Mika I think yours split me that looks amazing oh thank you hello well shall we have a Monster Box puppet show yes we
Yes I have an idea though shall we switch oh hello I’m monster blippi hello oh hey blippi whoa I mean Monster blippi you look fabulous that’s right I’m a silly monster looking good Mika oh so much oh did you notice my purple and yellow hair of course of course I did it
Does look fabulous oh you’re so silly Blimpy that’s why you’re my best friend no you’re my best friend Oh no you’re my best friend oh Mika monster we have fun together yeah we do we go on such fun that’s right hey let’s go on another one
That was awesome Mika it’s so funny yeah and that was really fun making these monster boxes together yeah we need of today we need that I bet they’re gonna be so colorful I know hey oh yeah do you think they’re finished yet I don’t know let’s go check Oh are they done they are done you want to see them wow whoa chicken the Stars Isn’t that cool ladybug and so colorful they look great wow you guys want to try them out yeah yeah here follow me ready all right whoa whoa whoa They do change colors when you
Use them well look I can see blue and purple in mine whoa is that fun mine went from yellow to Green to Orange oh I can see yellow you guys are doing that looks fantastic that was so much fun making art today yeah what else did you guys do at the
Studio oh well we made some really cool monster boxes we did a canvas to get well I’ll go ahead and clean this up if you guys want to go and see if your stuff’s ready oh yeah yeah maybe it’s dry yeah yeah all right so much thanks
For coming in it was so nice to meet you guys bye wow look it is dry yeah it looks really nice oh yeah I love the green and the tire tracks that you made yeah and here are the circles that we made with paper too oh yeah and you can’t forget about my
Piece of tape wow should we go hang it up yeah let’s do it all right whoa whoa now every everything here we go what a beautiful Masterpiece yeah I really love all of the colors that we used and that we made it together yeah
We did such a great job yeah I think so too well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to will you spell my name with me yeah yeah ready yeah b l i p p i blippi
And if you want to search for me you can spell my name Mika do you spell my name with me awesome h Oh what a fun video and it was so much fun making art today together art is so much fun because it’s all so unique Monster Box blippi hello hello all right see you again bye-bye [Laughter] hey it’s me blippi hi and I’m Mika and today we are at the color factory in New
York City New York that’s right there’s so many colorful things here and you get to take pictures oh and maybe we can learn about colors we’ve never seen or heard of before that would be awesome let’s check it out come on oh oh check out this colorful ceiling yeah
It’s made out of paper do you feel it oh yeah it is made out of paper no it’s like a ton of colorful beautiful bookmarks yeah what do you think it looks like maybe it looks like hair it’s really fun to have rainbow colored layers yeah oh Mika can you find your
Favorite color or one of them oh I see yellow over here whoa look [Applause] hey Let’s keep exploring let’s go Whoa this place is so cool yeah so colorful yeah hey what is this it says welcome to color factory start okay oh get a little card with a smiley face on it and there’s a QR code on the back let’s skin it here oh we get to use this
To take fun pictures oh that’s so cool where’s poopy blippi do you see Flippy surprise what are you doing well I found these macaroons Chef blippi At Your Service oh macaroos they’re moving yeah it looks like they’re on a macaroon train wow this is so fun what color would you
Like oh um let’s see there’s a lot of colors it means a lot of flavors I bet too I like bright pink one one pink macaroon please here you go thank you and that orange when they’re free okay thank you so much and the green one there
A green macaroon thank you I’ll eat those later I think I’m gonna eat this blue one it looks so tasty I wonder what flavor of blue macaroon is let’s see Taste like Well enjoy hey I see something over here I think I can use my ticket it says scan here okay three two one cheese awesome that was a good picture whoa let’s check out this room come on let me look at this hallway oh it’s so colorful so colorful and look over here oh
That’s right and it sticks to the wall because it’s magnetic whoa what’s magnetic me when something’s magnetic that means that one piece of metal pulls another piece of metal towards itself whoa It’s like a really sticky yeah you’ve probably seen magnets before on your refrigerator that’s fun wow and look at this
I can take one from this color and switch it with this one whoa oh that looks cool let’s keep picking up colors whoa oh clippy I see one of my favorite colors no yellow yellow is a primary color oh what’s that mean that means that there are not any colors
Combined to make yellow wait a minute you mean some colors you can make by mixing up other colors that’s right oh I’ll show you I see one of your favorite colors over there me too whoa like it’s the color orange yeah whoa check it out oh Mika what two colors make up orange
Yellow and over here I see red whoa check it out yeah to make orange you need yellow and red and then they mix together and make orange I love Orange it’s so bright and fun oh I like this bright and fun color wow it’s bright pink I wonder how you make pink
You take bread and why yep mix it together and you’ll get pink it’s purple how do I look am I matching oh you match you look so good can I guess what two colors make up purple oh sure hmm well purple’s kind of maybe red and let’s try mixing Red with blue okay
Ready whoa what’s this oh this is a mallet you use it to play instruments yeah whoa nice yeah look at this one whoa that’s low yeah it’s pretty high yeah oh hey let’s play some music together yeah let’s do it Wow whoa this room is so colorful this is so cool there’s confetti everywhere oh yeah where’s it coming from Steven oh look up it’s raining from the ceiling this might be one of my favorite rooms yeah me too oh do you know what confetti is yeah look it’s little pieces of paper that
You throw in the air yeah usually for a celebration oh or a surprise yeah or a Confetti Party foreign hey Mika let’s meet the biggest confetti shower ever oh yeah let’s do it no okay ready here we go one two three that’s a lot of confetti hey what’s that there’s another scan here
Box oh I can use our little oh first I’m getting Betty in there okay let’s scan it oh the camera will you get another picture okay here we go wow that’s gonna be a fun picture we make confetti angels Yeah this place is so much fun I wonder what else is here let’s go find out I don’t know here you want to try sure whoa Amiga try them on Find music yeah oh I know what this is It’s a silent disco or a silent dance party yeah I love dance parties yeah the only way you can hear the music at the dance party is if you’re wearing these headphones oh yeah you want to hear okay here fine right Whoa yeah I like this song yeah should we dance yeah let’s have a dance party wow this room is amazing oh look at the floor Let’s get moving and grooving and jumping up let’s shake it all out another scan here box whoa let’s take a picture says get ready okay Nice picture wow such an interesting looking room yeah it’s also really colorful yeah oh it kind of looks like a desk there’s some paper here and colored pencils yeah oh and there’s rooms on the other side too oh I wonder what we do here hmm oh it says observe the person sitting
Across from you oh you should sit on the other side and we can observe each other and then we can sketch each other too yeah that’ll be really fun it’s like a coloring game yeah we can do it okay I’ll see you on the other side I thought you would like the blue and orange table ah thanks I do okay so make sure you have a pencil and make sure it’s nice and sharp oh yeah yeah this is a pencil sharpener you put the pencil inside like this and it sharpens Isn’t that cool oh
That’s really cool yep nice and sharp okay so it says observe the person sitting across from you what colors do you see in your partner’s eyes hair clothes or accessories okay Um I’m gonna color this brown because blippi has brown eyes whoa no way Nika I’m coloring it brown because you have brown eyes oh we have the same color eyes the next one says oh this is easy it says guess their favorite colors hey can you guess our favorite colors
Okay I think that’s a good guess foreign I would guess that your favorite colors are red and I’m just kidding I know that blippi’s favorite colors are orange and blue whoa yeah you’re right those are my two favorite colors yeah I guess too hmm if I were to guess I would guess that Mika’s favorite colors are green I’m
Just kidding purple and yellow you got it those are my two favorite colors yeah and I see their cards over here yeah let’s see this says you deserve a blue ribbon oh that’s so nice the Blue Ribbon is usually a first prize something that you would get if you won something and
You did really well at something you get a blue ribbon so this is a compliment what is yours say this is also a compliment yeah oh it says you’re the zest to my orange yeah this desk is a really good part of the orange you can put not food it means
You’re really special oh and on the other side it’s blank so I’m gonna write a compliment for you blippi oh okay all right a compliment to you too Mika okay a compliment is something nice you say about another person okay okay should I give you my card yeah I have something
For you okay Mika is very good at making me smile that is so sweet blippi thank you whoa and Mika wrote you are a great dancer there’s nothing to say this is such a fun game I wonder what else is here let’s go find out all right come on one two three oh
Whoa wow this is a giant blue bumping yeah it’s so big I know oh let’s play in it hey it’s kind of like a snow angel whoa Watch this flippy three two one whoa whoa oh hey Mika look there’s a camera on the ceiling we can take another photo okay Oh that’s gonna be a really silly one yeah that’s good yeah how do we get out of here uh oh over there over there over there oh yeah over there okay here we go We did it we made it yeah out of the ball pit whoa there’s a window over here and it says surprise oh Mika I love surprises it looks like we get to pick one of these toys what are you gonna pick I don’t know which toy do you want oh look at this
Oh no way look it’s a cup but then it gets really tiny yeah and it would fit really nice in my bag I think I’m gonna take this cup yeah oh whoa look at this oh it’s silly straw you’re so silly whoa and it has a little
Face hello I think I’ll take the straw hey flippy we should go check out all of our photos from today yeah we took so many yeah all of these photos are so amazing I put them all in my journal yeah I had such a fun day with you oh Mika how many photos
Did we get oh let’s count one two Three four yeah four photos what a blast at the color factory right yeah we learned so much like primary and secondary colors and had a lot of fun with confetti oh and we had a dance party day and it was great to end it with a sweet treat and a surprise well that’s
The end of this video but if you want to watch more of our videos all you have to do is search for my name hey you spell my name with us okay here we go Flippy good job will you spell my name with us cool Well we’ll see you soon all right see you next time oh hey it’s me blippi whoa and look at where we’re at yeah today we’re at aquarium of Boise in Boise Idaho and this place is awesome yeah it’s an aquarium have you ever been to an aquarium before
Yeah it’s so cool because they have so many marine animals here yeah marine animals are animals that live in the water well shall we go explore let’s go whoa oh there’s so many different kinds of fish in here whoa they’re all back there oh hello
Oh look up here looks like a list of different types of fish oh look at that one that one’s called a yellow tang yeah and it’s all yellow I wonder why it’s called yellow tang oh and look at this one it says purple tang looks like it’s purple and yellow oh
And that one way over there whoa Powder Blue Tang wow yeah it’s blue and yellow okay let’s try and find them um let’s find the yellow tang yeah they’re pretty distinct looking huh all yellow okay not that one wait there’s one way over there
Do you see it it’s so far back there oh it’s hiding hello yellow tang look up there yeah an orange white and black fish I know what that is look up here it’s a clown fish look up there do you see that blue fish yeah it’s just pure
Blue it’s really bright and vibrant and look up here whoa It’s a blue damsel fish it’s so bright and blue and colorful cool see you later fish oh more fish look at this in here wait a second this looks like the same shape as the last clown fish but this
One is just black and white yeah do you see it right there yeah a black and white striped fish here comes another one wait yeah this is actually a type of clown fish yeah but can you think of an animal that lives on land that’s black and white stripes yeah
Zebra wow cool these are the zebras of the ocean see you later clownfish did you see that yeah yeah that looked like a puffer fish to me whoa actually it’s a porcupine puffer yeah looks really smooth right now but if it gets frightened or scared or angry what it
Does is its cheeks Puff puff and its whole body yeah becomes spiky yeah it’s a defense mechanism super cool whoa and look down here whoa do you see this wow looks like an eel yeah this is actually a yellow head Warrior eel and it’s just hanging out in the Rocks yeah
Just chilling yeah that’s what eels like to do hang out in the rocks and just poke their heads out all right see you later fun hanging out with you here whoa look at this looks like an old boat that then water got into and rocks over the years whoa It’s a perfect fish
Habitat oh and look at what I have yeah some snacks for the fish yeah just like how you and I like snacks yeah yeah fish like snacks too oh and they said I can actually feed these fish all right first let’s try these peas there we go
All right pour it in my hand and then we’ll see if the fish like to come and eat some food here you go whoa do you see all those fish yeah those are Japanese koi fish there’s so many of them and they’re so colorful all right we have a little bit
More food over here all right hello Japanese koi fish yeah all right here you go whoa are you hungry oh they’re so cool looking they’re so colorful yeah summer orange and black some are white and black and some are white black and orange see you later all right what else is around here Whoa look at this tank this tank is massive looks like the fish are all on the other side but there’s a lot of gallons and liters of water in here oh and look at this whoa looks like a scuba diver whoa do you see this helmet it looks like a port
Right here yeah scuba divers have this area so then they can see while they’re underwater Oh and scuba divers wear this outfit so then they can stay warm under the water and so they can breathe underwater you know how you and I have to hold our breath underwater scuba
Divers can breathe while they’re underwater cool oh and do you see this big weight yeah us humans we tend to float so this weight is holding the scuba diver on the bottom of the sea floor so then this scuba diver can work yeah looks like the scuba diver Works underwater
Wow whoa look at all these tanks whoa this is so cool oh and look at this one it’s really big and bright and vibrant yeah do you see that yeah that orange thing that is actually a sea anemone oh and do you see those Rock looking things up there
Yeah they’re also pretty bright those are coral yes the Anemones and coral yeah they’re actually animals they kind of just look like rocks huh those Coral do well hey do you see how bright they are and vibrant in color yeah it’s actually because there’s algae that lives inside
The sea an enemy isn’t that interesting oh oh look you see how that fish is just hanging out with that sea anemone and right next to all that Coral yeah Coral is actually really really important because a bunch of fish like these ones actually live in all the coral yeah it’s
Just like how you and I live in a house these fish love to live inside the coral Oh and around the coral and you see an enemies it has a nice soft bed so cozy oh and look at this one oh it’s really bright and green whoa so cool hey
Remember how we saw that eel hanging out in the Rock and coral yeah they’re just hanging out in their homes see you later enjoy your homes look over here wow this is a big tank whoa do you see that fish way over there whoa yeah there’s a fish way back there
It’s so big it’s a bumblebee grouper yeah and actually they live to be 80 to 100 years old but this one’s only about 10 years old so it’s gonna get way bigger whoa whoa these are some big fish in here oh look at these hello hey and look at the bottom Whoa do you see all those yeah they definitely look like sharks huh look at them just hanging out out the bottom oh Whoa look at these fish more big fish yeah these are pacu yeah pacus to be exact because there’s many of them whoa and they kind of look like really big piranhas yeah and actually they eat vegetables they’re herbivores yeah you see how big they are oh and actually let
Me show you something right up here it’s really cool yeah here’s the teeth do you see this yeah they kind of look like human teeth that they have huh oh and I have a big treat for us yeah these pacus I bet are very hungry and we have a nice
Yummy snack for them yeah these are almonds watch out they might splash whoa look at him go whoa whoa I’m throwing them down so then they hear and see them splash there we go yeah it’s like they’re falling off of trees here you go whoa it must be really hungry let me do
A few at the same time Oh Here you go Whoa cool whoa all right here’s some more Wow aren’t they cool they must be very very hungry oh cool wow wasn’t this so much fun learning about marine animals together I had a great time learning with you well this is the end of this video though but if you want to watch more of
My videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me b-l-i-p-p-i Blimpy good job all right see you again hey it’s me blippi hi and I’m Mika and today we are at Rockwood Music Hall in New York City New York yup this is a
Place where artists and musicians get to share their music I just love listening to people sing too it’s one of my favorite things do you hear that yeah someone’s performing right now go check it out okay And come from Nice to meet you I’m Sonia oh it’s nice to meet you I’m blippi hi nice to meet you I’m Mika hey thanks for listening to my music ah thanks for playing for us it was so beautiful did you write it yourself yes I wrote that song it’s called Alegria can you say Alegria
Alegria Alegria muy bien that’s the Spanish word for joy oh that’s so cool I love learning new words in Spanish yeah me too so yeah it’s a song about joy and I wrote it because my mom told me one day that I was born with a smile on my face
Yeah I can see that and you play the guitar I do I play guitar and I play other instruments like the harana and some harmonicas and the kazoo you guys like the kazoo oh I love playing the kazoo it sounds so silly silly and Buzzy we love music
As good as you me too okay so what’s something that we could do so we could get better and better well uh before I sing I usually warm up my voice because that’s a like a musical instrument right so do you guys want to warm up your
Voices yeah how do you do that there’s different ways but one of my favorites is going like this yes try it okay oh that’s so fuzzy yeah it feels really funny you can try it too yeah It tickles a little bit yeah yeah and then I make sure that my instruments are in tune and I was about to go do that for another guitar do you know what guys want to come with me yeah we really love to see your other instruments all right
Great let’s do it all right Welcome to come to this morning we’re standing on the stage yeah yeah this is so awesome yes instruments I know there’s one that I really want to show you oh let me grab it here this is one of my favorite musical instruments it’s called the harana can you say
Uh comes from Mexico just like myself I am from Mexico a Mexican traditional guitar it looks like there’s a lot of strings on it yeah a lot of strings but it sounds so pretty there’s a lot of them uh should we count them oh yeah let’s do this let’s do it okay one
Two Three four five six seven eight eight straight eight strings yeah So I told you before that I had to tune my instruments right yeah so that means that I have to make sure that each string is in the right note oh how do you do that uh well there’s this uh things here called The Tuning packs so
If I move them it changes the pitch of each string um so every string is a different note every string is a different note so this one is g c e a oh so each note has a name too do you by any chance play the ukulele have
You ever tried please see the ukulele right there pick it up because if you know how to play a C chord in a ukulele remember it’s just one finger here on the third fret oh right here yes okay that’s perfect let’s try it strum all the strings
Ah it sounds so pretty oh it sounds so pretty nice nice So we actually the harana and the ukulele have the same tuning so we can play the same chord shapes we have a little gem I’m just lazy Oh that’s so cool it’s so cool that each string is a different note again when you play them together it’s called a chord yeah and I have another instrument here have you seen this one before That’s a harmonica but I’ve never seen one on something like this what is that that’s very good observations Mika uh this is actually a very fancy artifact called the harmonica do you have any idea what this is used for here well it looks like that now you
Have three hands to play any other instrument right so if I put it here around my neck then I can play my harana or my guitar and play the harmonica at the same time whoa foreign I think you’ve seen this one before it’s a kazoo yeah this is for you thank you and this is for you oh look look Zoo do you know how it works but your mouth here in the bigger part okay all right and you go like this Should we all try playing together that would be so fun we’re gonna have two casus all right let’s try it Do you want to take a solo yes I would all right it’s your turn here we go this is Awesome [Applause] that was a lot of fun it was so fun to play yeah I know I’m thinking do you want to learn my song Alegria you’re ready for it really yep just make sure your voices are all warmed up oh okay [Applause] foreign [Applause] Do you remember what Alegria means oh yeah I remember Joy that’s it Alegria means joy and that’s the spirit that you have to sing the song with with a joyful Spirit thinking about something that makes you happy I love that we can do that for sure okay so can you say Alegria
Repeat after me we’re gonna try to sing it in tune with the song okay okay yeah so good good job now we’re gonna go lower Perfect uh I heard you guys like to dance and move a little bit Yeah okay and now please put your hands up like this and you’re gonna sway from side to side as you sing Alegria okay so it sounds like this Alegria are you trying with us too should we do
It all together okay let’s do it and again so good thank you and you still have your casus right yes I do okay so why don’t we do this the chorus and feel free to play a little kazoo okay so we get to sing dance and play instruments
Three things at the same time this is gonna be fun okay all right we are red okay here we go It’s so good to play with you and sing with you oh thank you I’m just thinking if it’s okay with you would you like to be in the show with me yes okay great I gotta get ready here but why don’t you go backstage and I’ll meet
You back here in five minutes okay okay thank you so much thank you adios okay I’m ready let’s go come on hi welcome everyone thank you so much for coming I’m Sonia de los Santos and I’m so happy to see you here for my first song Alegria I want to invite my
New friends to the stage blippi and Rica are you ready yeah I’m a little nervous I do all right that’s okay should we take a deep breath good idea let’s do it let’s do it okay all right good now we are ready all right this is Alegria Alegria is Foreign [Applause] Thank you Foreign [Applause] Thank you we did it we got to sing with a real professional singer and we learned so much even a new word in Spanish it means Joy yeah it was so amazing you learned how to warm up our voices we learned about musical instruments we got
To be on a stage whoa it was so much fun yeah well that’s the end of this video but if you want to watch more of our videos all you have to do is search for my name hey you spell my name with us okay here we go Good job will you spell my name with us cool well we’ll see you soon