– What can I tell myself when I’m afraid my kids will do some of the stuff I did? – Great question. Great question. That Xanax is available? I mean, we made it. Why did we make it? We made terrible decisions. They’re the kids, they’re gonna be all right because they have our,
They can borrow some of our knowledge. They’re gonna buy their own. And I mean, I have, we, we have open conversations about life and I’m trying to walk that line of like I want you to have a childhood. I want to preserve some of your innocence.
But I also know that you need to be prepared for the world that we live in. And not to be a Debbie Downer but these kids are having active shooter drills in school. Like the, this is the world we live in. They need to be prepared. So, we go to Disneyland,
We eat ice cream, and we talk about our feelings. – [Drew] Are you proud of who you are now? – Yes. Very. I like me. – I like you. – I like you too. – How do you be so you? That’s one of my favorite things about you. – I mean, I have friends whose lives were perfect and then the rugs get pulled out from under them and they didn’t see it coming. And I almost think that’s worse
Because I begged my parents to get a divorce. I was like, “Can you guys just please stop? “Stop doing this for us. Just, we just want some peace.” And, and I just, I don’t want my kids to think that perfection is a real thing.
You don’t have to be as wild as we were, please. But try, you know, kids are it’s developmentally correct for kids to try stuff. I told Willow the other day, I’m like, “You need to like try talking back to me.” And she was like, “What?”
I was like, “Well, just try it at home with me “cuz I’m gonna love you no matter what. You’re such a rule follower. “Like, just walk over here and just go, ‘No!’ And just see what it feels like.” – Let me ask you parenting advice (audience cheering)
Because I think I have tremendous fears of my kids ever going through anything like what I went through. – [Pink!] I know. Oh I think about it all the time – Okay, how do I deal? How do I do this? Because I don’t– – I don’t know, I don’t think any of us,
I have a tote bag that says, “I literally have no idea what I’m doing,” and I wear it to preschool drop off. I don’t, the problem with us is that we wanna get it right so bad. – [Drew] Yes! – Because we know what it feels like to
To be the kid where it didn’t go right. And, and none of us know anything about what we’re doing. I don’t know if any of this is gonna work. I don’t know, know what’s gonna happen in 10 years. But I guess the way I raise Willow, Jameson’s different cuz he’s six.
I don’t know yet, I don’t know yet. We’re still, we’re still figuring it out – But you’re doing it. So how do you do it? – I’m so tired. – And that’s a real answer! – No, I, how do I do it? I have no idea.
I was afraid to be a mom, to be honest because of the relationship that I had with my mom and my life and I-I my genes maybe, I don’t know if this stuff is genetic. – Barrymores, I mean, we’re all wonderful artists on one level. – Yeah.
– And about five generations, maybe like six, of people who almost died of pretty much consumption. – [Pink!] Yeah. – Like, so yeah. I, I was like, you know what, what do I bring? What am I bringing to this? And what’s my blueprint? ‘Cause I don’t have one. – There isn’t one.
There isn’t one. And and I don’t know, most of the time, what’s gonna happen the next day, but I’m, I I plan ahead a lot. And I get to take them through the world and I have a really good support system. They’re also awesome travelers. They’re good kids.
Like if it didn’t work for them we wouldn’t be able to do it. But it’s, I’m so lucky to be able to take them on tour and to be able to write the schedule. Like Willow and I had a really teary, conver– Is it okay if I talk about you? Thanks.
Willow and I had a really teary conversation about this tour because she has needs now. I didn’t even know I was gonna get my period. I didn’t know. I mean, I thought I was being murdered from within, to be honest with you. I was like, I knew it.
And Willow and I talk about every, almost every, we have a great relationship. And I told her, I said, “I know you have things that you wanna do. “And, and also this isn’t just my job. “I worked really hard for this “and there’s a handful of people that get to do this.
“And, and, and I’m good at it and I care about it very much. “And I think in a small way, I, I help people, I hope “but that doesn’t mean it means more “than your childhood or what you mean to me. “I’ll walk away tomorrow. “Like, I’ll, if that’s what you want,
“I’ll walk away tomorrow. “But you know this time it means “that we’re gonna have to miss each other a little bit occasionally.” And I’ve never been away from them. So codependent. Oh my God. They would be fine. Actually, Willow had COVID and on day three I was like,
“Are you slipping into like a deep dark depression?” She was like, “Are you kidding me? This is the most left alone you’ve ever let me be.” I was like, “I-I miss you. “Do you wanna FaceTime? I’m right outside the door.” – I think it’s the most healing, wonderful thing I’ve ever gotten to do with my life – Oh my God. Oh my God. When you see a little girl come into the world, untouched by the world,
Unhurt, unstained, unbroken, that was the most incredible thing I’ve ever seen in my life. I was like, “oh, that’s how we start. That’s how we, that’s who we are.”