To Do incredible Sunday night Stay away from just be the motivator once again um and i want to say welcome welcome welcome welcome if you are new to my channel we thank you and appreciate you for coming and visiting this is my first my very very first skate video okay so i wanted to give a brief
Introduction but before i do that as always like share comment subscribe on my social media platforms please follow i definitely start by saying this video was so much fun to make um i currently live in louisville kentucky working at fort knox which is an army garrison here
Out in kentucky and i just have to say that skating has become a big part of what i’ve been doing lately as you know i dj i teach i motivate i skate and i’m also traveling and doing a little bit of hiking but this video right here
Uh it just was so much fun to make because just the vibe the people that i got a chance to interact with absolutely amazing since i’ve been to kentucky uh the skate community is live and it’s so much fun and i wanted to give insight into the skate world here so
That is exactly what we’re doing because this video is going to be so intense and so tough and it’s going to we’re going to push right through it i’m going to front load my motivational minute okay so yeah i usually i want to do it at the end of my videos um
But for the skate video i’m going to hit a motivational minute the motivational minute for today for this vlog is control what you can control it is undisciplined to focus on so many things that are not within your grasp in the professional world we see people constantly complain or worry about
Things that have nothing to do with what they’re doing we see people that focus on things that are above or below their pay grade if you can’t control it don’t worry about it i received this motivational minute from um a friend that i met i was in college
I was on my way to miami for spring break and we stopped in uh west palm beach i want to say it is and i met this guy first time ever meeting him he was from honduras uh and his word of advice to us he was
An older guy about in his 30s at the time i was in my 20s and his advice to my my brother myself and one of my cousins was that when you go to miami control what you can control always be in control of every situation that
You’re in and that’s how you remain safe he said in honduras that’s what he had to do because uh third world country things are a little different and so i took that and i just applied it to life in general right because i think you you work
In a manner which is more efficient if you focus on controlling what you can control and yeah so that was our motivational minute now without further ado robin’s roost on a sunday night [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Uh Right here [Applause] oh oh [Applause] right now [Applause] [Applause] Kids [Applause] Okay So so Watching the ships rolling then i watch them roll away again i change the ships rolling and Watching the ships rolling then i watch them roll away again and i’ll watch em roll away again foreign Every sunday your escapes are here So they’re about to hit trio next They show an awful day people going crazy in here you gotta love it Do So so like i said this survive right here man robin bruce it gets crazy on sunday night all i see is black excellent acrobatics These are real life superheroes in here look at the moves they do it’s like superhero come on man how could you not love you this is just looking for the life of being a motivator i’m pretty sure Crazy right now