You’re waking up to Fox 9 Morning News and we’re glad you are on this Tuesday we know cross-country skiing is very popular in Minnesota and since we can’t always count on the forecast roller skiing on dry land also very popular so now a st. Louis Park man has reinvented
The roller ski as Emmy Roscoe tells us his pursuit roller skis are capturing the hearts of skiers all around the world chances are if you live in Minnesota you have seen people doing this it looks like skiing except it’s on pavement and it’s on rollers it is in
Fact roller skiing and Clayton chyme you are all outfitted for roller skiing for those not in the know what is it yeah roller skis a great full-body workout that obviously you do on pavement so not on snow and here in Minnesota you basically have nine to ten months to
Roller ski and only two months on snow if you’re lucky actually and so you know just like I saw its roller skis so wheel on each end they’re made to be slow actually so you get more of a workout now I dug my roller skis out of storage
There almost historical in nature they are so old you invented your own brand called Pursuit roller skis y-yes sir originally I got into the roller ski market back in 2004 just because it’s like no competition they’re way overpriced so I launched my own brand selling the brand only direct online and
More recently I developed this whole new concept of it’s called fork flex so it’s a flatter flex it’s using spring still out at the forks this design actually was recently ranked the number one skate roller ski on the market because of the design we cross country ski a lot here
In the Midwest but it’s nothing compared to the Scandinavian countries so cross country skiers there what are they saying about your pursuit roller skis yeah you’re right it’s caving countries Norway Sweden Finland they’re huge on roller scan there it’s a very common thing to see some major brands out there but yeah
Only when this was put up against those brands that beat him out so it’s kind of cool that you know in st. Louis Park Minnesota we’re coming out with that roller ski that’s you know one of the best in the world oh and Clayton’s roller skis have another design innovation the rear pull
Break Wow that is effective and it didn’t go rolling off into the ditch like I often do when I’m trying to break yes great especially for large downhills keep your speed in check much safer stop signs it’s definitely saved me some crashes and with the rear pull brake you seldom
Crash actually now well what a lucky coincidence all these gentlemen happened to be wearing Pursuit brand roller skis and Artie Huber we’ll start with you you spend a lot of time on your skis how many miles we just say it put in in an average year and then season I’ll do
About 2,500 miles in a season so it’s more than a lot of people but it’s something I really enjoy doing how important is this as a coaching tool front for high school cross-country ski teams very important I think most of the kids are roller skiing from May until
The snow flies in well you know we’ve done roller ski workouts when it’s been 20 degrees in January but now we have artificial snow so it’s we’re better than that now we always like to encourage everyone to come out and give it a try it’s it’s a great workout well
Snow or no snow it is a good workout although I have quite a ways to go and hang with this packet guys wait up grannies come in granny’s coming she’s gonna get there I see the people doing that all the time around the channel Lakes very popular you