Talk about the fallout today yeah and chris it’s that gut feeling that you have when you see something you know is wrong and all you can really do is just hope that now that so many other people have seen it too something drastic is done to make sure it doesn’t
Happen again and so far the more people that have watched those heartbreaking moments the more outrage there seems to be not at 15 year old camilla valeeva but at those responsible for caring about her and we talked about it yesterday that moment when she left the ice and
Immediately was criticized by her coach after falling apart under the most intense scrutiny and pressure and controversy imaginable right away her coach demanding that she explain her triple axel and why she didn’t fight through when veliva had become an instant pariah to the entire world under her watch and even the ioc president
Thomas bach was taken aback at what he saw from her team here’s a little of what he had to say how she was received by her closest entourage with such a what appeared to be a tremendous coldness you you you it was chilling to to to to to this to see this
Rather than giving her comfort rather than to to try to to help her you you could feel this chilling atmosphere meanwhile the court of arbitration that allowed her to skate is defending its decision releasing its full report but uh chris the one glaring portion of that report the arbitrators disclose
Is that they say vallieva’s team never offered any proof of the alleged accident of contamination of the banned heart medication only telling the court that it happened through the sharing of dishes or drinking from the same glass as her grandfather who reportedly took the same medication but no actual
Evidence no prescriptions no medical records were presented so the world anti-doping agency the world figure skating community calling the decision to let her skate a mistake but as we saw yesterday the problems might be much more deep seated than just that chris scott when you and i talked in advance
Of the competition as clearly messed up as the situation was i don’t think either of us could have anticipated something so crushing for the leva other competitors for skating frankly and it i guess my question is it feels like from the doping scandals to even simone biles shining a light on unrelenting
Pressure and mental health issues have we learned nothing it’s difficult on so many levels i mean yesterday shattered my heart to see the treatment to see the behaviors to see the isolation of one athlete um you know when you see valyeva you know and everything that she’s been through with
This doping at 15 years old at 15 years old i was coming in ninth for the second year in a row in the novice nationals i had no um experience at that level at that age being on the olympic stage you know that you just don’t have any life experience
Then you look at uh trusava who basically had a temper tantrum you know because she was upset she didn’t win and then you look at chervikova who i had to do a video to kind of prop her up earlier this year a friend or someone asked me to shoot her
A video just to encourage her because she was afraid as the world champion she wouldn’t even be named to the olympic team and so you see valeeva being scolded coming off the ice true survivor you know being you know just throwing a temper tantrum basically and then shervakova just sort of sitting
There by herself as the olympic champion and it was just alarming that you know that tubered says as much as she um obviously knows how to teach skating has no capacity um in her heart to be able to look after her athlete’s emotional well-being so it’s just awful you know all the way
Around and i think that tuberate says camp needs to be thoroughly investigated it has happened on her watch to her athlete uh the doping in russia has become just pervasive and and it just feels like they just brazen they don’t really care if if they’ve been caught
Before they’re just going to keep trying to do it again and again and again and and you know the ioc the olympic movement the everything’s at risk here i mean everything’s at risk when you look at uh just again the olympic games and what they embody and what they represent and
To have it diminished in this way by russia constantly brazenly without any uh remorse or any hesitation um measures need to be taken and maybe russia just needs to be deleted from the games entirely well you know dr joyner uh first of all that report like oh you
Know she shared a dish or a cup or whatever with her grandfather and that’s how she got a positive test it would put that aside i mean it’s not like a 15 year old comes home from a grueling day of practice and says hey let me consult my remington pharmaceutical sciences book
And see if i can concoct a trio of of drugs to enhance my endurance or make a recovery quicker i mean please talk about these drugs but also i worry about the impact they can have on a 15 year old well i think we actually have a real
Contrast at the olympics as well look at norway norway where they’re taking a very holistic view toward athlete development where they don’t allow kids to get in very high pressure situations uh early in life where they they try to let people play multiple sports and really develop the whole person
Is dominating the winter olympics they have five million people they’re dominating the wilderness olympics doing it the right way doing it a different way doing it uh the way that mr hamilton talked about when he was 14 15 16 years old still developing as an athlete so i
Think it is horrible as this is and as crazy as this is and and how we all uh find the sort of russian dog ate my homework uh excuses or explanations of how this happened uh in you know incredulous i think we have in this olympics a very positive example
That the rest of the world could focus on and learn from look at norway and look at how they do it and try to emulate norway so scott you see on one hand maybe we just get russia out of the olympics you know if they’re going to be so blatant about it but
You know it is not not everybody’s norway and this is a high pressure situation and you predicted several days ago this would taint the olympic experience for the athletes and as you pointed out i’ve never seen a newly crowned gold medalist look as dejected or alone as anna scherbakova
What needs to be done to protect young people i don’t think even if they change the age of eligibility there’s soon to be basically young kids who are competing right what can be done about it scott well you want the best right you want the best for the athletes you want the
Best for the sport you want the best experience for all competitors and and competition makes people better valeeva arguably is probably one of the finest woman figure skaters i’ve ever seen at 15 years old she has the maturity of someone much much older she has the presence and the quality and
Her skating of someone with much greater experience and yet you know we have this doping situation that um has totally diminished her name reputation and and everything else um you know she’s the victim in all of this i think i don’t i don’t think that she would ever do it i don’t know
Her i mean i i can’t say you know much about her as a person except you know having um you know a daughter myself who i knew at 15 was really incapable of any of those thoughts of cheating or doping or anything else or the science of sport
They just want to go out and skate and they want to do their best and so you know again removing russia from the olympics is you know the harsh tactic it’s you know probably what russia has their olympic committee deserves but it hurts the athletes and i think it hurts
All sport when you take athletes like uh vallieva out of of skating you know it it lowers the bar you know you want to keep raising the bar you want to keep those amazing talents in front of people and sharing um what is sidious lts40 is faster higher stronger you know it’s just
It’s a shame that you know this whole doping scandal has overtaken you know the figure skating event because you know when i skated we never knew of anything like this it just didn’t exist so or at least we didn’t know about it right yeah on our level i scouted all
The time but i agree with you i mean i would love to see her skate again i’d love to see her skate clean but what do you think the chances are that we see her at the worlds let alone another olympics world championships after the olympics is sort of like
A you know it’s just not always well uh uh observed by the skating community and that’s a shame but i’d love to see her get out of tube breeze camp i’d love to see her even come over to north america train here train clean and then go back
And compete again in russia for russia but as a clean athlete away from two grease camp away from what has really just crushed her give her a second life in skating she’s very young and she has a lot left to prove and a lot left to show
But yeah get her out of get her out of that camp get her out of youtube races watch and and give her a chance to start fresh and clean and new and and and to do the things that she can do on the ice that will elevate the sport ultimately You