On this episode Beauty couch and roller skating influencer dead at 22. also That 70s Show after Danny Madison sentenced to 30 years in prison I’ll tell you why that Mr Chris Talk starts right now let’s get into it what’s up what’s up what’s up listeners welcome to another episode of Chris
Talks where we talk about any and everything under this time I am your host with the most Straight Talk all right folks welcome welcome welcome I hope your day is good because mine is going tight hectic today I don’t know what is going on in this universe I don’t know what is
A bad ride before I know it’s me but God is with me at the end of the day so we’re just going to keep it moving all right yo uh let’s get into these two stories okay so let’s check out these two stories Ed what are you doing okay
That was madly but anyway let’s get into this true story that we are dealing with today my listeners which is Judy called Beauty let me say this right Beauty count and roller skating influencer dead at 22. this is definitely definitely going to be one of them sad stories I already figured
Because it it’s gonna be a sad story Ed because it said 20 kills all right so let’s give it a pause to silent Ed who’s in the background holding me down okay so to all my listeners uh we recently got some new appointments so I have no idea how this particular episode
Is going to play out all right but I do hope that it plays out right and I hope that uh we get that necessary content okay y’all all right so uh Ed you good all right I’m good man oh yo I’m good I told you yo I already told you
Yes good good good good yeah good and I’m gonna tell you why it’s going good uh my oldest daughter has got a job a j-o-b and that’s good with me I don’t like y’all know I don’t like to put my personal life out there but
Uh I must say I am very proud of her for doing what she has done but that’s too much about me let’s get back into uh this episode all right so let’s let Sarah our AI take over and she’s gonna play this story for us all
Right shower hit it let’s check this out y’all Beauty couch an Instagram influencer who’s countless roller skating videos earned her a strong following was found dead in Georgia just days after she was reported missing she was 22 according to the Cobb County Police Department firefighters responded to a brush fire on Wednesday afternoon
In Austell Georgia whereupon arrival authorities located a vehicle fully engulfed in flames as part of their preliminary investigation police paid a visit to the address where the vehicle was registered it was at that address where police say they learned the car owner’s daughter couch had not been seen since Tuesday
Morning while the car was registered to her father it was couch who most commonly drove the car police said police went back to search the area where the vehicle was found and that’s where they located a body that matched Couch’s description now the Cobb County Police Department’s Major Crimes unit is investigating in
Based on the initial scene they suspect Foul Play the cause of death has not been determined WSB-TV spoke with Couch’s mother Kimberly who remembered her young daughter as a loving person she was a sweet girl she never bothered nobody Kimberly told the TV news station she never bothered nobody she was a friend
To everybody she loved going skating she loved going to work she loved her clothes she loved wearing her hair so pretty Kimberly added they took a part of my life from me they took a part of my heart I want them to pay for what they did to my baby
Couch who went by Beauty Cantera on Instagram had nearly 150 000 followers her final post came six days ago and it’s there where friends and loved ones have dropped comments pleading for anyone to come forward if they have any information about what happened to couch one comment read
If anyone knows what happened to her please contact the police she was found gone and car burned such a beautiful soul Gone Too Soon I want Justice for her sad that people can hate so much another person wrote this brought tears to my eyes crying face I sent her a
Email because my 10 year old loves the way she skates and she was gonna do online classes when I spoke to her she was so kind swear now we are from Pittsburgh crying face sending prayers and love to the family and friends Lord this is crying face just last month couch advertised her
First ever roller skating class which went down earlier this month she captioned the post I am so excited to share with you all my first skate class can’t wait to see everyone let’s catch a Vibe Starstruck police uh sorry about that uh sorry about that all right so
Um let me hear y’all my view on my tape on this particular story Okay so this girl uh Beauty couch uh she wasn’t in uh Instagram influencer who dedicated now me myself personally I am a roller skater um I never really heard about her I thought uh
Roller skating and stuff like that but I did get a chance to actually look at this girl Instagram before it was actually um taken down somewhat taken down and I will say this um this is a beautiful beautiful beautiful melanin woman and um he just wanted to put out some good entertainment
Now ladies and gentlemen I want to say this to y’all okay um just be a young woman and she was very young because she was only 22. so she’s only 22. very young uh oh yeah this uh story brings us to uh Cobb County so which is in uh Georgia so this
Particular story brings us to Georgia let me get that and put that out there right now um yeah this young just a young woman only 22 years old who lost her life because of social media now a lot of people they ask me they go Chris Chris Chris
Why don’t you do video why don’t you uh do the shorts why don’t you do this why don’t you do that why don’t you do all these different things and to all of my listeners I want you to just listen to this particular episode and know why I won’t ever put my face
On this particular time and it’s because I am not I mean don’t get me wrong I’m prepared gotta lower this down yeah lower that down a little bit let’s don’t get me wrong I’m prepared and I’m ready for the smoke if you bring it it will be dealt with
And it’s not I’m not saying necessarily in a violent way I’m just saying if you bring the smoke it will be done it will be dealt with I still have uh Crystal me personally I don’t promote uh any type of violence and that’s necessary if only violence I promote is protecting yourself
As anybody else would if you not protecting yourself it’s really no need for it but um and this is this this particular situation if it was me yet but this is why I do not do the visual and only audio it’s because a situations like this and this is not the first one
Not the first one it’s plenty of them that are out there if it’s slimming and when I say plenty I mean plenty of influences who have either lost their life because of what they were doing are they have in stock our attack just walking in the streets now people I understand
Y’all like the influences y’all like them y’all like them it’s all good okay bye I’m like bruh I’m like Eminem when you see me walking down the street don’t don’t come to me for no autograph only comes to me for autograph in a proper place don’t you know I’m walking on the street
With my kid and stuff like that we at McDonald’s you staying there oh I met a YouTuber oh I never met a YouTuber no I’m just saying personally me not for it not for it and the reason why I’m not for it is because and some people might think I’m paranoid
But I’m not I’m I don’t think that I’m paranoid but there are some suspicious Terraces out there okay thanks for suspicious characters out there now me as a parent I am just going to be careful this female was not a parent as far as but uh it says
And as always to check more than once so it didn’t say that she had any children but I will stay there if you are if you’re listening to me and you are social media influencer or you want to become a social media influencer I am not trying
To deter you in any shape form or fashion from doing uh what it is that you want to do in fact I encourage all my listeners if you have a talent out there if there’s something that you can do go for it like it took me a while it took me a while
Before I came and started this platform but here I am a hundred and certain episodes in okay it only getting better only getting better so if you out there and that’s something that you feel like you should do I think you should do it but at the same time be careful so that
This is not a situation that you end up in that this particular situation is not one that should end up in my personal opinion somebody Somewhere Out There with watching this woman and I want to say that to females recipe female be very careful in this in this business and in in this
Industry because you don’t know you don’t know who’s out there man you don’t know who’s out there you don’t know who’s watching you I don’t know I could probably say I know probably five if that right Edge probably four or five of the subscribers that’s because yeah that’s because I personally know them
But everybody else I don’t know no idea the latest idea of who you are but I do appreciate you tuning in and listening to the shout but like I said there are some people out there people you have got to be careful when you start filming yourself and start posting yourself
On social media even this show itself I have to be careful when I say and how I say it because anybody can take they probably can’t see it but they can just take whatever I say and just screw it up whichever way that they want to
But if I influencer like this woman and she had Millions I don’t have that but she had that Millions a follower and within those millions of followers one of those followers was seriously seriously the Rings are are this could be something personal because right now as far as We Know
There is no motor and they have no suspect no sister but I mean it’s always usually the loving in a kind one how they say It’s a Good Die Young that’s how they say it it’s a good day yeah you know I mean I’m kind of old so that
Makes me it kind of messed me up because it makes me sound like a messed up person when um when you say that and because you just reminding me like what the what the hell dude what you trying to say like what what you’re trying to say no no no please talk
We speak because what you’re trying to say I anyway as I was saying on this particular uh subject topic uh for the person funny report nine times out of ten you’re going to get caught give me a dummy bugger okay give it to him one more time can we give him the
Dummy weather again yes because nine times out of ten and a prime like this you are going to get caught now when I say that this person is going to be caught that would depend s on the Georgia Police Department and how they do their investigation what is it
What was the name of that Cobb paletta Cobb County it would depend on Cobb County Police Department and how they do how they go about their investigation you know what I’m saying but this woman definitely deserves some type of Justice because this is people are study ones and I’ll say it again
And I’ll say it again again again again again again until you get it ladies and gentlemen human beings of this world we have got to do better got to do better within our community we have got to do better such a tragedy should not happen especially to
And I’m not saying and I’m not I don’t want nobody to take it wrong like I’m trying to give her this special platform because her herself she has already developed it herself so it’s no need for me to give it to her but this was the influence of this to somebody
Who was trying to inspire somebody to do something it’s no different than this show you know but this is somebody who is really trying to get out there and inspire somebody to do something and what what was willing willing to take the time to teach other people a
Skill that she knows and I mean I’m just being honest with these kids so much with these laptops and tablets and all these goddamn devices this was something good to get at least get them outside some of my listeners did not know some of my listeners these kids sit in their
House and I ain’t calling out no names I ain’t gonna put the shame can’t say in their house Dusk till Dawn on some type of electronic device so this woman was trying to get people are kids to come outside and stay and learn how to skate
I don’t I don’t see nothing wrong with that matter of fact can we give her an Applause for that yeah because roller skate one is not easy it is kind of it took me a while I learned it but I mean to eat so um I just want to say this so whoever
Did this senseless again another senseless to my extent hence this crime because I don’t know if this is personal or not I have no idea if this is personal or not count to me like it was but then again we don’t know I don’t know so
We’ll wait and see and that is my view and that is my opinion on that show on that show on that story that is my view and that’s my opinion alright folks y’all know how we do after the first story we played them bills all right y’all already know what to do
All uh links and everything of right there on your screen this particular episode will be featured on crystal 1190 y’all know what to do hit that subscribe button hit that like button hit that share button and also send me some of those comments y’all know I like to read those comments
Send me some comments talking on you know be in touch with the people you already know all right um so let’s get into the Second Story can we get into the Second Story we ain’t got no instructions right here we ain’t got nothing to drop right nah all right so
Let’s get into the Second Story the second our second story is That 70s Show actor Danny Madison entrance to 30 years in prison 30 Years to Life wow 30 Years to Life That’s kind of long 30 years of life in prison all right so look this guy’s picture because I don’t I’m not really sure of which character this guy is so let’s put it up oh oh yo this is the cool guy that was a cool guy with the with the glasses right
Yeah what was he he was like this guy uh what was she like on that show like if if I could get um what what was no I got in mind where he I know exactly the uh character that I would compare him to in that he
Was like the fun he was like the Fonzie a few times I was compare him to the font condo he was like the funds of well I guess you could say I guess you could say he was like the fans of that show I guess at that time well you know it
Was That 70s Show but to my listeners if you’re having uh difficulty figuring out who this was this was this particular person with the the kind of cool character who always wore the glasses who always sat back he was a guy who always got high I [Â __Â ] got this guys
What was his name well what’s his name on the 70s Show it was like some type of um I don’t know it was like a real cool name I don’t know I don’t know but let’s get into the story and see why the heck is this guy being sentenced
To 30 years to life in prison all right uh let’s let her take over because I want to know and why is all these celebrities going to jail do you notice that you noticed that lately within the last like probably three to five years there has been a bunch of celebrities dealing with
Court cases like like Ida blue out of blue kind of make you think huh all right listen Sarah let’s hit it hit it direct my a out let’s hit it hit the show man hit it hit it That 70s Show Alum Danny Masterson was recently on trial for sexual assault
After being charged with forcibly raping multiple women towards the end of the last year the trial was declared a mistrial after the jury was unable to reach a verdict earlier this year a new trial began and the actor was found guilty of raping two women 20 years ago
According to CBS News Masterson was officially sentenced today to 30 years to life in prison the assaults happened in 2003 while Masterson was still starring in That 70s Show the actor was convicted of raping a 28-year-old woman in April 2003 and a 23 year old woman later that year in his
Hollywood Hills home now 47 Masterson has been in jail since he was found guilty on May 31st in the original trial Masterson was also accused of raping a third victim but the jury was deadlocked it was announced in July that Masterson would not be retired for that case
Which accused him of assaulting his former girlfriend in August Masterson’s attorneys attempted to delay the sentencing but the judge denied their request Los Angeles District Attorney George gasc and made a statement about the women who came forward against Masterson their courage and strength have been an inspiration to us all
Gascn said while we are disappointed that the jury did not convict on all counts we respect their decision that 90s show released its first season on Netflix at the beginning of the year in the sequel series saw the return of nearly every Star from That 70s Show
Deborah Joe Rupp and Kurt wood Smith star in the series is Kitty and Red Foreman and it also features appearances by Topher Grace Eric Foreman Laura Prepon Donna panchati Ashton Kutcher Michael Kelso Mila Kunis Jackie Burkhardt Wilmer Valderrama Fez Tommy Chong Leo and Don Stark Bob pincetti as well as some surprises
Due to Masterson’s legal issues the actor obviously did not participate in the show in fact his character hide wasn’t even mentioned I think Hyde is traveling overseas somewhere and involved in some conspiracy theory ref previously shared with vulture when the interviewer suggested that he’d be in jail Rupp added he’s involved in some
Political thing let’s say that that 90s show has been renewed for a second season but due to Masterson’s conviction it is unlikely Hyde’s name will be uttered again wow oh yes that was his character’s name hi yeah that’s the dude that just laid back it would always tell it but
I will say this this is um a bit of a surprise to me and I don’t know if it’s the price for my listeners but if y’all knew about this some crazy joints because uh this 70s went through the 90s like I didn’t even know Netflix had and I’m gonna check this out
I have got to check this out to see that uh sequel I didn’t even know they had a freaking sequel I thought that show was just done and overweight I thought it was I thought it was but um can we boo him real quick one more time And that is for his participation and great now I according to uh YouTube’s rule I can’t say it I’m supposed to say great but you know the report says different but for him committing such an atrocity listen if you do something like that you need
To burn and deep deep and when I say the deepest B deepest okay in hell violating a female that’s violating a female bruh totally doesn’t matter what race what culture what age or anything that you are in my opinion performance such a thing totally holy holy totally Don’t hit that oh yeah I was gonna say it you hit the button I was gonna say it but holy totally uncalled this man committed a crime like so many and let me make this is very very clear like so many so many and I’m gonna keep saying somebody
I’m gonna get in trouble all right now we already got cut off of uh two social media platforms I already understand but I can’t hold it back it is what it is so many so many celebrities do what this means has done and I’m not just 10 pointing the celebrities I’m just saying
It’s happening and they have gotten away with it they have definitely gotten away I’m not talking about Bill Cosby I’m not talking about R Kelly those are the ones who got caught but there’s so many different celebrities that they not you got the breakfast out there committing these atrocities to access to absence
And some of the actors they get used to this they get used to this bike shop let me tell you something the entertainment business to me is Dead Space anic period and I’m telling you this people I don’t want to jump no I’m gonna wait
To the end I’ll wait to begin and Imma Stay focused but this guy what he’s done it’s something that celebrities do on a regular basis and they do it to each other they do it to each other it’s like some people you can’t get in Show it’s just unless you slobbing off
Unless you lick a click or suck on the tip you won’t get a show you will not get a show or not hey it is not funny you won’t get nothing unless you do that and these people they sell their souls for money what is this that money is the root of
All evil please hire these people that’s how these people sell their souls they sell their souls for the money and they don’t care they will push any agenda or anything like that any agenda that the higher up tell them is some of them to get to these certain levels
I’m not the first one to say this I’m not the first one to Witnesses I’m not the first person you’ve ever heard stated I’m not I’m not come on people y’all on YouTube y’all listening to me on YouTube so you out there you seem to a different ships you’ve seen a different shorts
Of people confessing that some certain celebrities had to sell themselves and what type of actions that it takes for them to get to the places that they get to this is one of those actions people last night let’s see real about it be real you see these little kids disappearing
What do you think they’re going to where you think they’re going to you see adults children teenagers missions where you think they’re going some of them escaping sexually abused some of them mentally completely gone even the celebrities the celebrities going through the stages are trying to be
Some of them can’t today going through mental issues some of them even commit suicide I mean this is nothing new people you’ve seen it you’ve heard it before it’s not no that’s why I don’t like to do and this is what I don’t like to do uh this type of Hollywood Hollywood
Type people because uh whether you know it or not Hollywood is satanic but you know I don’t care what you say and I know some of you people are like yo why did they take so long to come out if this happens why didn’t they do why they do why they
Why they why they why a lot of times it is because these people are celebrities it’s because they’re celebrities it’s because that we idolize them I mean R Kelly nobody thought he did that Michael Jackson nobody thought he did that Bill Cosby nobody thought he did that and you know what this
To all my listeners they’re still some of you out there who believe this crime was committed and there’s some of you out there who believe this crime was not committed but why do you believe that yourself that question why do you believe that somebody let me tell you things
How many celebrities into some people Think You Are how do I say it how do I I disagree right and right Ed because that’s the only way they’re gonna get it you are idolizing you are going against God you are idolizing these celebrities that’s why you can’t
Eat past what they do you can’t go oh no this celebrity would not oh they would never they would never they would never and it’s kind of crazy because a lot a lot of you fans a lot of everything like that y’all never met these people a day in your life you
Don’t know who these people are at all but you would defend them are the opposites I know Ed I am not speaking crazy I’m speaking Mama I’m just telling truth if I don’t like to do Hollywood stuff because look at these people he just got caught and he’s going to jail
Okay there are directors producers um uh oh well what’s the other one uh yeah uh uh film and writers been in the business for over 20 years been doing it for over 20 years and they still exist and they still doing it but they ain’t get caught look up P Diddy look look
At fluff Daddy look a Fluff daddy look at fluff Daddy okay like for real how many interviews you have to see before you know it was keeping pinching Polo like these pinching pillows how many times hello how many times somebody gotta tell you but he’s still sitting along like
He denies it and people go oh no he he’s not like that no no I know him he’s no that’s not that guy I’m telling you Bill he’s not like that and that’d be the same uh that’s trying to convince you that’s the same up that did it with him
Ladies and Gentlemen people open your eyes this celebrity ads do not bring no celebrity ish like this on my show I guess don’t do it okay I was about to go out of Madness I’ve already I’ve already know I’ve seated my time and I was about
To go really really deep into it but dude come on and the sad part is that some of these uh so many people that are sitting here and a lot of times a lot of times just happened on these shows the other celebrities know what’s going on they won’t say a word
Won’t see a word and on top of that they won’t treat the person any different now you might be thinking you know anything until proven guilty no no no they know what the person was doing and the reason why they know what they were doing because seven times out of ten they
Doing yeah you correct they doing the same thing they just looking at him like how the hell you get caught I don’t know yeah I do it up y’all come and see our own Theory I have definitely exceeded my time I don’t know about how much but
Folks I have got to get out of here I gotta go pick up my babies all right folks listen to all my listeners I want to thank you for tuning in you could be anywhere else in the world but you are here with me huh
All right I know I know I know I know okay we’re gonna do that again you gonna do it again all right folks that was my view and opinion on that particular story [Applause] and um I’m gonna hurt you let me get off this air
I’m gonna like imma beat the crap out of you Ed let me both or am I listening it has been like trying to prank me for like the last week but like it’s pranks is getting on my nerves and I’m about to the out of him okay because he don’t know who to
Keep messing with I don’t like no goddamn okay down do the prank you try to prank me again I’m I’m telling you imma beat the IU I’m telling you imma beat this out of you bro tell him telling no I’m just playing I’m just playing her I’m just playing I wouldn’t beat up
Eddie he’s so he’s so small like I was just stomp you and I I would literally just my signs up my size 11 will stop you like a roach all right first let me get out of here because I’m pushing it too far all right listen
I want to thank all my listeners you could be anywhere else in the world but you are here with me and I so so appreciate that also stay blessed and not stressed until next episode folks All right hey come on man you put on that automatic car you gotta drive me home you know that right