When I when I moved here so I live here now for 11 years or something like that yes it was 11 years and I just really um I didn’t know where to skate so I didn’t know I can’t go on the skate park anymore I’m over 50 so um
It doesn’t feel quite right for me to go on a skate park and I didn’t know where to skate and then when the pandemic came lots of people picked up roller skating again and the prom here was done so that was for me um the reason to just pick up my skates
Again and just come out Skating here and then I was looking to connect with other people and that’s how it all started I put up a Facebook group for just the peasants roller skaters that’s where it started really I’d never really roller skated in my life except when I’m maybe
Four or four years old skates but I’ve always followed roller skating so when I met Daniella she she said look let’s start roller skating and I’m like okay and I was in a pretty bad place Rod gold I struggled with addictions in my past and you know a lot of mental
Health issues as well and spent a lot of time sort of blocked by salving doors for a few years so one of the things that the roller skating gave me was a challenge that challenge and it was a very personal Journey but at the same time it’s a collective Journey so you’re
You’re on this journey with someone else and you meet each other roller skaters and that you’re encouraged by what they achieve you know and then also seeing people who are really good at roller skating and suddenly thinking I want to do this it’s given me some purpose back
In my life you know and and that was you know I mean that’s almost two years ago so within the space of two years to have turned my life around to this point is is nothing but a miracle