It’s Davey baby I’m filling in for chaos with music exclusive and today we have Harry Martin with rollaways how you doing Harry I’m all good I’m all good it’s good this is a beautiful place you have thank you how did this all come about like how did you get here
I would definitely say God you know passion a lot of Life Force you know behind me that inspired this whole project and everything I’ve been doing for the past couple of years okay so you’ve been skating pretty much all your life I was skating from eight years old till
About let’s say 14 stopped started skating again at around like 27 years old so I had like a large gap and roller skating I see now when you started skating again you mentioned that skating saved your life you’ve mentioned that several times was that around that time
You started to skate again yeah that was definitely around the time I saw the skating again I was going through um you know deep thoughts depression um just kind of figuring out my place in life and it wasn’t until I kind of went to a skating rink and it kind of brought
Back the nostalgic feelings of when I used to skate as a kid you know it’s making me laugh again it made life more joyous okay all right and with that being said I was reading up that you have a moving meditation yes we have movement and meditation because I’m actually
And a Kundalini as well yes I’m certified in Kundalini Yoga okay so I’ll work on information and this is inspired by like depression and stress too like when I’m going through certain things in life I like to figure out a way to tap into like you know become a whole again
You know with Kundalini Yoga too like we’re working on the chakras we’re doing a lot of breathing exercises and stuff like that so I’m like why not mix that in with the roller skating so how does that tie into the roller skating actually could you elaborate a little
Bit more I mean Rick curied in it it’s something new it’s a new idea you don’t want to give it away too soon okay all right well with all that being said um how would you go about the things who doesn’t necessarily know how to roller skate do you have any tips
Um the main tip is bend your knees a lot of people when they go out on the skate floor they stand uh stand up upright and straight okay first tip is bend your knees a little bit you know and kind of come in because then you want balance on
Both sides so if you have a slight Bend okay you know so now you uh buttocks all right well guess what guys I think we’re gonna have to take us to the ring I think you’re gonna have to show me exactly what you mean and we’re gonna go
Get a quick lesson all right I’m ready all right all right Harry so let’s get down to nitty-gritty now so I want to know what’s your most memorable skate story wow my most memorable skate story I would definitely I’m sure you have many you have a lot but uh I think this one
Was like important to me this is after one of my first events at the house of yes it was a sold out crowd it was disco music it was live it was energy Like while I was out there on a skate floor with everybody like I felt like I caught like the Holy Ghost for some reason like yeah like something to me I just started shaking on Escape floor but it was just like a feeling of love Yeah
A very spiritual moment yeah and I think that was like a point it made me feel like I’m doing something right you know right like everything was the fine timing you were really supposed to be yeah because I never experienced nothing like that before you know have you experienced that since
I haven’t but I get glimpses of it from time to time all right thank you for staring of course of course [Applause] [Applause] Thank you Well that was fun thank you Harry for that lesson hopefully I didn’t embarrass myself too much I did a great job I definitely have to come back for some more lessons get some moves and whatnot but I want to ask you a question about your childhood and Empire skating ring yes
Um tell me a little bit about that era of skating versus now how different is it it’s very different um we have a lot of gentrification going on here in New York City okay at that time the streets of Brooklyn Crown Heights Flatbush it was rough you know
So like we had the projects over there it was like a hangout for where the kids you know high school kids are going there like just causing trouble being Knuckleheads okay I see I feel like it was more of that at that time especially I’m talking about the early 2000s like
2003 2004 right now with the neighborhood changing you know it’s kind of a little less of the riffraff less of you know the gang violence that’s going on whether they do that they’re doing outside before the activities like that inside the skating rink you know so it’s just like a whole different environment
Now you know yeah I think it’s because the community sends something that we need this is something we’ve been needing um and we’re happy that you brought it to us so with that being said what are your hopes for change in the community with bring your roll away back to
Brooklyn it’s just you know just me being a black man from Crown Heights Brooklyn just being able to inspire the youth and not even owning a youth like even adults that you know have ideas that they want to do for themselves and you know afraid to like go out there
Push forward and break something just want to be able to inspire people all around so with that being said are there any Charities or organizations that you’re looking to work with that you be yeah so we definitely working you know we’re like we’re working with the NAACP so you
Know we work with a lot of the homeless shelters here in Brooklyn so we bring a lot of programs like that here I know on Monday too we’re doing something with the cops versus kids okay so the cops will be DJing you know challenging the kids okay so like just like more
Community Driven things to like showcase positivity right with everyone you know well you know what it came at the right time because we really need it so thank you for that appreciate it thank you Harry Martin of roller waves thank you for showing me around thank you for
Teaching me how to skate I hope I didn’t embarrass myself too bad today now you did a great job you did an amazing job out there all right well tell the people where we can find you your socials and all that so you can find me on my website on Instagram at
Rollowave and I see all right and this is Tavy baby with music exclusive TV thanks for joining us foreign