I will teach you exactly for the health the form for the health and deeper understanding of the form from the first class so first is a health and power and inner organs healthy and the Brain get more oxygen and more blood so you will have benefits right away most teachers
Will teach you details of the form so adding more stress to your life instead of removing stress or better yet using that stress for your better performance so as a teacher for past almost 40 years I consider myself as a performance coach success coach care of your body healthy health and
Success power so Empower means ability to add for the ACT you need to make a decision according to the Chinese medicine liver is the organ for the decision let’s make the liver healthy unless my heart healthy let’s make inner organ healthy and the blood flow healthy
Come to me and let’s start so I don’t teach you details I give you the healthy exercises that will give you the details deeper than if you just study because see you soon greetings everybody my name is Nicola maricich I’m a coach and teacher I’m also a performance coach karate Taekwondo
Ping pong football I can teach also the Chinese dance so that’s not what I’m actually teaching is not about teaching one sport is of teaching you performance whatever support you coming from if you are from ping pong if you’re from track and field or if you’re from football or
You for other sports if you want to perform better and get the results that you dreamed of but you never get it so far I can teach you how to do it actually uh I can give you the power back the power is what nobody can give you but the power
Is within you power is with you you already have technique you already performed where it would be already have experience of competitions or maybe you are just a poor pure beginner the poor beginner pure beginner okay doesn’t really matter whatever you are whatever is your experience I can guide you through that
And then let’s go from there and let’s in the next Olympic cycle let’s win some goals you know we want it are you sure because power means ability to act and if you want to act you need to make a decision which is the hardest one for people to
Do decide that you really want to be a champion and stick to the whatever you are going to do so and the program that I’m gonna teach you is you still have your coach you still have your National coach or your own coach who is guiding you where you
Are your Technique is Top Notch your Technique is best in the world but you still didn’t get that goal that you deserve so that’s what when I’m jumping so ability to act is power but to have power to draw this from yourself you need to have a decision and
Decision making is very important people when they want to decide something they go drinking they take drugs unfortunately which is not good and then they instead of deciding with their own power that they already have inside of them they decide with extra powders extra things instead of working on themselves
So not gonna be easy to work with me but if you really want I it will take only one time per week for hour or something or even less than that but if you really want to contact me okay see you soon see you soon and let’s start the program
I’m in Macau but I also uh if I’m available I can come to Hong Kong or July or Beijing or other other places that are not so far from here okay even Japan okay Korea okay Thailand hello call me let’s start the program don’t be lazy so I’m a coach performance coach
I actually attended many courses to to become a coach certified coaches in the many sports okay but the main characteristics of every sport that you study even in universities is there are a few things that you need to do to be a good at any sport so even
Though many coaches are not specialized in the area that they are coaching that does not mean that that approaches cannot teach you and guide you to the gold medal that you deserve okay so the gold medal that you deserve is in your hands but I will let your hands be free
Okay so I I will help you get your hands free so many teachers will teach you like this they will constitute on the details they will make make you uh more stressed than is necessary it’s like a clay you know you have a clay you make some so so cupped or something
You remove things to get the final shape that’s what I’m here for to remove unnecessary things that is gluing you to the bad decisions to bad things and then get you to the gold medal that you so much deserve I saw many young people or old people doesn’t really matter
That they are so good at what they do but they didn’t get the medals that they so much deserve so in order for you to get the medal or for you to get a help because I’m concentrating first on the health second I’m concentrating on the structure breeding concentration focus
And everything else that come from it whatever can come in our meeting in our classes okay and first of all you will get the health benefits from what you do and then later you will get the performance benefits because they are related no matter some people say you practice only for health
It’s it’s about if you have health then you can run faster you can jump higher you can jump longer or you can play your game more faster or or depends on your game needs fast or slow or what Precision what your game needs so we will need to study that
Okay but I’m experiencing many sports actually when I was very young I played ping pong I was very good at it I played with the world champion at that time exactly 1979 world champion come to the place where I was training from time to time and then he we played a serious
Game he didn’t let me go because my parents are not not wealthy nor rich or so something they need to he really played for real and I play for real because at that time I was 10 years old and I play and then I want you to share I want to
Share my experience to you I lost that game 21-17 because at that time it was played 21 not 11 points as today so 21-17 I lost from him so I was really happy that and I didn’t care about the points and then at the end I play very good
Because I didn’t care to lose the game I didn’t care if if I lose the point if the ball will hit the wrong place it’s just a play and enjoy the game that’s it and I get very high because he was world champion she was better than Chinese at
The time they were top of the world Chinese and Japanese the top of the world at that time so they and and some other countries but this this is uh this was the real thing and I also swim very fast even my style was not good I didn’t go for Style
I go for the effectiveness this teach you exactly as you’re supposed to do with Qigong and Tai Chi I’m talking about Qigong and Tai Chi only at this moment so in order for you to learn Qigong and taichuan I will give you the exercise that will get you more relaxed
Your hips your scapula your your body and organs so your organs will work better and your brain will get more oxygen and blood so you can study better you can have better performance so with Qigong and then I always have students who very very little training but have very very good
Results and me too and then other teachers complaining because they need more training more discipline more more details more more everything that will guide them through the success but most of the time the other teachers will concentrate on the details which should give you more stress in life but
Qigong and Tai Chi Chuan originally intended for for stress to use the stress or the effectiveness in the daily life so that’s what I learned through this 40 years almost 40 years of practice actually more than 40. I started when I was 10 that was 1979.
And I play ping pong which is also originated from China also football in the website of FIFA it says football originally in China so I’m interested in this sport that originated in China I didn’t know that at that time but since I was drawn to it so since I’m doing
Something right and also I last night I was a world champion in uh hell Qigong in Japan and then I was also five-time world champion he held Qigong and also Tai chichwana was very very good respected in the Society of taiji and Qigong why because I keep it natural I keep it
Like it should be like traditional I didn’t learn from westerners I learned from Chinese originally traditional yeah and then what most teachers will give you the details of the poem in the early stages which will give you more stress I will teach you how to relax the parts of the
Body that are more important from the organs the spine to get the brain oxygen to the brain let the oxygen to the to the to the inner organs get the blood supply to the whole body and then as a as a result of that your performance will be better your details will be
Better so I don’t go the other way around give you the details and then you pray that that organs will get benefits no I will give you benefit first that’s the the stories that I read when I was a younger I you know I read stories about people uh getting health benefits from
Qigong and Tai Chi without even learning the form properly yes learning informed properly is very important but health benefit you get first helped okay and then you perform very good if you don’t need to study details because if you’re healthy your details are already there so that’s how I teach this how how
Many teachers don’t know how to teach that and think that that method is wrong so please come to my class and try and don’t be influenced by other teachers or or anything just come and clean the cup yeah take out the cup the water or dirty waterproof a cup and come
Here and get the clean water inside your cup that means the clean knowledge and clean results from what you want to achieving life so Qigong is not the one that will give you health the one that will give you health is you doing Qigong okay so see you in class thank you for
Tip for you when you play Tai Chi most people just go from here to the next move and then to the next move and then to the next move first move finish you don’t go back you move a little bit but say you thousand pose and really close it so you go
Inside you spend which is welcome to new life though like we were hurrying so you need to enjoy the movement so stay in the movement stay within the government and then go to the Next Room same with the legs you know go here in the circle like Silk what it’s like here community
Here most people people still twist the waist so they will never twist the waist to waistline the weights they will only use the weighted but they’re soaking it in the waste but the waste is not Twisted it’s just in the topic okay please nicely see you in the classroom