Foreign What’s up everybody Welcome to food worth forking I am your host Laura Williams and welcome to a new season week two a new episode and let’s get it so all right so to get things started if you haven’t subscribed please subscribe to the channel so subscribe to the channel you see that
Bell in the corner go ahead and hit that Bell so that you can get notifications when new episodes are up and new content right so and if this is your first time ever um watching or listening to food worth forking thank you and welcome so food worth forking is all about food dating
And lifestyle so all things food culinary because you know we all got to eat right dating all things dating how are we dating what are we doing after 40 how are we dating and lifestyle everything and things that are happening in the world around us what is worth forking what is worth
Talking about so right so we’re about to get started and get into this week’s episode let’s see what’s happening here so um last week just to recap a little bit talked about it just told everyone about we’re doing our fifth annual and fifth annual friends giving episode right fifth
Annual friends giving episode and this year we’re doing it live so I’m really excited about that oh don’t wanna sucker and so if you didn’t know now you know so it’s Live friends giving episode November 4th November 4th at 5 30 doors open at five in New York City at Ripley Greer Studios
And Ripley Greer is a sponsor of the friendsgiving episode so I’m really excited about that too so thank you Ripley Greer and you can buy tickets on Eventbrite so get to it come on and join us have some fun we’re going to talk about you know Thanksgiving what you should be
Doing who are you bringing to Thanksgiving or friendsgiving right who are you bringing should you be bringing anybody what are you cooking should you be cooking all that we’re going to talk all about it so again November 4th friendsgiving episode live episode with an audience um 5 30 November 4th Ripley grid studios
In New York City Eventbrite tickets on sale now all right so we’re about to get into this episode this evening I’m really excited because a good friend of mine is joining me tonight and she’s also going to be at the event for friendsgiving so she’s one of the guests for friendsgiving
She’s going to be there so join us again but tonight I am welcoming my friend Natalie Guillaume so let me tell you a little bit about Natalie so Natalie Guillaume originally hailing from Haiti and shaped by the vibrant culture of Brooklyn New York now finds herself immersed in the
Charm of the southern belle lifestyle in North Carolina with an impressive career spanning over 15 years in the finance sector she thrives on mentoring and educating young adults about financial literacy Natalie is also deeply committed to giving back to her community actively serving on several non-profit boards beyond your professional achievements Natalie
Embraces her creative side during her downtime immersing herself in DIY projects at home and has created Nat and live DIY hold on to tell you about that however her most cherished role is that of a devoted mom and loving aunt which brings her boundless joy and fulfillment so everybody let’s welcome Natalie to
The podcast hey hey first of all I sound so fancy and I’m here for it thank you right right because at me isn’t it that is all you girl that is it thank you for having me I have to tell you something and I’ve been watching your podcast live for
It’s oh my God it’s been years now right but one of the things I keep meaning to mention to you that I love about your intro the video in the intro is I forgot the guy’s name who taught you how to fry chicken I’ll never let you live again
Oh what’s his name Sam green you and Sam dancing over frying chicken and you’re taking into a video is the blackest thing ever and I love it is Laura too stupid because she told me yeah I’m learning how to fry some chicken I still can’t get it I still
Don’t have it but wait it’s fun it’s hot but I still can’t do it okay so when I come in November we can call Santa bring us some fried chicken We’re not gonna have you make it right I’m just gonna say don’t I’m not even gonna try it Sam bringing some chicken
I would tell let’s see what’s happening in these comments girl let’s see what’s happening what’s up what’s up yes yes yes yes yes as Kenya says blackity black black and black Fried Chicken yes I know it’s so bad but it’s so true so true brother says hey Nat everything yes yes oh
Because it says Nat Miss Jackson concert my um Janet Jackson partner so yes thank you everyone for joining oh hey Valerie Valerie thank you for joining everyone so we’re about to get into this um I’m about to get into some questions oh wait do you have a beverage
I do I do I’m drinking some Rose don’t ask me the name um don’t judge me I picked it up at Aldi but it’s good it’s like a Moscato Rosie oh that sounds sweet is it really sweet look Laura I’m gonna make you feel special I pulled out my fancy glasses
These have like some kind of iridescent rainbow fish I see it a little bit okay but love them I never use them so I picked these up at Home Goods I can’t remember how much I paid for them but they they break so easily I love them I love them but they’re like
The cheapest thing every time I use them I’m like put it back gingerly so um I bought like two sets of four I’ve have five left so Cheers Cheers I have a little Prosecco happening we’re just gonna cheers that’s we’re gonna leave that right there yeah they’re pretty but I don’t use them
Yes all right let’s get into it so we’re gonna start off with some fire round questions you know sure so we can learn a little bit about Natalie now learn a little bit about you Natalie you ready yeah I’m ready I’m ready okay here we go what’s your lazy go-to dinner spaghetti
Spaghetti and meat sauce I’m not making meatballs yep okay it is jaw sauce but I will fancy it up with seasoning that’s fine I think a lot ground turkey spaghetti sauce it’s all good and I’ll make garlic bread well not from scratch you know Frozen four minutes in the oven yeah what are
You saying yes all right what are you reading right now a dirty Romance I’m sure I can’t okay so don’t judge me but Tick Tock I’m not judging this is an adult show what you really there’s like books and stuff of course you never she never recommends like the
Really really bad stuff so there’s like this alien romance novel going around and I got all sucked into it think of it as like naughty Avatar that’s the good reference for it okay I’m gonna leave that right there because we gotta keep going but that sounds like a whole nother episode I’ll
Sing it a little hold up a whole other thing to talk about the naughty uh would you call it it’s a naughty romance a naughty romance but it’s like meets Avatar yeah it’s that’s what I would call it like erotic Avatar all right okay we’ll come back salty salty or sweet
Can I mix them both together salty or sweet salty you can I guess you could I guess okay um what word do you have a hard time pronouncing don’t judge me this might be this is a combination of like Haitian issues maybe Brooklyn I don’t know success
Around the world and not to not have to say it it would not have been bad if you had to have thought about it to really like now I can’t say it yeah okay horrible I will go I would write it in the email now but I would go around
The world like nope not saying that I’m doing well right right right right I can’t I can’t do it I don’t know what it is okay yeah all right money or happiness happiness oh boy I feel like I’m gonna give up a little bit of happiness with some more money because
The money would then make me even like do I have to choose Laura Jesus okay happiness if you said money because when I we’re not talking about what how in what way or anything just said something strange for the money the money go ahead all right all right
Um what movie do you enjoy quoting the most What’s Love Got to Do with It wait what’s your quote what what do you say eat the damn cake anime [Laughter] one of my favorites sorry um I turn it like blessing in a curse um if you dive B I’ll kill you [Laughter]
I forgot about that though you’re like how does that work exactly that’s my favorite if you die B I’ll kill you I’m like huh that’s the level of aggression I have never achieved so I’m always like mix think that’s the damn song anime I’ll be like
Come on let’s go gotta do with it just it just gives oh God I just like that movie because it’s not like but it’s just it was just it’s too funny and I love Angela Bassett I mean honestly the man the woman can read a
Book to me I would be happy but that is one of my one of my favorites I will watch it every time it comes on okay okay um last question let’s see here you know this last meal on Earth where would it be and what would you eat
I’m eating all Haitian food I need like a whole sampler like I need like I need gryo I need dewy I need like plantains I need to be on the beach doesn’t have to be in Haiti but I’ll do any Beach um I need a drink too but yeah but I
Want like a full on Haitian meal you want to hate it I want a buffet I want to be like look if I’m going I’m gonna go stuff Lane that’s the one day you shouldn’t care about that uncomfortable feeling from eating it’s okay it’s fine you’re like
This is this is that it’s just it this is just such a fit yeah that’s it all right well as we’re talking about feast and feasting and all those lovely things let’s get into our our topic here this evening as we I should have asked you who would you
Take with you but that’s okay or yeah I’m not picking my sister let me tell you why I would never forget this but she stole food out the refrigerator from me that my mother mocked for me this is probably like I should be over it but it was like 18 years ago
I really wanted that meal until this day I will no so she can’t go so I’m gonna take you Laura you and I are gonna go can’t go we will send her pictures though Manisha I’m so sorry we’re gonna send her pictures so she feels bad and
Then when she complains I’m gonna remind her that she stole food out the fridge that was for me 18 years ago and that’s why she wasn’t invited that’s the that’s the note you would leave her because it’s your last meal yeah that’s the she would expect that from me she’ll be fine okay
Take care of my baby but that’s why you’re not here you’re hilarious so question for the room uh-huh since you and I both are women of a particular age I guess that’s what you would say right and single for now what I’m saying for now not always for now just you know
Um but if you were in this situation or what do you think of what would happen if if you knew someone or I don’t know how was it what happens when you catch feelings for a friend do you still like what happens do you still hang out with that person casually
Is there a way to turn back how do you move forward and this is probably more so if that person’s not interested in you whoa okay so this is one of those weird questions because I feel like this is such a woman question right because I
Feel like if and hey man in the chat if I’m wrong just let me know I’m wrong but I feel like if women start liking a friend we are at home contemplating life decisions we’re making pros and consists we’re talking to our friends we’re like debating this for like weeks and months
Should I tell them should I not tell them should I die and men are like I like her and I’m willing to risk it all and tell her anyway like I don’t feel like men lose sleep over this kind of dilemma this is like a to me what I I
Might be wrong the man can tell me I’m wrong but I feel like this is such a woman dilemma because we think more about like I have a friend and I don’t want to lose the friendship and what if he doesn’t return those feelings can we move forward and still be friends like
We lose sleep over the potentially ruining friendship where I don’t think men men are like ah I’m cool I can risk this I can risk this for you know a good time or a long time let’s see what happens and then you know they’re okay with that
Um so that’s my first take on it when I hear the question I’m like oh my God this is such a girl thing but so let’s say if it doesn’t work do you go it doesn’t work I think it depends on the level of your feelings for that
Person like are we talking like for me are we talking small crush and then then you caught you caught him you got you got caught up see how I’m such a weird person I personally wouldn’t let myself get that far without figuring that out first you know okay
But let’s just say I like you know really fell hard um I feel like it would it would have to be like self-preservation always first and if you need to take a break from that person temporarily like I’m not saying ruin a friendship but I feel like I feel like if you’re at
The point where you know he doesn’t return our feelings and that means he knows how you feel about him and if he’s a good friend he would respect you requesting some sort of distance away to be like hey I can’t have lunch with you every Wednesday like we used to give me
A couple weeks you know we’ll talk I’ll chat we’ll text but I can’t I can’t see you as often because I want to you know I want to kind of get past this situation yeah and and just put some boundaries in place for yourself like I feel like in all ways in life
Self-preservation should be the the thing you think about first like you should put yourself first yeah you need first before somebody else I agree with that yeah unless you have kids involved and think about the babies what’d you say I said unless there’s kids involved then you can’t really you
Know then think about the babies but in in the case of like relationships you got to take care of yourself first and make sure you’re getting what you need out of that relationship and if it’s somebody also like because I know like I know friends in this situation where they’ve liked someone
And the person doesn’t return the feelings but still doesn’t want to give them space and it’s kind of like and then they kind of like just keep Wheeling them in but they know they don’t want to be with that person then that’s a dangerous person then you probably wouldn’t want to consider just
Severing ties with that if it’s to the point where like this man knows like hey I like you you really don’t want her but you’re keeping her on the string then you need to I feel like you need to severtise indeed because he’s not thinking about you as a friend yeah
Right right and fellas if you have any comments please chime in because we would love to have the male perspective on this as I read some comments here Kenya says this was an r b song I can’t think of the name though Whitney Houston I’m saving all my love for you cause I
Just realized that was another woman’s song like two months ago yeah yeah you’re like I called you it was the jam it was the jam it’s a beautiful song then but you when you listen you’re like well wait a second I was thinking that thing as a child not realizing Whitney
Was The Other Woman in this song like when she said I’m saving all my love for you I in my hand the man was off to war not right at his wife’s house I had to read the lyrics I was like oh this is not what I thought this was like
No you’re like oh wait a second that sounds that sounds like an awful lot of sacrifice yeah that’s a lot that’s a lot what’s up so when you were talking about kids do you tell your date like if you’re or whoever do you tell kind of
Switching gears a little bit do you when you’re dating because some people don’t do this and I thought it was really interesting do you tell people you tell your date excuse me that you have children do you tell the person you have children on the first date I think
You should I mean let’s let’s make sure we know it’s not children for me it’s just one okay because the Lord knows that’s all I can handle um My Little Olivia is a lot um but no I think that you should like if you don’t I’m not saying first date this
Man needs to meet your child but they need to know there’s an important person in your life and that is your daughter or your son right I wouldn’t you know like you don’t have to you don’t bring them out and parade the children but they need to know and they need to know
Like the same way you’re evaluating your date to see if this is somebody you can see in the in your future in your child’s future they need to know if this is something they want or you know especially when you have like my child is sex like that’s a young child you
Know we’re not taking off for a two-week Cruise when I have you know like so they need to know that and that that’s a lifestyle change for a lot of people yeah yeah yeah I just thought when I you know I’ve I’ve heard and come and read
And you know how you see everything on social media of course but I was surprised at the number of people men and women who don’t tell that they have children a child or children on the first date and I feel like if later on you surprise
Me like with surprise I have a son I’ll be like red flag wait a minute where was this child like then what in what when like I feel like my child is such a big aspect in my life and I’m not saying you go out to dinner with someone or you’re
Hanging out with them for like two hours you would talk about your child the whole time but how do you how does like a significant part of your life not come up at all like I would I would find that weird and and maybe my assumption would be well
You’re not as involved for that for your child not to come up yeah I I just think that maybe also depending on the age of the kid too maybe it’s you know like if your child is like 22 and out of the house and off to college maybe it doesn’t come up as
Much but yeah I just thought it was it was interesting and why you wouldn’t want to share why you wouldn’t want to share that and I think I think for me it would say something about your character yeah um yeah the first first date you’re like I don’t know I think if someone
Doesn’t say and on the second day you’re like oh by the way I have you know I don’t know three kids not that a person would care not that I would care per se but like why is that just not coming up why you know it’s
Yeah like I wouldn’t I and I and I I think for me like the way I interact with people like my my daughter casually comes up like it’s not an announcement of like by the way yeah yeah like well if you ask me what I did yesterday
There’s going to be an aspect of like well I had to like yesterday was Tuesday I had to take Olivia to dance you know or what did you do this weekend well this weekend we did like there’s for me there’s no way around it yeah so it to
Me it would question it would make me question how involved you are in your kids life for them not to come up casually yeah and and I think it would make you I mean at least it would make me um one it definitely needs to come out
Up front in those first few let’s say maybe all right if it doesn’t happen on the first date it has to happen in those first couple of days or it’s it’s a wrap but then it also prolongs because I’m still I might be looking at you a little side sad I like
Hmm that didn’t come up out front that’s a huge part of a person’s life so I’m definitely looking at you a little a little different with hesitation hesitation yeah I feel like you know once your parent at least for me as a mom that is part of who I am and part of
Like you know like part of me as a person so how do I not like that’s such a huge aspect of my life I don’t know how to get away from it and say you know um like and not just not have it come up casually even you know like it just
Wouldn’t happen yeah I think so and I would I would I would I would find that as a rare flag yeah I do I think it is a big red flag um Kenya says agree let them know about kids up front absolutely and right and I
Feel like the longer you take to tell me then the more concerned I am like if it’s months then I’m like oh yeah you I mean you could just I mean you might as well just call it it can’t be months you can like you can go ahead and forget
That Valerie says we need to let people decide what they can deal with up front and I totally absolutely Valerie I think we get um a lot of times people get caught up in I guess like the fantasy or the illusion or not showing up as yourself
And I just think at this point in our lives we definitely um I mean you are who you are you have what you have and yes we are still growing and evolving as people men women but who you are right now you want you you gotta let people know yeah
And you’re going to be into you for you and if if if who you are is part of who you are as a mom or a dad yeah you would want people to know that and I feel like especially when you reach a certain age like you know who’s hiding children it’s
Different than when you’re like 21 and you’re like oh well I don’t you know different because I’ll be honest with you in my 20s I don’t think uh I wouldn’t have because that’s 20 old Natalie don’t judge me 20 old Natalie would not have dated a man with children Yeah but I
The people still do people are out here hiding I’ll just saying the 20 in your early 20s because you don’t know no matter like a girl like me in her 20s wouldn’t have dated a guy with children I was trying to get the club I’m not trying to braid your
Daughter’s hair I’m not trying to babysit I don’t want to go to the park I’m trying to get in before 12. okay I’m here to party like so I wouldn’t you know so in my 20s I would not have dated a man with children but I feel like once you reach a certain
Age I feel like more and more more people have children so I don’t understand you know if you don’t tell me that’s a that’s a I’m I’m questioning your character at that point yeah it’s huge it’s huge it’s huge Valley also says part of it is fear of judgment or
Rejection there’s always the well let them get to know let them get to know me before I drop that info but it’s not being open it is not and we can’t do it and if it’s a sure sign it’s like an automatic two red flags it’s like automatic you get three it’s
That two that’s it it’s you you got one more you’re out right what did I look like you know that you know that Meme of like um Viola Davis picking up her purse leaving that’s me at the restaurant going okay well um pack this up to go thanks
To Valerie’s point about like the fear of judgment I feel like there there are certain stigmas right like the more children you have and with the more partners then people might feel a little judged by that like if you’re trying to tell a woman or a woman is trying to
Tell a man like hey I have three kids three different dads then I can you know then because of that judgment we know automatically judge it um I think people do kind of hold back and there is a fear of judgment in that you know and because I’ll be honest with you
If a man told me that I’m like um so what happened tell me more and how about these kids are there any conversations or is there any well no maybe conversations anything off limits that you like that’s too soon for the first day
Too too soon to tell me no I want you to I want you to tell me oh I’m gonna listen we’re gonna laugh now may not go on with you again okay well we are gonna laugh we’re gonna have a good time we might walk out as besties
By the end of this we’re not we may not date right but I want you to tell me all so I can make it I can reserve my judge make a judgment and decide if this is something I can handle like I said I
Feel like if a man told me like oh I just had a baby and I’m like if a man’s like oh I had a baby I’m like oh how old and they’re like oh six weeks I’m like oh really oh okay all right how did that what
Happened what happened there what are we talking about okay like because I’m because in my head I’m like why are you here postpartum yeah why are you here tonight help me out life is a train midnight feedings you know right we can’t we cannot yeah like I’m judging
At that point too even if it’s one child I’m judging right you’re like oh um like why are we out the house shoot with you right um so let’s see here um so Wanda says if they’re your friend they should know you have kids from the start then
If you catch feelings the kids should not be an issue true true very true I agree with Wanda like I mean obviously if this is a friend the opinion says wow a newborn that’s deep and diapers and dating yeah we’re not doing it we’re not doing that right
Now yeah now unless you’re dating you know the kid’s father your husband but yeah life is a new yeah you’re right I agree but to Wanda’s point I think it was like if this is not a friend and you’re just meeting a man and you’re getting to know them and they just told
You all about like you know about children and stuff but but you’re right if they’re all your friend that you wouldn’t know they have children now if they are your friend and you don’t know they have children run away right questions let’s go yeah let’s go well let’s get
Him surprised unless they just found out they had a kid then then yeah that’s a whole different that’s a whole difference but if they knew and you just didn’t know and they were your friend around you’re like yeah it’s okay we’re good yeah we’re good so let let’s get into
This next segment of in between the bites oh in between the bites so between the bites let’s talk about what’s happening out here one thing what’s phone what’s good phone etiquette yesterday I was in the airport and you’re sitting there or I’m sitting there and this man decides to call someone on
His speaker phone and he’s literally having a full conversation on the speakerphone I look up and I’m like are you serious right now was it juicy this is our thing right so my level or how much I care is is a good team like right so
If it’s if you just come on in to tell me about work then I’m like oh my God turn it off now and you and the person on the other end are gossiping and it could be someone I have no idea who it is I am here I’m like what
What do Susie did what in my head I’m like all in it like I’m like what so if it’s good combo I’m like I’ll turn off my own phone and listen I’m like oh I can’t right now listen I’m here for gossip I feel like this you know I’m here for everybody
Else having amazing and exciting Adventure crazy stuff happened to them I don’t want it to happen to me so when somebody wants to share I’m the worst I am here for a good Facebook fight remember those like the people would just be fighting in the comments and I’m like
Cannot I cannot I cannot at all these people are but you know what I’m okay with it would have been like hey I cannot we’re at the airport we at the airport what are you doing like what in the world I I just I was done I was really like I need
Them to stop no I feel like if it’s two seconds then I don’t care see Verna has been here for the gossip with me Brian is like that’s right now I’m not I don’t want you to be honest I don’t want you I don’t want to hear anything if somebody’s talking about somebody
Cheated I’m like I don’t even know these people but I’m my aunt’s a pin I am up and then I will probably be annoyed if they walk away before I got the rest of it I don’t know naturally nosy right I’m like no no if it’s boring then I’m like I’m with
Kenya I’m like oh my God turn it off this is ridiculous right Lord someone says world star Natalie is video video taping I can’t yes it is messy listen to people’s conversations but I don’t want to hear none of it wait a second am I listening like there’s a difference like I feel
Like I was possibly minding my own business and you bought me soap opera and I am here for the novella like I don’t understand the movement Laura if I’m sitting in my seat and you decide to broadcast your business no ma’am I just want to make sure you know I need
To know what’s going on yeah well Wanda says if they’re if they are 70 or or over I can excuse she can excuse me and I I mean okay yeah but he wasn’t he was not anywhere near 70. and he was driving me nuts yeah I feel like like
Senior citizens in my book they could do whatever they want I am here for it you’re like okay I have watched old people cuss somebody else out and I’m like you tell them that’s right come on Betty that’s right Betty you’ve lived long you can tell them how you feel like
They could do whatever they want in my book hilarious all right so all right so next big news this week okay I am so here for it the big news come on Usher Usher is doing Usher Usher Usher Usher is doing the Super Bowl I am
So important right I feel like I felt last year when I heard Rihanna was doing yes and I was here for the Rihanna concert too yep yes but I’m still here for Usher because this is going to be I need to know if Usher’s rollerblading or roller skating on stage you know
I need him to bring the Vegas two Super Bowl yes he made um I think he might I’m hoping he adds more dates like his show I can’t remember a show at Vegas that is as popular and good that I’ve heard I haven’t been yet no but I’ve heard of
Other things yeah everyone who’s gone has said it’s amazing a friend of mine today told me that he’s going on a world tour listen up I’m there for it too listen let me find out let me find out Kenya we need to bring the Janet crew back
Um I need to plan events now I got a child to think of I got a babysitter but I’m going oh my gosh that is hilarious if that if that Joker’s ankles give out why are we wishing that on this man you know he is of a certain age yeah he is
Not gonna fall on no skate he is one of us can you he needs like I don’t know he needs to tape their ankles or something yes I don’t know if he’s bringing little John because yeah wouldn’t be the same with our little John you know no I know
Now he would he might have to bring a few folks he surely could yeah he really could but I feel like I’m excited he wouldn’t be the same Manisha says who is your babysitter so just let her can we Manisha you go can you watch the baby so I can go see Usher
I mean really she’s so rude Marie Maria is Natalie’s sister she’s like so who’s gonna watch the kids we’re gonna watch the child Lord Kenya and I are gonna go see Usher we need you to watch his baby I don’t understand the problem that is hilarious hilarious hilarious so if you go see
Usher we gotta have some good food so we’re gonna get into this delicious bite segment so let me tell you about what what is my hold on let me find it I gotta do it right next segment up that’s what’s going on let me tell y’all
So I was in Ohio recently last week and this place I’ve gone to before a friend of mine hit me to it uh well let me back up been to this restaurant before many times went for lunch not too long ago was introduced to this amazing amazing sandwich let me
Tell you this is my thing people say I’m obsessed with this I’m actually obsessed with the sandwich it is a grilled trout it’s a grilled trout it has lettuce tomato red onion and aioli sauce and their um house salad um like they have a special dressing and it has um toasted like crispy
Um parmesan cheese on it on the salad amazing oh and the bun is toasted butter Toasted Bun a boy did I say that right yeah the bun is buttered and toasted is that Mayo on there not Mayo tartar on there too foreign it’s under the lettuce but let me tell
You that sandwich is bomb it is so good so now I’m I’m obsessed and by the way oh I didn’t tell you the name of the restaurant it’s North Star Cafe North Star Cafe in Columbus Ohio I don’t know if they have them anywhere else but I know that
They’re in Ohio and the other thing that I tried that I don’t have a picture of but if you’re ever at North Star you have to get their ginger ale because they make it they make it and I don’t like ginger those of you who know me you
Know I’m not a ginger person I am not I do not gravitate to Ginger I do not drink ginger ale none of it but I tried this ginger ale there and it is absolutely divine um there’s the ginger that’s in it lime mint a simple syrup and something else
And it’s a little bubbly well you know I like a good bubble so that’s probably why it is so dang good it is and yes it is food porn yes yes everything at North Star is delicious it is Laura Williams has uh Laura Williams hat wait
My thing is moving too fast how was your carrot cake in the jar that carrot cake is amazing so they also have this carrot cake in a jar in a mason jar delicious delicious delicious it don’t it makes no sense what’s up Josiah Josiah says the ginger
Ale is so good highly recommend yeah because Josiah my nephew he had the ginger ale and we both were like and we all know if we like ginger ale but that ginger ale we were like let me tell you let me tell you it’s delicious so yes if you’re
There North Star Cafe in Columbus Ohio highly recommend start with this sandwich you can’t go wrong with anything in North Star really um but it is delicious that looks good it is it’s delicious it looks really good yes ma’am yes ma’am so you know what’s up next is this smash or pass
I’m just saying because I always wait to see what foolishness you’re gonna bring up it is now time four smash or pass let’s get into it run I’m ready all right first up first up is french fries and ice cream are we smashing or passing cause I’m smashing no I’m smashing
I just hate I have to tell everybody this but yeah it is like the weirdest especially for some you know for us ladies seven times of the month it’s actually his soul like yeah I need that salty sweet yeah I need it like people think it’s weird
Like I love Doritos and peanut M M’s mixed together right like popcorn and chocolate like at the movies well I I sneak in my own chocolate don’t judge me I’m not paying five dollars for a little box but I want their popcorn I bring my own chocolate to mix in there I need
Them that’s right and french fries and milkshake also works too by the way yes but I think we gotta I think we gotta smash um Jason says Frosty only but Jason I actually think in this photo this is at one this is can we say Wendy’s but no
This is Wendy’s I recognize the fries don’t judge me right I recognize the fries in the red box yeah yeah this is a vanilla Frosty which I’ve never had but I I do like a chocolate frosty better Verna said pass too I mean I don’t know is it lactose intolerance ladies I don’t understand I don’t know but here we go because I promise you I’m sorry I’m still eating it yeah majority says it’s a it’s a smash so we’re gonna go with it and
We’re gonna get to this right here oh does that not no the answer is no no listen um I I can’t look at the little bodies I know I know but it’s this so it’s grilled I I can’t with the is that the whole little body look I can’t
Do it this brings me back to where my ex-boyfriend trying to get me to eat frog legs at Coney Island I can’t I couldn’t do it then don’t mix so you got you lost me at Coney Island I wouldn’t try I’ve tried them they used to tear it up Laura the
Nathan’s at Coney Island made frog legs and people tore them up and I could not it’s so easy really low leg I can’t do it I’m done but this quill Quail is um with a sweet marinade um that includes it has soy sauce Ginger chili flakes you know grilled over an open flame
I need you to cut it up like this jerk chicken so I can’t look at the whole body well it’s not going to ever look like jerk chicken chop up your jerk chicken I can’t do it I can’t yeah if I couldn’t see the whole little bird
Body yeah no it’s not because for me I’m like I don’t care what you call it a quail I’m like why am I eating a pigeon I can’t do it oh wow okay um I don’t want to convert you I’m going to make um oh wow she’s going to make you
Something listen Valerie makes the best cakes her cakes are beautiful too um I would eat your cake Valerie I do not want your Quail right that’s so I think it’s a no see can you and Kenya food is what can you do get saying though yeah she says no well no
Pass it’s the legs for me too oh no Chris says I’ve had Quail this presentation makes me want to pass though oh okay yeah because it looks little oh the poor thing yeah I’m like is that the whole body and then like this you know Jason says I can’t with y’all
Oh Lord look the little chickens yeah Juana says probably like a hornet and I’m I don’t I’m I’m okay I like Cornish hens this is a little like I can’t do it this is like this is freaking me out it’s a little totally it’s the little
Rocket legs I can’t deal with it you said the little rocket legs I mean it didn’t look like they’re about to go into kickstand Laura I can’t do it right all right so next up I think we’re all passing or this is is a pass by herself she could have my portion too
So next up wait what is hold on a second this one is this is called a campfire sling camp fire swing so it has whiskey it has pure maple syrup grade A Amber is recommended for a richer version try great B three dashes of chocolate bitchers with an orange twist
And scorched orange oil love it are we smashing or passing smashing yeah you might try it I mean it’s alcohol you take a sip see if you like it you know yeah not gonna lie to you though at first I was trying to figure out is that a grasshopper he’s
Holding over the glass I it’s not a grasshopper style was ready to say no and then I was like oh it’s alcohol okay yeah we’re like no Josiah says campfire sling pass I’ll drink kids too right thank you like what all right person y’all are hilarious cigar because I need
One with a smoking jacket true and a cigar right and a cigar and a cigar smash of his alcohol it’s for me yes yes yes yes so I think this is I think this one might be human unanimous this is a smash yeah this is this is hold on hold on and
One more now if you haven’t had watermelon salad I have and and I’m not a huge arugula person I don’t like arugula hold on Laura I went back to the other picture yeah sorry I don’t like um arugula but the arugula and the salad with the um the watermelon and the feta
It works especially if the watermelon is sweet because the arugula is bitter yes I’m not a big arugula fan but it works I think it’s quite tasty I’ll try it I mean I’ve never I’m I I like watermelon but I can’t say I go out of my way every summer to get a
Watermelon you know yeah so I would try it I like arugula it doesn’t you know but you do have to add something sweet with it like I usually mix arugula with like my mixed greens or spinach with something like a just a little bit of of
It for flavor but not only arugula yeah yeah some people just like you know arugula but you are correct I’m like no I can’t do it but okay so what are we saying right here pass no feta cheese for me all right there’s a hmm not sure
That looks fresh and nice smash yeah definitely a summertime um it’s past City it’s past City [Laughter] Verna says pass no fruit with food I don’t mind it yeah my salad I do too I actually like fruit um in my salad because I because I’m not
A big salad dressing person I don’t like salad dressing so there’s FYI everyone there’s a salad that I another Obsession of mine at Chick-fil-A yes do you have it with the grill on the spicy grilled chicken yes yes the spicy grilled chicken that vinaigrette just a little tiny bit
Of it that’s all you need I got literally a tablespoon you shake it up you just everybody back up back up yeah I’m not sharing it I’m not oh I’m not sharing and um Panera Bread also has a summertime one I can’t remember what it’s called then it has strawberries in it
Strawberries and apples it only it’s one of their summer salads it’s really good and they do it with that um that Fuji out it’s the same dress as like the no it’s a strawberry um I can’t remember the dressing now it’s that that pump a nickel like it has a
Little bit of pumpkin Nickel in that dressing is really good um Chick-fil-A does hit it does sister like dang it I haven’t tried their new pimento cheese chicken sandwich I’m I’m not at all oh like dip I’ve had it on Burgers I haven’t had there so I’m not I don’t I’m
Not against pimento cheese I won’t eat it by itself like you know but okay but I’ve heard good things about that sandwich all right I’m gonna let you have it all right last one for the evening and here we go oh if you had me at sugar and grits right that’s all
I was waiting to see if they were gonna mess it up or something else that I didn’t like just keep it like just like that a nice Gravy Sauce some good grits that aren’t too thick not too runny just like nice and creamy like not the you know like not the quick
Quaker Grits like the having your dinner he’s making them like homemade like grit yeah you gotta cook them wait no I love I love shrimp and grapes I feel like anytime I go out to eat it this shrimp from grits in the menu it’s something else I gotta beat that for me yeah
Yeah oh that looks delish it’s a delicious without the pork I can do shrimp and grits yes yeah I could do I like it with the she doesn’t even like grits it’s like it looks like Haitian food no it’s not right because it looks like Asian food
Okay I’d like to see you guys Ernest passing on the grits too gritty gritty four grits we’ll let you have that one because I’m like I feel like we need to talk about this she said grits are too gritty wait a minute I agree Verna it’s like oatmeal too Odie like what exactly
Oh Fern is hilarious I’m gonna remember that oh my gosh that’s hilarious fruit salad I was too fruity out of control I love it yes well let’s see oh yes just one more thing for the evening I forgot ladies and gentlemen like how can we get through
The night without having it we have to end our evening with oh ours what are you learning about today food factors sensual food facts ladies and gentlemen so today we are talking about spices spices spices spices so let’s get into this for a second so hot spices such as Cayenne Curry
Human can make you feel excited because they warm and relax the body there are compounds in these spices that give that gives Chili Peppers their fiery kick does this it does this by increasing the heart rate and triggering the release of mood enhancing endorphins spices spicy spices get you revved up
So that is food worth forking seasoning season by the way when you said Curry I feel like you just explained all West Indian men in that one phrase oh my God I’m like oh I get it now okay um explain You said explain yeah you said you get all West Indian men what did you say about the what did you say about the the calming and the exciting factor of it oh wait you have to go back that kind of explains the whole thing oh does it my
Bad it explains all their behavior I’m like oh it’s a behavior okay that’s what I mean yes thank you I was like explode let’s go expound deeper please talk to us about what’s what are you saying what are you talking about Jason says you don’t know yep there’s a nose
Chasing those Laura you’ve never been fortunate enough to date a Jamaican man I have not updated a Jamaican man I have not sounds like they don’t don’t do it don’t do it oh Lord oh Lord oh Lord no offense Jason like no you don’t need to go there but Laura
That should have been a trial of tribulation you were counted in your 20s girl yeah you’re like don’t do it now don’t do it now you don’t have time for the foolishness now hilarious hilarious well ladies and gentlemen we this is it we are at the
End of our of the show the evening um Natalie this was great this was a lot of fun thank you thank you guys all come out in November it’ll be more fun listen we’re gonna have such a good time November 4th in New York City Ripley Greer yes and I think we should
Discuss what you missed out on by not dating West Indies in your 20s thank you okay we’ll put that we’ll put that on we’ll put that on the bill yeah I’m sure there’ll be plenty of people there who can tell you all the fun the fun the
Wrong person you missed right so we’ll we’ll save that for November 4th yes let’s say that for November 4th you guys all bring the stories of your you know your ex your exes Jamaican boyfriend the ex-nigerian boyfriend we’re gonna we’re not doing that we’re gonna say everyone is fantastic no no
They’re all great on on on some level everyone is great and grand every relationship is everything everything it’s a lesson you learn you grow you move on and you get better yeah and then you say to yourself girl okay I cannot so listen just reminding you if you have not subscribed
To the food worth forking podcast please subscribe to YouTube hit the subscription button ring that Bell if you have not do it so you will always get notifications of new content and new episodes and follow me on Instagram Facebook Twitter and Tick Tock at Food worth forking Natalie how can we find you
Okay so Laura mentioned my DIY channel yes but I I created I don’t have any content there yet but I will buy this Friday I swear I will I’m having one of them little young kids come show me how to use tick tock or young kids I mean one of the ones in
The 20s I can’t right now so Natalie is great with like creating and taking something and making it look beautiful with paint and changing knobs and seeing a vision these are changing moms I love it well changing knobs on furniture Furniture people yes most currently like
So on the channel what I hope to share is the stuff that I’ve been doing at home um a lot of it is with my daughter because I feel like it’s so important for her to learn how to use tools um and so she knows how like how to use
A drill and she knows how to use like screwdrivers and she knows what it is so a lot of the stuff I do it with her so she helps a lot when I like you know make um oh yeah like I did my niece’s room recently so she helps me a lot when
I’m like sanding furniture down and repainting Furniture so one of the projects that I’ve been doing at least more recently is like doing my niece’s room at my sister’s house I finished I finished her oldest Mila’s room so I will be sharing pictures on Instagram and Tick Tock
Um of that and then I’m doing her youngest Michaela’s room next so um they’re excited Mila’s room is beautiful I can’t wait for you guys to see the pictures she loves it it is very dramatic okay bring on the drama yes it’s very dramatic I wanted her to have
She’s she just turned 11 so I wanted her to have something that screams I’m no longer a kid but she’s not an adult yet so you know yeah and not childish like I would sleep in that room so um so I’m gonna share all those pictures there and that’s you
Know so the channel is not and live DIY it’s Natalie and Olivia my daughter picked it out don’t judge me she insisted on being a part of things but and she she does help a lot so there’s a lot of videos of her like standing furniture and painting furniture and you
Know and using like Hammers and nails and drills and stuff so I’m encouraging her to use tools and we go to workshops on at Home Depot and stuff to teach her how to use things like I want her to be like self-sufficient and not have to like you know
Wait for somebody to come like you know change a light bulb for her very good very sweet yeah well I’m excited for you I can’t wait to see all these new wonderful things and I can’t wait to see you in November November flight is booked I’m ready yes so
November 4th ladies and gentlemen at 5 30 at Ripley Career Studios in New York City show time is 5 30. go on Eventbrite food worth forking and get your tickets yes so thank you Natalie for being here tonight thank you everybody for watching for listening I appreciate you thank you
So much so share this share this with others so that we are starting and growing this um you know this foodie tribe food worth working so until we eat again make it food worth working see you next week bye we’re gonna we’re gonna end that in a minute hold on
I’m totally I totally I was like see y’all later all right Let me put you once it’s a new work grilling is heat I got the word on the streets take heat introduce you to some brand new things food for the soul see you gotta blow food worth working take it on the go into serving it up on the
Road tell you all about it on the specials