Well now Charlie Let’s uh let’s take a shotgun from here as he’s coming out of the building after a day’s work huh you know I’ve taken pictures of big shots movie stars Kings I have never run into a ham like this one uh what do you expect yesterday’s an ordinary bus
Driver today he’s gonna have his picture taken getting free free paid spread in Universal magazine tomorrow is being honored at City Hall it’s got to affect him uh big deal he won an award is the safest bus driver in the city sure sure it’s a big deal the biggest thing that
Happened to a bus driver look you all yeah bringing the man of the hour make it natural huh Mr Crandon what are you trying to do well I thought that would be a good pose you know for the cover of your magazine Mr crown and this picture isn’t going to
Be on the cover this is just one in a series of Articles dealing with the big days and the lives of people in various lines of work well when you wrote the story about Marilyn Monroe you had her picture on a couple if you get into a bikini bathing suit
We’ll put your picture on the cover now look Mr panel just stand there as you are and we’ll take the shot until you just come out huh Charlie go ahead thank you well that’s all I’m going back to the office okay Charlie see you tomorrow at
City Hall uh the commission is off yeah 12 30 Sharp oh Mr cramlin can we finish this interview over a cup of coffee oh well I’d like to but like I said I’m waiting for my friend that I told you about Ed Norton he’s going to meet me
Here well I guess we can do it here uh Mr Kramden something you said struck me as being very strange now uh you’ve just won the award as the safest bus driver of the year and yet you say that you felt that bus drivers don’t get the recognition they should
Well that’s right you see here this award that I’m getting is a special award you know it’s not an award that’s given out all the time and uh like cops and firemen they get Awards all the time and I think that a bus driver is just as
Much of a public serving as they are yeah but those awards are usually given out for bravery in the face of extreme danger now uh when does a bus driver have to show bravery in the face of extreme danger when all the time all right only the other
Day a lady got on my bus she’s got a dog it must have been six foot high it’s one of those French poodles you know with the Italian haircuts so she tries to get on the bus but the guy said wait a minute lady you can’t
Bring that Mongrel in here she says what do you mean Mongrel it’s a pedigree I said I don’t care what it is Pedigree or a Mongolia it can’t get in the bus well uh what did she say to that she says how dare you she says this dog has weighed
Ten thousand dollars well then what did you do he said if he’s white that much let him take a cab boy well how’s the celebrity all ready to go home now yeah pal oh by the way yeah this is Mr Martin from Universal magazine this is my friend Ed Norton how
Do you do that well I’m glad they had the chance to ask me some questions Mr Norton well if the category is Ralph Prime then I’m willing to take a shot at the 64 000 question well let’s see how to begin with your close friends well I
Am as close as anybody can get the real family long time tell me how long ago did you meet oh I’d say uh 150 pounds ago you’re a riot man the real right uh Mr Knightley tell me something what uh what kind of work do you do well I
I’m employed by the city I’ve seen a white collar job no you say it was a horrible what color job I’m a underground engineer uh he uh works in the sewer Marsha lyman’s way of putting it Mr Norton tell me something have you ever ridden in your friend’s bus here oh
Yes I ride my friend’s bus every opportunity I get the chance because I’m assured of a comfortable smooth safe ride and besides that he lets me ride on the bus for nothing Sorry Charlie left I’d like to have gotten a picture of you two together oh
Well if you want to get a picture of the two of us just be at the commissioner’s office tomorrow my friend is going to be there to see me get the award yeah you betcha I would let my old buddy boy be there receiving a big award the biggest
Day in his life without me being there I’ll be there and by the way yeah our wives will be there too tell me something how about the women are they close friends too oh they’re Inseparable well that’s fine well Mr Kramden according to my notes you’re uh you’re very consistent no no
No no you’re steady that’s it steady wait a minute that’s the angle I’ll feature in my story your steadiness now 14 years with the same bus company happily married and all of your good friends throughout all those years oh well the four of us get along like uh
The Three Musketeers well I’ll see you and your wives tomorrow afternoon nice about you Mr Crampton glad to have seen you Mr Martin thank you see you man all right report well I don’t mind telling you one thing Ralph I’ll tell you I’ve been worrying all day
Long what a day I’ve been put through what are you worried about what am I worried about this is the last day this is the last day before you receive the award you’ve gone all this time with no accidents I mean what the what would happen to you the thing would happen you
Get an accident that’s the logical thing to happen to you and ruin the whole thing that’s ridiculous one day it’s just the same as another to me well I don’t care just for safekeeping when I get up early this morning I cross both my fingers on both hands
And it’s not easy working a shovel this way I’ll tell you that hey Rob oh saying Out Here Yeah tomorrow’s a big day huh yeah Fred and you’re just the guy I want to see all right well I got to go down a commissioner’s office tomorrow and I’m
Bringing Norton and his wife and I’m taking Alice with me and I’d like to go in class would you lend me a car well let me see uh I’m working tonight Clemens give me a lift home I’m going to sleep all day tomorrow I don’t see why
Not yeah get the key somewhere that’s the key causing the parking lot down the street thank you very much have a great day Ralph all right pal I’ll leave it in the parking lot for you tomorrow all right buddy he’s all right that guy yeah you know what my father just thinking
Hey you know there’s a lot of good drivers in the bus company you’ve been driving now for 14 years without an accident I mean how come some of the other fellas haven’t been able to do that how do you account for that well Norton it’s like everything else
Group of men are picked to do a job trained in the same fashion as each other there’s always one man in the group that stands out far in front of the others yeah I guess you’re right there off you stood out anymore in front you wouldn’t be able to get behind the wheel
Of a bus [Applause] let’s go home nothing Oh Alice Alice where did you put my belt right here on the table for you Ralph why do you have to hide everything just relax now here’s your tie all right will you hurry up we’re gonna be late you sure this guy is going to match my new jacket
No I wouldn’t have picked it out if I didn’t think so all right will you hurry up and get dressed Ralph I could have been dressed a long time ago if you’d only let me alone now will you will you calm down nervous I’m nervous Alice
I am not nervous you’re just saying that to make me nervous all right the saddest bike you got me nervous now Alice I don’t know I don’t like the way these shoes look where are my other ones there shoemakers Ralph well you took him there last night aren’t they ready yet
What will you be reasonable he couldn’t possibly have finished them this fast he could have he paid more attention to fixing shoes instead of the grand opera perfectly all right to me Ralph they’re fine sure they look fine to you well they don’t look fine to me never mind
All of that how do you like my new dress Ralph very nice I certainly hope it’ll look well when they take the pictures it’ll look fine now will you hurry up we got to be there at 12 30. yeah our laundry didn’t come back yet and I’d like to have a handkerchief for
The best pocket of my new sport car all right there’s some packages in the top drawer how about this one it’s one of my new ones remember just wear it in a pocket it’s for showing not blowing what are you doing I can’t make a knot
With this thing it’s made of silk and a nut and stick well you’re nervous yeah wait a minute wait right hey let the old salad show your hair out yeah wait a minute this whole stuff you want a big knot or a small knot I don’t care
Just as long as it’s a knot just hold still and don’t be excited what I’m trying to do choke me to touch they’re trying to help you that’s all now you’re spoiled or not I’ll spoil your head in a minute why I ask you to do anything for me
And honey what have you been doing down here so long I’m all ready I’ve been helping the route that ties tie all I gotta do is put on my jacket I’m all ready oh oh Ralph rough is Alice ready I don’t know what she’s doing and as she’s
Been dressing for three hours and a half will you come on oh well if I gotta wait I might hey Rob how do you like my new dress all right didn’t I see you wearing that before you you couldn’t possibly I just bought it I like it that’s an exclusive creation
Please go up and get your jacket I’m going I’m going oh it’s Trixie hey don’t those dresses look alike a like they’re like the Bugsy twins Trixie how could you do this to me what are you talking about you know perfectly well what I’m talking about tricks I
Told you I was going down to bloom Gardens to buy this dress I described it right down to the smallest detail I mean I told you Trixie you know that I described this dress to you first shoe was on the other foot are you gonna start on the shoes now
Now wait a minute there’s nothing wrong with wearing the same dress as there what what but look it’s very simple how to fix this whole thing up one of yours will have to take the dress off and wear something else yeah but which one I guess you better go upstairs and
Change your dress Trixie mine fits I’m I’m wearing this dress I’m wearing this dress well I’m not going if she’s wearing it I’m not going if she’s wearing that dress where are they going Alice better make plans go there without us you know how I’d like to be there to see
You get the award Rob look not you got to go up and talk Trixie out of taking that dress off I’m Too Young To Die here it is the biggest day of my life and everybody’s ruining it hello look how far I’ll do it only for you I
Wouldn’t do it for nobody else but I’ll do it for you into the Valley of Death Rides the 600. come out here I want to talk to you for a minute it’s no use Ralph I’m Not Gonna Change My Mind Alice are you gonna tell me that you’re
Going to let 14 years of friendship between you and Trixie be broken up over a dress yes if it’s the same dress everybody’s going nuts this is ridiculous Rob how do you think it’s going to look when the pictures come out in the Magazine and there I am standing
Right next to Trixie in the exact same dress that she has on every woman who sees the Magazine’s gonna laugh at me is that all you’re worried about all right when I stop to take a picture of us I’ll step right in front of Trixie no Ralph
You’ll realize we got to be there in a few minutes Alice I’m sorry Ralph you’ll just have to go without me go without you all the fun and receiving the award Alice is having you by my side when they give it to me can’t you understand that all right Ralph I’m sorry
I guess I’m just being selfish and childish like you said I’ll go in and change my dress Ralph and I’ll be right out sweetheart you’re the greatest could I speak to you a minute Trixie I’m awfully sorry for the way I spoke to you before and I’ve decided I’m
Going to go in and change my address and I’ll be right out no no no no you wear the dresser I’ll keep my raincoat on buttoned up like this and nobody even know we have identical dresses on oh and Alice I I’m awful sorry for those silly
Things I said oh that’s all right tricks but really it isn’t fair I don’t mind I’ll go Alice will you shut up she’ll wear to coat your wedding dress I’m going in and put on my jacket will you tell Lauren to get ready you’ll be right down here tricks that you show you
Don’t mind of course not oh Alice we’ve been through too much together to let us silly thing like this come between us we certainly have oh Alice I don’t know I I just think that dress is just wonderful on you but you know something that looks awful cute on YouTube
All right come on let’s go [Applause] foreign [Applause] It was nice but you let me wear it because you’re a friend of mine and I want to thank you and I appreciate it you’re welcome I admit I got the build for it for this particular type of garment I just took a step my heel came loose if
I take another one’s gonna fall off this is a plot it’s a plot tall thing is a plot against me everybody’s fighting against me we’ll wait all right Ralph just go and bring the car around while we wait for Trixie that’ll save time yeah I’ll hurry oh
Hurry get your hair fixed I don’t know how she hurries come on give me the keys I’ll go get the car for you what do you mean give you the keys give me the keys I’ll get the car for you that you’re driving to the safe award dinner you’re
A little nervous and you’re upset let me get the car I’ll show for you I’ll drive it for you to be better off are you trying to put the cheats on me no I’m not trying to put the Jinx on you a little jumpy I know that’s why I
Offered to drive the car take the strain off his knives that’s all well he’ll be all right you know Ralph it’s just that this is such a big day for him well I know it’s a big day going down at a city hall getting the award meeting all the
Mockery mucks the commissioner the mayor the universal magazine interviewing them all Hood I know just between you and me Ed I’m a little nervous myself this could mean a lot to Rob’s career you know certainly it could hey uh I wasn’t going to mention this but somebody I heard down at the bus
Company somebody said that uh somebody had an idea putting a plaque on the front of Ralph bus saying you are now driving in the world with the world’s safest bus driver Ralph panda oh a plaque like that and you can tell me who got the idea Ralph
Well I’ll be very glad when we get there so am I what is keeping him anyway [Applause] That was in I don’t know I’m afraid to look it can’t be it it just can’t be why not your luck where you’re going to sure your job how about Minecraft oh boy and I feel very faint all of a sudden all right take it easy enough Alice sit
Down and rest wait a minute thing I had another pair of the things what’s the matter Ralph had an accident I’ll find one yeah go ahead and find a cup because I’d like to see one you’re gonna be sorry for this I’m gonna be sorry are you kidding where did you get
Your license in a raffle I’ll show you Helen you wait in the car I’m getting a police go ahead and get a policeman I want a policeman too please there’s nothing nothing in the world that you want less than a policeman don’t you realize that what are you
Talking about this wasn’t my fault well policemen let’s get here he’s got to make a report though he goes over the accident makes a report gives it to the paper newspaper reporting gets it I can just see the headline so what what’s wrong say for Ward Drive when I’m on way
To receiving award has accidents What am I gonna do well just settle a thing here you pay for the scratch you put on his car and you get Freddie Muller a new Fender he hate it that way nobody will be any of the wiser yeah well maybe you’re right or a policeman around when you need him
Now look palsy what he getting all upset for yeah well it’s your fault who cares who’s falling once we don’t need a policeman we don’t need a cop to set list because look all I did was scratch your Fender now look I’ll pay for it it’s Square to hold yeah well
It’s a good thing for you that I’m in a big hurry otherwise I’d make you go to the police station drivers like you are a minister of the community you’re absolutely right now do you want to take my name and address yeah well I can only repeat that you’re very fortunate
Hurry yes I think you said right now what’s your name Ralph Kramden k-r-a-m-d-e-n 328 chance okay okay hey hey that kills me it was not my fault don’t get upset you’re getting all upset now let’s calm down and look nice when we go down there there’s no sense in
Getting upset now listen to the poison I saw that when we get upset we got a little model a little saying that gives us a little comfort and time of need maybe I can pass it on to you may I favor you with this little old
When the tides of Life turn against you and the current upset your boat don’t waste those tears on what might have been way on your back and float [Applause] s they should be right here they’ll be right here in a minute they’re on their way up now just
Relaxing is any particular type of pose you like oh we’re going to take a pill all right you can arrange it yourself arrange it just get close together my hat look all right round yeah profile a little closer please oh hi all right folks hold it hold it hold it
That’s wonderful thank you Mr Kramden I want to congratulate you and the city is proud of your record thank you very very much yes oh by the way Mr Crandon uh I’m very sorry that the commissioner won’t be here himself to give you the award
But uh he was taken down with a sudden attack of the flu who’s going to present the award well I’ve arranged to have uh judge Lawrence Norton a hurdle take the commissioner’s Place judge hurdle that’s right hollering hurdle hollering yeah he’s a traffic court judge famous for his 50
Fines and 50 minute lectures oh yes that’s right he’s very strict about Traffic Offenders but there’s nobody in the world he admires more than a careful driver well he said he’d be very honored to give you the award thank you very much yes now I’ll get the judge oh by the way
After you get your award I’ll take you upstairs and let you meet the mayor because I know is there something wrong Mr Mr Kramden and I were involved in a traffic accident a few months wait wait wait until you hear the whole story I was under the impression that
The accident was Mr kramden’s fault that he didn’t put out his hand to make a right turn but on the way over here my wife informed me that he did put out his hand and that I failed to see it well if for a very good reason because it
Unluckily I was wearing my reading glasses instead of my regular glasses yeah so the accident is my fault time to keep the record straight I’m finding myself fifty dollars don’t forget the 50-minute lecture Mr Kramden it gives me real pleasure to present to you this award as the year’s safest bus driver
Thank you uh may I say thank you very much in uh presenting me with this award I know that I am not worthy of it but still I would wish to accept it on behalf of all the other bus drivers in the country who drive I
Am glad to see that people realize that a bus driver hasn’t got an easy job of it and that the safety of the public is always the uppermost things in their mind and once again I want to thank you and you for presenting me with this and
Thank you fellas for taking the pictures now if you don’t mind I’d like to go upstairs with my wife and my friends and meet the mayor yes this question thank you very much [Applause] oh hello Judy hi Mrs Kramden something wrong Judy wrong oh nothing could ever be wrong again I’ve just met the coolest Dreamboat ever oh you’re in love again not again Mrs Kramden this is it finally found my super Atomic passion to be his angel cake forever and ever
I’ll be Wallace’s for all eternity Wallace what happened to Freddy oh this is Camden that he was so icky a real termite strictly out of the wood besides he was a mere child you know Wallace is is a real man well uh just how old is this Wallace he’s almost 18.
He’s a real man of the world and I got a date with him tonight that’s why I came up here to talk to you see I hope you don’t think I’ve been too nervy but I’ve asked him to meet me up here at your apartment so as soon as he
Gets here would you call me you don’t mind do you know of course I don’t mind but why haven’t met you here well he’s never met my father and I don’t want to take any chances well where are you and Wallace gonna go tonight Judy we’re going over to the
Amusement park and we’re gonna go roller skating see they’re having a bob contest and we’re going to go on some of the rides like the roller coaster Tunnel of Love oh boy you kids certainly have fun roller skating Bop contests oh dear Ralph and I haven’t done
Anything like that in years well I gotta be going Mrs Kramden now listen as soon as Wallace gets here you’ll call me won’t you yes I will and don’t you worry oh you’re a doll Mrs Craiglist bye-bye look can I eat right away I want to take
A bath and go to bed I’m dead you know Ralph I’ve been thinking we’ve been getting into an awful awful rut lately do the same things day in and day out never any variation yeah it’s a shame Ralph but there are a lot of wonderful things we could do
You know it’d be fun Ralph [Applause] you know what we could do to be an awful lot of fun we could go roller skating you’ve got any ketchup it’s in the ice box and you haven’t been listening to One Word I’ve been saying well I’ve been listening to you all right I’ll take
Your roller skate tomorrow night oh Ralph that’s wonderful and you know where we can go they’ve got a wonderful rink over in the amusement park roller skating and you know there’s a lot of other wonderful things we can do too Ralph we go on the roller coaster rides and
They’re having a bop dance contest and then you know we can go take a ride through the tunnel of love and the crazy house you don’t have to go to any amusement park for a crazy house put one right here Bob contest roller skating what’s wrong with Bob contest and roller
Skating there’s nothing wrong with that nothing for kids but not for you and me space at Alice we have been out of the age range of roller skating since Alf Landon stopped being presidential Timber why shouldn’t we go roller skating we’re not that old we’re not that old
We’re not that old well how young are we how young knowing let’s face it our youth is passed the golden years are gone we have hit the second plateau you may think that you’re too old but I’m not I want to do the things that young people do that’s what keeps you young
You want to do the things young people do let’s play some games that young people play Let’s Play House mommy and me and our mommy cleaned up we’ll be so icky you’re a termite Ralph strictly out of the wood s [Applause] What is hickey mean I don’t know why Alice just said I was thinking what’s mean fat all right what brought up the subject anyway you wouldn’t believe this Norton what do you think she said to me she wants to go to a pop contest then she wants to go roller skating and
Finally she wants to go through the tunnel of love she says that’s romantic oh good Tunnel of Love I’ve been through a tunnel of love that’s not romantic it’s nothing wading through that water and all the Trixie like Trixie was with me I was down there
Working fixing a leak in one of the pipes and I did exactly what Alice meant she wants to go through the tunnel of love with me what do you want to Alice know about fixing leaks I’m very busy eating we don’t want to buy any magazines or anything man what’s
This bit about the magazines I came by to pick up angel cake Angel We’ve got the wrong joint this isn’t any Bakery I had angel cake in a cake she’s a chick now tell her to get with him man I got a frantic hot rod downstairs and it’s ready to percolate Franny cut rod that’s ready to perculate yeah man aren’t you happy don’t you did
No no no no no no he drives the bus I don’t want to dig because I work in the soup you know anything about this hey Wallace that’s right is Judy ready I’ll call her for you oh she’s looking for Judy Collins that’s right why doesn’t he meet Jody Connors in her
House she was down here this afternoon Ralph and she asked if it was all right I’ll explain it to you later [Applause] Judy was telling us that you’ve got quite an evening plan she says you’re going to go to the amusement park and go roller skating and do a bop dance
Contest that’s right tonight’s a big night tonight I’m asking angel cake to wear my PIN where is Penn yes Ralph when a girl wears a fellas pin it means she’s going steady she’s his and nobody else’s oh yeah yeah I get it it’s like a custom we got you carve your best girlfriend’s
Initials on a shovel down there angel cake thank you you know what Ralph hard to believe those kids remind me of me when I was a youth I mean I mean I acted silly like those kids but I guess as time goes on I Grew Older I matured
Yeah now you’re a full-grown nut and there’s a lot of full grown nuts around this house now I get the whole thing out I finally got the picture what you know what I’m talking about Judy conniff was up here today wasn’t you she’s the one that was talking about Bop
Contests and roller skating that’s what put the bug in your ear what if she did she’s a 14 year old kid Alice do you think you’re 14 years old there’s a lamp she thinks he’s 14. look at me I’m thirsty [Laughter] Go ahead come on get dressed we got to go to the junior prom right away you can stop laughing if you wanted to make me feel ridiculous you’ve done that Ralph I admitted I made a mistake I was trying to be something I’m not at the
Same time Ralph I didn’t think it was so ridiculous trying to recapture the fun that we used to have I didn’t think that I was that old Ralph but you’ve shown me that I was wrong I just thought that going to amusement parks and dancing and roller skating was the kind of thing
That would keep you young it might have at least it was worth a try but you don’t have to worry Ralph I promise you you will never have to laugh at me again I will stop being ridiculous and I will never ever mention it again thank you she’s right Norton she’s right
There’s nothing wrong with somebody wanting to stay young it’s my fault well I’m telling you right now Norton I’m changing what are you gonna do I’m gonna start taking out the dancers and roller skating I’m gonna learn all the new dances the Big Apple Susie Q the Continental hesitation walls
And I’m gonna learn all the Expressions too like vote audio Doe 23 skadoo tishy and later I am eating a potato all of that stuff that’s so funny votio dose 23 screw I’ll catch you later I’m eating potato what’s wrong with those expressions boy oh boy how can anyone so loud be so
Square [Applause] all right I’m here with a phonograph let’s go boy all right be out in a minute come on [Applause] well how about it well how about it what do you think wait wait wait wait wait a minute wait a minute just just give me a little time to drink this whole thing and
Like seeing Boulder Dam for the first time never mind that what do you think well uh Ralph I guess it’s all right you ain’t exactly no ding dong Daddy from Dumas well never mind that now that you get all the stuff to teach me to dance
Yeah yeah tonight is going to be a big night for Alice and me and I want to dance correctly when I start wait a minute I can’t wait to get going I got a photograph in I got some records yeah well if the uh the huckle buck oh the huckle
Box this is always good for me there we go now It’s one of those numbers that tells a story Let’s go [Applause] wait a second you don’t expect me to do that do you of course I do I can’t do that to the record listen to the music just do what the lurkist says on anorexic day get in the groove and be gay you ready all right go ahead there we go [Applause] [Applause] what did you stop before it’s just rolling then it must have waddle like a duck how can I waddle like a duck well you it’s easy just walk like you always do both of us [Applause] Of your life What are you doing just brushing up on a little dance and that’s all you wanted me to be a dancer so I’m just brushing up well what is this crazy costume you’re wearing this isn’t a costume this is what all of us cats wear I got it I got it
I’m hip ready to go I’m gone you’re gone all right Ralph is all of this because of what we talked about last night yes it is and I’m taking you out tonight I’m taking you dancing and roller skates I’ll hurry up and get dressed oh wait a minute before you get dressed here
Put this on my pen [Applause] is all right I’ve been here and wait for the boys to come out okay as well And this has been a wonderful evening first dancing and now this hey we ought to do this more often no budget yeah where’s Ralph oh he’s coming hey Ralphie boy hurry up in there well I have to tell you that husband of yours were really youngster Alice wait
To see my little Escape somebody’s a real good ah Rocky fire there let’s go can’t we skate around here oh come on Come on go let’s plenty of room foreign haven’t we had enough of this skating can’t we go home now no no you gotta prove to Alice that you’re young recapture your youth capture my youth I keep this up I lose my old age are we gonna skate or aren’t we we’re
Gonna Escape be patient hey you know what one of my wheels a little stiff I think I’ll get a little early I’ll be right back all right might as well first and I want some coffee you want to go over and get us some all the way over there wow all right
We have a couple cups of coffee please yes sir ha oh my God [Applause] [Applause] well here you are thank you [Applause] what happened spilled a little well don’t make a big deal out of it all right let’s go let’s go [Applause] oh I have a hole and I figure out
When we lift your try to push yourself up all right cooperating come on all right are you ready [Applause] [Applause] Hmm Help me open my coat foreign [Laughter] [Laughter] I could have broke my leg don’t roughly you were the one that said you know that you wanted to go roller skating you were going to take me I was the one that said I suppose I come home from work and said let’s go roller skating huh you were the
One that said it but the tunnel will love in the crazy house contest you know how embarrassing it is to fall down in the middle of a skating rink and can’t get up everybody’s looking at me shut up [Applause] picking me up what are you laughing at it [Laughter] [Applause] [Applause]
Well I went down didn’t I what a vibration time you gave a tug on me and lift your arms ahead you know it’s nothing I learned something tonight believe me I did I had a lot of fun you’re not doing all those silly things that we did
Reminded me of when we really were kids Alice remember that we used to go dancing and roller skating everything remember when it was all over at night we used to go to the Chinese restaurant and have some Chinese food got a whole dinner for 60 cents
I used to order the Chop Suey you’d get the fried rice and we’d split it I kept asking a guy for bread he said we have no bread here it’s a Chinese restaurant I said how am I going to push it on the fork I’ll bring the bread
Well he doesn’t want to take and I’m telling you bro if you remember the dancers we used to go to at the sons of Italy Hall yeah yeah yeah they had some good bands in that joint too Isom Jones Ted fear Rita yeah little Jack little
Not to forget basil foamy basil for me not even messing with his toy piano you know something talking like this it teaches you one thing acting young isn’t my peepsie young but if you got some memories some good memories Young that’s what keeps you young thinking
About it in your old days when you were a kid all the things that you did that’s the whole secret of it you know it’s a shame I read some place one time and a guy was right about it too I think it was uh Bernard Shaw he says it’s a shame
That youth has to be wasted on young people that’s right Folk you know something wrong why I learned something tonight too yeah why well I learned that I don’t even mind growing old as long as you and I grow all together baby