Mhm mhm okay Peggy said her desk is downstairs uh we’re going downstairs to talk to not the receptionist oh man I forgot what we’re doing oh no no we’re going to look for like here it is yep they really tuck Genie away alone that’s Gallows for life okay ax three final decapitation
Nice uh friendship quiz this might work I need headphones okay oh my God look at this okay hey Shoki what’s up buddy any plans to play the RoboCop demo I have no idea hey is it true that steam next best begins tomorrow or is it already began like
What’s going on with this does it seem is it steam’s neest right now hold up when does that begin seven days hundreds of demos hour yeah when is this is it now oh it did start today dude we might do steam demos tomorrow morning okay what is in
Shrouded oh this looks fun oh is that is dude is that the valheim one there’s a demo oh that’s like the good-looking valheim game Cool okay yeah we’re going to we’re going to do demos tomorrow that’s what we’re going to do we’re going to do demos tomorrow yep
Okay cool all we’re doing that everyone wants you to try that one oh my well I will have to please everyone uh Co for the steam demos I won’t slap your face on all the thumbs you need is that okay oh yeah yeah try War um just make like a steam next
Vest and you could just have like I don’t know just the logo and then like a bucket container and then just whatever demo like you put a screenshot of that on it and we don’t even need my face on it it’s fine yeah it’s totally cool all right hey
You find anything that will help us out yeah I found a friendship quiz with all these kids on it if you think that’ll help then good enough car’s online one whenever you’re ready when you’re ready shut the music off this is Forest Nash back again with an unlucky callar on this unlucky night
Carrie are you there yes we’ve got a plan but we can’t agree on who should do what you want me to be the tiebreaker exactly I’m ready what’s the first step okay first things first we’ll need a spotter someone who can keep an eye on the killer we’ll need someone on the
Roof it’s going to be a hard climb we’re deciding between Heather Kyle and hot David Heather Heather’s got this yes Heather he picked you now please stop talking about all your cheerleading trophies part two the whistling man padlocked the gate back to the road before we drive
Out of here we need someone to pick the lock Seth Jennifer and Scott all want to do it Seth Seth Seth what are you talking about I don’t know that smashing into Windows is really oh God fine anyway that brings us to part three getting the van
Keys I’ll volunteer for this oh wait I don’t know Jimmy as well as you guys so well I mean lock picking uh be easier that way hold up hold up hold up chat okay so go to prison means thievery which you think lockpicking but one of them there’s also escape prison so maybe
Escaping prison is more lockpicking what do you think I guess you’d have to pick the lock to get out of prison this one’s this one’s weird that is part we’re we’re we’re gonna do this again R news again find anything that’ll help us out yeah I found a friendship quiz with all these
Kids on it if you think that’ll help then good enough carries on line one whenever you’re ready when you’re ready shut the music off this is Forest Nash back again with an unlucky collar on this unlucky night car are you there yes got We can’t agree
On who should do what you want me to be the tiebreaker exactly I’m ready what’s the first step okay first things first page someone who can keep an eye on the killer we’ll need someone on the roof it’s going to be a hard clb what’s the turn button we’re deciding between
Heather Kyle and hot David uh Heather what Heather’s got this yes Heather he picked you now please stop talking about all your cheerleading trophies part two the whistling man padlocked the gate back to the road before we drive out of here we need someone to pick the lock s
And Scott all want to do it um okay we’re going to do escape prison Jennifer Jennifer Jesus Jennifer you carry a bump key why didn’t you say so earlier anyway that brings us to part three getting the van keys I’ll volunteer for this I don’t know Jimmy as well as you guys
So it’ll probably be easier that way then it’s part four this is a very detailed plan I’m I’m impressed yeah it’s weirdly easier to think when you’re about to die you’re doing great what’s the next part part four we need someone to to lead the whistling man away we need a fast runner
For this one we’re trying to decide between who was it again hot David Cynthia and Scott an Olympic Athlete is five let’s go with hot David I think why is it called hot David hot David yeah you uh do spend a lot of time on shortless sounds pretty hot you got
This hot David sweet okay let’s recap we get the eyes on the roof a runner distracts the killer while we grab the van keys and pick the lock on the gate now the tricky part the gway O what’s the plan there well we can’t all outrun the whistling man but he thinks we’re
Just a bunch of stupid teens so let’s use that against him part five we trick the killer into a trap someone can pretend to be injured who would make the most believable bait Lisa or Tammy we got Lisa Tammy and Cynthia oh no oh no um
What was what were any of them good at something else Cynthia is most likely to escape prison Tammy’s not even on this page um let’s go with Lisa Lisa you’re right Lisa having to smile at rude customers is perfect practice that should take care of the Killer and then it’s time to
Get out of here finally part six we need someone who can drive us through the woods and back to gas Creek alive who’s our getaway driver should it be who we got Chad Scott Cynthia H whatever Forest you know what to do okay so Scott is the most likely to beat
Everyone at go-karting but he’s also the most likely to end up in a car crash Chad is good at go-karting but won’t crash and so is Cynthia no no Chad Cynthia would end up in a car crash too like it’s just let’s go with Chad let’s go with Chad okay
Chad perfect your carding experience great Chad thanks Forest we’ll just take a few seconds for a Lon gamer you getting a quest three tomorrow go sounds good is that is a new headset good luck Carrie no that actually sounded like a pretty good plan impressive as hell right damn straight
Oh the kids are back already line one again if you’re just tuning in we’re coming to you live with a bunch of teens to flee a m man listener discretion is advised are you ready Carrie we’re good to go Forest all righty then hit it you got this here
We go everyone spatter to the roof go Heather she’s off and away all right Runner get ready wait for the spotter’s signal spotter says go to wait lock picker go I’ll get the keys off Oh Jimmy oh his face is the keys Carrie you need to get the van Keys his face is lying next to him for his he got cut oh God Focus breathe breath bre the vanys 18 got him it’s Jennifer got the gate unlocked and hot David should be back
Any second perfect it’s working I can’t believe it’s actually working you’re doing great Focus you got this we got this next step trap the killer all right wait get into position everybody else hide okay performer now acts like your life depends on it oh there he is he’s buying
It now push the book shelf [Applause] over oh my God he went through the floor spotter you need to climb down now we got to [Applause] go he coming down yes Heather quick everyone to the [Applause] van driver take the keys the okay s shot huh what it won’t stay open I’ll hold
It you drive through just drive through it screw the car man Carrie what was that it’s a whistling man drive now [Applause] let me go just go just drive oh my God please no no car [Applause] he just he just stared at me Carrie Carrie just stared at me and walked into the
Woods I don’t understand thank God you’re okay can you get somewhere safe yeah I can make it home thank you both for helping helping who maybe maybe she knows it was your plan Carrie and it was a great plan don’t forget Jeanie her friendship quiz saved the day told you she was the
Best I need to get home I breathe Carrie you’re okay now I’ll call you when I’m somewhere safe talk to you then folks that was a that was a lot our thoughts go out to Jimmy’s parents in this awful time for any kids listening in please stay inside
And stay safe and parents hug your kids extra tight tonight here’s a song for the girl walking home in the dark stab in the Twilight by knife and easy this is my favorite song hey we had a call come in Forest Nash here listeners we’ve got another caller live on
18916 the scream what’s on your mind caller hey Forest I just wanted to phone in and say that I think I speak for everyone when I say that you’re providing a real service for GS Creek tonight it’s cool what you’re doing man well I’m just doing my job friend anyway
Tell me about yourself what’s your name are you keep oh my God is this a pizza good thanks I’m at my roller rink trying to get everything ready for the Harvest Festival tomorrow I add a guy from Starling security here earlier installing the Starling 4000 system so
I’m a little behind as for my name my friends call me roller Ricky and I now consider you a friend my man roller Ricky is this a Rick Roll no it’s we’re friends now huh well that’s kind of you to say thanks yeah man sounds like roller skating is more than
Just a job to you so is this vocational I wasn’t always roll Ricky Once Upon a Time believe it or not I used to go byy just Ricky yeah back then things were pretty rough I used to roll with a bad crowd not all bad but there was this one
Guy anyway uh some bad stuff went down I harbored a lot of guilt for a long time and turned to the bottle I didn’t really talk about it or even know how to talk it’s just how it was that bottle took the best years of my life or so I
Thought it’s never too late roller Ricky how did you turn things around I joined a support group I opened up about my problems and sharing that burden just took so much weight off it’s a long story from there but I found roller disco I learned how to have fun again
Cutting Loose and making shapes now whenever I get down I get down I’m finally free from it all man it’s important just to talk to somebody that’s the first step ain’t that right Max a hello Max he’s a good boy well he certainly sounds like a good boy Max is my
Emotional sport dog he’s a rescue dog but I always say he’s the one that rescued me do he’s the best dog a guy could ask for of course the first thing I did was teach him how to skate he’s better than me now a real Pro maxican
Skate yeah man at first they said it couldn’t be done and then they said it shouldn’t be done but Maxi loves the rink man is that another train maxi Maxi loves trains man he’s even got that special how to greet them he’s a special boy Maxi sounds like
A really special boy ah Maxi appreciates all the positivity you’re throwing out my man you know I’m actually hosting free skating lessons tomorrow at the festival I think it’s a great opportunity to give back to the community man all this h of skating has got me itching for a boogie before I
Switched my radio off for the night could I request song for us something I can Groove to you know something funky it’ll be me and Maxi’s final Boogie breakdown tonight then I think we’ll take it down I can do that thanks again for calling you and Max be safe now okay
Bye Maxie you got it man peace well folks this next one goes out to Roller Ricky and Max enjoy you’re going to love this next track I really needed that call you know after everything yeah I get that he talked a bit much for my taste but it is
Inspiring to hear somebody come back from the brink like that yeah that that’s what I meant you were thinking about Max on skates weren’t you well uh would you look at that another caller on the line what are the odds better take it welcome back to
18916 the scream this is Forest sash how are you tonight caller I’m doing okay I made it home safe Gary oh it’s scary hey I I just wanted to thank you for doing what you could earlier you know even though we lost Jimmy and I don’t
Know hey it’s okay you were so brave earlier you’re safe now I wanted to ask you why why he didn’t why am I why what Carrie why did he spare me after what he did why let me go maybe he didn’t kill you because he
Saw you as a victim maybe but why would that stop him from killing me too after everything he did to these stupid hazing Knights have to stop Carrie you did so well tonight stay safe and rest help is coming to Gallows Creek we just need a hold on thanks piggy hey
Forest could I request the song of course Carrie what song any song by blast processor and thank you this next one goes out to car you know what Carrie just said has really got me thinking about what the whistling man left her alone why there
Must be a reason when it comes to massed whistling Killers I don’t think a reason is a key part of their process I think it absolutely is it’s something to consider I think she’s related I need to take a break if you want to stretch your
Legs Now’s the Time just hit the Peggy button when you want to get back on air do I want to stretch my legs for something um those flies e goody Phil you heard the lady I think we’re [Applause] good I can’t go outside am we going to try to beat the
Game this stream it’s so weird when people ask stuff like that when I’ve never played a game [Applause] before I don’t know I mean I have I have no idea when this game’s going to end zero ideas you know I’m in the lady’s restroom like a perv
E let me in Peggy let me in e locked tip is that those doors closing let’s get going Peggy all righty we could run another segment or scratch that for us we have a caller you’re through to 18916 the scream what’s your emergency hello again Forest that call with the teens was
Awful those poor kids still I’m I’m glad the girl didn’t get hurt thanks for your concern are you in trouble with what’s on your mind I wanted to ask you again to play my song Forest you said you were going to play it but you didn’t your
Name was Dawn right what pegy yes oh well remembered my name is Dawn is she the K I wanted to ask you again to play my tune Forest long ride home you know the one that Peggy said she thre outside the window wait did Peggy say that on air I uh she
Did are we not going to I’ll play a track for you Don but maybe pick another one we don’t exactly have that one in rotation right now no for you do have it it’s just outside the window there’s a serial killer on the loose I can’t just go outside hunting
For a record I’m really sorry Don but we just can’t get it right now but wasn’t the whistling man just at the old murder house that’s miles from the station it won’t take you a second to crab it he’s fast Don I’m not sure if you’ve heard but there’s something unnatural about this
Freak he’s he’s fast I’m not risking it oh but I think you will Forest P him I’m calling with more than a request I know something I think I know who’s going to to be next what are you serious play my song forest and you’ll find
Out well folks here’s some music for you while I think things over here comes one of my favorites is she serious Peggy she’s serious about hearing that song that’s for sure Peggy I mean is she serious serous about I don’t know Forest but we don’t really have a choice do we if
She’s telling the truth why don’t you go wow all right I’ll do it you’re a good man Forest I’ll slide you the key to the fire door wait wait our fire door has to be unlocked yeah it uh you know I never thought about it but yeah we should talk
To Reggie about that later anyway I’ll hold the fort down while you’re out maybe I’ll even get a caller that could be exciting 1896 the Scream With Me Peggy I’m not getting in there tonight not up the code not up the code fire everybody oh this is where the guy got
Murdered at the beginning of the game I hope she’ll be happy when I’m brutally murdered by the whistling man out here in the open oh there he is hello here it is long ride Home doing a little dumpster searching while we’re chilling you know maybe someone threw away a record you know you never know you never know what’s this there