Hi everyone it’s Don and I hope you’re having a fantastic day and and yes I’m I’m wearing a house coat this morning my brand new house that I just moved in in July the only thing it seems that’s doesn’t really work in this house is the heating the furnace just is blowing
Nothing but cold air yes I’ve checked the settings yes I’ve checked the make sure it’s on yes I’ve checked all those things and everything is working you can working it’s just not blowing any heat and so yeah I have a provider coming it’s 16° this morning in my house which
Is pretty chilly nice to sleep not nice to spend the day in this but uh yeah that’s the reason for the house coat for all those wondering about it let’s talk a little bit quickly about some stuff coming on in the cruise news we have a big announcement from Norwegian Cruise
Line as they attempt to pay off all of their debt from the pandemic we have an unfortunate story of the Great Grace Bailey a historic Schooner in in Maine area one of a fleet of nine historic ships that was out for a tour with guests and unfortunately the main
Mass broke causing uh one fatality and injured others we’ll talk a little bit about that quick update on what’s happening in Israel so first let’s just quickly cover that you I saw Tony cover it and I I guess I better mention it too when I’m talking about Israel I’m not getting into the political stuff I’m not getting into all that we are a cruise News Channel we
Cover the cruise news and we are just talking about the cruise ship passengers those that were in the city when Israel was attacked and had to be evacuated from the city City and back on board as the ship sped when the violence started to happen and the rocket attack started
To happen it is you know I’m not making political statements about stuff I’m just covering the cruise news we know things there are much more severe than people not being able to go into a cruise port on their vacation let’s cover that right off the bat however um
Just to let people know if you have an upcoming cruise that Israel was part of your tour were many people go there for religious reasons and you know to visit historic sites and places like that the home country well uh cruise lines have now started cancelling all the way into
November and December for a lot of the booking so it looks like um they’re not taking any cautions they’re redoing their schedules to make sure they have portch to go to for their passengers and they’re going to let the conflict of course resolve itself much like we are
In Ukraine right now when Russia where we’re not going to St Petersburg at the moment because of the conflict going on on there and as far as I know there’s not too many ships scheduled for St Petersburg in the near future so that’s Israel not going to cover the political
Stuff you know war is a war no matter what the reason it’s horrific especially when citizens and civilians are attacked so that’s what’s happening in Israel as far as cruise lines are concerned cruise lines are con concerned that’s all I’m talking about okay now we do have this bad story going
On about the grace Bailey and she’s a schooner she holds about 29 passengers plus crew and while she was off the coast of Maine one of the the ship’s main Mast snapped and fell over uh fatal injuring one passenger and injuring three others now these are kind of like
An association of of nine ships that are out there they’re all kind of state run they’re individually owned but they all look after like the historic value of these ships and they offer you know they teach people about the way things used to be and how sailing on these ships was
Back in the day and they are considered you know you know very very historically accurate and very informative people love to go on these Schooner cruises but unfortunately while they were off uh this week one of the main Mass snapped and it it snapped in such a way where it
It actually did some damage to the folks that were there very unfortunate accident it uh it just goes to show you you just never know in life folks you can be on something as simple as this little sailing vessel off the coast and something just happens like that which
Is one of those reasons I always just say that you got to live your life for the day folks don’t plan your life for later uh if you want to do something you’ve always wanted to do something get her done because you never know what life’s going to throw at you or take
Away from you so I just wanted to bring that up and say condolences to these folks these are offered many times on cruise ships passengers book these all the time and I just you know I just want to condolences to the friends and family of those affected including the crew
Imagine how devastating this can be also for the crew members who are on board who do this as a fun leisurely job this is a beautiful job on historical sailing vessel and then something tragic like this happens it’s it’s not it’s not a great story at all but
And again condolences to the friends and family next we have have Norwegian Corporation NCL Corporation is announcing that it’s going to start offering uh it’s proposing anyway to offer senior secured notes totaling about 790 million uh dollar uh which they say they will use that money to pay off all of
The debt and interest ACR remaining from the pandemic which would basically wipe the Slate clean and then all money coming in now would be operating costs and profit right it would be an actual here’s the money this is what we’re making and these would come due starting in 2028
2029 and there are secured note at a certain interest rate plus some other benefits it has to all get approved and everything but for nor region Cruise Line if this can go through and that would put off for five to six years any interest anyone money owing yall we all
Know that the cruise industry right now is back to being pretty much booming um most Cruise Lines sailing at over a 100% occupancy that would be very good and maybe maybe if they get rid of all those interests and all those other things they will be able to stop you know we
Won’t see any more cutbacks we won’t see any more raising in prices right away I think a lot of the cruise lines are also starting to realize that passengers are starting to say hey enough is enough you’re starting to overcharge me now or you’re starting to take too much stuff
Away uh I love cruising however there’s other cruise lines and if you keep taking stuff away and changing what I feel about your cruise line I may not go and this may come as a long way for NCL to stop doing that and maybe you know start introducing new things to the
Fleet and new things that people want to go onto their cruise ship for it makes a big difference if you don’t have to keep paying out say 30% of your profit every year to interest rates that would be terrific think that’s five years of 30% of your money
That you could just accumulate to pay off this in 2028 in the meantime you have more operating Capital so that would be a very good thing for NCL if they can manage to get this done and again uh just cond es goes out to the friends and family of those people on
The Schooner the the grace Bailey and it of course thoughts and prayers go to everyone affected by what’s going on in Israel and the Ukraine for that matter well I hope you appreciate this video if you did please give it a thumbs up want see more tips more tricks More Travel
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