Coming in hot is presented by Bano the game starts now here are your hosts Brent Wallace Jason York and Bobby Ryan yeah I’m talking 5A 6 Z back to running cires round [ __ ] now we squ up hold Life’s a game but it’s not fair I Break The Rules so I don’t
Care so I keep doing my own thing walking call against the rain victories within the mou almost there don’t give up down only thing that’s some my mind is who this town and now [Applause] Hello everybody it is game one of the season and Yorkie I appreciate you allowing us to use your uh soundtrack for that hey I like Rihanna got lots of Rihanna on my playlist I can’t wait for our copyright strike I’m fired up yeah welcome to the show everybody it’s
Uh coming and on presented by Bano it is game one we’re live uh boys before we get into the show just to let everybody know in the chat who’s watching live uh coming up in the middle of the show we are going to have a contest somewhere in
The middle of the show uh to give away a jake Sanderson signed stick uh that came out of Bobby’s budget so um just be prepared for that so we’re going to tell you you just need a Twitter account then they’ll choose a random uh winner off of that because we can’t follow through
With YouTube because we can’t tell who you are so is that is that coming off the cap so the 300 for the stick is that coming off the cap it’s it’s Bobby salary yeah we got some room now to everybody I didn’t make enough to start taking deductions but
Okay speaking you know what um radic Bon is gonna join us shortly but we got a lot to get through I just want to like so Shane Pinto is in town he’s skating the Ottawa sters will play a man short tonight this is a epic debacle if you
Ask me um so it just all it appears now is they need to make cap space it it sounds like the deal has been agreed to basically if you there’s no way Shane Pinto’s in town if it’s not and um that hopefully sometime soon we’re going to
Get a deal done and we’re GNA have to move at a player or something but uh Yorkie what’s your thoughts on seeing Ottawa start with 19 players uh and Shane Pinto just waiting right his career is being put on hold because the Ottawa Senators organization didn’t figure out how to make this happen
Before the start of the Season yeah shout out to Wall-E little detective work figuring out he was skating down at the S Flex with my man Patty Malloy give Pat We Gotta Give Patty a shout out by the way I love Patty great job with the
Smith Falls Bears works with a lot of great kids Patty will have them ready uh Smith Falls ranked number one in the country if I’m not mistaken y yep kempfi 73 is off to a hot start as well junior hockey fans no that’s that’s that’s a
Good sign he’s he’s in town he’s skating so I would have to think if I’m putting the uh the dots together here that it’s close I would I would have to think there’s there’s a number that’s agreed upon now you just got to make the space
You got to make something happen so I I think like I said the other day I think he’s back sooner than later um just someone’s they got to ship somebody out we’ll see who it’s going to be yeah on the other side of it too there’s no forward out there that’s mad
That they’re playing 11 and seven because or 11 I used to love when G would come in and talk to Stoner and I and he’d be like hey I’m dressing 114s tonight because we knew there was going to be three or four extra shifts and if you
Were feeling it you were going to play 20 minutes plus um so guys like Timmy and Brady and the skilled guys are going to get some extra Puck touches they’re salivating at the chance so game one not a big deal it’ll get sorted out we’ll see Pinto in the lineup if he’s there
Something’s agreed to Something’s looming yeah he’s in town he’s ready to go okay but your whole it’s not a big deal is completely wrong and couldn’t be any more incorrect why this is what they’re holding them out because of a contract that they didn’t figure out how
To solve in yes I don’t know three four months and it’s affecting not only his game but it’s affecting the Ottawa senator’s lineup well I agree nonsense I meant I meant from the player standpoint of playing one game like this maybe two whatever it might be from the players on
The offensive side side of the puck they don’t mind they would love to have Norris in the lineup don’t get or not Norris well him him too but but no I but I understand the other side of it all of this should have been done all of this
Should have been taken care of you should have away not discrediting that but I’m just saying Timmy stoa with four extra shift tonight I’ll take that and run it was the summertime the capologist had the week off so come on cut some slack here Wally but to W to Bobby’s
Point I’m gonna change my point that prediction for Tim susza because this is going to allow DJ Smith because this what happens when you’re coaching you look down at your bench and you see your fourth line sitting there and I gotta get these guys on the ice gotta get them
In the game gotta get them involved now you don’t have to worry about that you know what I’m Gonna Roll Timmy with my fourth line and I’m gonna get him in some matchups that are really favorable and if you’re a good player to Bob’s point you are licking your chops right
Now uh rolling three centers like come on uh if this keep keeps up for a couple weeks the more a guy like that plays the better he’s going to play and he’s loving it right now want to go one one short he I that’s that’s just way how I
Am Bob if I was a forward 5D is a little different going with 5D for a whole game is a way different kettle of fish start the season one one short here I actually think it’s advantageous for Ottawa uh because you’re getting your best players out more
But it doesn’t excuse what happened in a that was debauchery um this shouldn’t they shouldn’t be where they are right now um let’s just hope terce ankle gets off to a good start because if he doesn’t oh boy uh by the way uh what you’re seeing
Right now on the screen is the opening night rosters compared to last year’s opening night to this year uh the people in red are new to the lineup to start the season uh for Ottawa so um not not a lot of change but certainly significant
When you you look at the names of them of Chan Corpus Salo cubik tereno I think Ridley Greg’s ready to play and of course Rook sh is I think the placeholder for Shane Pinto at the moment but um that’s a pretty I’ll say that’s a pretty drastic lineup
Change oh yeah yeah and you brought some veteran guys in but veteran guys that I’ve known to score um and Char has to know too he’s loving this situation right now right and there’s nothing wrong with that he’s getting an opportunity to play I I’m big
On redle GG I think he’s going to be fine in that second slot for I don’t think he’s sustainable for a year there don’t get me wrong um but I think he can absolutely be elevated in the lineup for a short period of time to give you a
Little bit of offense to give you and Dish the puck you know to his to his Wingers and and uh create some space so I don’t mind that um I I would absolutely take this lineup all day long um with with your two big centers that
You’re missing um I it’s a it’s a shame we it’s it’s a shame we spent all summer getting ready for this and and the Norris thing happens and the pinto thing still hasn’t gotten figured out it’s a shame but um still love the lineup how about tereno right now Bobby
I think he’s going over to Timmy hey hey uh don’t be afraid to take a few shifts with me tonight Timmy oh he’s yeah he’s in there 100% hey well over here a little bit yeah coming coming up later in the the show we’ve got the Bano lock of the day and I
I would think the one of the locks would be if you’re picking somebody for Ottawa to have a point it would be take Tim stza at plus what well all day long all day long i’ I’ve I already made that that did you lay it down it’s I’m laying
That down all day long he’s getting he’s getting it come on that was that was as sure as the bet we put down last night with Bard getting the point like that was a Nob brainer no-brainer he was he was AER oh man you know what the most
Impressive part of his game was the way he luged the puck through the center of the ice and and I because that’s something that here’s a perfect example is Timmy who came in young and Ne didn’t necessarily develop that skill right away that came a year or two later um
Especially I think it took off last year but he creates space man he says I mean the way he logged the puck up the ice was impressive I didn’t realize he was as fast as he was uh I thought he took too many predictable shots last night I
Think he was just hungry to shoot that’s okay too many shot attempts that didn’t turn into anything but footwork for a defenseman um but that being said man he he can play huh not think to shoot yeah oh yeah I think I think he’s been told to shoot a ton and and and
Probably if he’s watching the game today he’s going I shot too much so that’ll calm down he’ll get his first goal and it’ll calm down oh for sure absolutely um so by the way the there’s this nonsense going around about this and and the American broadcast was all
Over how um kinsky as a matter of fact and Conor Bard didn’t wear their buckets in warm up and I for anybody that knows I this blows my mind because every rookie who takes a lap their initial lap always goes without a bucket it’s a they veterans hide it they always say well
Now they just know they’re not supposed to go out and wear it I don’t know why this is such a big deal yeah I don’t get it fun Poli is out full force full force it’s not just hockey anymore either um but did did anybody um when did they put the rule
In I feel like it was shortly after Taylor Hall got stepped on his face in Edmonton yeah okay we just got that alert after Hall got cut but you know what um I remember we made it a team Ru and we didn’t make it we were in Arizona
One night I think it was right after Hall came in or Hall got hurt and somebody came in one of the coaches that was just disgusted he had to write it on the board said from Pierre dorion all helmets are mandatory and warm-ups for this team going forward I don’t know if
It’s from Pierre somebody might have mentioned it was Eugene I never got confirmation on it but I was sitting next to Ron hanesy and he looks at me goes I’ve been in the league three times as long as some of these [ __ ] people and I Gotta Wear a
Helmet he’s like is this absolutely happening right now well um and I I was a guy that was standing in front of the net shuttling pucks that was always one of my jobs so I never I very rarely went without a helmet I just knew somebody
Was G Zach Smith was gonna ring one off the bar three times a warm-up anyway um so I always paid a lot of attention to it but I remember like should have been a grandfather rule if you’re in the league 10 years whatever but just yeah
Just a ridiculous rule to me let the hair you want to sell seats let the hair go yeah yes like do you know hard it is to tell people from wearing a helmet to when they’re not wearing a helmet and walking past you in the locker room like
There’s sometimes I’m like who is that guy they’re like oh it’s whoever I’m like oh right you look completely different yeah like you can’t you just it’s a better job and I and I think like Brady kachuck and Thomas Shabbat also go like without I think a bunch of guys go
In bucket list now in warmup am I’m not am I wrong I’ll find out I don’t we’ll watch tonight and find out but I thought a bunch of guys went without buckets anyway um good to see Conor Berard you were mentioned in the show uh they were talking about Sydney Crosby and the
Draft and how Anaheim was supposed to go number one overall and they lost the lottery and Pittsburgh won it or whatever um did you think at all that you like possibly were’re gonna go to Pittsburgh if the lottery played out at all like that it was kind of weird that
I I remember if you had played that lockout year Anaheim was a cup favorite so I essentially got drafted second overall to an elite team that was a Stanley Cup Contender which never happens right um yep but I do remember I I remember the process of thinking that
Anaheim was probably going to win uh at one point we were watching from like 10 down and you’re like okay there’s team that I thought I might be sliding to or going to but it when it got down to you know the top three teams and then they
What they picked one they picked a winner and then the next two teams kind it got it showed um yeah there I mean there was no doubt my Min I wasn’t going to Pittsburgh then but I I thought for sure for a I thought for a little while
During the during the process that I was going to end up in in in Pittsburgh close to home I part of it part of me was excited about that three hours or whatever that would have been yeah it would have been good yeah although you probably hated the Penguins I was not a
Penguins fan no it would have been it would have been tough for me being a f Flyers kid yeah it would have been a tough one for me uh all right well uh we’re going to get into what it’s like to play in your uh in the opening night
So uh without further Ado I would like like to welcome in 14-year NHL veteran the guy taken third overall in 1994 who had the best flow arguably in Olive hockey for years radic bunk uh welcome to the show oh wow oh my try something new were you up
North hunting or something you in a I just program after uh after the drift after Oliver’s drift out I just stopped shaving and uh and until he plays his first NHL game I’m going just going to keep it come on I love it I love it uh by the
Way congrats on Oliver being drafted I’m sure that was a pretty cool moment for you to be in this stand with him uh it was great experience you know um being there with my kid and you know see him uh seeing him go through stuff that I
Went through you know many years ago I won’t even say how long but uh and him getting rewarded for all the work he put in you know it was great and uh it was in Nashville too which Nashville you cannot go wrong we had we had a great great week
There and you know ended up you know being even better with him going first round and uh everything around it was just uh something you’ll remember forever how did how does your son end up you’re a centerman how does olly end up being a right shot d That’s What I Want
To Know how’d that happen I I think he trying to model his game after you York I don’t know I I I don’t know my uh actually my dad is a right e right-handed shot so that maybe has something to do with that but uh uh he was he was a center
Starting up his you know young career but then uh in Czech in the fifth grade you switch from uh kind of like the mini hockey where you play kind of in zone into the full ice hockey and he was kind of you know the kid that could skate backwards the best so you
Know the first year we’re like well you’ll play D this year and we’ll see what happens but he kind of liked it so from then on he just like oh can I stay D and obviously uh maybe made the right choice yeah pretty good now you coached
Him is there any is do you take any credit in that me uh uh not really you like I coach a lot of kids you know it’s it’s up to the kids you tell them you try to teach them right I I give everybody the same
Advice he maybe had a more Advantage a little bit against the other kids because he had to listen right all the other kids don’t don’t and you know they sometimes they listen to their parents more than coaches and but uh Kudos up to him you know kudos to him because uh he
Did listen you know and I think he learned a lot for me but oh I think I don’t I’m not taking any credit I think it’s all him well congrats I think that’s a pretty big deal that’s that’s pretty exciting thank you guys um so for
Those who don’t know the stat sheet will say that radic Bonk uh played 14 Seasons three different teams which includes obviously Ottawa that drafted them then Montreal and then Nashville 969 games 497 points 399 of them with Ottawa put some sixth alltime in franchise scoring
Uh bony as you may not know on this date in 2008 you played your final opening night game it was Nashville against Dallas um what are your memories of opening night games I was I always remember it was a lot of that nervous energy you know everybody wants to start well you know
The team needs to you know it helps if you win the first one personally you want to start well you know because uh especially uh if you’re offensive guy you know you want to you know maybe score a goal and get that monkey off your back right away you know it’s
Always very nervous uh leading up to it you know I’m like I know it’s U necessary to play those exhibition games but you know those didn’t mean much right we were there just to trying to you know get our timing back our relx back but uh the first game it was always
Until you Ste on the ice then you got you were fine but before that just lot of butterflies in your belly and just getting ready wanted to get it over and hopefully start well so did you a lot of times I I meant to go back and look played the Leafs um
Did you enjoy those moments more yeah I I didn’t mind playing the leaves you know obviously we had our tough times against especially in the playoffs but that was always good rivalry I I didn’t mind playing them you know it was a uh you know if you played
At home it felt like you played in Toronto and if you played in Toronto you felt like you play in Toronto so we were we were always on the road if I yor remembers you always say you know let’s get their crowd out of it you know even
If even if you played at home so uh I didn’t I didn’t mind playing them it was always added a little bit extra but you know game is a game yeah yeah B bony you played for a lot of coaches opening night any coaches in particularly that
Fired you up and and I believe jacqu martana as far as pregame speech is going but as far as guys you played for played on a bunch of different teams any coaches in particular you’re saying this guy knows how to give a pregame speech H I don’t know I think they all
Look pretty good you know they all said that’s different things you know somebody U I think it comes you got to you got to be good speaker when you’re a coach head coach I think you know I U ja obviously had his own and uh I wouldn’t I would say all of them
Were good you know always trying to pump you out you know talking about how important the start is to the season and stuff like that but uh I don’t think I remember like anything special from any speeches you know it wasn’t yeah it wasn’t the m on Ice speech you know that
You always remember but uh yeah you never had you never had torts or anyone like that so you weren’t uh no no I Goods I was lucky with my coaches I think through my career yeah yeah Carbono CL Julian Jac Rick bonis Barry trots Barry trotz yeah you
Also had Butch Goring in Las Vegas yeah um did when you see Vegas playing now do do you think back to when you were playing on the and messing and tearing up the strip I should say uh sometimes you know it would be like that was 93 and you know
Professional hockey was kind of new to Vegas and you know people start coming there and I I always wondered why they didn’t have NHL team because I thought that would be perfect place for them but uh finally did they did get one and now you know it’s a you know I think that’s
The place to play you know I think D and Nashville is kind of the place where you know you want to play and you want to visit as a if you’re a fan you know you got those are the two Think Places you don’t want to
Miss uh Nashville is fun as we can all attest um what does do you have like you played at the Civic Center I think uh early on in your career did you not yeah a couple of years if not one yeah um scored your
First NHL goal there I think no I was in Pittsburgh on the road on the road what do you remember the Civic Center uh it it was shock for me a little bit because uh in Vegas we had a uh I think it was called Thomas and Max Center and
It was kind of new building because they buil it uh for the for their basketball basketball team yes so it was it was pretty nice rank I have to say and they modifyed to to become a u hockey ring so they had to make some changes but it was 15,000 people you
Know and nice Arena nice and big but then you get to uh Ottawa I’ve never been here so to Ottawa and you walk into that ring and you were like holy crap can’t believe this is where the NHL team plays you know so it was it was
Different but then you know year and a half later I think we opened up then AR ning so uh it was back to normal but yeah I was kind of a little bit shocked you know that that was a that was an NHL ring bony you you watch a lot of hockey
You watch NHL you got four kids your son’s in the ol give me the over under now on how many games you’d watch in a week I got I got you at at least 12 it’s it’s a lot it’s uh I I love it you know my my wife hates when
Hockey season starts you know because like that’s like yesterday I watched three right right after B you watch three games in one day I watched all three games yesterday so you know and that wasn’t even my KS you know so I I I like it I just I don’t
Know something you know you know York some guys play NHL and hate to watch hockey they were like always like uh even I think H I couldn’t get H watching hockey like on the on the on the road on in the room he was always like oh let’s
Watch something different I I don’t think he was that you know obviously great player but I don’t think think especially early in his career he didn’t like to watch it as much as I did yeah yeah and I I still like it you see every game every situation is something new
Right there’s no like same thing all the time it might look the same but the little differences here and there and you watching I don’t know I’m big hockey fan what can I say so three games yesterday you watched all three in a row you’re going to watch the sends tonight
Obviously unfortunately unfortunately son has a practice uh tonight 8 8:30 so I’m going to have to leave my uh I’m going to record it watch it later but I’m not GNA see it live what do you think of the S roster now since you watch so much hockey uh do you do you
Sense a bit of the early 2000 Ottawa Senators I I think this team has I think they’re going to be great I like but also I I thought last year was the year when I was really confident so maybe this year I’m a little bit more careful
About the enthusiasm but I think their team is is well built I I wouldn’t change anything about it I think they’re going to do really well but it’s up to them right it’s important again good start is important and you know get rolling you know and
Then season’s very long as you all know and it’s a a lot of things can go wrong hopefully they can all stay healthy but if they do I I think they uh have a good future do you think but so we did our predictions bony did you got Ottawa in
As a playoff team if they stay healthy obviously do you have them as a playoff team absolutely yeah I love it yeah I love it now Ottawa will play with uh 11 forwards tonight as Bobby can ATT test he enjoyed less forwards you got more
Ice time were you a big fan of perhaps going to a smaller bench I don’t think we ever did I think we always went that you know classic 12 and six uh you know during the game your first two lines play the most anyway the third line you
Know it’s I think it’s the third and four play more than they used to yeah but still you know those top guys always get the minutes anyway so I I I I don’t think I’m you know those two guy two top guys from Ottawa looking at us said I need more
Ice time because they know they know they’ll get their you where do you have where do you have sta right now bony obviously we got MC we got McDavid you got dry CLE uh you got McKinnon where do you where do you put Timmy right now as
Far as you know I don’t need a rank or anything do you have him right at the top of the of the better forwards in the league right now I if not top five his top 10 forwards for sure wow and uh right up there I you know what and
He’s the thing is is only what 22 how old is how old is he 21 22 21 yeah 22 this year so you know what just the possibility that he’s going to get better and better that’s yeah it’s going to be really good I remember watching
Him uh the world juniors with uh we were watching with Oliver and my daughter when he played for you know u20 German and watching their kids and you can see that he was going to be special player and you know obviously coming in in the league that young is not easy but his
His you know progress was like it’s not steps it’s like jumping forward almost right crazy so I think this year he’s gonna he’s gonna become one of the like top top guys yeah uh by the way I tried to find stats of Jason York assisting on any radic Bon
Goals Lots there’s lots I I didn’t find very many uh did he ever want to pass you the puck or was it just a maybe off the glass and out Believe It or Not Yori was one of our skill defenseman no it’s a I’m I’m sure I’m
Sure he gave me a lot of good passes I I was I just wasn’t big scorer you know we had HS for that so he probably yor probably passed it to me and I gave it to H that’s probably what what happened yor was a good defenseman York a lot of
Third assists eh a lot of thirds a lot of listen I remember because back in the 90s Bob you could hook and hold and I I’d go in the corner I think bony used to call me the octopus in the corner I just go in and just crap
Guys you know what sometimes sometimes that third assist is the you know most important play you go in a corner you know bottle it out and make that first pass and then you know forward exchange a puck and no no body talks about you winning that most important battle in
Corner so there’s absolutely nothing wrong with third assist yor it doesn’t yeah it just doesn’t show up at Contract time yorie no no it doesn’t oh boy I think I think the people people that know hockey you know appreciate players like that who do you tell Ollie who do
You tell Ollie to watch if you’re watching the SS because you gotta I always tell my kids you gotta watch this guy watch that guy who do you tell him to watch well I I wouldn’t say it’s just one team you know all the I always tell
Him like you know watch hockey and uh like all the top guys on the power play you know you can learn unbelievable how how much you can learn from uh watching them how what they do how they move you know what the what they like kind of
Thinking is and stuff so I I always tell I always talk to him about it and tell him watch you know Romanos and you know obviously Carlson but you know what Carlson’s kind of a little bit different because you never know what he’s going to do like yesterday I watch the game
Doing the I think one of the power plays he did this move on the blue line I don’t know if any of you watched that he did this move on the blue line where he like undressed that guy last guy on the back like last guy back you
Don’t really want to tell you’re a kid you know you gotta do this more so I just I just tell him just not as a copy your game after anybody I just learn certain things from certain players you know and uh uh I hope he watching because there’s lots to
Learn uh I got a just a couple questions before we let you go one is would you have enjoyed battling Brady kachuck in front of the net that’s for York he was he was in front of the net I you know what he’s a he’s a beast I I
Love the guy I love the way he plays and like Absolut like he he has it all like he’s the whole allrounder like as he gets right him and his brother like they can score they can pass they can battle they can you know fight they like you
Don’t see that many guys like that anymore and he’s a he’s a beauty like absolutely love the way Brady plays uh last question I have for do you have did you have any superstitions before games yep yep obviously the pregame meal that was the most important one and uh I
Had to had my two cokes which I think York remembers three Cokes no it’s three Cokes no no yor two c I thought everyone I talk to now was like it’s getting higher and higher I think somebody told me I had five Cokes I was like who drink
Listen that’s just yor adding to his story a little bit by a little adding to story Bobby this guy used to tell me he can’t drink water he hates water so he’d have three Cokes big plate of fetuccini lots of cream sauce got the chicken on top maybe a little half steak three
Buns I’m in the same both B me have sat together yor you not remember it correctly because I always ate salmon so now you see the oh I’ve been eating salmon the whole my career so you can tell that you starting to forget a little bit but
Maybe the usual the pregame meal the nap you know that the you know before the game you know the sticks everything had to be ready you know but not nothing I wouldn’t say anything crazy but you know what everything had to be uh had to be S
Away ah very good anyway I appreciate your time I know you got to run uh but we like you stopping by so uh we’ll keep your number if you let Yorkie tell more stories about you and uh we’d love to have you back on thanks bony that was
Great don’t forget when Yorkie tax you always have to take like 30% off so hey Bobby we I GNA tell you guys something we didn’t even get into this bony is one of the top pickle ball players in Ottawa right now he’s a force
To be reckoned with I saw saw that I saw that uh tweet you put out today I’m gonna have to come up and test it soon oh he’s oh he charges he’s like a big bear up there I had I had I had an early start during that uh coid when we
Couldn’t leave our houses I painted a pick ball CTT on my uh on my driveway which fit perfectly and we play that every day with the kids and you know just to stay active a little bit and uh it’s fun game yeah I’m going to yeah I’m going to have to challenge your
Oneon-one one day I heard he joined he joined a big uh fancy Club pickle B Club somewhere so the brtan yacht club it sounds fancy but it’s not it’s it’s awesome though you gota bonkey we’ll go down for a game soon all right could you beat Alfie could you beat Alfie probably
Not yeah Alie Alfie is good at everything he does I don’t think anybody can beat him and anything tries to he tries too hard way too he Al the thing with Alfie he never stops trying like you’ll let up you’ll let up now and then well I have to because you know what
When you’re out of shape then you cannot be you know you have to pick your moments to you know a little burst of speed but you cannot be you cannot be doing it all the time all right well en enjoy living in your cave and uh don’t
Shave all right thanks guys thanks for having you see you bony oh god there goes R this guy watched 30 hockey games in a week Bob 30 insane to me yeah that’s a cry for help yeah hard enough time watching all the SS games right lot I got a lot of condensed
Versions going yeah but I’m on I’m in the night boys I’m I’m excited for this one you Bob loves that little summer you got the next day on the go on the sports uh Sports Net they’ll give you the eight eight eight minute summary of the game
Big fan big fan and get fight in that they won’t they don’t put stuff in that which bugs me yeah they do leave that up but it’s a good uh it’s a good research tool if I don’t feel like staying up for one yes uh we’ll get into that so uh
Before we get any further uh this show as always probably presented by Bano uh where there’ll be lots of action going on the s’s game tonight uh Bano live betting bet Builder you should check out their same game parlays I think one includes Ottawa winning uh giru with a
Point and perhaps Brady with a point or a goal uh that’s one of them you can build anyway go check them out at the app the game starts now and uh up shortly will be lock of the day also this show proudly presented by our good friends at Bei boner Excavating Inc
Gavin ah uh Bei homes oh Bei Contracting uh General aggregate uh sorry general contractor they have aggregate uh top so sales also uh equipment rentals Uh custom screening and crushing so check out boner Excavating Inc for all your needs they are helping to shape the Ottawa Valley and now you’ve all been
Waiting to find out how you can win a signed Jake Sanderson stick so here’s what you got to do just simply got to go to our Twitter page or sorry uh you can tweet at us uh using the hashtag I’m coming in hot that’s it uh and then
Gavin um who’s doing a million things at the moment behind the scenes is going to pick a random winner and then we’ll tell you at the end of the show who that is and then we’ll get the stick sent out to you so uh there you go I’m hashtag I’m
Coming in hot uh also no he didn’t like my idea are we saving that one we’re saving that one I don’t have time to do it today we’re bu it’s a busy show Yorkie all right so uh I was tempted to to give away a sign Bobby Rin stick but it’s my son
And I don’t know how he would go for that so maybe next time I’ll ask him I do have a Bobby Bobby Ryan bobblehead yeah so at some point we’ll look to maybe give that away in the show I could probably Wrangle up one stick from the
From the collection oh yeah one there I don’t know if it’s gonna be a true a Sherwood a warrior I was I was dabbling in everything at one point when when Sherwood left the league but I think there’s probably one back there my actually my kid used a Sherwood stick
With your name on it that’s why he took the Sherwood yeah never scored any goals but did I had like I had like I had like 50 I had 50 rebok sticks that I used the old sick kick yeah and when I and when
We moved I I just I gave them all away like I didn’t have room in the new house so I just basically it went to a good place one I gave them away to uh to the SS to give away to some youth programs but yeah just like had no more space for
Him awful sticks so the sick kick Bob that that was a terrible stick the rebok it was yeah well there’s the one with a hole in it the holes in it remember the rebok was it I’m sure it was rebok yeah that was awful too and then
Bower just tried to come out with one with the blade there’s the hole through the top of the blade if you will it was a nightmare to tape he was just stupid anyway all right uh so tonight’s game as we move forward here uh you know what uh can you pull up
The DJ Smith coaching uh record board um so how much pressure is on DJ Smith right now this is his career record 467 an average finish of 25th in the league that’s sorry that’s based on his last four years of where he stands in the
League is 25th uh H how long does this go if the team struggles off the top or do they use the Norris and Pinto uh as an excuse of a slow start well I think if he starts slow he’s sure [ __ ] going to use it as an excuse and I don’t blame
Him you took away you took away the center of my my lineup um but every every single everybody is under Fire this year right from management to every um it is a make or break year um there’ll be a little bit of a grace period from M laer coming in
And installing his people but um with stos already you know kind of leading that charge but nobody’s safe this year because this team’s missed what six years in a row yep it’s it’s time and you’ve given and I was a big big person to saying that DJ should be back in the
Chance to see it through well now it’s your time to see it through you need to make the playoffs you need to make the step we can’t be talking about meaningful games and you need to get two centers in the lineup that are your
Anchors um so if they get off to a slow start he’s got every right to say I’m without my you know arguably two of my top six most important players in your second your third line Center but um yeah I just like everybody else he’s
Under Fire I would think he know DJ is a smart guy Bob we all know him he’s he knows it there’s pressure every single day in the league to and to win but it’s a different kind of pressure this year but I will say this to your point they shouldn’t be in
The mess they are right now so they got off to a for a start I would probably point the finger somewhere else first to tell you the truth like it if the team plays really hard and they’re losing a lot of close games and they’re they’re battling and they’re fighting but
They’re missing they’re missing two Center Icemen right now that’s a big deal that is a really big deal I think Josh will be back soon I think the pinto situation will get fixed sooner than later so I just don’t think they’re going to get off to a bad start but if they
Do it I I I think there’s some shared blame to go around there’ll be shared blame and then we’ll see what happens I just think this new ownership group is going to be calculated they don’t want to be like it was before where there was just these crazy decisions made and and
But hey you can only be patient for so long and and yes it is time to win even with the injuries I agree this team is good enough to win um with it with the defense with the goal tending with Kimmy sua with Bri there’s enough talent but
It is going to be tough it’s going to be a lot it was to me it was a layup before now it’s going to be much tougher without these two pieces but um time will tell I’m I can’t wait to see what happens there’s so many there’s so many
Intriguing storylines to start this season yeah I think it’s gonna I think it’s going to be fascinating and then and number one I am just I can’t wait to see teras enko play because I want to see what he brings to the table that to me is the most
Intriguing Bobby do you have a storyline that’s outside of I don’t know tereno scoring or Tim stuts at 90 points that you’re interested in watching I know I’m putting you on the spot I’m basically asking you for one hot take um okay Drake bson is second on the team in goal scored
This year whoa I think he’s gonna have a bounce back here I do I don’t I that I he looked great in Camp yeah he did I know he was motivated by playing at home for a couple games but aside from that like remember last year I think we were
Saying like Drake bson maybe the second most skilled hockey player on this team or at least forward I I think we suddenly get confused sometimes with big numbers but Drake bson is a star I think so and at 4.95 you’re loving it um yes indeed indeed I I just think yeah I I
Think the ankle hindered him way more than he let on and we yeah we could tell the guys that watch the every game and know them and I know the way he skates because there we have some similarities in the way we skate um I just thought he
Was hobbling last year and he was making poor decisions because he felt like he was behind the play I think now everything’s back he had a good he had a great Camp not a good camp he had a great Camp I thought he I thought he
Looked Elite a couple times um and I know that’s different kind of competition but I I do think he’s gonna make take a major step Brady kachuck is going to get 45 plus goals okay what I don’t see it good night everybody I hope you’re right I hope you’re
Right he wanted a hot take you want hot take yeah I was gonna go 40 but that I think that’s I think he’s doing that so I went I upped at to 45 wow I okay um I just I don’t know what the take is but I just believe
Thomas Shabbat will have a great Year I hope I do too I really do I’m really excited to see him play with a structured D he was quickly and I know and I know guys say stuff all the time in the media that makes no sense and he
Said today we’re trying to get our systems in place or we’re doing a good job in Camp of trying to nail them all down but I really believe this year they’re trying to whatever system it is figuring out what that is and getting it nailed down I Thomas Shabbat to me is a
Huge huge part of that team and I think he has a huge season head that’s my that’s my take not nice ni you know what’s not a hot take you know what’s not a hot take um Jake sanderson’s gonna have a great year so okay Rasmus Dalene signs for 11
11 and a half whatever it is yeah would you do the old bar this you who does who does his agent have pictures of yeah yeah like if you saw Jake Sanders signed and I know I I believe listen listen let me I really like d like a player I think he’s really
Good I think he’s phenomenal but that’s a lot of fraking money yes it just makes Sanderson contract and Kudos just makes his contract look absolutely like a steal um but that makes it makes me think of a story with Clark MacArthur we used to have a
Defense and I won’t name any names that was just not an NHL defenseman just like a lot we had a few but it was like about it was it was during our first two years together and I’m going on the I’m going on the roster here to have a just
Continuously got put in the lineup and every time and Clark and I would play together and every time this guy would be in the ice clock be like change so so we I mean we laughed about it but uh the lightup would go up and clarky be like I
Don’t know who he’s got pictures of I just don’t get it oh so everybody’s frantically searching Hockey DB to see I’m on there I’m on there right now I’ll never I’ll never name names I’ll know who it is so he had to have played a significant number of
Games yeah I guess it’s a significant I shouldn’t say significant number I know you know what I think I know it and I think is he a really good guy uh yeah he was a good guy yeah was it Freddy Clon no I love Freddy clay man
That was a good guy no no um I actually I loved playing with Freddy clay too um because there was he never did anything but disrupt the puck and moved the puck so you always knew where it was going the first guy he saw was getting the
Puck he knew his game he there was nothing about Freddy that was like oh I’m a top two defenseman was it uh was it Patrick we weos I told you guys not but that’s a good guess a very good guess that a good guess all right well we’ll move on uh
Freddy clay I love I love Freddy clay actually trying to get him on the show were you on this well well yeah we were on the when the SS went to Sweden I remember Freddy clay yes gave all the media a tour of downtown Stockholm like
He was their their seeing ey dog for a sweeten it was awesome it he was great what a great what a great gesture so and that’s the uh that’s the trip among other things that buddy Robinson missed the bus do you remember this B I was hurt
You didn’t go on this trip yeah so I think it’s the last day and the bus started and it left the hotel but it made a quick Loop and came back and buddy Robinson’s running out to get on the butss no way just hung with the
Gills trying to get home I don’t I don’t know but you just know that he’s like all right there’s no chance I’m I’m gonna be sent down as soon as we get back to Ottawa oh man that’s a bad feeling I I am so glad I missed that
Trip because the stories that came like what what stories did you hear Bob they went two and 0 the boys went two and 0 so let’s let’s just call what it was but I from what I understand that that thing was a debacle from the the moment it
Started to the moment it finished and I remember Pierre was like Bobby I couldn’t get you on the team flight when over to that and I was like no no no I got a good feeling about missing this one so I’m glad I did boy that was yeah yeah lot there’s a
Book that could be written on that trip um anyway uh before okay so let’s do lock of the day now in case we run out of time here talking so going into tonight we know Carolina is the opponent um and we’ve all talked about perhaps car Carolina being a Stanley Cup winner
Or at least a prospect for the Stanley Cup so they are very good at home I know this may come as a surprise 28 uh 10 and three last year at home that’s the second best home record uh also 0 and2 in their last seven home openers is there any chance for the
Ottawa Senators Bobby Ryan oh you’re putting making me go man and Yori there’s something about that build that sucks to play in it’s wind you’re in the Wind Tunnel they cram you in those um they cram you in that Locker I’m the worst Locker in the NHL by far sneaky
Towels too towels reek awful awful and it’s just a and and yeah it’s a hard enough building to get going in and this is where when bony was talking about home openers and games I always had that same energy and that energy was absolutely crushed by watching them come
Out one by one want like that you know that major delay between warm-ups and that and it instead of like ramping up after warmup and getting ready you kind of get to flate it um I still I’m still big on the sends I just don’t this is a
Tough spot I’m gonna go with Carolina because they’re at home they have a full lineup sounds like GM the GM got them 18 players oh good job um and it’s I think it’s I think it’s a big ask to go on the road to win against a team that many
People are picking to be in the Stanley Cup finals um literally sat on this all day but I got to go I gotta get I’m going to take Carolina and um the sends get going next game I W I will say but before Yorkie uh the sends are 4113 and
Four I saw that in their last 21 visits to to Carolina like it is Death Valley for Ottawa for whatever reason although I will say in the last five they’re playing 500 hockey I think they’re two two and one yeah I remember when we won there in overtime um Tu made an
Unbelievable move and set Stoner up and we won in overtime and somebody was telling us that we hadn’t won there in years um before that game so I believe ugly 13 or 14 games something crazy there’s only a few buildings in the league where you’re like it’s almost an
Automatic loss and that’s how it felt for us going there it was just a it’s so weird yeah and just a nondescript team like yeah with all due respect to Carolina who’s a different team than when you play them but they’re just an average hockey team like just yeah just
There so weird people must have thought we were going out but I’m like yeah I promise you nobody’s going out and righ or wherever we stayed Carrie just that Carri yeah just that Loop of where the hotel is that’s a little nice little spot though it is nice yeah good wine
Store there too they got they got okay so H Yorkie take your pick so I’m tempted to take the sends just because of how Corpus Salo played in pree season he was fantastic Pittsburgh just lost at home to Chicago who would have thought that yeah but well Bobby had them fourth in
The division so but but tell you guys you guys are sleeping on him know hey Pittsburgh’s doing one thing they’re going be they’re making the the playoffs or they’re going to be terrible I’m going to take Carolina I that’s my Stanley Cup favorite this year I I think they’re going to come out
Ready to play at home I think it’ll be a close game but I’m going to take Caroline in this one and I’m with Bobby the SS get going I don’t think they play poorly tonight I I I do think they probably lose this one hey maybe even an
OT I see a one goal game here gosh I don’t want to be the greeing with you guys on day one and nobody you don’t have to you don’t have to you could look like the smartest guy in the room here take take Ottawa I was hoping one of you would
Have taken Ottawa I might have take all right you know what Brady kachuck and clo jaru by the way is like a point per game player in Carolina y against the Carolina Hurricanes in 51 games he’s got 50 points and Brady Brady in Carolina has four points in his last five games
He’s got a point in four of the five games okay that’s gonna get them more with a hump is Corpus Salo gonna out duel them with 11 forward play center no well that’s take a shift at Center get up there I I gotta take Carolina I you have
To I mean down the middle I just but you know what they’re goingon to have piss and vinegar and they’re gonna have the youth and that’s did I hear did I hear somebody else’s dress in a a forward short tonight too was it uh oh yeah one
Of their team’s doing it but everyone’s talking about Ottawa though yeah well that’s the problem so by the way if you’re GNA do the over under at six and a half do the under the last three games have all been under uh six goals and I
Expect it to be that way again tonight you guys although remember opening night lots of penalties you think over lot of lot of penalties power plays yeah yeah I don’t know I just I think it’s gonna be close I say take the under I’m not giving yeah I gave my lock
I only had to one and you went with what stutzle gets a point yeah so yeah you not a limb my lock is Carolina wins and bony watches 40 hockey games this week that’s my lock right there how many play this week what’s what’s that they play Friday and Saturday sorry
Saturday and Sunday right Saturday afternoon he tapes games and and we’ll watch them that’s yeah they play three games the over under is 1.5 for Bobby okay well we’ll see how you do on Monday show um all right uh we’re going to announce the winner of the stick uh
And then we’re going to wrap up the show but but the win the winner is uh Hugh b613 uh on Twitter so congrats to Hugh B 613 we will uh a boy now deliv that right York’s gonna hand deliver it yep let me know I’ll be out tonight watching
The game if you want to stop by won’t have the stick though where you going I’m GNA go out in the hood might go down to The Barley mole oh that’s a great spot no Cheshire no it’s a little far Bob I’m in the I’m in the other end
Of town now I’m in Westboro so oh you’re okay all right Cheshire Cat is the best Putin in the city I’m convinced it got I hate Putin um one I tried it one time my entire time in in Canada one time and I said never again now you throw a beaver tail
In the mix and I’m I’m all for it I I could see crushing fries and gravy what is it you didn’t like the cheese curds I don’t like gravy if I want french fries I want french fries and ketchup no okay you’re so American I’m not a gravy guy either I
Mean I don’t get malt vinegar on fries I don’t when over I don’t get that I don’t get that now gra made for turkey gravy turkey gravy’s made for turkey and french fries with cheesec curds it’s that it’s that simple do you know what you hammer on your turkey now
Homemade cranberries that’s on the yes I we got to have a Thanksgiving show this yeah we’ll do it when the uh during the US one this game is or this show show has gotten out of control because no we’re not talking cranberries and we
Don’t use them ever ever I do I do no I’m gonna go cook a medium rare steak right now um before before we go uh what did you guys think of Vegas’s Banner raising you like it or is it or is it hokey with the slot machine the
I didn’t know where they were going with that I gotta be honest and Stoner clearly didn’t either because you see him do do I do it now do I do it now like yeah did you not do a run through um but I thought that part was hokey but
I thought it was you know what I thought was phenomenal the guys the guys doing the arm and arm thing I thought um yes I thought that coming out I thought it was great I just to touch hokei at one spot but I thought it was absolutely
Phenomenal look at Stoner what huh where is this thing stoner was struggling Stoner was struggling carrying the cup down the hall there like see how long he had to go down the hallway he’s like it was you can’t get the cup away from him right now good for him oh it’s awesome
He’s everywhere but yeah this is the only thing I was like I don’t get it but I get it but I don’t anyway um I I do appreciate all that Vegas does because I love the glitz and Glamour and 22 guys on that team from last year’s
Roster so you like it’s not like a bunch of guys who came in this year and weren’t part of it so that’s good too um very cool finally who’s last question who scores the first goal for the Ottawa Senators in the 2324 season Jason York I’m gonna go with the obvious here Brady
Kachak okay teras senko oh I’m going tereno I know someone who’s hoping that that’s G be my pick yeah okay I think I think he yeah he catches a one timer early tonight oh yeah Matthew Joseph I was I was I was hedging I was thinking you were gonna go
Kubalik there for a second oh that would have been good too but Matthew Joseph had such a good C I think he may have been their best player in Camp next to Drake so what’s going on okay so are they are they trading him or what because someone’s got a go someone’s got
A go you just walk over to an Low’s office when you’re down at the ring sizing up your new office and ask yeah yeah yeah and you guys talk about tomorrow on a plane that’s right we have a show 9:00 am tomorrow Yorkie and I uh with Jamie
Baker by the way um so enjoy the game puck drop is moments away from the show uh really you know what we’re excited for the season I’m hoping this plays out well although I just hate the start the starts bugging me with the way they’ve handled Chaine Pinto but other than that
Um we’ll see how this plays out I’m excited so boys uh enjoy the game and we will see well we’ll see Yorkie tomorrow and we’ll see you next week Bob for watching everybody see you Bob enjoy the arkel on Friday night oh love love the arkel going I’m flying all the way to
San Fran to see them so they better play my Stuff enjoy the game everybody all see you guys have a great night coming in hot is brought to you by That