For hello hello hello here I am how’s everybody doing it does it look like I sent a message like monkey man come to the Fireside I am just chilling I am looking for less drama you know better good times open communication Sally I’ve missed you I hope you’re doing okay and you know
Monkey man from boss cross okay Pugsley is trying to get on my lap that funny she really is it’s she knows she’s doing her own thing I already had her fed I even I haven’t cooked her her own egg I sliced it up diced it up mixed
It with her dog food and she was all set and now now it’s attention time and I walked her anyways I’m just chilling I have a cup of coffee see nice relaxing cup of coffee fireplace all set anybody want me to change the color tonight we could do
Blue I’ll have a blue Christmas without you and if I sing the pug things I’m singing to her so it’s time to dance anyways I just wanted to I was talking to um my friend tashunka and you’re talking about moments that bring you to your
Knees and I don’t mean in a fun way I mean when you hear the news of something so breath stopping heart crushing that you fall to your knees because you just don’t know how to handle that information you can’t comprehend it and um he had had his own experience
Mine was when my husband had his heart attack at work hey pretty black TV good to see you thanks for stopping in so that heart stopping moment was when I got a phone call and you know what my husband did I said hello and he said I think I’m having a heart attack and I go what and he goes I think I’m
Having a heart attack I mean the the ER is or the paramedics are almost here and I was like first I was thinking it was anxiety I was praying I was like when I hit my knees it was instantly bargaining God please let it just be anxiety it’s just anxiety it’s just
Anxiety it’s just anxiety I said it over and over in my head all the way he was 45 minutes away from me and I had to get his brother to drive me so I had to tell his brother and I said can you come pick me up we need to
Go it’s going to take us forever so the whole way there were minutes do you get get it there every moment was a moment he was in trouble and I just that moment where like if you’re a smoker you can’t even smoke uh if you’re uh if you had
Something to drink in your hand you couldn’t even drink it you just had to sit there and you just couldn’t you’re absorbing the information but you just couldn’t do anything it was get in the car sit and then pray and bargain and pray to God that I could bargain enough
That he was going to be okay and that it was just anxiety well I get there to the emergency room and I said I’m here you know for my husband and she said oh the the paramedics the ambulance um brought him in he’s in the uh ciac cath lab he had a heart
Attack that was I and I thought I was falling down like I literally when I had the phone call I fell down this time I had to stand up I had to stand up no matter what it was pugy come here come here it’s nobody come here so here’s my story it’s actually
His story really because yeah I felt sick to my stomach everything my whole life changed in that in that minute I felt um I’m GNA walk away a little bit hopefully you can hear me but when I got on the phone with him cly it’s just a ghost stop you’re
Okay isn’t that funny Pugsley it’s just a ghost cuz the neighbor decorations okay so any anyways I don’t know who I lost I am sorry cuz I’m taking too long to tell the story probably but I’m really glad that you guys are all here but when he had his heart
Attack we were on the he first of all I know I jumped to the hospital but you got to understand he was on the phone with me for a minute and I said and I go what’s going on and he goes cremate me because I don’t want it to cost a lot of
Money and I go okay meanwhile M I’m still saying anxiety anxiety in my head at this point cuz that phone call was we still had a connection and then he said I gotta go something’s happening and I go okay and he hung up and I’m like I love
You so my last message in my mind is cremate me mother [ __ ] so I’m upset I get there and I go where is he and then I find out it is a heart attack and I’m like he’s in the cath lab he’s in the cath lab you can
Wait over here and it’s a special area it’s not even this waiting area it’s like over to the side over by the cardiac unit over by like and there’s like you know when it’s nicer you know that there’s something wrong because it’s a nicer area to sit
It’s got like the coffee it’s got a coffee pot and it’s got some tissues it’s got some tables it’s got a room that you can go off to so you kind of feel like oh my God this is for Real so we’re waiting it’s like an hour
Whatever and two hours go by and the doctor walks in and he said hey n n um and I said yeah yes and he said he’s he’s he’s going to make it uh he’s fine uh it looks like he um it looks like he uh yeah they put a stent in
And what he had was he was lifting 150 lbs repeatedly hi skunk good to see you thanks for coming he was lifting 1 15 pounds repeatedly by himself and actually I’ll tell you this is after he oh no I’m jumping all over anyways because of the continuous lifting that moment he strained too
Hard and it’s called a scad spontaneous cardiac Artery Dissection the artery snapped a lot of women a week or two after they give birth can have a that happen because of the strain that a woman is pushing to give birth and not breathing properly it ends
Up um affecting her later or maybe it’s a slow leak or a slow break his was he needed to put get the stent in so when I’m talking to him he says oh he’s like hi baby and I’m like hi and I go and he’s like are you okay
And I’m like I’m like yeah I’m okay are you okay and he’s like I think so and he said do you know um I don’t even know now if this was in the hospital at this time or like the next day but he says the story he could barely walk he felt like
He was out of it and he was drifting away they got him in the ambulance they’re running him and when he had hung up with me and he said I gotta go I something’s happening he felt as though he was leaving he said he felt like he was being swept away like
A did you ever feel like an embarrassment rush but with like a pit in your stomach like if you’re on a roller coaster he said it was like he was rushed away but he blacked out and um he wakes up to hearing the EMTs say oh no wait wait wait he’s coming
Back he’s coming back oh he came back on him by himself and the guy goes okay so then we end up finding out that that they were going to shock him they were going to bring him back because he flatlined but he said something happened he came back right before they had a
Shock and the guy was like no no no cuz he’s got a he had a rhythm and I will tell you there are what he had this spontaneous cardiac break is is like next to like the Widowmaker like you don’t it’s so quick that if you you didn’t get help in
Time you wouldn’t make it do you know what I’m saying and what ended up happening is we find out that all these pieces fall together he says to his boss I think I pulled something in my Peck and I’m sweating a lot and he goes why don’t you
Go sit in the office then the next thing is the guy looks at him he goes you know you look a little pale he’s like I’m going I’m G I’m GNA call an ambulance for you and uh my husband’s like okay you know but now scared and nervous like I look that
Bad and then that guy calling that quickly and then the ambulance was right down down the street they swooped him up and then right down the street two more minutes was the best cardiac hospital but that was 45 minutes from our house now if it were here if it would
Have happened at home or something like that or you know doing all the lifting and the moving of stuff that we’ve done we wouldn’t have been close enough to anything so I believe that everything happens for a reason and that he’s here I don’t think that God made a
Bargain with me no do I think that I talked them into letting them live no no but am I thankful and am I grateful and did we really luck out with God’s blessings that we everything lined up for it to be all of these people in his path to the hospital to
Get and the Doctor Who did the surgery on the cardiac break was the best cardiac doctor and he had just left the hospital had he gotten further and all the way home I mean they would have maybe they would have called a different doctor but he decided because he was
Just uh he had just left he was going to turn around on the on the highway and come right back and he did for him because there was no reason in his mind he was thinking 42y old uh I think he was 198 pounds um should not be having a heart
Attack you know what I mean uh athletic build to a certain degree the job that he had I mean the doctor getting reported all these things and these stats and he he turned around for him and it was it it all just I don’t know those are moments like I say that
Bring you to your knees and you almost feel like you’re not going to make it but you do and you just got to hold on and together as I light a cigarette which the truth is is my Hubs quit smoking the minute he had his heart attack he said I’m I’m not smoking
Anymore and you know what I try not to smoke around him I have a window in here open and I’m trying to you know I say I’m a slow down and whatever but that’s my I I want to give it but then there’s probably this part
Of me that doesn’t want to give it up so that’s why I keep doing it but anyway so I know I jumped into the story but I was really excited to talk about it I got a this because I want to read I hope you don’t mind finally got an appointment I’m so
Glad you’re going to see the neurosurgeon skunk yeah it is a long time Sally that’s what I was thinking I’m like you know what they’re always like that at the hospitals aren’t they uh um it’s pretty black TV still here or monkey man I have tried to stop smoking but I
Know it’s so hard hey good to see you beat the odds I agree we have to beat the odds and that’s exactly what I was just talking about my Hubs beat the odds most people die from that kind of a heart attack and he survived thank you for stopping by I appreciate it
I tried to give up sex once didn’t work out too good didn’t work out too good for me Either hence the reason we all we all probably uh purchased our all our blowup dolls I’m just saying Gandalf good to see you I just think that there is there’s so much to be thankful for and I mean you know it’s so funny I know it’s uh October it’s Halloween season but I’m
Already into the thankful feelings like I’m I was really kind of nervous to be honest with you guys after that interview that I did I don’t I didn’t think I I was going to come back on here and I was like you know what I’m too nervous I’m too scared I don’t
Think I don’t think I can you know show my face but I don’t mean I don’t think I can show my fireplace around this place ever again is great I’m very thankful for my wait Sally suck them dry oh Sally’s probably like oh great anyways I am I’m very thankful for
The group that I have the barking pug even though she’s annoying and crabby and sees things that aren’t there and hug like someone has my neighbor has a big um blue or purple I I wonder if I can oh do you hear my whistling with my
Teeth I’m GNA see if I can show you hang on one second the neighbors she barks at it see it the like this light show going on over there with their ghosty there we go it’s scares the Pug there’s the pugy say hi pugy pug are you a good baby you are a
Good baby it’s okay if I had a treat I give you one oh treat you want one let’s go get it all right you guys I promised her I’ll be right back in two seconds oops come on pugy I got you one let’s go good girl lay down I gave her a Treat okay guys it’s so bad again I can’t I’m wearing the bad glasses it’s going Tom’s already you feeling tonight I’m all right can offs thanks for asking shuck gota have skunk gotta have a you said have a dolly then I saw it yeah we’re gonna call it doll
She’s like I better type fast shuck am I right or no I thought I read it but I have bad eyes so you know it’s nice to have a couple people come in for a quick shout out hey yeah cuz your hand probably gets tired hey don’t say what you’re about to
Say I wonder oh it’s probably past John’s bedtime hey and brexton they’re too tired I don’t know how sorry I’m really trying to line it up so it’s nice there we go my right arm is almost twice as big as the left one is Hy I don’t have anything for you to
Eat are you choking are you okay oh you’re good jeez sometimes I don’t know what’s wrong with her when she like pushes her face into my hand you got mail I’ve got mail you guys oh my goodness everybody Hur Anthony duberry is going live I’m going to stay right here tonight oh
Yay well I know I think she’s with her daughter I don’t want to bug her she’s so tired she’s out there being a Hitman and collecting criminals and burglars Burgers whatever happened to the Burger isn’t there the MC burglar burglar oh my gosh somebody has to know what I’m talking
About Grimace and the MC burglar oh man softly you whisper My New Puppy should be delivered yay it takes a while for repet to send you your pet back right if people knew what a big baby this pug is you guys would be she’s sitting on my lap
Now she’s sitting on my lap with her PA don’t scratch me uhuh I don’t want to be scratched you’re the one to beg to come up here you don’t get to hurt me oh you want to play no no no no humpy lay down beig good
Girl n night you’re the end of the rainbow a of gold your n Pap P should your spice you’re everything nice CU you’re Nana and little pugs night night baby night night I see jool on the Hitman Glass I’m here hi everyone he will be ready probably this
Weekend but my sister may not be able to deliver him till oh depends on my sister’s work schedule we have just you really did you decided to name your dog boner oh hearts and love right back at you Joanne sorry you guys I know I moved the
Camera but I’m having a hard time reading I don’t know if these are my good ones or my well they got to be my whatever ones oh yeah ah ah I wish I had someone here to read for me okay let me see could you imagine if we called him boner
And he got out you’d have to walk around the neighborhood asking eighty old woman have you seen my Boner he’s small he’s small in solid white color oh yeah so here we are she go like that boner is cute and then and then people are constantly coming up to you going can I pet your boner Thomas sounds like a good way to get arrested excuse me sir can I pet your
Boner poor kids all around there you just like the word boner boner if you say it enough times it it doesn’t even sound like a word two letters separate them oh yeah but no matter how many times your parents do it and have kids they’re still your si brother and sister doobie
Doobie I don’t know my Hubs wants a German shepherd and he wants to name it King because he always wanted that as a kid must have seen it in a movie or something I kind of liked that dog Beethoven that was cute slobbery but cute cute like imagine that big
Mass dog snuggling every night hugs is good she just got a t r e a t and I Sayang to her snots is that what it says that’s so funny notnot I’m trying to think if I ever had a specific name I don’t think I ever
Did oh you know what we had a docen it was the dumbest name though but we had a when we picked up the do dun or docen whatever uh for my mom I put her in in my coat she was so teeny tiny she fit inside my coat zipped
Up she was all warm and cozy and she was looking up at me with these big flappy ears and her eyes were an emeraly looking green so freaking beautiful and I looked at the hubs and I said oh I said she’s got her mama’s green eyes and her daddy’s chocolate
Nose he goes I have a chocolate nose I I don’t know cuz he doesn’t so was funny cuz he’s white and I said he chocolate nose and then um and her nose was chocolate it was like this chocy color brown so beautiful and I’m like she I want to call her
Cy I wanted to call her C for cinnamon because she had such beautiful red hair and now like knowing the UFC fighters or boxers I think Canelo means cinnamon so maybe I don’t know kind of be an insult probably to call my dog Canelo you wanted to get my f oh
Somebody got in your face I had to use [ __ ] sorry I had to say the girl next oh my gosh for real that is super cool Sheriff’s there right now or do the are they asking you questions or what um no it’s disorderly conduct and it’s in public correct
Oh she did well good for her you know takes a lot of Courage especially with him right there Mr mind your Oh apartment y you make it my if I can hear you and I can see you you’re making it my business I might have missed the beginning of the
Story though if I did I’m sorry but I still think you did a great job he got in your face dude if he would have even touched you he don’t know who he’s messing with I you know bad wrist and all you you would have taken him down
Oh my gosh this story just made me rip my fingernail off not even kidding hey I forgot to tell Noel but I tried to give a notice and I shared it on my Community page I figured people got notif ifications yes or no or doesn’t that
Work no you guys all just thought you’d stop by and see [Laughter] me simultaneously you all were psychic oh yeah I last night I threw together a quick dinner for the hubs well not too quick but I made in some chicken breasts and um I made some Amarillo rice with a
Can of mixed vegetables and I cooked the chicken from Frozen um in the that oven thing I got the air fryer and it worked I mean the outside got a little chewy but it wasn’t too bad but um from Frozen to cooked it was like really
Really nice to be able to throw it all together I can’t read I told him to back up he didn’t know that’s what I’m saying back up [ __ ] I don’t get notifications on my phone well how’ you know I was live I barely found out you were live I
Had my phone inside my bag how did everybody find out is there a town crier who was looking out for me stunk Jo hurry up Dolly’s live you know how she gets when we don’t show up she talks to herself for an hour oh you did good I’m clapping
Oh my puggies is got getting a belly just like me so let’s see okay so I I got the oh but I didn’t hear it oh good good I’m glad though that’s nice I’m glad that you hit the bell for notifications I always say please welcome come in hit the like share and
Subscribe come one come all let’s all get our YouTube groove on I was sitting on the toilet looking at the YouTube and I saw you were live nice nice That is fantastic okay so you know that video that I sent I don’t know who if I sent it to everybody I meant to if I didn’t it was like a you know send all button but um the leaves aren’t even I mean they’re changing but they’re not even done yet
Like I cannot wait I’m super excited for it I’m going to videotape it and I told Oh yay thanks skunk um I thought I heard a growl oh my gosh you guys Halloween Just is so spooky sometimes um uh what was I going to say oh okay so if we
Drive I don’t know what it is maybe four hours away five I don’t know five or six maybe I’m not even sure but there is a place Way north of here and West I think and there is a church on top of a hill and you can go to the top of the
Tower and you can see all of the leaves like in the entire like it covers from that Hill it covers tons of cities in the state you know like you can if you knew what you were looking at you’d by looking at maybe water towers you could kind of figure out like
Wow you’re seeing a lot and I want to go I think because you know I don’t often go places but I I would like that to be an adventure but I think we have to take the pug with us I don’t know if she’s going to get car
Sick because it’s so long she’s not really used to it I had to go outside right after and I after I was your video and was looking at the trees and yep the leaves are still green you only get about 3 weeks maybe a month of sub freezing
Really your leaves are all Brown Wait do they look ugly and brown like it it doesn’t change to pretty colors or is it a pretty brown cuz in my front yard that’s like a velvety light brown but in the video it shows it as like some kind of pretty color it was
Weird when I look through the camera yes Ohio yep that’s this Midwest I um I’d like to I’d like to collect some leaves I think I remember doing something as a kid I don’t know if you guys did ever in like I don’t know kindergarten first grade second grade where you take the
Pretty leaves and it’s something with wax paper or maybe parchment paper or something or and you can iron it or you heat it up maybe it is wax paper but you have to know which side is the wax side right and then you wax them together I don’t know I can’t remember
But I want to figure that out and then I want to do that in like some long strips maybe and I wonder how long they will last I wonder if they’ll last like you know forever that color oh see we always get into this and I love
Snow my husband calls me a snow angel and he also calls me a Christmas angel you hate it do you drivve in it is that what you hate the driving part of snow or the mobility of it we just need to get you in a uh snowmobile holy [ __ ] we’d have fun Doo
Much of a wuss no way I could live up there oh same thing I don’t yeah yeah you don’t live by Snow either don’t you dare say it you love it that’s why your last name is glass because it’s like ice she’s as cold as ice learning to sacrifice on
Love I like no as long as it’s 70 God I at sow period the texture the what what oh my gosh I don’t know that’s kind of like a deal breaker for me like seriously I’m all about diversity until it comes to my snow you know I’ve never I that’s a lie
I’ve ice skated one time when I was a kid and it’s so funny because when you ice skate they can give you if you’ve never done it before they can give you like this walker to use with like tennis balls on it and stuff no wheels I don’t
Think but it just kind of slides and then holds you in place it’s fun and then you feel like you’re professional but you’re not oh just like roller skating back in the day I could roller skate like the wind blows now put me on them if I fall I can
Not get up I’m gonna hurt somebody if they try to get me up I’m gonna hurt myself even skating my hips my back be like damn oh shoot but a snowmobile now that would be kick butt dress super warm wearing a helmet or whatever you got to wear some
Gloves your boots you’re all warm long underwear and you’re just snuggling up or you know all cozy and then you’re like vroom vroom it’d be great yeah as long as it’s 70 Dees uhhuh I bet you did you’ve done pretty much about everything I bet you like did some seriously good
Dancing on those roller skates did you ever work at one of those diners where you delivered food I could see you doing that on roller skates you’re balancing a bunch of uh soda and food in each hand she’s like what do you think I am I don’t know there’s something about
Like some music too that makes you feel like when you’re roller skating you can cross your feet over too no I never was that person I’m not coordinated I can’t do it that what I always tell people I was like and I feel like I’ve had this
Conversation it might have been with you guys but like a big wheel riding a big wheel was kick butt because you could like spin out at the end and pull on the brake it was fantastic out four-wheeling I just tell them to have fun I’m staying here where I’m safe and warm
A I would take you on the four-wheeler we’d have fun I’ve never driven a four-wheeler but hey there’s always a first time I knew it you love dancing on skates I had a feeling you would Sally if you’re still here I hope you’re not too Shen up about that whole
Thing you know for him to get in your face you should probably tell the police too can’t you cuz if she gets to get some restraining order maybe it can be against the apartment building for both of y’all is that possible do you have connections that you can go dude he was
Out of line this was always in four-wheel drive trucks oh oh four-wheeling oh not Four-wheelers oh my gosh we used to say that punch him right in the gizzard why I I still have my you do oh my goodness girl you got everything that is awesome oh that’s what you know what you just reminded me of like what I was thinking
About for like Christmas presents for um me and the hubs is like um forwarding gifts get it like something that I have that he could use nugle here you go it’s for you and then he could give me something he used and that doesn’t cost anything like that’s something like if I
Had I don’t know a daughter or granddaughter I’d be like here are my skates I’m passing them on to you oh my gosh I went by my aunt the other day she tried to pass on my grandmother’s China and I said no I go I can not have
That I am too I’m so accident prone I cannot have nice glass wear as much as I want would want it you know but I don’t even have any kids to pass it down to so I told her to go ahead and give it to somebody who’s got kids
Did you just go they are still too big too oh really I’m a sad case I’ve never been able to roll or skate my balance has always been horrible yeah but you know what I wonder with one of those Walker things if you ever like if you had ever wanted to
That’s what I used it was cool and then you know what else I had fun in like I know that’s got to suck like people who are in a wheelchair like my dad was in a wheelchair he couldn’t walk at all but on the bright side of it man was it
Fun he loved and he even said it too he said the bright side of it is that he got his um wheelchair and they amped it up and he could go so fast he actually too fast and he loved it to feel like he was moving at his own
Walking pace it was a great feeling you used to ice skate oh my gosh and see and I was too wig Wiggly and roller skates they have to have the four wheels they well they can’t have the in they’re not inline skates they have to be centered I don’t have a walker until
Now well maybe you can lend skunk Walker so he can try to roller skate and we could all meet up and walk or roller skate together Walker rolling Rangers Rock and rolling you guys Walker I said but then I’m like rocker Rock and rolling Rangers oh my go say that fast three
Times I wish Noel was here I really should have rode her that was bad of me because I think it would be nice if we could all touch base on what’s going on on with everybody oh Go Tell It reconnecting you’re alive I don’t have a walker until now
That would be so funny Thomas do you want them that would be so much fun you know why because we would be a group of people who wouldn’t laugh at each other we laugh with each other you know what I’m saying my coffee is getting cold oh hang on one
Second okay there we go I know they wouldn’t fit you oh Thomas do you have big oh I don’t like calling you Thomas I like calling you skunk skunk do you have big [Laughter] feet he’s like why yes I do ask my Sally [Laughter] doll
Oh oh my gosh I want to plug my heating pad in for my neck my neck that’s what I want to buy I want to buy a shoulder one a shoulder heating pad that goes right around my shoulders around my neck do you ever notice that your heating pad doesn’t B until it’s
Warm oh I’m having a good time are you is gandal still here no yes Bigfoot has big feet yeah I would imagine they say it’s big what do you guys think about those big Footprints they found somewhere hey Gandalf are you rolling your cigarettes still I was just curious how long it
Takes you do you roll them all at this like all of them at the same time for like a certain amount of time or do you roll them per day yep yep yep yep yep yep yep uhhuh uhhuh oops I just dropped my heating C it depends
Uh um my hub’s dad would roll them on like a Sunday night it would be his thing he did and then he’d do them for the week and I think he would prepare himself two packs a day and one extra it’s cheaper to roll your own actually we had the machine Um but I think we gave it away to um hub’s brother because it was his dad’s and then you know check put smoking so he was like here you can have it you know and like to get several days worth done but that’s all right do you have the machine or do you
Do it by hand like do you roll them yourself like like tobacco lick roll stick cost me less than a dollar yeah that sounds like a good idea yeah I should do that I’ve got a $8 roller wow that’s kind of neat holy moly can you get fers for them Gandalf Joanne
Wanted to know I wouldn’t you know what I know you can I don’t know what machine he has but like for the machine that we had um there were some with filters and you could get um it came with the filter and the paper and then the machine because you put the
Paper on the machine and then the tobacco in this one side and then it would go and you’d slide it over and it would pack it for you yes Gandalf do you do um regular tobacco or do you do menthol because I guess it would also depend how much does your tobacco
Cost and is menthol more expensive than regular or vice versa $3 gets me a 200 count box of filtered tubes perfect okay so you do regular but do they sell the Menthol I’m pretty positive they do it’s like a bag of Menthol and a bag of regular they’re next to each other
MH yeah Joanne so you could so look at that it’s $8 roller $3 gets you 200 count box of filtered tubes so then how much is the tobacco 20 bucks 18 17 30 that’s so funny you know what I don’t do menthol I I actually they’ll do crave
It once in a while when I’m like uh sick for some reason I always feel like it just cools my throat and the hubs will pick me up a pack it could be the Christmas thing because I like mint my sisters would always go can I
Buom a cigarette and I’m like it’s not Menthol and they’re like uh forget it and I’m like you can borrow a cigarette chew a piece of Gum like it’s the same effect suck at a cough drop and smoke it at least that’s what I would do if I was desperate for it you know what I’m saying so yeah we were talking about quitting earlier Joanne I don’t know if you were
In here and Sally said she tried to quit it’s really hard and I have tried before and I got just really angry I got really crabby and Moody but what’s so funny is I still get crabby and Moody so imagine how much worse that would be
I use the car ashtray for in the house quitting is for losers that’s so funny too you hear that all the time oh now wait I bet I’ve quit a 100 times really I believe I’ve quit at least five times at least had to start you know what I wish I
Never started I remember oh my gosh first I was just faking it you know when I was young and I’m like I quit and I wrapped up and they were my parents’ cigarettes and I crushed them up and threw them away in front of my friend
And I’m like and then I really really started smoking at about 13 or 14 one pack done great job Gandalf that is time consuming I can count on my 10 fingers and nine toes how many cigarettes i’ve smoked in my life are you making fun of my
Noto hey Terrence good to see you thanks for stopping in we were actually just talking about rolling our own cigarettes because apparently they’re super cheap when you roll them this is what we do over here we just chitchat stare at the fire place and relax every time I’ve smoked one I was
Drinking since I don’t drink hard liquor anymore I don’t smoke huh yeah there’s a lot of people who socially smoke there are lots of people who you know smoke and then don’t smoke at home at all some people that just smoke in their car there’s some people
That have two a day one in the morning and one at night I had a boss like that once oh and she would chain smoke when we go out like if we went out for like cocktails or whatever after work or meet up after a business meeting
Or something and man she could just tear it up tear up the drinks and the smoking I don’t know how she did it she was like a champ yeah you got mail oops I’ve got mail it says hope your day was great love you my sister the one who writes me every
Day but we really don’t talk that’s what we do hi there how are you doing cwl if I can read that right it’s the hubby wait it’s the hubby it’s the hubby I’m doing good how are you good we’re just relaxing nice to have you here appreciate you stopping in
It’s almost like we go through the isn’t it strange we all go do the same thing like hit the like share and subscribe and if you share and you share and you share then other people will come and then we can have like this amazing conversation about being the real you isn’t that
Right Joanne you’re always you aren’t you remember that I’m me exclamation point I especially like it Joanne when you write in caps to me I think it’s fun and it also helps me be able to read oh that should be it’s so funny because they say that it Flags YouTube
When you do caps right something like that I don’t know it’s weird right but I don’t mind caps people can write in caps I think I’m going to start ending my videos by saying subscribe or don’t subscribe hit the like or don’t hit the like I don’t care
They say caps wait they say oh caps is yelling yelling thank you but see it’s like I think that’s ridiculous who makes the rules of what my keystrokes are doing oh you see it starts off with little control like that that and they take and they take and they take and they
Take I wonder how many emojis you can use for me try some emojis once and tell me if it takes them away like you have to hit a bunch of emojis and then change your chat to recent chat and then go back to all
Chat but you got to do more than four or five emojis once and then tell me if it takes Takes It Away by the time you come back to all chat issues that say that yep their parents C them yep because if you do I I think it’s a
Limit it’s like four or five emojis and I’m like I love emojis emojis make me feel happy and skunk right is anybody going to try it did you try it yet would you try it trying to prove a point here could one of my great moderators please drop four
Emojis you can tell they never had a parent say do that again and I’m going to slap the damn taste out your mouth or out of your mouth we are supposed to use caps in Doug’s live so okay there we go yes I love it I see
It now did you leave and come back did you go to uh recent chat or new chat and then come back to then come back to what is that why am I cannot remember I can’t remember the word the um all chat that’s the that’s how you can always see because they’ll remove
It it’ll be there for a second and then it it removes it hey Show Your Love thanks for stopping in we’re talking about the rules of YouTube I don’t know if you heard any of it before you said hello okay cool and I was saying I really like emojis I think
They’re fun but in some people’s chats you’re you’re only allowed to use like one or two emojis and I feel like that’s like a little bit of control every time they’re taking and then in some chat you can’t type in capital letters but then in some people’s chat you can do capital
Letters and I I just don’t understand the rules behind it all you offend people no we’re all just hanging out by the fireplace talking about different rights and different things that are taken away every day freedom of what you want to type they control your emojis your freedom to
Speak in capital letters because you want it to be easier to be read but they say it’s yelling YouTube can kiss my oh my gosh I need my glasses YouTube can kiss my ours if they don’t like what I do they can block me my computer only has top
Chat and live chat yeah that’s what I meant top chat you’ll miss some of the messages so you have to hit the live chat to make sure you’re getting everybody’s messages a month ago I was banned from YouTube because I defended a YouTuber and the YouTuber didn’t do jack to get me
Whoa that’s terrible see but that and that’s another thing too there’s so much that other people can do to hurt other people’s channels and it’s just not fair you know I mean unless it’s a blatant something’s really bad you know like doxing is out of the question you don’t dox people
Um but to report things that you could really maybe go take it to the side and talk to somebody and talk it out I’d rather have an adult conversation and figure it out than have somebody ban my Channel or ban me as a YouTuber and then not have a fellow
YouTuber stand up for me that would really hurt my feelings I switch from Top chat to live chat and back and the mo yay that deserves an unsub yes I would unsubscribe also you’re right yeah no bullying you can’t bully people you know it’s just
Not behave how you would like if we were in the same room together like that’s why I feel like at the fireplace I feel like you’re all here with me we’re all hanging out we’re all just talking you know we can have a chat and
It can be whatever topic you all want it to be you know I did as soon as my band was lifted I hope I’m not subscribed to them but I don’t want you to really tell me either because that would be talking about other channels and we don’t really
Want to do that in here at all unless it’s my friend Mark who I haven’t seen in so long Maka suaka Maka suaka pow Mark wherever you are salute to Mark chat salute to Mark and Dei Mark and Dei I miss them both so much
I have no idea but you know what there’s so much going on in other places in the country that I don’t know whether traveling has been hindered or whether he’s hurt or whether de’s okay I worry about both of them yeah and Bullies do suck they
Really do it’s not no one I mean we’re adults and then there’s it’s not okay for children to do it it’s not okay for adults to do it what makes us think that hurting belittling and bullying each other is something that’s okay I know DD’s been gone and Mark and
I am hoping you know because remember they were both working on trying to expose you know certain things with certain people that I just hope they didn’t get in trouble in their channels you know there’s always got to be some of us who are fighting for the little guy stand up against the
Bullies and I’ll never forget that’s the last that’s one of the last things Mark said was leave the leave the work to us we’ll take care of it something like that because otherwise you get people coming after you you know I hope so I sure do it’s nice when
We can all be together and then you know skunk is funny thank goodness that we have skunk in here and Gandalf roll rolling cigarettes and Sally busting up with her neighbor and Joanne riding her roller skates and cwl sticking up for a Channel or we’d have nothing to talk about Joan Joan Joan Joanne yeah Joanne and I know all about trolls don’t we Joanne and you are being a Hitman I bet you are I bet you got it under control though you just put somebody maybe in their place politely to go you can’t talk like that in here here’s your warning that’s right
Gandalf I feel like I’m reading a play oh yes Joan are you going to dress up for Halloween this year Hey where’s uh Wendy and Peter Pan about the channel I defended I was the second one to subscribe to him but when I defended him he didn’t say anything to get me
Unbanned second one to subscribe to him that’s terrible well there that shows you that you were loyal and you know what good riddens it’s kind of like people like that you have to just brush off because the truth is is that he showed you or they I’m sorry I’m saying he they
Whoever they are showed you who they are and they are not looking to care about what a subscriber does for them I don’t really want names in here Joanne I hit unsubscribe button like it owed me money he emailed me and I have been brushing him off whoa yeah good don’t
But curiosity killed the cat and this is a tough place I know you do Joan but we’re not doing that in here because they’re going to come after this Channel and they’re going to clip it and they’re going to say we talk bad about people and we don’t because we only talk
About roller skating ice skating hating snow and the Pug and you got I know you guys I’m sitting here and I have a knot in my hair I’m trying to take my pony out cuz I took a shower and I pulled my hair up into a
Bun and I’m trying to pull my hair out so I can’t even see anything right now because my hair is noted oh I almost got it I did oh yeah that feels good to get my hair down I have had it up all day wet I wonder what my curls look
Like wait I wonder if I even have curls okay everybody close your eyes oh it’s frizzy I everybody close your eyes some of it’s curly but not really look at that curl you can’t even see it can you okay I just wanted to see oh everybody close your eyes it’s the
Rule it’s the rule don’t screenshot oh let’s see what I can read um me having wait I do and me having a small what we did not talk about that snow is cuss word at my house oh then you fit in with them laughing my ass off Thomas
Amen look at you skunk thank you wait what are you oh cuz you’re laughing then you I’m sorry oh you feel bad that he’s got a small peeee so cwl I’m sorry how old are you are you a young or are you are you an adult because I’m just
Curious oh thanks for being honest you are young that’s for sure I just always say I’m 29 I should probably increase it a little bit as I’m aging maybe I should say 39 better age yeah thank goodness I’ll be 40 oh good happy birthday soon um I just want to see something
Once real quick sorry drop that down sorry sorry I don’t know what it’s doing right now oh good oh my gosh I’m older than dirt in November you’ll be40 I’m 19 with 21 years of experience love it h on give me two seconds I’m back hi look I put my hair
Up sorry if it um it did the buffering thing because I I left I wanted to see if I could um invite tanka and hi STS Blues first time here oh thank you that’s the fire and then that’s the decorations on top it’s a little very orange I got the scarecrows going
On and the fireplace you know what I would totally say it is a frame of mind what I don’t like is when these weirdos say that um age is just a frame of mind and I don’t like when teenagers do it because but it is it is just a frame
Of mind to a certain degree because I do not feel as old as I am you know what I’m saying and um I don’t know but then there’s some weirdos who are like you know I’m going to marry a an 11-year-old and she’s my wife now no I don’t think
So Styles L I didn’t see any Hobbits or Orcs I love Hobbits I like Hobbit homes oh my gosh you guys is it not the coolest looking thing to live live in in those Hills in the ground like from um you know where Gandalf comes from and
Um you know what I mean I can’t even think of it Lord of the Rings my goodness it took forever anyways those homes and the way they I wish that I could get a home like that I would live in it and I would love it
And I would have that where they do the cooking and the teapot and everything and it would looks so freaking cute I love it love it love it and I also as a child really wanted so badly to live in Smurf Village because I wanted a mushroom home now how crazy does that
Sound I’m so in love with habit scenery oh I love it I just think it’s amazing and it feels so natural and so Fantastical it’s like I know Fantastical it’s like a Fantastical romantical you fanal place and I want to go oh my goodness and fairy um like a fairy
Village like how that would look like in Tinkerbell oh my goodness I just love it there’s something about it and then like people say oh well do you want me to is that something you want do you want like a little thing that you can set up like this Village
And I go no I I mean I would want it it makes me excited to look at these little things the figurines and everything I’m like I want to live there I want it my size my assistant showed up to his job interview dressed as Frodo at first I thought I was being
Punked oh pranked I love you so thank you so much candle you guys should be dropping links in here Joanne or skunk so that we can have more um we’re skunky Sally do you know how to drop a link I want everyone to be able to drop a
Link drop your links I want everybody subscribed do not watch while tripping okay I’ll make sure to I’ll make sure well I just made stalls and Gandalf uh mods so if they can drop their own links that’d be great put them to work the very first
Time hi welcome to my chat get to work could you please drop your own link see the only things that I can think of as singing around the fire oh man did you ever hear the soundtrack Stone SE welcome welcome Godfather how are you are you bringing the crowds with you
So you know all your people coming give me some likes and some views so we can have a party with stall uh Gandalf you are you’re BW like a Smurf so now you can drop your link so that people can subscribe to you Stone do you know how to grab
People’s links like I do for you or do you not know Joanne doesn’t know and for some reason skunk disappeared and I know he knows something tells me that skunk got a hold of that doll again I don’t know see I knew it so so everybody so Joanne and you need to take
A modding class so that you can drop the link drop the link drop a link drop a link I Blue what is that song I Believe I Can I don’t even know what the words are to that they play it at the clubs well they did play it at the clubs a lot when I was clubbing um Stone SE is starting up his channel pretty good and strong if you
All are interested he likes to just try to talk is trying to tell his life story be the change that we want to see in the world um and if you could What if you could um drop Stone se’s link or go click on him and go subscri subscribe to him and if you could don’t forget Miss damaged goods with no regrets white boy lockdown radio Cross Your Heart the plug podcast subscribe up to them subscribe to soldja
T that might be the link to a playlist I’m having trouble typing salute salute give a shout out to our people I suck at the internet that’s all right well I wanted everybody drop your own link you know your own link drop yours I want people to subscribe to each
Other I wanted stall to drop uh their link I wanted gandal to drop his link anybody and everybody who wants to be a part of something and just hang out once in a while you have a place to go here make sure you’re subscribed to me make
Sure you’re subscribed to each other and we can all hang out we can talk about life just click on the dots in the chat go to channel pick a blank spot on the page right C and hit copy then come back are you telling me to do
That I know how to post a link but I have mods to do that for me I do every single person I mod for I help so that they don’t have to be distracted thank you thank you thank you thank you see I don’t have any content on my
Channel but maybe Mond day yep that’s what I said I had a channel since I I had it set up so it was like a channel since like I don’t want to lie but it says in my history somewhere I feel like 2011 and I just was watching and using
YouTube and then I got inspired because there was a case of missing children and I wanted to be a part of that and I wanted to share her face out and I wanted and then there was another missing girl and then I wanted to share that and then and
I never did really I still held on to it I shared it on my Facebook but then I was sitting in a room and I’m like if if I can listen to this woman share her story over and over again and be empowered by her just sharing literally her same story her same
Information over and over again for almost a year and she would say do something different you know get the faces of the missing out you don’t have to you know talk bad about people you don’t have to start a war on the internet you can actually make a
Difference and the group of women that were in there listening to her um came together and all had different issues from domestic violence to um you know child abuse to missing children um lost family members um everyone in that group kind of had the same thing where we had a compassion for one
Another and we all could meet on a same level where we all uh had a human connection no matter what color no matter what Creed no matter our religion we all could just feel the loss and the human connection and the needs of what every human wants in their life which is
Safety happiness good health family and love you know when you have those and you have a group there’s you develop a certain amount of respect respect is earned it’s not demanded in any way you know we can’t demand that somebody respect us you know there’s a there’s certain amount of morals and
Manners that people have I respect each person as an individual because everybody has their story and that’s what I wanted the fireplace to be I wanted us to be able to well once I get streamyard I would love for everybody to be able to grab a link if they want to
And we can all be sitting up here chitchatting and talking one at a time no arguments I want it to be free flowing um like how i’ I’d say like how we talk at at a family barbecue or a family get together but that’s in my family that wasn’t the case there was
Always somebody pissed off at something so the truth is is if we could just all respect one another as if we’re like camping out we’re all hanging around you know roasting marshmallows around the campfire maybe sipping some hot cocoa maybe something different maybe coffee whatever you want to drink that’s on
You but the one thing is that there’s a a a kind of um kindness and uh respect in general just for being in the same room together but like I said respect is something you can’t demand from somebody and there’s something you can’t expect it and some people tend to not give
Respect freely because they do believe that people need to earn it and they do need to earn it to a certain degree thank you I think it’s great I the chat went really fast so I didn’t really get to see everything but because I was ranting and raving and talking
Like a mile a minute just subscribe to everyone on here who has that’s awesome Stone and that’s what I’m trying to do there’s this guy I don’t even know if you guys know him his name is Jersey rich I don’t know where he comes from I don’t know from what
Side of the block he comes from but he is like Stone and me and we are all preaching the same thing which is all people can come together all people can share and learn from one another and that if we all subscribe to one another and lift one
Another like it’s kind of a freebie hey I’m giving you my subscription and once I get to know you and if I like you and or if I feel that we can meld or I’m understanding you cool but if there’s something you’re doing that I’m not liking or you know what I’m saying
Derogatory whatever well then there’s you also have that unsubscribe button to hit as well but I want to give everyone the benefit of the doubt I believe that we can have channels that we can sit behind and we can speak our minds we have a platform
To say what we believe in we can say what makes us happy what makes us sad and we can use these platforms to lift others instead of if you have to step on all of your friends to get to the top is it worth it I don’t think
So and I just feel like sorry I got to grab my phone because I don’t want to lose these links one second talks amongst yourselves first if I leave hi I’m back with my hair bun anyways I just feel like it’s very worth it you know what there’s a lot of people
In the same boat as ucwl and the truth is is that it can be it can be a platform to speak your truth to speak your heart to just hang out and laugh it can be your place that you go to when you’re wanting to talk out of problem
And there’s going to be some people there that are going to listen to you and there’s going to be some people who are like I really don’t care and they’re going to leave and then or they have some place better to go or they’re just stopping in because they want to give
You that like because they do care about you and they want you to succeed and it’s the likes it’s the visits it’s the watching uh YouTube actually keeps track of all of these algorithms and the way you can help lift one another is even if you go visit someone’s page in their
Community page or their old videos just making a comment by saying hey I liked your show or hey I’m just stopping by the comment itself changes the algorithm for that person you can actually help someone so much by commenting on old videos watching old videos that you haven’t seen before um
And commenting in the chats when you’re having an interaction throughout your live event it’s keeping track of people people even talking to you and what you’re talking not what you’re well it might be who knows what AI does with what it’s you know whether it’s recording what we’re saying
But my go-to comment is Splendid that’s awesome um sometimes it’s just hey keep it up hey way to go good job or thanks for sharing that’s my favorite one because someone took the time to make a video and I’m watching it the least I can do is hey thanks for sharing or whoa
That was cool if I thought it was cool or you know have a real honest reaction or a response but the more that we engage with one another and we talk with one another and then we’re sharing it out sharing the video out onto your own platform and then taking that person in
It like if I watch Gandalf’s video I would say oh my gosh some you know what Joann’s got to see this she’s not here today and I could share it and I could go hey go check out my uh uh this Channel gandal and
Um you at you at sign them you know you hit at Gandalf um and then it’ll pull him up because you’re subscribed so then he’ll highlight and then you can say go like share and subs subscribe and then you can even go hey at Joanne tag
Her and go you missed this I wish you would have been there you know you can talk to one another on your posts so you’re sharing someone else’s content but you’re giving them credit for that content I hope it all makes sense but that’s how you help one another sharing
Tagging sharing and tagging and I know that there’s people like I was tagged in like 50 videos yeah well the reason I take is you need to give people credit where credits due and that’s how you can honor that channel and that’s what I’ve heard from
A lot of people but then there’s this group of people who G who will say don’t take me why are you tagging me in that because it bothers them well that’s fine but make a note of Who Wants to be tagged and who doesn’t but as for us who
Are starting out we can each other we can build each other up to new heights to different levels to making a difference in the way the algorithm sees us You’ve Got Mail I’ve got mail o looks like looks like ceron is going live now I know where Stone’s going Stone did you leave
Yet Stone you better say that you um are still here cuz if you left already without saying goodbye yeah shout out damage goods and Matt I know you’re probably leaving ceron is going live tell ceron he should stop by me well I know you’re here I’m just saying I know where you’d rather
Be and this is where you write there’s nowhere I’d rather be I’m just kidding oh this is great we can have a group of people who are all looking out for each other and I wish I had somebody who could drop Jersey riches link because I really want to promote that
Guy he’s so positive with me he’s so talking about he’s just tired of people fighting and he wants channels to get a chance everybody’s dream is to get paid by YouTube except me oh my gosh I just was talking about Jersey Rich did somebody take him that is so crazy if you rewind
That’s exactly who I was just talking about that is fantastic anyways Jersey I was just telling everybody how positive you are and and the hope that you bring to YouTube I’m so glad you stopped by now I’m not talking behind your back I’m actually talking to you right here
Wow you guys is that kind of psychic or what ain’t that ain’t that sound Stone did you tell Jersey to come over that is just crazy right before I joined YouTube I ran across Ross a video that a guy I used to work with made a video about me
And another guy we worked with I ran across a video that a guy used to work with that is crazy Stone did that’s awesome you didn’t he is a good guy see Jersey for real I literally was just talking about you everybody can like tell you it’s like for real like you
Just psychically came in here anyways I want um I was telling everybody how we can lift other channels and how you’re talking about that too with all your people and that everybody deserves a chance and if we can get the word out and have everybody subscribe it’s a freebie but if people
Start acting up and ways we don’t like well you know what you can do is you can either unsubscribe or you just turn off that notification Bell you don’t have to unsubscribe you know what I mean we can still be kind to one another and keep that subscription for somebody and
Always tag and share the lives and share it out tag people in it I really think it’s just so important um because I think once you get big you only people like to like write some stuff down write some stuff you know how you write the description they write their
Description and they maybe take a couple of their buddies but that’s it and then they do talking the whole time and if you don’t have your good mods in there to be dropping links for people and saying hey and it’s something you have to learn I learned it um by practicing um my
Friend uh Natasha she goes by boots and um that’s not doxing her she has her name out there but uh boot heels Rising she is really she pours herself into these cases of missing kids missing like people women men whatever things that have a mystery behind them and she
Actually goes and digs up all of the filing paperwork on it and she will read it from the police she will read it from the courts she will read it from everything and um you guys I went in there one day and there was like two people in there I
Didn’t know why she didn’t have anybody in there and um I invited her here tonight because I really wanted to drop her link because what she’s doing is freaking important it’s so important you guys I mean granted I want you know I want us to be able to sit around the fire and
Just like have a relaxing night and chill that would be great but when we’re getting started we got to put the work in we got to be together we got to be on the same page we got to go okay listen to our notification bells and even if we
Are busy if you can grab that freaking phone and go give that person the hey I’m checking in like it uh share it and you’re already subscribed but you know what I mean that’s how we’re going to make that change we got to get those
Likes up we got to get the views out there don’t forget you got to make your short videos but you don’t want to make too many short videos because you’re not going to really see all of them but you can even make a video and not do a live
And still post that video I’m really bad at videography I am like I want to cook while everyone’s seeing it but I can’t I can’t get it all down pat but I don’t know how to cut the video and do and do it in stages like people do
So one day one day I will learn it and I hope that would be cool because I would really love to do some I do bracelet making um I have some petrified um wood that I got in um Arizona that I bought I didn’t steal it
Anyways I make bracelets out of it um I have some crystals and things um I’m not very Mystic like that I believe in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior but I believe that some people believe that these gems do carry healing properties and I’m not about stopping people from
Believing what they believe and I still will tell them what I believe in I’m talking in mile a minute but anyways I hope you guys get what I’m saying I could do crafts we can do whatever you can walk and talk on your lives you can show them scenery
But I don’t know there’s so much that we can talk about on a human level because we all want the same thing and CW I and I want to call you I feel like I’m want a different name like a c or something I’m sorry because I can can’t
Read it all the time but I want to kind of call you owl for some reason um sorry but you said your Health’s not that great do you know how many people come in here and we’re not that great miss Joanne The Hitman Glass she is my rightand girl and
She is so uplifting because when I’m hating on myself or not feeling good that girl is not feeling good either and she’ll be like I’m hurting and and there’s nothing I can do about it and she’ll be like we can get through it together you know just keep holding on and um
And it’s a good group that we can I it’s all about lifting I I don’t know I’m overusing the word lifting maybe I don’t know but I’m just saying there’s something so great about knowing that there are people who believe in other people knowing that you can change the
Outcome for someone is one of the most amazing feelings because when you’re helping someone else you’re not really thinking about I don’t feel good you’re not thinking about oh I don’t have something or oh I you don’t have the time to be depressed about thinking about something
I’m not saying ignore your lives but once we help others that joy and that that lift that happens to us it’s the giving that lifts us it’s it’s not the receiving so when I’m giving you a piece when I go into your chat and I want to
Be a mod for you I’m giving you a piece of me in order to help you give a piece of yourself to your viewers does that make sense I mean I I don’t know maybe I’m talking too weird but I just want you all to know I
Appreciate each and every one of you and and and I know you ain’t a Jesus person but you don’t care right that’s my thing girl I love you and that’s the thing love right it’s the love isn’t it you know the love the love starts with a human level of not getting
All of the the politics of things in the way um but I would respect and be honored if anyone wanted to share that information with me you know that if C uh WL wants to share a story that I will shut up believe it or
Not I can because I have duct tape and um that’s what we can do Clemson Tigers thanks for stopping bye good to see you you guys Clemson is another one you know I went into these groups I went into these channels you know by happen
Stance I don’t even know how I what led me to who to who to what but I followed these channels and Clemson has a lot of good to say but I don’t know my my fear is that people think I’m something I’m not and all I am is for
You to succeed and have a better Channel I want everyone yeah duct tape for real I can I will shut up I promise I want everyone who wants to be successful on YouTube to have that chance like everybody else and the only way that we’re going to do that is by lifting one
Another subscribe share subscribe and share it’s I I mean it’s such a repeat but people forget it don’t forget to tag people like if I’m sharing uh Jersey’s uh live that he did hey you missed this you guys got to go check out what he’s got to say and I tag Jersey
Rich to give him the credit for that video and also let him know hey it’s shared and people can click on it and it’s just the right thing to do um and right on remember I forgot to tell you guys some of you I don’t know
Who’s all in here and who’s all not Clemson comments after are so important if if a channel wants to grow it’s after the Live Well it’s during the live you need tons of comments you can’t you can have a bunch of people on your panel I’d like to soon
I just can’t afford the um stream yet but I plan on it and if you have six people talking no one’s writing in your chat the algorithm needs you to have writing in that chat you guys you got to have the whole conversation going because then the
Computer the AI that is listening and watching your um YouTube video is seeing how many people are interacting with you look at this person saying this and they’re talking and talking and they it increases the algorithm and that puts you out there for the next person to see
It’s so amazing how this works it’s very very exciting and if you can talk about it with like other people you can get them lifted and and and they’ll do the same thing we all can promote one another what we got to do is stop hating on one another everybody’s going to do
Something different everybody has different goals but we all have to remember the same goal is Success Finance love kindness good health for our families nothing else all these people we don’t need to fight with anybody on YouTube do you know what the coolest thing is is you have the the ability to
Block if somebody is causing trouble in your chat and it’s triggering you you want to and you’re biting your tongue but you want to keep your channel you can’t go off and say certain words that is the truth you will never go to these big million channels you know like the 1.5
Million unless they’re a celebrity right because they get away with quite a bit but let’s just say uh okay there’s a lady I I watch um she tells stories about uh us it’s missing people it’s a she’s got a million viewers she also has like two other channels you know a
Casual one one where she tells horror stories one where she tells murder stories um but there’s words you cannot say on YouTube you cannot say the grape word with the r you cannot say oh we got royalty in the house I got ceron in here everybody say hey
Oh my gosh that’s my symbol the wood and the fire I love it so um what was my point oh you need to know the words that they’re going to trigger you on or trigger you on they’re going to tag you or flag you that’s the
Word they flag you on on Words and yeah are you going to not be able to express yourself the way you really want to yeah I’m not GNA be able like right now I’m not even in a position they’re I don’t think they’re watching me just yet so [ __ ] wouldn’t bother my channel
I don’t think watch it will but once you get up in the numbers and once you you’ve acquired that thousand that you need you need to watch your tongue you can’t say the words because you could be flagged and every time you’re flagged you get a warning or
Whatnot and you could lose your Channel we know several people within the um True Crime community that have gone way too far and abused their position and allowed too much that they ended up losing their channels and yeah do they come back yeah in these weird sort of ways they can
Come back but guess what the AI and the algorithm and the people who are visiting that channel they know that it’s you again so then they and your channel so your best goal is to hold on to your channel my channel can put anyone to sleep it’s all about making
People go un go come on I got skunk and Joan in here I don’t hate people much what the heck stop okay everybody needs a subscribe oh my gosh Gandalf you’re doing so good thank you for sharing the the um links I really appreciate it it
Means a lot because I know that it’s going to make a difference and everybody’s going to feel it all of a sudden you’re going to look in your numbers and you’re going to be like so proud and you should be but keep those numbers and keep it together
And eventually whatever’s in your heart and your soul you’re going to be able to talk about it it could be your grandkids it could be your daughter it could be her first prom it could be you know you got a promotion at work and you know you don’t want to tell too much
But you want to go I’m feeling really good today and spread it this world is getting darker and darker we got Wars going on let’s try to be different I’ve been sorry oh my gosh you guys my my eyes I apologize I look like a dor I
Can’t I’ve been noticing that a lot of YouTubers are having a hard time getting their numbers up even even though they have good content you know it could be you know we don’t know how long you guys we don’t know how long YouTube’s going to
Last but we sure can do our best to get what we can get and do what we can do I mean there’s people who put their cash apps out there’s people who put their um paypals out and really you can lift one another you know let’s just say I’m not
Saying that that’s what I need I I’m saying you can bless someone who’s feeling really low like if I’m watching someone and they just did a really outstanding job and I’m so thankful for what they said or they brought to the table oh I used a stone
Reference I didn’t mean to steal that sir and they bring a lot to the campfire then you can um tip them that’s why I always say are those chestnuts those are chestnuts roasting I cannot wait till Christmas I hope you all join me around Christmas because I’m going to
Sing and you’re going to hate it but I’m going to have a great time and I’m really praying and hoping that I can get the U streamyard by then because then I can have tanka up here and he sings every time someone says a word that reminds him of a song he’ll start
Singing there’s a silver lining behind every cloud yes that’s the truth and people need that people need to when things are going wrong is when we need to think about what’s going right and I don’t mean to be losing people from this my ranting and and
Raving but I want you all to know that there is no side Dolly bear Fireside has no side except the Fireside my side is with heavenly father and my friends who want to do good on YouTube if there was actual nuts Chestnut what would go viral I guarantee that video would go
Viral Joanne what Joanne what are you doing I need to read now oh my gosh you guys I dislike everyone equally everyone that’s just skunk I don’t even know if anyone’s here it says I got two people here there two people now because it could be a lot worse we could be
Below that’s instead of right oh good well I’m glad you guys are still here I don’t know why the numbers change and then all of a sudden I feel like I don’t know what Joan is all four doing with skunk but I hope they make a video of it
And I will go watch it and let’s see if it goes viral do it I will share it everywhere Gandalf I stopped by and said hi oh awesome I’m so glad popping in and out of everybody’s chat and you know what the thing is is sometimes you know I know that this is
Long-winded right now this is like an hour and 41 minutes but if someone were to take the time to actually watch it from beginning to end is what really makes the videos like I might not have even that’s why people do Quick videos 20 minutes 22 because then you’re kind of guaranteeing
That people are getting in uh said here we go you’re getting in and watching it from beginning to end and you’re getting credit for that that someone watched 20 minutes of your video like this hour and 41 minutes I might get that the average person only watched 10
Minutes of it so you kind of want to stick around and help out your buddies a little bit if you got nothing to do just turn it on I can’t wait to read this I got my glasses hang on I said that I have an idea for a
Viral video next time I come over I want to film me putting you in putting you in for your weekly dry ride oh my gosh you know what if you guys really did that that I I bet you it’d be flagged but I it would go viral put it on Tik Tok for
Sure see skunk always puts Joanne sometimes Joanne misbehaves I I I don’t know what to tell you but she does Miss Joanne is the Hitman of the of the crew and sometimes she needs to be put in the dryer and skunk takes care of that speaking of which I need to pull up
Three other lives yeah pull up your lives wait what do you mean I don’t know what that means but if it’s put your lives out yeah put them out let them be seen I know there’s someone’s nuts on that fire oh my gosh skun nuts roasting on an open
Fire Jack Frost nipping at your nose you’ll type carols being sung by a choir and folks dressed up like in everybody knows a turkey and some mistletoe did you notice I didn’t say Eskimo I said Inuit I wanted to be politically correct skunk has skunk nuts
Did you guys ever see the meme with that poor squirrel hanging by his nuts that’s I think that’s a real picture but I I don’t think I ever knew that wait did I say skunk I meant squirrel did I say squirrel squirrel hanging by some metal you got to you
Should Google it it’s like the saddest and funniest thing all the same time oh his poor nuts squeezed in that little metal poor guy poor little guy here did my stone leave yet I think Stone’s gonna have to get at least four computers so that he can keep up with me Mr
Ceron is it ceron or spender Ron my Subs go up and down oh I’ll gain a few then I lose a few I think people have an aversion to videos I feel like my videos enrage people they subscribe to be nice watch a video and then explode skunk is skanky well here’s the
Thing that’s what I was just saying I mean if it is there are some people some creators who have a funky idea of what is their creation and and if you don’t like it that doesn’t mean you have to unsubscribe you turn the Bell off for notifications you know what I
Mean and or you personalize it and then you get less but you can move and toggle all of that to help it depends on who you really want to help and who who’s who’s really in your corner or not and yeah do people do do it to be
Nice and then they you got to get their attention you got to somehow keep them interested I have no idea how I can keep people interested after the point of where I’m at right now is I just want to lift everyone and get us all together on the same page so my you
Know I can only talk about that maybe once a week for a little bit and then it’s boring it’s over and people are like all right all right already we hit the like we hit the [ __ ] like what do you want from us Dolly what I meant was three other lives
Just started and I put them on other tabs so I can jump back oh whoa you know what go watch something else I’m just babbling at this point I’m just about ready to go I got to get uh food heated up up yeah I got to get food heated up I
Got to sweep my floor I got to load the well no I loaded the dishes already but I got to clean my favorite c um countertop but there is something I want to do coming up very soon I don’t know how exciting it would be because I need
Time for my DOTA rise and stuff like that but I do want to go through the steps of making Hala bread and I don’t know if you know it’s some people call it Chala but it’s Hala bread and it is a Jewish tradition that when you make Hala
Bread you pray while you make it if anybody wants to be a part of it cool I would love it for anyone to stop by I will give notice on it when I’m going to do it I need to make sure that I have enough of my flour and
Ingredients and then I’m going to make it in front of everyone but then maybe say okay well this is the first part now we’ll let it rise and I’ll come back how about you know we all meet back in like an hour or something you know
What you know what I mean so maybe we could do it together that’d be great Dolly you’ve got some muscles I do can you see my muscles my my judar is tingling well I didn’t know I mean my my Palestinian friend she makes like I I actually was thinking about doing both
Because I I can get the ingredients to make you take grape leaves you soak them overnight and then you take some hambur suar and you put in some cinnamon and some cayenne pepper and some onion and some other ingredients and chunks of meat and you roll it up um in a grape
Leaf and then you put them all in the bottom of this pan so you know I was going to do both the Hala bread and prey and then for both because I want peace on Earth Goodwill toward men yeah you know like I said I’m at the fire side I don’t pick a
Side hey monkey man well I was thinking about making two different things Hala bread for Israel for the Jews that are being affected by the war and then uh for the Palestinian side um make some it’s meat and I can’t remember what it’s called but it’s meat and rice
And spices rolled into a grape Lea leaf and then you make a ton of them and you roll them up and you put them in the bottom of a pan you stick them in the oven and then the leaves get really soft and delicious that’s what I’m saying so
Whether anybody’s Palestinian Dar or Jud is going off the my hope is for peace just like how I wish for peace on YouTube everybody’s fighting their own battle just different demons and we need to figure that out how we can all just get along so there’s the blue
Fire I think it’s kind of purpley I think if the leaders would get together and have a drink and maybe smoke a bowl for a while I think that the world would be better bright I just can’t go to everyone’s lives I tried I don’t have enough time I know my
Human human being D is going off thank you and if all else fails guess what I’ll do we’ll just make chocolate chip cookies how about that and actually you know what’s so funny CU we wouldn’t even be making I mean we’d be making chocolate chip cookies but they’re all pre-made they’re
Just the little square things and then you grab them and you put them down on the the pan my only problem is I don’t know how to mail them to all of you so that you can have them that’s what really sucks because when you cook you want to share
It with the people you’re cooking with and that that’s one thing that YouTube is just going to be a problem for me I mean I told Joanne I could send her some food see if it lasts I don’t think I don’t think those shrimp would last very long Joanne in the
Mail although couldn’t I overnight it with a ice pack I wonder well I want to thank you all for choosing tonight to see me I really monkey man I’m so glad that you stopped by I hope that everyone if you talk to your friends tell them to come here fast
Forward to the part where we’re talking about everybody uniting because I really wish that the video that I’m making right now with you guys that people will hear my voice and hear what I’m trying to say and see that we all can come together and that all of
You the way you were all talking with one another and sharing links and and saying I got you I got you I subscribed everybody don’t forget monkey man subscribe to monkey man you know everybody has had I have to support the Bear yes so click on monkey man’s uh bless smurfness and
Then you know subscribe um because it’s it’s up to us that’s just the bottom line there’s nobody we can blame except ourselves and if you have something to say and you have lessons to teach for your children grandchildren like I said hopefully by December I’ll get streamyard and I’m
Going to have all of you up here I would love to interview talk get to know you all hear your story you don’t even have to show your face um but I think it would be a wonderful thing to have everyone together for as long as we still have
This YouTube thing available to us we might as well put it to good use so I really with with all my heart I thank you I love you all God bless you and uh I’ll catch you on the flip side or by my Fireside peace out guys