I was a billionaire and you was poor and I was shouting at you instructions to get money if you turn around and say to me oh your your deliver is bad you’re a [Β __Β ] idiot just cuz you don’t want to hear the truth at the moment being you
Oh your deliver is bad if someone if some’s a billionaire and I’m poor but shout what you want I’m going to be writing it down new episode out now please like share subscribe also we got Summer Love in M next year go on to Summer Love Instagram page click the
Link in the bio and you can pay deposits all the way till July theand in I saying that I should start a membership Channel extra content we are yes no we are we are we are and P extra content and giveaways and stuff like that in the in in the
Membership only channel so we’re putting a poll is it yes or no put that in the comments yeah granola is like squares like I think 300 something calories per square that’s but I use it as a a filler I find it hard to hit my my
Daily intake so my daily intake is about 36 so in days where I struggle to hit it or days when I know I’m going to struggle to hit it as uh that’s my that’s that’s my maintenance as well you know imagine that 36 is your maintenance yeah crazy bro if I eat like
Under 3,000 and I stay like that for like a month I’ll get shredded without doing nothing that’s crazy I can actually skip gym and do the bare minimum and get shredded come mym has always been it’s always been crazy high so I use this just to keep my weight on the
Joke thing is that I’ve been in cardio every day but staying on maintenance I’ve dropped about freaking the P mon I’m trying to do it steady though I don’t want to yeah yeah I’m not even going in the in the calorie deficit cuz I don’t want to just
Lose bare size and lose my power the next minute I just look you know I mean me I don’t mind gu down slowly that one huh that one we’re mature now we’re mature mature mat mature hey last episode there wasn’t that much poses you know I still hat
Yeah there was though there was a couple there’s a couple what it wasn’t as much as usual I see I see a new a new comment today something like Gabriel said something like two man in the front two men in the back or something someone said pause wow yeah it’s the comments
Now it’s not even just us it’s beyond us wow it’s beyond we’re just players in a bigger game yeah me it’s above me now someone in the comments said I got the best shoulders ever shoulders yeah I I wanted to I didn’t I didn’t want to say
Anything but it’s cuz the jacket is a motorbik jacket okay it’s got pads so I can’t even take that compliment you get what I’m saying I wish it was true so how much you weigh uh 98 kilos right now St I know what kilos are so 102 is
16 so I’m not I’m not too far away from 16 Stone yeah I nowhere near that how much you weigh I don’t know I don’t think I weigh 10 Stone I don’t think I do you must bro 6 65 you must we more than 10 Stu have to bro I I think you’d
Be dead I think you’d be in the hospital bed somewhere no way I’m no there you’re no but you don’t like say for example like the week before last I didn’t eat for like 4 days I just drank water 10 Stone what that s seven even less than that maybe 10 St yeah
Yeah I need to away I’m there bro you’re defin you’re definitely not 10 even just your skeleton is more than more than 10 you’re 65 bro definitely not not that but k k cool away more n no he’ be massive pause if he was if he was bigger
Than you K probably WS like a a dumbbell like 65 or 60 that’s imp yeah you know that’s impossible remember kid go gym so yeah so that means so for his height it’s reasonable but muscle weighs more than F muscle don’t weigh more than that muscle it’s more dense so it’s more com
Compressed no it’s like a um so it’s like a bagel and bread yeah in a way yeah that’s a stupid analogy very dumb the same height as me but 98 more than likely they look F if they went into gym cuz the body composition will be
More fluffy if they if they didn’t lift you never been fat no I’m a mar you I’ve never been fat yet my natural bu is like e this what I’m saying but you know I’m I’m 36 now yeah and I’m thinking I want to be fat at least once before I die I
Don’t want to but it’s it looks warm it looks hella warm it looks comfortable I don’t want to just in case health issues yeah but you can do a 5 years fat and five that’s a long time that’s a long maybe a 2 years fat then two years fat could
Maybe work just to see what it feels like no I’m all right St you don’t want to do what’s it RI Rick Ross boss belly you don’t at least once when you come down and wait then when you come back to normal now you have sing skin I don’t want tighten back
Up though not really when you you have to have operation it depends how big you get depends how big you are I’ll give example I got a bre who he weighs 125 kilos is my height L that’s a lot yeah but he used to be so he lost
About I think he lost about 50 kilos okay you get what I’m saying yeah that’s so wow yeah that’s 75 he dropped no he dropped yeah from 175 or 18 yeah he was at 175 180 he dropped to always 17 175 kilos bro 175 kg that’s crazy
Then drop down to that can’t be safe to drop that much to lose the weight yeah yeah he lost a lot quickly no over over time it has to be he you know way there now he’s 125 but you can see like you can see it yeah the the sing skin and
The hanging over so it’s like he’s still he’s still losing weight and once he gets down a bit more you have to get surgery exactly cut off the Lo skin that’s going to leave scarring you know mean and man them can’t be getting them tattoos on there like you know the bad
Bees when you see the Americans with the tats there you already know what it is they’ve already done the surgery took off the excess and used the tap to cover the scaring that it’s that’s how I’m like I wouldn’t even risk it it’s dangerous it’s dangerous playing
Yo-yo with your health as well you know it’s not even my main worry is not about the body it’s more about the heart yeah straight on the heart straight on the heart I see some of my regins that I didn’t want to mention their names but one of the men them went
Jamaica 5 years ago and from that day I knew I could never get out of shape come is about to board a plane and you know you’s got hand luggage then he’s got another little it’s like big you passed that to me I was like what the
Hell is in there he said ra all my medicines that’s czy you know it is when I saw that I need these girl as well all right you need all of this just to survive that’s crazy at our age Imagine 10 12 years it’s bad bro would you prefer yeah
So obviously everyone says health is wol and all that yeah but what if someone said to you you can either either be healthy or wealthy you have to pick one so let’s let’s say you got money but your diet at like 60 healthy yeah but you be broke forever healthy yeah
Bro I can’t de with pain I’m sorry cuzz if I’m if I’m wealthy and I know I’m going to die at 60 I know I’m going to be suffering to 60 you might as well just kill me now get all and done with you get me imagine you have to deal
With another 20 something years of pain what you got bread you’re not going to enjoy that stupid I can buy my way out of it stupid enough to think I can buy my way out of it hit the black market you got unlimited money real family Black Market by a
Liver how long did my man live to he he looked dead though like he look he’s alive he’s alive but is that living though that’s crazy imagine everything you have to do is assisted can’t [Β __Β ] can’t do anything man the nightclub with IV drip that’s big drip big drip no little spill
Yeah manic come 254 and you got your your nurses and your doctors next to you and man’s using to revive you case when the beat drop on the che I’m back I’m back no no I’m cool I rather live no but M must fix that man money and everything
Bro money is in everything but if I bought new body parts whole new internal organs why sorry yeah that’s a big you got you got very different amount of bits in you that’s crazy wow that’s wild bro wow wo I don’t want that still if I
Get a new set maybe you can’t do lungs can you I don’t think that’s that’s exchangeable one chck want to be built like a old you know how do you C how you robot part robot I do that a Pac maker you’re a robot yeah get my joints redone
Up and I’m sure better go to L CH will be like let me press the button to activate it a transform I have a glass penis or something like glass a glass one it’s got finest Crystal finest Crystal MH well sanded down and everything your body might reject it though
BBS bust down the T of course a bust down to me that’s that’s crazy bro Iron Man Iron Man Okay do you hear what I’m saying yeah cuz you who else what’s the alternative n man there there interchangeable body parts bro well you think money is that important
Though in this Society is I bro but when you adventurous of course when you when you got proper enjoy it it must be the biggest nightmare like you’ve got everything you could afford everything you want yeah but you can’t do nothing let’s say like we all go Dubai now and
Be like ah chins jump in the p uh yeah you see the way my paac maker and just to set up and you get me and the glass thing in that I might break my my glass piece I smashing the W there’s shards everywhere you there shards every it’s in the
Pool bro you’d have to live vicariously like through through other people you know what I mean like your kids can enjoy and stuff like that yeah my life’s over cuz it’s like would you s would you sacri sacrifice yourself for your family’s betterment really and truly is the way I’ll maybe
Justify it would you not at this age what age then what what age would you sacrifice yourself let’s say the value of the years you’ve got left is is what they would get so if if if you if you was to sacrifice yourself now they would get
More than if you was 80 and you did it you know I want see you see that men yeah I think men hit their Peak and then they start to like slowly decline yeah I kind of want to hit my Peak and not have the decline so just
Peek and then dead off all right this one okay how about live to 80 and your kids don’t get nothing or each year before 80 they get a mil yeah I tap out 7 even with a 10 yeah I can see that as well I’m done
I’m I’m done I’m done I want to be look at the way the world you was going to say at least 78 n i can one for you one for you bye little [Β __Β ] be there’ll be a brazy party huh there’ll be a bra but I can see it CHS fell well
Party I meanes it’s definitely in in England in London yeah I do it in night town Tech fle 100% I would have get buried in the tra I don’t want to get buried in no suit or Nothing what what what track you um something fitted okay baggy baggy
Baggy Disney something a bit I that a bit neat I want my hood up that’s it no any come alive course and everybody nor Adidas never yeah I want to get buried in a tracksuit that’s why I don’t go to certain Raves I can’t since school I’ve
Never liked shoes yeah and like whole having to dress up in an impress and fit into a box I just don’t I really don’t like that you know what M that that that’s I would say that’s what kind of changed the Raven scene now cuz before remember like you said the shoes thing
It was just like you had to dress you have to dress like Church preacher you know them ones that [Β __Β ] was annoying you’re in the dance and your F buning in hard loafers then slowly the man them start to go from that to the Bol shoes then yeah once everyone start going to
Like Aura and Sunday and all the little Central spots and you could wear shoes as long at trainers as long as you spent more yeah it it killed it killed the OB scene with the shoes man no one wanted to go back to them dances cuz it was
Just like a waste of time like you’re going to the dance you’re not comfortable you don’t want to dance cuz you know what I mean your foot’s all might slip on wet floor like you might bust a move and rip your charers it’s all mad like I
Was laughing today I see like a old picture of gigs chip get and sker when crazy the boot Cuts was crazy look crazy and they was wearing the the shiny uh frers but you know the funny thing is the way chip was dressed in the is how
People are dressing now I know it’s spun back around spun back around it’s literally come back in Star I don’t think I’m doing that though I’m not yeah I’m not I’m not catching that Tren I ick I rock the I rock the baggy TRS with Air
Force Ones I don’t know I don’t know maybe if I get a rope pair but I just sometimes it just looks silly I think some people just look silly with it from it’s like yeah I think this I’m too old for that to be keeping up with the Jones
Now yeah the oversized drip is back in in style some some some people do yeah some people do the trousers some people do the jumpers some people do both together you know what I mean but it’s kind of like you got the fitted stuff is in style the
Oversiz is in style yeah as long as the fitted the fitted cuz I’m not the super skinny and the over skinny and all that I don’t really do that but I’ve always been a straight or but the baggy stuff I just feel like you L are just they’re
Trying too hard P you know what I mean they’re just trying to be different and you know like some you know people want to be there’s there’s being different and there’s being weird you know some people just do mad crazy stuff being different no nobody does that cuz it’s weird bro yeah
Do you know what I mean but them are work in CX though we in CX and they’re all just like rockers and that and they wear the craziest GS Mor yeah jacket to the back to get the second game any black man who works in CX is morus from now
That’s what I’m calling it yeah 100% looking at the screen just read the binary code in real time that’s mad what programs you not been watching lately I don’t really watch anything anymore you know oh for real yeah my my attention span’s gone completely gone no
But I don’t know I get bored man I’ve been using I’ve been using uh anime to do cardio I’ve been watching some uh anime called jiujitsu Ka oh yeah I don’t know how you do it man huh I don’t know how you do it you don’t watch anything though do
You I don’t know why I’m a bit of a snob I feel like I’m better than people who waste their time on nonsense yeah I you know what I mean but I’ll sit down and watch the interview about people talking [Β __Β ] for hours so it’s no different but
Just consuming maybe it’s not just a fiction of it but it’s like how does that better your life yeah do you know what I mean like I have friends who they’re like they’re working in places they’re not happy with they’re upset they complain they don’t do nothing outside of their work to
Progress or better their self but they’ve seen every episode of some [Β __Β ] and I’m just like you don’t see the correlation you don’t see the correlation here you’re just filling up your time with nonsense people not enjoy things though you don’t have a hobby what’s my I play yeah play
Computer G play computer game I ain’t even done that in a while but just the whole watching it’s like the Matrix in a way you’re just you know like there’s there’s whole something going on here that you’re not paying attention to people are getting rich in this capitalist capitalistic Society doing
Well getting all these slaves to to sell their dreams for a certain amount of money an hour you make entertainment to keep them distracted from the what’s actually going on like I don’t want to be over here just getting distracted I want to be over here pimping [Β __Β ] you
Know what I mean you what I’m saying I don’t want to be I don’t want to be but I think I don’t know for me bro the world right now the world is too negative so no but you’re in a position pause where you you app
Yourself that luxury to be able to do those things you know what I’m saying you have business booming you work here you know what I mean you’re very organized you there’s people that don’t do [Β __Β ] all to better they’re going to be working to their dead yeah basically
Like you know what I mean so you you’ve afforded yourself that luxury to be a bit frivolous with your time I have friends that they ain’t got a minute your kids are grown you what saying the the music a music in bro you know say stop going Studio you get what I’m
Saying like yeah focus on something else yeah do a plaster in course or do something bro cuz yeah your time’s gone your time’s gone no but you see the things here bro it goes back to the thing well I said money and everything man like not everything man Jo feel like it is
You know now this is what we’re going to do if if money is if nothing is hair and everything is hair money is definitely closer to hair than hair that’s true I hear it I hear it like me and a lot of the things man talks off
Camera we know where like when he came today go ra the W said that I’m not as stressed as I was I said to him bro you you said me I said bro I’m still stressed as hell but difference is the the world is so negative at the
Moment and when you switch on your phone in the morning like like I said before I got rid of Twitter yeah cuz I don’t want to see all of that but now I’ve turned off the notification on news apps cuz all you’re seeing is this happened that this happened that happened this
Happened so now I play basketball again once a week like I was meant to play now right now but I’m not no I need to film this this is Thursday I can’t you know what I mean you don’t moved into Thursday when it’s going to be Wednesday
But I put in my diary every Wednesday between this time that’s the basketball that’s what you need you get what I’m saying then when I when I go to the gym and I do my 30 30 35 minute cardio I put my phone on I what ju kaen I watch a
Program so I say right during during my walk I’m watching something that I enjoy so for me right now I’m trying to do everything I could everything I like around huh no I was just thinking of like cardio is boring bro cardio mad boring but cuz it’s boring slap on a
Little show all right I’m killing two birds with one stone I’m like let me let me enjoy something I like while I’m doing something I hate I’m doing something I hate that I know benefits me long term you get what I’m saying I saw short about that iar 50 say
Something about that said try and walk on a treadmill in silence said you hear your heavy breathing you hear your footsteps you hear your heart you won’t last as long pause as yeah bro have you ever done 5K without headphones I don’t think I’ve done 5K my
God entirely in my lifestyle bro one time you must done through football what I started his right wing when I was young and Sprucey turned to Center Midfield sprucy and then when then after like 15 minutes I’m blowing paws like my chest is hot and I just faded back to
Center back I just controlled the line you know what I’m saying I do little BS but my space is regimen too much play smart not hard pause you get me bro during during lockdown now yeah there was one day I was out doing a 5K in the park then all
Of a sudden I heard the you know the Apple airpods the when the batter about I hate that I said my God I must have only be like 1K in but I I forgot that I didn’t charge the the case and all everything so when I was running a here
I was like ra is this what I sound like and you know there’s bad times here where I’ve run past a group of girls they just there getting Ed and I got my music blazing not realizing man I’m like that [Β __Β ] is sexy bro put
Your headphones I got I got uh the Beats Pro that I got the whole yeah so the Beats Pro I got that from uh gym shark event that I still got my airpods but I have both of them fully charged so when I’m in the gym if I hear one the next
One’s on it’s going to be no gaps but yeah the the cardio thing at the moment I do every single day 30 minutes 5 minute cool down I said to myself ra if man is chasing this bread don’t forget your health cuz yeah around for it from the door to the
Driveway is how far I walk in a day you get what I’m saying everywhere I go I just literally pull up my car as close to the door as possible when I go to my venue bro I park on the driveway and just jump out and just walk in so my
Step count wasn’t ever great so I said to myself you know what if you just give yourself a 30 minute walk incline it’s like a hike give yourself a 30 minute walk every day at least your heart’s going to function for long cuz there’s there’s loads of guys we know if you go
To the gym they look in shape but they’re not in shape it’s just aesthetically they you know what I mean but heartwise bro most gy men can’t run after the bus the bus will make it more difficult as well for your heart to keep up most gy man can’t run more than 5
Minutes yeah toast no excuse run minutes even the other day he was playing bkb yeah and one of my BRS he I stopped playing for years but one of my BRS he’s big but he plays all the time and he was and I Look to Him and I S to him bro like
I could tell you don’t do no extra you know what I mean outside of this cuz you’re it was the day I saw you yeah a good guy was Ste St bro he brought he brought me there so I said to him I said to him bro you need
To come and start the cardio and he was he was shoted that not we was I told you we was on for an hour and a half yeah not once did I do this not once did I go on my knees breathing I go on the floor
He was like you could you can run for time I said bro like pause I on my knees oh I make the stallion get me I said bro like and I said to him a thing as well like when he was on the other team I was running and running at him
Cuz I knew cuz I knew no you have to bro he’s a victim now yeah CU I knew I knew he’s going to struggle to breathe and keep up you know about men the suicide rate and men’s mental health and stuff like that you can’t just do that you can’t take s
On man like that man consider you have to you have to show man keep your your your Fitness up and these times remember I’m not even back to my Prime Fitness cuz bro I stopped playing basketball properly 2008 so like I’m not in top basketball
Shape so imagine now let’s say I I plan to do my cardio through all the way to May next year cuz man’s meant to be in America next year for wedding that’s why no no no no no I meant to be there for a wedding next year but it’s a thing that
I can’t slip up cuz I know that you got the buy sevens as well yeah that as well but and the the basketball thing basketball you know what I mean so there’s there’s things I’ve got back to back to back that’s forcing me to have
To stay in shape and I know when I go to America you’re a prick cuz Steve from accounting is over there just trying to have a good time you’re just just torturing man slam duning on man you know what I mean posted was it poting man up whatever they
Say you have to attack you have to be on goal mode you know what I mean so all these little things ruin your man’s mental health for the podcast just just to talk about man yeah see see last Thursday this guy got ruined bro of course everybody on the court knows yeah
Do you know what I’m saying no no no it’s just a thing that Yeah Boy as a man you need to prioritize your health as well bro you know what I mean like you can’t just be every minute money money money money like I said I don’t think there’s much else important
Though ex excluding money and and your health I can’t lie to you you see when I got kids I want to dominate so badly like sports days you know like no no we go to the park we’re playing basketball or football against each other we we’re doing races against each other I’m going
To dominate to your 21 I’m going to I’m going to Bree pass you in front of your girlfriend and say you let the old man get pass you I’m try to show them that till I die I’m number one we got a gym together I’m stronger than you you get
Me bro most people don’t because I’m I’m so lazy that I won’t even do stuff that I know that’s beneficial for me do you get what I’m saying so I’m so lazy I won’t even do stuff for my own betterment do you get what I’m saying lazy doing stuff for other people
Everybody has it I don’t really want to do stuff for other people but doing stuff that’s for my own good now and I still don’t want to do it that’s do you know what I mean and listen I go I go do all of this today and there’s no there’s
No improvement yeah and you know I got to keep this up [Β __Β ] that man I’m not I’m not setting myself up for that [Β __Β ] that you I got do it for 12 weeks to see your muscle I’m [Β __Β ] that man I told you you you got ADHD though I told you ah I
Have my assment I’ve got it I’ve got like level 9 Minister Society ADHD yeah Minister I add it today bro bro we need we need to keep West Calm this guy but just want the podcast going to end with all of us man just hanging
Us going to kill us you see that that stuff here I heard I think I heard Andrew Tate say this like um so if you believe in go and I don’t believe in Gs if you’re at home late at night and you hear a loud bang going to
Go oh it’s just the wind and go [Β __Β ] bed a it so it’s about what you let into your psyche so I think you know like not like depression or a those things if you don’t don’t think I just don’t Panda to them like you know I just live my life
As 100% but I think I think there’s a there’s a benefit to just understanding your own mind because like there’s people that have been before you that have solutions to problems that you have now and there’s probably a few like logical systems that kind of explains
Why you act how you act that you can kind of implement to just be more consistent in your own life cuz I I can imagine you struggle with consistency for things that will benefit you like you said 12 weeks you’re not doing it yeah I don’t I have no consistency
Unless it’s exciting or interesting yeah and then even that even that wears off though after a while like yeah that’s what it is though I’m not rep a repetitious person like I repetitive yeah a few times I might do it I don’t get what I want back [Β __Β ] this I’m on to
The next or something I can get you do the podcast every Friday cuz the Mand are there so you’ve got like a PE pressure like a if you don’t turn up you got fine to pay you got like no but there’s some weeks when I don’t want to
Be there though but you’re still there though no I hear you but it’s like it’s weird because it’s something I want to do I don’t know it’s like not like a mental illness but it’s like a mental block like where I don’t know you just have like a
A bad I don’t if it’s like a bad attitude but I just don’t want to don’t want to do [Β __Β ] yeah do you know what I mean like I get you and that’s probably why even kid can tesed this man don’t really set much goal you
See like how he’s got a goal yeah for uh um this time I’m going to be here and I got to be at this level of I just don’t set goals then I have no disappointments yeah that’s that’s that’s a symptom bro of you’re you’re taking off all the of
ADHD bro you reckon yeah every everything you said is stuff that I do and that’s what that’s what in the conversation today was mentioned to me like yeah you’ve got this you’re level 9 this level 16 this like yeah I don’t I think that’s an excuse to just be a
Waste man but it’s not cuz there’s there’s a guy sitting down watching this that has the capability to do everything he’s just going to turn off now I got no cuz it’s not it’s not it’s not it’s not it’s not an excuse to not do stuff but
It explains this is what cuz before you can overcome something and Achieve stuff pause like you have to understand it if I can’t if I don’t understand my own brain I can’t I can’t win against myself do that make sense cuz you you don’t even know why you do half the stuff you
Do so how can you win if Arsenal are playing Man United and and they’re playing some two five for formation and I don’t get get it fullbacks all overlapping me how can I how can I defend that you can’t I hear you I hear you I just I
Just don’t want to be it’s not an excuse don’t I don’t want to use as don’t don’t use it as an excuse understand who you are and even that like so now my baby mom’s going to message me and be like yeah this needs to be the one this know
ADHD you know I me I’m going to be one of them was late today I a bro mental mental health man ADHD do you know it’s just a just laziness like do you know what I mean someone diag someone in general there’s someone that’s defitely di my son’s got ad and
He’s got it like there’s different levels of it you like when the when the when the what they call what’s what’s the people call there a cams is it cams yeah when they diag NOS him and they said the stuff I was like I feel like
That’s down to bad paring I don’t know man I don’t know if that’s really but when they br down certain things it’s that he cannot help like the way his brain works is not how the normal brain works bro like they what is the normal brain course like do you know what I
Mean like just I don’t know like common sense I guess is it he ain’t got a lot of common sense but you know like I’m thinking so you don’t know how to like one day he would do everything like normal like wash the dishes put his clothes in the
Washing machine hang up the clothes next day the dishes are dirty his clothes are all over the floor the bed’s not made up I’m just like that yeah but do this every day yeah every day you know it’s boring it’s boring you solved this problem yesterday
So solving it the next day doesn’t give you the same dopamine the same so you you lose interest minecra cuz it’s creative but they can f that that’s what you are you are creative I can’t say day that’s M day that’s crazy saying day is
Crazy but or they yeah like or they yeah like them yeah but like them well anyway the what they called mentally challenged mentally challenged that right way to say it could say that to a degree there’s positives of it though see apparently can they can focus
On stuff like to a high extent like I don’t know like for example Minecraft he’s really good at that game he’s really good in studio when it comes to certain things like BR make sure you spray your armpits in the morning you want it cuz is not
Interesting all of us so can you can you give 100% Focus to something you’re not interested in hell no I think that’s something you have to do what do I have to only thing I have to do in life is breathe and watch you know what I mean there’s
Nothing there’s nothing you have slavery is over bro there’s nothing we have to do like do you get what I’m saying but it’s like Society it’s like I don’t know showering for example you don’t have to you don’t have to shower but you shower every day why
Routine I suppose yeah but but I’m not going to lie I don’t shower every day it’s been a day when I’ve been homebound the whole day but if you turn up to the shower after o o hours like you get what I’m saying you know what me I woke up at
Woke up at 400 p.m. and I had a lazy day I shower 12:01 a day without shower no man he no he showers he don’t shower days and then someone be like no I a real [Β __Β ] I respect it want to lie every body has everybody has showered every day since the day
They were born that’s bollocks I was in the hospital for a week [Β __Β ] didn’t was me every day you know what I mean like everybody’s at a a lazy day you know what I mean and just lzed around if you want to yeah I I can’t give
Attention to something that if it’s if it don’t interest me but then if it’s paying me I maybe can give a bit more attention to it but then even that will wine if you want that loty set for life yeah Lottery yeah you could never rely
On me for anything again ever in your life all right cool if you want that ly set for life here the the one that uh it’s 10 it’s 10K a month is it something like that yeah something like that but the the only stipulation you got now
Yeah is you have to go gym hour and a half every single day that’s that’s a football match 90 minutes [Β __Β ] that that’s way too much you have to bang weights and do cardio within that hour and a half every single day why for your 10 bags a man that’s ridiculous
10 31 days of cardio that’s nonsense but they don’t tell you I need to get rich you know I’m telling you if I if I get richer like you know like when you win that 108 180 million lottery bro I’m playing bad games like that uh Korean program
What’s no the other one man fgy uh your Fitness one oh I’m Ninja Warrior no no the top top 100 or something yeah physical 100 yeah physical 100 Ninja Warrior I’m playing I’m playing bad games with people I’ll put someone who said I’ll find I’ll put a serving to
Find that one person that says they hate Fitness more than anything in the world and I’ll be like all right cool 10 bags a month if you go gym every day for hour and a half you get paid 10 bags at the end of the month every month I so life
Ain’t fair you know cuz there’s a guy right now stacking shelves working his hardest pors and he’s not 10 bags yeah you know I mean life ain’t Fair it’s a a musly tonk guy working somewhere doing fuckes and he Ain get last what you make it man [Β __Β ] that I’m not having that
Last what you make it no I like said bro unless you’re unless you’re born with some sort of like difficulties where you physically can’t do something that’s what you make I’m well you could be you could be born in a wrong country the world now that’s having Wars and all of
That you can’t you can’t do nothing you better get out of there bro wa I don’t know what you do teleport like Dragon Ball Z do something well you know what you’re B none of you are wrong yeah but I think I like that mentality because
You see like there’s stages of like I don’t know if it’s like heartbreak or something but there stages of getting through something so at first you feel sad for yourself then a while you get angry after that but then a stage in getting past something is that do
Something about it you just get there quicker than other people some people want to sit in the sorrow for too long and you turn around and you’re you this one thing that’s happened to you as a child now you’re 50 and you’re still using it as excuse cuz you want to feel
Sorry about yourself you need to get [Β __Β ] into gear and get [Β __Β ] moving it’s how you react to things though that’s what’s important that’s why people and people think I’m harsh you’re not harsh but that’s that’s the reality of it cuz if you don’t move no one else going to
Do it for you I was on a stream with a girl the other day yeah and I can’t remember what the topic of yeah but it just got into a conversation about men and women got the GTA San Andreas Vester this is Nike run what was I on stream this a bit
Tight AIT yeah it got a bit heated yeah and um you know I’m kind of I’m very facts orientated in in a debate ain’t it so when people weigh off of whether it’s a fact and turn to opinion feeling I kind of I don’t really give that much mind in
It and I suppose I can come across a bit patronizing or a bit blunt in it so um after the girl got upset and left the stream she left the stream she couldn’t hack the heat yeah other people joined in yeah and I was like another girl came
In and she was like um like I ask did I do anything wrong cuz she was watching she was like no um you never said anything wrong but your delivery was a bit harsh and I think I think that’s like a copout because if I was a
Billionaire there and you was poor and I was shouting at you instructions to get money if you turn around and say to me oh your your deliver is bad you’re a [Β __Β ] idiot do you know what I mean people choose to want to just cuz you
Don’t want to hear the truth at the moment being you oh your delivery is bad if someone if someone’s a billionaire and I’m poor well shout what you want I’m going to be writing it down shout that bit again I’m going to like you know it’s just do do you think yeah
Honest is the best policy yeah it is it is but but yeah people can’t accept it though that’s the fact you know what I mean yeah I thought S I thought Lo are sense so you can’t handle the truth handle that after the last I got finish my sentence before I
Pause I went straight into the deep with this of course like what man easy does it that’s someone’s bab there is it 60k someone’s what someone’s girlfriend 60k I could do that she could you can my back is my twin in my back I felt what
Was he doing batteries oh yeah what my my only cardio is sex though I’ll be genuinely honest with you that’s the only cardio I have that’s the only cardio I that’s what keeping slim yeah that sounded a bit provocative you didn’t say nice like a aser the cardio sex cardio yeah
Interesting I I’ll never be would you do half hour I’ll never be a half hour car here a day guy can’t say never you might have something could happen and you have a med [Β __Β ] difficulty you put on bare weight see let me let me let me win the lery telling you chicks
10 was 10 bags of upz everywhere this guy goes you everywhere this guy goes oh my God didn’t realize you so tall everywhere oh my God I you so tall CH was one you be F only security bro I don’t need it I don’t need it but you
Know we might start needing it because places shut up you ch downgraded Your Role you know from a from a cost member to the security theam that’s Ro I think that’ll be a problem though I think that’ll be a problem yeah cuz your cuz your personality I feel like
You Johnny Bravo be a proper prick yeah I don’t chicks would be wearing a string vest to to to recording I have short shortel I’ve been getting from my SK you can’t turn me now I’ve been getting for way back CU I’m H I’m H you could
Already see it yeah [Β __Β ] H boy yeah that that would be too much ego yeah with with great muscle comes great responsibility I don’t want what the hell is that coconut chips this guy is always eating something exotic boy and healthy is you you eat healthy so like
That’s that’s the counteraction of not having to do no yeah n you could be a super villain bro if you really wanted to I’d start trouble that I even want to say it yeah I’m I’m saying is there is there benefits of being wor though like Che you I can say
You’re one minute pause but is there benefits of realistically in the in the real world [Β __Β ] [Β __Β ] the gym world of course is that real in the bedroom world yeah n don’t want to know about that bro that’s one of the most important say
You D I know you’re work in it and I don’t know someone gets in there a bit drunk I don’t know bro is like cuz he’s thinking yo listen I’m looks a bit let me just you experience that even even when you doing events bro one time here
This is like beginning the summer some prick was driving he done a mad move near catford me and gabri was in a car we were on our way to Manny SVS event gab was his B20 so yeah huh no he’s like he’s like a peacemaker
So yeah we was on our way to the the event now and the guy now he’s CAU man and track to do so i r out the window I’m just swearing like losing my head Gabriel was like what’s wrong with you then he starts you get me comes out the
Car he he must have been like 5 for six but I could tell he does he he he fights yeah so he’s come out with that eag I could tell he fights cuz I seen his ear that’s the first thing I yeah I’ve seen the cauliflower so instantly as he
Stepped out I’ve stepped out now just looked down at him and he’s just kicking off but I’ve kind of kept the distance cuz I’m like ra yeah you’re a fighter man so I know you probably do jiujitsu or something so if I’m too close I’m at disadvantage so I’m like let me just
Give a tiny bit of Gap so before you can make a move bam so he’s hyping I’m hyping he’s walked up to his car and I was like yeah go you [Β __Β ] boom boom bo Boom the gab was like ra y you you about to go to that’s crazy the G would
Stand up at all he didn’t to get out the car he was sitting down he was like right we’re going to we’re going to a party you wear it all white and he about to start rolling around on the floor but that’s be2 but I’ll turn that all white
To a Japanese flag you what I’m saying bro I I was proper vexed cuz bro like if if my foot didn’t hit the break properly the car my car would have be written off and literally I don’t need a stain car so I was just angry I was just like then
Got to the party now and G was like cheer up I was just like near ruin my bro like you see me sometimes here when something buns me it’s on my mind for a while you think that’s a um a byproduct of being big pools cuz you see like how
That cut up yeah cuz I drive with kid and kid kind of doesn’t let it bother him and I wish I had that but like well you know what’s mad here I know if I see my man again here I’d have probably said right you know what I’m sorry for no no
Of course cuz you know what i’ I’ve done yeah like the next time similar happened where someone’s caught me then I’ve caught back in front then we’re cussing then I’ve cut back and I said why down the window and I told him big man why on the window this is something I said
Right you know what yeah I’m sorry for being aggressive and swearing at you and all of that like I’m like all right I don’t mean to have a nice day then he said ra you know what me too and we both laugh then everyone in the bus up and
They laughing then he was like oh my bad we’re both giving each other an apologies then one old woman is like ra you see see such a nice boy I no I didn’t mean to he didn’t mean to so you know what I mean it’s a misunderstanding
Highight moment in that moment like so cuz I’m a big lad in it so like when I walk down the road and even when I used to roller skate I noticed this a lot like like in roller skating yeah I can’t imagine that but bro I’m imagine me
Imagine Me On Wheels 6′ bro you be like 67 you know what I mean so walking so when I’m skating yeah cuz was my friend can you skate good or you like I can skate amazing I can skate backwards I can skate forward do you
Know what I mean I can speed skate my goal when I went skating cuz I know how people view skaters cuz before I could skate I viewed them that way my first goal was to learn how to fight on skates do you get what I’m saying so I can beat
A man up on my skates that’s how stable I am like do you get what I’m saying and I’m and I want to do I’m actively skating around I’d pay Β£20 for that pay-per I mean I think all skaters are a certain way and so do I because you know what
And that’s rude I shouldn’t say that I’m sorry cuz a good majority of them are like do you know what I’m saying but because I don’t know but long story short now when I skate here my friend’s like he videoed me one day and he showed
Me he was like BR look how everybody moves out of your way when you skate I didn’t realize it so even when I’m skating or when I’m walking cuz I have size I have like it’s weird I have like an aura or like an invisible safety
Space that once you get within a certain realm of me you feel my presence you get what I’m saying so when I walk down the road people don’t get in my way do you know what I mean and you probably get that as well when you walk it’s all
No but people vacate your space cuz you can see some men who are H chair but they don’t walk confident no no but what say but suppose you do now because I think this is why you why that aggravates you as much cuz as it aggravates me because you’re saying he
Cut you up when you know if you two are on feet he would never do that to you oh facts do you get what I’m saying so why are you doing that to me in your car cuz I don’t experience this regularly when I’m walking so when and when I get out
The car you realize that wo so why are you so brave in your ve it’s a different world did you get what I mean the worst one here was on the a13 One Time One Southeast Asian man he might be Indian he might be Sri Lankan pakist I don’t
Know this is a lot of scenarios now just reeling them off PTSD way kicked in man’s On a13 this man’s done a mad move then he’s come next to me then I V down my window and looked at him you know like I just looked at him like what the
Hell’s wrong with you like then he goes I’m going to [Β __Β ] kill you you n oh my God bro I chased this man here all the I even come off like so he came off yeah I even came off blocked his car and someone saw me about to jump out I said
Cheers no Che I said ra jump to my car skin it up they messaged me I said ra you all right I said if I didn’t see you yeah you remember Street Fighter when the car the car scene when man I was about to just Cass his car I was about
To jump through the window I was like ra you you you had the audacity to use the effort and I us to be the king of roadway bro because I know what I’m willing I know what I’m willing to do but and it depends and obviously them
Times I used to kind of Drive super cars now my car is just a little cruising car I don’t really have it that much but today imagine those that you can turn left and turn right at the end of the road this guy’s in the middle the road
If he moves forward a little bit more I can get around him and go left the guy’s not moving I’m pressing the horn pressing the horn but I can see him looking in the mirror cuz he ain’t got no tints it’s getting me even more mad
Now I don’t know if it’s his hair or his or his hat I don’t know what it’s I got I managed to get through the little Gap now why the window down I’m saying bro why don’t you [Β __Β ] with your car you prick it’s going I’m sorry
Bro one of those guys said you know don’t worry about don’t wor I’m sorry I Sor to myself I’m sorry just carry but his hair was like in a beanie I looked at him like [Β __Β ] I’m sorry bro I didn’t know there’s no space I like you know what
You’re one of those guys bro I could have mashed up your car and all that for what bro I’m just thinking most of the people are would you would you really go that far yeah on a random Wednesday just no because you know what yeah it all
Depends on the mood you are in the car as well like you know like if if I’m having the best day someone cuts me off yeah I’m just like I apologize straight away but if I’m having a bad day and you say one thing off I’m like right I can
Actually kill you you know like I’m on that I’m on that literally that line where it’s a respect thing though yeah don’t you don’t to to me you’re not you’re not a threat like you know like when you look at someone here not saying that I’m Invincible but you know when
You look at someone and think to to yourself like right if there was a human hierarchy like I’ll be like the apex predator on the top of the food chain and you’d be like an ant how how how old would you reckon you’d have to be before I can punch you
Up how going have to be like 85 85 85 85 all right when I have when I have kids I already told you when I have kids I’m going to jjy unboxing and I’m still going to bank gym you get me so as my as my power is
Decreasing my fighting strength is going on 85th birthday you’ll see me bro I he the doorbell boom straight away I already know what’s coming is about is about 6’2 remember he’s 16 bro I’m I’m the best part of 5’5 bro like I tell him all the
Time I will [Β __Β ] you up and my brothers always say bro your son holds you I said bro listen my son ain’t got man strength and I’ll knock out his teeth and bring him to the hospital same day bro and get his teeth fixed but his size if I had
His size at that age bro you your problem 100% you be knocking out guys just for cuz me at my size when I was that age you know I was a bit of a but but you want to know something here The Stronger you get the more calm you
Become yeah cuz you you you start to see people as there’s no point like if I hit man too hard I might you know what I mean I might catch a case this might happen he’s not really frat he can’t do nothing he’s just going to just talk so
That kind of makes you become I give you an example uh Jahim he’s like 6 foot six I seen him for ages yeah was his birthday he just turned 22 still so he’s like 6’6 6’7 yeah cousin yeah my little cousin for instance he he even had an
Incident oh this is M the man about this so I just come back from water yesterday I was chat to the man that I realized my soft spot is my family so one time a few years ago James walking brickton some mutes barge into him
Like and he just said ra like you could have just you know what I mean said excuse me something like he was trying to carry on so now the free says jumped in he pH me and told me what’s happened bro I’ve gone to my kitchen here about
Thinking I just grabbed two kns jumped in my car started driving then I him Raphael what do they look like bo bo like take a picture BL I was getting mad I F my my cousin so my cousin’s a year older than he’s done the same then Jim
Come BL the phone and he’s like red sweat I know what he look like I don’t even know what part of brick from blah blah blah he’s like no don’t mother come like forget my cousin spoke to him I said raw he don’t even know what they look like
Then after d him back home pH him and I said yeah you need to get back to boxing since then he’s been out boxing but I said to him you can’t be on road and be like a victim cuz I said a lot of your younger years you’ve been able to cut
Through when man lived on ends cuz of me and my cousin you get what I’m saying so cuz other other men within a certain age range knew your age but these youths they’re probably closer to your age and they don’t know us you get what I’m saying so they thought that
You’re yeah big you your victim what I said to him that ra I was about to catch a case for you and I had to deep it and say I’m a big grown man I can’t be moving how I used to move when I was younger you get what I’m saying your
Family will yeah then I had to deep it and I said I can’t be moving how I used to move when I was younger cuz if it was when me and my cousin were 19 and that there certain times things have you get what I’m saying and we’ve you reckon
Though because that’s that’s always going to be your response n what’s still alter bro he he needs to he needs to be able to hold his own corner for himself I’m I’m gone beyond that age group what is that number I can’t be I can’t be at
My age beefing a 25y old you get what I’m saying yes you can cuz that bro no I can’t bro I’m nearly 40 I can’t be beefing 25 come to your event suck your mom and this never in 13 years my man is going to be my age or
Just a year below in 13 years I’m going to be 51 you fig I’m going to be 51 doing a school run you’re going to be 51 doing a school run you’re going to Buck it into a man these kids start fighting there’s a difference between beefing someone and teaching someone a lesson
There’s difference between beefing someone teach someone a lesson yeah but you see the things yeah like where the age noway there’s too much of this of course there’s too much of that so next minute I’m on road now someone sees me RA it’s ch fighting my man boom it goes
Viral I violate my man my man’s on the floor and I’m there stamping man I you get what I’m saying stff says on these podcast I keep it a bit humble at the same time because I could be out somewhere man could say what that’s that podcast first of all
I’m not a podcast Sho but anyway that’s that podcast Sho and bro no I’m not bro and then calls me how many times did you say oh he’s a podcast he’s not he’s not doing that no you know what it is there different Realms now so in in the understanding of
The realm he’s talking about cuz even I spoke about it on camera one time and he probably even you have to have this people from a a certain place where we’re from with a certain mentality yeah we do podcast and we’re podcast shoot but certain people don’t say I’m a
Podcast you because I know why you’re saying I’m a podcast you and when you deal with me a certain way I’m not going to react like a podcast do you get what I’m saying cuz they know what they’re doing the whole podcast out the window I don’t care about the podcast that’s the
Difference now thec will be out the window if I feel a certain way I don’t thinkc way they basically say it to you like in a in a demeanor way like like they’re talking now yeah you know you know what I mean yeah but I just keep what
That’s let me get my beanie hat bro no respect to beanie hat man yeah what that’s the reason why now I realized that ra as men’s got older he’s doing PC by the way no politically correct because if someone troubles his cousin he’s going to be there no no no no bro
Doing what needs to be done even no even when we was at uh me and my business partner was talking overd about it when man was on holiday and I sitting in that Ro it got to a point where man had to appreciate man age where if men were still within that age
Group you have to be T up you ain’t got no choice back to what you were saying here about you had to learn boxing yeah is that even an alternative nowadays with how these JS are rolling around bro he’s 6’7 you’re not going to be able to
Reach you’re not going to to be a to reach to him fast enough if he’s you get what I’m saying you get what I’m saying it’s a long day it’s it’s a long day it’s a very long day possible it’s possible it’s possible but it’s bro all right look at this stand
Up look at ch’s heart there fully extend where am I I boom I’m done I’m more trying to tell the youth get into Track Running boxing you know what I’m saying learn how to run you try to tell what’s his name elud Chi the K Guy the one that
Ran you run two 2 hours 1 minute and that was what uh a marathon 26 miles in 2 hours 1 minute being 16 and the size that he is yeah it scares me BR because he ain’t got the the the man mentality the aggression yeah bro
And it’s just like you will see him and think I you’re lying you’re not 16 bro you’re chatting [Β __Β ] and I always tell him all the time like bro just look what you’re doing on the road and just you know what I mean cuz in his school when
He was in school he was the strongest in his year one time one time to pick him up and I caught him on the corner of the road about to start having a Crossing match with one of the you like yeah man I’m saying get in the
[Β __Β ] carner oh oh [Β __Β ] that s years ago I was driving past stockall and like first a youth sent me to me on Snapchat when I’m in the area driving and Jim is in uh year 10 and there was a year year 11 you and the you was big for
Their age as well but wasn’t as big as him but he was bullying one of his reges now I think Jim must have stepped in like L kind of thing and you tried to step to him bro all I’m seeing is yeah see that like my my cousin was
Dragging him shifting him on the floor I was like I’m just in my car just looking piing okay I’m a big man I can’t jump into a school beef but I was like at least I know you can yourself but bro why am I going to jump into Kitty beef
My daughter’s 13 if I see her fight in school with fly kicking someone else’s p but I’m like he could hold his you know what I mean that’s why I said to him when when that in son I’m not my son fight no but I’m saying when that inent
He winning cool the moment it looks yeah someone’s get rushed he Wasing he was dragging you on the floor I’m like when the last incident happened I said to him bro you’re in a different era to me I can’t me little kids beef CU I imagine
Now next minute you’re see on the you on the news are they’re looking for blah blah blah and someone said ra that was CH that my family is my weakness that’s what I realiz my family is my family yeah I see on Instagram today on maor think maor think um Kim Kardashian hired
A Manny and Manny is obviously a male that pissed me off already what do you think I’ve never heard that title in my I KN I knew know that I’m already I knew know that so basically it’s obviously a Mel n and obviously because Kan is a multi-millionaire maybe a billionaire I
Don’t know what he is his Pap different he’s not around for his kids is it so she’s that the household yeah the household is more female orientated I need a man to bring him up and help me with certain things and I didn’t see nothing wrong with her getting a Manny
I’ll be real yeah bro but when I spoke to the kid mom she’s like are you dumb like there should be other men that she can do like if Mom was not around BR the you don’t you don’t you to go up a certain way you wanted to be to defend
Yourself like I you went football something that and she went to run and get the ball for him like no no no no no you got to let him get the ball himself and this that and the other make him F himself like a Ain he got to do more as
A dad Kan was a got time he’s he’s busy doing project he’s busy selling that stuff in the Bott what’s that thing you put in the bottle tell d d d experience in the bot like he’s too busy he’s got new now as well so probably going to end up
Getting more kids with a new wife we talking about kane west we’re not talking about man from TOS you know a man from the West no respect to the to i’ more understand if the man from TOS don’t look after their pitne rather than Kanye cuz they got they going to make money
Bro Kan is a millionaire bro he’s got all time in the world what if you’re uh yeah you ain’t got time to be in the you’re on the road do what you’re doing you got enough payer your M got or your kids mom’s got enough payer she says
Listen you’re not around I’m going to hire a Manny n you got to quit I don’t think it’s that bad you know I mean quit you got to quit what happened to n’s this modern stuff nowaday to be a man’s man that’s your you make him the man you
Want him to be I’m not around all right what if the nanny’s a the man’s um beanie man a bet a bet sorry backhanded and calls the police instead of defending himself you know what I’m saying hello you know that man cuz you know that certain people don’t understand certain things certain
Certain people you hit them and their first response is the from the my mom told if someone hits you you hit them back twice as hard you know do do do you think that’s good cuz I remember like you see like growing up here I used to be mad aggressive like
Crazy aggressive and I remember like when I got kicked out of secondary school year 10 the your story like a serial killer or something teacher was like right I was in Nigeria killed three men you might need to go like see like a therapist you you fight too much then I realized
He’s got a Gable face I realize yeah I mean just want to F St you again man I realized after a while yeah like all the fighting man was always jumping into someone’s Madness it was never you get what I’m saying it was never my my own
Madness then I realized after a while like around the same time man training then I got calmer as I got stronger then I had my gr spt around the same time as well then man got threatened with uh the week I got kicked out my aunt made me stay in
My room the whole week I wasn’t allowed out I wasn’t allowed to go to to the front room you getar me like she the FR yeah she was meant to feel like when I was in jail so from then I kind of knew my path in life I was like ra like
Imagine lock up you don’t get no [Β __Β ] you don’t get nothing you just now got 23 hours so that that was a good boundary yeah but I wouldn’t say how you lived your life prior was a State cuz I think people like you you sound like
Someone like me cuz I don’t like bullies yeah you know what I mean and I know bullies will pick on particular people but fast forward yeah cuz I feel like growing up yeah man shielded all my little cousins I shielded all my cousin like needed they’re like 22 like the
Ones who are 22 23 they ain’t got the same aggression as me and my older cousins like me and my older cousins you can see a lot of times here things happen and you can see in our eyes like ra we’re holding back but you you could
Tell that we’re just at one you know what I mean we’re just that last at Dragon Ball no but you could tell we’re always no but you can tell we’re always that one one thing that what as we got older and we got more as we got older we
Got stronger and more confident in ourselves and we stay making money it’s like man start thinking yeah no man starts thinking that right timeing start speaking if I if I lick down my man now I’m going to lose out this that you know what I mean there’s more to lose but if
Me was broke now no but the time we live in now in comparison to the time we lived in before that was more more necessary do you know what I mean cuz you know they say like hard men PS create soft times do you get what I mean
So you see if a kid walking around with that aggression we had growing up now it’s not going to end well no you get what I’m saying so the fact that you were so protective over these people you molded them in a way that is better for
This time we live in now literally all my little cousins all my little cousins are all super calm all good that’s like my brothers they don’t get into trouble my brother all they play games laid back chill individual and that’s more safe for them in this day and age no it’s
Good cuz you know I mean you know what it is like sometimes I think to myself bro why the hell were all of us like super aggressive but it was necessary though in the times we grew up it was necessary but even with training I realized something remember when Jahim
Used to come yeah pause so with the training thing I realized something now mat mature serious conversations we could be benching now yeah and it’s killing me but when there’s be us i’ push for that extra one or two that man ain’t got that like the moment they feel that tiny bit of
Suffering it’s like no help me help me help me and I’m like that’s where our aggression has given us that will to push more for for more like even even it comes to it crosses over to normal things in life where they man to be like working and doing
This is too hard you get what I’m saying that’s like being a man’s man basically huh that’s like being a man’s man it kind of goes up to the point about the Manny situation if the Manny is like a bit forget beta he’s Alpha a woman can’t
Really teach that do you know what I meanor now what you was saying about yeah the extra push and the extra fatigue and whatever and him being a a certain way the upbringing has made it be a certain way so I’m saying a woman can’t really teach a boy that or a man
Be a certain way yeah but the The Men We Are ain’t really ain’t what’s the word but the thing ain’t the men needed for these times like we’re getting we’re getting faded out in a way you know what I mean the thing you know what I mean but it’s
Not wanted I should say wanted us man CHS yeah you have to think here us man as well even though we might have that aggression we don’t we we we baby them in a weight we don’t teach them to to be in the same weight you get what I’m
Saying so we you can’t really you can’t even be saying oh yeah we need the money to be a certain way cuz we’re not going to be as harsh if you get what I mean cuz we don’t want them to you know what I mean you know how you all by choice
Though yeah it’s it’s time in the environment it’s you were in the time we grew up you be a you might even be you might have toed yourself for you know I mean we people didn’t survive like two men in my school committed suicide yeah you what I’m saying like even me I’ve
Got obviously you got a tough skin pause bro me being short if I can’t cuss you back or move a certain way I didn’t have the com had character bro I used to get I still get cuss now but obviously I can cuss you back and I can I can I got I
Got different level of reports to prove back to that my rap’s a bit different to yours my guy you can be tall and yeah but yeah about getting too much in camera but you know what I mean like then gr up now and if I wasn’t a certain
Way getting C I’d be like I’m going to bring my knife to and kill you you see I’m saying most of these the little things you see that happen on the on the YouTube and that whatever the little young small little yous bro that are stabbing up these kids and girls and man
Them and backing and N Out and it’s prop said just cast The Man back bro cast him back I’m I’m glad I’m glad man is at the age I am and away from that their era cuz the embarrassment of the phone being in your face a good customer customer
Bro like even back in day back in day you fight a man now in a playground the next week you men are bless you’re back to be friends I’m think yeah someone yeah I’m getting off this bus now someone is going to get stabbed or shot or the next stop the man
Is going to be there most man you fought and had issues with you grew up to be closer to them man cuz you had mutual respect you get what I’m saying you want a similar though that’s why but there you go but now in this day age that’s
Everlasting beef yeah yeah cuz Eagles camera phones like you be there arguing man wa just bring the camera whoa with the show with the show so now now you know what I think needs to start happening and I think Charon white says this need start beating up the camera
Man you get what I’m saying not us but you know what I mean because it’s hey the when the camera goes off me the camera man that is um causing the longlasting trauma yeah it’s not the do you get what I’m saying oh oh oh you so
If me and you are going to fight and someone was at phone we should fight him we should punch him up you what I’m saying CU that’s the long last we can fight and be cool tomorrow on next week but that is the the the longlasting damage that’s going to cause shame in
Years to come I was laughing yeah you see like when when we was younger and used to be on ends everyone had this in the car fact some some people were smart enough to bring a b with it course some people major yeah I got the aluminum
Thing everyone had it in the car yeah yeah bro you know is everyone Joy wanted these crazy in my why have you got huh why have you got that I play around this summer I got I got I got I play rers during the summer man bro rounders rers brings brings out the
Fun people man me brings out all the enjoyment it’s a ice breaker for the men you know interesting just go to little fun day man just look on the the gum’s Instagram or something or Snapchat and go to little fun day man or even Halloween’s around the corner dress up to be the
Best have to be me be me you might get the gallon you know what I mean oh yeah party next week I know I know they hit me still yeah how how many you how many look at it’s going to be fun times hope you like this episode please like share subscribe
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