Wizard skating has been around for less than 10 years but there’s already so many interesting things you can do with it whether you just want to Glide around and get fit or learn some tricks and push your creativity there’s something there for everyone and there’s a reason
It’s gaining in popularity all the time so here’s 10 reasons to start wizard skating all the stunts are performed by professionals do not attempt this yourself straight out the game it’s a great way to keep fit and active get that water into your system shovel down a well balanced nutritious diet grab
Aady the8 hours Kip stretch and do a little bit of wizard skating you’ll feel like one of them centurions with a nice like conditioned man on the top it’ll be like your body’s been given a full mot man everything will be optimized man you’ll be a machine wizard skating has
To be the least stressful cardio you can do with running you’re just pounding your feet into the ground rattling your spine loose look I made this nice picture on straa boring your wife left you a nice little message on straa says it’s over you’re dve traditional exercises beige
Whereas wizard SK is a kaleidoscope of colors once you’re done running you’ve still got to either run home or walk home I’m pretty tired think I’ll go home now with Wizard’s SK once you stop the wheels will just keep you rolling it’s a two-way exercise relationship you give a
Little it gives you a little bit of back you’re also not stuck in a gym breathing in clouds of other people’s sweat and GTH you’re outside sucking on Fresh Air the world is is your gym and it won’t feel like a chore you’ll just be flying
Around having a good time and as a bonus you’re getting fit if you did want to turn it up a notch you could go long distance practice some Maneuvers engage a few core muscles and all without the impact of other exercises especially compared to aggressive rollerblading the
Body is not always up for being bounced off Ledges or thrown downstairs you keep practicing them toe and heel presses and you’ll have Cals like Jack greish my granddad used to play football who had big coughs my mom actually has big coughs as well to it is absolutely
Superb for your mental health life is chaos everything in the news is pure misery and if your brains anything like mine a kennel full of rockweilers biking the dial up occasionally stopping to go did I leave the oven on sometimes you need a break from all that and wizard
Skating is it lower the background noise remove the static from Life namaste there’s something about effortlessly gliding around that tells your brain everything’s going to be all right you know like and the endorphins start to Bubble Up it can allow you to be very present in the moment it can give you
Like motivations you can set attainable goals with it this can be anything from learning to go forward maybe a fakey gazelle or a heel press and then later on more advanced combinations of moves you learn how to overcome obstacles see how all the little movements piece together to make a bigger picture with
Wi getting moves will help you understand the importance of technique and persistence the more advanced moves are not something you can just like Wing easily it can teach you a lot about determination and it makes the achievements that much more rewarding it can be physical seduko if you want it to
Be best of all you’ll be having fun and doing exercise all at the same time and these mental skills are transferable to all aspects of life it’s up to you what you want to get out of it it could just be a leisurely break from all the nois
And Chaos or it could be like a challenge for you something more to learn three if there’s a best style of exam it’s definitely multiple choice why because you have options if you’re playing Street Fighter maybe you don’t always want to be Eddie Honda guess what
You’ve got options Chung Lee rayu Ken D Sim most popular meal for young kids in the UK pick and mix lots of variety the government recommends like seven fruit of Veggie a day not one and Wiz get and also has lots of variety you can go full
Tech genius glid Master 10,000 on a tennis you can lean into the more aggressive side of things and go Street skating with it test your skill they can handle more boisterous terrain than the aggressive skates as well maybe you just want to go as fast as you possibly can
Try and break like a land speed record you can do that go for a longdistance skate maybe using it as transport it’s a jack of all skating Styles and it’s good at all of them so you’ve got those options you can even have a different number of Wheels depending on what you
Want to do with it different frames natural rocker Progressive rocker advanced it’s a Swiss Army skate does everything if you’re into the videos and you think there are value you can really help me out by supporting me by either giving me like a like I’ve got merch you
Can buy there’s a patreon of exclusive videos that kind of stuff Channel membership as well it really does help me out and keep me making these things so cheers four you can do it on your own you don’t need to rely on other people you don’t need another team to turn up
To play a game you don’t need to train to get on the team you can just go and do it getting schedules to line up can be quite hard especially when you get older like trying to put together a 10,000 piece puzzle of a brick wall with
Wizard skating you decide when and where all you need is the skates yourself and you’re off if you see a window of opportunity during your day you can jump straight out the thing it’s a great feeling going out there and doing something on your own not just like
Sitting there by the phone just like waiting for it to ring maybe you want to get in some low-key practice without anybody else so the next time you go out you can surprise them with your nightmare is out maybe even invent your own move absolutely Blitz your mate the
Next time you come out where did you learn that once you start doing something on your own you realize it applies to a lot of things like you don’t need anybody else you’re a complete independent person now the Independence Day movie was just a big metaphor for you getting out there and
Doing things on your own wizard skating is your key to that the president fighting aliens M come on maybe you’re just sick of hearing people talk about how their kid madees some SM have of dried pasta or how they’ve got nits go out there get some peace and quiet enjoy
Yourself stuff the rest of them it is definitely like top five things to do on your own bowling reading counting backwards Shadow Boxing and wizard skating go wizzy skating with your dog you’d be hurling five low risk High reward especially compared to aggressive skating which has an aging demographic who might want to
Consider like a midseason transfer you’re not in your 20s anymore you’re may still feel like you’re in your 20s with your ice bars your stem cells and Zen lifestyle they may even call you the local whim Hof oh look there he goes now Jim GF can you believe he’s actually 39
Yeah I can he’s built like a blong you’re not young anymore you can’t just be chucking yourself off gaffs or trying to hammer out tricks on Rails and Ledges willy-nilly you”ve got responsibilities and considerations now right if you come home battered one more time and you can’t help with looking out their kids
Your partner’s head is going to spin more than you ever did so explain to me again exactly what grind you were trying to do that you now can’t carry poor Timmy and Terry sorry mate you’re not coming to work again because you split a rail trying a fish brain this is the
Second time you’re getting sacked this week then mate wizard saan still gets you out the house still gives you a challenge and tricks to learn there’s still silly names for Maneuvers and as’s a measure for progression you can still get into a whole session battle trying
To get a trick and still be buzzing when you finally land it but with a lot less risk of turning yourself into dust in the process there is some incredibly technical maneuvers you can do which will take a lot of time and effort but the satisfaction when you land it will be unbelievable
I you could feasibly go wizard skating every day have an amazing time if you go aggressive skating for 3 days in a row post 30 you might spend the rest of the month on a life support machine if you can string together basic moves in Wizard ska people will be mesmerized and
You’re going to feel great and you’ve not even left the floor you’re not signing a deal with the devil here to get something out of this like even at the most base level of wizard skating it feels good you’re not Jason Sten you’re Hubert from hamsted Heath six age
Doesn’t matter I mean as long as you’ve got control of your limbs and like you’re not at either extreme of the age scale so you’re not like a baby or a really really old person you just need to pad up and be sensible there’s no pressure to put yourself in dangerous
Situation to get something out of it a couple of laps around the block a stroll through the park and that’s enough to put a smile on your face and if anyone says aren’t you a little bit too old to be doing that like zumba’s more aggressive you could rip your arm off
Doing Zumba and I’m sure like 80 and 90 year olds do that gliding around like you’re a swan freedom and movement that shouldn’t have an age limit wizard skating is the Tai Chi of rollerblading Stars it’s an art it’s a dance it’s roller blad and all combined into one
Doctors will be recommending it soon for those who are starting to get a little bit like slow the kind of people who say aren’t you a little bit too oil for that are definitely vapist aren’t you a little bit hum if you pretending to be smoking like sucking on cookie dough flavored
Sweat seven it’s a solid Community everything’s quite tight knit probably because it’s a neest Pursuit which means there AR an enormous amount of people doing it but that does have its benefits and it is growing all the time if a wizard skater gets a sniff of a new
Wizard skater in town you’ll be in that WhatsApp group within seconds you won’t even know how they got your number but a week later you’ll be dunking their baby’s head at the air christening you’ll be welcome him with open arms With Arms Wide Open yeah you’ll make some great friends maybe even some
Lifelong friends bumping into another wizard getter in the wild and your your heart will do a little flut man they’ll be waving over to you trying to like get your attention maybe you’ll have a chat go for a little skate it be a beautiful thing because there’s a fair bit of
Crossover with aggressive skating you’ll find a community there as well there’s plenty of people that do both so you’ll see them skating together I mean that probably applies to any kind of style of rollerblades in really the outside world definitely can’t tell the difference between like Wreck Urban slalom a and
Wizard so there’s no reason to be particular they all share similar terrain as well if you can’t find an in real life crowd there Facebook groups there’s subreddits there’s discords you all have loads of internet friends you can make up a whole new personality if you really want to live a whole new
Lifestyle like you’re probably going to spend more time talking to them than you do your direct family like if they’re in another country that’s an if International internet friend that is your place to stay when you go away that is your local tour guide to the smoothest courts and patches of concrete
Around and it is that kind of community where people do make up you know you could just be heading off to dorf to go like what just get with some guy you’ve never even met before might be a little bit risky but bet it’s going to be fun
Though eight you don’t even need to be good to have a fun time you especially don’t need to be like a top of the range Elite level wizard skater to get something out of it once you’ve got the basics down not even Maneuvers just like going forward stopping and like balance
It’s amazing that was the whole point of wizard skates to give you the best simplest experience straight away like no breaking time no adjustments put their things on you’re having fun I’ve been skating around 25 years and I still just love cruising about especially with the bigger Wheels they Glide over like
Most services with ease and opens up options of where you can roll the wizard setup is like a AAA pass and if you’re coming from anti rocker skates getting that wizard setup is going to feel like you’re on Aladdin’s rug going back to it it’s going to feel
Like you’re skating through bread you don’t need to be doing endless combinations of complex tricks spinning and doing swivels all over the place just skating along without having to think too much about what you’re doing or like what the floor surface is like it’s an absolute dream nine it is fun it
Is top of the pops it is socks on a slidy floor pure joy because you’re strapped into the things there’s a closer connection to your normal range of movement there’s a familiarity there you’re free to kind of do whatever you want but it’s improve because you’ve got
Wheels you can go faster you can go further a couple of pumps and you don’t even need to try the things will do the work for you it’s not compli at it doesn’t require much and it feels brilliant the freedom of movement also means there’s a lot of room for you to
Be creative and express yourself there’s times where it feels like you’re doing the most Elegant Ice Skating but there’s not a seet in sight and you’re on some like counsel state that is a unique feeling it may not be number one in trending pastimes it might even be
Categorized with like Shaker weight in terms of like fatty exercises just above those like vibrating belts but that just means it’s not oversaturated everyone else is doing Pilates or swimming doing laps in public Vera soup no thank you I’ve had more people come up to me genuinely interested in what the wizard
Skating was all about than anything else I’ve ever done and especially like not when you’re a skating people just think you’re kicking the life out of walls you can make an impression in Wizard’s G there’s room and there’s new enough for you to put your stamp on it maybe you
Can even invent a completely new maneuver it’s hardly like you’re going to come up with a new drugging technique or anything like that imagine being part of something where you can actually make like an impact that’s fun if you ever speak to somebody who used to rollade
And then came back they’ll say it’s unreal why did I ever stop and that’s within like the first few seconds that’s the first like Glide they are absolutely loving it it is the one your brain is going this feels good keep doing this and your brain knows well more than you
Do nice one brain that’s a good idea mate 10 it’s constantly evolving like the moss in your gutters man soon as it’s less than 10 years old and there’s Endless Possibilities it’s changing and developing all the time it’s not stagnant or setting Stone like other
Sports you could take a bit of time off on holiday for a week tune back into a bit of wi just get and you’re like what’s all this new stuff what’s this that’s that’s a whole new frame what’s going on there is little danger of you getting bored with it it’s a creative
Pursuit with a little bit of guidance on maneuvers you can just let your imagination run wild once you go through one door there’s a lot of other doors you can go through there’s a flipping cat flap over there you can sneak through go sideways keep them guessing
It’s like that com computer game aled Beast you just carry on evolving getting more and more turbo even the equipment in Wizard skating is evolving as people started to use the original setup tricks started to develop that were unique to wizard skating and styles started to emerge so the products changed to match
These new requirements these enhancements then allow people to continue to push further forwards and more avenues for exploration opened up for the users as I said before it’s small enough that you may even play a role in it branching off in a whole new Direction Direction nobody’s even
Thought of yet a couple of bonus points wizard skating can take you to places you never normally end up even with cycling and running as much as you can go off the beating track it’s an a to be kind of thing normally just like hammering it through and there’s places
You tend to go to do that of course you have typical areas for wizards getting as well a core any smooth surface but given its creative side the ability to roll on a range of surfaces and that there’s tricks there’s more possibilities you’ll find yourself looking for interesting environments and
Unusual obstacles you’ll go hunting for Unique layouts that allows you to push what you can get out of the equipment and your skill set you’ll find yourself in parts of town you’ve never been to before despite living there like your whole life before you know it you’ll be
All over Google Maps like spanning the whole city every nooking granny man like that feeling of oh I wonder what’s just around that corner never been there before starts to become stronger and stronger you just go off on one the force is strong with this one another bonus if you’re an aggressive inline
Skater do a bit of wizard skating is only going to make your skating better overall even just mucking about on the things you’ll start to understand the limitations of skates better you’ll learn how to actually skate and improve your control which is only going to lead
To more confidence and allow you to put your own style on it you know those videos when somebody has like a common household appliance and it’s like actually you’re meant to use it like this and you’re like no what I’ve been using it wrong for like 20 years or
Something that’s the same with wizard Gates you’re like oh my goodness this is how you’re actually meant to use these things this you’re meant to skate there’s buttons on your control pad that you’re actually not using properly or you just tend to avoid cuz you’re not
Really sure how to use it properly and now you found a button on the back of the control pad as well do a bit more wizard skating and your aggressive skating will start to look Flawless everybody else is looking like regular beans on toast you’re looking like beans
On toast with like Ward to sauce and like maybe a little bit of cheese or something there’s people out there not even toasting the bread properly wizard skain is absolutely brilliant and you can get out of it whatever you want there’s versa there not just in like you
Know it being open and quite young but also in the equipment the equipment will allow you to do loads of different things so uh give it a go massive shout out to my patrons and channel members without your support I simply couldn’t do this so I really appreciate it here’s
A couple of other videos you can watch and I’ll see you again soon sporty dog