Maybe does that bother you no it’s different yeah okay I like him all right I’m glad you like them all right what’s that got to do with business and work uh David arette here uh he’s here sitting on the shelf today David arette yeah oh EXC
Sorry I dude I wish that [ __ ] would have went all over the goddamn floor and I would have laughed can’t see those I will land my ass off those gles just keep walking [ __ ] keep walking David good morning what’s happening how you doing man I’m great
How are you good thanks so uh so what brings you to the show this morning wow man just uh I want to see the show want to be back on the show it’s been a while right yeah it’s been a while so what are you going to do you’re just going to sit
In the show hang out yeah you’re not promoting anything right you just want to have a good time today yeah as a favor awesome who knows how long you guys are going to still be here and I wanted to just you know I’ve been listening a lot on series and wanted to
See some behind the scenes how do you think this is going to be different than other times you’ve been on uh I don’t know I’m going to be there so long hopefully the pressure won’t be quite as intense directed directly at me so are you a little nervous uh yeah I’m always
Nervous coming in here really after all this time yeah totally I guess this is my fourth time for third fourth time all right man you’re excited right yeah I’m excited can just saw Ronnie without the you know Just For Men yeah it’s a little disturbing right I like it it’s a sharp
Look it’s Ronny it’s got the glasses on it’s good stuff all right man we’ll see you in there peace hey uh so what’s David Arquette doing he’s standing out there hanging out he was you know just talking to guys over TV is he learning anything no no he’s just waiting to come
In I wasn’t even sure what David wanted to do does he want to sit like in like George te’s chair or I’m not sure either I I know he want to come why don’t we discuss it with him well he wrote me an email and said do you think it would be
You know of any value to you to have me come in I’d love to just observe the world’s greatest radio show there he is there’s my man hello hey David hey good to seeing you thanks I love this guy he’s a great guy I I love you Howard I
Didn’t know what I just snot it all myself make me laugh that’s what love will do to you hey David what what’s what are we doing again today I I I you know when you wrote me the email I was like hey that’s cool I mean David wants to come
In for the day it’s cool but I don’t know I mean what do you want to do well listen you know we don’t know how long you’re going to stay on here Howard right probably I wanted to come in and see what the hell’s going on here let
See if I could get any info are you get you we all want you to stay just so you know are you preparing for a role maybe to play a radio guy is that what’s no hidden agenda no I wanted to take a [ __ ] in the bathroom right because I’m a
Guest although they’re also saying I’m kind of an intern so I’m not sure if I actually you might not be able to have access intern internship in the main uh area I wanted to see Robin walking through the hall with a hot body oh I
Think yeah see if I could talk her into showing us those those chocolate milkers yeah no I don’t think that’s going to happen before the end David before the end okay let’s just say you guys aren’t going on like you’re not going to give the people what they want you’re not
Just one last my way no you got too much class is that why they keep you sort of I’m class behind seal yeah David um so in other words your feeling was hey you’re a fan of the show as a fan of the show do you like when we play those
Songs about Robin before the news I love them I wanted to do my own version yeah when are you going to produce get together with those bleeding deacons bleeding deacons and little little Johnny or Mikey Mikey listen I’m very complimented that a talented guy like yourself would be uh interested in how
This show runs and how it you know and how it goes when you wrote me the email and you said Hey listen Howard I just want to come in hang out I said f listen I’m thrilled to have you here thank you you know uh I’m thrilled to be here what
Would you like to do today would you like to sit on the couch would you like to sit andan that would be great do you want to sit over by where Arty and Benji and and no that’s secret ground chair but I’m saying like where George te say look at
Fred see I never get to see Fred there you go I feel bad for you you Benji is walking around all shameful I he’s there’s something going on there’s a lot of he’s a weirdo there’s something weird going on there he’s weird now people think you’re weird he’s weirder than you
He’s way weirder way weirder do you want to like after I talk to you for a while do you want to sit I’ll sit anywhere George’s chair is next to Benji do you want to watch what he does I do want to watch what Benji does I mean I’ll sit on
A stool or something I’m gonna be changing my Wikipedia story so you have to just keep quiet on the do me a favor yes sir when you find out what everyone does can you tell me I want you to write a paper like if you’re really if you’re
Really interning here today I’ll write a paper at the end of your internship today yes sir I would like you to mail me a paper on what it is you’ve learned and what did you find out what everyone did okay and I’ll read it here on the
Air I will all right you know everything’s so I don’t know it’s there’s it’s so much classier than it used to be I mean I don’t know well you’ve been here before I was yeah I’ve been I was on the the old radio station and everything but I don’t know I’m
Seeing it through new eyes yeah and and and and the purpose is just to sort of soak in whatever this is yeah you know my my grandfather was a guy named uh cliff arette and he played a character named Charlie Weaver and he was uh you
Know on the early days of radio yeah so I don’t know I’ve always had a fascination with radi with radio yeah yeah well listen I’m honored that you want toang and porn stars yeah funny combination yeah yeah because my mom actually oh this is a funny story
Maybe that’s why I have a fascination with porn stars which is even just telling the story now sounds creepy but my mom she used to do like uh like pinup magazines and like back in when the 50s back yeah and yeah so uh I was once
Going through I was a 50s pinup it’s like this this this book of of pinup and I come across a a shot of my mom and you’re going through the magazine go oh she’s pretty hot she’s yeah she’s in the shower she’s all topless and then a few
Yeah and a few pages later she’s having a cat fight with another woman oh wow oh wow not fully naked in the cat fight yeah she was she was like before all of this yeah I can’t even your mom might have been on this show she back in the
Day she probably would have I know wait a second I know you’re talking about yeah in other words like when I was a little kid and you would see porn or pornography or pictures of women topless it was really wild because it just you know back then it was really Tabo it was
Hard to find I mean it was really hard to find get a hold of so when you how old were you when you found out that your mom had done topless pictures girl on girl action and the whole thing well you know I went to her with this book I
Was you know I was probably like 17 or 18 or something I went to her with this book and I said Mom look what I found and she goes oh you know that was all just staged it was just set up we were just doing we know
Yeah I think that’s what Jenna Jameson is GNA tell just St I was just acting wow your mom was a very attractive woman she was she was beautiful and um did you get aroused when you saw the pictures no that’d be crazy see my thing is that as you before
You got to her you were probably using the book for that purpose no no actually I I like I just love those old 50s pin up kind of like but when you’re 17 you beat off to that stuff I can imagine you beating off and turning the pages and
All a sudden you hit your mom and you’re like what the [ __ ] no [ __ ] but then we also um my sister Patricia decided my both of my parents have passed but uh since she pass my sister decided to look up a maiden name cuz she was married once
Before right and we looked up her maiden name and found her in this movie called Olga’s House of Shame wow and now Olga’s House of Shame is like a total B movie Crazy movie it’s like you know John wat’s like favorite kind of film uh I think she might be
Nude yeah and she got her breast cut in it and she’s like being tortured oh dear it’s awesome and that’s hardcore for back then in the ‘ 50s it’s a whole different thing even I mean definitely like a racy probably unrated but if but your grandfather her father I assume was
This uh no it was my dad’s dad was a was Charlie Weaver okay my her grandparents were from Scranton Pennsylvania she must have been like the she must have been the black sheep of the family though I mean going and doing porno back then well it wasn’t porno girl on
Girl that was racy for that time that’s poral my friend girl on girl girl on girl I know it was stag but I don’t care come on so the point of the story is Robin it’s not so shameful to show your milkers once in a while oh because your
Mom did it okay I know come on Robin um if I was single Robin was your mom a mil like were you very aware when you were growing up that your mom was a sexy woman and like your friends would come over and look at her and things like
That no but the time I was the last kid so by the time I was growing up she was in such a m yeah she actually she’s got an amazing story she grew up with a certain amount of abuse and you know she had a hard childhood and she um she
Threw through the course of her life uh became a marriage family counselor huh so she sort of uh wouldn’t it be weird to have your marriage coun in a naked magazine yes like her P photos all over does that ruin your credibility was your mom as hot as your
Sister’s um yeah she she looked a lot like rosan oh that rosan yeah she’s m Mia Mar that is some sister you’ve got I know she’s awesome too let me see your mom oh hold on tomato hold easy easy oh your yeah your mom your mom looks like rosan
Our cat let me see this your mom oh these are black and white that even makes it dirtier dirt this is Mr Skin on Mr Skin this is awesome your mother’s on Mr Skin you know what they probably have like Generations your mom and your sisters are on Mr oh wow your
Mom’s name is Brenda this is awesome Brenda denal Den know yeah that was her sort of first marriage name I see wow boy she I could see where Rosanna got her looks wow I’m and her breast and I see you and your mom’s titties are all
Slashed up cuz it’s a slasher kind of yeah oh that’s crazy look how hot your mom was wow look at that how old was she I’m not sure I should have shared the story no I’m just kidding now you’ve seen mine they look like that oh you teas do you realize millions of
Men are going to jerk off to your mom tonight oh you’ve just increased hey you should I mean she’s dead now so I hope when they’re jerking off they did you not know that your mom is on Mr Skin I didn’t know that wow a lot she’s on Mr
Skin look at that a lot a lot of her there’s a guy taking a soldering iron through your mom’s tits wow that’s crazy you got to pay the bills how I guess so well your mom was some looker she was gorgeous she’s such aweet she went through marriage family counseling and
Then she was on her deathbed um she died of breast cancer but uh she was on her deathbed and she finally got her certificate like and it was kind of a it was a important moment cuz I it it felt we like Mom you got your certificate and it’s kind of
Like she graduated she sort of put an end to her sort of uh abuse and you know and and and sort of dealt with all of her stuff and helped a lot of people so it was a beautiful sort of thing did you your mom was lot to and she made Mr Skin
So I wish I could have shown her that on her death bed said mom Mom here’s your certificate but also you made Mr Skin your mom was alive to see you marry Courtney Cox right uh no she didn’t see us get married but she met her she did
Meet her she approved her my father was uh alive yeah she approved she are you kidding she was on her death she grabs her like don’t lose this one listen you better take care of him or I’m taking you with me where does Courtney think you are
Today did you tell her you’re coming here to intern I did you did she was okay with it of course she loves you she likes it yeah yeah she’s she’s a big fan and and uh all right very supportive I’m honored to have you here today I had an
Uncomfortable talk though I was like Courtney in case somebody comes in I mean there are a lot of porn stars that come through there and there’s this thing called the civian I’m just is saying all I got to do is flip a switch it’s not like cheating if you’re just
Switching oh so you want to run the C again today well you might have to as your internship Hey listen the boss told me to uh David as a matter of fact you’re actually here on a good day I don’t know if you know it we’re going to celebrate
Today the 123rd sibian ride and you know the 123rd of anything is celebrated yeah um the creator of the Shian Dave Lambert is going to be here the man who invented it are you joking I’m not joking at all porn and porn and porn star you look
Thrilled like yeah and porn star Raven Alexis is going to be here to do it in front of the or you know the guy who invented it so see it oh my God so you might as well I was just kidding about the conv no you should tell Courtney
That you are going to work call I cannot work you are working the can work you want an internship you wanted to come to the world’s greatest radio show please have Gary with the mask I’m just want to watch listen you’re Hollywood Insider I know you know a lot of celebrities how
Is Sandra Bullock doing I know you I know you’ve spoken she’s a a great girl but I I haven’t talked to her are you a Jesse James do we does Courtney have this teleport this is what I’m thinking about here I’m telling you I’m sick of
This I’m sick of it too are you cheating on Courtney Cox absolutely clean now have you ever [ __ ] a go with a tattoo on her face yes I have you have and it’s good oh oh there’s a good oh this was bad but there was a a [ __ ] I should have
Saved the picture I got um before see Courtney and I were on and off for a while you know when you were first dating or when you were married first when we first met on Scream one oh there’s some good stories there too but um when we first met on Scream one uh
You know we were flirting we fall in love and all this but by scream too you know we were both sort of more so me but also she was having little things going on with other people so I was like if I’m you know if it’s not I’d always say
To her yeah we got to be exclusive you’re not going to see the real me unless you know we make a commitment here and she never really did she was scared or whatever or [ __ ] other people whatever however you want to say it right who you did you know who your
Competition was who are you competing with man were you competing with like some big names no I mean just some people I don’t Who Who Are You competing with back then I CU that would drive me crazy open wound was that the what was that the singer’s name hey take it
Easy’s what singer you know County crows oh no I mean they were sort of dating and stuff but no I mean kind of so it’s kind of something you know to be honest you’d never really admit to that but I don’t understand something so you were in love with Courtney Cox but because
She was seeing other guys you said look I might as well go see other women oh yeah I was like if we’re not committed I’m [ __ ] around so one time I was in Atlanta one time and I hooked up with a stripper right and uh for some reason I took a picture
In a photo booth of me biting her nipple ring oh which didn’t come out until we were married for two years which it’s an uncomfort and then they sold it like I was cheating on her right so I I got a little feel for the cheating shame they
Do of course isn’t it and and I bet you it’s still even though Courtney knew the truth it still probably bothered her even that there was a picture of you body the chick’s nipple ring because she still has to deal with it in real time with friends family whatever I mean if
There was a picture of her biting Adam dirt’s nipple I’d be upset as well of course would be so you mean I mean that must have been a horrible pain in your life to endure being serious now for a second when you’re kind of really in
Love with a chick yeah and okay she says look I’m going to be with other guys I want to be with you too but you know we’re not exclusive yeah I mean that really hurts and then you open up the paper and she’s with you know Adam durret from The Counting Crows or
Somebody like this it’s got to be the worst part of your life right yeah yeah you’re bringing him back this is some internship this [ __ ] sucks man how did you get her to commit I mean how did you get her to finally like give up all these other guys
Um down oh you know what I don’t know we we started going to coup’s therapy is that true yeah for a year before we got married that works huh it worked yeah yeah you still do couples’s therapy right yeah when we get into [ __ ] tuneups huh oh yeah when you get like sometimes
You just hit these little you know things that bug the [ __ ] out of each other wow you know things that she does or things that I do but what could bu still learn stuff but what could bug you about her she’s so perfect she’s she is pretty damn perfect I think she’s so
Beautiful man she is she’s gorgeous down on her if I was her husband I would I would eat her but but but you don’t what you want I’m just tell you can I do an internship at your house I’ll show you I’ll show you what I would do but don’t
Go down on it I mean that’s not interns don’t do that internship oh yeah interns go down on your wife I mean it would be really a awkward conversation going back home like I know Courtney he made me go down on this porn star but you know it’s
Hard when you date a Courtney Cox when you were at the dating stage and she’s seeing guys stuff I mean when you say she’s seeing guys you’re talking about here’s her list I know her list yeah leab shriber what no no did she Christian Slater I mean get the list
Christian Slater you know what she’s never been very honest with the list either want the list that we put together Le shriber Christian Slater dur they’re showing you a list Kevin Cosner Kevin come these are people she did movies with no but she went out Jim Carry David davany no Michael Keaton and
Richie Sambora wow Richie that’s right he’s just naming name hate to break the news to you pal sorry you wanted to be an intern Michael Keaton is Michael ke it’s the only one I’ve got confirmation on but Michael ke even then you know like the that was a longterm
Thing what are you going to do it was one who was Batman so you kind of have to you know it’s like all right you [ __ ] Michael Keaton but you also [ __ ] Batman live with Batman did you ever ask if he put the Batman costume on that’s
Something I would do I would be like babe all right I got the costume on it took me 4 hours to get into this you have to come over no you have to come over at least blow me just blow me in the Batman what the [ __ ] am I G to any
Old do old boyfriends still call her though like like is she friends with any other no not really do you get do you get jealous you kind of have to cut all that stuff off do you get jealous I know you exacted to produce Cougar Town and I
Don’t know how often you go down to this set and everything I maybe not that often because I I don’t know what scenes they’re doing I just kind of is it creepy to see you’re doing a love scene it’s not my favorite thing in the world
I get a little but you know we’ve we’ve been married so long you know you know I heard when you were on Letterman you said that and this sounds sad to me uh well I’m being serious now that you guys have to schedule sex once a week and
That you you know I mean you and your wife such a hot little bab she’s awesome like why do you have to it’s like really kind of cool actually wait a second and New Year’s Eve she made you wait 40 minutes while she talked on the phone for sex um what’s
That all about I’m critical of this no she was she was working out she was working out and then her friend came in and she was talking and then I had to come down I was like come on you know we got to fuing at New Year’s yeah it’s New
Year let’s [ __ ] let’s [ __ ] it’s New Year you know the good thing is that you got it on you know you got it so it’s like you know I don’t care if it’s a chore now at least I know are you superstitious it’s kind of like bad luck
Not to [ __ ] on New Year’s Eve it’s like kind of says your marriage is dead right don’t you look at it that way oh that’s the good point I look at it that way I think it’s bad luck not to [ __ ] on Tuesday Wednesday Friday and Saturday
But apparently so you want sex more than her because if it’s once a week you want sex more than once a week yeah I mean yeah of course so why is she so what’s going what’s wrong what is Marist a lot and we do there are those random little
You know special times that just kind of pop up but but she’s not big on sex at night why because she’s tired you know she’s a daytime [ __ ] yeah my wife too yeah we get drag because I you know I like nothing better than like to go to
Bed after sex yeah I know but it’s it and then you have to do that in the middle of the day but what are we saying about marriage if a girl is hot as your wife and now you’re down to once a week what are we saying no not so much once a
Week I mean it’s for sure it’s for sure once a week oh at least once a week yeah I know but she’s no she’s she’s hot she’s she’s an also a very busy woman she’ss she got a lot of work on her hand she’s also like she also like runs the
Household and all the you know production what’s crazy about your wife I remember back in the day when she even did like that Bruce Springsteen video early in her career I thought I had discovered her like I saw her in that Bruce Springsteen video I said I should
Put her in a TV show or something cuz that girl’s hot and like she’ be really big Bruce discovered her you’re watching the video I thought like I was on and then the next thing you know she was in movies and everything else I went oh
What a [ __ ] [ __ ] I am of course she’s already like discovered like I think I’m discovering someone such a douchebag but I would I mean I just used to fantasize I might have even beaten off to her image I mean I’m not sure awesome yeah it’s awesome that you got
Her it is awesome that I got her I [ __ ] tracked her down I would stalk her on the set of yeah no see literally like I would stay up we did a scream in Santa Rosa and I’d stay up there and she’d like be jet setting back and forth
So I’d be sitting up there just [ __ ] waiting B sitting yeah she had the nice little hotel room on the other side of the of the uh big hotel complex that we are at and I just sit there and mine overlooking the the parking lot and I
Just wait i’ get the itinerary and i’ know she’s coming into town and I just sit there and wait and then her limo would come down and i’ just sort of time it and as soon as I knew she was getting in the door I’d ring her door ring her
Room I get it and she’s like what are you doing right are you stalking me I’m like that’s exactly what I’m doing so I really I hunted her down yeah she had no choice so when you hear guys are stalking women they say it’s no way to
Get a woman you say there it is a way to get a woman hold on you got some questionable listeners out there so you know let’s just make it very clear it’s not nice to stalk right in other words you on the mie stalking in a very you know is it
True your stalking is it true your stalking went as far that you were offer the lead in that movie but the the lead did not get to kiss Courtney yes so you took a role that was considered secondary just because you wanted the kissing scene with her yes is that true
Yes it is wow you had the lead I had the lead and you said I don’t want the lead no I didn’t really have the lead they wanted to meet me for the lead right and when I went into meet I said I don’t want to play that role I would love to
Play this role good Lord Hey listen yes sir I want you to hang out I’m going to let you sit in Georgia seat today then you can watch benj Fred you can watch what I do I would love that so would you like to sit there when for the whole
Show and sit in on the whole show sit here no sit on the sit sit in Georgia chair and you’ll be able to do and you can Cruise during the you can watch what goes on fantastic see the show is not all yeah what’s with the glasses dude
What do you mean what’s what’s with the glasses new don’t you start because you’ve seen them already don’t start with me don’t even start your [ __ ] I said they were nice are are they the kind that like change with the sun no they don’t change with the Sun you get
But you anything you can get your balls busted around let me see if I put the light up lighter this is it not much to it hopefully I’ll take a [ __ ] there lat there you go no problem that’s what it’s there for yeah’s see uh he’s cool David said
You likes your beard did he really yeah he says he likes it better without the Just For Men in it he didn’t say that stup I [ __ ] swear to God he didn’t say you want to go ask him he didn’t say that he didn’t say that [ __ ] how
Much you want to bet he didn’t say that my intern David Arquette is here he’s doing an excellent job well he’s an intern who gets to sit in the studio that’s a a special intern you know not too many of my interns get to hang out with Courtney Cox and Jennifer Aniston
All the time that’s true that’s true I’ve been trying to get a I want cuz you complimented her butt you saw her at a event and I’ve been it’s been very uncomfortable cuz I’m like Jen can I please just take a picture of your butt
To send to Howard I want her to take a picture of her butt and say hi Howard what’d she say it’s been an uncomfortable conversation she’s I think I kind of got her on the fence though oh she’s got a great ass she does I feel
Bad for her when did I start feeling bad for her no I don’t feel bad for her she’s awesome you I don’t know she happy remembered she sent you some what was that yeah yeah that’s what it was years ago when private parts came out I was going through some memorabilia and I
Found a note from her saying how much she loved the movie and it wasn’t that he felt bad for her he felt bad for the things he had been saying I started to feel bad yeah well she’s a great girl though she’s she’s awesome smart funny who’s her boyfriend now that guy Gerald
Butler I don’t think you get along with him he’s a nice guy yeah but I don’t think that really does he mesh well with you and Courtney I mean CU that’s important to everybody you know what I mean well you couldn’t have gotten along with that John Mayor you probably wanted
Her to dump him he did yeah he wasn’t good for her he’s a douchebag yeah he is that was mean right when he was talking about her in bed stupid I mean the guy’s just you know he just talks too much did you ever say
Anything do you have P son say you talk too much no I haven’t seen him since then oh really but you know I’m the kind of guy that would want to punch him but so he’s not invited to any of the parties and stuff out and uh you know
He’s he said some unfortunate things but he I he sort of yeah he got a he got a root Awakening so I think he’s kind of mellowing out yeah hopefully did he ever try to do Courtney no no you know that would have been emasculating yeah tried
To do me though no just kidding I bet why not I’m sure you would anyway so David’s here and uh I was going to say but because David and I got cut off but he um he’s got a clothing line at p p r o p r no e thank and it’s really nice stuff actually yeah but you know he used to you know purposely dress sort of goofy when the camera were on him sometimes I’ve I’ve worn some unfortunate outfits throughout history yeah but you know I like costumes I just like you know I
Just like having fun dressing up and having a good time but these clothes are like wearable men’s wear like real cool stuff yeah David even said like sometimes when he’s having sex with Courtney he puts on a Batman costume I’ll put on a crazy costume uh I
Can’t get her into any lingerie though that’s the problem she won’t get into lingerie I bought her a box for Valentine’s Day one year and it sat there for like three I don’t think she ever even wore it yeah why is it like Beth doesn’t put on lingerie either like
They don’t understand in the beginning yeah I bet you Courtney did in the beginning right she put on lingerie yeah a couple times yeah now you’re down to sex once a week I’m you know Beth and I are going pretty strong but I’m proud of
You but you also have a kid yeah true is that true you trying to have another kid no that’s what I written them tabloids yeah they say that a lot they’re always he calls the tabloids when he’s trying for a child right yeah you’re done with kids that’s it uh
No we may have kids I it’s not off the it’s not off the um would you ever adopt one of those like black kids you know the last time I said I would it came out that we’re adopting and then I get all these adoption questions but I would I
I’m I’m totally open to adoption oh no kidding yeah totally you like being a dad I love being a dad it’s the greatest yeah you’re good at it my daughter’s so funny and amazing and you don’t bring her to the set do you uh she goes by the
Set a lot yeah yeah yeah but you know there no one to not during the love scenes and stuff no no let me be really uncomfortable that’ be really confusing let me ask she doesn’t like to see us on on camera with anybody when you know I
Love it when people say oh my daughter’s wonderful I love being a dad my daughter’s so funny and amazing what if she wasn’t funny and amazing well every every parent we got a real we got a real stinker this kid sucks I saw like in the tabloids they were saying that like
Courtney a pain in the ass on the set of Cougar Town and she brings your kid there and the kid has to have a director’s chair to sit in really that’s ridiculous no they have a director’s chair cuz it’s fun for a kid you know but it’s probably her mom’s chair and
And no Courtney’s not a pain in the ass at all she’s she’s a tough businesswoman like she’ll you know if shit’s going wrong she’ll call people out she’s the kind of person she’s so honest that if somebody’s [ __ ] with her or something she’ll bring it up right in the middle
Of a restaurant or on set she doesn’t she she’s not a bullshitter that’s good okay they said that she was being a ball buster cuz you guys built a $155,000 play area for your kid 15,000 yeah on the set no no there’s no play on the mom
Wants to be with her kid there’s no play area on the set that’s yeah and she’s she’s like a mom and she’s like wants her kid with her I get it it’s not so [ __ ] crazy to think that like if she’s going to be there 17 hours a day
Like why shouldn’t the kid have somewhere to play yeah I mean she’s the star and the producer and everything I mean why not they built you a whole apartment when you were doing oh man I busted balls when I was working that made him build me an apartment I said if
I’m going to be a star of a movie a gym he never used yeah nice I heard your kid fired two people on the side yeah she did she the only problem so I wonder what’s going to happen with your kid if she’s going to go into acting I bet you
She does or is she going to be one of those Hollywood kids who you know just goes to parties and oh God I hope not I know you know how you going to prevent that who are our friends I don’t know you know well my family goes back to
Vaudeville in acting so uh it’s in our jeans so I mean it’s not so farfetched that you’d be interested in performing I’m I’m a little I’m probably strict I’m the strict one I guess do you have a definite bedtime and are there rules and everything oh yeah yeah does she have
Chores you do have chores um yeah she has to pick up after herself and clean up her room and stuff that’s good does Courtney does Courtney undermine You by like you’re the you have to be the hard ass and make rules and then all of a sudden Courtney comes in and she’s like
Nice Mommy and and says don’t worry don’t listen to Daddy no she doesn’t say that but you she mind you no once in a while like you know I’ll say no you can’t have that cookie or something and then Courtney will say it’s all right and then does that drive you crazy not
So bad I mean it’s like that isn’t one of the things you bring up in marriage therapy that would make me nuts it would yeah if if I’m if I’m going to be the dick who says no cookie and then my wife’s going to say I don’t mind being
The dick though if it’s like you know for a good reason I don’t yeah but then then it makes like Daddy’s the mean one and Mommy’s the nice one yeah but it’s too simple I don’t know I don’t I don’t I don’t mind being the mean one so what
Gets on your nerves about Courtney I still never finished that with you when when you go into therapy like what do you like give me one example I I usually get on her her nerves is that what it is no I mean you know you you figure out
Different things that push each other’s buttons you know what there is something of course that gets on my nerves I mean I can’t think of it at the moment but when we get a problem what do you do that gets on her nerves seriously sometimes when we’re arguing I make it
About me you you do that I don’t even understand that I don’t either so I’m trying to figure out I’ve been accused of that too oh it’s like um so she’ll be pissed at me about something and then I’ll say well it’s like when you [ __ ] do that that’s just like and
She’s like oh great now I can’t be pissed about that cuz now I you have to be pissed about you what is it J oh look you here what is it JD they’ve talked about um Courtney isn’t too happy with his obsession with the Los Angeles Lakers oh but that’s silly
Yeah that’s not the that’s like that’s that’s that’s something they press release but I know what he’s talking about that you came in though and just gave me some of those marble mouths yeah true and when you see him standing there and then you know he likes that
Kind of music it’s ridiculous do you ever arue I understand what he’s talking about what it is for a woman if she brings up something and then you bring up something about her like wait a minute if that was an issue for you you should have brought it up you shouldn’t
Bring it up because I’m bringing something called fighting back yeah yeah but the bottom line is like you don’t want to I mean I don’t want to fight I don’t ever want to fight so right guys when you figure out ways not to push their buttons or figure out ways that
You guys get along and and you know she doesn’t like if I you know stay out too late or you know oh do you do that once in a while I never do that I need with the guys you’re that kind of guy yeah that’s probably what the Laker thing is
You know when you Lakers have a lot of games and when you start going all the time it’s kind of like geez come home after a few beers your hin skoot on can I be honest with you if I was married to Courtney I wouldn’t be going to a Laker game you
What I would be with her all the time she’d be sick of me she’d be mad at me for not going to a Laker game could you please go out yeah my tongue would be so far up her ass she would she wouldn’t be able to walk straight God I mean wow
Awesome oh godamn yeah you into that at all no putting the T tongue up ass have you had your tongue up Courtney’s ass have you ever put your tongue up Courtney Cox’s ass I tried did Beth says she doesn’t Oh wrong hole Beth told me she doesn’t want no no she
Doesn’t like any of that nonsense yeah no and I’m fine with that I really don’t want to put my tongue up anyone’s ass sometimes I get very Amorous though and I I want to do things intimate things yeah but you know I I could see a woman be uncomfortable with that now how
Affected are you by the tabloids did you I don’t know up the ass I’m not a up if Courtney wanted you to do that she said listen lick me everywhere is not you wouldn’t do it wow not mean like a little I’d go an inch
Uper ass oh with your tongue or a finger oh no my tongue wow up Courtney’s ass yeah it’s pretty clear what about you Robin do you enjoy that I don’t want any tongues anywhere near that she likes anal she likes a dick in her ass stop it
I I had it few times that doesn’t me in love with and you weren’t even lubric I just like that I’m seeing this in person that’s I love that no I wanted to ask that question about the Tablo because the other day you you know there were
Those stories that there was a sex tape with uh the dirty Sanchez with Sandra Bullock and Jesse James what do you know about and you were starting to think maybe I should be doing these crazy things to Beth yeah maybe I should give her dirty sanchez yeah Courtney wasn’t
Down but she got really pissed about the dirty sanchez she was like she doesn’t like yeah we had to go right to therapy did did your B problem honestly did your refusal to eat her ass come up in counseling Ronda you’re on the air in Cleveland today show is awesome and
You’ve got to get David arette to come in back like next week and chain them up and keep them there all week David arette is welcome to sit in anytime he wants he knows that I’ve told him that in private email the guy’s a funny guy I
Like him around what an awesome followup to George Decay right d you did well today thank you buddy you didn’t get on anyone’s nerves you see tell Courtney that no need for therapy between us thank you so David how was it uh sitting on the show today that was a dream come
True it was fantastic I had such a blast seeing the behind the scenes you never you’d never you could never and uh we just came from Chicago where we celebrated the 40th anniversary of uh Apollo 13 uh Jim level was the commander of that and I know Jim very well because he
And I flew together in space in November 1966 and then I was his backup on the poo8 mission that flew to the moon Christmas time 1968 a very significant Mission Neil Armstrong and I were on the backup crew and then uh if the next two missions after Apollo 8 were successful
Uh our crew would be given the assignment to land on the moon which we did in July 20th 1969 now what what do you expect from this interview what do you think Howard’s going to be uh mostly interested in uh well everybody who has a show is interested in show business and that’s
Appealing to the listeners uh in an exciting way which will keep them uh uh tuning in to uh listen to uh the sponsors or whatever it is that uh that promote the program and obviously that’s what Dancing with the Stars was all about it’s a show it’s Show Business and uh
They’re interested in selecting interesting people to be on that and I happen to agree with them that I think I’m a very interesting person we have a real man who’s going to walk in the room a guy I admire a man I think is someone who should be celebrated saluted uh this
Is a man’s man A Brave man he’s no [ __ ] medicated Pete’s coming back no the great Buzz Aldren who was the second the second man to walk on the Moon yes a brave and generous man what’s braver going on Dancing With the Stars or going on the
Moon I think going going on the moon there you go nobody died anyway I really do mean that this is a guy this is a real this is a real hero that’s a hero look at this guy that’s a hero there you go I’m going to applaud you stand up I
Am oh I’m sitting down he’s standing up I love you I love you man Buzz I mean Mr Aldren I love you than what are you calling him Buzz saluting you man are we going to have an affair I listen I don’t go that way I know you do but I but
You’re still a hero to me Ah that’s great you you know what I think about sometimes have a seat how old were you when you went to the moon 39 okay 39 years old you got your whole life ahead of you you’re in love and all this and
That and you stick yourself one of those rotten tin cans and you go up into space what were you thinking you were some you’re a brave man you know I don’t have the balls even to go to California on a you know one thing leads to another what
Do you mean well what I mean is that uh that I was uh born in 19 30 and uh my father was an aviation pioneer was your old man did your old man did your old man push you into aviation in a way no no but uh the people he associated with
Uh were Pioneers in aviation and uh uh it I just grew up with uh with the names of Howard Hughes and uh Amelia aart and the Wright brothers did you have a fear of flying at any point and how to overcome that whole thing no uh uh I
Have my first ride in uh n in 1932 I was 2 years old that’s Brave yeah well he was Brave from the start I I think I may have uh got a little got a little Aviation sickness uh but you you got to you you fought combat missions didn’t
You I mean you were on you flew a plane combat yes uh in uh I was at West Point yeah and going into my uh senior year uh several of us who stood pretty high in the class were given an opportunity to have a conducted tour of the Far East
Yes uh General MacArthur’s occupation of Japan yes so we uh the the we got over there in uh in July right and stayed in The boq Bachelor officer quarters R did you get the next morning wait a minute the next morning uh under the door was the Stars and Stripes that said North
Korea invades South Korea that was the 25th of uh June 25th of June uh 1950 and 3 years later I spent the whole year of 1953 in Korea during the Korean War so you got to go up in a plane and fire crap bullets bombs I don’t know on these
Koreans 50 caliber look at you six of them did you take out the enemy yes two of them two of them two of them you are such a goddamn man uh I was just a uh young second Lieutenant 23 years old look at you man were you were you scared when you would
Go on those missions how do you get over fear I’m a very fearful guy I’m afraid to walk out of the house I’m afraid to get on a commercial flight how do you get over fear in your life uh you suppress it yeah somehow uh you never Fe
Think thinking of what you need to do to be alert to handle anything that’s clouding your mind and uh you know that uh see I grew up with FDR being being elected replacing Herbert Hoover right the only thing to fear is fear itself yeah yeah you got it
And and uh it’s a paralyzing emotion uh fear uh because you you become obsessed with what might go wrong and you’re searching around instead of being open-minded and very alert mhm you’re you you what do you how are you there you see Robin huh thumbs up thumbs up
Well I know she’s got a big chest but you can’t get H uh who’s that bigheaded guy that’s being lifted up into the air by those Red Balloons that’s our astronaut that’s Eric the [ __ ] that’s Eric the [ __ ] now I’m I’m fascinated by you your father was a a pilot and uh
He he wanted you to be the first man to walk on the moon isn’t that the truth he he he he running anything how could he do that no he lobbied NASA and said I want my son to be the first man to walk on the moon well you know there was some
Some talk in the media about uh uh wanting not a military person right well but Neil was in the uh Navy flying in the Korean War off of a carrier of course so he was certainly a a military guy he wasn’t a career military person but uh my father really didn’t
Understand the rocket business all that well right I mean he thought that uh you ought to be able to rescue somebody at the Moon by sending another rocket and people to get there and bring her back well there was just no way to do anything like that
Uh let me kind of the old man but when the old man wants you to be the first man on the moon did you feel disappointment you felt a little embarrassed you were in front of your father no because it was so important no because he he was talking to people at uh
When he didn’t really understand the background let let me expl he embarrassed you because when he was lobbying and carrying on you were like Dad he shouldn’t have been in those offices having right it’s up to these guys right now when President Kennedy said May 25th 1961 yes I believe that
This nation should commit itself before the decade is out of Landing a man on the moon he was right and returning him safely a lot of people don’t understand that wait a minute he didn’t say anything about going outside the spacecraft walking around on the moon he
Said to land a man on the moon and uh bring it back okay that clearly people in the space business who understand the progression of exploration know that the very most important uh contribution of Apollo was demonstrating the ability to land on another object now uh we didn’t have space walking
Until the Russians uh had leonoff uh go outside the uh the Vash God and uh almost not get back in again so we trained my very good friend from West Point Ed White to do the first space walk on geminy 4 uh with the maneuvering
Gun and uh and we had to really convince him to come back in again it was so successful and uh so enjoyable uh being outside with the freedom uh outside the hatch of the geminy for Mission so uh once having done that we had a two-man spacecraft uh the Gemini spacecraft
Engineers called it geminy uh CU they don’t know how to pronounce uh right the uh uh constellations in the sky but but geminy is the TW two stars of casor and Pollock poock it’s a twin twin stars you know why you’re so brave back then I mean even to this day with
The space program back then who the hell knew if this thing was coming back it was an experiment was it real this was a real exper it was a 10 come on you you know comes down everybody knows anything goes up comes down how heavily did it
Weigh on you how do you even know if you can hit the moon did these guys from NASA they couldn’t assure you you were coming back when you kissed your wife goodbye and you went up off into space there was a really good chance you weren’t coming back you were in a
Goddamn Tin Can for Christ’s sake experimental and then they were try to drop it back in the ocean well you you know uh Chuck jger right uh Mr Aviation maybe yeah right uh was a little resentful because the Air Force wouldn’t allow the announcement that he had flown the X1 and broken the
Sound barrier and uh of course the Air Force wanted an Air Force person to do that instead of the expert who had been flying the X1 Scot Crossfield right uh so the Air Force selected an Air Force guy to do that but uh so Chuck jerger
After uh the uh Nation disclosed that we just broken the sound barrier and Captain uh Chuck jerger was the person that did it uh Chuck has always considered himself uh the expert test pilot the epitome of test pilots uh until Neil Armstrong came along as uh being a test pilot for NACA
Now uh uh Chuck Jagger yeah got away with all sorts of things you’ve seen in the movie where he had the bail out of a of an airplane because he couldn’t control it lost control uh he uh he went horseback riding the uh day before he was going to fly and break a
Record uh Supersonic and he broke a rib when he fell off the horse he couldn’t even close the hatch to that that’s not what you consider uh professionalism right I I know Chuck isn’t going to appreciate my saying this but in other words he shouldn’t have flown that day because when you’re less
Than 100% you shouldn’t fly yeah but what got me into the subject of that is that he called going up in the Mercury capsule uh man and a can or spam in the can and guys were going up and this was not something that uh uh that was at all to
Be admired just going up in a can and coming back in a can that’s [ __ ] if you don’t well that’s what Yuri gagaran did and that’s what uh clearly expedited our space program to to challenge ourselves and the Soviet Union are you bitter that you did not be that you were
Not the first man to walk on the moon you you what I’m getting at is that the giny spacecraft had two people in it right a commander and a pilot right didn’t like the term co-pilot right well uh the commander was responsible for executing all the Maneuvers AB boarding
The spacecraft on the way up and controlling it on the way down so always the uh the experiments were given to the junior person the co-pilot or the pilot so uh it was determined that uh to demonstrate space walking that we would put one person outside and it was not
Going to be the commander it was going to be the the junior person right all right yeah so when you go and face the future plans of landing on the moon you have several choices number one is you land take pictures out the window control robots but don’t go outside
Right you know it’s hazardous out there yeah it’s dangerous or you can send one person out there the way that we did you know they have no air on the M I don’t know if you know that I know some people don’t know that uh you
Can send one person out there in in which the precedent set by the gmany program would be the commander would stay inside and the junior person the lunar module pilot would go outside right so that could have been a plan uh uh two people could go outside but again
The training workload is so heavy on the commander that the activities outside could have been under the surveillance uh uh of the junior person on there so you could send him out first well there was a dilemma and it was a hot potato and nobody wanted to make a
Decision right and uh and clearly uh in my discussions with Neil he wasn’t going to press for a decision so I went to the uh the head of the Apollo program office and said look we need a decision on us so we can get on with our training uh
But when you do make a decision make sure that it’s sticks and stays that way right make a real decision and stick with it now let me say when I was first assigned to a 11 I came back and told my wife that I would just as soon have been
On a later flight so I wouldn’t have to go around the world make all these speeches and everything else does that sound like somebody who wants to get the media ACC claim of being the first human being out on the surface no I where where is this Neil Armstrong why don’t
You see him anywhere I mean the guy it’s like he’s a reclus or something no no no I saw him just last night you did yeah you saw him but I don’t see him anywhere he seems seems to be a recluse he seems to have gone into hid he’s not on
Dancing With the Stars well maybe he should be should be proud of that well first time I met him he was roller skating around in the backyard and I thought wow this guy flies the X15 uh and he roller skates in the backyard were you confident that NASA knew what
The hell they were doing when you absolutely absolutely yeah you like those guys uh they know what they’re doing I you when the president said we’re going to the Moon we didn’t know how to get there we really didn’t Werner Von braa wanted a a a Nova rocket which
Wouldn’t have been ready until way past the president’s deadline of 1970 or so right we had a Saturn 5 under construction but his calculations brender Von braa was that we needed two of them to join up the stuff go to the Moon directly and come back it was an
Engineer but weren’t you nervous that this was just theory that they were rushing too fast into this that they weren’t in other words because Kennedy said we got to get a man on the moon now that they were just going to rush and who knows this whole thing could have
Blown up I mean you must have been a little nervous about that well they did test the rocket we as a crew and and other people felt that you could turn around and come back at many times during the mission right and you might have to do that like Apollo 13 before
You got a chance to get to the moon so we figured that chance just unofficially the three of us on Apollo that it was about 60% that we would be able to successfully land right but 95% that if we weren’t able to land that we would be able to come back safely
Well that’s great so if you buy into that and that’s what NASA was saying then uh then you set that issue aside and you don’t worry about that but you spend 80% of your time training on emergency procedures do you think you were selected cuz you’re a handsome man
Also now I’m being serious you look good and they want to make sure that the guy who goes up and represents our country is a macho photogenic man you know true I’m looking at you I see you’re a handsome man I jokingly say to people
Who uh say well did you hit a golf ball on the moon and I say well we all look alike you know yeah but we do get confused uh between different folks you are in great shape I was shot I was not a test pilot
Right how do you suppose I got into the astronaut program what are you asking me for well I was flying supersonic f-100’s uh in Germany 1956 to 59 uh we uh transitioned over to nuclear weapon delivery in 1957 58 right here here’s a 2728 year
Old going to drop uh a nuclear weapon on Poland or Czechoslovakia after flying low level and and tossing this thing uh a lot of people today don’t realize that there were an awful lot of people during that cold war who who were right on the feather edge uh scared well yeah you you
Adjust to the fact that if the siren goes off you hop in that airplane and you’re flying low level talking to nobody uh looking at your map I’m shocked to hear you nuked Poland I never even knew about it he didn’t oh could
Have I I I have told a few people that I met and they might have been from bras slavia or something I said well you know that uh your your Airfield in in bras slavia wherever it is was one of my targets do you still you still fly I
Mean yourself do you actually get in and fly a plane or you’ve given up on that it’s it’s a long story but uh I’m not a golfer either uh but I did uh uh try to see if there was some consistency in hitting a golf ball uh when I began to
Have more time and uh to waste 5 hours a day uh you know you usually want to play golf with people of a similar background right well uh I there are no fighter pilots in Beverly Hills okay is there’s not too many people you live in Beverly
Hills now on the fringes you uh listen on the fringes you do you have money I mean you got any real money you’re a real hero you should have some money in the bank we we were paid uh Air Force salary all the time we were at Nasa so
How’d you get the Beverly Hills Place uh now I got divorced in California she must have wiped you out so I lost half of my retirement pay my God and whatever you you’ve earned That’s the Law you know community property state so uh after I got divorced and Was
A Bachelor you can read you can read in my novel not novel but my autobiography magnificent desolation that I had to deal with inherited depression my mother committed suicide a year before I went to the moon didn’t she commit suicide because she was upset about you going to
The moon like it was tied in with that no I I I think uh and my sisters confirmed this that uh that she just didn’t want to face the attention wow the attention that would have been focused on uh the parent of somebody who uh who went to the moon
How did she do it I mean do you what are the details well she was involved in a little too much drinking and uh mil towns I think I seem to remember uh and you suffered from depression when you got back from the Moon yes because well
See her father my grandfather uh was an army chaplain right in the Philippines when my father in the Philippines uh was an aid to Billy Mitchell you know that name you seem like an up kind of guy you suffer from depression I did yes you
What do you take for that what kind of medication uh very very little right now you take a little something now you just take the edge off well it’s another discussion but I wanted to talk about this we’re going to get to it did you don’t worry I’ll let
You plug away You’re a hero so you I don’t know what that is oh I know so wait a second so you take a little something to take the edge off but the drink you started to drink and everything when you got back and it’s
Kind of a sad story well I mean I was a fighter pilot every body Friday night beer call and all day all night maranne parties over in Germany how’d you get rid of the drinking problem what’s a Maryanne part well I uh you don’t know what a Maryanne party is what is a
Maryann party tell her I know what it is but you tell her well we we also called it a toga party uh our Squadron put on uh uh one of the displays one night and it Friday night or or Saturday night and anyway we decided to all dress up like uh uh r
Gladiators yeah no underpants or anything right and just the white gowns you know and then you bring broads in wives wives wives oh yeah this is what kind of party is that this is a congenial wives officer club party listen to me listen to me you must have
Gotten laid like crazy I’m talking about when you were a young man you got married young right how old your first marriage I was uh almost 25 okay so before you were 25 you must have getting tons of broads 24 25 yeah did you get tons of girls no not tons when’s the
First time you got late were you about 16 no how old were you 18 uh the the partials count what [ __ ] what are you talking about oral [ __ ] all right when’s your first [ __ ] go ahead let’s talk manto man you want to talk you want to talk more stor now I
Can get quite quite quite a bit later ah yeah so so you know cuz back then back in the day when you were young man you really had to work for it there weren’t so many loose girls around you know what I’m saying look I had to remember uh
That when I was in junior high school my father was uh in the war in the Pacific and uh in Europe uh and I had two older sisters and they they were just uh way above me in in all grades in Scholastic right and and I was you know tow head
Whitey short uh I uh was more interested in Notre Dame football and so you weren’t into four horsemen from Notre Dame so you weren’t that into girls is what you’re saying you were a bit kind of no but my mother decided that I needed to improve my grades going into
Ninth grade because it was going to count from that point on right and she also thought maybe I ought to uh take dancing lessons uh at Arthur Murray yes so that subject came up uh about a month or so ago when I was asked to be a part
Of dancing with the star you should have won every American should have just kept voting for you I mean you’re a hero they did to the It’s a combination of uh people AR patriotic hey look you know it’s Show Business listen to me it’s show business how’ that Pam Anderson look on that
Dancing with the Stars nice pretty good not your type well contained you know who I liked that um Nicole Nicole oh number one with me what a body huh she uh came from uh Hawaii and my oldest son is over in Hawaii so we talked a little
Bit about uh you ever seen a body on a broad like that good Lord Almighty that how to get the juice was flowing right am I right or am I wrong it was one of the uh uh appreciated uh sidelights of uh being a part of all of that you ever
Wish you were a young man again you nail something like that cuz believe me right you could have talk back in the day you could have shown her what a hero was all about well I I guess you you depressed you move on an age uh you’re either
Dealing with a with a little uh blue pill or a little yellow pill you got the viagras I got them yeah I got them why not listen listen life ain’t over at 80 you still want sex at 80 of course you’re in great shape the way you were
Moving around on the floor I mean you know Swedish Swedish jeans you meet some of your contemporaries they could barely walk they can’t even get out of bed in the morning you’re walking around please they don’t have two Mar the marbles are like they’ve got two La look it’s all
Your marbles it’s impressive you know what I’m saying there are 24 Americans who reach the moon did you know that 24 I didn’t know that I just know you the people in the media only care about uh who’s first Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldren I know those are the two and
Believe me this Neil Armstrong he’s in hiding somewhere he ought to come out of well he’s tired of all the ATT you to come out of the house get out there and represent NASA because I got news for you I don’t think they care about getting to Mars it’s very important me
To get to Mars they three guys three commanders of uh Apollo missions just wrote a letter to the president of course you think we should go to Mars right of course we should go somewhere we we sure have nosiness going back to the moon what are we doing there’s no
Point in going to the Moon again we’ve been there and nothing’s happen there was nothing there there may be some good science some good commercial developments I don’t know what they are I don’t either you hear what I magnificent desolation right it’s not a good place to set up housekeeping well I
Think want to send the Jews to the moon the Arabs do that’s what I heard well is that what this water talk is all about we were talking about it yesterday everybody’s talking about the water on the moon the water on Mars there’s nothing up there this guy’s been to the
Moon what was up there it smelled right it smelled yeah smelled sort of metallic or something well when you bring it back into an oxygen environment some extremist said that if there’s any lunar dust that’s exposed to the uh oxygen when you put the the oxygen back in the
Cabin it’s going to burst into flames of course well it didn’t but uh and I knew that and see I explained this to my uncle who was down there for the launch about people thinking that it was going to burst into flames and I said we’re very careful because uh everything was
In the Rock Box except the one contingency sample that as soon as Neil got on the surface he scooped up a little bit put it in a a pouch in his uh space suit and then we had that uh when we got back in again
So we put it very carefully so that we could see the smoke coming out of it well I explained this to my uncle before launch see so after launch he goes back to California from Florida and he was sitting talking to somebody who happened to be a reporter and he was explaining
How how his nephew talked about pyroclastic properties of uh lunard dust uh so you know the reporter wrote it up you know what the heading of the article was what Al fears lunar rocks ah don’t listen to that listen to me did you ever
Hear my theory back in the 80s I was a big proponent of blowing up the moon and I’m not joking the moon causes a lot of these hurricanes and tsunamis and Tides you think I’m kidding around blow that bastard up women will get less of their periods the period is control how will
It even know when to come what the period the period would be less intense well it’s once a month is exactly right what do you think of my idea blowing up the moon I’m being Dead series but but let’s look a little earlier in in uh the evolution you’re an evolutionist I hope
Not a creationist I’m an evolutionist of course what are you kidding me well uh let’s look back a little earlier uh Isaac azimoff a u astronomer that science fiction writer yes uh he he wrote a book on astronomy and the title of his description of the Moon of Earth
Why is it so far away of course it’s much much further away from from the earth than all the other moons are in uh in our solar system that’s right uh and before we went to the moon there were three theories about how the moon was created right they were all wrong right
And when we came back it took about 10 years examining the L lunar rocks uh before somebody came up with a theory and it’s now agreed to by almost everyone that a large object early in the formation first billion years or so of of Earth a very large uh object maybe
The size of Mars even that big which is you know about uh one one half the size of Earth hit the earth and caused a lot of stuff to uh Splash off stuff that was at the Earth and was of the body that hid it and and because of that analyzing
Those things they concluded that that’s how the moon was formed it was not captured it was not spun off of uh uh someplace or formed when the earth was formed why is it important to get to Mars tell people why because don’t we get all kinds of scientific innovation
When we do something like that it means maybe we could even find out more stuff about our universe there there are quite a few reasons uh I would say one of them is the search for life now let me let’s get this straight let’s ask somebody who’s actually gone out there now he
Doesn’t want to tell you what I’m going to tell you you know Buzz doesn’t want to ruin anyone’s parade but I mean Mr Aldren what doctor Dr Al Buzz Light Buzz Light Dr Aldren let me say something there’s no life out there anywhere this is the only life would you
Dis how do you know that what how do you know that just just cuz we haven’t found anything there’s nothing out there you know it you know it you’ve been out there well well there’s our galaxy okay right 100,000 light years in diameter right the next galaxy is 20 diameters of
Our galaxy away you think there were people out there who knows we have can’t stand the people here why do I need to see more people why would this accident happen only once I I believe it happened absolutely an accident you call it an accident it’s a quirk of nature destined
To be did you ever by some higher power who created somehow the big bang and these opportunities for speaking of the Big Bang Yes did you ever get any celebrity women in bed with you after your trip to the moon did you ever enjoy really famous women did did you see the
Uh what what is that back you know exactly what that is that’s you in bed that’s one of the famous women that’s you in bed with Gina Lola Bria tell the truth how did you know I know all about you know all about you’re my hero yeah
Listen to me you must have read my uh autobiography magnificent desolation you bang Gina Lola bridg that godamn righty one of most beautiful women on the planet we are good friends you’re damn right we are very good friends she must have been some knockout back in the day
Right she was a bomb you know you know as a matter of fact when we came back from the Moon we were scheduled for a round the world trip yeah and uh our first stop was in Mexico right okay and we found out that the same Hotel was
Gina Lola Bridget on a tour promoting a book or paintings or something so we we met with her and she said uh gee you guys have any you going to visit Rome we said yeah and we looked up on the schedule as a matter of fact we have a
Free day in Rome uh after we uh uh kind of go to Mexico South America then England France and and Italy we got a free day in Rome she says I’m going to give you a party with when you’re there oh yeah so she gave us a party you’re
Godamn right she gave you a party yeah yeah you gave it to her good was there an immediate attraction yeah you instant chemistry there there were a lot of media there but they were controlled uh now hey let me ask you about came back from the Moon I uh visited Rome again
She took you back to the Moon she took you back to the mo visited Gina you and Gina became Fast Friends was she incredible in bed come on was she incredible in bed oh wow who who that’s Gina who turns on that background noise that’s Gina screaming roll away from
Wherever the hell she is all right listen to me real quick okay Dancing with the Stars when you’re practicing with your partner attractive woman absolutely do you ever get aroused uh Ashley like my wife’s family yes are very devoted Mormons but when you’re that who who cares when you’re that
Close to a woman and you’re holding her in your arms and it’s a strange woman woman and she’s got you don’t seem to realize her TV cameras going all the time right I get you all right listen to me now no no she’s got two young boys uh
She was on the first three shows uh then met a cute guy first three shows of dancing with a star met a cute guy got married oh uh has a 2-year-old boy and a uh eight month now uh she’s still nursing the 8 month oh what a pain in
The ass you should have been hooked up with that editor that’s a hot chick too remember her yeah I think she her partner was just eliminated last night that’s right yeah well she’s polish what’ you get about she was pretty quiet do you get about 125,000 for being on
Dancing With the Stars I don’t know my uh stepdaughter negotiates all of that stuff W listen to We you know we we we would have uh like to have kept getting that in to augment this Air Force retirement pay half of which uh you know
We figured out it pays for about one of my phone bills yeah Buzz aldrin’s portal to science and space exploration iPhone app is available on iTunes and app stores I don’t know what this is what does that do what kind of app is this
And what do I why do I need this you know what an app is yeah I know what an okay it’s an icon that’s on your iPhone right and they’re they’re very hard let me guess what this is photos of Gina Lola bridg when you press on the icon
Right naked not yet not yet but you push on this and says Buzz Aldren portal to science and space exploration I see and then what happens what does it and what happens is uh it says loading and after it says loading it says I got a bunch of options on the
Bottom which is uh space Buzz uh then news uh interactive buzz what am I doing who am I seeing uh Buzz life uh what am I involved in my so it’s to follow you follow you around yeah but everything I well I talk to people I uh write with my
Team uh oped pieces uh I go to a lot of conferences it’s all things Buzz it’s all things buzz you know I I uh have something in my pocket I thought that was something else in your pocket okay now this thing is that your Viagra it has business cards in it go
Ahead okay and on the outside of it I didn’t I didn’t it didn’t sink in I just thought this was some silly little sketch and it says uh it shows a a girl there and it says it’s all about me and I thought geez that’s what a
Business card is it’s all about me look at you I swear to God you look great you sound great you’re a hero you’ve done it all in your life no regrets Gina little La bridg I mean you did it all my friend you did it all you tell me about this I
Don’t know why you were dep I don’t know what that is beer it looks like a uh an energy drink of some sort you stopped drinking right when you got after you got the pressing you got you got into alcoholism you stopped I did 31 years 31
Years of subri did you go to one of those programs or did you uh oh I went to quite a few uh rehabs six six weeks with the Navy rehab I went back and visited uh uh Betty Ford when she was going through there uh and then Bill Holden right he
Didn’t make it no he didn’t make it unfortunately no you you’ve stayed off the sauce it was it was not an easy two three years the first took a little while and and because of that they asked me to have a psychiatric exam every year if I wanted to keep a a medical
Certificate for flying right well here I am trying to put my life back together again I didn’t need to the added expense of flying airplanes in Los Angeles so I I said that’s so what I think about continuing to uh get a medical certificate to you told them [ __ ] you no
I told them I wasn’t interested in the psychiatric evaluation every year you ever curse of course I do you do yeah do you still have an official relationship with NASA I mean when you go to Dancing with the Stars do you have to get their permission do you discuss with them you
Do you’re your own man yeah of course okay but they they they call us former astronauts you know once an astronaut always an astronaut I think absolutely do you think Richard Branson should be calling his passengers astronauts astronauts Victoria principal came up to me at one of the founder dinners and she
Hugged me and she she said hey look you guys are astronauts we’re not astronauts why are they but they’re going to have a big set of wings and a big pin an insult to and all they’re going to do is sit in a chair and be driven up into space well
They float for for second or two but it’s not really space you know not not an asut is a guy who risks his life for his country go a gap filler it keeps keeps the public interested in space likee experience so it’s good $200,000 you got $200,000 that’s an expensive when that’s
Why my sharespace is going to have a lottery when you flew here sharespace a prizes a lottery for things like that when you flew here from California is it by way of Chicago okay is it3 re is it annoying to you to be on a plane and
Someone else is in the pilot seat do you ever say Jesus Christ I can fly this when I get on I usually go up front and introduce myself and talk to the guys about what the weather is you ever say to move over I’m going to drive well I
Look and see if they got a spare seat but after 911 why can still fly a plane what kind of well the planes today are different than the planes back then well uh just recently uh I I’m uh about to sign an agreement uh working with a
Company called jet site yeah now jet site evolved from Jet Blue right so the two people that form Jet Blue uh they uh sold it off to somebody one of them is working on an airline down in Brazil and the other guys in Los Angeles working with jet Suite right okay uh Brazilian
Airplanes uh the Phenom 100s four passenger very economical but not cross country and not transatlantic right so so I’m uh kind of Consulting with those people CU I think that’s that’s a good future so when they picked me up after a zeppelin flight from San Jose uh you know the big
Hanger up there down to Long Beach they were going to uh fly me back to Santa Monica so I got to fly in the jet Suite airplane oh very nice and and he said go ahead and land did you do it yeah of course I did you were able to do it yeah
Yeah you still got it okay you still got the right stuff absolutely the right stuff yeah maybe not a Corvette racing up and down the the highways of Florida Buzz aldrin’s book magnificent desolation is in stores now too and by the way you see that that can you keep
Picking up I’m understand that’s a fake vagina what yeah it says suo yeah it’s a fake vagina you open it up and you can put your penis in it the fake vagina pops out of that can yeah it’s a fake vagina it says dry yeah it’s dry you got to lube it
Up but it’s got a woman’s face looked like she’s got a helmet on of some sort oh yeah that’s that that woman’s wearing a helmet for a different reason she’s want to get hit in the face uh look Buzz aldrin’s portal to science and space exploration iPhone app is available on
ITunes and app stores the man is a real hero go get the app go get the book magnificent desolation it’s in stores now it is an honor what’s the matter what are you looking at I’m looking at your wheel of sex behind you Richard drums on your ass yeah Howard’s choice
Right Richard’s uh who’s Richard Richard is some freak that works with me not astronaut not in the program I got to tell you something hey what about this uh Kate Goslin on Dancing With The Star she’s a c Bird right why she’s got eight kids why somebody would she’s not the OCTA mom
But but somehow she’s got eight kids in a little dispute yeah but shouldn’t she be home with these eight kids what is she doing she has eight kids she’s busy dancing it up on there she’s got a puss on her she don’t can’t even smile she’s
Uh internalizing uh is a word I would use you didn’t you didn’t like her you didn’t like her tell the truth no I tried to have a conversation but I I’m I’m not a social UHF did you try to have a conversation with her and she was
Disrespectful to you no not not at all did she have phony airs about her not your type of no no don’t put words in my mouth she wasn’t nice like Gina L Bria was she she should have put out a little bit Nicole is a my my choice along with
Evan lysek yes the ice skater the ice skater he I was in Vancouver compliments of Omega watch right who was a timekeeper for the Olympics and uh so they asked me to present Evan after he won the gold medal with a an Omega watch so we got a chance to
Talk a little bit little did we know that we would be dancing with stars hey you’re a republican right were you no I wouldn’t say that I thought you were I thought you a big Republican guy I I right now uh tea partyer no are you
Right now I’m very supportive of uh the president because he is telling us he is going to tell us what we’re going to do in space so I want to help uh talk to the people in the White House and explain to them what I think we should
Do okay and and uh after I uh spoke to the uh evaluating committee Norm Augustine’s committee uh last uh June or July based on that uh they wanted me to talk to the budget uh the technology people but who did you vote for did you
Vote for Obama or did you vote for m so a friend of mine arranged for me to have that briefing in the White House Situation Room with Obama no no no with uh with the people who you vote for McCain or Obama McCain and I bet you didn’t like that
Palin that’s not true I I think you were not happy with her he’s still voted for me wrong I I think she is uh really a breath of fresh air into the uh uh people who would like to hear between you and me she’s no moon expert I’ll
Give you that let me tell you well but she can she can be uh an expert taught a few things you bet just like Gina was all right listen to me you are a hero don’t forget it no I love you I uh I don’t care I know you I want to maintain
That image of involvement partic ipation you’re an excellent American you’re what every American man should be if I wasn’t such a [ __ ] I’d get in a can and go up to the Moon too do you know what’s going on you’d be a good guy you’d spread the
Word about the benefits of and why America should be leaders grounded as you’re leaders by going to Mars not going back to the Moon help the Chinese we should help the Chinese go to the Moon why not let them all go to the Moon those Chinese uh let me ask something
What is going on with the space program right now the shuttle is being it’s been scheduled to be retired uh in September that mission may go over really uh a number of us are concerned about the people who would be out of uh work yeah uh if you build a follow on to
The shuttle that that has the shuttle launch system that might help the matters you could stretch the shuttle out flying uh a mission every year that’s what I proposed maybe a year ago uh but time has moved on and uh uh there are other Solutions but it’s going to
Irritate a number of people who were counting on the constellation program uh which was to go back to the Moon with two rockets instead of one we only needed one one was too small that they worked on it got into very expensive trouble and the other one we hadn’t even
Begun to to build yet but we’d have been much better off by uh instead of Aries one and five which kind of makes six AR if we had two Aries three I love that this still matters to you Neil Armstrong he don’t get out there and talk about this stuff I mean
You’re still involved I mean he ought to get out and help the cause all right listen you know how many followers I have on Twitter how many 830,000 what are you and you’re busy tweeting well I have a mission director uh she she used to work for John Tesh uh but
She helps me do those she she and my stepdaughter uh harmonized for the rap song uh with uh oh you did a song with Snoop Dogg right I did a song with Snoop Dogg and did you smoke chronic with him or you you no but he’s he’s a he’s a
Very brilliant guy he’s able to come up with comments uh I saw your wife on dancing with the star attractive woman very very attractive this one’s for real you’re not going to get a divorce and lose another half it’s a terminal assignment right by the way isn’t it one
Small fact I have to mention what which I thought was really unbelievable wasn’t your mother’s name Moon yes Moon yes how do you like that her first name was moon no last name last name Moon all right just thought that was interesting all right nobody else did okay listen um
Thank you nothing meant nothing I should never brought it up all right we’ll get the iPhone app we’ll listen for the music I get you you’re you’re you’re into it all right we’ll take a break we’ll be back right after this to Great Buzz Aldren Buzz it’s a pleasure to see
You again thank you very much okay thank you we we met before we’ve met here you did the show before and we saw you in it was just a phone then I saw you in the airport and I introduced myself honor to have you real honor thank you very much
Thank put nice meeting this man right here I’m the producer got Mr ald Right Here one more awesome thank you Mr Aldren how to go in there today I enjoyed it uh I I I wish I’d brought my Razor along so that Howard could take a shave but you
Need you need a shave too I do you had a good time today that’s uh yeah I got to go get on the phone pretty soon all right work on some strategy for uh for the president’s conference Good Luck Good Luck thank thank you I’m here to talk to Howard
About the insane concept of replacing Howard Stern on the radio ridiculous right Rob how do you think it’s going to go today um little nervous but feeling okay I I love them why are you nervous why yeah he’s the greatest interviewer of all time so uh we’ll see how it goes
Try not to [ __ ] it up too bad all right we’ll see you in there thanks man this guy’s name is Rob Barnett and his task was to he was the head of CBS Radio when we got when we left yes Viacom when it was announced when we left terrestrial
Radio and his job was to replace us with someone yeah he had a year I guess to look for a replacement and he came up with David Lee Roth oh well the three did he was he responsible for the the three things where it was um Adam yeah
In one part of the country some other guy in another part of the country and then um David the Roth in certain areas hey Rob hey Howard Rob Barnett uh so is this the first meeting had you guys met before barely you know when I I shook
Your hand when you got up on stage in December out on the street and said something like godp speed but you know I figured the the maximum respect I could pay you throughout that whole [ __ ] ridiculous event yes was to leave you alone well yeah and that was probably a
Good idea the the U you know now Tim Sabian says yes whatever he says he’s lying do you think he’s lying he could be lying why here’s what his story is well say I want to hear his version when I said when when I went up on stage and
Said goodbye to my fans right that day when I left terrestrial radio he said that you turned to him and said well now he’s your problem I did say that that was a joke that was a joke that was an attempt at a joke here’s one thing that’s that’s
Clear the only person that came out perfect and beautiful and smelling like a rose from the whole thing is you I came out smelling okay yeah so tell us take us back to that time you were working at CBS radio and your title originally originally here here’s a
Great one it’s it’s October 6th 2004 okay I’m in bed with my wife right you come on and we turn it on every morning and you quit right I had been there for for a few months with some innocuous job title John Sykes brought me in as executive producer of special
Programming blah blah blah blah BL to essentially to develop new radio shows come up with some good ideas right so I lean over to my wife and I say this is not good right and she says what do you mean I said it’s not good for me it’s
Not good for anyone this is the end and she says what are you talking about you just got there I’m getting out yeah right so I go into work that day and of course you can only imagine what that floor is like at 1515 Broadway because
You’ve set off a nuclear bomb we have no idea what that was like well actually I do Joel Joel Hollander was furious with did he call you that day I forget exactly how it all went down but I or he called My AG or maybe he called no one
But I know he was angry with me because he felt that I had betrayed him in some way I said listen Joel I told you I’m talking to satellite I’m talking to a lot of places I got this terrestrial radio thing is killing me it was nothing
Personal in it I just I really felt that I done everything I could do in terrestrial radio I hated being there I I I resented the censorship it wasn’t their fault even and I and I just felt that um I felt alone in all of it you
Know I didn’t feel like I was part of a team I felt I had in fact many times they would tell me we can’t even expand your radio show and put you on a new markets because we can’t make money with you you’re too outrageous we won’t put
You on in Atlanta you know and I had just kind of gotten fed up and I said I think I got well that’s why I’m saying why was there such pandemonium uh he was a frustrated star I had told him that but there was pandemonium because I
Think they thought I’d always stay right but they did nothing to make you want to stay there was no uh great well that’s true no no no no they they didn’t treat you well no they paid you but you weren’t treated well you weren’t a part
Of anything but I also felt they didn’t I also felt they didn’t pay me what I was worth no no no no no I’m I agree with that too I’m simply saying all they did was pay you so anyway so you’re there you’re the guy who’s supposed to be developing some programming I
Announced I’m leaving you tell your wife it’s no good I go to work right and uh I’m there 3 days after you quit and I see all these people walk down the hall into the conference room and not me nobody invited you nobody invited me a
Good saw lot of people what you do wrong so the guy so one guy is the then president of program a guy named Steve Rivers radio guy right and moonves’s head of Human Resources I’m forgetting his name now cuz who cares right and they go into the conference room and
They’re in there for a while and I’m sitting there saying I know it’s coming I know it’s coming and I just kept thinking of this Seinfeld episode where George castanza Goes to work every day he doesn’t have a job and he goes here we go you know he just walks in and I
Just kept thinking they’re not going to kill me they’re not I can take it I’m a man so they come down the hall they walk into you left the job to work at CBS you must have left I was in between because I I had done an amazing thing I I
Documented John Ker’s run for president and we had a camera Backstage on them every day which was fascinating so I was like a guy trying to figure out what to do so they walk into my tiny little office they close the door head of HR president and the first thing they say
Is we just want you to know that what we’re about to say is is not personal yeah that’s what they said to me by the way they told me they were goinge me great guy you’re a great guy this is business and you know and it’s 3 days
After you guys make the announcement we’re going to have to start making changes around here we’re going to have to let you go wow you right there what did you have to do with this I think I was making money and the idea of money
And you kind of go together so they so that the first action they take when I announce I’m leaving is to fire you amongst other things that would have went on in that closed door meeting that I didn’t know anything about that’s pretty that’s horrible M so you you get
You get caned and it’s nothing personal so I say this is great no problem who told you it’s nothing personal Les no no no this was head of HR HR okay and and so I I say here’s the two things I suggest first is talk to my lawyer have
A contract you guys work that out right the second thing is that starting tomorrow I’ve got this new program called Street date and for the next two weeks alannis maret Lenny Kravitz John bonjovi Duran Duran uh Shenia Twain and somebody else are all going to come to
This studio on the 46th floor and do this stuff that I’ve set up that would be pretty embarrassing right to can all that I’ll stay for two weeks I’ll finish it all up for you so I’m doing this and every day all the people are getting their pictures taken with rock stars and
Every a lot of people know I’m fired so they’re kind of looking at me like w you’re doing some good things what are you doing right and uh and Joel Hollander grabs me on like day three or day four sits me down and says here’s a deal you’re going to replace thern don’t
[ __ ] it up you’re going to be the president of programming and then they Cann the guy that fired me they they fired Steve rivers and they put me in the job wow oh so you never had to actually leave I unfired myself wow you got lucky huh it was weird well they saw
You were a hard worker this weird you know so why in the hell did you hire David Lee Roth even my guy we discuss this all the time yeah well um David Lee Roth was a rock guy I mean a rockar there was no that couldn’t have been the
First choice I Choice he was the who were the other choice when so now you were in charge of replacing this show yes that’s kind of a daunting thing because we’ve been successful in all this how do you approach it who do you approach let’s let’s call it a
Ridiculous impossibility right so there were there were three ideas one you change your mind two Jesus Christ comes back to Earth or three The Only Name that occurred to me that let’s just talk about business for a second right that advertisers would hear and think hey maybe we’ll put one 12th of Howard’s
Dollars on that was John Stewart John Stewart and I know John from the MTV days okay and uh I said to Joel here’s one idea one idea John’s not going to host a radio show right so he said so then what’s the point right I said
There’s another way to do this John is many things but he’s also a producer a great one and he’s a great person to find and develop Talent so let’s go talk to him let him be the producer like treat it like a TV show in other words
He’ll be the producer and let him get some of his guys no one knew Steven Co most people didn’t know who Steven coar was and he devel quit he developed him he developed Steve Carell Rob Cori a really great guys not radio guys okay but this big star name that moonz and
Everyone would be happy and so we went and had the meeting and I set the meeting up under those conditions right you said to John I’m not looking for you to host the show but I’d love for you to produce okay okay so we go in and uh I think I
Got five minutes into the pitch and Joel says no no no no no no no no no you got to host the radio show to John Stewart to John end of meeting so so John walked out it was a nice end of a meeting right
The beauty that came out of that is that two of my best friends from this whole experience have become Jimmy Kimmel and AD Cora they’re managed by the same guy who manages John Stewart Steven colar uh so are you are you mad at Joel Hollander for sabotaging that whole
Thing do you think it was a Dopey thing to do you created a situation that was an impossibility for every single human being involved right so so John Stewart turned you down so what do you do then David Le Roth well no no who’ you go next right
There8 78 other next what was the next big idea well that then then it it it became apparent that you have to take the idea of one person doing what you did and flush it down the toilet right so um I came up with an idea which I’d
Love to talk to you about because I think you always assume the idea was meant as a dig it was actually meant as in respect yes the the idea was free FM right the idea was you can’t get one guy so what if we lit up in this case I
Think about a dozen major radio stations in major markets and when FM talk on all of them maybe in 20 years one of those people breaks out out of 20 gets 12th of your success right now it was generally perceived that free FM the name free FM
Was a dig at me I was going to go on a pay service and uh you know after all I was going to satellite where people had to pay so they’re saying hey forget it we’re free Radio is free that was a that was a cute accident but when I started
And by the way I started at 64 wtbu right in the basement of Boston University few years after you right but in the early days of interning in radio I work for a guy named Steven Clean I don’t know if you ever met him Stephen knew Harry sheer I’ve known Harry for 30
Years Harry works on my company now right and uh the idea in the beginning was that a few brave souls said whatever the [ __ ] they wanted to say right and that was freeform radio right and in honor of what you were leaving I felt like if anybody has one of the two balls
That you have and some of the brains then maybe over time they could develop they could develop something but when if if guys at CBS wanted your ratings in five minutes right it’s not going to happen you need to develop it the second option was to meet with Matt Stone and
Trey Parker who are the developers of the TV show South Park they’re the creators of it and you had the same idea you’ll have a meeting with them say to them guys we don’t know what we want but you guys are creative do you do you want
To put together a radio show do you want to be the executive producer of the radio show which is certainly a new way of approaching radio but my question is why not approach somebody currently in radio like why not go to someone who was on the radio to maybe replace me and and
And do that kind of thing so now you get to the place that you won’t like which is that early on it was decided in these little meetings that guys like Sabian was in that maybe o Anda right and Opie and Anthony difficult because you hate them they hate you but they’re radio
Guys and how many people could possibly do a 4-Hour radio show day I don’t I don’t hate them I don’t I object to what they say about me yeah uh that’s what I don’t like uh I don’t think it’s honest yeah uh but uh I don’t hate them I don’t
I don’t really hate anyone yeah in radio I mean I don’t I don’t look at it that way yeah uh I just know I have friends and I and people who aren’t so friendly to me yeah so you know I I don’t uh I don’t wish them any ill and by that time
Weren’t they in they were at XM they were at XM so we raised this idea early on again 13 years before David Le Roth and it was shot down immediately I think the response was no and uh and and so uh but ultimately I mean okay so that
They eventually tried that it didn’t work out uh their show didn’t work as well but David Lee Roth was the most unusual Choice yeah like how do you come up with that one cuz you’re you know like you’re now you got no from Radio guys so what happens then that leads to
David Le rock you don’t you you got to know from uh um what John Stewart Matt and Trey I assume said those were great those were fascinating meetings to have because you know them I mean they’re brilliant guys why did they say no they didn’t like the idea of being an
Executive producer we we never really got our arms around what the hell would they do they were fascinated as anyone would be everyone took the phone call right Jerry Seinfeld Chris Rock you called Jerry Seinfeld and you said Jerry Joel did he said hey Jerry you want to
Be the morning man at KCK I I have an email somewhere from Larry David I have an email from Larry David that says very very very flattered thank you so you approached Jerry Seinfeld Chris Rock and Larry David Chris Rock did not want to replace me no you see
This is now getting us back to David Le Roth because the balls that that are needed to attempt to to sit not just in the chair but in your studio you know in sense you make a good point in other words once you decided to
Go with this once you couldn’t get uh a radio guided do it you said to yourself well okay who’s the biggest celebrities that we could get and it makes sense that on some level Jerry Seinfeld a beloved guy who’s a funny guy Chris Rock certainly or Larry David might actually
Be able to say something funny on the radio they all turn you down they don’t want it which uh is understandable I guess on one level but you know radio has become something sort of seen in a different light when you can be on 20 stations all of a sudden but they didn’t
Want it but also they realize what you’ve known your whole career the hardest job in all of Show Business five hours a day live for years so there’s probably when they’re already that rich not enough money in the world that could get them to imagine how to create 5
Hours of content you’re right Jerry Seinfeld’s living a great life why does he want to get up at 4 in the morning when he’s what does he have something like a billion already plus you know you make the point that they come up with an hour of material they use over and over
And over and over again for years years so now you’re realizing your job is really you’re between a rock the clock is ticking you got to come up with a name and so I guess now you’ve gone through all of these names who came up
With the name David Lee Ro I I can’t remember who came up with the name but I know that we used to have these meetings uh Joel called it the sexy seven cuz it was seven not very sexy older gentleman Sabian was in there right Kevin Weatherly uh Jack silver guys that used
To you know enjoy pressing on and potting you up you know for 20 are now going to figure this all out okay and uh so there were lists I I wish I I could I wish I could have found the list but I’m so busy running my own thing now that I
Should have brought you the list I’ll find it for you but I could imagine the names I mean so many names but David Le Roth you make a good point he’s got such a big ego he might actually take the job there’s a you make a great point which
Is there weren’t that many people that wanted the job okay he wanted it he wanted it bad right from the minute that that it came isn’t that funny cuz I remember David Lee Roth as like a rock God you would think that would be the last thing he’d be interested in but
Some headphones and do you know I don’t think people realize every day I mean I’m talking about wealthy David L Ross a wealthy guy I assume I don’t know don’t know I’ve I’ve always wondered me too I wonder too maybe he needed the money I don’t know figure he was you know
Languishing out there in obscurity the the Van Halen thing wasn’t happening right they couldn’t get back together or that point couldn’t yeah I guess I always I always imagined that David Lee Roth was a big famous Rich rock star and you’re like well who the hell he really
Wasn’t doing anything remember he was doing he was being an EMT to pass the time well EMTs make okay salar remember that that’s right but he had I think he had filled in I you you might remember this I think he had filled filled in at krock maybe afternoons years ago so a
Couple of guys churn off you know couple guys knew that that had happened they like the way he sounded so then instead of saying hey let’s just throw him into the hardest job in the history of planet Earth we put him up in Boston for a week
I think it was on the classic rock station right zlx and honestly I’m telling you he did amazing he shocked us he did full week first we want to see can this [ __ ] guy wake up at 4:00 in the morning who knows we didn’t know anything about him as a person could he
Show up would he quit on the second day or whatever right and and there was a week of radio that impressed the top guys of I guess what was then called Infinity right brast it impressed the hell out of a lot of people and then we started have meetings with them and talk
About it as an idea but uh so you describe a guy who seemed reasonable after a week of the radio he sounded pretty good sounded like he could pull this thing off he certainly had name value yeah uh and so you begin to believe in him that he can do this and
You you had the belief that he was intelligent and what gave you the belief he was intelligent seriously I’m trying I’m trying to think back I mean no I’m not saying he isn’t I’m just saying what gave you the Bel anyway you know I I I don’t think I
Don’t think in the end I don’t think in the end uh the the quick failure was was about intelligence it more than anything uh it came down to the fact that you were leaving but Tom was staying right right Tom tiosano Mark chernof the guys that had been with you for arguably some
Of the best years of your career right were there to manage as they’ve always done a morning radio show right so the the Meltdown came probably I don’t know day one or day two when he got in the chair and wouldn’t talk to Tom wouldn’t talk to Mark wouldn’t listen to anybody
To anyone who was there to do only one thing which was help them right in other words he he saw the help as he resented it in other words he used to being a huge star in the music business M&M’s and everything and and all of a sudden
He’s starting a new Venture the wise thing would have been to listen to maybe chiao to churn off to some of the experts and say look I don’t know what I’m doing yet do you guys have suggestions for me do you think my show was too boring do you think it was this
Can you help me out here instead of turning to them he was immediately should we say arrogant you could say that and and then the Press of course you could predict this it was page one headlines remember like day one as anyone except maybe Jesus would have
Gotten you know this guy sucks disaster so I remember going to him in the first few days saying you know what you need to do you need to use that you need to go on and talk about it read it deal with it that’s what you would do I even
Said I’d call in on the show and give him some tips but he didn’t want to hear from it I thought it would have been funny I’m D I’m ding but David Lee Roth’s first day did you guys was there any sort of a meeting about Dave what
Are you going to do was there any sort of prep or did he just say I’ve got a first day of mind I know what I’m going to do and the point I’m trying to make is did anybody know Uncle Manny who to me is now a legendary figure in New York
Radio did anybody say uncle Manny may not be the best guest for the first day oh yeah there there were weeks of arguments about you know how to staff the show I mean the opposite just real quick was Jimmy Kimmel producing me Adam Jimmy and I built a team we hired 15
Guys we knew exactly who the staff was going to be because obviously you can’t do a radio show alone you need a family so Gary you’re absolutely right the all all the attempts to in those final days uh or weeks build that team were met with you know I remember David Lee broth
Came in they said to me he wants to come in and announce that he’s going to be a replacement that was my idea I one of the few things I can take credit for because I thought you know what I I hated how some of the [ __ ] was going
Down the last few months I felt like not only were you being disrespected in the process but the most important people in the world were being disrespected the fans the fans if if CBS was going to be lucky enough to get one 12th of your
Fans to give any of the shows forget New York and David Le Roth but even Adam or anybody a chance right then I always felt and I was not the head guy I was I had a sexy title but you know there were there were others above me I felt like
You should have been in the process all along well you know what I I think that’s very wise of you to say because I when David came in he was he came in he looked like he was ready to fight me and I was saying to myself this guy doesn’t
Get it I’m not uh his enemy unbelievably gracious but I was disarming him the whole time he was looking at me and I said to him David you’ve never done radio before and I wasn’t saying it antagonistically I said are you nervous about it he goes man I
Talk to 300,000 people I talk to a million people in a stadium when I perform with Van Halen how could I be nervous and I go well quite frankly it’s a little different saying a couple of things on stage for a few seconds to a crowd getting to sing and then singing
It’s very different to be on on mic you know in front of millions of people you know all morning it’s just a whole different thing it’s it’s like either playing baseball or football and and he he looked at me with like such kind of a Blank Stare like I’m not worried about
It I said the other thing that he said the other thing that he said was that you know he’s looking forward to the opportunity to talk to Millions as opposed to the few he could get into a stadium and you looked at him and you said who’s guaranteeing you that they’re
Going to be Millions listening yeah I said no there’s millions of listening today I’ve built that up I said when you start you might have you might have millions you know eventually but you might only have two people listening to First you might have way less than you
Had in the stadium yeah so it it was very very weird and I wish them the best best and I and Adam cor and I talk all the time on the phone I wished him the best I didn’t uh he did great come on he
You know when they got rid of me I felt like he wasn’t going to be protected there because you know the the main thing Jimmy and I did w in in working that and Adam was to say to the guys in Los Angeles this is a radio guy Adam’s
Been on the radio for 15 years he’s had experience he knows that replacing you that that whole word is so ridiculous he knows that taking a morning show that you used to do is going to be incredibly hard and we begged management beg them to leave him alone for 6 months leave
Him alone let him find his way let him build a radio you need at least that amount of time to find your way he did great I thought he did did you yeah I I I listen I used to call him during all the time I used to let him promote his
Show on my air I mean I I wasn’t I wasn’t sitting there threatened by anybody I really never felt threatened by any of this I knew my yeah I knew my audience was kind of come with me and there you know a certain percentage of the audience and that that was enough
For me I I felt good about it so listen for me it was a wonderful experience leaving watching everything crumble watching everyone watching you know Joel Hollander I have no love for I don’t like the guy uh and I and Les treated me horribly uh they sued me and um I had no
Real animosity toward them they wished me well and then a couple of months later they decided to sue me and then I went to a personal meeting with Joel and Les and they turned to me because it’s nothing personal and uh I said I said personal I had tears in my eyes personal
I got to go hire an attorney you guys are saying I did something this honest you’re using the money I made you to sueing yeah I said you’re trying to destroy my my reputation what have I done to you except I left a job that was going nowhere for me you guys couldn’t
Even give me more stations you yourselves had said paying me was difficult uh you know why would you do this to me as a human being what are you doing and they were like animals to me they just looked at me and said hey [ __ ] you I don’t even think they knew what
The hell they were doing and uh I I do have resentment I do have a tremendous amount of animosity to those two guys but um I feel I’m actually surprised that he says they knew they were in deep trouble because they certainly never well they said gave indications of
That Joel said it to me he said you left me in a really shitty place I don’t know what I’m going to do you know and uh I thought well he probably said that then but his attitude going out of that place was that he was going to be fine again the
Ads that you know dick jokes are old or whatever that stupid billboard ad was it wasn’t gracious you know the thing that was in my mind through this whole experience kept going back to the concept of free FM and the word and freedom and and what you have embodied
Your whole career I mean when David Letterman makes fun of the man he’s doing a bit when you go at the man for your entire career it’s straight up honest it may be funny but it’s deadly real but yeah it’s real I I never fabricated a fight so I I thought about
That and I I said to my wife I’m going to get fired again so you got fired oh yeah well no no no job eliminated and when Joel came and said that I said he says good news bad news I said I’ll take the bad he goes you’re out of work and I
Said what’s the good what’s the good news and and he was very respectful to me he was I mean gave me this huge job he said here’s the deal we’re eliminating this position there won’t be a president of programming there’s 200 other guys leaving today right and we’re
Honoring your contract well that was nice and in about 36 seconds I decided I’m not getting fired ever again I’m going to start my own business oh good and I’m they didn’t sue you after they fired you no no suit right no suit and and within minutes I came up with the
Idea that I’m doing now you’re part of that my damn channel right it’s mine cuz y oh that’s yours that’s Yo’s on there uh who yucko the clown no he’s on my damn that’s a different his is called my damn damn show should get here’s what we
Do it’s called my damn we’re 3 years old Harry Shear who was here few weeks ago was the first guy signed right so Harry does politics in his way great he’s brilliant he’s amazing um uh don was runs our music channel Don’s produced the stones and hundreds of the
The best acts of all time and then we have comedies original comedy series we have a show called you suck at Photoshop are they video comedies or radio comedies this is all this is video this is original video I’m no kidding on our site and syndicated there yeah it’s got
Uh it’s free it’s free My Damn Channel my damn ad supported Y and uh you got Harry sheerer does he it’s video of Harry he’s making original videos Harry just shot a video this weekend called deaf boys he’s taking on the Catholic church in song I’ll check
That out yeah I didn’t realize that you were up to that I’ll send you some links so you’re happy doing that it you know for the first time ever there’s nobody to tell me what are you making any money we’re making money we make more than we
Spend so we figured out how to run a business right and the idea again is to hire talent that we love right and leave them alone and let them do what they want to do and Their audience knows that where’d you get the money to set that
Whole thing up cuz that sounds pretty expensive you stream in audio and video stream in video You’re stream in video and you’re hiring guys like Harry sheer who don’t come cheap yeah and he’s making videos and stuff for you yeah I mean the the there’s three things that
Everybody does wrong when they launch a web business they raise too much money right they spend too much money and the CEOs pocket too much so for me I knew I was going to try as hard as possible to avoid those mistakes we raised $500,000 to Launch
Hired all those guys David Wayne does a comedy series called wayy days we’ve had Elizabeth Banks Jonah Hill uh you know major Talent Paul Rudd does these comedy uh episodes and we how many people you have viewing this stuff uh we have had over a 100 million views uh in a month
We can sometimes get millions of of views in a month and then we also Syndicate so how do people hear about my damn channel uh we get a lot of really good press it’s this show called you suck at Photoshop has a full page story in Time Magazine because it was that
Much of a phenomenon and then we have a channel on YouTube so we have about 62,000 subscribers on our YouTube channel and that brings a lot of people to sort of find the find the sounds pretty good right Robin yeah I mean I’d go sounds like fun I’d go uh check out
Uh you know Harry Shear doing I saw your cartoon on YouTube the other day the pilot so we’d be happy to find you money for that if you can’t find it here so wasn’t there one point where they were going to replace our show with Arty and Gary
Doing the show that was one idea too because Gary told me was that real yeah Gary told me he got to call for like Arty told me he got to call for like 5 million bucks or something I already got one phone call I wasn’t a part of that I
Can’t remember who called him right but in all those meetings where a bunch of old guys are sitting around scratching their head saying we’re [ __ ] somebody one day I knew you’d know about it in about 10 seconds do you remember who called them I know exactly how it went
Who called them uh my the guys that got assigned to me who they felt were closest to me were Jack silver and Bob uh Mo Bob Moore Bob Mo because I was I used to go out there a lot and Tim was assigned to Arty oh so Tim called Arty
And I remember I was driving home in the car coaching strategy I was driving home in the car and the cell phone rang it was it was Jack and Bob and they’re like uh so uh hey Gary yeah yeah like so I mean it was I mean they were good guys
But they’re like so what you know what are you going to do I said to I’m going with Howard and and they go oh because you know we think uh they said you know we we had a good idea I don’t even think they brought up ‘s name they just said
We thought it would be a good idea if you stayed and did the show and did something and and in the meantime I was petrified at the thought certainly not going to stick around behind and I never asked how much money it was although aren’t you sorry you didn’t stay I got
Tell you know be still working there I talked to Tim a couple of days ago and I said how much you think I could have got Tim was telling me like probably could he he said listen says he got offer he he said they were ruling to offer r five
He goes I bet you could have got a million to 2 million to be already psychic but a million and a half to $2 million on a 5year contract that’s over after two weeks isn’t really a lot of money I don’t think they were going to
Give me the guarantee they gave David Le rth looks good in your resume that’s for sure that is amazing the the best story is David L Roth played it you know actually is smart he was on for a couple of months and he had a $55 million deal
And I think it was guaranteed I think it was five that’s what I heard I I mean you know it’s not fair for you to tell the tell you what I pay Harry so I shouldn’t tell you what I pay but but he walked out with his full contract he was
Smart he didn’t uh he didn’t B them a darn thing cuz they were looking for you know have you talked to him since it happened David yeah uh no I don’t think so have we talked to him I don’t think so Gary have we spoke he went back to
Van Halen remember went back to Van Halen for a while and I said I wanted to have him M maybe lford did I think someone told me Langford did or something there was some weird thing for a while where he I think he wanted to come and there was this whole legal thing
Going on so we couldn’t mention half the people that we wanted a bad mouth and now it would be interesting to have David on yeah and I think David thinks I handled it pretty classy like I never really bashed him or or or said anything
Bad about him I like David I think he’s a cool guy what is it Jason what do you want to say I just had a few questions for some the things he’s saying aren’t making any sense here we go you were president of CBS Radio yes sir okay but
You had no you you wouldn’t sit in on any meeting about whether Howard should be suspended or fired that was done his job his job was the creative sort of like coming up with Replacements but he also didn’t never talk to Gary or Arty about doing a radio show that is
Weird that uh well be because what what you just heard is that you know a couple of this was couple of guys going rogue calling up saying I’ll be the one to figure it out I think a lot of guys were trying to figure something out and see
Who was interested it just you know I mean listen you’re you you’re you’re spinning a good story and I bet most of it’s true but why you angry yeah because you’re I remember how we were treated at the end especially you but I don’t think
I honestly I don’t think Rob had a bit of input or but okay opportunity to be mean to me but I mean you can’t be you can’t be both you can’t be both president of CBS radio and the guy who comes up with free FM and you know and
Jack and and then turns wcvs into Jack FM but then when it comes to all the negative big mistake but when it comes to the negative stuff Howard getting suspended or or that was that was lesson Joel so that wasn’t part of the sexy7 meetings no somebody out there that says
That you’re full of crap who says that Tim out says Tim says he was absolutely part of the suspension meetings and the uh wow wrong it’s wrong I mean I just don’t get tell you the truth either you to do with it I know you do I don’t
Believe they that would be like having the program director why is Jason between the PD and the owner of the company right I don’t care if I work in radio did Tim did did Tim send you in to represented no Tim did not send Tim being a big [ __ ] he’s in the
Private Tim filling your head with a lot of it’s just like I you know I just hear a lot of middle manager BS I was president of CBS radio but I did everything I could good for you and I did everything could I good I could I
Never met Rob when it came down to any of this stuff Tim are you uh are you anti Rob or you want to make a statement go ahead I knew I knew I’d get you in what’s up there right tell them did I suspend Howard Stern I have no idea all
I do know is that uh uh when Joel called me up to talk to Arty I think you were in the room when he when he called it was on a conference caller on know speaker phone whatever so so you had to been in that in that world of whatever
So it was I just shutter just at this whole conversation because it was such a Bizarro time uh I think that Rob had great ideas uh that were unique ideas to the the application but they weren’t practical ideas uh because obviously they didn’t work but uh but came at it
From a an entirely different approach uh that uh was interesting I mean I learned a lot through the process hindsight Is 2020 for all you didn’t agree with the I know I CU you had a lot of discussione you just wanted to bring in a I was gone
I wanted to get the hell out of there I was done with radio I was really done with because do you dislike Rob no not at all he he and I got I just I didn’t like I just didn’t like the way the company was being run because to me Mel
Built this incredible Fortress and they were dismantling it you know and that was the frustrating thing for me and uh it was just a very frustrating place to be and I was going to if Joel if Joel wasn’t there and I wasn’t there and you just had Philly what would you have done
Would you right on Prest and Steve I would have hired them from mm because in Mel’s world it was always and he would beat this into our head you know hire somebody with a ratings a proven ratings track record of success it was real simple and I would go for somebody that
A proven ratings track record of success you you couldn’t have number one well you know what number two looks awful good and uh if Howard would you couldn’t have then you know what I want the next best thing which was prestent Steve kid Chris and do you think they should have
Done that in every Market they should have just like tried to find I I can’t speak on behalf of all the other markets but I think the individual programmers knew their individual markets better than anyone else did you know and from my point of view I think the company was
Being managed from the top down rather than you know letting it brew from the bottom up and so you felt as a program director they should have come to guys like you program directors and said hey we we’re running a company we know what’s going on our Market let us handle our individual
Market to a certain degree yeah maybe that was the way yeah one of the things that Tim and I talked about yesterday that I think find he finds very upsetting is that there were all these established stations you know krock in New York ysp in Philly JFK New York and
Tim look say those were a brand that people knew for years and I don’t think he agreed with uh just blowing them up and calling them free well the thing the thing was is that we have these established Brands it’s like taking McDonald’s this incredible institution and take calling it Bucky you know
What’s that you know and we rebranded these things and uh it was it just didn’t make sense well maybe the company felt that that really I was the brand and that these these stations didn’t do all that well outside of me well if we were maybe you know hindsight once again
If we were smart we would have taken them and making them Howard 94 Howard you know 1026 or you know whatever and built the stations out that way after this experience here but the daunting task that Rob had I mean I wouldn’t want that job for all the I mean
An incredible situation that he was in and you were the guy that did it and I you know I applaud you for at least stepping up to do it but I tell you it was a no-win situation and you even said I’m the kamakazi guy I’m going to be
Fired in x amount of days saw the whole thing I admire you I didn’t ask for I love that you came in here and told us what was going on behind the scenes so I appreciate you being to be with you the guy got balls
Of steel I’ll tell you but to do that job it was it was [ __ ] horrendous and it under horrendous and why Jason think you hate Rob I I don’t hate Rob that it it was there was a frustration that I hat the whole experience I hated the
Whole experience and I tell you Joel Hollander was very very difficult in making uh or allowing it to to work for some reason had a personal grudge against me or whatever I don’t know what that was uh but it just you know you just don’t mesh with people you know it
Was enough was enough and I had enough of it I was glad you did I like you being here check out Rob Barnett’s website at my dam now he’s happier he doesn’t have to replace me he’s building his own thing and uh he’s he’s doing well see I like that too I’m
Happy for you thanks man still married I am married twins two and a halfy old compan and two and a halfy old twins and a 16-year-old so I’m getting old and you’re out of radio you have uh okay it’s I’m going to check it out Rob thanks man rob how
Everything still alive how’ everything going there oh he’s the greatest that was so great it was really fun how is it talking to Howard you know telling him the story of trying to replace him I thought I was going to be terrified I thought I was going to blow it and talk
Like a [ __ ] but you know what he was really cool it it really went okay what do you think like he might have been uh I don’t not angry but you know talking to the guy who tried to replace him is kind of weird well at one point you know
We brought up the the idea of the Kennedy assassination I mean there’s been so many theories about it and so much [ __ ] that was never true that it was great to finally sit with him and tell them the truth yeah it’s got to feel good get that weight off your chest
You know well I mean it just we we we we put a few of the rumors away and you know it was fun to it was just great to be in there and what do you think when Jason came in he was kind of saying how like you’re just taking credit for the
Good things I it was a question that I expected and he said a really interesting thing about being middle management but you know it’s one thing to have the title president but if there’s people above you then you’re never fully in charge so you know it it
It I I think Howard understood that it seemed like Howard kind of agreed that uh you know he was getting the true story but it was good for Jason to try and mix it up yeah but the truth is out there the truth is out what is that X
Line all right so you had a good time today then right yeah it was great fun awesome all right thanks for stopping By Gentlemen Gary’s upset this morning cuz Tracy did her show last night and she she trashed Gary pretty good oh it was Gary she was angry at and Gary thinks I created a nightmare giving everybody shows and might be right I don’t know oh dear yeah so what’ she say what was her problem
Well she has feelings about Gary and of course Tracy we asked Tracy to go on the air and be you know angry Tracy and let it all out and she did she did her job o but it makes it awkward for Gary this morning because he’s going to see her
For the first time Tracy and Gary work together every day after hearing that yeah I my first thought when I I listen I got some emails last night um Fred sent out emails about the show and the second email I read is I knew Gary was a
Racist homophobic and I’m like what what did I miss accuse you of that as far as no no no I she accused me of being a phony and then somebody takes it to the next level oh I see um and so then I saw another email like kudos to Tracy for
Calling out her boss you know that takes ball so I was trying I couldn’t but so then I spent all night I was trying to figure out what you know what it was that she might have said but I my my my initial thoughts are if you have an if
You have an issue with me we probably should discuss it like she never came to me and said hey I don’t feel good about the way things are going well you see she’s in the unusual position of I know this position because I do a radio show
Every day it’s um the show is only interesting you’re a bore if you don’t bring stuff up that’s you know inside but you listen but then if you do bring it up you got to the next day you got to deal with everybody right you got to you
Know listen you could she can she doesn’t have to do the show nobody threw her down and twisted her arm and said do the show and make sure you trash everybody um I wasn’t completely surprised I don’t think anybody’s immune from Tracy I really feel that and and
Obviously based on last night show nobody is except for you right other than that I think everybody’s up for grabs yeah maybe I’m maybe it’s that I’m perfect and no one can well that’s not true no when is Trac get uh probably around 8:30 or 9 maybe early maybe 8:00
I don’t know I mean that’s I the fact that I don’t know must be very disrespectful is it going to be very weird to see her after she trashed you on the radio um it’ll be a little weird for me but listen did you hear exactly
What was said no well I didn’t hear till I came in this morning like I said I I I actually had trouble getting to sleep last night cuz after I saw the I knew Gary was a racist and a homophobe email I tried to sit in bed and figure out
What it was that she would have said about me right all right although some of the things that she said I I knew could be coming all right let me find your stories here because she trash Lisa G too mine start at the bottom of the First Column of the there’s 10 Tracy
Clips and Scott said he could have done 20 oh really she was on fire last night all right this one says Gary disrespect her do you want to answer the charges or well let’s hear him first I’ll answer all right my topic for tonight is Gary [ __ ] Baba Buy
Deat Gary you [ __ ] I love you I do and I don’t I don’t consider you a piece of [ __ ] but you’re kind of a piece of [ __ ] you know one of the things that I could say about Gary is that when I first started here he always said to me you
Know it’s a boy club blah blah blah it’s going to be hard for you the only [ __ ] one that treats me any different than everybody else is Gary it’s his boys club that makes it that way he included UD Jason Steve will and John and that’s his boys club he I mean it’s
Gotten to the point where if Gary has something to tell me Gary can’t even tell me Gary will tell Jason and tell Jason to tell me and half the time Jason forgets to tell me and then nobody [ __ ] tells me and all a sudden I’m
The [ __ ] all wait a second so I got to stop this because there’s a lot of ACC I’m taking notes Here I see I do I really you got to answer every charge first thing is that um it’s a boys club and and I already forgot the
Accusation the boys club she he only talks to John Jason will tell me what’s going on so I probably stop in Tracy’s office once a week because I here’s the thing with Tracy the worst the word the word of the day for Tracy is respect right you either respect her if you
Don’t respect her enough you disrespect her right you know there’s no you know what I mean there’s no my feeling is is that if you hang around with Tracy long enough you’re going to disrespect her because it’s impossible to give her the amount of respect that she requires on a
Daily basis sooner or later you’re going to disrespect her right so I I like Tracy I stop by her office I’d say once a week I sit down and I just chat with her how’s everything going what’ you do this weekend you know how are you oh
That’s nice wow and the whole the whole the whole I love Gary but you know the whole that Don Rickles [ __ ] doesn’t fly I love Gary but here’s why he’s an [ __ ] um I know that with the boys club thing one of the things that she’s
Mad about which it may have come up in the show later was uh I have a ski house a very very tiny the smallest ski house you can imagine size of your thumb Howard no jokes aside it’s a kind of ski house where if somebody farts upstairs
You can hear it downstairs right right I had um me John Hine Will and Jason invited everybody to go skiing I didn’t invite Tracy probably one of the biggest reasons I didn’t invite Tracy is because the upstairs is one large room with two twin beds and two pullouts the guys were
Up there was like the three students you know everybody’s in there underwear people were farting Jason snored all night then blamed that that John hin was snoring all night it would have been unbelievably uncomfortable for Tracy to sleep in that group of guys it’s like well I think it would be inappropriate
You’re right so then I knew that she was upset about that so be because of that again I this is how much I think about it I haven’t been I’ve joined the friers club haven’t been there once yet right so I thought to myself let me get a
Bunch of gu I always said I want to get the group together let’s go to the friers club so I put together a group of people to go to the friers club which was John will Jason Steve brandano JD and Tracy and I picked a day and the day
Came and I had something came up something came up actually I had to do with my mother and I cancelled apparently I’m a piece of [ __ ] for that oh um the the accusation about how I don’t talk to her I talk to Jason sometimes we’re in here on Tuesdays and
We’re going over stuff and you go do we have to have a meeting today and I go well if I go over some stuff with you I I I I’ll say I can go over stuff with you right now so we don’t have to have a
Meeting so in my head before I forget I’ll say to make sure you let Tracy know there’s no meeting apparently me not walking down the hallway or picking up the phone is a as a sign of disrespect but again I’m just trying to make sure everybody knows everything that it work
Trying to facilitate you for me to walk out of here and go tell her there’s no meeting now takes away the two minutes I have with you to go over the stuff to make sure there is no meeting right well yeah well I mean you’re you’re basically
What is she your assistant or I call her the office manager she calls me her boss I’ve never treated her like an underling even though she’ll go on to talk how I do I always uh I always I I always feel like we work together I go I I don’t
Think I ever override her or I’ve never yelled at her and I’ll say like we’re having an issue with something what do you want to do how do you want to handle that what do you think is the best way I always have open communication I never
Say listen it’s my way or the highway do what the [ __ ] I say I’ve never treated her like that right all right let me go on yes okay what is that if you have something to tell me you have a phone we have an intercom you have a [ __ ] IM
And I sit down the hall take I know what is talking about it’s very intense in here because we have very few commercial breaks so we are Gary will say to me okay we don’t need a meeting today I got to get through this stuff with you
Though and he goes he goes Jason go down tell Tracy cancel meeting because there’s some people who will show up you you got to give them notice of course so I get that but even sometimes sometimes I listen I call Tracy on Toom a bunch of
Times a day I’ll call her and ask her about this and that and then sometimes I’ll have something maybe I’m leaving and I’ll go hey Jason can can you make sure Tracy gets this because it’s down the hall I I don’t know that um again I don’t feel that that’s a lack
Of respect all right 10 extra [ __ ] steps let me hear more from Tracy stop playing sparkel or [ __ ] solitire or whatever the [ __ ] it is and come and tell me what you need to tell me oh a meeting is canceled what sporle um spor I guess it’s a it’s like
An online game I see you don’t play that I’ve played it in the past and yeah you know every act why you acting like you don’t know what it is though no I it’s it’s an online game I Haven I mean I have played it in the past as I believe
Tracy has too because she clearly knows what it is as well and I think I’ve seen her play it this is Sparkle yeah it’s like a trivia game is it fun it is it’s very fun no this is weird I said what Sparling you go I think it’s but you’ve
Played it so you know what it is yeah all right you’re all upset I’m on trial I’m on [ __ ] trial here I’m on trial with with you know a person that like I mean really how am I supposed to go through the rest of the day right like she’s
Going to come in and she’s going to be I don’t give a [ __ ] but she does give a [ __ ] she desperately wants affirmation and respect desperately and so like I my feeling is if you want respect you can either have respect or you can have fear but you can’t scare people into
Respecting you which is I think what goes on around here a lot people are definitly afraid of her I mean there were people that told me they tuned in the show last night and when they heard it was me they were like now I can go to
Bed on this solicitation I get one out of every five from you and it’s disrespectful and it’s dismissive and it pisses me off it’s Shady just come and [ __ ] address me and treat me like I’m part of your team cuz quite frankly I do just as much for you as everybody else
And I think it’s [ __ ] up that you do that to me that’s my first and foremost qualm about Gary deabate but not the only one there five other Clips want to hear more wow okay my second and biggest thing that I want to bring up nothing in
The world has ever ped pissed me off okay I have two college degrees one being in accounting I’m not a stupid girl we had guys coming in to work on the air conditioning system and that [ __ ] had the audacity to call me into his office to
Clean out his refrigerator he says to me I don’t really know what’s mine and what’s not mine I said really Gary I went into the hallway I picked up the garbage I said Gary is this yours he said no I threw it away I said Gary is
This yours he said no I threw it away next thing no I threw it away I said okay we’re done thank you and I went back to my office are you [ __ ] kidding me you couldn’t clean out your own [ __ ] refrigerator am I your [ __ ] maid do you want to just slap me
On the ass and hand me a five when I [ __ ] leave too could you be more [ __ ] disrespectful how dare you you [ __ ] adelfi graduate treat me like I’m a [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] there to clean your [ __ ] ass after you [ __ ] dis [ __ ] respectful it’s so inappropriate
That you treat me that way you only call me directly when you want to tell me that somebody flooded the [ __ ] toilet or something’s messy somewhere guess what sweetheart I’m better for I’m good for more than just that and for you to even do that to me is so [ __ ] shady
And disrespectful and you’re the only one on the staff that treats me that way so when you sit there and you act like I’m so sorry this happens to you you should be sorry cuz you’re the [ __ ] only one that does it it’s not my [ __ ] [ __ ] job to clean out your [ __ ]
Refrigerator you made me order another one so it wouldn’t [ __ ] happen and the fact that you called me in there you [ __ ] you can’t intercom me to tell me that a [ __ ] meeting’s canceled but you can intercom me to come and clean out your [ __ ] refrigerator [ __ ] you
You [ __ ] whatever wow wow there’s there’s something did you do that well now wait a second I got to uh say that does sound a little strange why would you have her clean out your refrigerator my I have a refrigerator in my office which we use mostly for waters for the
Guests okay somewhere along the line not having nothing to do with me people started to use it as a community refrigerator all right will would put his breakfast in in fact we had a really funny incident once where I ate Will’s breakfast by accident cuz I thought it
Was mine Richard started putting in weird sandwiches and leaving them in there and some weird juice and then everybody because it was the only refrigerator in the office right I don’t know that I said Tracy clean out my refrigerator I might have said Tracy can you have somebody clean out my
Refrigerator I didn’t and it wasn’t like hey you’re a lowlife underling it was more like I don’t know what belongs to who I don’t want to start throwing out people’s food and then have them come and yell at me like Richard just have the stuff in there and he’s like no no
No don’t throw that out so I I had asked Can somebody clean out the refrigerator I don’t know about her two degrees I apologize you know uh I’m not sure what one has to do with the other uh I just needed the refrigerator cleaned because I just didn’t know what belonged to
Anybody um I’m not interested in slapping her ass right um and when you know the other thing she’s talking about is sometimes I will go to the bathroom and it will be flooded or it will be clogged or it will be gross and I go to
Her very the office manager I go to her very apologetically I go Tracy I I know I’m the one who brings this because nobody else will cuz sometimes people just go in there and ignore it I don’t ignore it I say the bathroom’s clogged she’s the one who calls facilities I
Don’t know that it’s that Jason does it she’s the office manager who else would I tell besides the office manager that there is an issue in the office okay look at Gary he’s got a whole yeah but I don’t know I still have a little problem with this
Refrigerator yeah the refrigerator one I don’t get but I understand why you would call her to say hey the toilet’s clogged we got to call the but should I have just taken everything that was out of the refrigerator and throw it in the garbage not knowing who was sounds like
That’s what she did but it wasn’t like hey [ __ ] clean my refrigerator that’s what she hears see that’s the problem Tracy can we can we get this cleaned out point is when the refrigerator let me get this straight I’m trying to interpret your point is that since the
Whole whole office was using it and she’s the liais on through the office that she would contact these people and say get your stuff out of here and or maybe she maybe she would know that’s that oh that’s Richard’s juice I didn’t know well she doesn’t know who’s rich
People were putting all sorts of [ __ ] in there so then we ordered a refrigerator she suggested we order a refrigerator to keep in the office for everyone else and I somebody told me later on the show like I’m a [ __ ] Primadonna I needed my own refrigerator but it was weird
Finding like there were sandwiches that were in there for days right all right so you feel that by telling her she could have issued a memo and said hey everyone clear your stuff out or or something like that yeah all right whatever all right I don’t know lot
Of a lot of miscommunication I see yeah because I don’t think that’s what she heard you know like we have everybody clean out their stuff is not what she heard well you can tell she hears a lot of stuff in a very angry tone all right here’s Tracy saying more about you that
She’s sick of your stories here we go here’s Tracy from what is Tracy calling this show anyway the Tracy show the happy no the the happy hour good title the happy hour that’s the greatest title I ever heard all right you don’t like the show listen it’s you know I didn’t like
It when she was trashing other people it’s not my style it’s just I mean I listen I’m not saying I’m above getting on the air and [ __ ] with people I’m the worst offender when it’s that but I think that you know like somebody wrote a note last night that you know she’s
Almost like she’s some heroic figure for coming on and trashing her Bo the heroic thing would be to talk to me in the office this is not very heroic at all because she can say whatever she wants and she’s now protected by you and the show and the audience all right this
Is one that pisses me off you know when we first had the conversation about somebody leaving the [ __ ] sprinkle like two weeks ago and remember mine wasn’t voluntary leaving [ __ ] you see it there I didn’t see the tampon applicator you see your [ __ ] sprinkled on the inside of
The bowl first I went to run and Har TV Chris Costa came in with a camera and took a picture of the sprinkle and I went to Gary who was the person I am supposed to go to when that [ __ ] goes down and he was busy talking
To RW zapen I’m sure about either [ __ ] Bruce Springsteen or the Jets or the Mets or something irrelevant and acted like well I’m not the police of people but then when I called him out in the studio and he was talking about it with Howard after the
Show Howard is about to go into his bathroom or his office I don’t even remember and I was like Oh you mean the bathroom you couldn’t be bothered with he’s like well it’s not my fault you interrupted me in the middle of a conversation okay Gary you spend the majority of your time
[ __ ] telling stories 80 times that people have heard over and over and I respect them they’re great stories you’ve lived a life most people would kill to live but I don’t need to hear it all the [ __ ] time I have work to do and if I come in there I’m sorry if I’m
Bothering your [ __ ] coolness your cool Factor but I have [ __ ] work to do and I’m going to bother you and I’m going to interrupt you we spent thousands of installing a [ __ ] key card lock in there not so you could talk about Bruce Springsteen not so when I walk into the
Bullpen and you’re talking to [ __ ] John hind about who recorded what album in 1998 or 1988 or 197 good point8 not my [ __ ] priority I want work going on back there no nonsense No Nonsense so is can I respond does Tracy bother your cool Factor no cuz I don’t sense you
Being cool at all no I don’t feel like I’m cool and she’s certainly not squashing it you know again there Ross stops by every morning we talk we listen we I have a meeting with Ross every Monday with everybody he’s he’s in charge of sales here or you know a lot
Of promotions and stuff what Ross and I were talking about that morning is in Tracy’s head we could have been talking we talk about promotions day and night he’s in here what about this what about that are we going to do this and okay so if Ross comes in and we’re talking about
Promotions it’ll be like oh by the way did you see that show last night I mean I don’t know that I have to explain my every conversation to Tracy if that’s I mean for example when I when I go see Mel it always starts out with like a fun
Sort of personal conversation which breaks the eyes and then we get down to business so I understand what you’re talking about it’s when you’re in a meeting with people it isn’t all business it is in all business part of it is socializing and sort of feeling
Each other out so she told me about something going on in the bathroom I heard her I you absorb it and you know I may have been talking to Ross about something that she listen she has zero respect for Ross as well okay so me and Russ together might as well be two
[ __ ] loow lives on a corner you know jerking each other off serious really I mean that’s I mean that’s she sees Gary and Ross and she sees two [ __ ] [ __ ] who you know think who the [ __ ] they are rich douchebags so you know she’s walking up with that feeling yeah
Really she in fact I spent a good chunk of the first year here keeping her and Ross from killing each other wow really yeah who knew all this was going she was very upset with her Ross was disrespectful in her because Ross was playing music in his office too loud and
She was like this isn’t the [ __ ] record companies those [ __ ] days are over I got agree with her though to agree with her I went to Ross and I said you know and I said hey could you lower the music a little bit but it turned you
Know he doesn’t take criticism well and it turned into a whole thing because his music can’t overpower other people’s ability to work and and listen I I defended her in that argument and I’m still a piece of [ __ ] actually someone just s me not it was the other way around Tracy was
Playing music and Ross asked her to turn it no no no no maybe maybe I think Ross turned it back on her she plays the music lot but she started it was very clear Ross was playing his music because I remember the exact quote you know this ain’t the [ __ ] record company anymore
All right all right okay let’s continue I didn’t realize what was going on Wow all right let’s see Gary is a phony this is again from Tracy’s happy hour it’s just including me in things you know like as a prime example Gary took you
Know a couple of the guys on a ski trip didn’t and brought I do imagine that people imagine in their minds the ski house is a chalet it is Tiny Howard I mean really really T and it’s so tiny that we can’t invite another family to
Come up this is not enough room this exactly so your defense on that is that it was a it was a bunch of guys running around in their underwear that it would have been inappropriate yeah I mean if if John or will or Jason want to come in
And explain to what the house looks like it’s fine so that was like a frat party that night it wouldn’t have been a great experience for a girl I I can’t see her enjoying sleeping with those guys while everybody’s farting and snoring half the guys and not half the
Guys like didn’t bring Richard or cell JD myself and but he brought all the guys from the office and I I almost did he bring JD did you bring JD I did not no she’s saying I didn’t bring those guys so then the point is she already
Putting her down on another level that uh she but the point is in other words you took took the guys that you wanted to be with for the weekend like you couldn’t have everyone so oh my God so a lot of the guys were turned down as well
They weren’t turned down turned down would be like I asked them and then turned them down right you invited the people you felt most tr’s looking at it like okay Gary’s doing something nice for the office but it’s not the office it’s some people but there’s a you know it’s tears you know
What it’s like when we try to have a party and then you say okay if I go be on this person then I have to invite all these people you’ve been the victim of that Tracy thinks of herself as on the same level as the guys he invited and
She didn’t get invited she was left into the she was put into the category of JD and Richard and she thinks are lesser than right but like Richard and S were in other words a lot she’s saying I don’t belong on that tier I belong on
The other tier does Tracy ski I didn’t know that I don’t know if she does or not see the whole thing I don’t think she does and I don’t think that matters cuz Jason doesn’t ski either Jason just sat there and read a book and okay might
Have might or might not have smoked pot like well I’m part of the office more than Richard or St maybe you know or JD they don’t work the same off hours I’m there with those guys all day and I think Gary genuinely realized he [ __ ] up and felt guilty because after we got
Back it was like during a vacation week all of a sudden we all got invited to lunch at the friar club and it was all that’s very nice though see I didn’t feel guilty she made it clear to some people that she was pissed
And so I said I get that she might have been hurt by it so it was a gesture let me take everybody out to lunch then can she is saying exactly what I said she thinks that she belongs in that group that he invited that that’s a hierarchy
You should be like me don’t invite anybody to anything well that’s you know but that’s the best way to be because someone’s always going to get offended there’s four beds in that house Howard Gary do you don’t think explain it to me but if you invite anybody to
Anything everyone else is offended trust by the way if Tracy if Tracy wanted to have this conversation with with me in private I draw a diagram of the house and show it to her and she might see it a different way but she doesn’t feel that’s necessary she’d rather just call
Me out in front of the whole audience all right well I mean the last thing is kind of really more inside than outside we have this one project that we’re working on where Gary had the audacity to have Jason send out an email saying why wasn’t this finished why wasn’t this
Done and this was called The Profit project this is where Kevin Craft took all of our CDs of things prior to us being here bits bites song parodies whatever put them into a system and he was supposed to give lists to Gary of everything he went through and Gary was
Supposed to go through him through them what he wanted what he didn’t what was for error what wasn’t and for months and months and months Gary would not take time to meet with Kevin and then what happened Kevin’s computer got corrupted and we lost it all oh I don’t like that
What what did you do here it’s just not true Kevin came to me Kevin would come to me every couple of days with a list of things and he would say what about this what about this what about this never listen if it took me a week to get
To him to cover that list and then we’d go to the next one and we’ go to the next one never did I say I am not talking to you anymore Kevin I was under the impression that the project Tracy thinks you you would blew him off don’t
Know because she thinks everybody blows everybody off it’s a whole big [ __ ] conspiracy plot to disrespect Tracy in the world wow I wish Tracy was here I don’t I really don’t because you know what here’s the bottom line right I don’t want to be at war with Tracy I clearly
Am well you shouldn’t be because but no I don’t want to be at war with Tracy because she’s got way more energy to fight than I do right like she she can fight this fight day and night I don’t want to fight this fight day and night
What little energy I have I’d like to put into this job rather than fighting Tracy so for me we’ll do it on the wrap-up show she’ll call me a bunch of names I’ll defend myself as best I can we’ll work together but I am I I’m
Telling you right now I am not at a Tracy has declared war on me I am not fighting you know I’m not fighting I’m not going to go on Sweden or Switzerland yeah yeah beat me up kick me in the balls have a party but I’m just I’m not
Going to go there well let me ask you something um could you I mean I think that you guys get into it all the time around here and in and then in the end when it’s over it’s over it can’t be that way with Tracy I don’t know that
She’s interested in that I could be honest with you there there’s no indication in this show that I would love to work with Gary I’m a piece of [ __ ] I’m a disres disrespectful [ __ ] I do you hear any indication in here that she would like our lives to be
Better so when you ask me why it wasn’t finished if you could have taken the time away from sport goal and Solitaire and just just spend a couple of [ __ ] minutes with Kevin this [ __ ] would have been done don’t turn it around and ask me why it wasn’t done it wasn’t done
Because you didn’t address it end of the line end of the story what else am I going to tell you she is good on the air there’s not a day that Kevin asked me to come that I didn’t go and see and like I said sometimes it would take a week I
Would go back to the computer and he would show me a list or sometimes he would leave lists on my desk and say do we want this do we want that do we want this do we want that I would say not important important important and I just
Stopped getting list I don’t I don’t have any recollection that I stopped talking to Kevin all right Tracy was on a mad tear last night she even ripped into Lisa G but wow yeah what was that all about Teddy too what what did Teddy do I missed that I think
I’m not sure but I mean this show is wild a very positive email about it people enjoy it this is how deep it gets I think Teddy made the mistake nobody knew who was going to who was on the [ __ ] list it was a big you know secret
Like like the best picture well it was exciting right got the award I was excited to hear who tra my name was in the envelope so I think Teddy made the mistake of saying something to Jason right before Jason left last night and Jason is seen as a Gary snaphat right so
That was not good Teddy told Jason that the the secret person was Gary right oh I see what you’re saying oh oh Teddy revealed that Gary was Tracy’s Target right that’s right and and and since Jason is my buddy it got right back to you don’t tell don’t tell the enemy’s friend yeah
Oh I see I don’t know if I have a clip of that but Tracy won’t do stories with Lisa G really everyone knows there are certain people I like in The Newsroom there are certain people I don’t like in The Newsroom there are some people I refuse
To do stories with in The Newsroom hands down and everyone knows who they’ve heard me do stories with and who they haven’t heard me do stories with well what if someone’s just a casual listener they don’t know would you like to go into that or I don’t want to call people
Out because my good is JD on there talking SM oh what who was that exactly he wasn’t like all a sudden he was articulate he works better with Tracy than he does with me cuz like with me he’s like what did he say Fred it still sounded like to me for the
Casual listener who might not know do you want to say who it is wait let me hear that a reasoning wa I don’t know and who they haven’t heard me do stories with what if someone’s just a casual listener they don’t know would you like
To go into that or I I I know he sounded like he no fing one if it’s a casual listener it’s still like a half a thought there he sounds like he’s working on a jazz station hey I’m ring it just sounded coherent but when you coherent for him right you’re right
Though it really isn’t AAL statement yeah he doesn’t end the sentence but he does get through a lot more words than floting an idea you you decipher let’s get back to Tracy I want to call people out because my reasoning I I I’ve only heard from other people
Other than the fact that I just don’t really feel that much about her but but it is what it is and I just I don’t want to even go there it’s it’s not a personal thing like I don’t have a problem with her personally I just workwise it’s just been some shady stuff
That’s gone down and I don’t oh my necessarily want to do news pieces with her anymore it is somebody in the compound it is not Jason Kaplan and if anybody really wants to know they should feel free to call Teddy maybe I’ll actually give out Teddy’s cell phone
Number oh my goodness well you caught the you caught the worst of it yeah I I mean listen again I’m not at war with her I think her problem with Lisa G was that Lisa she had a private conversation with Lisa G and uh L ended up on the
News oh so she thought that was shady which that can be a burn can I give you two thoughts on leaving Howard yeah I don’t know how you put on a show like that last night and then expect to be respected I don’t know how you figure that somehow commands any kind of
Respect and I would be all fairness well what position I mean she’s in a in a position where you know she got this show because of her legendary fights with gorillo and right how is she supposed to do the show well maybe she chooses not to or but if she does if she
Does the show that she’s got to expect repercussions she got to expect that people are going to be hurt and angry you can’t see this at all as a performance no no no no no no there’s no performance here this is listen this is in her office at 2 in the afternoon
Tracy on the radio last night maybe the show is a bad idea because it really Tracy so honest and brutal I know I think she thinks she’s doing what is expected absolutely abolutely she was called to do that love people love the show but did she think she would do that
Show last night and then come in today and everything would be fine like you got you got to think about that I would be embarrassed if I were you know and again I if I were if I were looking for a job in five years and I knew a CD of
Last night’s show was floating around I would be embarrassed that a prospective employer would hear that and think you know what I mean and think that like w they understand that we’re asking her to do this right you know no no she Howard listen she’s a big girl she she can do
This or not do this I see no one’s no one threw her down on the ground and twisted her arm well I don’t know though I she could say no I don’t feel comfortable doing the show I’m simply saying I think there’s a double standard here because you guys get into this
Stuff with each other all the time I mean it happens to me I I mean I heard that uh s still has a problem with me and 91 yeah cuz there are some things that are done on the wrap-up show that that people might have a problem we on
The rup show on the wrap-up show we try to let people come in or call in as best we can this is like a complete and utter Ambush you know I mean really I gotta tell you if Tracy really wanted to do a good show last night give me the heads
Up I’d have stayed all right fair enough all right well maybe Tracy will come in later and address you on the air and then we can clear the air how’s that now but is that the show Tracy maybe it could be the show it’s Tracy’s happy hour though that’s what
I’m saying is but then that would be Tracy’s not so happy hour because the only one happy in that hour is Tracy well that’s it’s Tracy’s happy hour not for you the only one happy in the hour is Tracy that’s it no one else everyone’s everyone’s under their desk
At home listen this entire office lives in fear of her and so everybody is you know they’re afraid of her when they find why are they afraid of her because she can be a bully at times all right okay well I’ll have her address that when comes in can will we have Gary’s
Happy hour yeah I think we have to have Gary’s happy hour Gary’s morose hour all right Jim you’re on the air wow what a she’s a total dick man and you know this is all your fault Howard it is my fault yeah he gave her a show well actually I consider it the
Audience’s fault you guys love Tracy you sent me emails Tracy when she beat up on gorilla was great and uh I agreed with you and I think Tracy’s terrific so uh sure I gave Tracy a show Tracy chose show is you know she’s got to find someone to track that’s right and she
Did it do you really think this is real do you really Gary do you really think she feels that way about you Yes actually I felt I I was I I’ll tell you there were things I’m not aware of I’m not aware of the refrigerator incident
But I was very aware that she was upset that she was invited on the ski trip yeah um and I was aware that she was probably pissed off when I you know she felt left out yeah yeah but what but what the [ __ ] what gives her I mean you
Know well that’s what the show is I let Tracy her feelings maybe I am to blame I mean no I don’t know listen the idea for Tracy to vent her feelings was this and it’s she did it perfectly no it was great it causes yeah but it causes repercussions Gary’s right Gary’s hurt
Yeah I mean should I should I just I mean is she supposed to walk in today I mean listen we’re gonna we’re going to do our jobs I fought as bad with other people here other people have said horrible listen that guy Lewis that used to be our board op said horrible
Horrible things about me and then the next day like after I walked in I said hand a piece of paper I go this needs to go on the air I’m not going to stop functioning this the show is more important than any single person here all right let’s go on to Chris Chris
You’re on the air yeah I mean number one if she needs to vent to feeling firstly she should try to pull Gary aside and have a set of balls and do it face to face and secondly what two colleges did she go to did neither of them have an
English Department to teach other adjectives okay thank you Chris it’s an interesting note uh let’s go to Maryann from Brooklyn Maryann Howard I called Gary last night that made me sick I shook all night Gary you got my message first of all my radio
Is on Howard to make me feel good not to make me shake that’s not a show that she thinks she’s Queen Obama everybody has different levels at a job and you know what she has no respect for anybody and all she wants is respect don’t put me on
The air with her Howard cuz that’ll be a show you want to know to three her top three phras is H Shady this is what it is and quite frankly play it how it counts how many times she said those three phrases and you know if you’re listening you should
Have triple flushed the toilet bow cuz that’s where you took it at Out Gary you made a mistake about the bathroom and you you all right Martin you’re on the air in Tacoma Hey Hey Howard you know Gary’s got a lot of nerve the way he brow beats
Uh callers into the wrap-up show he has a lot of nerves saying that uh respect out of fear because this is his tactic the way he treated yeko he’s a dick all right one is a radio show and one is an office do you not see the
Difference yeah I see the difference but I also see you uh making threats towards her personal and her professional life how did I make threat how did I make threats he hasn’t made any threats I haven’t made any threats out ofine most certainly did you said absolutely uh
What if uh some employer in the future heard this uh that’s not a threat that’s a that I’m saying she should she should think about what happened and think about the reper I’m not threatening her she sour shoes sour shoes with his Tracy impression hi and it’s so [ __ ]
Obvious Gary what you’re doing you’re transferring all your anger at home because you have to do every [ __ ] chore for Mary and you have me as your little douche running around and the whole thing with Lisa G she has the audacity I tell her something off the
Record it’s not to be shared with 5 million listeners well hold on Mary I’m from Brook it’s Tracy jie I love you but Tracy you’re way off face with this F hang up on her you know I got to tell you about Sour Sho he’s great awesome uh the guy’s
A super Talent yeah I mean Ralph was over yesterday he said I didn’t know this sour shoes calls Ralph sometimes 10 times a day really I didn’t know that his home phone and he says sometimes he calls his Gary and he thinks it’s Gary
Yeah okay so here’s the deal um so so I mean Ross aval bbm’s me he totally gets the show I got nine bbms last night from Jer saying that Tracy is like throwing Haymakers at me I’m G to tell you something real quick let me get in I’m
In the show ready to do my show and this girl I gotta tell you she jump started my show [ __ ] you all this do we have to Bry hey sour shoes yeah can you just do a constant dialogue between Harry Fel Tracy and who else did
He have in there oh jeez oh Mar from Brooklyn Maran from maryan from Brooklyn that’s a really good one okay let me just tell you let me do a show let me do a show with okay so here’s what you got to understand I get about 67 emails from Maryann to do a
Show and it’s great but listen to me Tim came to me Tim came to me with this offer back in January I’m not an on-air personality okay he came to me to do this hour show so he’s the brain child of all this well we have to get the show
On the air well well let me ask you something well it’s very intense I got I got all four games last night right nobody [ __ ] cares real about the NBA nobody even watches that Tracy you’re really angry with Gary aren’t you oh you don’t even know the half of it and so so
When I got home last night I was shaking because he had the audacity to get his little Jewish rat Jason Kaplan to tell he goes to Teddy and Teddy is just sitting there he’s just you know I I’m so [ __ ] but Mar Maran from Brooklyn’s
On the air she wants to take this up with you but Tracy that’s no excuse no listen to me Tracy if you got something I wanted to flush my toilet 5 time I was boming last night Maran listen to me uh we have to get an update on Sports from for real
Hold on okay um Mets now Gary what what’s the Mets record Gary the Mets are 10 and nine they were 10 10 they were 10 and nine they wanted okay uh the m i I got got to tell you something right now hockey is I’m out of my G I got five
More I got every game right for how is forel how is your wife is she okay everybody good 34 C is right now she is uh 34d right now looking good but for for real one one second uh Tracy was has to go back to the office but she wants
To finish her thought about Gary if you don’t mind hold on a second so was it me Gary who who helped you quit smoking three years ago I mean I tried Nicorette I tried all but yeah it’s not the [ __ ] point I mean I’m sitting here
I’m I got a hold on a second Ross is Ross is what I’m not doing this right now Ross lower your [ __ ] music Captain Frank all right thank you sour shoes wow there he is having his own dialogue in his head sitting in his parents house that is amazing yeah he’s
Good all right anyway so you and Tracy maybe later in the show Tracy comes in you guys can work through this so we have no guest today Trac will come in she’ll yell at me I’ll get beat up and then I’d like it to be done okay fair
Enough enough well maybe we could work on this yeah is there no way to end the hostilities I I suspect that Tracy will come in with both fists up and then and that’s hard to work through when somebody comes in like that all right Bobo you’re on the a hey how you doing
Listen uh Gary’s the voice of reason I love this guy I mean this is great radio but how will Gary come to terms to deal with the out of control officer manager during the work hours how’s he going to be able to do this well I tell you what
Uh Tracy sees Gary is out of control and Gary sees Tracy is out of control we’re gonna sit down maybe this I got my list more Face to Face Time less I AMS more respect right but you don’t have time for face to face time and I’m going to
Have to make time to take those 20 steps to tell her yes or you just call on the phone well actually you have every right to say hey somebody run down and tell Tracy something that’s your job you know that’s the way you choose well is that
Any more efficient than I’m gonna call her on the phone well I happen to understand I have a little insight into this I can I can on this point I can take Gary’s side of things because I do see when I’m I’m busy harping out 20,000
Things to to Gary to do he turns to will sometimes and says or Jason says quick run down and tell Tracy because he doesn’t want to forget and I’m in the middle of telling him 50 things he’s got to do because I give Gary a bunch of
Stuff to do and by the way there’s times where you know Jason’s out to lunch and I’ll say or or somebody’s out I’ll say can you tell Jason this can you tell Will this telling people to tell somebody else I don’t see how that’s a sign of disrespect well take it up with
TR that’s the first point you should take up with she says the only time she gets a direct call is when it’s the bathroom or your refrigerator well I guess I’ll have to from now I’ll call Jared when the when the bathroom’s flooded she’s obsessed with the bathroom
By the way she was the one she I found a hair in the [ __ ] bathroom like I like she would come to me and she said she found a hair in the bathroom and I would look at her like I I I don’t I I hear you what do you want me to
Do hairs off a guys WR that down and take that up with when she gets in I want to I want to straighten this out she she got really mad at me one day cuz I cracked a joke she found a hair in the bathroom and so I jokingly said I
Said hey you know what it’s Autumn you never know what’s going to fall off the tree she was disgusted by that and now she thinks that I’m the one leaving hairs and that I have no respect for the disgusting things that go to the bathroom it’s a [ __ ] joke Tracy all
Right why don’t you do this when Tracy gets in we’ll have the wrap-up show to the happy hour can we do the happy hour wrapup show and then not do this on the wrap-up show I don’t know that you’re the host of the rup show yeah you guys
Did joh John’s the producer let me ask John hin if that can happen you want you want to do the wrap-up here and not do it again on the wrap-up show well we’re having the wrap-up of the happy hour but he has the wrap what we’ll be doing is
The wrap up of the happy hour you guys have to do the wrap up of this show so I have to okay so I have to go through it last night this morning second time this morning and then again in the WAP you’re like a rape victim I see John hind John
Hin looks like a wolf who just got a big piece of meat in his mouth right I feel like I feel like you’re the third guy in a [ __ ] gang rape no I’m talking about a trial when you have to reenact it okay Johnny what do you think is there any
Chance this won’t be discussed on the wrapup show I love Gary but we’re definitely talking about this we have to one topic you know it’s funny cuz JD sits there I wonder what JD’s thinking the whole time he’s hearing Gary trash like this what happened to your voice I
Don’t know I woke up this morning and oh dear no I feel fine joh John’s too sick to do the show today I will have take redirect drink hot water with lemon I water and lemon yeah I’m telling you it works if I can’t go JD’s going to do it
Because he was great last night with lots of lemon lots lots of lemon man that’s the secret and I mean I suck down whole lemons really it works hot water man and marishi may Yogi was a big believer in heating up the body with hot water and I you know first I thought
Well what the [ __ ] is hot water going to do it works well it’s not hot hot hot water like boil like like instead of having water with tea just have the water the hot with the boiling water and John there’s seriously there’s cut up lemons in my refrigerator which you’re
More than welcome to they really are who are they they’re mine because I have to drink them every morning for my kidney stone so take some of my lemon wow very generous of you it’s a respect man yeah lot of respect he’s doing it for John he
Wouldn’t do it for crazy CU you’re a boys club I hear what Tracy say we’re sour shoes boy that’s a good impression that’s great man that’s sour he’s a genius I might have to bring in sour shoes to do that routine here over the oh my god oh absolutely have you have to
Do that yeah uh JD what goes through your mind Tracy was going off on the happy hour well for the most part I’m sitting there laughing uh but there I mean there is a certain point you know with certain things where it’s like oh Jesus Christ and I just push the mic
Away and I just I don’t want any part of it see all right uh it’s funny that’s what I are you the uh what are you what is your role on the happy hour actually I don’t know I just sit there and say who’s on the line I just pick up the
Callers I’m kind of like the towel attendant at uh you know book andal and and I do try like you know on the first show she had trouble uh getting angry so I try and think of things I’m the one that threw Teddy under the bus
For well it’s back on the fire it backfired because Teddy was still here when she decided to start yelling at him and so she he knew it was me and I was well you were just trying to make the show Good exactly that’s right so but do
You feel bad for you both I I I don’t want anyone to be hurt but hey she want she knew what she was doing how does it feel to be part of a hit show you finally have a hit weren’t you part of Ronnie show and oh no you you killed
Ronnie I wasn’t a part of show you think I’m gonna end it that show I’m giving Tracy three nights a week I don’t know maybe Tracy will you know maybe there’s sort of like CU Tracy and is the office manager it is hard for her to play both roles I imagine I’ll
Ask her that later okay is this too much pressure for her because I I have the feeling that she has to ratchet it up right for the show I agree and then feelings get hurt right but that was good stuff I never even heard of scorkl sparkel sparkel I didn’t I didn’t know
What that was either I didn’t know Gary was playing sparkel I only knew about Solitaire I heard you were briefly yelled at too was I for your fake eyelashes is that true oh do I leave them around so you you even got it what do you what what what did she
Say does anyone know Benji do you know it was something about Robin you didn’t throw out your eyelashes right right I was so every once in a while an eyelash will land on the counter of what was that she was just she just it was like an annoyance like I mean it wasn’t
Anything I it wasn’t anything major it wasn’t a major stop on Turnpike what was the what was the offense though I probably left an eyelash on the sink they their eyelashes apparently all over the sink maybe the answer is Tracy shouldn’t use that bad take away her access take away her G
Let meate Tracy’s access to that [Laughter] bathroom how is this going to resolve itself um time hopefully how it’ll resign because it’ll take that much time to resolve itself if if Howard doesn’t resign then it won’t resolve itself at all I if if I know that we’re done in
December there’s no real need to become to to make up just Coast by the last couple months yeah we can all be good to each other I’ll invite her to the post party put her on a queen seat what what bothers you the most about how she
Handled this like that she that’s an ambush that you you knew nothing about this well that you you know again if uh if she felt this way she should have talked to me about it she’s been saving up all this pent up anger that I’m
Unaware of to you know get I it’s like I said I think it’s a little bit on the Cowardly side it’s easy to do it on the air because now you’re protected and how do you think this is going to play out when she comes in later uh I think it be
A lot of yelling and I’m going to just I’m going to I’m going to let her just [ __ ] yell at me and I’m just going to sort of Let It Roll by You know I I felt really good that I got to say my piece without her here she spoke about me
While I wasn’t there I responded while she wasn’t here and I thought that was my best shot everything else after this will just be a [ __ ] Circus Oh