Everybody in Roblox got together and made this game basically we gotta guess what everybody else voted on what do you call this sport soccer or football now listen I know Americans call this soccer but I feel like as a collective the whole world calls it football okay so I’m guessing
That most people said football oh it’s actually terrifying going down these slides dude let’s go okay football I’m I’m counting on you I was right five million votes on football wait am I in the back rooms dude oh that is scary nothing here okay thanks creepy guy okay
Scary which would you rather have an extra toe on extra finger okay listen the extra finger would be obvious to everybody the extra toe would not really be that obvious because I’m wearing socks most of the time so probably go for the extra toe let’s go down the toe slide was I ride
I don’t know if I was right about that one congratulations oh geez this is creepy maybe I was ah okay I guess I was wrong most people wanted extra finger dude where am I now back in this nightmare gosh dang it I can’t believe people chose an extra
Faker what is wrong with you guys what do you want to use it for huh freaks I’m going down the extra fingers like then I can’t believe it nobody voted for the toe except for me basically no way out okay you know what I thought this was a
Wholesome little game about voting and picking a slide I didn’t think I would be a literal Hill right now which is scarier spiders or snakes Okay I feel like actually I’m more scared no actually let’s think about this Crainer I was about to say spiders are more
Scary but then again if there was a spider on my desk I wouldn’t be as scared as if there was a snake on my desk that’s a big difference okay I’m picking snakes and if people don’t agree with me they’re wrong they didn’t agree with me
I guess I suck at this hey Santa Claus that’s not Santa okay you know what let’s run we can’t run ah the Grinch dude okay you know what you guys are weird you telling me you would rather be locked in a room with a snake than a spider snakes are always
Ten times bigger that’s not the Snyder’s dude it’s by Spinners okay so far I’m doing really bad at guessing what everybody voted actually I’m doing horrible somebody playing a weird version of tic-tac-toe up there with that with a sun and a tornado or whatever I don’t get it I had a creepy
Ladder of course okay this one I’m determined to get right which would you rather be the youngest sibling or the older sibling the older sibling is better because you’re stronger you’re bigger the younger sibling can’t do as much but sometimes you get more candy when you’re the youngest simply right
But I’m guessing most people would rather be the oldest come on I cannot get a single one of these right am I in space now all right you know what I don’t deserve to be lasered down by aliens just because I got that wrong am I stuck oh gosh where am I
Dude I can’t believe I’m getting everything this wrong all right I guess I’d rather be the youngest one then good for me because I am in real life dude okay they were pretty close though they were pretty close keep going nothing that way nothing that way either okay we
Need to go this way then okay next one I have to get right if I don’t get that one right I actually suck have you ever picked your nose bro bro from my audience dude why do I have to have all been tight and Thai children of
Course I’ve picked my nose and if I’m wrong about this one and nobody else picked it they’re lying and I’m not gonna accept it as an answer let’s see good finally I got one right and it was about nose picking good job crater you’re actually a genius ah there’s a
Hole in the ground dude this is creepy okay which is better apples or oranges I feel like more people would probably just like snack on an Apple than an orange so I’m saying apples Yes too right I want to roll now I can feel it or should I say I’m on a slide okay you know I never mind Taco Bell or Chipotle I know everybody loves Chipotle you Americans talk about it all the time so I’m guessing that you guys chose Chipotle
No okay you know what maybe I should have guessed it Taco Bell is also huge what in the head no no don’t blow me up for that buddy I’m sorry oh oh that was quite nice nothing happened okay no he’s killing me now never mind I should have guessed that people chose
Taco Bell look I’m not American you can’t really blame me for that one I don’t have either in my country okay nice random little chair in absolutely the middle of nothing this is not creepy at all dude let’s go to another slide wherever they are this way okay following the random graffitied arrows
Which would you rather prefer Huck a snake or kiss a frog that’s a really good question You hug a snake guys I feel like they are saying they would do that honestly I feel like there’s a lot of people that are like oh snake so cute you know and people are probably like oh that’s gross if you kiss a frog I’m picking Huck a snake I’m guessing
That’s what people chose why am I so bad at this game am I just is that The Rock the way The Rock Johnson leave me alone dude no no why okay I guess people would rather kiss a frog you know what I I agree with that so I should have actually gone for
That because I’m terrified of snakes I was trying to put myself in the head of everybody else and I still lost even when I went against my own intuition I don’t like that there’s a door in here okay it’s supposed to only be slides it’s creeping me out there it is
McDonald’s or Burger King if anybody voted on Burger King out of my country all right get out of here bud we’re picking McDonald’s all day every day thank you well still 1.5 million votes that’s actually quite good that’s not a bad score compared to how terrible I think Burger King is which
Would be worse wearing a wet sweater all day or wearing wet jeans all day definitely wearing wet jeans is worse I mean please come on wet underwear would also include that are you kidding me guys you’re not thinking about this right why is there a phone ringing would you please shut the door
Okay never mind but as I was saying if you’re wearing wet jeans all day your butt is literally gonna be soaking are you see are you saying that it’s worse to wear a wet sweater all day you guys are making no sense and I actually disagree with
You on that so much okay they’re pretty close together still man it’s worse to wear wet pants all day than it is to wear a wet sweater I’m upset guys please tell me I’m right down in the comments below that cannot be correct alright for the last slide
Which is more fun a roller coaster or a water slide a roller coaster is more fun and if they disagree with me on this one I hate everybody in Roblox you better be agreeing with me I hate everybody in Roblox it has now been decided that every Day come on dude
Well I’m the worst slide picker in history congratulations for fighting that out I’m upset dude check out this video subscribe if you do gosh dang it