Greetings ladies and gentlemen and welcome to home is where the dark is number 61 with the one and only cat Von D welcome hey how are you awesome thank you so much for coming by and uh checking out the studio and I appreciate it’s beautiful I love it thank you I
Appreciate your time and uh have a lot of things we want to talk about today but firstly let’s get into you have a brand new single out yeah called vampire love and uh I love it the video is killer the song’s killer so can you tell
Us a little bit about your like what does the song mean to you like lyrically and um how does it how do you want it to resonate with your audience sure um so vampire love is the first single of this upcoming album that I have when I was
Writing I wanted to write like a little bit of a a Dancy like I don’t want to say like a disco Jam but like a you know a dark spin on some like a Dancy song I think the the idea of the vampire Love Theme just H happened accidentally as we
Were writing it’s like I was writing the song with Shep Solomon and Fernando Gabby and um and we were just finding chords and Shep has like a really great way of finding Melodies and um he was kind of like exploring this chorus Melody and the consonant just like fit
Perfect for giving me some of that vampire love and I remember Fernando was kind of like ah it’s too on the nose you know like you shouldn’t and I was like no I I love it because it’s like I mean first of all everyday is Halloween for
Me like I feel like I kind of dread Halloween season because people assume we’re in a costumes but like this is us every day you know so I I liked the idea of um you know equating vampire love with something being Eternal and so even though it’s like a cutesy dance song I
Do think it you know it’s just like the classic um idea of wanting to find something that lasts forever absolutely totally in the studio like you said it kind of just it kind of just happened with the lyrics but I mean when you go into the studio to write a track maybe
Like with the with the whole record is is each song a different process or you just kind of feel out each song or do you have like a specific way you like to write the music and produce the music I mean I think it’s different there’s some
Stuff that I like come in with a strong idea from the beginning some times it’s like three chords that I like like that certain progression that I base off that um sometimes it’s the a theme like you know there’s some like I really tried to figure out a on this album like writing
Um a song about how I don’t get along with my siblings you know it sounds kind of petty but like you know just I think there’s a lot of people that can relate to the fact that there’s family members that you just dislike or can’t seem to
Um resolve issues with you know and that song was going to be called Bad Blood but it just didn’t make it like I was like ah it’s I don’t think it was an inspiring enough Muse but so sometimes I come in with ideas you know that um
Solidify as the song gets written out and other times we’re just um I hate to use that word but just vibing you know and see what comes but it always comes it always begins with with chords I feel like so when you say chords like do you
Do you sit down at the piano and Just Vibe it out yeah cuz I know you’re you know you’re classically trained and um you know you obviously have a great you know musical background with music theory and reading and all that so it’s always it’s always cool to me to know
Like when people have that theory background but then they can just sit down and do something simple and keep it more from the heart instead like technical you know yeah yeah I mean it definitely I mean I was classically trained since I was five to play piano
So I I play a lot of you know the the classical greates but when it comes to writing I’m not um like I’m not as well versed on on writing from the heart because I’ve been so kind of crippled by sheet music so that’s when I think my team comes
Into play and helps a lot because they’re more free like um like it’s it’s pretty inspiring to see I I really honestly wish I could have filmed the entire process of making this record because it there was just moments where we would we we really created something
From nothing you know just was like this tiny little morsel of an idea and just breathe life into it so but um I think we were just so deep into it I don’t I don’t even think I filmed stuff on my phone you know that’s how how exciting
It was yeah I love that because that happens so many times with me like I’ve had so many sessions where it’s like they’re really important or I’m working with like a great artist or it’s like the music is just so like everything is coming together so great but you’re so
In it that you forget to you know capture anything or document it and those are like some of the best sessions totally totally can you tell us about the video concept like how did that come about and was that kind of was that improvised on on set or did you have
Like a whole treatment no I’m like a a weirdo about music video I I actually do like all the storyboarding and everything so I mean typically I write all my treatments and then cast it and do do everything and then obviously work with the director that I like and in
This case I worked with Ryan Valdez who uh you know we worked on really small projects before but I’ve been a fan of his um aesthetic and his work for a long time he he he specializes in more horror movies and and films like short films that he’s done they’re really
Beautifully done and something that I love about them even if it’s scary it’s still very dreamy like somehow he he manages to make things look romantic um and so when I pitched him this idea I was like I hope he likes this idea we actually filmed two videos um but uh
Vampire love he was he was totally down with it and um and so that one like I I kind of got the idea for that music video as I was writing the song um originally I thought like the sound of this This song reminds me of when I used
To go roller skating like when I was a kid at the roller skating room rink and I was like oh would be cool to have like goth night at the roller skating rink but then um it just evolved into this idea of you know our band playing in at
At like this epic costume party that’s made up of all couples and I mentioned a little bit in the the BTS video I posted but um my son is like a big fan of Hotel Transylvania and so we’ve seen like all like I think there’s three of them or
Something and they always have these really interesting like dance scenes and it’s they’re really kind of cute and in the first one is when uh Mavis a little vampire girl like falls in love with somebody and there’s this this scene where she kind of pops into the the
Dance floor and you know the whole the whole world like like stops on its track and it’s just her and and her love and I was and so that’s kind of where the idea for for the music video came but then obviously I did my own spin on it and um
There’s a girl named Vin laon bismar who I’ve been like a huge fan of for a long time and she’s this amazing uh singer she does like Cabaret she’s like a she’s just an Entertainer but an all around amazing artist and so I’ve just been kind of waiting for an excuse to hang
Out with her and so I I called her and I was like Hey like would you be down to fly out from Spain to to play this character you know this vampire character in a music video and she was really excited about it so it worked out
And was really happy about that yeah it came out amazing and I like how you you include all your friends and yeah we cast it 100% with all of our friends um I think the only person that I didn’t know prior to filming was um was the rose the
The girl who played the rose who’s this really beautiful girl named viie Venom and she she’s also a performer but she was a friend of a friend but I was trying to cast somebody that was really like long and lanky because she was going to be wearing this tight metallic
Green catsuit with like a giant Rose head and I wanted it to feel like a stem you know and she she did amazing um but yeah it was it was pretty much all of our friends just come even like the extras in the background that was like
Like my friend Kevin lellan who’s like a really good painter and we hang out all the time and I was like hey can you bring a bunch of your hot girl friends you know and they just all came and hung out and danced and it was it was
Actually it literally felt like a party when we were filming it so it was fun yeah you can get that vibe from watching it it’s like this that looks like it was a great shoot like a lot of fun like everyone looked really into it yeah just
Seeing like seeing like your husband in there and you know your friends like yeah it looked really awesome so congrats on that it looks beautiful and I really like his use of slow motion think that adds to the dreaminess too talking about okay so if you can talk
About it yet do you have like an idea about when the full length will be released yeah so typically I like to release like uh like a Cadence of singles prior to the album coming out so we usually do four and so uh our plan
Was to do the same was to release four singles once a month but we’re we’re going to skip November and December because it’s kind of just like too much holidays yeah you know so starting January we’ll we’ll release the the final three singles before the album
Comes out in um you know this spring late spring and do you have videos for those as well you’re planning to or we filmed one video already for a song called dead and we did a a like a goth aerobics video nice so we’re we’re literally teaching an aerobics class for that one
So it’ll be that’ll be good when we met on the the set for um 69 eyes like that came out D amazing look so cool I loved it yeah that’s so great favorite song on the album cuz it’s so different it’s like so Western but yeah it’s a great
Album I know it’s funny like people when I sing on their when I get asked to sing on people’s songs it’s always like the strange like slow jamps I’m like I want somebody to ask me to sing on a banger you know you on a metal track yeah no
Not that I wish well it’s it’s awesome that you’re you know keeping the creativity Alive With You Know music and fashion and um also I was I was curious are you still tattooing are you taking a break from that or um you know eventually I’d I’d like to open up a
Shop in Indiana because I I as you know like I’ve I moved out of California a while ago and moved to like the middle of nowhere in Indiana and it would be nice to to open up a shop but the more more time I spend in my little town it’s
A Tiny Town of 1,200 people so they don’t even have a mayor or anything like that there’s no Uber there’s no Postmates there’s no Billboards there’s no bus like there’s one stoplight and a gas station but uh so it’s it’s quite small which I love but I think I
Feel like we need like restaurants like I don’t think I don’t think the town needs a tattoo shop you know I think yeah yeah so I think there’s other things that I would want to bring to the table prior to opening up a shop but um
But I don’t know right now I’m restoring an old house from the 18 from 1874 so it’s going to take me a little while before I can look at other projects do you miss it though where you looking for a break from it or I you know I I
Haven’t tattooed for money in like over a decade like I don’t I haven’t I I know a lot of people don’t know that but like the last decade of my career I I was just tattooing people I loved or or friends of friends or if somebody had
Like a a moving story but I I stopped charging for like making it a means um a long time ago so it’s it kind of fills my heart more when I can connect with people and tattoo them because I want to not because I have to yeah so I think there’s
Like a dynamic shift that happens once you’re on TV doing it so there’s like a certain expectation that people have from you when you’re getting tattooed like if they how do I explain it like people aren’t really coming to get a tattoo per se but have an experience and
That’s just a lot of pressure that like takes away from the process for me so um I’m not as thrilled about it as I was in my 20s per se but I still love it and I still want to be able to do it I just
Don’t know if I I want to I I just know I don’t want to do it like as a job understood yeah I’m not sure if you spoke about this in any previous interviews but what was the main what sparked your move to Indiana you know I
Love I love California and I and I love Los Angeles I love my friends and um there’s some really beautiful aspects of this town but I think as the older I get the more I want to resort to like nature more than anything and we had a really
Beautiful house here in hanock park that I renovated it took me about 7 years and it was beautiful it was a beautiful palace but we just found ourselves never leaving and um and when we would there was a certain level of unease and um and some people like that you know like some
People like the hustle of like New York I I personally don’t like I don’t like public transportation I don’t like I I mean I do like to like you know become nothing and everything there like you could you could easily like slip away into a crowd there and not be bothered
Which is nice but I think to like raise my son it wasn’t really appealing to me we were already going to be homeschooling and stuff so it’s like you know like even in like the nice areas of La you just see a lot of crime and like
It gets it gets a little scary you know it’s very SC I mean we felt really unsafe going to restaurants yeah I’ve lived here my whole life and I’ve just seen it get every year it gets worse gets more and more more and more homeless more and more crime more and
More drugs more and more it’s just more and more traffic it’s justt Relentless we had like an intruder come to our house um that was like probably the most intense like scary thing I’ve ever experienced before that definitely solidified our reasons for leaving but it wasn’t the reason we left you know um
But I like living in a red State I think um some of those a lot of the values and um like the legislative aspect of it is very appealing to us like you know I’m very you know Pro Second Amendment so it’s and you know it’s it’s a very
Controversial topic for people like people a lot of people don’t like guns and like we actually trained with um like the main train trainer for like all of the LA County uh Sheriff deputies and uh you know we took our training very seriously and like all the safety
Courses and everything I think everyone should yeah and um I think when you have like an intruder hovering over you and your son in the middle of the night um you know you’ll think twice about taking those rights away and we were very lucky I think we were um like I think
Definitely God was like watching over us that night and thankfully nothing happened but this person who broke into our house had no intention of stealing like robbing us he was he he was there you know mentally ill with a knife in his pocket and um you know so I think
For those that you know want to kind of arue argue like oh you know like you Americans are so like obsessed with with guns it’s like well you know we live in a violent country and I think that H having the training and the knowledge of
How how to have like gun safety is like really important and I love that in Indiana we don’t really have to worry about that and you see the crime drop like the numbers in crime just drop when you have certain laws put into place totally yeah I think I think for a lot
Of people that may be against it and once you experience something like that where your loved ones are in danger have no means of protecting yourself you’ll think twice about it you know what I mean so I totally I totally get that I mean I cuz the bad guys aren’t following
The rules you know what I mean like it’s unfortunate that we live in a world like that but I know to shift gears a little bit I’d like to ask you about sobriety yeah and um it’s been a multiple year Journey for you and sobriety uh congrats
By the way I’m about a little over two years in myself Awesome congats every month it get like things get easier but is it something that you’re still do you still have to work as hard every day or is it something that over time you’re
Just yeah I mean I think for me the first year for sure was the most intense where I had to really um you know make that choice of filtering out people that are not going to support me in this you know like I had to delete all of my drug dealer numbers and
Um or just my friends that only hung out with me when I was partying or just anybody that would tempt me at that time and then the more like you said the more and more you lean into sobriety it becomes more second nature I personally
Don’t go to meetings um like I love the big book I’ve read it and I agree with it 100% And I feel like many people would benefit just from doing the steps I like I love that but I’ve just I’ve always been a lone wolf when it comes to
Therapy like um I don’t like group therapy in general and and I do like question like how Anonymous people are especially in this town um like a lot of meetings tend to be more about like being a scene versus like going there for the right reasons but you know there
Are like smaller groups that you can find that are more just about the message which I think is good and about the support but I do believe at one point there has there must be a step where you don’t need to do the steps anymore and that’s not something that
People in AA would probably agree with you know like some people need it to do it for the rest of their life and for me I feel like you can be liberated from being an addict I don’t think you have to be an addict like you know when we
Label ourselves that it’s like oh then we we triple ourselves mentally like I I can be around people drinking and I have zero desire to to partake in it in fact like if you’re drinking I’ll gladly drive you home you know like when it comes to drugs for example I choose not
To be around that but that’s not because I’m tempted it’s just more because I don’t want to be around that energy like right I feel like drugs and drinking kind of You Hinder your ability to be in control and so like I equate it to like a de demonic possession in a
Sense like the things that I was doing when I was high is not who I who I truly was you know like and that’s why I can forgive myself for a lot of the mistakes that I made and I made a lot of them when I was high and drunk and um and
That’s not who I am when I look back at that person I’m like that person was an alien to me you know yeah and it’s it’s okay you know but but I’m just glad that I got to be on the other side of it yeah I can totally relate with you there
Because when I I look back on the mistakes I made um yeah it feels like I I don’t recognize that person at all like it feels like um someone I kind of like cringe I’m like same and I felt like you some people say like well you’re you’re
When you’re drunk or you’re um under the influence and the certain things that you do that’s that’s that’s part of you that’s deep down who you are and it’s like I I I think it just depends on the person and cuz for me it felt like my
Demon was the alcoholism what it made me do like I would never think of doing as a sober person like who I am as a person like I’ve you know I haven’t done anything insane but like I’ve I’ve you know I’ve done things I’m not proud of
And um it looking back it’s like like I said it’s just can’t recognize myself whatsoever and um yeah everyone everyone struggles with it differently everyone has uh different paths toy and I have friends that are able to drink and they’re they don’t lose control like I
Do you know it’s like not everyone’s the same I don’t knock people who like drink you know I just or even if party and stuff it’s just more it’s not something I’m attracted to or want to be around but like the drug thing for sure I feel
Like that I just don’t have any any patience for that like I feel like I’ve had friendship severed because someone can’t get sober you know and it’s like when you’re dealing with that type of possession it’s like you know you’re willing to put yourself in certain
Dangers that I’m just unwilling to be a part of you know right yeah that’s the that’s the thing it’s not just the act of being being around someone like doing drugs it’s everything around that like you’re you’re putting yourself in a dangerous situation just just by being around that person who’s who’s partaking
So yeah I I’ve had to um I’ve had to create a smaller circle of friends over the years and um there’s something you said in a previous interview that I resonated with which is like it seems you know you think as you get more successful and you gain more um
Notoriety and respect and you’re moving forward in your career you know I think a lot of people think like oh you just your circle gets bigger and you you gain more friends and more people love you but I notice like as I’ve advanced in my career the circle gets smaller yeah and
The more but it’s good though right it’s like it’s like the quality of friendships right do you feel like it they’re better cuz I do they’re so much better and I’d rather have like a handful of people that if I needed something I could call them and they’ be
Here for me and that’s all I need and I’ve noticed like for myself like I don’t think like I necessarily have to break up with people if if we’re not aligned in certain things like um but I do feel that certain relationships like tend to run their course and it’s like
Totally fine like I’ve noticed that the more and more like I evolve in my thinking and um even in my spiritual path I feel like the more I start um connecting with people on that that are wanting to grow too and you grow together like I I have my friend Darby
Who like you know we were we’ve known each other really long time like um like almost two decades maybe or something or or a little bit less than that and um and it’s like we’ve seen each other go through so many things like relationships sobriety all that stuff
And it’s like I’m so glad that she like grew with me because there’s some people that didn’t you know that they just stayed getting wasted or they stayed you know whatever womanizing or whatever it was you know like partying and and in whatever aspect and it’s like it’s nice
When you have those friends that grow with with you and like because of that we’re a lot closer I think you know totally it’s kind of sad when you don’t like that’s when you’re like oh you know like the things that I used to find entertaining they’re just not anymore
Like I have friends that like still go and like party all night every night and that’s cool I just it’s not appealing to me anymore yeah well I I I don’t think it’s cool I think it’s like once you get to a certain point in your life like
Once you get to a certain age and it’s like okay you’re 40 and you’re still doing the same [ __ ] you’re doing in your 20s and you you don’t have your [ __ ] together and you like have no money and you’re just [ __ ] partying and being
An idiot it’s like come on but I yeah I think you know in life you just outgrow certain friendships and that’s okay and everyone you know will go on a different path and hopefully at some point you can uh meet again in a different different point in your life but I’m I’m
Experiencing that right now with a couple people and uh that’s why I just try and reach out to friends that I’ve lost connection with um you know every every now and then I’ll just reach out and be like like hey you know like people that have moved out of state or
People that they’re not in music anymore they like settled down had a family and like completely gave up on their dreams like I had a few people like that um but I I I think I’m like it’s okay you know I so I still try and reach out and see
How how they’re doing but yeah it’s just kind of it can be a little bit disheartening when you’re just trying to improve your life and you’re trying to be the best version of yourself but then for whatever reason there’s people that you consider friends they fall off and
They they’re no no longer interested in a friendship or maintaining a connection so that just it just happens you know yeah and then like throw a kid in there and that makes it even more like like isolating you know like my husband and I we kind of laugh about it because we
Have friends that that don’t want to have kids and that’s totally fine we’re you know obviously still friends with them but they’ll never understand like why let’s say we don’t want to go to certain things cuz we would rather be at home with our our boy you know and I
Know that that that that’s a season in itself you know once my son gets a certain age I’m sure we won’t feel that same way but right now it’s like oh I’d rather go to sleep early because like you know we have a nice like morning
Routine that we like to do and it’s like yeah it’s the side of like in that Instagram doesn’t get to see which I wish I could share a lot of that stuff but I’m like that that I’m always like in the moment with that like the other
Day I posted a video which I thought I was so lucky to capture cuz like I was taking my son to the park and um we were in the car and he he like looked at me and was like hey Mom I want to I want to
Tell you something and I was like I just knew I like oh he’s going to tell me something crazy and so I started recording him and he told me he said um he said when sometimes my brain connects to to you and when it does um my heart
Goes to 5,000 cuz he he thinks like 5,000 is the biggest number of all time and then he says and then it explodes with love oh and I just was like I instantly just started balling and then and I just stopped recording and then afterwards he’s like Mom can you like
Not be a crybaby I was like okay my son thank you so adorable yeah but there’s like these moments that like I just they’re my favorite parts of life you know I wake up in the morning and we you know we co sleep and I look at his
Little blinky face and sometimes he’ll hold my face and it’s like those are those are things that I’m like I don’t know i’ I’d rather do that than like go to a concert or something you know yeah absolutely um and I think you know I as
I get older too it’s like I I’d rather just you know when you have a a great home environment when you’re happy with your you know your significant other if you have children and you’re just happy it’s like I don’t want to I don’t want
To leave I’m happy at home yeah if it’s like I don’t want to go you know drive for an hour and go to this annoying thing with around a bunch of drunk people like that’s just you know I don’t I don’t really go out anymore it’s just
Here and there for like things that are important or for people that are important but or or like specific bands like I love going to see the Mars vulta play like I’ve seen them play a bunch of times but I just feel they have the best
Stage presence of all time I love every song they’ve ever written and that to me is a treat like that I will go and hang out with you know be around a bunch of people just to to be a witness to that because something about it is just so
Inspiring and I love that so there’s always like little exceptions I’m like okay I’m down to go to that you know totally yeah we have a themed question of the podcast and feel free to take a second to think about it or if you don’t want to answer it that’s okay as well
But um what was one of the darkest times in your career and what did you do to overcome it I think I’m in one of the darkest times in my career right now but I think my life is rearranging itself in a way that it needs to to be
So I kind of find comfort in that and it’s even though it’s uncomfortable you know I feel like that’s a hard one to explain cuz I mean I could easily be like oh when I was a drug addict or something but I I don’t know I had I had drugs to
Numb myself at the time so it wasn’t that dark I feel like but I think now it’s like when I’m faced with just the realities of life and um questioning what I’m supposed to be doing and how I’m supposed to get there it can be
Like a little bit hard I mean it could be really hard like lately I find myself like with my husband I I think like you know really is just me and you against everyone and um which is like kind of a beautiful thing to have you know so I
Don’t I don’t know I kind of take it I’m going to take it how it is like I do feel like God’s been humbling me for a while in ways and taking things away from me and um because there’s like lessons to be learned in that for myself
And so I’m it sounds weird or like I have Stockholm syndrome or something but like I’m grateful for those lessons too you know so um it’s weird I’m I’m in a very bipolar time in my life where there’s immense amount of beauty and wonderful things happening and then the
Flip side of things it’s like oh you know you used to have it good and you you don’t have it as good as as you used to have it anymore and I’m going to keep taking things away from you that’s how it feels right now like it’s like crumbling but reconstructing itself yeah
It’s funny how the universe works sometimes is uh I’ve noticed too like when something something is going really well then out of nowhere the universe will just be like nope and you know someone passes or you something awful happens so like to me I’ve always experienced like a balance so that’s why
I’m always afraid like when something really awesome happens I’m like oh [ __ ] what’s around the corner you know so I think I’ve just learned to like appreciate those moments as they’re coming like my husband I talk about this all the time like I’m dealing with like two lawsuits right now that have been
Just they just feel cancerous you you know and I’m trying my best to like stay above and keep positive and not let them win like mentally you know because I don’t want to Rob like Rob my son of having a stable and happy household because someone else is an opportunist
Or whatever you know my days will start off beautiful like with me like I mentioned like with my son and then I’ll get an email or something that just like crushes me and then I’ll just spend the rest of the day trying to get back to somewhat of
Um you know a Content place and so it’s like this mental Jiu-Jitsu like that I’m doing on a daily basis and I think that’s just life you know I feel like the older you get like the the stakes are higher because your time is less and
And you know you have things that you’re prioritizing differently and stuff so I think I guess that’s kind of good you know and then we have like all the bigger picture stuff which is I kind of just try to even stay out of that at
This point like we have we’re on the the verge of war and it’s like or in it right now now and and people are suffering in bigger ways than I can even imagine but it’s it’s like it’s a lot to take in sometimes you know oh yeah yeah
Um and I’m not so certain we should be taking all of it in you absolutely not it’s too much it’s way too much that’s why I think you know it’s so cleansing to step away from the phone step away from the news because can can completely
Consume you and just [ __ ] you up and at the same time though it’s like like the internet like I I was telling Rafa the other day was like people are just so [ __ ] funny like I like that’s I do love Instagram for that like some people
Are just so like hilarious that I mean we’ll just literally laugh out loud at some of these posts and comments you know like lately we’ve been finding like just normal posts but the the comment section is so like the people responding to these people’s crazy posts are like
So funny to me you know so I’m I’m grateful for the sense of humor that you can find within all the darkness oh yeah we need to use it in this day and age to promote our companies to promote our music it’s like there you can’t get away
From it unless you you know you have a team that does it 100% for you which is cool but be on it a little bit a day because you just I feel so much better like the days where I have less screen time I’m just like wow I feel way better
Than I did yesterday but because I wasn’t staring at a screen for freaking eight hours a day or whatever at this point in your life you’ve experienced you know all kinds of ups and downs what does a success mean to you at this point because I know a lot of people think
It’s it’s about how far you’ve gotten your career how much money you make in XYZ but what does success mean to you yeah man I haven’t thought about that question a long time even though I’ve been asked that a million times and in my past I would have been like oh you
Know success is just being happy or whatever that that kind of cliche thing which I don’t think that’s that either I think you can be successful in having these goals and uh being able to delegate and um you know compartmentalize your time in order to meet your certain goals and be
Successful in those things there’s that um currently I’m homeschooling my son and so like teaching him how to read like that would be successful for me you know I I would consider that successful or you know the fact that he’s healthy and you know a really good bright kid um
My marriage you know like if I can like lately I’ve really been um looking at how I should be more gentle um I I tend to I have picked up a bad habit I think of uh from the years of being a the CEO of my life and having to hire and fire
And you know manage people’s personalities that I like somehow have Incorporated that into my personality and I don’t like that as as a wife like as a wife I want to be loving and gentle and sweet to my husband instead of alha yeah you know and I don’t I don’t like
That and feminists are going to hate me for that but I just that’s I’m not interested in in being a boss babe or whatever yeah boss lady like I like the idea of being feeling safe in my husband’s arm and in his company and um and and being a supportive role like I
Think that’s so crucial and so so anyways having a successful marriage like I feel like this last year has been so amazing for us and a lot of it has to do with me like putting myself in check and like seeing the things that I need
To improve and become better on you know so I mean success just comes in different shapes and you know in in little and big ways too you know think yeah if if my album does great that’s cool too and I i’ eventually my goal is
To be able to tour um and be able to play these songs live that’s cool if I get to do that but if if I don’t get to do that I don’t see it as failure I just I you know it’s that’s not really my idea of success anymore gotcha yeah love
It so cat um thank you so much for for coming on and for sharing all that and uh I really love learning a little bit more about you and appreciate appreciate your time and um before we go anything you’d like to plug for the listeners
You’ll know where to find it if you want to find it I just want to say thanks for having me because I love everything that you do I think all of your podcasts are so inspiring the people you talk to and the questions you asked are awesome so I
Know it took us a while to get here because a crazy schedule but I’m just grateful to be here oh thank you so much cat that means a lot cool so everyone check out vampire love and uh be on the lookout for the new record from Kat Von
D thank you so much bye