Hallelujah Hallelu hallelujah hallelujah Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelu it’s the highest praise we cry Hallelujah oh huj to the King of Kings Hall Hallelu hallelu Hallelujah Grace and peace be multiply to you through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ amen it’s always good to be in the house of the Lord amen if you’re glad to be here come on let’s give the Lord Praise while we’re here thank God for us being here on today
Amen before we get started in our lesson for those who are joining us online we want to say welcome thank you for joining us and we’re going to be again in Acts Chapter 13 How many of y’all brought y’all papers from last week amen oh praise the lord we save in trees at
Nazarie for Gospel Church hallelujah amen if you need one I believe that we did make extra copies um and so we’ll get one to you but before we get started what acts 13 as we continue I’m going to ask that Deacon Patrick will come at this time and lead
Us in an opening prayer and then we’ll get started good afternoon church members so good to see you and so good to be able to stand before you and realize it it’s God’s grace that got us going today and it’s going to take his grace to lead us home amen
Hallelujah giving him the praise yes God see I got sense enough now to realize it wasn’t about me or my job or my car I I got sense enough to realize now how crazy I was out there but when you know better you do better amen that’s why no matter how
Hard the devil try I get on out here on Wednesday I may not be here every Wednesday or every Sunday but he tries but he not going to win I’m coming on out if I have to walk amen amen let us pray give him the praise today oh Heavenly Father we come once
Again to say thank you thank you Heavenly Father for helping us to realize that it was you that got us up this morning help us to realize oh Heavenly Father you put food on our tables you the one that put clothes on our back oh Heavenly Father you put a
Roof over our heads you’re the one oh heavenly father that watch over our kids oh Heavenly Father we realize they cannot make it without you we want to thank thank you this morning for being so good thank you oh Heavenly Father for being that doctor in that sick room
Thank you Heavenly Father for being a lawyer when I was in trouble thank you oh Heavenly Father for helping me to realize that I can’t even walk without you holding my hand we thank you right now oh heavenly father with all those blessing that you has given us we can’t
Help but just to give you the praise when I walk around my house and look around I realize that all of this belongs to you I don’t have any of it oh Heavenly Father we want to thank you right now ask you to continue to touch
And put that loving arm around Nazar and all the members our pastor oh Heavenly Father we love him so much thank you Heavenly Father for him and his family these are many blessing we asking in Jesus name amen and thank God yes God Amen so grateful for you all joining us and coming out and we’re going to get started right away I’ve got so many notes and we’ve got to cover a lot of ground um for those of you who are watching us and weather turned on you a
Little bit IM mobile didn’t it what woke up this morning 40 something degrees don’t worry about it it be 80Β° Friday so don’t so don’t so don’t so don’t bring out to just get one jacket out the attic cuz you ain’t going to need it for another two months I’m telling you
It’s oh man I’m talking about 40 degrees a day it be 80 degrees by Friday ain’t God good amen only in Mobile amen amen that’s funny in Miami we only had one we had two seasons it was either hot or hurricane season and that’s it and um
So we could set our clock to what we t-shirt and shorts was always the appropriate way year round I love it I miss it I know my brother from the island we missed that don’t we I’m talking about man you ain’t got to worry about what you going to put on shorts
T-shirt let’s go out the door all right Acts chapter 13 before we get started we do have to I do have to go back and make two corrections I was in error on two points that I made last week oh yes Pastor CI an era one of my mentors pointed out
Something to me and I was actually in Era when it came to the interpretation of the actual biblical figure uh acts 13 when we talked about uh let’s go back to verse four and when it goes verse four and five rather it says and when they arrived in Solus they preached the word
Of God in the synagogue of the Jews they also had John their assistant I was an ERA I said that was John the brother of James that was not that would be John Mark all right so that John is John Mark John Mark is uh noted to write the
Gospel of Mark okay so I was I was I had my John’s confused I didn’t read down fur enough that’s what happens when you read too fast and don’t pay attention to detail you got to slow down so that was not the brother of James this would be
John Mark who will be also highlighted in Acts 15 when we get there okay so that was the first thing and the second I didn’t give the full interpretation of the gentleman who was the um I would say the sorcerer or the false prophet you remember him he was going to
Be uh let’s see in verse seven or verse 6 rather um when they had gone and they found this man um who was a false prophet who certain who was a Jew whose certain name was bar Jesus remember we talked about that and so I didn’t give the full interpretation although he
Probably used uh that affiliation uh bar Jesus meaning son of Jesus we do have to recognize that in uh Biblical history biblical literature um the history the name Jesus Yeshua was a very popular Jewish name okay so it’s a popular Jewish name so it wasn’t the only Jesus uh that we
Associate or our faith with with Jes Jesus Christ who died on the cross you had many of who had the same name so it was popular in these days that you had more than one Jacob more than one Joshua more than one Abraham there that was a
Very popular Jewish name so when you hear the word or the term bar Jesus Son of Jesus I believe many theologians record at least seven men during that time were named Yeshua okay the distinction becomes remember when Jesus asks his disciples who do men say say
That I am and they started going down the list of who they proposed him to be and when they got to uh Peter Peter said Thou Art the what the Christ so what what what differentiates Jesus Christ from every other Jesus that was in existence at the
Time or Yeshua which would be the proper uh Hebrew name was that he had the title of Christ meaning the anointed one all right so you can have several men named Jesus but you only had one that was the anointed one all right and then to distinguish uh which Jesus we were
Talking about they also the text will sometimes say Jesus of Nazareth so that they would give distinction it would almost be like where he was from was almost his last name now and the French would use that as well because if you had names like deos or deis those were
French names meaning I believe one of those means of the bridge or by the bridge so it would be Mary who lives by the bridge the French interpretation of it will be deis all right so that is how uh last names were derived but Jesus of Nazareth is Jesus Christ the anointed
One so when you see in the text this man who was a Jew who was uh bar Jesus the son of Jesus it’s not Blasphemous to say the son of Jesus because there were many Jesus uh many men who were named Jesus that exist to in that time are we good
So I I stand corrected all right is that is that cool all right all right so I want us to make sure I want to be as biblically accurate as I can possibly be amen and and and when when people bring things to your attention when mentors
Bring things to your attention you take note and you make that correction amen all right so and in doing so I took the next verses of this book and I’m talking about I scoured it I mean I did it like an investigation I was looking under fingernails cuticles
Hand webbing I’m talking about fine tooth comb I mean I combed out every hair of this text right here I’m talking about I got the gray hairs the almost turning gray hairs the hairs are still black I got all of them all right so we’re going to try to go through and do
A good study we’re going to pick up again at verse we left off at verse 12 let’s pick up again at verse 13 all right verse 133 now remember if for those who are us for the very first time we’re talking about the church the history of the church that when we see
Things playing out in the church how they played out then versus how it occurs now what we need to keep from then and what we need to kind of step away from and the things we need to ask ourselves and the biggest question why do we do
That amen because this is what we need to know about our churches a lot of practices that we do in our modern day churches never existed in the B Bible and a lot of times we have to challenge the the status quo to say wait
A minute if it’s in the Bible then why do we practice it here in our church amen and we cannot be so uh we cannot be so aligned with tradition and custom remember it is the traditions of men that make the word of God of what no
Effect because let’s just be honest and I you know look I’m I’m I’m I’m I come from that that that upbringing it was a time that you know our churches was more Baptist than we were saved amen I mean we didn’t know the 23rd psalms boy we knew that Covenant
Though we couldn’t tell you what Psalms 91 was but Bo we knew that Covenant backwards and forwards and the thing is we cannot become so inundated you know even in some of our Catholic churches you know the certain things to say you know all the the the rights and rituals
And all of our traditional churches and we know those more than we know the Bible amen I’m sorry but the Baptist Covenant cannot save you amen the Apocrypha that that can’t save you and and our Catholic churches you those things can’t those things cannot it is the word of God Amen so so
Now we’re coming through to see okay God what do we need to implement let’s see the challenges that they had and let’s see how we can learn from him amen all right come on let’s start at verse 13 verse 13 now when Paul remember these these these uh the original Apostles or
Teachers they had now separated and so now they’re traveling and when Paul verse 13 now when Paul and his party set sell from papus they came to perga in pamphilia and John John Mark departing from them returned back to Jerusalem but when he when they departed from perger they came
To Antioch in pidia and they went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day and sat down and after reading the after the reading of the law and the prophets the rulers of the synagogue sent to them saying men and Brethren if you have any word of exhortation for the people say
On now let’s let’s break that down for real now this is what we need to learn from these brothers now we we understand what happened historically let’s look at the spiritual application so historically these guys are traveling and they’re going from place to place they come to the
Synagogue all right which is common you go to the synagogue on the Sabbath day now here’s something very interesting to understand this is now Paul and after John Mark had left them you have Paul and I believe you have uh but but of Barnabas that were set aside the God
Says set them aside to do the work for me so now you have Saul and Barnabas they’re going from or Paul now who was converted from Saul to Paul that’s the same person and now they’re going to into the different synagogues of different cities now these are powerful
Men of God everybody say powerful men of God called by God I mean Paul my goodness he had an encounter with God God spoke to him on the damasc Ro it would be Paul who would eventually say hey I’m more saved than all of y’all all right so Paul had quite a
Resume you say you want to talk about I was of The Tribe of Benjamin I’m a Hebrew he described himself as a Hebrew of Hebrews all right concerning the law I was a Pharisee I mean Paul was the man and he had Barnabas with him his partner in Ministry and God has
Separated you remember that service they had they had fast fasted and prayed I’m talking about and the Holy Spirit had revealed himself to them and these men were full of the Holy Ghost was it not Paul that just rebuked a man and said hey you deceiver called
This man all kind of biblical names if you ever want to fuss somebody out do it like Paul Paul called this man you deceiver you you liar of Lies I mean Paul went down the Paul went in on this guy anointed full of the Holy Ghost everybody say anointed full of the Holy
Ghost I’mma set you up anointed full of the Holy Ghost anointed full of the Holy Ghost let’s read the text and when they got into the synagogue they sat down when they got into the Sabbath on the synagogue on the Sabbath day the text said what they sat down for all of
You anointed people for all of you Holy Ghost filled preachers in the room room when you go to somebody else’s Church sit down amen don’t be so anointed that you think that people need to know that you in the audience and that you need to come up on the pull pit absolutely not
That was the one thing that got on my nerves a pastor or a minister on vacation will come to your church to tell your usher I’m minister so and so with the expectation to be asked up to the pull pit For What and for why amen if we want to talk about following
Protocol don’t let the fact that you walk in some anointing give you the big head to think that everybody got to know you’re in the building amen that that is not that that we got to stop doing that all right and please don’t do if if I
Ever go somewhere I sit down and if I’m on vacation I want to be on vacation and preachers I’m saying this to you if you see a minister that’s in your congregation you just say hello recognize him and if he says no don’t mention me I don’t want to come up there
Do not just arbitrarily just give this man we want a pastor to give a couple of words I’m on vacation this is my Sunday off please don’t think that I want the mic every time amen we got to learn how to start having some etiquette amen we got to
Apply that here principle of etiquette look just because you’re in the building and you may be doctor so and so and you may be anointed by God don’t take it upon yourself to just assume that you can take over this person’s service and you could be the smartest person in the room sit
Down I want everybody to highlight that in they in they in their sheet you got to on that sheet and they sat down that is the most powerful two words you will ever hear sat down somewhere set down because you know we have an issue that we have in our today’s church we
Want to be famous we want to be recognized we want somebody to recognize us and we’ll leave offended I’m surprised they didn’t ask me to come up dude chill out amen amen yall won’t say Amen cuz that’s some of y’all cousins y’all GNA have a lot to talk about Thanksgiving boy I tell
You all right so remember I want you to write this out a man’s gift will make room for him and bring him before great men if God has giv you this gift let the Holy Spirit make room for you amen we’ve got to stop trying to to to promote
Ourselves self-promotion is a dangerous thing amen we’ve got to learn how to let the Holy Spirit make room for me if if God has truly gifted you and you are truly anointed and talented trust me when it is time they will see it and before long they will ask you to
Interject into their service amen but don’t take it upon yourself because we have to respect respect respect you know what’s lost in today’s church is respect we respect everything else but Church order amen you just can’t come up I got a word from the Lord no you don’t not on Sunday
Sorry let’s ask ourselves a couple questions are you a member no well sit down do you even teach Sunday school I have a problem you don’t even go to Sunday school but you got a word for the Lord on Sunday morning in front of 600 people
Go to the class with 16 people first and be a student first amen now you can you don’t have to say amen I know talking about you talking about your family but I mean seriously come on what what what what where Have We come as a church total same thing with
Singers these your folks on you and you know the type you know just because you’ve been asked to sing everywhere you just think that because you come to church and that you can sing that we supposed to stop what we doing give you the
Mic and come sing a s wait a minute what rehearsals have you been to we on a schedule around here and God help me help me help me help me don’t have your cousin and them or your God needs and telling me Oh my God need here and she
And she can sing I’m happy for her she ain’t singing today you know we do that amen we cannot we have to get over this whole idea of self-promotion you hear them guest singers coming here and then telling me musicians I need this key give me give me C and you start
Singing in E well my gosh and this I’m GNA get off of this but but this this this will get me son I don’t know why they do this they get the mic after they’ve been told to sing and then they say I really don’t have a voice today
Okay that is so dumb like we’ve got to stop doing that amen because we turn it into a circus and a charade amen and we got to stop doing that amen so lesson to learn now one thing else verse 15 and after the reading of the law and the
Prophets the ruler of the synagogue the pastor recognized them and said men and Brethren if you have any word of what exhortation for the people seon so many principles in this right here wait for the pastor to acknowledge you in the place number one all right
Then after the reading of the law and the prophets so how it used to go in the days of church in the Sabbath on in the synagogue they would read the law of Moses they would read the laws of Moses and then they will give a reading from
One of the prophets so they will pick either a major prophet minor prophet and they will give a reading a testimonial if you will what we call now scripture they will read it from one of the prophets so they will read the entire law of Moses which is the first five
Books of the Bible Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy they will read the laws of Moses then they will say take an excerpt from maybe Isaiah or Zephaniah or Malachi they will read one of the prophets in the open hearing okay now then he says men if you have a word of
What if you have a word of what exhortation is a word of encouragement amen it is a word of encourage encouragement if you are a guest preacher you do not preach and go to somebody else’s Church preaching rebuke over the people in that congregation you do not get to call out
Somebody in that congregation you can know it to be factual or not that’s out of order when someone brings you in to speak you speak a word of exhortation and encouragement amen you are not that anointed to start talking about let me start calling some things out right here because the first
Thing you do that I’m going call the deacons to call you out of this church amen when you are invited and think about how humbling this is for a pastor think about this for a pastor to relinquish his Pulpit on Sunday morning and allow you the opportunity to
Speak that is not your time to show how smart you are nor is it the time for you to say I’m G to whoop everybody in this church no no no no no no no no no give a word of encouragement amen everybody say protocol all right I want we don’t want
To be rude amen because if you got so much of the Holy Ghost the Holy Ghost will tell you when to be quiet too the Holy Ghost is not just here to help you teach and speak in tongues the Holy Ghost will also tell you you don’t need to say that right
Now or you don’t need to speak on this right now amen the Holy Ghost will tell you what to say what not to say Amen all right we we we we moving and he says men and Brethren if you have any word of exhortation for the people’s say
On then Paul stood up and motioning with his hand said men of Israel and you who fear God which means we got two audiences now we got Jews and we have Gentiles the God of this People Israel chosen our F chose our fathers and exalted the people when they dwelt as
Strangers in the land of Egypt now Paul is beginning to give his words of exhortation which almost turns into a sermon right and when he’s given this sermon he’s also when you’re going to give any words and God tell act gives you the opportunity to speak make sure you speak
Scripture amen so Paul begins now to go throughout his dissertation and is and it’s similar to what he heard in Acts 7 when step was stoned when as we go through it you’ll see some of the same points that Paul used because remember Paul Saul at the time he held the
Jackets of The Men Who stoned stepen after stevenh preached a sermon that the Bible says cut them to their heart a lot of similarities in what Paul is preaching and the same thing Stephen is preaching what does that mean it’s the same gospel amen it is the same gospel when
You hear truth it it we we ought to be saying the same thing for the church to be effective in 2023 we’ve got to be saying the same thing let’s talk about why the church is not effective because on some Churches they say we’re okay with same-sex marriages and other
Churches says absolutely we will follow the law of God and the reason why we are losing our Effectiveness is because we have now given our people our Congress a diluted gospel watered down you know watered down is right you ever had your now it’s not good for you
To drink it but you drink it anyway all right right I’m talking about ice cold and me it in the back of the refrigerator I’m talking about the one that’s in the back of the refrigerator that red silver can of Coca Cola that you ain’t supposed to
Have and boy you get it anyway and I’m talking about you you ever had your mou like I want me a good Coke and I ain’t talking about the the the bootleg the Sam not the Sam Choice Coke no no no no no not the cck cola not the cck cola we
Want no Cola that’s that’s the one you get at at the you know at the repass when all the good solders run out no I don’t want want that one I want the good Coke you know and you pull it and you and you see the little stink coming
A little smoke and as soon as you get oh it’s so strong it it it grab you right and you like what you say boy that’s a good Coke eyes be watered and everything that’s a good Coke can you imagine if somebody took that good Coke that you’ve been wanting
All day long and just poured a whole liter of water in it oh man we we might not be saved for a minute we going to fight you going to put water it lost his effectiv I was waiting for that bite and you done put a whole 16 ounces of Sam
Choice water in my Coke well that’s the same thing the gospel is supposed to bite you the word of God is supposed to bite you if you are not being cut by the word of God every time you come into the sanctuary then that means you don’t have an
Effective preacher because the word of God is most supposed to line up with it and say God you ever heard the preaching of the word and be like ooh that cut me right to my heart because why that’s what the word is intended to do for the
Word of God is quick powerful sharper than any what two-edged sword and can what Pierce The Joint and the marrow it’s got to cut if the word is not cutting us then that mean it’s not working the Bible says and we will be conformed to the image of his son so he
Puts us up against his son and any excess that’s hanging off he cuts it off so that we can look more like Jesus which means if we not get cut by the word then that means we’re not getting it done it’s not being done correctly when we hear the word of God
Something ought to say within us I’ve got to change if we’re going to be the church and be effective what God has called us to be we’ve got to come in there hear the word and say you know what I was going this way now the word makes me go
That way the word must correct Paul told Timothy he says Hey preach the word in season and out of season convince rebuke exalt there’s got to be some rebuke we cannot be the church that decides to tell people it’s okay what you’re doing no no no it’s not
Okay there is a right way there is a wrong way we do not condemn you we tell you the truth amen and the word of God goes forth and Paul begins to teach and exhort and I want you to highlight these things we hear that you’re going to hear Paul talk
About we’re going to hear these things highlighted in scripture amen because and then we’re going to turn to those scriptures so we’re not going so we gonna be we going do some work today all right so we G to use that Bible and we G to see it together all
Right because when he’s preaching when preaching and teaching there ought to be biblical reference to what you’re saying amen there has to be biblical reference to what you’re saying I say this in my house all the time cleanliness is Next to Godliness now that’s a good saying that’s not
Scripture you do know that right it’s a good it’s a good saying because you know I got teenagers so I don’t want them to be nasty so I say cleaniness is Next to Godliness but that’s not scripture and a lot of times if we’re not reading the
Word of God for ourselves somebody can say something and we’ll be like oh that’s scri scripture no it’s not I know you love your grandma your m is she’s so sweet make the best tea cakes in the world but everything she say is not scripture my grandma said that don’t fight
Me boy y’all boy y’all serious about y’all grandmas M told me that okay this what Paul says Paul says that these were they that he chose our fathers and exalted the people when they dwelt as strangers in the land of Egypt and with an uplifted arm he brought them
Out of it now when you hear other preachers preach it ought to stir you up on the inside amen so if we want to be effective Ministers of the Gospel man when you hear the word of God that ought to stir you up on the inside so when you
Read that slowly again it says for they dwelt as strangers in the land of Egypt and with an uplifted arm he brought them out of of it that’s when you put a little pen and and then put a side note Lord I just want to thank you for what you brought me out
Of you are a God that will sure enough bring me out amen and when you hear the testimony how God brought the children of Israel out that ought to give you some hope and say you know what God no matter what I’m going through you see my situation you
See my condition and God if you brought them out you could sure enough bring me out amen now now for a time about 40 years this another thing that I just just help you rejoice cuz see when he talking about Israel he’s talking about us somebody say he talking about
Us now for about a time for a time about 40 years watch this he did what you you read it I ain’t going to read it you read it what it say now I want you to substitute that word there for for my I want you to substitute that word
There for mine and I want you to read it again he put up with my ways that right there ought to have church in the frenzy every Sunday because when I walk in here and I realize Lord you put up with my ways when I was in the wilderness matter of
Fact you didn’t let my ways stop the promise that you had on my life my ways if I had it my way I was trying to take my own self to hell but you stepped in and said it shall not be so is there anybody glad that God intercepted your
Ways because he says this what in Psalms 103 he says Lord I thank you because you have not dealt with me according to my what iniquities nor have you punish me according to my transgression but as a father pies his children so the Lord pies those that
Fear Him for he is slow to anger anybody glad about that I’m talking about he is slow to anger but he is abounding in Mercy Hallelujah so our posture should be one of worship to say Thank You Lord when you Circle that he put up with
My ways he it’s okay when we read about their ways cuz we think look what he did for them no no no no put that my in there Lord I want to thank you that you put up with my ways because my ways I don’t deserve to
Have anything my ways I shouldn’t be nobody’s Pastor my ways I should not have this job my ways I should not been able to retire my ways I should have got fired my ways but Lord you put up with my ways great is his Mercy toward me amen
For he put up with my ways and when he had destroyed Seven Nations in the land of Canaan he distributed their land to them who didn’t deserve it so you got something you didn’t deserve is that anybody’s testimony in here he gave gave you something that you
Didn’t deserve I really want us to see this I want us to go to Joshua chapter 24 so we can have a deeper appreciation this is when Joshua is getting ready to check out Joshua saying okay look at here I done passed y’all for 30 years I’m ready to
Go had to passor Hebrews for 30 years I don’t blame you son Joshua chapter 24 and we’re going to read at 11 through 15 Joshua was given an account to all the tribes that had gathered there Joshua reminds them every now and then you have to be
Reminded by the things that God has done amen just just remind yourself all right Joshua 2411 he says then you went over the Jordan and came to Jericho and the men of Jericho fought against you also the amorites the pites the Canaanites the Hittites the geosites the hivites
And the jebusites but I delivered them into your hand I sent the Hornet before you which drove them out before you also the two kings of the amorites but you did not have to use your sword nor did you have to draw your bow here we go
Here we go verse 13 I I have given you a land for which you did not labor and cities which you did not build and you dwell in them you eat of The Vineyards and the olive grows which you did not plant therefore fear the lord serve him
In sincerity and in truth and put away the gods which your father served on the other side of the river and in Egypt serve the Lord and if it seems evil to you to serve the Lord choose for yourselves this day who you will serve the ones that served with your fathers
On the other side of the river or the gods of the amorites and those who dwell in the land but as for me and my house we I’m going to do what serve the Lord because I’m reminded god of what you did for me God you gave me cities
That I did not build Lord I’m I’m I’m now reaping the benefits of things I ain’t have to work for because the Lord says when I’ve chosen you I’ve already set things up for you and when the Paul is trying to tell the people look at
Here God loves you so much he already set it up for you he says I want your way to be easy God says you got cities that you didn’t build houses you didn’t build Vineyards and Olive Groves that you didn’t even plant but you get the
Reap the fruit from it so therefore it invokes a response that says I don’t know about what you going to do everybody in this church need to has that Constitution I don’t care what everybody else is doing I don’t care what other churches are doing but as for me and
Nazarie we are going to serve the Lord and if we going to serve the Lord we going to do it the right way we going to serve the Lord with gladness come before his presence with singing know ye that the Lord he is God and it is he that has
Made us and not we areel for we are his people and the Sheep of his pasture therefore enter into his gates with Thanksgiving and enter his courts with praise be thankful unto him and bless his name for the Lord is good his Mercy is Everlasting and his truth endure
Throughout all generation somebody say serve the Lord yes sir see see when you when you when you understand and you hear the sermon and you think Lord I Thank you thank you thank thank you for reminding me as we are entering into this season of Thanksgiving we’re into our 40 days of
Gratitude but as we’re coming into what we traditionally call in America Thanksgiving for the believer every day is a day of Thanksgiving every minute is a day of Thanksgiving every hour is a time of Thanksgiving every month why how do you get there Pastor well it’s simple I got
The formula for you sat down long enough right when I sit and think about the goodness of the Lord and all that is done for me I got got to say thank you Sir sometimes you just got to be in your car and say Lord thank you I’m talking about the other day I’m coming from north of Donis appointment I had to take my son getting ready to take him back to school it’s 8:30 appointment in the morning 8:20 appointment in the morning
Taking them back to school soon as the appointment finished you know we getting ready to go and there was this car had been struck by a truck and the lady was okay thank God but I was minutes away seconds I mean literally seconds away and when you start to think about
How God orchestrates your life to where he has the details of how you even wake up in the morning and you get mad I don’t lost my shoe where my shoe especially my ladies amen amen amen you got one shoe over here one shoe in that closet they ain’t
Never in the same place you know how I know cuz your wife say baby go get my shoes they right there no they’re not no they are not Tiffany I love you baby I know you’re watching so you going all and you ever got delayed where are my keys I can’t
Find my keys where is this where is that where and you mad you oh you mad is oh you mad as a rattlesnake mad at everybody how come I got delayed well because what you didn’t know had you found your keys when you wanted to find them there was an accident with your
Name on it and you would have been right there but the Lord saw fit to make sure your memor is just a little foggy and you say oh that’s why I put them I put them there right there last night and you thought you put them in the dresser
Drawer but just 30 seconds can anybody get I know we ain’t supposed to to preach at Bible study but I’m trying to tell somebody when you think about the goodness of God just 30 seconds change your entire life because had you been there 30 seconds earlier you wouldn’t
Know what you would be 30 Seconds so when Paul is trying to tell these folk look understand what you got here this is what the Lord did for you this is what the Lord did for you and then he goes back let’s go back to Acts 20 and he says after that he gave them judges for
About 450 years until Sam the prophet and he’s taken them down through the history the discourse of how we get to Jesus amen amen he says he gave you and I’mma paraphrase some of this he says you got the prophet Samuel you got your first king named Saul all
Right a man of the tribe of benj for 40 years verse 22 here’s something very powerful we need to note he was the king for 40 years and when he had removed him when who had when God had removed him Amen there will come a point and we know what kind of King Saul was he was not a king that obeyed the law of God the word of God and you know what we do sometimes here in the modern day church I don’t know how come they still a pastor watch your
Mouth that ain’t for you to to to Decide don’t be around here talking about what preacher need to be removed and oh watch your mouth do you remember when Saul finally fell on his sword right as the prophet told him you going both you and your son gonna die tomorrow and Saul was leaning I saw and
And and and David was just waiting for word of what happened and the servant came back to David said David I saw Saul leaning on his sword so yeah okay he said so since he was already leaning on the sword almost dead I just went ahead and finished him off here’s the
Crown David said you did what you because everybody knew David was God’s man and David was next in line everybody knew that the Lord was with David and everybody knew Saul was the Wicked King and he needed to go and David said what did you do he said well he was already
Dying so I just went ahead and pushed him down on the some more finish the job here’s the crown David ain’t I a good servant he said let me get the crown David took the sword he says let me tell you something you had no right
To put your hands on the anointed of God and David killed him please understand you have no right to put your mouth on the anointed of God you could know is wronger than two left Whatchamacallit but the Bible says and the Lord removed him amen because before
You start deciding who right and who wrong go to that mirror amen go to that mirror look at yourself amen before you try to get that little speck out your brother’s eye you got a whole pine tree log a whole telephone pole amen so the Lord removed him and he
Raised up for them David Avid as king who he also gave this testimony that I found David the son of Jesse at the mount Hart all right and from this man’s seed according to the promise of God raised up for Israel a savior named Jesus that that right there is good news
Amen I’ve got a savior through all of the chaos of life I’ve got a savior now look after John first preached before his coming and the baptism of repentance to the people of Israel and it was John who finished his course saying who do
You think I am I’m not he But Here Comes the one I’m going to paraphrase I’m not even worthy to unloose his sandal straps then Paul goes on say men and Brethren sons of the family of Israel and those amongst you fear God you the word of this salvation has been
Sent salvation has been sent everybody put that say say salvation has been sent if salvation has been sent salvation must be preached let me say this right now we have to preach the cross woe unto me if I preach not the cross I must preach Jesus and him what
Crucified we’ve got to get rid of that notion this is what happened in 2023 Church everybody want LED walls laser shows and screens everybody wants to be a healing to the eye oh this is what attracts people to church that’s the biggest lie you know what attracts
People the church Integrity of the word the truth of the word we have come up with all kind of ways oh this is how you get people to come to church you cannot implement the world sensationalism and expect the church to respond the same way it’s not
About lights camera action it is about the way the truth and the life that no man comes to the father except but by him that is what has to be on the Marquee it cannot be colors laser shows sometimes you go to some of these modern churches you don’t know where you
At am I at am I at a 70s roller skating rink lasers and everything going all across am I in the haunted forest I got fog machines everywhere since when and this is this is the dumbest thing all right I’m going to say it right and like
Who told you that fog represents the holy spirit this is this is what the Holy Ghost looks like f I’m I’m getting out of there cuz I think you’re trying to put me to sleep like you you going to do something to me you you ever you ever been in an
Airplane and when you get ready to take off all when they get ready to pressurize the cabin you see just the the pressure come see when I come to your church church and I see you trying to put me to sleep get me what are you sedating me
For you understand wh wh why am I being loved like like who said that that’s how we’re supposed to well this means the holy spirit is that no let me tell you when the Holy Spirit shows up you ready you ready this is when the Holy Spirit shows up and when they were
All in one Accord and they were all in one Place amen and they were praying according to the promise that God had that gave them and when they were all in one Accord in one place and then came a sound from Heaven as a rushing Mighty Wind and it filled the
House Unity brings the Holy Spirit not fog machines and lights amen and he says to them verse 28 and though they found no cause for death in him they asked pilate that he should be put to death now when they had fulfilled all that was written concerning him they
Took him down from the tree and laid him in the Tomb that reference to the tree is found in Deuteronomy 21 22 through 23 and the synopsis of that verse says and cursed is anyone who hangs on the tree and if he hangs there for his sins he should be taken down so
That he does not viol and be buried right away so that he’s not he does not violate the land which the Lord your God gives you amen so we see that term is he was on a tree it’s a reference it’s a it’s a levitical it’s a d uh Mosaic
Reference rather okay Deuteronomy chapter 21 it says curses everyone who hangs on the tree remember and and Paul was smart because remember they just were taught the laws of Moses before so he just reiterated what they already just were listening to amen there’s nothing wrong with going back and
Preaching what the other preacher just said all right now he’s preaching to them and he says but in verse 30 am I running out of time I think I am verse 30 says this but God raised him from the dead what is the hope that lies on the inside of
You the hope of this life rest in this verse right here and that God raised him from the dead though he were dead yet he lives again destroy this Temple and in three days I will raise it up and even though he was was crucified the Bible
Says that early on that third day he was risen from the dead and the fact that it says but God raised him up which means we can we can insert ourselves in our situation anybody ever felt like he was just going through The Crucible whe whether it been in your
Health whether it had been in just a challenge whether you had been going through something personal and you feel like boy the weight is almost crushing me and I am about to give up has anybody ever been in there has anybody have ever ask themselves how how is it that all hell
Is breaking loose how is it that I’m saved I know I’m Sanctified I know I’m filled with the Holy Ghost but I’m I’m getting more attacked and more taxed than a little bit how is that even possible if you’ve ever asked yourself these questions you can throw your hands
Up even if you’re in the midst of it right now because verse 30 starts off with two words that’ll just make you smile are you ready but God that’s it see church is out doors of the church are open will there be one I’m going to tell you right now whenever
You are going through a situation where you feel like you are being crucified I’m talking about they coming for your neck I mean I’m I’m I can’t catch a break anywhere and my I’m I’m I’m pressed on every side as Paul would say I man job said this way I go forward and
You are not there I go backwards and I can’t perceive you I look to my right my left and I’m like my goodness but Jo said but he knows the way that I take so when I’m going through the worst of times when I’m going through the toughest of times the most impossible
Times the most painful times I need to pause in the midst of my pain and say but God yes sir and I like this part this is a part I love about God but God raised him from the dead but God raised him from from the dead here’s a sermon title for you and you go ahead preaching I ain’t going to be mad at
You if I had to preach from this one verse I’m promise you I’m going to preach from one verse but God raised him from the dead I want to preach to you and give you a sermon title some encouragement to take for you for the
Rest of the week I want you to know you’re right on schedule somebody write that in your notes I’m right on schedule remember he said if you destroy this Temple and three days I rais it up so I got crucified I had to endure that I had to
Endure the burial well guess what you can’t get the resurrection until you get buried first can’t have Resurrection until you get crucified first so if you are going through and you are struggling and it’s hurtful and painful you need to encourage yourself say I’m right on schedule because the Bible says but God
Raised him from the dead on the what third day so if I’m going through the crucifixion and if I feel like I’m suffocating cuz that’s what the crucifixion would do it makes you feel like you’re suffocating and when you feel like you can’t breathe you remind yourself I’m right on schedule because
After the crucifixion comes the Resurrection and it says and but God raised him from the dead which mean God didn’t forget God did not forget he knows exactly where you are and matter of fact as a matter of fact he knows when the test is going to run out you don’t know that he does when the
Lord when the devil attacked job in Job chapter 1 the Lord already knew go ahead because while you taking him through all that I’m getting his stuff ready in job 41 I’m getting ready to restore all of his losses and indeed I’m going to give
Him more than what he had when he went in so whatever you want to do to me on that side go ahead and while you doing that I’m preparing and then you need to encourage yourself huh right on schedule right on schedule you know how much you going to confuse the
Enemy we need you to come in because there something that we see in the in the scan in the X-ray you need say oh right on schedule right on schedule for you to see that Jehovah Rafa is my healer right on schedule we sending your final notice
That this is due right on schedule because you getting ready to see that Jehovah Gyra is my provider he’s right on schedule we need to bring you into this meeting because some things were said about you concerning your work performance right on schedule because no weapon formed
Against me shall be able to prosper you are right on schedule but God but God but God you’re not even going to finish it no I don’t have to finish it because he’s God and he’s God all by himself but God king of of Kings
Lord of Lord but God Alpha and Omega but God beginning and the end but God I I don’t I don’t have to really finish that statement but God the Lord is my keeper but God the Lord is my shade at my right hand but God the sun shall not smite me by day nor the Moon by night but God for he
Shall preserve me from all evil the Lord shall preserve my soul but God the Lord shall preserve my my going out and my coming in from this time forward even forever more but God who is my shepherd and I shall not want but God that make
Him me lie down in Green Pastures but God that restores my soul but God that leads me in the path of righteousness for his name sake but God yay though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death but God I will fear no evil for
Thou art with me but God thy rod and thy staff shall comfor me but God that gives you and I right everybody say this righteous indignation that no matter what the enemy brings my way I can stand up and look at his face and say but God we got to have that same kind of boldness with that statement that says you cannot curse what God has determined to bless and no matter how much you push against me I ain’t going nowhere I shall not be moved why but God well you not
Nothing you you you’re a man you got this fault this fault this fault you did this you did that yeah I did all of that but God sir but God yeah I I did all that I did all that uhhuh everything on that paper yeah I did that but
God he promised that as far as the East is from the West so far has he removed my transgressions but God I may be a sinner yes I am a sinner saved by grace but God that says therefore there is now no condemnation to him her who is in what Christ he that
Mean he wiped the Slate clean put in your notes wipe the Slate clean but God and when you have to read the Bible this way and pull out extrapolate that oh that’s me right there but God raised him on the third day right on schedule so there’s nothing that I go
Through that’s not been scheduled for me to succeed and pass amen I am going through yes you are you are going through you ain’t going to stay you are going through make sure you get a couple of pictures while you going through take you some snapshots because you’re going to meet
Your brother and your sister one day at church and they gonna have their head hung down oh I’m just going through you going through what can we be just through some oh Lord give me a spiritual ear to hear I’m going through this oh you going
Through what how much time you got you got five minutes let me tell you something you you running out of you run running out of money you think you’re running out of money well let me first of all I’m going to bless you with this because I’m going
To bless you with this because I remember when I was going through somebody blessed me so I’m I’m now in a position to bless you but I want to let you know trouble don’t last always because but God he is not only just the god of your
Salvation he is the god of the turnaround can anybody testify in here that God is a god of the turnaround because when I thought it was going this way boy he turned it around and how did you know it got turned around so when I went to bed last night it was troubling
Me by the time I woke up at 6:00 a.m. it was already fixed so my testimony is this now I got to get out of here cuz I’m going to preach all day my testimony is this I went to bed last night at 8:00 it was bothering me I got up this
Morning at 700 and it was already gone so my testimony is late in the Midnight Hour God shall turn it around it’s going to work in my favor somebody in here got to testify and say late in the midnight I don’t know when it changed I don’t
Know when it happened I don’t know when he switched it on and switched it off but late in the Midnight Hour somebody holler but God all right come on get out of here let’s pray we got to go we going to preach come on come on let’s stand we done amen
Amen come on we going to pray we going to get out of here amen but I’m telling you I feel a rise of faith in this place because when you start thinking about God and thinking about who he is and thinking about how he blesses his people
You can walk in the confidence and say but God this thing is getting ready to turn I don’t know when it’s going to turn it’s just going to turn and it’s going to turn in my favor yes sir the beautiful thing about but he rose on the third day not only does that
Mean what God did for you he turned the expectation of the people that were watching nobody up until this point had raised thems from the dead amen and so what happens is God says I’m going to do something in your midst that’s never been done before and I’m going to turn this around
Despite of what the expect expect ation are there are people that expect you not to make it somehow they got a hold of the report and say oh you know what when you get that kind of news that means this it may be that for you there were many people in the Roman
Empire who were crucified and killed and buried but not this one and you got to have that kind of Faith Lord it could be happening all around me but the Lord turns it around for me so if he turns around for me I can say this a thousand may fall at my right
Hand 10,000 can fall at my left but it shall not come near Me Amen come on sing this praise with s around just meditate on that but God around around for me around for me is turning around for me come on around around for me around for me around for me it’s turning around it’s turning around for nazarie one more time around for me
Around for me it’s turning around for Nazar it’s turning around for you it’s turning around for your house it’s turning around for your children it’s turning around in your mind it’s turning around meon yeah like Lord will perect that Conc speak and say sooner or later sooner or later it’s going to turn in my faor it’s turning around it won’t always be like this come on it won’t be like this yes Lord the Lord will perfect that concerning you sooner soon now or later it’s going to work in your favor oh
Hey turning around for me oh is turning around for me yes around but God [Applause] Around Around declare that is time turn around it won’t be like this perect Con you sooner sooner or later it’s going to work in Your turning around Dear heavenly father we love you we thank you we thank you oh God for the word that has been imparted into our hearing we thank you oh God for the message that Paul preached as he was on his many travels as he stood in that synagogue
That faithful day and as he began to preach Christ and him crucified he reminded us of the precious promises God took us from history to show that you’ve been on our side all this time father God you’ve been supervising our Affairs and although we go through pain although we go through
Heartache although we go through crisis Lord we’re right on schedule for your response and we take with us today verse 30 but God raised him from the dead God you are the god of the turnaround despite the expectations of people despite the expectations of society despite our own expectations in
Our family God you are always working on our behalf have and for that we say thank you we are reminded of the promises of your word and we worship the god of the turnaround so Lord as we are hard pressed on every side some may feel as if there’s
Suffering we leave with the message of hope that the suffering of this present age cannot be compared to the glory that shall be revealed in US father God I ask you bless every household represented here today and as we leave this place but never your presence that the grace of the Lord and
Savior Jesus Christ the love of God and the sweet communion of the Holy Spirit would rest Rule and abide with your precious people henceforth now and forever and we say amen amen amen God bless you God keep you I love y’all Nazareth SE a seed on your way out God bless you