Punisher number one a lot of people ended up you know talking about this play where at one point they had kind of a guessing game oh my God who is going to be this new Punisher and they ended up having like a a shadowy figure almost
Like it was a a character you had to unlock in a fighting game and people were guessing guessing guessing and then s they they announced it it’s Joe Garrison ex Shield agent yeah everybody who like what like what’s going on and then they explained it and thought well
That was a little bit of a fun game that you couldn’t play along with and when you get into this issue kind of continuous with that because this issue stinks it’s not very good just give us Frank Castle please my big problem is if you’re not going to have Frank Castle
And you introduce a new Punisher give me something different so that I can say okay well I kind of like Frank but I could dig this guy don’t redo Frank Castle yeah with a new guy that’s why I wanted to read out I even thought at one
Point there was going to be a little twist that I’ll even tell you what it is now that I thought that all of what was going on we thought it was going one way but this guy is so out of his mind that he was recreating the origin of Frank
Himself to become that but it’s not that that might be a little interesting this is this is not good it’s cliche it is just boring but it’s written by David papos and that’s why yeah and I’ve read a couple things I know people like that Savage uh Avengers mean did not and the
Moonight City of the Dead is just awful that’s a badad series me and Gabe will finish that up next issue I think is the last issue not very good art by Dave wer I do like Dave Walker I I like Dave walkter he did pretty good on Planet of
The Apes you go into this oh man it’s it’s already an uphill battle you’re gonna have somebody not Frank being The Punisher and the play throughout this bunch of years now is that you can’t have Frank Castle because bad people in in the mind of Marvel I’m not going to
Make any judgments here but they had decided bad people have come and deared The Punisher symbol we can’t have the Punisher going out and killing people also the killing it’s a little over the top all that so I’m wondering okay what is this guy gonna do what is Joe
Garrison gonna do and when he goes in he’s just blasting he is a roo and toot and shoot he just started blasting he is just blasting in this and so when you get to that I’m like all right well I kind of want Frank Castle then give me
Frank I know that how that went with all the stuff tied in with Daredevil Jason Aaron stuff I don’t care I’m reading this and I just want Frank Castle so you start off and you end up where a building has been blown up you see Garrison on the deal and there’s a
Couple detectives bunch of people knowing about and again I don’t know who these characters are I just I want the Punisher and you get in here and what’s happening the book is punishing me I have to go through this I I’m gonna get angry about this because I got so bored
With it but they go in and these detectiv hey there detective wood how are things going pretty good how are you H not bad myself let’s walk into the house I’m like why are we wasting any bit of time and then you go in and there’s bunch of people there’s
Obviously people who are dead they’re trying to figure this out the one guy says oh man looks like somebody ended up blowing up the building hey don’t you jump the conclusions pal I got detective lus here no assump and he’s like let me look uh looks like somebody blown up the
Building this whole building is blown up there’s a wall that’s standing they like maybe something’s in the wall they look oh an unexploded bomb didn’t you think that that was going to now explode and these guys are dead why introduce this to do nothing with it they end up having
This bomb and they go get the bomb squad the end what and then even that you said they no assumptions they end up digging up a body of the wife the two kids but they can’t find the body of the husband so like he must have done it it’s Joe
Garrison who just happens to be the new Punisher in the meantime while that’s going on Joe he already knows Punisher is gonna go off and guess what he’s gonna do he’s gonna punish the guy who blew the building up and killed his family we’re introduced to it so quick
There’s no connection to Joe Garrison his family these detective no at all so when you get to it and you find out okay I’ll make doing the math wife dead a girl and a boy dead oh it’s just Frank Castle Punisher done again but I have no
Connection so you end up at the black dragon bar you start with the over narration of this Joe Garrison one thing he likes to do is chitchat of the mind he’s just boring he he gives you the scene but he kind of sometimes oversteps the art at points and it’s just cliche
Action movie you know bang bang I’m gonna get you even has some crazy you know catchphrases or on liners but they don’t play out yeah it’s stupid [ __ ] like just like there’s one was like he like we’re going to make you eat those words Punisher and he’s like eat this
Start shooting the gun and just like so he like this bar you have this guy and again we don’t know that this is the guy who blew up the deal but you kind of can figure it out as it goes but you have this play of and you see a hand pull out
One cord one power cord out of the wall socket everything in the bar seems to go off like everything is there the entire lights everything like just this is like the classic you have 800 things plugged into one strip and this guy go get he
Pulls the strip oh no it’s dark and now we’re just going to get stupid trash talk at one point they’re like what are you going to do say we got eight people eight against one he’s like you mean you have eight for now all right then he
Starts you know starts blasting and and when you’re doing that you even cut then a bit to the the detectives you know just to ruin the paces a little more and so with that the sovian he grabs the suitcase and runs off as he’s getting shot gets away in the meantime these
Guys with the devil mess they just start attacking Jon he’s blocking him with his armor he has his chest now his chest plate everybody’s seen up probably by now it it looks like the Punisher logo but it looks like it’s lit yeah it glows because that that was supposed to be the
Visual when he came in the door after he turned off all the lights orever it just like a glowing exactly it looks like the Punisher logo just a different version of it but and I said lit I don’t mean like how the kids say it down at the
Roller skating ring he end up where it is not lit Jim it is not he just fights through he ends up breaking the guy’s sword and runs him through and then the big line because there’s this big dude and they’re in a bar so they’re getting
All this alcohol on him and whatever and the guy says hell I wield the power of man’s darkest shadows and then you have this J here maybe but you’re still soaked in rum and I’m the one with the lighter I’m like really so here is the
Trash talk this is the action movie talk here that David poose thinks is pretty cool it’s not because this is far from a Sylvester Stallone saying you’re the disease and I’m the Cure see that’s cool this is just mentioning you know hey by the way you just got soaked in rum and I
Happen to have a lighter I mean he’s actually just saying the actual thing going on no metaphor no cleverness and it really does give you the microcosm of this book this Punisher number one is trying to be an 80s 90s action movie but it’s direct to video that’s all this is
Frank Castle that’s a blockbuster that’s in the theater this deal this is direct to video nonsense that you avoid like this is what I’m reading please please oh my goodness and he sets him on fire so again very violent and he just walks away from people burning but you get get
That visual of what looks like the Punisher logo so he goes back to the safe house The Shield safe house he says there’s a bunch in New York okay and he has his Gadget gal triaa don’t know her don’t know Punisher Joe Garrison either and they start having quips and they
Start having little onliners with each other but it doesn’t play out well because we don’t know the characters there’s no setup of oh man she always does that or oh man he’s always joking about that we don’t know them so at one point says that’s why they call me
Triple A Oh I thought that was because it was your uh armor and Analysis aiding in a bed I’m like no yeah I thought it was like the car service like oh I’m here to help like you know she’s basically just the micro Punisher had micro this is Joe Garrison’s M and while
They’re doing that they’re watching the news and so they’re like and you end up oh man you’re pretty famous and at first the famous bit is because of his oh looks like the punisher’s back and you end up where Joe Garrison goes oh man they think I’m the Punisher because of
My armor I’m like really you didn’t think that looked anything like the Punisher and now Shield didn’t hire him for a smarts the real story here is that the police are saying that he’s the main suspect in the killing of his family again I hate to say it but I don’t care
Because I don’t know the family and it’s just too much of a generic version of we get one little flashbag during the story you get that quick oh man I’m so glad put the life behind you but the life never gets put behind you we know that
So all in all with this oh man the sovian got away no he wants to kill this guy because the guy blew up his family he says that man I thought I was undercover nobody knew but then this guy found out and blew we don’t really know
Why at one point he’s like oh I also want to before I kill him find out who hired him because apparently he’s like a hired bomber or whatever again we don’t really know he doesn’t wait Joe says it sucks I don’t know where he is so then
Triple A goes oh I actually had already set up without telling you already by the way that your bullets are Tracer bullets they’re trackers this is like after the fact writing it seems like the idea oh crap we got to do something so we’ll do that there was one little panel
Where they showed the suitcase get shot but it’s very shoting the case to track it because he had no idea he was just trying to shoot at sovian and he goes off to follow the case even though when they get to a spot goes in the subway
And they can’t track it what what tracker is this it’s lame so you say it cost a lot they didn’t pay enough but all this then leads I mean this book just has things happen because then the sovian who just bombed and you think he probably got some money to bomb the I
Don’t even want to call him the Punisher if they would think he’s that at this point but ex Shield agent Joe Garrison’s house kill his family now the guy’s also running a side hustle where he’s going to Mr Hyde and selling mutant growth hormone that’s where why you had the
Case I’m like what is this what is this guy like a jack of all trades I don’t know this guy so I’m just saying he’s a jack off instead of a jack of all trades master of whatever because he’s there all of a sudden oh man blew up that guy
I’m gonna retire soon but I got to sell this growth hormone I’m surprised Barry BNS wasn’t down there getting it that’s for John Wayne see you end up where even that you’re gonna play this game where oh Dr Zabo it’s Mr Hyde we know it Mr
Hyde’s already Mr Hyde but here he is injecting himself with mutant growth hormone he’s got all this stuff going on they’re getting this from this sovian wall Joe Garrison thinks of his family that we have no connection to and then in the play of when when the times get
You know slow when people aren’t talking I often go back and think about that exploding building that happened three hours ago so he goes and he he goes down into the the subway and there’s the deal hey he went in the subway and we lost track where Punisher goes down Joe
Garrison goes down into the subway Triple A hacks the uh yeah the surveillance and then they see him go into one of those service tunnels and and then he goes down there and then he just you know he’s walking he hears the subway train going overhead he’s like
You know it’s weird some part of this wall over here to my right the Acoustics are different than the rest of the walls that must mean there’s a false wall that’s the thing there’s no reason for this to be a false wall even it looks
Like they’re just in a a side room so he ends up like oh so he puts an explosive blows it up and there’s Mr Hyde in his gun he’s like oh youve saved us the trouble of finding you Mr Punisher sir you were just down there with your
Hormones so he ends up then injecting himself becomes Mr Hyde he’s going to attack but instead of it doing anything Joe Garrison ends up grabbing that suitcase of the mutant growth hormone and shoves it all into Mr Hyde’s mouth and says he’ll probably OD on that I’m
Out of here and then runs in the meantime he gets punched and stuff by Mr high but he punches the case at one point he’s like thank God that case sa the way that that was punched into him his ards are done but he’s like oh his ribs are broken he’s done concussion
Protocol looks like Mr Hyde might be dead but probably not CU he’s Mr Hy so oh oh I don’t think anybody will miss him I will also say at points Joe Garrison when you get close up he looks a little like Tom Cruz which completely makes sense here because the way things
Just kind of happen this is like mission improbable they end up on the sovian which I forgot to mention his name is Sergey federov you know hall of fame hockey player Detroit Redwing and maybe they’re punishing him here for dating slash maybe marrying Anna cornova back
In the day he ends up grabbing a hostage and they’re at the subway platform but they’re on separate sides there’s a subway car coming and even in this the sovan’s like hey I’m gonna hold this lady here and you’re not going to do anything and we’re going to get on this
This subway car and you’re not going to do anything and he’s like screw that so the Train’s going between him and he just takes shot between the train right through the forehead he’s dead yeah but it has to be a fatal shot he wanted to
Capture him alive but it’s like I I got no choice I got to do a head shot that’s the only way to save this lady he kills this guy and that’s it that’s the end yeah but it ends with like the most IR rolling narration cuz he’s just like
Well now that he’s been punished I’m going to be here to be punished for the rest of time because I know I’m not going to find who hired the Killer and it’s just like he will yeah he will I don’t care I I don’t know you this felt
Like I ended up where I’m the bus station and some jerk off thinks he’s farest Gump and he’s going to tell me his whole life story I don’t care I don’t have any connection to you like the guy’s like yep then they blew up my
Family and then I went and shot this guy I’m like I really don’t care what you’re saying I have no connection with you and you’re boring and this is boring how can a Punisher book be boring well I we just cracked the Cod get David propos to
Write it because this sucked this sucked and I you know I’m not even going to say I hate to say it because I’m actually pissed off to say it because don’t think that he’s a good writer in this whole deal where they just sadle him like oh
You want to do some work do this crappy Punisher nobody will like so we’ll see people give it 10 out of 10 say it’s oh man it’s so refreshing but yeah with all that what would you give it ah you know I want to go lower than a five I do but
I really also want to say so I’m gonna go five but I’m gonna give it a four four out of 10 yeah just this is not good at all it’s basically like I mean what it is they took a story already established that people like and made it
Worse uh there’s no reason if you’re going to do this there’s no reason to not have Frank Castle in this book just bring Frank Castle back what they should do is just leave the character be wait a couple years and just bring them back normal I don’t think this is going to
End up making anybody happy that’s a Punisher fan you’re a fudge you five and I’m a four hey all you weirdos Jim here just to remind everyone that this video that you just watched is a condense version of the review that we ended up doing for this week’s podcast if you
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