We are part of nature yeah uh unfortunately we were just given too much brain as compared to the other animal and due to that we as human beings have created a lot of hav there’s a lot of disbalance that we’ve created and uh the reason why conservation is
Very very critical is because it’s ultimately it’s a selfish thing and if you conserve them if you save the nature and Wildlife you’re going to be able to survive otherwise if those are threatened or come to an end eventually it’s going to affect you also
And end of the day you know they are they innocent animals they haven’t done anything to you and you still end up you know creating so many problems for Them hello everyone I am jendra Singh Banker turned entrepreneur and author of the book per mastering the art of selling I welcome you to read my story where I interview authors speakers coach celebrities entrepreneurs and more today I have with me Miss shali she is a sports Enthusiast who made her Mark
Nationally and internationally with an impressive 7 years run in an National level basketball he also represented India in roller skating debuting at the world championship at the age of just 14 and 16 she even uh took part in first Asian roller skating Championship her love for nature especially in dense
Jungles and towering mountains is her Escape photography is her passion capturing the beauty of Nature and Wildlife Beyond being a tourist she has been an active part of the fight against tiger poaching ranar contributing to MOA education program under the uh guidance of the tiger watch NGO in saai madapur
Rajasthan she not only just a motorcycle Enthusiast she used to write a custom painted 1,000 cc bike riding it just just for fun it’s a cause she deeply believes in her remarkable Journey took her 8,000 kilm across India in just 19 days visiting 15 cities with a mission
Of Wheels of Change and GQ ride professionally her extensive experience spans over two decades in corporate HR she specializes in delivering various uh leadership development programs including managerial skills organizational skills and team building as a certified NLP practice kishna she offers guidance and counseling to students and adult dealing with life
Challenges today she will be discussing with us about her life Journey so let us hear from her welcome shifali the platform is open and now over to You hi thanks jendra thanks for the amazing introduction it’s uh an absolute pleasure to be here You’ covered everything as as whatever there is to say about me but uh yeah so uh motorcycle riding and uh Wildlife are two big passions of M um HR is just a
Profession I was never actually uh very career oriented to be very honest four was where I was throughout my school and college so never really paid too much attention to career and stuff like that but yeah once I got into the uh job market I used to run my own uh
Recruitment consultancy for a while uh and then certain circumstances forced me to get into a full-time job and I picked the HR uh thought my experiences of traveling through the entire country for sports events meeting different people managing things in under different circumstances etc those uh experiences
Would be helpful uh in building myself as an H profession I worked in U gulo in Mumbai for over 18 years and just recently I moved back to my hometown uh amabas uh and I currently am working as a senior consultant freelancing in HR project providing training uh counseling
And I’m also a part-time faculty in HR subjects amazing so first thing now I would like to ask you is like how did your past life has affected the person you actually wanted to be in your life and what you are my past life has given
Me a lot uh being in Sports One the confidence factor is very high so that was always there uh secondly I was never afraid of challenges and uh you know I would just go for whatever I wanted to go for that’s about it and uh again
Being in sports uh helped me take care of myself uh so that entire experience of being in sports I started playing Sports when I was 7 years old and I played till I was about 18 or 19 so all those years I have traveled individually
As well as uh in a team to places people haven’t even heard of in our country so you know going there managing things and as you mentioned in my introduction if uh I went to a place a country called Argentina at the age of 14 amazing and
That yeah that experience I mean it doesn’t beat no other experience that beats that experience so it just uh you know my entire Sports background has molded me uh to be what I am today right so you always wanted to be a sports person when you were a child oh yeah
Absolutely and I was very good at amazing so very few like girls I’ve met females I would rather say who always like thought to be an Sports person or an athlete so very few yeah I wish I was born in this day I mean I would have had a fantastic career in
Sports unfortunately the time and era that I was playing there was just really not much cope for career in sport it was difficult that point in time but these days opport yeah absolutely and there’s nothing absolutely nothing uh in terms of a career a couple of my friends kind of
Got into coaching from the very beginning which is not something that I was very key but yeah career options very very less at that time true now like if I ask you what are the things you are passionate about in your life now and what is the role of motivation
And inspiration onto it further uh as I said my uh confidence Factor has always been very high and I believe that every person uh just has to find that in themselves so today when I counsel people that’s one of the things that I try to build in into them and uh I would
Like for everybody to have that level of confidence and know that you know you can overcome things it’s not that difficult to do if you put your mind to it so I think uh I am a very self motivated person and uh I believe it’s doable for everybody amazing and you are
Passionate for bike you are passionate for oh yeah motorcycle riding I love traveling basically because like I said ever since I was a kid I’ve been traveling for sports so travel bug is just there and when I used to uh work in gura uh Delhi is a fantastic place to be
In uh if you want to travel right so there’s 6 to 8 hours away there’s Great Hills 6 to 8 hours away Forest any kind of tourist uh palaces old places so uh it used to be fantastic and you know almost every weekend I used to travel
And uh that’s one of the things that I still do any chance I get I just go in gura also over a weekend I was just leave just go no plan no nothing and I just take off on my own and uh that’s that’s one of the things that I’m very
Very passionate about and along with that came uh the passion for wildlife conservation uh my uh maternal grandfather was uh was a army doctor and he used to be based at these really really remote places which are full of wildlife stories so my bedtime story
Stories used to be that I mean I never had stories of rajar Rani and prince and princess and all that it used to always be about uh you know two Travelers came across a tiger how they managed to save themselves you know uh elephant human conflict so you know those stories is
What I grew up on so Wildlife is also a huge passion biking kind of happened uh honestly quite recently I mean I used to ride a bike when I was in college but I restarted biking around 2016 so it’s not that uh old a passion but yeah that’s
Also passion anything on a bike just give me a bike and I’m good to go amazing so uh now if I ask you like about your work and experiences your career part so how you started like your career what all you did and now what you
Are doing some of the thing you have already highlighted about your current uh profile what you are doing yeah so like I said I have worked in HR for over 18 years at a corporate level and since 2016 I’m a freelance consultant um I take up projects with smmes and MSM and
Uh I also am a certified NLP practitioner so I use those uh skills for counseling uh typically I end up counseling students uh either related to their career or uh related to some personal issues that they are not uh able to deal with so that’s what I do
Professionally amazing so uh now about your vision mission and goal so what is that for next 5 to 10 years oh God that’s a tough one I don’t have one that is good I yeah I kind of take it as it comes I really don’t have yeah
But one thing if I could do I would really like to contribute something back to the society I don’t know what but if I could yeah that would some be something I would Aspire for but I don’t have aight I don’t right right so moving on
To the next one in that case so what are the most important life lessons you have from your personal or professional Journey okay first life lesson is always believe in yourself uh that is something that Ive learned the hard way uh never lose confidence in yourself always keep
Your faith and um don’t wait for others to do things for you you want something you go and get it yourself nobody else is going to give that a priority it’s only you who can give that whatever you want that priority and you just have to
Go and get it waiting for people putting expectations is a tough bridge to cross and it just gives you more uh more hassles if it doesn’t work out for you so avoid that entire thing just go and do it yourself right right so since you have been a like nature lover you have
Been a traveler like biker and you have been a wildlife Enthusiast so onto this if I ask you like your involvement in fighting tiger approach poaching and rumore is really impressive so why do you think Wildlife Conservation is so crucial for preserving our natural landscape and their inhabitants see we
Are part of nature yeah uh unfortunately we were just given too much brain as compared to the other animal and due to that we as human beings have created a lot of hav there’s a lot of disbalance that we’ve created and uh the reason why conservation is very very critical is
Because it’s ultimately it’s a selfish thing and if you conserve them if you save the nature and Wildlife you’re going to be able to survive otherwise if those systems are threatened or come to an end eventually it’s going to affect you also and end of the day you know
They are they’re innocent animals they haven’t done anything to you and you still end up you know creating so many problems for them that their basic survival becomes a problem which should not be the case actually the thing is U we are going in their private place and
We are destroying it actually they are not harming us we are harming them absolutely and uh you know we uh simple stuff like uh the place that I live in right behind in my house used to be this huge open ground and it used to be
Covered with plants and all kind of wild plants and I used to see so many great stuff over there I’ve seen jungle cats right in my backyard I’ve seen rat snakes in my backyard uh I there was a point in 201617 where four babies used to
Come and play in my lawn now there is this m construction that is going on in my backyard and everything is gone it’s just so sad so I feel that you know we are just we are just hoarding which we don’t really need to if somebody can
Think of a balance to keep those things around I mean today I see blue bu me walking around on you know urban road the four things have nowhere to go there’s nowhere left for them to go because all their habitat is now being converted into construction F right their places get
Yeah quite bad and as far as tiger conservation is concerned well that’s an animal that just mesmerizes you completely you know that song Eye of the Tiger oh God you look into the eyes of a tiger once the first time and I guarantee you you’re hook I forun to get
Opportunity to work at a level where you know the tiger was threatened rore the advantage of rore is uh the amount of tourist that go there almost every tiger is photographed almost every tiger is documented almost every movement or last sighting is documented so in rur it was
Very easy to identify that few Tigers were missing and quite visible Tigers I mean you know all the Tigers of RoR are are born and brought up around Vehicles so they don’t they’re not shy so uh when those Tigers started uh disappearing in the sense the cing closed down nobody
Could see them for months on end uh and that is when tiger watch kind of uh started putting this uh documented evidence together as to where that this particular tiger was the last one and so forth and they realized that about 20 Tigers had gone missing which was very
Sad I mean it just really really hurt my heart to hear that uh so there’s a huge program that was undertaken and U um tiger watch as an NGO came up with this U idea that um the poers are Hunters by skills by tradition by history that’s
All they know so if we had to break that cycle the the children of this uh the the PO belong to a tribe called moas that’s why it’s called the M education program and uh these M uh I mean dirt poor dirt poor nomadic people dir po uh
About 10 11 children and the only skill they know is hunting so and you know again it’s a question of survival so they went about doing what they know best so can’t really blame this but uh they kind of forgot that this is not a sustainable product anyway so tiger
Figured that if we change the mindset of the younger generation of this Mia tribe uh hopefully we will have lesser Hunters they will be more aware we educate them we create vocational uh backgrounds for them which will give them gain Full Employment and they would move away from
This uh destructive uh lifestyle so uh the first I think 20 uh children were identified and these are all children of the biggest poers there were apparently seven coaching Rings inor which is massive for a small Park like that uh so 20 kids were brought in uh and I was
Fortunate enough to be able to contribute uh financially as well as with a little bit of effort U to try and you know keep these kids in this program and it was tough these kids or wives no M they always scraping fighting uh we used to uh get footballs and cricket
Bats and things like that for them to play with and they would end up hitting each other with of play so so uh you know taking them out from that kind of uh an environment we used to support them with books we would create small programs for them but
The main job was to kind of create a hospel for them and educate them within that hosel kids used to run away we had to bring them back so all of those efforts happened and I consider myself extremely fortunate to be to have played a very very very small part in this and
I’m quite proud uh that I was able to contribute to something which is very close to my heart amazing and on a lighter note if I say like Ive been to rumber once I’ve been to like wildlife in Jim Corbett like multiple times and unfortunately I could not see even uh
Once so yeah like numbers are really so less it’s it’s really um kind of distinctive you hardly find Like A View to these Tigers these days difficult to find right so again they wild anim just because you’re on a particular route doesn’t mean they have to be you
Got to be very very lucky to be able to C yeah that is one thing and also second thing is numbers are also getting lower oh yeah abely and it’s I mean it’s quite quite bad I believe just recently there was this news report which said some 36
Tigers had died in the last 2 three years or something kind of crazy quite crazy cor so now moving on to the another one like since since you’ve been a photographer not only photographer but passion for photography you have so how did you believe like visual storytelling can raise awareness about wildlife
Conservation and Inspire action that’s that’s a very very very good question uh so I I sincerely believe that if you are able to capture the natural beauty of any uh animal or a place uh I hope people uh get the feel that you know you don’t really need want to on this thing
Um you if that visual capture is uh you know good enough uh it’ll probably um make people a little curious so I used to post a lot of bird pictures and uh you know lot of people would you know uh identify it very badly and things like
That so uh it was helpful for me to help them understand what kind of a bir it is what does it do so a little bit of Education here and there a little bit of more inform information than what we have uh I believe would uh go a long way
In kind of making things better for ourselves and uh pictures speak a thousand words right so I hope that language carries through and uh as far as I know I have been fortunate enough to be able to uh influence a few people in my friend circles uh where they’ve
Gotten interested in wild life because of me going on and on and on about my runbo trips and stuff like that Ive dragged a few people to these my left places to how you know have a look at the natural beauty of these places and
You know whatever you can do to uh stop these places getting wasted I I think that’s what a visual image can do if people invest enough time in it right and due to hunting like uh the migratory bird which used to come earlier in good numbers have also like lower down to a
Sign so uh very okay so you talked about birds and hunting uh have you been to batur yeah uh have you read uh there are these uh notices or information put up on walls there small Milestones kind of things off season so I did not notice
Much no so next time you go uh please ask your guide to show you that uh those stones okay there is history of batur written there and do call me and tell me what it made you feel uh it is and me oh God so there are recorded instances of
Two lakh birds in a day being shot down by britishers three lakh GES and it’s written as if it’s an achievement that is the level of deprivation that we humans can go to and why do you need one like bird I me you want to eat only one
It can’t be more than that or two one L in a for the sport of it that’s it and that’s that’s the sad part of it for me is that it’s just unnecessary there is no purpose behind it people just do it for the heck of
Doing it sorry I kind of digressed a little bit sorry right right so like U now next one like tell us about your experience in MOA education program under the tiger watch NGO so how has this impacted like your view wildlife conservation and what did you learn from
It or like learning for others from this program like how this can be more meaningful so uh you know we have a phenomenal tourist industry you uh this ma education program just taught me that there are just so many opportunities for people to make earn a livelihood I would
Even say make money on a livelihood without hurting the wildlife without the forest getting destroyed and uh being part of the Mia education program uh you look at the kids and uh you just know that you know if they are given a choice a better choice they’ll take that choice
Uh so I think it is incumbent upon all of us to kind of keep that in mind as well and uh I think the inspiration for me was seeing these kids transform they all of them uh the ones that I was part of they kind of all finished their
Schooling a few of them are working with uh the local Resorts there as uh resident guide or resident drivers so they are all gainfully occupied and that just gives me a lot of sense of achievement and I think uh people just need to be shown a different way of
Doing things right that’s really important like people are aware of their surrounding and also they can get another source of livelihood which can help them sustain their life as well and you know these kids uh absolutely uneducated but if you show them a footprint in the sand they will tell you
Which animal it is so that knowledge is just phenomenal and that can’t be taught you got to learn that you you have to be there experience it and they they were brilliant at it and as I said extremely curious kids so I still remember one particular time I had taken some books
For them and uh as soon as I sat down and I opened my bag and there is a photograph I don’t know if I’ll be able to find it if I do I’ll share some uh they just completely surrounded me I was invisible under them they were
So curious and they were so looking forward to getting these new books uh which they were just learning to read I that those kind of experiences can be expl words right amazing so like as in people we we are traveling to these places so what is the role of us and how
We can like contribute towards like wildlife conservation and what uh things we should consider and we should take care of while we are in these places oh firstly uh be aware of the place that you are in uh you know whether it’s a forest it’s a beach it’s a hill station
Whatever desert whatever it is be aware understand the environment that you are in most of us we just go to the place Sunset Point sunrise point you know it’s very easy to that touristic stuff but I would really wish that people would know the place really wherever they are going
I mean for example Goa right and who doesn’t know Goa who doesn’t who hasn’t been to Goa but Goa has such a history chch so I think you know as we are educated human beings look at the place understand the place and if you do I
Think you will not want to do any harm to it by yourself and nobody has to tell you and yes I think our Civic senses need to be so much better and we just just for you know the locals they some I actually heard people say don’t come here we don’t want
You don’t don’t people should not put themselves in a situation where people don’t want to see you and to me that’s like the worst thing that anybody can say about you definitely and not support the environment where you are moving like cor I don’t know if you’ve
Noticed it the last time I went was a very very long time but place that you are staying and you can hear the music all around that’s not an environment to have a DJ party it’s a forest it’s a wildlife area it has its natural balances unfortunately Resort you know can’t
Afford to say no to that kind of business either because end of the day they have to run their business as well but um I also know who refuse to do all this the rules that should apply in a place like C yeah as it is living in the
Buffer zone all the reserves are in the buffer zone the wildlife is right next door to you yeah they don’t really I believe that 10 is also very like long for these places right but still iici Disturbance create when you going towards nature like enjoy the nature the calmness of nature exactly my point you go on a safari see the forest just enjoy that Vibe of a forest so um and I remember I had taken my parents for a safari once and we had this really nervous guide who
Was with us and the guide was uh telling the entire group that you know uh Tiger’s smelling sense is very bad Tiger’s eyesight is very bad and my dad is looking at me and I’m looking at him I didn’t say anything so my dad scolded
Me he’s like why did you not stop this guy he was telling such lies so I was like I said look Dad this is his bread and butter right I mean I don’t want to in front of Lego I didn’t want to do that so he’s
Like that may be your reason is fine but the fact that you let these people go away with wrong information in their mind is something which is not worth that 100 200 rupees de correct and that yeah that was a lesson for me as well and from that day onward I started
Picking fights with people they give wrong right amazing I wanted to share right so now moving on to the next one like back to you so if I ask you like your take on success what do you feel and what do you believe about it um I don’t know I don’t
Think success is very important but if you have certain things that you want to do in life you enjoy whatever you do I think you’re successful everybody’s definition of success is very different should not be a standard ytic for anybody to be compared with somebody else that’s
True so last one any message or advice you would like to share with our viewers and listeners I hope I have been able to uh say the right thing I hope you will edit some of the things they are not right um and I hope that I have I was
Able to uh at least uh impress one person who might look at nature a little differently uh I hope that you know I have been able to inspire at least one person to contribute positively to Nature and Wildlife I think I would consider myself quite successful right
Now any advice or suggestion I don’t know I’m in a position to advise anyone but yeah I would suggest uh people to travel especially kids and they should do it without their parents and they should do it on a budget that kind of experience teaches you a lot and those
Experiences will stay with you for your lifetime cor correct and overseas like a student have these type of uh like culture that they take a break from their studies and they go and travel I don’t think that kind of culture applies to us we as Indians
Travel anyway yeah uh if either it is for social purposes Eng whatever travel holiday so we travel but that traveling versus traveling on your own I think it would be a very different experience like my niece for think she’s been planning to travel to rur for a while now uh just
Somehow has not been able to do it yet but uh she’s like you know now I’m going to start traveling on my own like you used to and I want to understand why I used to go alone right and that is amazing thing because uh there are two
Aspect of it parents and theid one like children so there is always a disbalance between both the thoughts uh at the risk of sounding very cynical I think today’s kids can’t manage things on their own everything is given to them on a platter uh so I would encourage kids to kind of
Start standing on their own two feet doing their own thing instead of waiting for the parents to do it for you so I used to teach kids basketball long time back and in that also you know I used to pull up the kids who would not behave
Properly and I used to get a lot of complaints from parents you know why are you holding my child I said this is my Arena right now I said your kid can do whatever they want at their place not in my Arena these are this is an arena
Where you learn confidence you learn skills you learn to play with others enjoy yourself not create conflict not create risk and kids today unfortunately there’s another thing with I feel single child I think that’s a big issue kids don’t know how to share anymore and basketball you know I used to tell
Everybody to bring their own basketball a lot of kids would not bring so the kids who would have their own basketball would not share they would not allow those other kids to touch their basketball which I found very very weird and I have to pull up my kids a lot for
That team sport you can’t do this thing right so I I just remember like first time I traveled alone I was in 11th standard and if I talk about traveling these days like I spoken to like few of the kids around so I asked them their views like moving to other City other
College like taking admission to a college in other city so they are not ready to go actually yeah and I know my own friends their kids are uh working in other cities and the parents are taking care of their rent their food and I’m like what is your kid earning for they
Get a salary right let them manag in their own salary you keep giving everything to them when are they ever going to learn the value of their own hard earned money correct so until they are like studying not earning till then it is fine but once they start then you
Should leave them on their own yeah and I think that is something that uh parents today need to change right kids are just too used to getting everything on a platter right I sound very old but I don’t care right that is very important and U uh I must say the
Discussion we had today was really amazing we spoke about so many things and that to really important for our environment really important for our wildlife and we have like U culture of always being with Wildlife staying together not farming but for few decades or few centuries we can say that we
Ourself have destroyed our surroundings so badly that this is impacting wildlife in in real sense impacting us as well look at our weather patterns look at our climate today that is affecting everything so it is important don’t yes it is really important so we should start working towards environment conservation
Wildlife conservation and also create like a healthy environment around us plant more trees and do not throw garbage here and there keeps air safe abely let me put it another way maybe okay if you can’t conserve or you can’t contribute positively at least don’t contribute negative that’s really important so on
This note I’d like to thank you so very much for your time energy and sharing so many wonderful things and uh I really enjoyed the conver conversation and also uh like since both the thing like photography Wildlife I also like deep heartedly I also like to do traveling
And photography very much so I on this note can say that I also have this special and thank you so very much once more um and I will also share your social media link along with the interview so that people can be in touch with you take your help and guidance
Also so thank you once again thank you so much it was a pleasure I really appreciate you giving me this platform to voice some of my thoughts and as I said if I’m able to inspire even one person I think I would have achieved a
Lot in life so thank you so much for the opportunity complete pleasure talking thank you and guys for you please don’t miss out the information and be in touch with ma’am and wherever you feel like take her guidance and help and uh thank you so very much everyone for watching
And listening I hope you all must have gathered a lot of information and enjoyed watching it don’t forget to like share comment and subscribe have a good time thank you and [Applause] Bye-bye