He Good afternoon and welcome Derby fans back to the hanger here at Oaks Park for game number two of today’s activities we have Montreal skating against team black diaspora excited about this matchup both teams looking good yesterday so without any further Ado just a couple of things
To remind every fan here please stay on our side of the black bumpers for your safety as well as the safety of the skaters seems pretty self-explanatory and do not and please don’t walk in front of the crowd during the jams wait till there’s a break and then make your
Way through there’ll be people helping you with that without further do we’re going to bring out the teams here I got in the white jerseys today team black diaspora 007 is poison Violet 05 is Sprint julip number 10 Swift Justice 144 is Holden kill field 18 is Thumper
Number 20 Murda 202 is freight train 21 Blackjack 221 Yeti 26 cocoa fry 301 black soul Rose 3381 Helen number seven is Diamond 76 Queen lyaa and Triple 7 is perfect that’s black diaspora and in the neon green and pink we’ve got Montreal roller derby new
Skids on the block number 8 low rider 03 Grayson 10 one7 bigle Smalls 13 fendra one 12 three Miracle whips 13 alcatra as 1773 Magnum Pei 1969 danata 289 chees grater 59 Chloe David 66 Falcon Punch 85 artsy choke 913 blue butt 999 KT Kaboom and 9999 M new skids on the
Block hey hey hey Scott how you doing I’m doing all right Murray how are you oh I’m a million kinds of awesome I am excited to be down here for the hometown Throwdown 2023 especially since it’s like not in the dead of Summer anymore it’s not it’s
Not 9 million degrees it’s only about 7 million degrees in the uh in the lovely mezzanine of the hangar at Oaks Park so this is the consolation round of the hometown Throwdown yes uh last night Montreal fell to Denver’s uh mile high club and team black diaspora was rolled underneath the wheels of
Justice but yes but a fun game it was both of those games are really good very entertaining and we’re going to see some great Derby starting in about five four numbers some some number of seconds yeah we got a swoopy swoopy at first all right starting off on the jam
Line number 59 Khloe David for the new skids and that is 007 poison Violet jamming for team black diaspora just a thick scrum start to go off Khloe David knocked to the inside recycling back around caught behind 76 Queen Lucy Tia yeah Queen Lucy Tia coming off of
Just just playing in the last game as well like I’m just going to do it again what the heck reset put on a different shirt just an absolute Triforce of power up there at turn one by team black diaspora holding in Chloe David about the same be said against double s poison
Violet back by the jam line yeah black Blackjack and chees gr are just sort of we’ll just hang out here in the middle we got to sort of stand so that the Pack’s a real thing Lou David pushing down going around and through after almost a full minute lead
Jammer from newkids on the Block poison Violet almost clear but the foot rolls out of bounds pops back up alra as the uh the the bump out having been swung into the way chlo D gets through scores a full contingent of points thanks to a big opening there by cheese
Grater who immediately goes back to defense holding poison Violet in the pack yeah tripod at the front anchored by number 13 Al kraz uh for Montreal as everybody rolling and sliding through a black T but trying trying some offense now having a bump back onto defense with kloe David through four
More look like poison Violet to try and do some uh fake out star passes but new skids are just all over her like stink on a wrist guard she had a couple of really good behind the back passes and finally does complete that pass handed off to the Blackjack Jam is
Called a third four 120 to start off our [Applause] game and next up on the Jam On Hawthorne Jam line number 123 that would be Miracle whips that is and that would be freight train two of my favorite Jammers in the world full contingent of skaters on the
Track Miracle whips trade numbers with everyone in a wide Jersey trying to get through and there is Freight trade showing that trademark power going to the Penalty Box though not not at all laughing to the Laughing Planet Penalty Box just stepped out of bounds and kept pushing so that penalty was called right
Before Freight Tran got through Miracle whips is lead Jammer now in scoring contention putting the whole pack in the rear view for a four-point scoring pass bigle small sitting a forearm penalty for team Montreal I’m just apparently going to lead every team with team today Miracle have seen a lot more
Defense this scoring pass big hit there number 26 Coco fry great train out of the box through the pack initial pass made for team black ASB Miracle whips facing all four blockers from black diasp calls off the jam adding three to the total seven points overall 19 nothing
Now Montreal 187 killer pads often imitated never duplicated stick with the best 187 killer pads 1969 for Montreal is dinata and they are going up a against that is 3381 Helen na oh but Danada is apparently I don’t know what witchery that was but through the middle of the pack apparently not
Touched to grab Lee Jammer scrambling at the front of the pack there held by a Triforce of new skids Den now in scoring contention try to hit that outside line goes in goes out goes through for Four Points sneaking past Sprint julip as the last line of defense there to grab the
Four and now everyone back in a big group Helen reaching for the helmet cover but didn’t pull it off Laughing Planet Penalty Box empty both teams full strength that’s a thick thick pack coming onto the back stretch there and Helen nauy forced to the infield has to recycle back rolled back
By8 low rider for Montreal and danata adds four more to the Montreal total now the star passed off quickly to Blackjack there’s a bit of a sacrifice fly there on the Montreal blocker what wasn’t act a legal hit but it did open up the line for denata to
Get through on the last scoring pass forced to call it off now eight more for new skids team black diasp still scoreless 24 and a half minutes remaining in the first period and each team will start the next Jam one shy as cheese greater serving that direction
Penalty for Montreal Queen luzi Tia in the Box on a high block and now we got number 66 Falcon Punch jamming for Montreal Swift Justice for team black ASP and Swift Jus oh almost out but bumped out of bounds Falcon Punch through first lead Jammer Montreal blink and you miss it Falcon
Punch already again but just gets absolutely shellacked I was about to say some bad words there 144 holding K holding kill field star pass on black diper to Yeti and Yeti able to sneak in a point puts black diper on the board 31 to1 as each each Jammer picking up a point [Applause]
[Applause] there so 2315 to go in the first period Jammer fendra out to jam for Montreal del7 poison Violet for team black aser got a sprinting start there [Applause] like low rider trying to get to the Penalty Box like I’m stuck in the pack no honestly I’m trying to get out of
Here and there is poison Violet out in front lead Jammer team black to asra valind caught behind number 20 murder big attempted Apex Jump by uh poison Violet that killer Apex jump attempt sponsored by Killer Burger knock short by KT Kaboom who did bring the
Boom on that play the pat goes back half a lap almost losing a time zone there directional play penalty sending Alcatraz to the Penalty Box this is the first scoring pass for poison Violet valindra still on the initial I believe and caught up excellent Defense work at the front of the pack
As Diamond holding the kickstand at the front boys and violet has one to beat but everybody that was a one person for wall just absolutely stying the entire team allowing the pack just to come in envelope both Jammers poison Violet forced out and rolls back fendra still trapped getting some shoulder pressure
From blackl Rose now hung up by number 20 Murda as uh Blackjack sitting now stepping into the bridge and a star pass off Al trz number 13 picks up the star not going to get around in time as a jam is called off the four hardest earned
Points you ever did see Team black diasa that was a lengthy Jam but well played both sides lots of good good regrouping and rearrangement all right freight train back out to Jim against number 59 Khloe David full contingent of skaters on the track as we start this Jam off Great
Train Running Wild going through backto back lead jams steam black asra Chloe David also clear about a half a lap away blackjack or uh freight train spinning spinning before being derailed and sent out of bounds only able to get three but that is a second straight shutout Jam for
Montreal we sit 31 to8 new skids in the lead 20 minutes to go in the half like to than black cat Plumbing your local neighborhood plumbing company and proud sponsor of RCR forever since 1842 I believe I don’t know when Portland was actually found it that’d probably be the
Better date to call out I do know that Swift Justice is jamming up against Miracle whips yes and that nobody’s really moving much cuz they’re all just glommed at the Jammer line yeah this this whole game so far has been a just a defensive clinic by both
Teams the Jam On Hawthorne Jammer line being very STI Ticky someone spilled the syrup hey Miracle whips bounces off everybody and finally comes out the front lead Jammer Swift Justice stashes the star has a big skate back there for number doubleweight Low Rider and four points up for Miracle Whip Star Pass
Complete so Blackjack now holding uh holding the star in hand and has yet to put it on but also hasn’t completed the initial pass Miracle Whip seen just everyone in a white jersey there right by the jam line Black Jack out of the pack initial pass made for team black diper yeah low
Rider trying to stay in front but not quite able to maintain it Miracle whips calls off the jam three more so a seven-point run for miracle webs takes us to 38 to8 ZoomCare it’s the healthcare you need when where and how you want it check out zoomcare.com
All right back again 1969 danat jamming against number 3381 Helen Helen couple to beat getting some offensive assistance from hold hillfield denata just pancaked right there at turn one bounces right back up and it’s going to be a Power Jam for Montreal yeah Helen na picking up the high block penalty and
Montreal will get a little relief Power Jam and pack Advantage for new skids yes as cheese grater now back out to even things [Applause] up danata bouncing left to right and black diper again just as said all I’ve said all weekend like the defense is being able to absorb the hits and then
Regroup has just been uh excellent in this tournament Montreal now breaking off of the offensive attempts to prepare for the return of Helen after all that time denata finally gets through Lee Jammer but that baby has been eaten all the way up big run back there to rejoin the pack get in
Legal skating position yeah I think danata was looking for an out of play but if the pack had shifted enough that the hit was clean soad is back at the back all four blockers to get through and a star pass from Helen na to Yeti gets team black diper out on a
Scoring pass and denata says well that’s no fun let’s just call off the jam referees are conferring to see if new’s got any points I’m not seeing anything I don’t think that uh pretty certain there was T never completed the initial pass after getting knocked out of bounds
That’s that’s right so we will stay 388 and reset with everyone on the track that can be is the Laughing Planet Penalty Box currently empty freight train jam it against Falcon Punch [Applause] Falcon Punch squeaking through right before turn one lead jammer for the new kids and freight train doing freight
Train things pushes through the front knocking Al kraz out of the way to clear the pack Falen punch well caught behind excellent defense by black diaspora holding that to just a single point yeah Falcon Punch hit the that back of the pack hard and just ricocheted off there was no one given
Any room got one single solitary point a I thought fre train would get through right before that fourth whle blue but no points awarded all right 15 minutes to go in the half poison Violet jamming against Khloe David poison Violet choosing that like likes the run up like I think poison
Violet really enjoyed when the pivot line start was a thing thought an I first saw back in the playoffs years and years ago W and violet hunkering down trying to musle that front three wall to the very end of the engagement Zone meanwhile at the back all four
Blockers for black diaspora holding on to Khloe David and Lead Jammer going to poison Violet and finally has to get let free by Magnum Pei a star pass made uh quadruple 9 M [Applause] molecule who was doing great bridging on that first pass poison Violet rolls in calls off
The jam a two nothing run takes us to 39 to10 new skids ran up the score pretty quickly early on in this game team black diaspora I think found their number yeah they’ they’ve tightened up the defense and and the Jammers are generally getting out we got for uh lead Jammers three 7
To3 in favor of Montreal free train versus denata oo Takata quickly through and freight train finds it opening there also completes an initial pass denata now coming in for scoring contention gets by everybody hits it splits it quits it calls it off for for a quick Four Points yeah they’re not a
Clipping the edge of blackjack’s hips on the way through uh quick Amendment there it’s only three points there scored by nkit so they have 42 to team black diasp 10 1312 remaining and now number 10 Swift Justice jamming against Miracle whips full contingent of skaters that’s indeed
Swift Justice trying on the outside edge Miracle whips hung up at the back getting a little assistance from Grayson as uh 144 Holden hillfield trying to help out with the offense but Swift Justice says I don’t need your help I’m going to get lead Jammer all by myself Miracle whips also escapes
Montreal coming back and Swift Justice watches Miracle whips go by lot of faith in that team black dash line and they slowing things down exactly like little offense coming from Grayson but again able to absorb and bounce back Swift Justice trying now around the outside edge is pushed out and the roll
Back coming from bigly Smalls meanwhile on the opposite side of the track Miracle whips gets through scores a four-point scoring pass and Swift justice has to call it off Swift Justice only picking up three one of those Montreal skaters able to stay in front the whole time so a 3 to four run
1346 in favor of Montreal get financial guidance for whatever Trail you choose from Trail Head Credit Union freight train back out as is falcon punch on our Jam On Hawthorne Jammer line and Falcon Punch again just swooping through the middle to grab lead Jammer freight train trying to follow behind
Queen luus Tia but then cutting to the outside to break free of the pack Falcon Punch bounces off the pack again yeah was Sprint julip just like holding position giving a little H to Queen Lucy TAA for bracing that so nobody moved and two points to zero for
Montreal as the jam is called off yeah my my new Crown got rattle just watching that hit all right Chloe David set to jam against Helen nauy roll physicality that was a a clean Jam the last one empty penalty box at the moment Helen keeps the feet in bounds
Yeah bigly Smalls thought that uh elen was wow that was beautiful just dancing that line around the corner in clean lead Jammer Helen nauy but yeah you’re right bigley completely thought oh I got him out answer no no you did not little whip around the corner for
Helen nauy Four Points up as kloe David star in hand still trapped in the pack here’s Helen coming in with a clutch block there from 77 seven perfect oh man M looking at the ref like is that not a back block the ref’s like no hit you on the hip you just fell
Down not the blocker’s fault Elina forced out of bounds this time and rolling back meanwhile poor Chloe David still trapped at the front like every moment thinking something’s going on and then just not able to get free as soon as you say that then it breaks free see yeah it’s the reverse of
Penalty announcer curse Helen bench is crying for a callof does deliver got three and just in time yeah new kid’s going for that Killer Burger Apex jump not able to stick the L 11 points for team black diaspora nearly doubling their score 48 to 24 newkids still have
The lead with 9 minutes remaining new skids officially doubling up and a timeout called by Montreal Montreal’s coach I like the cool cool cool t-shirt this timeout brought to you by Rose City’s official realtor Deb cor counts tabore ready to move to PDX join Rose City let welcome to PDX help you
Find a home I’m not ready to move to PDX by the way but if I were that’s probably who I’d call I’m ready to to commute hero often as long as the weather’s better than today yeah the daytime gray wet Road I5 South Drive is no fun yeah I had
Like 5T of visibility com between Taca and Olympia wor it is the worst we’d like to thank Buffalo Gap Saloon and eery John’s landing’s favorite eery and saloon and we’ll also say a big thanks to the following sponsors Portland Vital Signs reverends barbecue por no ARA and
Two rivers mortgage thanks to all of them for sponsoring Rose City allowing us to have this fine tournament so team black tper has one skater thumer is in the Penalty Box serving a low block which I think was what Montreal was calling for over there after that jump they were like no that
Was a low block right and apparently the answer was yes denata wearing the star for the new skids up against poison Violet team black to [Applause] Montreal losing the blocker way out of bounds that was uh 999 KT Kaboom ooh D not a spinning out the front to grab lead
Jammer as poison Violet looking for anything seeing some daylight finally getting around that last line of defense I think that was I think that was low rider yeah8 with the that end run oh cut track called danata was like I’m going to call it the
Jam and the ref is like no you are not you are going to go take a seat in the Laughing plantet Penalty Box so big Power Jam opportunity for pois and violet and we’re going to have the full two-minute Jam here yes with poison Violet going sideways around low rider Four
Points taking us to a 20-point gap 482 28 W of violet now in scoring contention again Thumper providing some offense trying to break things free penalty being called someone’s going somewhere for a forearm oh that’s Thumper all right Thumper back to the Box had been in earlier denat is out and back
Engaged just thrown almost into the bleaches there by Queen Lua that was a thing of beauty all right Queen Lua again closing down the inside Lane as poison Violet trapped at the front yeah Den has a backwards 76 on her that won’t wash off for a
Week and this time it is Murda edging things over and oh another big hip check just one to match on the other side why not we’ll just like Bop you on the other end four points for both teams on that pass but an 8 to four Jam keeps us at 20
3252 6 and2 minutes remaining in the first period Frank back out for team black diaspora Miracle whips back to jam for Montreal and Miracle whips little burst of speed is clear freight train similar burst of speed giving Chase and everybody regrouping at the pivot line Miracle whips coming in hot calls it
Off emphatically freight train still picking up one point against miracle Whip’s three so 3355 22-point game now 550 to go in the period number 59 Khloe David out to jam against Hela Naughty Lou David helina wearing the Stars full contingent of blockers on the track helina pushing up to the front cheese greater trying some offense than having to step back to join blackjack in the bridge position and then everybody’s like well forget this bridge let’s just make one giant pack that’s more fun
Right well it is for someone mostly the fans yes fans very invested got a forarm penalty called on number 21 Blackjack Chloe David bumped out of bounds and a lead Jammer going to hen naughty that is the sixth lead jammer for black diaspora okay okay traz gets a star pass for
Newkids Al TR oh that was pretty just running up the side stepping over a leg and grabbing Four Points hel helina going for some gambl still working on that first scoring pass as ALK traz just goes through nearly untouched for the second scoring trip finally Jam is called off one single
Solitary Point picked up by team black Das man great work Montreal staying in front I I guess that’s uh alra two straight runs just finding that tiniest Lane on the Inside Edge to Sprint up the Ed grab the points 6331 we’re under four minutes to go in the
Period winner of this will Face rose City’s axles of annihilation in the Fifth Place game tomorrow loser will take on Angel City Falcon Punch wearing the star for new skates against fre train and it’s the lad of whom goes through lead Jammer team black asra new skids just a few strides behind and
Closing that Gap quickly somebody going to the Penalty forearm penalty called ah Falcon Punch that’s why Falcon Punch was through so quickly used the arm to shove people out of the way apparently so four points for freight [Applause] train cartwheels over the new skids pivot gets the long run back there yeah
M absorbing that hit well and out again for freight train as Falcon Punch released from the venal [Applause] box great TR seen a lot more defense here on this pass and there it’s Falcon Punch blasted through completing the initial trip for new kids yeah super uh Falcon Punch very
Juky and if you Falcon Punch is coming at speed and you’re a blocker and you’re stand Standing still very difficult official review by both teams it looks like oh all right well I’ll just go this official review timeout brought to you by Deb count Saar Rose City
Rollers realtor welcome to PDX thank you Deb for sponsoring and we’d like to thank Triple Eight certified sweatsaver helmet from Triple A is designed for Derby vert ramps and everything in between which I guess between flat track Derby and a vert ramp would be Bank track yeah yeah the map holds up sure
There’s angles yeah all right much conversation can mention who our officials are for this game our non-skating officials in this game Andy Oakley dinell heads mask her raid loud llama roads Warrior wizard of laws Mr Nitro Rex India Pale LL and then again heads cuz I didn’t wait to the
Bottom to read the name and wearing the skates and the stripes skirt so good Bambi l Kira Duncan scary be Jesus Candyman SN extra crisp and mass I like the fan do that that is a needed thing at least the uh oh I was just going to say that the kettle corn
Had settled down but then they just wafted more in that’s very unfair marketing to drop your kettle corn thing right out front black diaspo is requesting an insub call on green Jammer I’m requesting one on that microphone yes on green Jammer 66 for not leaving the track immediately upon
Being called for a for uh upon review the Jammer left immediately as soon as the penalty was issued and uh black daser will not retain thank you all right meanwhile bambulance still chatting so with coaches and captains maybe now they’re going to argue the new skids official maybe yeah we’ll see
We’ll see what happens all all in due order kind of go one by one and yes yes now we’re at at Montreal official review maybe they’ll officially I I don’t at this point I don’t remember what was going on at the end of the jam so I don’t know what they’re going to
Protest some of them have been really easy this one not so much let’s thank the Sasquatch HR making nonprofit and small business workplaces better Sasquatch hr. RG so just cuz you’re watching the live stream doesn’t mean you can’t have fun with the rest of us there is an official
Online Afterparty just go to your nearest Back Alley you bring the paper bag you bring the bad decision post about it using the hashtag Hometown throw up 2023 Murray will’ll see you there one way or another yes indeed later uh today our 5:00 p.m. game so in two hours is
From now our first semi-final arch rival versus Victorian roller derby league and our 7:30 closeout game of the evening the wheels of Justice from Rat City taking on the mile high club from Denver let’s hear it Montreal was requesting a back block call on black diaspora Jammer 202 for
Contact green99 9 during n excuse me 9999 on their initial trip upon review green 9999 moved into the path of the uh White Jammer and no penalty will be issued and monal will not retained thank you all right this was the lesson you don’t get in front step in front of a
Freight train cuz you won’t get a penalty called for that that move as a professional conductor I I can agree with that you you know all about trains I do know that Swift Justice jamming against denata right now immediate star stash on the team black diasp side denata just got absolutely shellacked
Pigp on at the pivot line bounces right up goes through bleed Jammer new skids and a star pass for team black dasra Yeti now with the star and danata calls off a multiplayer block being called we’ll see on who oh wait that would be on danana oh the ever
Elusive uh Jammer penalty for multiplayer block where you’re grabbing onto somebody and someone else hits the grabin on point so 1969 will sit across this team timeout this team timeout sponsored by Deb countor welcome to PDX Rose City’s official realtor timeout called by black diaspora M and the News Kids hanging
Out at the Jammer line the Jam On Hawthorne Jammer line Jammer line sponsored by Jam On Hawthorne Portland’s best vegan friendly booze friendly kid friendly omnivore friendly everybody friendly breakfast so with 1 minute 39 seconds remaining before we go to halftime new skids are up by 25 points they have 66
Team black di asro with 41 you know if if I was a lesser announcer I’d go there’s still a lot of Derby left but I’m not so I won’t all right it’s anybody’s game Murray yeah I forgot to bring the bingo card so we could help people win I I called that
Like a hot knife through butter wait wait what yes hey fright trains jamming it is a pow pow Power Jam to start this Jam [Applause] off Great Train musling by everyone in a green jersey has one to beat to the very end of the engagement Zone gets past
Them lead Jammer still with a Power Jam advantage freight train I like that freight train goes to the speed skater I’m holding my hands behind my back I cannot use my forearms move much of the time and this time also steephen through picks up four [Applause] points denata back on the track working
On that initial pass for Montreal m in The Penalty Box serving an illegal position penalty and Freight drain picks up points calls off the jam we got 45 seconds so we’ll get one more Jam in seven total up for Freight drain and black diaspora taking them to 48 so an
18-point game as we take down to the end of the first period new skids are going to have Miracle whips number one two three wearing their star and poison Violet dou 7 lineing Up 20 ft behind the Jammer line to get a good run up
Three on three in the pack as each team with a blocker serving in the Penalty Box Sprint julip for black diaspora M out for Montreal M now returning to the game Miracle whips lead Jammer lead jam and pack Advantage still for Montreal Miracle whips dip toes in
Can’t stick the line that was that was also pretty speaking of spinning and sticking lines poys and violet getting through that’s the initial pass made and we are going to go to halftime with new skids picking up four more points they have 70 team black Das as still with
48 all right we’ll take a 10ish minute break we’ll be back with the second half black dasra versus Montreal Go Oh [Applause] N hey we’re back we are welcome back to day two Hometown Throwdown news skids on the block from Montreal or have 70 points up against team black diaspora with 48 about to start the second half I’m Murray Grande I’m Scott chicken and this has been a very physical very hard-hitting very defensive oriented
Game however very low penalty counts yeah super low penalty we just looking at it 10 for Montreal nine for black diaspora nobody with more than two yeah and only a couple skaters from each team have two yeah it’s been super clean and looking at at the uh the Jammers lead
Jammer for black diper is freight train with 18 points and Miracle whips with 25 for Montreal so even the scoring is kind of spread out between for the teams it’s been uh nice and even further conversation in the middle before we get going freight train will be starting off jamming against Falcon
Punch when we get rolling there’s the swoop and Laughing Planet Penalty Box completely empty to start the second half which is the way you want it thank you for joining us on the live stream here now we start with that second half and it is Falcon Punch sprinting
Right through just like she do lead jammer for Montreal cut track going to Cocoa fry for black diaspora so that’ll thin things down falcon punch with a lot of pirouettes and now just getting stacked on there yes freight train has stashed the star got knocked to the outside
Recycling back around Falcon Punch going to the Penalty Box cut track called it’s an excellent defense on black T for Thumper especially jumping to the front to to start the Slowdown of falcon punch on that initial run through and I didn’t catch who with who
Had the run back but uh for that cut excellent work and freight train finally clears completes the initial we got a minute and five left to go in the jam four on three in the pack for black diasp freight train coming in hot leaving the same way blue butt learning again you don’t
Get in the way of the train it will roll you down so four points for freight train and black diaspora as falcon punch back out of the Penalty Box and re-engaged yeah irresistible Force met the immovable object there on this pass Montreal with that great brace three wall holding back freight train
Falcon Punch Out Of The Penalty Box through the pack scoring Four Points as does free train Great Train is a full lap ahead has eight points so far looking for the third scoring pass falcon punch on the second scoring trip cheese grater trying to provide offense for Falcon
Punch but Falcon Punch Flo out of bounds along with most of the uh pack for black tper and they all roll back freight train forced out of bounds as well did get all four two points for Falcon Punch team black d we’re chipping away at that lead now only down to 16 points
76- 60 in favor of Montreal poison Violet out to jam and along with Miracle whips on the jam on hawthorn Jammer line team black dasb with a 4-3 pack advantage yes cheese grater still serving that forearm penalty in the Laughing Planet Penalty Box but those three holding well to
Poison Violet who rears back to try again to break through the middle of that tripod Miracle whips thrown into the bleachers by 21 Blackjack not a clean hit but sure was fun to watch the crowd liked it Miracle whips cuts the track trying to go for that the Killer Burger Apex
Jump and Lee Jammer assessed to poison violot who immediately gets swallowed back into the pack and through again initial pass made on the Power Jam for team black dasas yes Grayson and M A little split apart and couldn’t hold on to poison Violet pois V this time with
Some velocity gets through Ms making giving Chase throws the hip check Grayson also has to give up as pois Violet to push too far ahead so Four Points up Miracle whips was standing but then got told to sit back down maybe serving two penalties still showing cut oh we do
Have conduct so yes there must have been a double Miracle Whip is like what are you talking about and checking in with Duncan and Duncan’s like you didn’t cut directly out the old you didn’t exit the track quickly enough trick and violet calling off the jam after scoring seven unanswered
Points and we got the uh the mirror image score there 67-76 oh if there was a skate company that had a paland dromic name that wanted to sponsor this we could make some commentary but there isn’t so we won’t we will however say this official timeout brought to you by Deb counts Tor
Welcome to PDX timeout is uh Rat City Rollers or Rose City I see I this is the problem with calling with you Murray is I immediately assume I’m in Seattle and I’m not that’s my that’s what I’m I’m blaming it all on you I’ll take it Twitter is the Rose City Rollers official
Realtor RCR there’s too many rcrs that’s my problem and it is my problem it’s a me thing it’s a good problem to have it’s you know something Triple Eight certified sweats saer developed tested and trusted by the best Miracle whips now standing in the Penalty Box freight train standing at the Jam On
Hawthorne Jammer line four on four in the pack once we get going in just a few moments here take a moment to thank a couple other sponsors shebop menopause Northwest bigs chicken and France Bakery this has become an official timeout yes not official review just a timeout referees checking with other
Referees ooh tape repair time and now we’re getting a bigly Smalls picking up a misconduct penalty as well and heading over to the Penalty Box lesser known rule but any staff must stay out of that penalty box it is for penalized skaters only all right the old someone stepped into
The Penalty Box that wasn’t allowed to step into the Penalty Box trick start with freight train at the helm and a 43 pack Advantage all right little crossover on the feed but that’s okay yeah I wanted to hear little B Le yeah why not she’s great she is is great Freight Trin just
Busting heads going through show throwing shoulders like San Hansen lariats getting lead Jam Miracle whips back on the track work on the initial pass for new skids there is a run back by low rider on freight train yes and freight train lowering the shoulder on low rider
But not able to knock him out and this time freight train is through and that is four points and now we’re down to oh and Miracle webs heading back to the Penalty Box forearm penalty oh my sits in the seat just as freight train comes
In for a second scoring pass and this is now a one-point game 7576 crowd going wild black to asper looking for their first game of the or first lead of the tournament great training down uni calls off the jam from the outside and we’s see how many has the lead by one point
7776 team black di diaspora that is your official uh hydration break as poison Violet comes back out sends Helen Back to the bench still with the Power Jam opportunity yes Miracle whb starting her third straight Jam as Jammer poison Violet trying to stretch things out Miracle whips now
Released and Miracle whips up the Inside Edge grabs lead super quick through the pack black diper quite able to close off that lane quickly enough poys and violet going left going right can’t see any daylight still working on the initial pass for team black daser Miracle whips now side steps
On the inside line for a four-point pass and the lead oh and I almost I thought that was going to be a star pass there as uh as Blackjack was sneaking up on poison Violet and cut away and now it is sort of the fakey and then the uh
Return Miracle whips gets through one more time calls off the jam and with at four we stay with uh we’re at 77 for black diper and add four to take us to 80 for Montreal and we will set team black Das keeping a tight Jammer rotation s
Freight train out again up against 1969 dinata yeah super tight two run here freight train pushing everybody forward as Montreal shedding blockers to Bridge and Bridge and Bridge and a forearm called and freight train is lead Jammer again denata stuck right at the pivot line bit of a pig pile
There and shoulder To The Ground by Yeti and then another another bump down from uh again yeti with the with the doubling up on the hits his freight train is through for four and has two to beat it’s a 33 pack at the moment and there is the initial pass completed by
Denata freight train checks the bench calls off the jam holds Montreal scoreless and freight train adds one more one on the pass five on the jam it’s down to just a couple separating these teams again 84 to 82 21 1/2 minutes remaining in regulation back out Swift Justice jamming against Falcon
Punch four three pack Advantage goes to the new skids oh Falcon Punch throwing a little offensive shoulder there knocking Swift Justice to the ground and then running up the outside to grab Lee Jammer Swift Just Just Seen A caval Cade of rotating blockers at the front there is Falcon Bunch now in scoring
Contention trying to drive right through the middle of that braced tripod yeah Queen L atifa as the uh as the brace with Blackjack and Murda holding on Thumper back out of the penalty box falc punch just steps back goes around and through for a four-point scoring pass track cut
Called on a new Skid blocker and Star Pass complete Blackjack now with the star on the helmet Falcon Punch dances dances d uh not quite able to stay in bounds rolls out but not calling off the jam quite yet blackjack in scoring contention got knocked to the inside now the out going
Back around as Falcon Punch puts up another four points yeah I think Falcon Punch going to trust the defense here for a bit and just try to continue adding to the to the uh point total all four blockers at a heavy shoulder taking Falcon Punch To The Ground Falcon Punch getting a little
Offensive assistance from artsy choke but ends up out of bounds anyway and everybody’s backing up as Blackjack also out of bounds just do a backward SK gate for a while I mean we’re going to lose an hour tonight anyway yeah what the heck wind it back keep winding keep
Winding finally everyone’s back on Falcon fud’s just gonna like shake hands with Thumper like this Jam’s almost over I’m not doing anything we just going to sit here last black jack on the other hand says I’m going to I want some points four at the last moment
Two more up for falcon punch a 10 to four Jam in favor of Montreal they now lead 9486 and a timeout called by team black diaspora this timeout brought to you by Deb counts Tor welcome to PDX Rose City’s official realtor I don’t have that down quite as well as as uh
Puns you know what Rose City has new merch head to our website and get all your RCR swag and rep your favorite teams and if you’re in Portland you come down here and you could buy a ticket and you could buy merch from all these visiting teams as well also want to
Mention uh that you can support black diaspora roller derby by making a donation get out your phones there is a QR code that hopefully is on the screen right now we can’t see the YouTube but uh presumably it’s in there you can scan that and uh they also if it’s similar to
The one that’s on the scoreboard in the venue they’ve got a venmo and a PayPal and a cash app link as well and if you’re enjoying the bout today don’t forget to tag at Rose City Rollers if you’re like what I’m doing it’s at Murray Grande if you don’t it’s at Phil
Dirt and I am at Scott Chicken on most platforms if you would like to complain about me saying Rat City instead of Rose City please feel free to weigh in it’s especially good because there I have no cell reception in this building at all so I can’t check any of my DMs
Until after everything is done Chloe David finding the outside Lane goes through nearly untouched lead Jammer already in scoring contention but just bouncing off a perfect there at the back of the pack 3381 hella naughty wearing the or in possession of the Stars team black as and trapped and shouldered out by
Blue butt right at the end just trying to get around the corner but not able to Chloe David sneaking around the inside gets around Yeti to grab Four Points perfect now at the back of the pack holding on to Khloe David as Helen continues to push against the Montreal defense chees greater on
The uh on the bridge position Yeti now moving forward to maybe offer a little offensive assist and reestablish the pack a little farther forward ah or just go grab the star sure that works too Yeti now with the star but also forced out of bounds okay
TR going to the Penalty Box for a forearm so thin and out the Montreal her just a little bit team black Jasper still is working on the initial pass which is completed right there Khloe David on his second scoring trip yeah Khloe David able to avoid Holden kield who was moving in with
Intent forre these defenses are so good so physical yes watching the Jammers trying to navigate through like reminds me of a spoon getting caught in a garbage disposal yes a lot of spinning with not much gain eight points up for Montreal on that last 10 takes them over 100 now 102
We’ve got 17 minutes to go in the game 10286 both teams sending out their big guns it’s freight train and Miracle whips [Applause] freight train looking on the outside Miracle whips at the end both were bumped freight train managed to stay in bounds two skaters now three to beat at
The front Miracle whips being caught behind from BRAC walls with some fancy footwork going out going in going through a little bit too much though track cut called on Montreal Great Train Power Jam Advantage still working on the initial pass just absolutely styed by that three wall of
Montreal Miracle wh serving the cut track penalty that is her third and finally freight train is clearly Jimmer black diaspora great footwork there spinning around just on the tippy top of the toe stops now coming around in scoring contention looking to chip away at Montreal’s lead Murda serving a forarm penalty for black
Diaspora so that takes them down to three blockers as Miracle webs back into the pack cuts through but a quick run forward by Diamond it’s a great one-onone defense at the very end of the engagement zone Great train out of the pack scores Four Points calls it
Off and we are just about halfway through the second period 12 points separating these teams now 102 Montreal 90 for team black dasbor Murda standing in the Penalty Box so almost done with that forearm falcon punch out to jam against poison Violet poison Violet starting on the jam line
What what are you doing that’s not how that works he got you got to flip it on fool you know get him get him look get him thinking get him thinking Murda out to provide some offensive assistance Falcon Punch clear but not lead Jammer
Got a no pass no penalty on that so lead oh man that was a killer Apex jump cuz it was legal did get the feet landed in bounds killerb happy to sponsor that jump four points for Montreal poyson Violet still work on the initial pass El will become lead
Jammer wisley has not pulled off the helmet cover we did see that yesterday with uh I forget which game but Jammer who who was tagged lead in that in one of those like almost out of or out of the pack but knocked down didn’t realize pulled it off two-minute
Champ meanwhile poison valid locked up as is everyone else including Falcon Punch who is out of the Penalty Box and now both teams back at full strength and Falcon Punch side straddle hopping up the line for Four Points Boys in Violet almost aome daylight been knocked to the inside
Quick recycle back round to get into legal position still working on the initial pass this is the third scoring trip for Falcon Punch 30 seconds to go in the jam poison Violet forced out of bounds again almost cutting back in but Alcatraz with an extra little run
Back Falcon Punch just got the little Boop to the outside and another run back on that back stretch poison Violet just frustrated by the closing down of that inside line and just finally looks at the clock like yeah a two-minute Jam eight points 12 points up on on the
Board as Falcon Punch able to complete three passes through and Montreal on the serious lock down on that jam that was some crazy good defense 114 to 90 freight train back on the line lineing up next to [Applause] them Dana coming back in and then slipping to the ground and Sprint julip almost
Almost like stepped on Great Train see some daylight there at the top Apex getting through she is lead Jammer Dan rolling back in Grayson trying to break things up but again black daser defense closing it down Blackjack at the front to provide some offense trying to do some defense as
Well but they Nota finally able to escape Sprint julu trying to wreck shop in the middle there open up a line for freight train newkids defense just closes the gaps as soon as they’re opened and uh Jam is called off three unanswered points for team blackt takes
Us to a 21-point game with 11 A2 minutes to go 11493 number 10 Swift Justice set to dance him against ly David number 59 for Montreal Laughing Planet Penalty Box free of penalized players like a rocket Swift Justice gets through erns lead but the new skits blockers able to uh swarm
Around yeah just just Swift Just is just enough off balance to fall down and give them that chance to catch up meanwhile black Di loses Thumper to the Penalty Box for illegal position at the back of the pack number 26 Coco fry holding back Khloe [Applause] David and perfect with the shoulder to
Take Chloe David to the ground GL David finally room on the outside that lets black diaspora move to offense and like Yeti blocking someone out of the way and grabbing Swift Justice’s Jersey to whip her around Swift Justice takes off the cover unable to call off the jam now no
I think it was knocked off cuz they’re still pointing well maybe not no I guess not we’ll see right here maybe the ref didn’t maybe the ref didn’t realize ref continued to point but uh now no yeah so this will be a full two-minute Jam only 48 seconds remaining
Swift Justice now in scoring contention Chloe David also working on a first scoring pass [Applause] black Das shedding another player to the Penalty Box that’s Coco fry for a direction penalty Khloe David finally clears collects the first four of the jam with 25 seconds to go Swift Justice trying the inside
Bumped out by KT Kaboom who then just regroups as the back end of that tripod held by Low Rider at the front Chloe David extending out the defense survives that last line of blocking gets through four on the pass eight on the jam team black diaspora
Also picking up four points so it’s 122 to 97 just under 9 minutes remaining yeah Yeti just phenomenal work holding at the front for as long as possible the Laur theater is bringing the best of classic and modern Cinema to Portland watch stuff there yeah thanks
To them for sponsoring th City and this tournament Miracle whips freight train wearing the stars and 202 goes through lead Jammer team black to aspar Black to Aspera losing Queen L atifa to the Penalty Box as Miracle whips depit to the death from bench and now Tangled Up on
Bag wow that was a long slide whs had some serious velocity going that was like a Tenacious D power slide yes great train in the Frack has scored four already coming back around for more here went on the inside line goes in gets by three out of the four so
Seven unanswered points brings team black diaspora into triple digits new kids with the lead lead still by 18 it’s 122 to 104 poison Violet jaming against denata this time Violet well back for the run up new Skid 4-3 blocker Advantage Queen L is still serving for that direction of
Gameplay penalty denada finds an opening right for turn one lead Jammer new skids that breaks a three Jam streak for black diaspora poison Violet stash The star looks to hand it off the newkids aren’t allowing the the pivot to be anywhere close Queen Luci atifa with the shoulder
To the ground and then the stand over the skater one of my favorite [Applause] moves and now Lua Queen Lua rolling back with day Yeti finally gets the Jammer cover completes the initial pass for team black diaspora and danata still fighting caught up at the back now Yeti busted on by everybody four
Point scoring pass team black diaspora and finally danata calls off the jam also adding four so a 4 to four 108 126 six we’re and we’re down ticking towards 6 minutes to go in the game winner of this takes on the axles of annihilation from Rose City in our
Fifth place game tomorrow at 1 p.m. loser will face Angel City at 11: in the morning tomorrow and a team timeout this team timeout sponsored by Deb counts Dore welcome to PDX or official Rose City Roller realtor also Secret arar the local made flavor that kicks you in the mouth I I
Just don’t think I want to get kicked in the mouth but it’s with flavor not like that’s true foot well I guess if I could have some two-town cider to wash it down with that would be good two Town cider a damn fine cider made right here in the Pacific
Northwest and I would agree it is a fine cider but if you’re not a cider person and you’re looking for something else and you can find it on the sheet you could go to Rogue ALS and Spirits world class als’s lock spirits and canned cocktails also made right here in Oregon
Thank you rogal and Spirits for sponsoring or if you’re holding Edge there’s liquid death if you know you know and if you don’t know you got to get some and then you’ll know I think is how that works all right freight train out to jam again Khloe David with the star for
Montreal four4 pack in front of them 6 minutes 3 seconds on the clock and a lot of standing around not much going on hey except for freight train getting lead Jammer that’s something that [Applause] happened chlo David just just on her back like like a some kind of metaphor yes something
Something Make Some Noise you’ll be whatever that bug it just flew past four points for freight train on an easy pass through the first time now everybody just in a giant Pile in the middle of the track Khloe David still working on the initial pass for newkids On the
Block and there is a every single blocker trying to hold freight train back she gets knocked to the inside yeah Al ALK TR with the final pressure and then everybody tumbled to the middle Lou David gets hit to the inside just about the same spot yep Blackjack
And the rest of the team on the run back illegal contact called on Murda so Murda will sit leaving no one to play offense with freight train and freight train forced out of bounds again Chloe David up the outside oh the gets the Four Points Jam called [Applause]
Off so an 8 to4 Jam in favor of black dibor now takes us 116 to 130 420 to go in the game Miracle whips back out to jam against Swift Justice Swift Justice pushing on the outside Miracle whips trying something on the Inside Edge but nothing doing and Miracle with a lot of lateral movement just now a lot of backwards movement yes and this time bumped Again by Yeti but like aen orle whips that is Miracle whs’s uh fifth penalty I
Believe yes RI justice has stashed the star so this will be a full two-minute shootout oh it’s a star pass made to Yeti who gets out completes the initial pass between team black Dias and Yeti’s all hey now I got a minute 15 that I got to do this all right let’s
Go Yeti bouncing off of uh 03 Grayson and then absorbed by the back and Grayson Returns the favor knocking mura to the ground Miracle whips back on the track going one on one with Murda aot and a pile up at the front as uh Swift Justice kind of took a tumble
And is now bridging Miracle whs finally clears to complete the initial 40 seconds to go Yeti and Mir both on a pass and cut track called on Yeti oh what a big hit on the way out Miracle Whip spins to the infield 24 seconds to go in the jam didn’t quite
Catch when when Yeti sat down so I don’t know if this penalty will end in this Jam or carry forward to the next but Yeti definitely with points in the helmet cover Four Points up for miracle whips 7 Seconds Miracle whips racing to get back to the pack black
Diaspora not racing forward Miracle whips goes Airborne did the foot land in mirle whips strongly pleading the case to the jam ref and jam ref’s like we got to wait till the jam ends before I’ll put my fingers up yes indeed four there three points for
Yeti what a killer Apex jump brought to you by Killer Burger yes Killer Burger is delicious 5 minutes to deliciousness from right here at The Hanger at a at Oaks Park Great Train jamming up against dinata black asper trying to call timeout but no one caught it so the jam
Has started with a minute 28 to go great screen there from Blackjack and freight train rolled all the way back behind the Jammer line and blackjack another hip check out yeah didn’t how it going back inbounds just about the same spot and again forced out by Blackjack
Blackjack there was a whistle yeah for penalty on Blackjack Blackjack picks up the penalty call and now oh Queen luia TAA gets the direction of play penalty called I was looking at that going I don’t think those wheels are going the right direction and indeed they weren’t lead Jammer
Finally a minute into the jam goes to danata and we got 34 seconds left left in this game on the period clock that hit was so hard I think it formed a pocket yeah that was that was a thing Four Points up for denata as
Uh the new skids not even a tripod this is more like I don’t know like they’re playing Ring Around the Rosie or something for a minute there just rotating in a circle just a blocker blender yes holding freight train in on the initial pass which is no easy feet
Not at all denata calls off the jam seeing that the game clock has reached zero man that was a tough fought really good game that was my honor to call this that was super fun good work by both teams and it’ll be interesting to see uh so
Tomorrow as the a or as Montreal has won final score 146 take on the uh axles of annihilation in our fifth and sixth place game but uh Team black diaspora will play at 11 o00 against Angel City and there is some crossover between these two teams so it’ll be interesting
To see who plays on which team all right we will now take about a 1-h hour break next up on this fine YouTube channel will be the Victorian roller derby League who one of these days I need to suggest this to them that they actually wear like Victorian era
Costumes because that would be really would be ridiculous but it would be fun to watch uh vrdl will take on arch rival in our first semi-final that will be followed at 7:30 by Rose City’s wheels of Justice see I got the league right this time against the Denver Rolla Derby
Mile high club that’s at 7:30 Murray Grande it has been a pleasure Scott chicken it has been just amazing announcing with you again I love it uh yeah two twos are out but hoop sco her skirts are yes there we go and Petty coats I want nothing but maybe some boning
All right give a high five to your screen for team black Dias taking their consolation lap and we will be back in an hour see You