I was just doing my job honestly don’t hold it very often you know you got to keep it feeling heavy am I a vlogger now am I doing a vlog I don’t think I’ve ever done a vlog before speaking directly to a camera in a more uh non-structured Studio pressurized setting is probably
Easier but um really exciting day today I was in a padded out by the US speed skating program go out there and try speed skating hopefully we’ll eat some really cool people and I will embarrass myself too much it’s pretty early for me on my standards which admittedly are not incredibly
Impressive but it’s 7 30 right now I’m not a morning person having a cup of coffee and a cliff bar not sponsored but if you have any interest slide in my DFS yeah let’s get it It’s a pleasure to meet you for the very first time pleasure to meet you too for the first time absolutely my legs already hurt so and we haven’t even started yeah I’m excited to uh get some pain in my legs for the first time in a couple weeks here so let’s go goodbye Uh Hey guys Ari here I’m a rollerblader I’m gonna challenge an Olympic skater to a 50 meter race whoever loses has to put on the other person’s case and give it a go sounds good to me oh yeah we could do 50. I’d be down for okay
Gives me more of a chance yeah it would give you more of a chance for sure once you get into skating that’s what it’s like yeah Oh God yeah so I like to thank my friends and my family for this wonderful opportunity but friends of my family yeah all right what happened uh I lost really badly I was just doing my job [Laughter] like it helps with aerodynamics I think I should
Give it a shot yeah the skin suit yeah all right we’re gonna do what we can here to uh hopefully make that Gap a little bit smaller we got a skin soup Ferrari it’s like it smells righteous time to get geared up let’s go got this
Skin suit for you where do I change I think this is uh this is about where we uh get dressed over here this is the dressing room yeah yeah that’s great news because I already took my pants off Seven hours later that’s true you could use the hood oh Wireless All right we’re gonna get Ari a little arrow Advantage here you know everything’s about science here in speed skating so we’re gonna giving away Trade Secrets no no no no everybody’s got this now oh you got a Rudy Project Arrow helmet so you know USB’s getting partnered now they help us go fast [Applause] So uh I’m on hockey skates right now dude he’s got the secret room tucks the suit over the top you guys need to take it it’s way better I have no idea who all these guys are uh but I’m gonna smoke him in a race because I’m
Kidded out now which is gonna be pretty great so that’s a lot yeah any thoughts there’s nothing that I do on Ice better than starting so I’m I’m looking forward to it come on let’s bring it oh yeah just push the kilo push the side that’s all you need to know
We’re gonna we’re gonna see how good I am at starting today Foreign Go home take the dub might be so a little unfair you know we got the speed skates so I don’t know I like to learn the skate skates they’re like certain so fresh and so clean look at those look at that edge look how smooth that is but uh yeah it has like
Adjustable um sizing so even if it doesn’t fit you can at least like make it nicer and be more comfortable whereas these skates like these are custom molded like they don’t feel the best all the time they’re for you know Max uh speed not necessarily comfort so it’s a
Little bit harder these also don’t have claps on them so it should be a little bit more stable in the ice instead of having you know one Pivot Point on your skate but uh hopefully these will give Ari a little bit more of an edge um
We’ll see we’ll see we’ll see only one way to find out oh my God how does that feel it feels as if I have like I don’t have an edge yeah that’s what I was worried about with the burst stuff yeah they’re not another t-shirt I’m definitely gonna clip she says
If I had a had a stronger Edge yeah it’d be a little bit better for sure that’s a double punch you will Freaking good for that for the first time honestly thank you you’re like already on the push instead you already you got it moving feels so weird oh my God I actually went for a couple laps there geez yeah so different uh really fun like it holds speed same time
My balls are still being choked that’s pretty it’s pretty normal some people my hair this is hard so we get two Thank you foreign take me through how you would uh like hit a corner yeah so it’s all about how same Concepts what’s up Foreign Hey guys I’m here with Austin he’s like kind of a mean guy I’m not gonna lie smoked me the first time on Hot Skates and then I um I decided to race again with hockey skates and got poked again I wouldn’t say smoke could have anyone’s game I don’t know about that
I still lost um and uh we got some speed skates on I did a couple of laps got some lessons um and we’re gonna give it another go um absolutely going to lose again no mercy but I get it let’s get it [Applause] Awesome you’re such an I try my best I got to send the honor I got it easy nice how is it on those it’s actually easier on the start oh really when we do short track it’s on fixed blades and I blow chunks doing like all that stuff like it’s actually like
Insane that you cannot you’re keeping it like on the flats and picking it up right how did he do or what you’re working with he was a good student I feel like I never say anything nice about anybody but he did a pretty good job thanks buddy oh yeah yeah
That’s it I think the US speed hitting program for end of hiding you out here it’s been a pretty crazy experience for sure thank you so much for having me out here uh I wanna speed skate more this is super fun come out man we kind of like
Having you here it’s like all right but uh yeah I understand I’m a little annoying so yeah yeah yeah it’s just the newest thanks for coming out man it was nice uh stay with you nice seeing you actually uh rape it today man that was freaking that was nice dude I mean
Better honestly honestly better than I thought You’re Gonna Be by a a barge murder if you who have any interest in getting evolved in speed skating and any capacity check on the link below dude yeah I have no idea what I’m doing that already oh my God are you kidding me it doesn’t
Matter I couldn’t hear what you’re saying from the way over there are you kidding yeah we’ve got a song for you we are skating we are skating [Applause] Yes Foreign