Huh who is that is Mr Wy the jelly juggler oh wof woof and it says he’s coming here next week once next week is that long well douggy has his days of the week badge and knows that a week is made up of seven days so today is is Monday then tomorrow
Is Tuesday followed by Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday and Sunday and what day is Mr wobbly coming a wolf he’s coming the Monday after that that’s ages no it’ll fly by all sorts of fun things happen in a week like what oh on Mondays douggy gets everything
Just right for the first first day of squirrle [Applause] Club really LS his Monday mornings oh I like Mondays too because I’m allowed to take the register duy wo tick happy tick nor but you know I’m here Betty Lor tick tag tick Ry Ry are you here Ry uh yes and Tick happy do you want to play no uh is Happy okay there’s something different about him look his eyebrows are pointing down his mouth is the wrong way around and he’s wearing new sneakersy a w w happy isn’t happy is anything the matter happy it’s I
Can’t oh I don’t know oh yes it seems like happy is feeling some feelings at the moment what’s that a feeling is what you have when something happens for example when you see something funny and laugh that’s a feeling when something confuses you that’s a feeling when you smile at something
Sweet oh that’s a feeling too what are you feeling happy I don’t know luckily douge has his feelings badge and he finds that these simple cards can help shall we give it a go fine oh woof woof this feeling is called Joy when you’re really happy it feels like your smile lights up
The room your heart is so full it could almost burst and you feel light and shiny like a star ooh I had that feeling when I waved to the bus driver hello hello and she waved back Hello huh what’s that sound it’s beautiful this music makes me feel like I’m floating like I have wings like I’m glowing like I can see Everything what was it that a wolf was Doug’s choir squirrel Valley voices what’s a choir it’s a group of voices all singing together in Perfect Harmony I want to hear them again well you’re in luck they’ll be performing today at the Woodland Music Festival huh douge the the devastating news half
The choir is out wolf because they went to Tino’s esoteric dining club who’d like to try my Blane Subterranean tartar me it was a poor decision this morning was not pretty we can’t perform with half a choir what about us huh we can be in your choir really well douggy could
Teach them he does have his choir badge W Oh this is what’s left of our choir douy we’ve got our bases the low voices The Sopranos the High voices the alos and tenners in the middle La huh did you hear that yeah what is it let’s ask dougy he’ll Know MH we heard a strange noise it went more Like most peculiar but we can work out what it is because douge has his listening badge a wof woof woof you see when a sound is made it makes the air wobble these wobbles are called sound waves and some of them go into your ear and up to your brain which
Will tell you what the sound is the louder the sound but the bigger the sound waves but what if we don’t know the sound then you listen for different qualities in the sound like w how loud the sound is a w or how quiet or whether the sound is
Grumbly bubbly W hi woof or low what’s that wonderful story is about very wise animals what’s wise being wise means knowing things like Captain Bumble this is the altimeter sharing optimal height the air speed indicator looking good T coordinator bang on 30° oh yes but wisdom isn’t just facts
And figures you can know a lot and this flashing light is the fuel G and but not be very wise it comes from experience and good judgment doggy could show us how to be wise he’s probably got oh his wisdom badge you see you already have a bit of
Wisdom can we have more yes if you have more experiences you might find some more wisdom yay experiences now what was happening in your book douy a ah the story of the weasel and the Rhino one morning a little Rhino went out to play first he met a weasel woohoo
What are you doing asked the little Rhino playing yippe W then he met a raccoon what are you doing eating breakfast said raccoon wouldn’t you like to play yes but after I eat I’ll have enough energy to play all day little Rhino was hungry woohoo but also wanted
To play it was hard to choose but finally decided to have a bowl of porridge yummy and then go back out to play it wasn’t long before weasel was very tired no energy while the others still had lots y because they had planned ahead how wise
Wolof where a wof woof yes she must be having a tricky commute what’s a commute well dugey can explain he has his commuting badge a w woof a commute is a journey you take from home to where you learn work or play o for example douge commutes to the clubhouse on
Foot douggy isn’t it time For and you all have different ways of commuting I commute by submarine Betty isn’t it time for Duy we go Underwater it’s busy so there’s always loads to see he hey Dy what about you tag I Comm mute by bus tag isn’t it time for Doggy we get on and say hello to the driver hello driver hello the bus takes you where you need to go it stops to let you on ribit and stops to let you off when you ring the bell that’s my favorite fet yay ooh how about this one
Yeah I love squ hello squirrels I wonder what douy has planned for you today yay huh uh ducky what why are you sitting on that bow that’s not what a ball is for a woof woof woof that’s right douggy a bull can be good for sitting on it helps improve your posture
And strengthen your core but Bulls are for kicking throwing uh catching and that’s it hence the reason I prefer squares then it’s just as well dugee has a wolf his ball BGE because he knows there are lots of different things you can do with one like a woof bounce it and you
Can WL let kick it throw it catch it may I certainly bit I still prefer squares uh okay hey dou what’s that smell douge is making his yearly batch of blueberry jam o woof and it’s nearly ready mhm oh that is good news huh what news news is something that has happened that
Everyone should know about you can be told about it hey have you heard the news about ducky no you can read about it oo local squirrel Club leader you can hear it has along with many other badges or you can watch it being awarded the prestigious oh woof news badge douy Jam
Is news we need to tell everyone about it [Applause] yay it’s time for the news with me Nori and me now what did you want to tell everyone about oh yeah me Justin douge has made some new blueberry jam over to Betty for a full report I’m here in the
Kitchen with douy he’s made some new jam maybe ask an interesting question about the jam okay is it nice or horrible he says it’s not bad new just in Doug’s Jam is not bad hello squir what are you doing we’re looking at n’s new bike ride it I can’t why because you
Have to pedal and balance and steer and braak it’s too difficult don’t worry Dory even dougy finds things difficult really yes he got skateboard very well he’s yet to make a successful bone marrow sufle and he’s been trying to speak cat for years you see everyone has something
They find difficult yeah I can’t tie my laces mom done them a I can’t click my fingers I can’t swing this one doesn’t work this one doese I can also do a handstand use chopsticks blow my nose do Algebra bleed a radiator and I can even wink see that’s not winking that’s
Blinking what well it sounds like you all need some help a luckily douge has his difficult badge W it’s important to remember that if you don’t succeed try again you’re right I’m okay when you’re in the cinema it’s important to oh stay quiet okay a don’t fidget or kick the
Seat in front of you no woof woof and finally does anyone need the toilet no well enjoy the movie wow this TV is so big almost as big as my cousin Eric’s ooh it’s going dark oh woof woof yes because the film is about to start I need the toilet oh
Wolf ah just in time enjoy the taste of nature at the nature restaurant 5 minutes walk from The acon Exchange Cinema takeaway service available enjoy your meal that film was short oh W it was just an advert bety oh this winter brings a film to warm the heart when two riters normally brilliant
With words can’t find the right ones oh after you no no uh uh off to you when it really counts ah oh gosh my fault oh uh sorry um uh I I I just say it already coming soon I loved that film oh W it wasn’t the film no it was a trailer
Telling us about a film that’s on soon oh I’m awake it’s too early happy go back to sleep a You’re listening to physics FM it’s precisely 68.9 de fhe outside and here’s a morning Melody for all you musicologist out there morning tag so Bright wake up wake up wake up yeah morning douggy what are we getting ready for today then woof woof ooh a big walk that sounds nice you’ll need lots of energy for it w so Dad for breakfast I’m having blueberries for vitamin C te fish for omega3 toast to slow release
Carbohydrates one boiled egg for protein and water to keep meat hydrated so what are you having for breakfast dad coffee time to get up relly relly rly [Applause] rolly wakey wakey rly splash splash puy stop playing with your food [Laughter] Splash breakfast ready Ry breakfast ah breakfast the most
Important meal of the day oh W hello squirrels what are you doing we’re having some fruit yeah I’m eating an apple Apple there’s a spot on it I’m not a spot huh I’m a fruit fly wow you’re tiny am I yeah well I don’t feel tiny there’s
Lots of things smaller than me like what doggy can tell you because he has his size badge oh W wof you see things come in lots of different sizes off from the very very big oh to the very very small but I’m not the smallest no the smallest things in the world are
Atoms tiny pieces of matter oh where are they oh wo everywhere I can’t see any they’re invisible to us because they’re so small oh but when they join together they make molecules are they massive no just a little bigger but they can join up to make cells which is what all
Living things are made of starting with me what are you I’m a amiba one of the smallest living organisms are you smaller than fruit fly yes I mean smaller s dust next it’s me a dustmite who in turn is smaller than a grain of sand then me I told you
I’m not the smallest for this experiment we’ll need a coffee filter some colorful marker pens a plate and some water o oo First We Take a coffee filter and put it flat on the plate then we take a marker and draw a circle somewhere around the middle you can add extra
Circles if you want but make sure they’re not too close together now we add a few few drops of water to the middle of the filter and Watch What Happens the colors are moving and changing that’s called chromatography the water moves through the ink and separates it into different
Colors then you can tape them to a stick or straw wow pretty flowers wo hey Doug what are we doing today well douge has written a list of all all the things we’re going to do wof woof but now you can’t find it uh W what’s the
List a list is all the things you need to do written down onto a bit of paper like what um like things you need to do around the house we’ll start with topping up the M done next Oil the pot Callis done and point the battlements done
In oh wolf wolof yes sty some lists are of things you want to do in the future I want to fly with eagles run a desert Marathon woohoo this is easy win gold at the hord world championship just have to learn how to play first yeah I’ll start tomorrow and
Some lists can be simply instructions Step One open box step two build quantum computer huh and shopping lists can help you remember what you need what are we getting again four large carrots 10 baby carrots two Redland carrots a bag of nobly carrots a Wango giant carrot a dozen purple
Carrots whatever chanton carrots they have and carrot soup and a register is a list of who’s there Buck the Barbarian here sorber the noble Annihilator present wand the waywood warrior W anyone seen wonder [Applause] Attendence wow Squires what was that our song We Made It Up with st SM was it good ducky oh oh you’re so lucky you saw us I wish we could see us pleas day well squiddles if you make a music video you can see yourselves uh what’s a music
Video it’s a film for your song that everybody can watch it can be a recording of a live Performance wo so much energy or it can tell a story wo wo wo wo wo W so powerful or it can be Artistic pretty can you help us make a music video of course because douge has his music video badge y now let’s think about what we want in our music video I want to have dancing in it I want it to have laser lights I want to see great costumes I want it to
Have a narrative that reflects the complexities of Modern Life and Tedy in the puzzling pool wearing face paint eating Donuts watermelons and roller skating back flips triangles wind machine bons dinosaurs glitter gloves clouds and dolphins W who turn is it now I don’t know why whatever’s the matter Squirtles we don’t have any
Energy a wof woof a woof woof woof wof woof wof woof wof woof you’re right douy moving will give you more energy but I don’t feel like moving oh W you’ll feel better when you do douge should know he has his exercise bad W yes let’s warm up those bustles
With a little run first first come on squirrels let’s go woof woof yes get those arms pumping squiddles higher faster let’s see a bit of effort This Is The Life Duggy healthy body healthy mind hello squirrels hello King Tiger what are you doing why I’m working out on my sports
Throne I can do all sorts of exercises on the slipper clap lovely why don’t you try slipper Clap The Royal wave Royal wave then I nod with satisfaction at the world and my place in it not in satisfaction quite the workout eh time for a gentle jog back to the Palace
That was fun yes now back to our Exercises enjoying a quiet read douggy blueberry juice a wolf oh don’t spill your drink Roy I won’t cookies do watch out for crumbs Nori oh do be careful with those bet water don’t forget to turn the tap off happy oh and don’t borrow someone’s clothes without asking tag I’m not tag I’m
Dogey huh doggies right squiddles you need to think more carefully about what you’re doing why well for a start tag wearing someone else’s clothes aolf might leave them with very little to wear themselves oh oh yeah those trousers are a bit tight also someone might slip on the juice you spiled R sorry Enid and crumbs can attract a wolf and welcome guests norn best Crum party ever also felt tips can be very hard to get off Betty now you tell me and leaving the tapon wasts water happy ribit oh no I forgot maybe it’s time for some
Clubhouse dos and don’ts what are dos and don’ts dougy they’re a bit like rules a wolf dugey can explain because he has huh wolf it’s here his D and do b a w w wof w w hello squirrels what are you doing we’re watching the birds birds love flying don’t they Dy
Off but is that all they do oh wof woof oh no happy birds do a lot more than that oh woof some birds like penguins can slide slide slide w w woof woof and some birds like ules can run really fast wof and kiwi birds lay huge eggs almost as big as
Themselves how do you know all this douge because dugee has his nature badge o can we own one too of course you just need to explore nature W but there are five important rules one watch carefully two but not a distance three don’t interfere even though you’d like to four be patient
And alert huh or you might miss something and five stay quiet with these rules in mind you’ll be ready to explore nature squirrels W hello squirrels what are you doing where hungry Dy Dy we’re hungry woof woof woof Yes sounds like you need something to eat but what well luckily Doug’s been
Reading his recipe book The Clubhouse kitchen Tasty Bites for Hungry squirrel but what is a recipe a recipe tells you how to cook food what food well you can decide squirtel oh woof maybe the hedgley bakery recipe inspired by me a nut roast topped with carrot spikes and
Leafy trimmings slowly cooked over four hours 4 hours that’s ages I like to take things slow maybe something quicker then like cheetah toast made with hummus and raisins fastest recipe in the world don’t you know eh raisins get stuck in my teeth well what about a veggie bee an
Amused Bush of finely cut carrots and black olives I think I need something bigger we we that recipe is a b m they might need something more substantial a wolf then how about crab or Nigel look they’re talking about us is it made out of real crap oh wolf wolf no it’s just
Made of fruit to look like a crab well that’s a relief but we don’t know how to do a recipe don’t worry dogey can help you because he has his recipe badge yay why don’t you try using your imagination what’s our imagination it’s when you use your mind
To pretend to do or be anything you want that’s sounds hard don’t worry doggy can show you he has his imagination mge oh first close your eyes Okay welcome to the inside of your imagination observe how douy imagines he’s a dancer now a horse or even a flower anything you can think
Of wow why don’t you try squiddles I’m imagining a banana you aren’t imagining that Roy you do have a banana oh a we can’t think of anything doggy oh w w yes think of something you’d really like to be I’d really like to be a rockstar now imagine something you’d
Really like to do I really want to explore outer space you can be anything at all you don’t need to be yourself oh water you can imagine that something you have is actually something Else there’s no limit really go for it [Applause] wow I have red trousers um yes good start squiddles now try imagining some more just time for one more thing chy