Elon Musk has declared war on Media Matters why well according to musk and employees at X formerly Twitter Media Matters falsely created a circumstance in which they could make it appear ads were appearing on extremist content to then pressure advertisers to jump ship from the platform and that boycott is
Picking up steam for this Elon Musk plans a massive lawsuit now many of you may be saying I don’t know what Media Matters is well Media Matters is a crackpot conspiracy website that just falsely frames people’s opinions they falsely frame news stories to try and create an activist bent against their
Political opponents give you a really simple example of what Media Matters is I was at an event called politicon I I think it was politicon this is a while ago and uh I think this failed by the way but it was a political convention that brought together everybody to have
Conversations the uh guy who started Media Matters I think it I can’t remember his name was up on stage and he was answering questions and he was talking about how they’re just trying to correct misinformation from the right in fact one of the writers for Media Matters had gone on a Twitter tiid
Claiming that birds pooped on me and other stupid nonsense which made no sense no that’s what Media Matters is a far-left activist organization that lies and pushes conspiracy theories in order to get their political opponents deplatformed in recent times they’ve written a ton about Tim cast and anybody
Who actually watches the show and looks at these articles will know most most of these are falsely framed and taken out of context now to be fair often they just quote the show and I really don’t care when they do if I say something
Fine I said it but now we are seeing a massive lawsuit and ladies and gentlemen Tim cast has announced we are going to war alongside Elon Musk now what does that mean many individuals have announced a pledge to advertise on X to try and help push back against the fake
Boycott that doesn’t mean we’re going to be able to actually stem the bleed of these these massive advertising uh companies these massive companies advertising leaving the platform I mean they’re losing a lot of money but starting with the Babylon B and Seth Dylan Seth Dylan pledged $250,000 in an ad campaign on X
Following this timcast I went on Twitter and announced we will do the exact same now hopefully we actually spend substantially more than that and I can break this down but we’ll get into that portion in a second following this many other prominent personalities pledged several thousand tens of thousand and
Andrew Tate pledged $1 million per month will this alleviate the massive boycott being seen by Elon Musk no but I think we must stand up for a platform that we believe in and I want you all to understand why this one matters to me so much it is only because of Elon musk’s
Actions and I I want to stress this Elon Musk personally personally aided me okay what I mean to say is his actions assisted me personally this is not even this is not even I agree with free speech and Elon mus Saed Free Speech no the Twitter files release proved that
The government was colluding with big Tech and then following what we saw with the weaponization committee’s release of the Sens the censorship industrial complex art documents we learned that I was personally targeted by the government a large component of this Revelation comes from Elon musk’s efforts in taking over Twitter
Converting it to acts and releasing this and for this I will be eternally grateful and for this I will stand by someone who’s taken great personal risk to themselves to not only defend freedom of speech despite several criticisms for sure but look I can’t deny it I have personally personally benefited from the
Actions of Elon Musk and you know what it’s I’m going to put my money where my mouth is now in the event lawsuits are filed against the EIP election Integrity partnership and the US government for their illegal and unconstitutional collusion Tim Cass stands ready and
Waiting to figure out uh to to join any potential legal actions I hope everybody knows that we’ll see how that plays out as for joining this war we will pledge that money on X which I’ll break down in a second why it’s it’s a it’s a no-brainer a
No-brainer but should Elon mus expand should he file a larger lawsuit I will tell you this we stand ready and waiting to file any Amicus brief in support of Elon musk’s lawsuit against Media Matters for their lies defamation slander liable Etc but let’s read the news and we’ll break down where this is
Going and exactly what Media Matters is accused of doing in fact an AG I believe it’s Missouri is now investigating criminal charges because what Elon Musk is alleging as as well as the staff at X is that Media Matters essentially fabricated false information to trick advertisers that is a civil violation
Torous interference as well as criminal fraud this is work it’s interesting from Politico musk threatens thermonuclear lawsuit as add boycott gathers Pace let me just uh let me pull up let me see uh uh I have the Tweet here from Elon Musk he says the Split Second Court opens on
Monday excorp will be filing a thermonuclear lawsuit against Media Matters and all those who colluded in this fraudulent attack on our company all right well first here’s what’s happening and then I’ll break down why Elon Musk is going to war what makes the ex Advertiser Revolt different from
Other boycotts now not the first time we’ve seen this you may remember the adpocalypse on YouTube several years ago for which they were many news organizations fearing competition on the likes of me and many others started waging lie Camp false information campaigns in order to terrify advertisers now YouTube made the mistake
Of bending the knee and Elon has another option here that I hope he considers back in the day a bunch of ads like Toyota was being served I’m just I’m saying Toyota as an example I don’t know if they literally served Toyota ads but big companies had their ads running
Across all sorts of content some of it was very politically I don’t know pointed anti-immigration anti-lgbtq whatever news organizations then said look at this the ad served on a video that was anti- this or whatever and YouTube said we’re going to pause advertising on a bunch of channels they
Basically shut everything down for a little bit big companies were Furious they were like why are ads appearing on nasty stuff YouTube then created a system by which advertisers could say don’t put my ads on content we don’t like now it’s manipulative and it shocked the whole system what we’re
Dealing with now is something basically the exact same thing here’s what we’re seeing as of the 18th and this is I believe it has expanded apple and IBM uh Lionsgate Disney Comcast NBC Paramount Warner Brothers Discovery and other firms paused their marketing this is a substantial amount of money and it
Comes after Media Matters published a report on Thursday that highlighted Apple IBM Amazon and Oracle is among those whose ads were shown next to far right posts let me just tell you my view on this very simply if uh there’s a Coca-Cola ad in downtown Chicago and a guy stands in
Front of it and waves a picture of an aborted fetus is Coca-Cola going to go to The Advertiser and say guys you owe me money because a man stood here waving the sign no of course not so how is it that these people are acting like it’s a
Shock that because there was a post on X and someone received an ad at the same time you see this is work it’s weird with YouTube the YouTube appocalypse it was kind of interesting a video would be titled you know immigration bad and before the video played there’d be an
Advertisement okay that ad is appearing in front of this video sure on X the way it works is ADS appear in your feed right so if someone posts something and then the next post is something else there’s no way an endorsement from anyone the White House has actually
Issued a statement criticizing Elon Musk make no mistake we know what this is the US government is upset they’ve lost control of the narrative machine they are attacking Elon Musk leftist nonprofits establishment nonprofits are doing the same thing they are functioning as an arm of the government
And outside of the lawsuit I hope Matt Gates Jim Jordan and everyone else investigate Media Matters for government collusion if you think the election Integrity partnership was bad how much do you want to bet that Media Matters employees have interacted with the government in terms of who to censor and
Target and I’d be willing to bet what we’re seeing now has government overlap in violation of the Constitution Elon Musk says stand with X to to protect free speech in a post on the 18th with 50 m million views Elon Musk says this week Media Matters for America posted a story that completely
Misrepresent misrepresented the real user experience on X in another attempt to undermine freedom of speech and mislead advertisers above everything including including profit X Works to protect the Public’s right to free speech but for speech to be truly free we must also have the freedom to see and
Hear things that some people may consider objectionable we believe that everyone has the right to make up their own minds about what to read watch or listen to because that is the power of freedom of speech despite our clear and consistent position accessing a number of attacks from activist groups like
Media Matters and Legacy Media Outlets who seek to undermine freedom of expression on our platform because they perceive it as a threat to their ideological narrative and those of their financial supporters these groups Tred to use their influence to attack our revenue streams by deceiving advertisers
On X here are the facts Elon Musk says to manipulate the public advertisers Media Matters created an alternate account and curated the posts and advertising appearing on the account’s timeline to misinform advertisers about the placement of their posts these contrived experiences could be applied to any platform once they curated their feed
They repeatedly refreshed their timelines to find a rare instance of ads serving next to content they chose to follow our logs indicate that they forced a scenario resulting in 13 times the number of ads served compared to the median ad served to an xuser of the 5.5
Billion ad Impressions on X that day less than 50 total Impressions were served against all of the organic content featured in the Media Matters article for one brand showcasing the article one of its ads ran adjacent to a post two times and that ad was seen in this in the setting
By only two users one of which was the author of The Media Matters article for another brand showcased in the article two of its ads served adjacent to two posts three times and that ad was only seen in that setting by one user the author of The Media Matters article full
Stop what does this mean employees of media matters according to Elon Musk signed up for Twitter with a dummy account intentionally followed extremist accounts and then spammed the re re refresh button until finally the system ran an advertisement that advertisement was beneath a post not on the post and
They said aha we got you but guess what of course Things fall through the cracks but Elon Musk system on X prevents this 99.9% of the time eventually you will see an advertisement appear but appearing beneath content someone chose to follow is different from content being served with you see how they’re
Lying and manipulating it Media Matters article also highlights nine posts they believe should not be allowed to next upon evaluation only one of the nine organic posts would have violated our content policies and we’ve taken action under our freedom of speech not reach enforcement approach here’s a summary
Acts will protect the Public’s right to free expression we will not allow agenda-driven activists or even our own profits to deter our vision everyone has a choice on X User and brand control on X is superior than a year ago data wins over allegations Media Matters does not
Reflect the user experience on X as we’ve seen in some parts of the world when free expression is taken away it is very dangerous and hard to get back that’s why people who came before us fought hard to protect it with or without freedom of speech we lose the
Checks and balances critical to a thriving democracy if you’re really in protecting Free Speech then we need to protect it completely stand with X to protect Free Speech well something quite incredible happened and the first thing I want to do is well we’ll just we’ll just jump here Alx on Twitter says
Update companies and individuals pledging ad spends on X in support of free speech in the wake of the misleading Media Matters hitpiece cobrate 1 million per month Babylon B 250 250k timcast 250k TWC Health 150,000 per month look at that wow that’s absolutely incredible Betty Johnson 50,000 censored.tv 40 quartering
The quartering 25,000 Keith gross Florida 20,000 Hodge twins 15,000 per month dut operator 10K eler 2500 and prageru will continue their advertising spend heavily Benny show timcast join the Babylon B in pledging X ads to uh buys to fight cancel culture let me start in the beginning I see this tweet The
Babylon Beast Seth Dylan says we’re going to spend 250k on X in advertisement admittedly it’s not as much as these big companies I mean they’re pulling out millions of dollars per quarter 250k we’ll do what we can but Seth Dylan said this number while low combined with everyone else joining in
Could be substantial and he’s correct the first thing I want to point out timcast has already launched an ed campaign to the tune of $50,000 for our documentary infringed on X admittedly I think we’re having weird issues with advertising on X so we’ve already already announced we will spend and this
Is before this 50k and why that’s for you that’s for gun rights that’s for the Second Amendment the infringed documentary on timcast no better place to to advertise then on X why X is a very political platform and what do we want to do we want people to watch a
Documentary about gun rights and gun culture called infringed where else am I going to advertise it now we did advertise on Facebook and YouTube compar comparable amounts we’ve spent so far I think around 40K on YouTube advertising this documentary many people have seen the ads watch infringed on timcast.net
The Twitter ad is currently in a weird place admittedly we I even tried launching another ad for it with another 50k and something weird is going on with Twitter ads but I want to make sure I’m totally transparent on what we’re doing the the we will we absolutely will maybe
Have to reach out to someone at X to help us figure this one out but with YouTube it’s fairly easy we’ve done YouTube ad spend before now why do we buy the ads on X for infringed well before this political attack on the platform I knew there are a lot of
People who follow me on Twitter one point 9 million almost like 1, 880,000 people are following me on Twitter and I guarantee you all of them are not members at timcast.net timcast.net to become members of timcast.net per montho I wish I wish my friends or 1.8 million per month on top
Of our Revenue already would be massive if we even got 5% half that let’s say 95,000 people we’re talking 950k per month on top of our already our ad Revenue already so I know if I I’ve got to do what I believe in and what I believe in is is second
Amendment I believe in the right to keep in bear arms I believe in individuality personal responsibility I believe in winning a culture war and producing content I believe in making a good product something that’s entertaining all of these things matter and now we have to get that in front of people so
They sign up at timcast.net the future it’ll be daily wire it will be tenet media it will be timcast a lot of people are saying I don’t know what tenet is tenet’s new and the culture War show our show Friday mornings at tenant media and this is the point maybe we’ll
Have a bunch of physical locations we’re building these coffee shops we need members for that a small amount of our subscribers who become members at timcast.net 8,300 people sign up at 10 bucks a month 8,300 how many subscribers does this channel have 1.21 million subscribers 8,300 people if they signed up at
Timcast.net a million bucks if 10,000 people who subscribe to this channel signed up think about what we could do so this is why when I see this battle begin it’s a no-brainer dude I got almost 2 million followers on X okay so when we’re like we made this documentary
We want people to subscribe to become members at timcast.net documentary we’re we’re pulling in 100K per month duh 10 bucks a month times 10,000 100,000 per month 1.2 million per year don’t forget there’s taxes you got to pay a lot of those and it takes a lot of the money away so when
They attack X and try to destroy this platform which we use as a vehicle to try and build memberships where I have 2 million followers I’m like this canot not only did Elon musk’s efforts personally benefit me providing evidence of a government collusion against me personally aside from that it’s a
Platform that we we engage with and we and we use and we like so here’s what I see $250,000 no brainer man because I’m not giving Elon Musk the money I’m advertising my company it’s really really simple first let’s just lay it all on the table I’m
Going to give you the 100% transparency when I announce along with Seth Dylan I’m not going to speak to anybody others Mo anyone else’s motivations whatever you can be purist you can believe in all the Purity you want let me just be as transparent as I can be Seth Dylan
Announces they’re going to spend 250k on Twitter and I say Bravo man wow I wish I came up with that idea and then I thought this this dude is calling on us to join in the fight and while obviously we’re we’re we’re sort of an activist
Company we have goals in the content we produce political and cultural goals the first thing I’m thinking like understand this we just spent 50 we we we just created a $50,000 campaign I I I don’t know what’s going on with it but it’s run its course so I guess I’m waiting
For the bill like I said we need help with ads on X we launched a $50,000 campaign the the Tweet is pinned to my profile watch infringed here’s the link we want you who who follow me to become members at timcast.net this empowers us and expands our operation
Substantially and allows us to make more documentaries about like gun rights I love it when people comment saying this ad campaign is exactly why I’m a member right it’s not just about getting the entertainment we have a mission and that mission is individuality personal responsibility the vision of the
Founding fathers etc etc so I I think two things first we already want to advertise on X it’s an excellent opportunity for our mission and for our company now here’s what I see if I announce that I’m joining The Babylon B in spending 250k that tweet in and of itself got 6.6
Uh 6,600 retweets it is an advertisement by announcing I’m going to advertise I have just advertised and shown people we will put our money where our mouth is it is brilliant business why aside from the fact that when we spend 250k those ad Impressions will benefit the company I
Just I just cut cut the cost of that ad campaign in half by announcing the ad campaign the announcement for for me for Seth Dylan for the quartering for TWC health for Andrew Tate these are advertisements in and of themselves people are going to say I’m on board now
This is an excellent move so I’m looking at mathematically if I can get for the cost of uh if if I’m going to spend $50,000 on x amount of Impressions if I launch this campaign during this controversy we will double our viewership with Organic reach and
It’ll make the ad runs even cheaper get it I’m just saying full transparency joining in the fry is good business aside from the fact we we agree with it ideologically now let’s talk about what this means Lance from the Surfs starts he he reposts me and he’s like these
People are pissing on a forest fire my dude he’s like they’re giving they’re giving the world richest man money my dude I’m buying ads okay when I spend 250k on ads on X all we need to do is sign up if we sign up 25,000 members in that ad Campaign which
We’re going to get tens of millions of Impressions 25,000 we’ve covered the cost of the ads in a single month let’s be real I say I want to spend $250,000 okay let’s say of uh of that ad spend and the millions of Impressions all we get 2,500 new members it’s low right how
Many Twitter accounts have 2,500 followers quite a bit guess what in 10 months we’ve paid for the ad campaign yeah so if one user signs up at 10 bucks a month and we sign up 2,500 all right that’s $225,000 per month and let’s say they stay signed up
For 10 months cuz it’s just 10 bucks we’ve covered covered the cost of the ads I am not giving Elon Musk anything I am building my company and we are putting our money where our mouth is and selling buying ads like we’re we’re buying commercials dude Elon we’re not giving he’s giving us
Stuff but I will add I will add this y’all should sign up for for Twitter blue check verified premium or premium plus you really really should timcast news does have a premium business membership because once again it’s part of our marketing budget it benefits us we’re not giving Elon anything we are
Going to Elon and saying okay if I give you x amount of dollars I want this in return and it has benefited us so let’s be real about what’s going on baby these advertisers can pull out sure we will buy ads because it helps us now Andrew
Tate said he’s going to advertise X on x quite literally giving Elon a million dollars to promote his own platform okay I that one’s I think you’d be better off buying commercial on TV or other platforms to advertise x with a million bucks a month you can do an
Insane amount when Tucker Carlson was on Fox news with the biggest Prime Time show he charged around $112,000 for a 30 second commercial on his on his show Fox News did I imagine for Jesse Waters currently in a slot substantially less for a few thousand dollars you can buy
TV commercials yeah and and and others across the platform so I tell you what my friends it may seem simply that Tim cast and Benny Johns and Andrew Tate and all these others are joining the fry joining the fry and saying we’re going to stand with Elon we are but let’s be
Real we’re buying stuff you know what I mean it’s like I’m going to support a company by buying their product I’m going to support cast brew coffee let let me put it this way this is why we’re winning you see that guy in Argentina Javier he just won good signs to come
I’m going to talk about that one in the next segment we are winning my friends we are and there’s a lot of people who for some reason just don’t want to wait a minute but we’re winning I’ll tell you why cast Brew Coffee we’re generating six figures a
Month in in Revenue I’m not saying profit Revenue six figures the company just launched a few months ago and instantly we have a hard product to consumable with you know premium quality I got to be honest like we formulated this coffee at cast brew.com you can buy
It there because we wanted good coffee but it’s for our coffee shops we’re not trying to you know every body’s got a coffee brand I’m not trying to just do an online coffee store we want to do physical locations coffee shops are the easiest thing to do I drink coffee in
The morning it’s it really was the easiest way to get started we wanted to do energy drinks and protein and things like this much much much harder the fastest way to getting physical locations where y’all can hang out that we can build and make ubiquitous coffee seriously burgers are hard coffee is
Easy but guess what when you buy cast Brew Coffee you’re not giving money away you’re getting coffee like you are buying a bag of coffee that’s it this is the beauty of why we are winning this is the beauty of the parallel economy I am not asking you for a
Handout I’m asking you to buy a bag of coffee and you get coffee for your money and guess what we use that coffee towards our business’s ideological ends that is to say we’re going to do exactly what Disney does we’re going to do exactly what these woke corporations do
That’s right budlight wants to hire Dylan mulany to $180,000 for an campaign how insane is that we’re going to do the exact same thing no question we’ve got some plans yall are going to love it we’re going to do the same thing we’re going to play that game we are
Going to do ads that are beneficial to our world viw the vision of the the founding fathers things that benefit the working class in this country and oppose the woke cultist agenda their crackpot views how many times have I said crackpot so far today three So when you buy a product from us
When you download Public Square the app which shows you a list and a map of all the businesses that share your values that’s activism right there I don’t need you to give me money in hopes that you you you’ll be donating to a nonprofit that may fight for your cause I used to
Do that for a living I used to go on the street and say hey man you want to help save the rainforest give me $10 and cross your fingers we used to joke that we were selling hopes and dreams on the streets quite literally taking money for
Nothing but a good feeling let me tell you what you want a good feeling right now become a member at timcast.net timcast.net when you become a member at timcast.net I say if you give me $10 we will fight for you I’m saying if you give me $10 you get a whole bunch of
Awesome stuff you know as an aside trust me we’re going to win this culture War and the money is being used towards these ends we had a great time the other night skating hiring pro skateboarders expanding this calling out the woke people who are trying to take over major
Sports over video games it’s all part of the plan maybe what we should do what we should do is do a a some kind of launch maybe we’ll do this we are we are investing a million dollars into a skate facility sporting facility it’s going to be all action sports for entertainment
Content and to to to this is going to be amazing pro skateboarders pro scooters pro pro BMX roller blades all that stuff we want to inspire young people and we want to take back Action Sports we’ve seen the success of people pushing back in comics in video games Action Sports
Is next and we’re right there follow me on Instagram at timcast I’ve been posting more skate clips than I’ve ever posted in my life and I’ll tell you why I hate filming skateboarding I’ve been skateboarding for 20 25 years almost I got my my fair share of Tricks I’ve got
My nbds never been DS and I never film because I don’t care skateboarding for me was never about a career or proving myself I filmed some stuff sometimes but then the woke people tried to D destroy the industry and they’ve been taking over just like with video games just
Like with comic books just like with movies and I said you know what we’re taking it back so I started posting clips of prole Maneuvers on a skateboard I just posted one of one of the most difficult trips tricks I can do and you you you may not know anything about
Skateboarding but it’s a hang 10 hard flip late flip complicated trick I may be the only person who’s ever done it I don’t know for sure but I believe it’s possible Pros are saying wow never been done before it’s a flat ground trick it’s nothing crazy it’s like I’m jump
Off a jumping off a building or anything and I posted it for one reason I’ve done this trick eight years ago but I did it because we are going to take over we are going to tell those who want to destroy what we love you will not we will win
Maybe what we should do is a big opening event where we do a fundraiser to to launch I think we’re going to do this I think we’re going to do it I think we’re going to to do a a goal fundraiser and maybe sell tickets for like
$100 and create an opening event at the private facility one time one time something like this we’ll have to figure it out we’ll have to figure it out where we’ll try to raise a large amount of money to fund uh to help fund this we’ve already announced the
Investment just now we’re working on the contracts the construction plans already done this park is going to be amazing and we are going to be creating one of the most prominent East Coast facilities for skateboard and action sports content anyone has ever seen and it’s going to
Be huge and maybe what we can do to help kick off this project our line of professional equipment yep Pro skateboards and we’re probably going to expand into many other areas probably rer blading for sure I want to bring that one back I really do we are not just about skateboarding about
Everything we want to take back this culture and push the woke people out we should figure out our launch campaign where we can raise a substantial amount of money into the initial investment because not only are we building a coffee shop in Martinsburg we’re putting up a skate shop that’s
Right and maybe we can do something really really fun maybe it’ll be like a hundred bucks a ticket to get access to this one time only VIP event and facility we we’ll have to figure this one out a lot of security concerns but my friends we stand alongside Elon Musk
I am personally I will say this again I want to I let me let me end by saying this the most important person on the planet right now is Elon Musk it’s a fact we just saw the launch of Starship Elon musk’s efforts to make humans a space fairing
People that that is the number one priority for me it is not about overpopulation or anything it is about space fairing we need to advance technology Elon Musk is doing that I don’t care about anything else okay I do but that’s my top priority after that Elon Musk took great personal risk in
Purchasing Twitter and his net worth took a hit because of it and they’re trying to destroy him Elon Musk must succeed in these efforts it’s not just about him but he’s leading the charge here his efforts to preserve a culture of freedom and personal responsibility and Free Speech along
With his efforts to make us a space fairing people Elon Musk is probably the one person on this planet that I actually I actually would in many ways look up to I’m not as big a fan of noral link that freaks me out but noral link
Efforts to cure the Blind and heal the paralyzed I’m like this dude’s doing tremendous work all of my life I’ve never cared for anybody people have said Tim when you grew up who did you look up to nobody I had nothing but disdain for people very few people have I ever
Looked at and said I need to figure that out most of my life I looked at people and I said they’re doing it wrong and I can do it better probably why I’m where I’m at look for real people who are arrogant become successful because they’re like adamant of being in charge
Adamant they must there are only a couple people I’ve ever been like man they figured something out Elon Musk is one of those people I look at what he’s doing and I’m like that dude’s figured it out there are certainly things I think I could I could do better always
This is why I sat down with vayia Gad and and Jack dorsy on the joean podcast I’m like dude the you know Joe didn’t understand as much as anybody else and and Joe asked me to come there are things I think I’m good at and there are very few people I think well
Let’s be real like I’m not a race car driver I’m not an astronaut I’m not a rocket scientist I know there’s a million you know a billion two billion people who are better at everything else than I am I I’m not I’m not even a carpenter I’m just saying when I look to
Helping humans Elon Musk is hitting the island out with the hammer I got to leave it there otherwise I’m going to keep ranting but I hope you all join us and everyone else in helping fight for X so which you can do go to timcast.net